Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1877, p. 2

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H n We* b& i %i ______mi n mini ge THE FREE' PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, O^T., .OCTOBER 25; 1877. JpiIK ACTO.N FKEE PKESS Fablishodluon TiuimUv Morning. J. U. UU'Kl ;U.rni|inotor. Sl'Per Anuu.u in Advance ^OS H iAOMWQ IDITOR ERIN FALL EXHIBITION. TlIlMt PV\ M ItVlNu. OlT 1877 An address from the executive of tlui Doruinion Alliance, tws been issued, wbi^h indicates tlbxt >\ really vigorous oftttipftign is contemplated. Imniodtita fffoita me to bo put forth to raise a fund of 100,000, p i\ iblo in- live unmml instnlntents, with which agents and lecturers cm bo employed, d.xmnientR>- lishfnl and cu-ciil ited, and the public niind of the Dominion more -ficily awakened and directed * unit the liqnor Vrnffio. The im mediate attention of the alliance is to bo directed towards procuring necessary amendments to the Dun- kin Act. ' Tbe Russian armies in Tnrkey bare hiitfered .ind__ arc suffering from siikness to nu extent quite unpiralleled" Wo aro informed that, in addition to those killed in If Ei tn show hadn't the leputu lion of being one of tl.o best town ship exhibitions in this section of country, it could hardly ha\o l>een so successful i'i tempting such a 1 irgo number of people to venture tluoiigh thu almost incissaiit driz zle and slush that prevailed dming the whole of last Tlmisdny. Hav ing for many yea-a hud" a high reputation for excellence, thn Bhow almost in variably attracts a great crowd. This Tear wnB no excep tion to the general idle, the num ber beirg fairly estimated tt over 3000 people. The Agiicultural Society ha\e secured Buloudid ftewrj ni niviirinr ruip. Boar O Ellington, 2d Wm Hull. 'Spring pijjB W Young, 2d Win Hull. BvrroLK rios. Boar W Hull Spung pigs W Hull. rOUI.TKT. Pair of fowls J $ P T)nff. Tin kers A MoMillan, 2d J McLvven. Geoso J Kichiudson, 2d J Kik Pucka J RichiudHon, J Berry. IMPLEMENT^ - Iron plow, wooden handles II Milloy, 2d J McDonald. Gang plow II Milloy, 2d J S Walker Cultivator J S Walker, 2d J Byrne. lion liairow J Byrne, 2d Rott Bros. Wooden harrow J S3 Walker. Lunibci waggqn liott Bios., 2d H Johns. Market f. waggon Rott Bros., 2d J Byine notion, the armies have already lost no l?sa than 02,000 men by i of useful and ornamental woiIt In luge, eonipiising about 4^ acres- Both the building and tho grounds werw well filled. Tho Secretary's books show that thero were about 17-0-entries, and tho gato receipt* were nearly- $300. T&e show of roots and fruits- was really splen did, so wns tbe magnificent display of dairy products. Tho ladies of Erin are certainly to be congratu lated on the very attractive display grounds adjoining tho huge dull,, -_ abed at tho north end of the vil f"le ^87-*". Hroq- ld H dii-' of v.irions kinds, and they are d* ing like flits. 'Mr. Labouchero sums up t^io East rn Question in the following neat antithesis, which he says fco beard from a stranger in a railway carrra^a : " The Russian Empire is rotten, because of the Government. The Tuikisb Government is rotten because of the Empire. A Msino maa went ont the other morning- ahd cut down his apple trees, and the Lew'slon Jour- ;i'ira.=serts thut wl en Lib fuends expostulated he said that he had indulged in such profanity at seeing his apples stolen from time to time, that he found e\ery Sunday'morn ing he was unfit to go to chinch. Provincial Ploughing Match ----A provincial ploughing match, under the Auspices of tbe Boatd of Agriculture, will take place near Port Hope on the 2d of X\f>nit er Upwards of $700 -n ill be oiieiel m piemiums. The Secretary, Thos Harrison, of Port Hope, will j,j\e ail the particulars on application Tiie_following pot.toffices wetc established in Ontino on tho 1st of September Black's Corners, Amamacli