Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1877, p. 3

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' ONT., OCtJoDER '[25, 1877~ StOB TRIAK N** TABE*. TninlcYe>Vcton " !?n"v* = Sight KtproM. : Towoto md py Kiprc** StpreM - <},} mixed iioim: west. MieVt Kxprcsi 0lt mixed DrKxp.s : \Pet*rn c-vJ L>ttdon raited O01SO. KAST. l:0i,.vnC 9.10 a. mi. 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m.' 70~ p-mi 3; 9:10 vm. 11:34 a.m. .V-IOp-m. I0tl0^>.m. Service m th* Methodist l hurch fcvefy 8bt5ih :vetitiie st l.alf-pmt mi oVilcrkrnv5 b<tu pv.i'rnini; uid tvn. tot '<\ the flrV SufrhiUU -of eaCh Boom. ttfcv. R. Houss,-Pastor.. LOCAL MATTER ^ i ? i IpBSt* is ' | immense We Mling honfc.9? [of fashioo- t-eriala. B,f tty PUo ,, firr^-A, Tid the--j*opie u siwinrer-t- mcataclcr- 3eu on' | 1 trfaf . snd |nlhe -world.' "" -wlebrairai i J.-pnn. ' Any.; |> etf^at triera. , brlMaBey enituuirly Irne-ocrx'top Vcnot t* 31- > * CMpmxtty ton If reqttlr- fc. *il the *ir - nrort.eltKfnt .wSlid wood en t fully r- Lijr fixvt-elA**. -. tyffet trial. r, Wublaf- fc"k roif. . r iFuttr. sntlne low.for ca*h Jhoes DISP^T;/ :s. j i ! 1 Black mjuirrl bunting Is now i tk populc putimc, Tho tielights of Hallowe'en are now pictured by the youngsters. Wood is cheapest in tho dark of the moon! Ther* ati.Mrt ao many H** 0. 0: Herttog *ffi (I>. V.) pr**ch in tK Duciple meeting bosM,. Acton, next l*rd*e Bay, at 11 o'clock and 6 o'clock p.m. r A lecture -was delivered by Rer Mr. Paries, in tho Congre gational Church, h*t Monday oyojq- ing, as previously announced. The titbifof th lecture attracted bouio attention frem its novelty, but no one supposed that thesubject was in reality to be concerning " Throo Black Crows;" nor were they de-. ceiTed. Without dwelling much upon the title, the Rev. gentleman m*do a rcrfy interesting and in- . itructiYe *ddrrs, with to Inch ibe audience 'were apparently-: well pleased. A good joke is told about a lu yWnjmln who had a challenge ^ riih afclloir Tprkniaq^to be first at ' tia po^t last MomlAy;*inomiuc. Ti:e t bright iaooaiight.Jceeiveil him linto to the belief that ,ATlight was brciikinj;, &d cddealji jumpiiie out of bed, he Dd h&stj rctr<'!Lt to his work.- con-- gritalatin>;' -niiuselC: that ho had got ahead-cf the othst fellow, at all events. After 'laboring swhilo,; he bethought himself-to. consult his -watch whea lo : P. vai iioi Quite one o'clcn-k. Probably he felt a HUli sireafeei about that Urar, for be slreaketf off home arid tumb'.td Ihlo bed tjaln ; Immense -success. Grpat eiJe going oa. Dry goods being S"M with- o3t resarr?. Come SLiid ez.vniu'.- ami tH> <TOTinced. Soa t5rs -ro;xirkjhI.' cheap "'<Rnceyi)"dreM'go'.v'.s1 silk g'.ovc\ U;i- cels, btatsketj, clouds, cotton-, ready- rnula efothlng^ geuta' funiish<:igs, cot- - ton*, buffalo robe?, bo-Dts a:nl slioej, i t Md-eod* Andtr^)a i Co. !sf Geor^rc- tere. SaHni aink. We iexinl that iseveral of otir ' fonng men La\- organized theni- selTes into a company for the puir=", pose of building a large Skating and/ - Curling Kink in the-Village. 7 The .proposed location is; on th6 low ' ground nearly opposite M. Speight's Elackrmith's shop. We bi^e ino doubt that the investment canvi>e- made a profitable one, if properl* managed. ; artaa t'ouhcll.. Afte?,a l^^jrr^st, th Village Council feet tor haauran last Thursday evcuing! All the members 1 we>"e present The &iaatea of hMfe mact'ng ( in June) were mi asdr adoptcJ. Mr. CHristi&, chairman of- tie tre*t and Sidewalk committee,- Btihnlitted the 4th ripoft, resommendrng the payment of the folldying account for laber'aDd traterial ; C. 1". fiiH, for Siiij'; ?.9.68 ; Brown & Hall, for lumber, -;3.73 ; S. jSermJm', fof laying sidewalk and "-erosiBigs, $24.50, for dra*riig p-avel, fe.37, repairing bridge, etc, $1.50, cul- Tert and grading on Elgin street, 316, for lumber",- $15.75; sundry,repairs $5.