township, Wellington countv , Burleigh, Peterborough , Crown Hill, Oro, Sinicce , Ems - dile e-rry, Ml iokii Garden Riv^r, (re op-ned), Garden Kner, Algoma , Mfnomonee, Bpmel, Mu-iWiEi BentonMlle, injRussell cojntv, his been dosed, i IiiPOKTAir to Asolebs The following iew* fishery regulations are published in the Gaz'ttc;: No person shall flab for, catch, kill, buy, sell, or have inr-possessvon any speckled troat (calmo fontlnahs) between the 15th day of September and the 1st day of May, in the Province of Ontario. The Model Farm A corres pondent in attendance at tho Agri cultural College at Guelph gives t'>e followinc particulars in regard to it: The Model Farm is now in a thoroughly organized condition, ami to all appearance is making rapid progress. The land is being dra'ced and cleaned, and a portion of it is laid ont for the express p.irpose of experimenting as to the "Sect of the different kinds of ii anure on grain, roots, &c A number of diffeient breeds of cattle, sheep, swine, poultfy, etc , are k<-pt "lowers are cultivated' to- a considerable extent, which renders the place more attractive. Accom modation for 80 students have been provided during the past season, which is all taken np Tt is ex pected that within a few years the good effect of the College will be visible in the more scientific culti vation of the soil of Ontario. carriage* and implements there was a good show by the local manufac turers. Tho live stock depaitment was remarkably well represented. PRIZE LIST. HKAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. Span of working horses (stallions excepted) A J Currie, 2d Thos Tolton. Brood mare J & D Duffed R Ferguson Colt foal J 4 D Duff, 2d Wm Young. Two jear-old gelding Thos Young, 2d Getr Smith. Two jtear old filly E McDougall, 2d N McPhail. Yearling colt W S Young, 2d J McCartney. Yearling filly Cur rie & Hamilton. GENERAL FURPOSE HORSES. Span of general purpose horses (stallions excepted) M Sroitb, 2d H Dunbar. Brood mare B Carr, -2.1 T McCuteheon Coat foal T McCutcheon, 2d J Langford. Filly foal S Johnson, 2d J R Thomson. Two-year-old gelding T Young, 2d J McEachren. Two vear-old filly N McArthur, 2d W s"Young Yf-arling colt Wm Youcg, 2d J R Thomson. Yearling filly Thos Barber, 2d U J Gray. Michael Lyons, of Eranum, premium of $5 for tho best matched Bpan of car nage horses, open to Ontario H Swackhammer ROAD OR CARRIAGE HORSES; fepan of enrriaga horses (stallions excepted) D Matheson, 2d H Swackhammer. Single carnage honbo, driven in buggv D Camp bell & Sons, 2d H Boomer. Saddle horse T Talbot, 2d W Hull. Brood mare W Hull, 2d A Mc- Murchy. Colt ual A McLean, 2d R Bingham, jr Filly foal D Graham, P McCaney. Two-year- old gelding D McLean. Two- year-old filly Jaa Collins, 2d Thosi Wansboron^h. Yearling colt H Hull, 2d A McPhail. Yearling blly R Bingham, jr., 2d Jas De- laney. Shod horse Campbell it McKenzie, 2d Currie Si Hamilton Johns. Cutter Rott Bros. Grain cradle A Thomson, 2d G Tarswell. Sot horse shoes J S Walker, 2d S McKonrio. GRAIM AVD SEEDS. Treadwell fall wheat N Mo Arthur, 2d 0 McMillan. Fall wheat, any other kind N Mc Arthur, 2d Hy Smith. Red chaff, spring wheat J Hnnter, 2d A Walker. Spring wheat, any other kind J Hunter, 2d A Walker. Small white pea W S Young, 2d A Walker. Crown peas, or any kind J McEachren, 2d M Horon. Bnrk-y J Hunter, 2d W Rott Now Zealand, or white Maine oats J Hunter, 2d A McMurchj. Black oats J A ndoison, 2d J Spiers. Timothy seinl SGjigson, 2d J Long Flaxseed L McLean, 2d Jas Long. Indian coru-~-II P Bessey. Bonns W Beer. Collec tion of beans E Stovena. ROOTS Early rose potatoes G Auioy, 2d N McPhail. Any other kind of potatoes A Walker, 2d W Harper Swede turnips T Tal bot, 2d J Andersen. Tin nips, any othoi kind M Smith, 2d X Mc Phail. Mangold wmtzel Geoige Lang, 2d G Lane Fifld carrots J Anderson, 2d G Lane. Table Carrots E Stevens, 2d S Grigaon Beets J Anderson, 2d R Rott ParBmps J Anderson, 2d T Car- berry. Onions J Shmgltr, 2d H Howe. Potato onions Geo I>ang, 2d Jas Sliingler Top onioris^ J A W Mullan, 2d M Smith Pump kins J Macdonald, 2d A Teeter. Cdbbagrs W Beer, 2d J Young Cauliflowers 2d C Ferguson. Squashes J W Burt, 2d J Kint- i Four ner. Citrons G Saunders, 2d E McDougall. Tomiitoea R Rott, 2d Jas Burt.' I Erin TowiiHhlp Council. In pursuant to adjournment, tho Municipal Council ottlioTownHliip of Knn mot at tho town hull, FJnn Vitiligo, on tho 10th >nst, at 10 o'clock. Tho Iteovo in tho chaii. Members all present. On motion of Mr. Reed, breonded by Yfr fimbour, tho Rcovo oideied tho pii}in(nt of foiirdollui8 and twenty- ^six cents to James Miller for gnc\el furnished by him foi a hill ou 3nl lino opposito lot No. 26. Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that a by-law bo nitio- duced to appoint a place for hold ing the nomination und fining tho places where the election" shot Id bo litid for 1878, and for appoint ing Returning Officers, and that it be lead a first and second tirno The by law was rend a 1st ond 2nd j tttiio Ou motion of Mr. Barboui, buconded by Mr. Reed, the Reevu oiderod that Donald McLean be paid SI.50 for furnishing cedar for a culvert opposite lot No. 4, on tho 6th line. Moved by Mr. Perrin, seconded by Mr. Reed, that tho Reevo and Assessor lie paid each $6 as selectors of jurors for 1878. .Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by Mr. fPerrjn, that George Smith bo paid $5 for putting in a cutveit on cross roail between Lots No. 17 and 18 in the 4th concession, und I that tho Reevo givo nn ordor for the samo. Carried. On motion by Mr. Re 3d, seconded by Mr. Poarsoiv, the Reeve ordored the payment of 3.25 to Hiram Swack hammer for thieo cords of wood furnished by him to Mrs McLuap, an mdigont person. Mr. Perrin moved, Mr. Barbour seconded, that the Ileoso t l-der the payment of $t to John Austin for repairing tho bmlgo on Lot 1G in tho 11th concession, damaged by fire. On motion by Mr. Btibour, seconded by Mi McM lllan, the Reeve order ed the payment of S5 to Wm. Chis- holm, hotel keeper, for keeping tramps. On motion by Mr Perrin, seconded byi Mr. McMillan, tho Council adjourned to meot on Monday, thq 10th d ly of Decem ber, at Knk|S Halt, Hillsburg, to attend to Township business | Wm TiLtu. Clerk. Another Circnt Tire. A dispatch fiom hit John, Now Brunswick gives purticulaiH of a HOiioiiH conflagration on Saturday, which dostioyid an ontilo block in tho business poition of the town of Poitland, situated across tho livei ftom St. John. The Iohh ib esti mated at .100,000. Over 2000 people aro said to be binned out, and 250 houses Eloven funulics were burn$ opt by an incendiary fire at Fiedenck- ton, N.B., on Monday night. ^ An attempt had also been mido to dis able one of the ntcaiii (he engines. Tho latest in tho way of suicides is that man in a- Gut man puson, who turned on the gas, put hiH nose to tho bin nor, and inhaled till ho wan insoiibibln. Tho attondanti found bun, and ho is recovering. AUCTION SALE SHORT-HORN CATTLE, Long-wooled Sheep, IIoi-sch, \PitfH and Poultry. vu.vr, McPnERSov, (I2th inst , Elizabeth Mcl'hcron, "wife of Mr. Amos Vail, in hor 36th yoar. McDonald. In rsrpicsing, on the ISth last , of mnmnation, Janot, daugh ter of Mr Alux McDonald, agnd about J 8 years, ACTO> HABUETS. $3-00 to 3 00 1 10 to 1 12 FATAL EXPLOSION IK A MINE. 200 Men Imprisoned In a Colliery near Glasgow. the pit strewn with corpses Glasgow, Flour . . Fall Wheat, now . Spring Wheat, now Sprouted Spring Wheat Barley ... Oata Pons Butter . KKgB. Potatoes, per bag Apples, early, p<.i; bijj 0 70 to 1 05 0 75 to 1 00 0 4C> to 0 55 0 30to O 35 0 CO to 0 G5 0 1G toO 18 0 10 to 0 00 0 75 to 0 00 0 50 to 0 75 Errs' CoroA Giiateili and Com- ror.ii-JO -"By a thorough knowledge of the -nitnrnl \.