-75- being a total of $92.2*. On motion of Mr. Christie seconded by Mr. If ick-" lis, 12m report -was adopted. Mr Henderson, chairman of Finance committee, presented, the 7th report,- snbmittinj the followhtg' estimates of receipts and expenditures for the cur rent year: ^ ^ ci esAuniiiiag. " Assessor's salary : .. .. $ 20 00 ' Collector's salary .... 25 ot> Clerk's salary .. 9OJ0O Registration fsos ... ... 5!00 Ataditors.. .. ... 8'00 Streets and sidewalks.. .." 350:00 Contingencies. .. .. .'. 14548 Eentofhall ; .:. .. ' :: . 30 00 Eetnrningofficer .. v.-.. 4 00 Gfcarities .. .. '.r 34 00 County rate "......119 00 UncalieetaUe taxes .. .. 25 00 C. Hill.-sutionorj", ?1.47; C. T. Jlill, nails, <>.<?s i lirowit & Hail, lumber, &>.T3 ;, A. MoXab, cutting thighs, ?1; Oohn Stophons, removing stones, 1 j J. l\ Allah, drawing s|oncs, "f>c ;S, Zim-. merman, lumber and laying siilowsllctv ?(57.r. Vicing n.tttal of #115.75. Com.' \uittco also roooinmc'juloil tho payment of $2 for each of tho months fromjst September to Poeembcr, in-aid of John McFhee. Also roe.ommeinled thorofniill. ing of 1.SO to Major Allan, thtvt amount haviug been twice paid on cer tain lota owned by him. On motion of Mr. Henderson, second ed by. 0..S.. Smith, the 8th report of Finance committee was adopted. _ On meiiou, tho By-law -for Jho sup port of'tlte public school was a socend time, and tfio Council xvent into committee of tho whole to till up tho blanks -Mr. Sicklin in tho chair. Tho sum of -f 1,400 was asked for school purposes. Tho equalized assess ment of tho School Piyjsion is $203,275 tho rural portion being 55,390, and: tho^niago portion 147,$85. It was estimated tlist a levy of seven mills on tho "'dollar on tho total" assessment would tails tho required sum. Tho By daw was finally passed= levying a rate of Sevan mills on the dollar. On mblion, tho By-law to provido for the expenses^ the villago of Acton for tho current year'.was read asocond timo and tho Council went into-cmumitkoof tho whole Mr. Christie in tho chair. The estimated sum required is $GCj, necessitating a rate of 4-i mills per dol-- lar on ;* total asaesKraciit of $147,8S3. TH'-'Py '...w wss finally passed levying a rate of 4 J mills on tho dollar for cur rent expenses. ' " Oh motion of Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Xicklin, leavu was grantod to introiluco a By-law at noxt meetinj; of Council Kr the appointment of a Col lector for tbe currL*r.t-yc.-ir. 1 FONTS MATTK!;. The following, communication, ad dressed to the Ker-vn. was read for tho consideration of the Council : Tonoino, Sept. 20th. DcnrSlr: As I am soon golnsto vncntctboActon TanDerr,-5 am looking out far a tenant, but 1 have not yet heard of any one who would undertake so lar^ea concern. IfU was carried on asan upper leather CAY^nerj It ^ouM empley more ttienthnn I do, and St would nnswfr for this \ ur- jv se- 1> you Uilnk that' the vUlnee woul-1 jfrant a bonus to a tenant, sny $2,- C<-> for not le^s than 20 m*-n c:hj> or 1,(X>) doi'.ars'for ertry 10 men xi;> to 20 men. If I coul'l aavcrtiii: ttii-s I think 1 could soon cot a lectint In there. If you think lavojably of it, wotdd jou interest yourself to get the u'Uhorltles to pass suen a By-law. "The unos on the tan nery would more than' lay the Interest 0:1 iaf- debt uturt s. 1 'bhouUl bo" glad to bear from you oa the hubjtjot, und U atiy movemenl is made to do It, H should bo doaeatonce. . lam yours truly. G. U BEAfinMOKE. Mr. Christie stated his approval in gene-ral tortnd of giving c-ncoura^emeriC to manufactured U> lo.'