\-nt ninth go\ern the operations o{ digestion and nutrition, and by a ciruful application of the fine properties of well aele-cted cocoa, Mr. Eppj has prouded our hreikfiut tihlea with a delieitelj llaiored be\erago which nii> sa\cusminj hea\y doctor** hills. It is by the judicious lifceof such articles of diet that a constitution may beg^cluall} built up until strongeiiough to resist e\ery tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle milidn s ire floating around us reml\ to attack "rtherever thero is i weik jioint We may escape many a fatal sh ift b^ Icecping ourselveB well fortified with pure blood and a pro- porlj nourished frame" Cml Sen ice Oazette Sold onlj in pickets labeled "James Kpis & Co , Homoeopathic Chemist, IS, Threilneolle Street, and 170, Piccadilly. LWnn " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS* Gnelpli Assizes. x The Fall Assizes for the county of Wellington opened in the Co.irt Hoftse, Guelph, on Monday, Hon. Mr, Justice Moirison presiding '1 he first case called was that of George Burdett vs. Charles Allison. T'lis was an action biought by the plaintiff, who lives in .East Flam- eoio, to recove? damages for the f^Juetion of bis- daughter, a girl * venteen yeaia of age, and who I'Cirao a mother on the 7 th of Apiil last. She had lived in de le n lant's house as a servant, and while in his employ was seduced '/"him. The defendant Allison is i. married man, owns 200 acres of t-nd, is a inerubei in good standing in the Church of which plaintiff's i i<her is a local pieuehcr, und is a 1 istice of the peace. Veidict for .riaintiff 700. The Grand Jury hivo bronglit ri a true bill apainst John Kartell, fir indecent- assault on Annie B ttle. In tbe Sturdy Carr case on Tues day, the Grand Jury brought in a me bill against Fred Sturdy, Tiouisn Sturdy. Joseph Sturdy, and /m. Lowes, for felony. Mibb Carr (be only witness examined. t'he trial of this case has been ; definitely set down for this (Thurs- J iy) morning. > BULLS Aged bull A"Clarke, 2d Henry Smith ,"-Two year old bull J Les lie, 2d J Baldwin. Yearling bull H Dunbar, 2d G McCaig. Bull calf tf. Dunbar, G Leslie. Best bull of any age- II. Dunbar. DURHAM CATTLE. Cow, over three years old J An derson, 2d H Dunbar, 3d J Lone,. Two year old heifer -J Anderson Yearling heifer H Dunbar, John McMillan. Heifer calf H Dun bar, 2d Jas Long. ANY OTHER BREED. Cow, over three years old T Talbot, T Tolton. Three-year old cofc" Thos Tolton. Two-year old heifer T Talbo*r 2d H Dunbar. .Yearling heifer Henry Dunbar. "Heifer calf T. Talbot. PAT AND WORKING CATTLE. Yoke of working oxen A MeKin non, T Talbot. Yoke of Bteers un der five years old, in yoke F Gray. Fat cow, steer or heif&r Wm Young, 2d H Dunbar. COTbWOLD SHEEP. Ram, two shears and over G Ellington, L Czerwinski. Shear ling ram A Clarke, J Landford. Rum lamb G Aurey, A Claike. Pair ewes, two bhears and over T Talbot-, Pair ewe Umbs^-T Tolton, G Aurey. LEICESTER 8HEEP. Ram, two shear and over G & E Tolton, 2d T Roberts. Sheai- ling ram J & D Duff, 2d M Sut ton. Ram lamb G & E Tolton, 2d J <fe D Duff. Pair ewes, two shears and over M Sutton, 2d G 4 E Tolton. Pair shearling lambs M Sutton, 2d G & E Tolton. I LI>"C0LX SHEEP. Ram, two shears and over J & D Duff, 2d J'Whit*. Shearling ram J & D Duff, 2d D McLean. Ram lamb C Czerwinski, T Tol ton. Pur ewes, two shears and yer J <J- D Duff Pair shearling !ewes J # -D Duff". Pair ewe "lambs J White. FAT 8HEEP. Fat sheep T Talbot, 2d G El- ) lington. , FRUIT AND FLOWERS Fall apples J Birber, 2d M Smith. Winter apples G Auroy, 2d A Matheson Collection of ap ples H Smith, 2d W Beer. Pears W Harper. 2d G Aurey. Crab apple J Richardson, 2d Jno Barber. Plumbs J Gibson. Grapes H Smith, 2d Jas Brown. Collection pf garden Flowers, Mrs H Howe, 2d J Anderson. DAIRY AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE. 56 lbs of butter D H McCallis- ter, 2d D McGill, 3d R Rott, 4th H B Bessey. Butter, 5 lbs for immediate UBe, moderately salted R Rott, 2d G Leslie, 3d G Smith, 4th C McMillan. Cheese N Mc- Kinnon, 2d Chas McMillan Bread J Kirkwood, 2d G Burt. Maple sugar H P Bessey, 2d Jaa Bald win. Maple Syrup J Long, 2d S Johnson. Honey in comb J S Walker. Strained honey J Aus jtin, 2d JS Walker. MANUFACTURES. Barrel of flour Thoa Dodd. Sot double harness Wm Mat thews. Sido of upper leather J Foster, Pair of boots D Modley. Gont'a coat C S Staples. LADIES WORK, o Counterpane J ii W Millan, 2d Mrs J Long. Woolen quilt S Grigson, 2d Miss Johns, 3d Mrs H Howie. Cotton quilt Jno Cbis- holm, 2d J Dolaney, 3d Mrs Johns Pair blankets S Grigson, 2d M Smith. Fulled cloth H Mc-1 Arthur, 2d M JJmith. Flannel I hereby give not ce that I dn not now buy Hemlock ISark, as I haro a > full supply ou hand. , G Jj BE VRDMORE I Aeton Tannery, Oct lf, lt*77. I VOLUNTEER BALL AND birrtu. Arrangements are being mido-for a Social Ball to bo held m tho Drill Shed, Acton, 0V FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 26, and a Supper at Campbell's Hotel. Thero \l ill ho a good String Band and o competent Floor Manager in attend ance Ticket for Supper and Ball $1. Committee R Watson, R Mar shall, Isaac Now ton, J. A\ llhams, I). Smith. j Tho undoTBignrd will sell hy Public Auction, on tho premises, adjoining the Acton Station, on Thursday, 1st Nov'r, Tho folloYiiua articles, vu SHORT-HORN BULLS. "tZEiuyR" [42G0], 3 jears old, roan, brod by F, W. btone, Guelph ; dam " Kanspariel 10th," got by imported " Sheriff " (290G4). *' RoVAI.BfAUFOiiD" [798], 2 j ears old, roan ; dam Imported " Lady Barnos," got by'unporffd "Rojal Oxford Owynno " (35390). I" Bxlle Duke " [I1G9], 4fcd, ono year I old ; dam " Maggie Belle," got by " 3rd Duke of Spnngwood " [3087]. " British Sovfrkion " [1171], red roan, ono year old ; dam " Lady iJarnefl,' got by " 3rd Duko of Sprmgwoud " 'f CovbERVATiVE " [1170], red, ono year old, dam "Maggie Bello," got by (-"Zephyr" [42G0J. 'fBitlrisn Baeos " [1172], red, one year I old ; dam imported " Lady Smith," j go't by "Baron Berkley ' 22010. I1 Aercv Piiihce " IJiWl. red and bttle whito, ono year//ruT; dam "Princess ijLmuse," got by Jitphyr. COWS Loeisi," roin, 5 jears old, I with re 'iht"red pedigrpo, 2 grade Lows, ^i\ mg itnlL ILONG-WOOLBD SHEEP. II three bhear imported Leicester Kara, I a prize taltex. 31 Leictdter shearling Rams, 2 of them . pnzo takers, 1 Lincoln bl.enrling Bam 5 Leicester Ram Lambs, 3onie uf them ' prize takers' 6. Vv. e Lambs Breeding .^es *^ HORSED. I Sorel Hor>;e, aged llBrown Hor-i, a^ed. BERKSHIRE PIGS- Boar Pn;8, G months old. liBonr Pig, 4 months old l|So Pig, 4 mouths old POULTRY Several Brahma fow's II pair \\ hit Leghorn*' lll'lj mouth Eoek Loek Sale to com n> rr at 1 deled TERMS. All sum? of $10 and under ciUh , o\er that amount 12 months credit, on appro\ed joint notes C S ^MIlfT, Proprietor ^0 GIRL'S, Auctioneer. (5end for printed catalogue ) A, CROWDED STORE. Immense Salos of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END, GTJELPH. 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DALLT^ We are shoeing, withont c;ceptiofl, tho S& Largest, Uozi Attractiye and Clsapsst- -Mark the word Cheapest STOCK of SILKS AND DbESS fJOGTS' Ever sLown in this toira. To nrsn; "nut iniih" r hoitus I v< r k, or mi> lein i, JO i li om m& "ilEN If you nl'./M Urn pntv, L( t- i M^ ream le Pilnt- '(liiolI i b iMniss -.lil/, h i ii tr Piif-i-i HitNfacilon jiulaiitee 1. efforts at one pit at four in the afternoon because of tbe poisonous gases at the bottom of tho shaft of tbe other pit, the colliery compris ing two pits with a communication between them. Faint knocking has been beard, but. so far it has been iuipo&sible to reach the bottom of the shaft, in consequence, of tho yolumes of gas and the destruction ~| of the woodwork and hoisting ap paratus by" tbe explosion. 