.ito amoiwat u's, but in iho cisc umler consideration l|e did not believe it .would l>e wisdom on tho part of ti>o Coancil to mtltoati offer such'as the communicat-ion a-yked for. He cc-nsidtred tLnt if a bonus were }{iveu in thia ease, it would be tanta mount to presenting the raonoy to Mr. Beardmore, as he .would ai a matter Of fact realize the benefit nf it in being able to make a better disposition di his tannery propertj". V The Keeve and Mr. Henderson both expressed themselves in, e-miowhat simi lar terms, and no actual was tatten in the. matter further thau to iustrnct tho infonn Mr. Beardmoro of the v:iews-of the Council. TI1E CI^IETEIiT. - Mr. Christie introduced the subject of the- great need of something lieing done towards procuring a site for a new cemetery. He referred to tho dilapi dated Condition of the burying ground at present in use within the corpora tion and tbe injurious crfocts liisoly to occur froni'continuing to inter the dead in so close proximity to the centre of the village. He thought some action should be taken in the matter" with as little dolay as possible. After some farther conversation the Cancil adjosrnejd for one week. A meeting will be held this evening, for the purpose of appointing a Collector, and. other business. rrlnier's |v, or Hie nfnrtlrlitl cffrrls of AdvrrUotttB. A week nd to-day Mr. A. 0. Bucham of tho Fashionable Knst Knd, Dress, Mantle, and Millinery establishment, CJuolph, announced through the niodium of the Guclph clnlly piipci-s, Aoton Fukk riinsa oto., a grand spoeiul obonp salo of Sti.Ks and Drkss Goon?, which ho had soouroil at a voiy c,roat re duction from regular ealoa,nnd which ho would soil oil cheap during tho noxt four or five weeks. Tho result of this liberal method of advertis ing is that bia eRtabliBhmont has been crowded witli e'age"r piirchasors from day to day over since, in fact the.entiro stall of handB Uaro found it difficult at certain hours of tho xiay to wait upon the customers, so great; has been tho run for theso goods. A. O. Bucham says tho goods speak for themselves, and only require to be seen to bo ap preciated, Whilo the prices toll and the peoplo tell tho prices." We would recommend ladies' .visiting Guelph to oall at* tho Fashionable West End. ; Farmorsj niochnnic's, ltt-wyera'/ doctofa, clorgymen,-merohanti, railroad mon, watchmakers, engineors, survey ors, laborers, gentlemen, and' in fast everybody should ordor and got their clothing at Mcl^ood, Anderson & Co's,~ to Tiho Mammoth, Ueorgoiown, where tliev turn out tho nobby,.fashionable and cheap suitSj .overcoats, etc. David Smith, tho abcrtiouiat, is to bo tried in Cobourg to-day in connection with tho murder of Miss Wado in Castlcton last spring,, and Weldon will bo tried immediately ufterwurds. f , D. A,:MACPONAI,I>, | CANADA. " PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. VICTORIA, by tho: Grace of .