9 P M. The explorers havo re sumed operations at the first pit. They report forty corpses lying at the foot of the shaft. London, Oct. 23. The work of exploring the colliery at High Blantyro was proceeded with throughout the night. Four of the miners were discovered alive at M Smith, 2d A J? Bessey. Wincey [about eleven o'clock. One of them Oct. 22 -An explos- f JJEULOCK, BARK. ion has occuified in a collieiy at High Blantrre, near this citj. hundred nieu oio in the mmo at the time and a luigo nu-u her of lives ate lost Later. ^Jlost intense excite ment prevails at Blantyro over the colhei> explosion. Tho exploiing party express tho opinion that every ono of those in the pit is dead. Onosuivivoi says ther bot tom of the pit is full of dead bodies. Twenty dead bodies have been re- co>ered. Latest particulars from High Blantyro show that 233 men de scended into tho mines this morn ing. Nono of these except those who were working neur the Bhaft at tho time of the explosion had been rescued up to a late hour this evening. Very little hopo of rescu ing the men is entertained, as the explosion occui red at nine o'clock in tho morning, and tho exploring i , . ' ,. l .i stable, Acton, and my premises, lot 22, I T>nOTUuRAPHKKS should parties had to relinquish their (4th con Esqi-esing, on the 15th inst., a!-IT ward me their address !f t four in tbe fPookcMiooV ,. ' J - J ISHAW, See Acton, Oct 16, 1S77. of Committee 16 2t j>0( KLT-HOOB LOST. Lost between Mr Rjinsom Adams' -jrrorss to let. Tint new FTou^e on Chureli street, fabiug the Rossiu House ^pply to P KTLLY Acton, O^t 3, IS77, 14-3t Ladies visiting Gnelph and buying Dress Goods, Silks, YelreteeiiJ, Mantles, J/ilhnery,. Furs, etc , yvitbom first ^feeing our immenie. and beautiful stock, do themt-elvea a great injustice. We - ' esteem it a pleasure to show our goods. Ladies, come direct fo the Fafdiinahle West Endi the leading hoa^ for Silks, Dres3 Goods, J/mttea and 1/ilhnery. Fall sto^k of fashfcn- ablo Ti warnings, BiHtons, Fnngcu, etc., to match all our materiak A. O. BUCHAM* Fathlonable \Vst End D /Nariiots for salk, |Tho subscriber has i greit cptantity ofjfine table carrots, of a largo \ inety, for sale bv tho pound or bj the bushel I- P S ARMSTRONG. i----------------------=>--------- TTVWELLIXG 1301SE to LET. \ comfortyble Dwelling, specnlly ad-^tcd for -h inter comfort Appty at R MeGiry m's Hill of Pharmacy _--------------- - *>ui-ci me ineir acniress it Pocket-book containing a Note and CO wish to obtain a Piano or Orga cents in change The note was paid on i utrhnirira fn>. Phnin/.^.-v:-- that day to Ransom Adams JOHN NICKELL. EsquoBing, Oct 16, 1877. 16-2t G Lang, 2d John Willis. Hook ed mat Mrs Brodie, 2d T Car- berry. Homespun stocking yarn M Reid, 2d 0 McMillan. Shirt S Grigson, 2d Miss Little. Draw ing Miss A Reid, 2d Mrs Dohl. Tidy, woolen Miss Lang, 2d Miss J Brown Tidy, cotton H Mc Millan, 2d A McMurchy. Bead work Miss Brown, 2 J McKelean. I Binding Miss Little, 2d Mrs Dohl. Cone work J W Burt, 2d Miss J Blown. Hair work Jno Austin, 2d Miss HcKinley. Seed wreath Jno Chisholm, 2d Miss Brown. Flower wreath C J Mc Millan, 2d Miss M McKinnon. Woolen wreath Mrs Berry, 2d Miss Nellie Little. Tatting Miss S Brown, 2d J McKelean. Wool en hood C McMillan, 2d J Long Embroidery Mrs Chisholm, 2d Mrs Dohl. Crotchet woik Mrs H Howe. Fancy wool work MisB M Dodd, 2d Miss A Tyler. Worsted work Miss M McKinnon, 2d Miss James Brown. Scarf D McMillan, 2d J S Walker. Pair woolen mittens Miss Lang, 2d Miss Jessie Anderson. Pair wool en gauntlets Mrs H Johns, 2d Miss Dohl. Pair cotten socks Miss A Little, 2d J Long. Pair woolen socks Mis Long, 2d H McMillan. Pair cotton stockings cigar- died before morning, and another is hopeless. It is believed that all remaining perished, but even if any are alive no rescue party can each them in less than eight -or ten days. The bodies found are fearfully burned and mangled. 15,000 persons are out of work by tho New York makeis' strike. I The Bow Park stock sale which took place on Thursday yvas a success A private bank at Vienna has failed with liabilities of a million and a half pourds stelling. A punning fiiend writes to inform us that the man who rushed into the dentist's office the other day ut " tooth hurty " gait, had evidently been imbibing, as his speech was almost tooth-ick for utterance, but ho remarked when the Dr. tried to persuade him not to have the tooth out, that his arguments were tooth in. It is remarkable that every day of the week is by different nations devoted to the public cele- biation of leligious services : Sun day by the Christians, Monday by the Greeks, Tuesday by the Pers- We aro prepared to pay tha highest cash price- yvost of Toronto for all classes of Sheepskins and Calfskins in good condition delivered at our tannery. We wieh it to bo distinctly undoratood that we pay tho Highest Price for such Farmers will study their inter ests by bringing thoir skinB to us, in stead of selling them to Middlemen and Peddlers. _____ STOREY, MOORE & CO. PeraonB leaving skins at tho factory of YV. H. Store*- & Co. will also re- coivo the highest price for them. Campaign Opened ^'OJEt 1878. WESTERN ADVERTISER & WEEKLY LIBERAL. Redurcd Prlrc-Prrmluin to cyery Subscriber llar>cst JTor Agents, for- they _. __=_n in exchange for Photographing. Ad diWs DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash." mgton, New Jersey. rN EORGE LEVENS. 1 Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Sccord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton Hair syyitches and oombings prepared to oruer. Guelph, Oct. li, 1877. TjUVE CENTS AGAIN. On and after the 1st of November, tf SLK will be sold at the following rates - Per Quart, o Cents; Per Pinf, 2k Cents; Nev\ Imperial Measure, 21 Quart Tickets for One Dollar 21 Pint Tielets for Fifty Cents. In advance. ARMSTRONG. rosx, Ml!lii>er_r and ManilsKstabUsknttt, Acton, Oct- 18, P S. 1877. B5ATTYyS tVAIC OI A fiU f% O snd arrigo, rlHil W 9 pronoaoeed bj- ib? . - p,eg and tbe propta AND it fie most teantlful atiinttl" "" est lorn d Pianos ev*r manJclefr OR CAWS, & as1 ts -"Ll" " proni>uiKed titer wanted In SIGN PAINTERS ,-u-ry sec tldn of tho United btaten and Provinces toanBwer this advertlfemcnt. Addrefg DAMU F. M.A.TTT, Washington-, j^eW Jersoy. ^RACE'S CELEBRATED $ALVS, A Sure Relief for the Sufferer. BEATTY'S PIANO &PARL0R0RG AN INSTRUCTOR. containingtne elements t f music, with easy and progressive exercises to perfect the player in the art of mm-lo (either piano or orgai.i to which U added over sixty Waltzes, Polfeae, Marchpa, Galops. Operatic Melodies. Dances, etc., by Dan. lei F Boatty. Wasnlnjrton, NoW Jersey, Olie Of the best woffes of Its kind ever in troduced, and should be In tbe hands of every piano and organ player. Sent post paid to any part ol the United States or Canada for only fifty cents the price having been redncea to Introduce It PBEPABED BY 8ETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, 1 SO HARRIbON AWSUE, ' BDSTOy, MASS. UR.ACCS3 CELl,BRATKDbAL\E| Is a Vegetable "Preparation, ianB, Wednesday by the Assyrians, S GiigRon, 2d Miss A Little. JThuisday by the Egyptians, Fiiday i!. amnion llnnlin it. . Pair woolen stockings Miss Lang, by the Turks, Saturday by the 1 2d H McMillan. ' Jews, ' -_ ______ found in adv anco of anything yet offered DHL OF FARE. 1 Bostgonoral new<piper In Canada. 2 Baiauco oi ycarfroo to new subsoil. bers 3-Splendld Kngravluc to e\oiy sub- serlber. 1 Agriouiluial ilopartmeot by W. r 6 Best In Can- IlJn , 6 I>aaies' " FasUlon and Kltclion' col. umn . 