-God, of the United Kingdom of Uruat Britain and Ireland,'Qvess, Dufomkr of the Faith, &c, &c, tc.i PROCLAMATION.. . O. 5Iowat, Al'.orncj-Gtmral, ed in the Session Canada, held in w 11EHEAS by the Act pasa- of the Parliament i'f tlio Fortieth year of , list: op MUSIC BOOKS Hold wholesolo and retail by John Anderson Booksollor, Quelph. flurrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jousso'a Musical Catechism. Berklnl'B Now'Motbotl for tho Piano. Clarke's New Method for tho Piauo. nuntonYriniio Forto School. IIowo'sTiap without ft Master. Riohardson'a New MbdOm School. Qitio's Parlor Organ. - Bilvor Wreath (Vocal). 108 difieront Music Books. A BigDlscoant on nil MUSIC BOOKS ANOERSOM'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East sido of- Wyndham'Street GUELPH. By roAulng snd prsctlclnl .tho lncaUmabla tmtlia cozr taincd In tho best medics book ever Issued, cntiUcI SELF-WIESEUVATION Price onb'81. Sentbynul on'-'rectfpt of price. Ir KNOW THYSELF treats of Exhausted Vitality. Ijremtituro DccUno NerVous and Physical Debility, and tho endlesi ooncomltaxit [Us and untold miseries that z-csuD therefrom, noil contains ffiuTO tlinn 60 oriRlnal pro crintions, anr onitof which is worth the prico ol the book. This book was written by the most ea tensive and probably the most skilful practiUonci 'in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jcisi tUcdmcdal by tho National Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tho very fines Btccl Enftrarlops a mar. vcl of art ana beauty sent -rites to all. Scad forit it once. Audreii 1 PEABODY- }lEDICALsM||l>a_pa * .INSTITUTE, Ko. tBul-THYXH V *ach St., Boston, alas*. I 11 Hi sf HEAL FREE, $855 48 $i'50 00 40 00 005 48 EBCEIFIS. Tavern hcenses Statute labor tax Bate of 44 mills per dollar on assessment of $147,885 for village and county.. purposes ' ' 8855 48 On motion of Mr. Henderson/ second ed by- Mr. Smith, the roport was adoptedr ..- . Moved- by Mr. Christie', seconded by Mr. Kicklin, thatjeave be granted to ittrodnce a By-law to provide for the Sapport of the public school of Acton Sehosl liiyision for the current year, 1 sad that "said by-law be read a first time. Mored by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Henderson, that leav.e be granted to introduce a By-law te> levy a rate oh the assessable property of the village of Acton lot the carrent year, and that The Finance committee reported the following accounts, and recommended payment of tho'same : J. II. Hacking, f'mtmg. SIS ; tho BeevJB, Clerk and -Collector, for selecting jurors, ?3; 3, J. E. McGartik, Acton,. Dear Sir : Your l)yeJ?tnffs for col oring madder red, scarlet, yellow and blaok are without exception the best I ever used. Send at once two 5 lb par esis of- madder, also enough madder compound^ which is for two neighbors'. I anj, &., .MRS. JSO. S-------. Esqnssipg, Oct. 10, 1877. -^Oh^Mrs. Fitaiimmons, what a a nice hat and mantle I gbt in the mag- nificflnt millinery show-room of Me- I/eed, Anderson & Co.'s, Georgetown. It is stored full of all the latest novel ties from London, Paris and Now York. Nice furs, vfarm clouds, knitted squares, shawls, etc., and they Were such nico people to wait on me. Winceys. Our Winseys have been pronounced extra value by the closest buyers. Our assortnio&t is large and varied^ in "price, quality and color we request close inspection, and have no. doubt of thei result. A new line of our famous 5<5c/]Tea, combining flavor and strength, .to hand. Pen't fail to secure a 5 lb Ibt, put up in a neat caddy at-45cper lb. Christie, Henderson & Co. .Call at C. W. Hill's Photo- frapH Gallery, Acton, and Bee speci- mena-of his fine Photographs. If you want a real artistic picture, leave your order with him and wo are sure you will be satisfied. ji*V i' FirBfc Prizes5 for best