7 Musio, plotnrep, chofs, humor, etc 8 Full base ball, sporling and oilokot news ' 9 Complete Temperance Record. 10-Rellablo and copious Market Re ports, TERMS FOR 1878. rnv- ng, Landheei'a "Sanoiuary," 30x20 nchos. $1.50 without engraving. Bost- ageprepald ^SD*" Liberal terms to neonts. Tor free sample copies, or instructions to agents, address JOHN CAMERON & CO., AdieiCiser Office, London, Ont cents tbe price >o^..,^cu to Introduce it everywhere. Address DANIEL, F. BEA1TY, Washington, tferr Jersey, milE ONTARIO SADDLERY, Is the plaee to get the best Harness . for the least money. Owing to Hard Times, Prices liave been Reduced. All Orders left-taitk m toill receive careful att$ntion. COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know thair horses cannot work with sore necks, throw off the old collars and get a new pair that will give entire satisfaction. The plaoe to get them is at the \ WORMS, CAI^TX/SKS, SCALD IIEaP } ) - - - - Another lot of those famous American Whips Just received and will be sold cheap for cash. The Fifteenth Annual Campaign of the Wertern Adicrtiber and Weekly Liberal is now under fall headway. | Hundreds of new names aro pouring m I invented In the 17tb centuiy by^Cr. Wil- from all parts of Canada We uanti111 '90> Surgeon lu King James' fi 000 new subscribers dunnir tins pin. I n.rla^ Through its agenoy ho "ured o.uuo new suDSoriDera miring tms can- tholisands of Ihe most serious sores and vass Plenty of room for 1,000 moro . wounds that baffled the kill of the most ' agents Our tormg to agontB, and in- eminent physicians of iris d>o, and was ducements to subscribers will bo found r,eK.!rde(l 6? ,l11 who Unow ulm Ub nub- WASHINGTON) &est iiTitie'WWoV NEW JERSEY. Beatty's oItr-a '-olchn rnnetwd Parlor OrnJ itf munuf ict'irerchallenge<l to eqnil then. Tliey possess power, de^Hr, brtllmECJ' and sjrhpnthetlc delicaef, emtineV beautffulij- solo effec's ana tneonlTilop action evpr ln-rcntetl that cannot be &* arranged by me. The ftellnwi rtjmritr 1 so ureal that bat little cflort Uleq"*- ed with the feot to supply all the ff nece>-Birj Best made and mottlpt cases In the market. Ail olldvood ornaments. Every Instrnmentfallysr- ranted for six years a* strictly Op* ls, and sent on rrom 5 to 15 day.'tert IrUl. . AdUlP-SDiSIEl F. HEART, VirtUf l ton, > ew Jerwy s ----- ---------------- i I nil JJFSIJfESS PKOPEBTY FOE S^.X^I. The nndersigned offera for ls tt* ' desirable property situated on Mils street, now occupied by~Afr. Ci Cameron as a store and dwelling. Tl property is in first class eondibc* && with a good cellar. Terms Ehenl. For further particulars apply to MESSRS. W. DABLIXG4C0. iHontrtd. Or, W.H, STOREy.-Ackoa. Acton, Aug, 82d, 1877. 1 rs lc l^tnufai tor. PRICE 2"l CZ^Tb A BOX. CB.UE'S CELEBB1TED HA.l\E I CURES FLEfJH WOUNDS, FROZiV LIMBS, SALT CHA! WD IJAND^, CANCtHS, FELONS, $ >RKS, STISOS, F\S, ABCESS, SI'RAINS, CLT3 ULISTERB, ciens, __....._ , IXCIt, INGTiOVINO VAILS, NETTI.C HASH, MUSQUIIJO AND KI.rA BITES, SPIDER STINGS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, Forsalo hy all druggists, grocers, and at all oounfy stores throughout the Uni ted states and Brltlbh ProvlnteB. Prloe by mail 30 cents bub,i>Bu SUAtD^, WOUNDS, pfstlrs, PII.FS BUMO\8, BITE^, WAKTS, PIMPLES, ULCFRS, SHINGLES. bTIE", J-KECKLES, noii.^, WHITLOW S TAN SCURVT, Repairing Done Neatly,. Clicaply, and on the Shortest iTohce. R. CREECH. \ Acton, Aug^21, 1877. O. T. Kltt, 1HIII Street, ACTOJf, PEALEBIS exocsrios, \ ( Crockery* ' 1- Boots & saces, Wall Paper. . Window Bllnda, Nails, &law, FuttTi Linseed Oil. Paints, flwwatini ,., i OoalOiLSalMt9- ^11 oKwhieh will bo sold low for cuh BdOTS and SHbBS , SeUing off^t cest, j Also agent for the RUBBBE PAINT OOMPANf Of Cleveland, Ohio, Cash for IlfdeSi --, r1 ^icton, July 18, 1876.

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