collection of PhotogTaphB were taken by C. w, Hill, of Acton, at theHalton County Exhibition, and at tho EsqUesing towll- ship-fixhibition, lost week. . It is nn Ad mitted fact, notwithstanding all tho "loud talk about cheap Flannel.thattho fine of all wool check Flannel sold by Christie, Henderson <- Co. at 25c per yard is the cheapest Flannel in the market. Tho great difficulty is to make custsmer's believe it is only 25c See it. BeBfc Photographs in Hultou County are niade by C. \V. Hjll, Acton; Our Reign," intituled " An Act to pro vide for the safe custody of prisoners in places wimre tho Common Gaols be- como temporarily insecure," it is' amongst other things in o'fTect enacted that the Lieutenant-Governor of any Province in Canada in. Council may, by Proclamation published in the Oilicial -Gazette of the Province, and also in-tl-i- Caiic'^i Uavltt, declare tha,t t!:o Com mon Gaol of any District, County or place in stich I'roviiico is insecure, and name the Gaol of any adjoining Dis trict, County or placo as the Gaol to which offenders within such first men tioned District, County or place, may, from and after a time- stated, be com mitted or sentenced, arid that thereafter during the continuauco of such Procla mation, nny person who would othor- wiee be committed to or sentenced to imprisonment in tho Common Gaol so declared insecure shall be committed to or sentenced to imprisonment in the Gaol named in the Proclamation for the, purpose, and the respective ^Sheriffs and OlHccrs shall have authority to deliver and receive any such person, and that a warrant directed to the Gaoler of the insecure Gaol shall bo a sufficient au thority for tho Gaoler of the Giol so named as aforesaid to detain in euch Gaol, according to the exigency 6f tho warrant or tinfit* ho is removed as is hereinafter provided, the person named in such warrant ; and that every per son confined for safe custody under the" provisions aforesaid, may be tried in tho District, County or plnco in tho Gaol whereof he is confined, nn/ess the. Judge or other person presiding at tho Court at which it is proposed to try such a person, or" a Judc;o of a Court having jurisdiction lo try tho offence, shall otherwise direct; and that the Court of Genera? Gaol Delivery or Gen eral Sessions of the Peaco or other Court having iike powers held in such District,! County or place, and every Judge presiding theroat, shall havo. jurisdiction to make, in rofereneo to any person committed in dolfau/t of sureties for good behaviour,, or. to keep the^>oace, the Zike order of such Court or Judge might mnko if the Court was being heM in the District, County or p/ace in which such person was com mitted. And wheress, through alteration be ing made to the Common Gaol of the County of Halton, in our paid Province, and from other causes tho said Gaol has become temporarily insecure and unfit for the safe-keeping of prisoners, and it' has been determined by Our Lieut.- Governor-in-Council that this Our Pro clamation should bo issued in accord-, ance with the terms of the said Act in order to make provision therefor t NowKwpw Ye, that:"We do hereby md by virtue of the authority vested in ns by the said Act, or otherwise howsoever, proclaim and declare the. said Common Gaol of the-County of Halton to be insecure, and We do here by name the Common Gaol of tho County of Peel as the Gaol to which of fenders wit.Ma.the said County.of .Hal ton may, from and after Wednesday, the 17th day of October instant inclu sive, be Committed or sentenced until We make further order. Of all which Our'fovifig subjects, and all others'whom theso presents^ may concern, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves .accord- infdy. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused those Our LetterB to bo made; Patent, and the Great Seal of Our Baid Provinco of Ontario, to be hereunto affixed ; WITKT.8S, The Honorable ' DONALD ALEXANDER MACDONALD, Lieutenant- Governor of Our said Pro vince of Ontario, at Our Gov ernment ifouso, in Our City of TORONTO, this SIXTH day iof OCTOBER, in the year of rr Lord one thousand; eight hundred- and seventy-seven, and in tho Forty-first year of Our Reign?: -. By Command. f AltTHUR S. HARDY, j Secretary. Any norson who will mako nntl forward me a Uct ol tho .inline.-* of reliable persons of their ac- <inali)t:inct< who wish lo procure r.n in strument, either Piano ororgiin, I. will use my best elulea'vors to Fell, and for-every 1'huio I, sticci pil In sellnii; to tht'lr U-*t within oi-.p[yc:ir, 1 ^lllorciht them with ?10, nmt' for every Or^un *0, to bo unplled oil payment of i-l:her u l*lano or tTitan; ami when it amo-mtrt to u sum snlllelent to p.i.y fc r an lnstri:nunl Rclcrtcit at t c lowest vliolexalr prlcr, 1 will Until, illately ship tin- 1, free, or afli-r any nmonnt Is credited the halnnre may he | aid mn In i-nsvi nn<( I wlil iltcii ship tin rn tl.e liistriimnnt. Tl.< y ii'Td not Ik> Icnmrn i-i the mailer, and will he dolin-. th Ir friends n real bit- vic.., ns I Rhnli make ftprclnl otTcr* to tnein. Belling u superior lri>trnmrnc for from one-luilf t<> (wo-lhlrd* U'hut In ordinarily asked hv ni nts. 1'lease send me nils: at oiicc and after you have made Inquiry you ran mid to it. A'Ulrocs DAN I EL F. EEATTi', Washington, Now .fcrFcy. AND Soty Ib tho timo to loavo your order At 5. Ryder's Factory for a Stylish Buggy or Scrricenble Waggon. I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the best-ninterialr Call ami Sec our Handsome Bmj//iig Now is a good timo to secure bargains. Strict attention given to Sorso-Shooing & General Blacs- smithine*. .TAMES RYDER. Acton, Feb. 2G, 1877. 7* N CONSUMPTION CURED Homed/ fi &* old ftrrKciAiT, rtrte(J frpm tctirt prmc- nVlrtf hud placed In M handi bT fiJt EMI MlMjorttry tha fonpula of a Vcgttabla ' foit lh ijwxdj and phnnanent cure nf Consumption, Asthma, JironchHis, Catarrh, nadtllTbrnatftnrt Liiner AffeetloM: also a Fotlttre and BmjTcal Cu^e fbr Wervoun De bility and all Nervom Cfimplajhti, after hat ing tJiorouch!/ tutrd Iti wonderful euratlvr poweri In thoun/ipd, nf cnr, ffelt It hl dutj to "*L*" L " " Fiinrinc fcllniri. .Actu- clrntloua detjrt? to make it kDown to h........... aied by thu njotlve and a cutnc! I wllh full tlirrctioDi for prcparlne nn? si I ly Uainp. Sut by return mail_'lij' ai I With itamp, naming tiiif pnpej. UB. C. STEVENS. P.B.P. liOX 80, liEOUiaVtLXK, OmT-. crrU KKKJ-: rfplr>, BllCCCMUll- ddrcsilnj THAT Ban WONDERFUL ifVIAN. TRADE MAIUC^TIIE GOLDEN MAN, GREAT ATTRACTION. silk ^department. All New, Fresh and- Fashionable Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Dress Goods, etc. 321 OASES AlTb BALES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. ' il Bale's of whioh' are JTctf Ulankets of the bent kind, rronderruiiy cheap and good. i .' '*".! 1 Carpets of"'thtt nowfe'Bt' desfgns and "colors. Beautiful Brussels and Tapestry Carpeta. j j - . I Address Manaokr, Jtox 955, Toronto. - t TrTANT^D. LadibB and gentlemen; to learn Tclo-. graph Operating.for offices opening in J ofwhoin you may know. Ad- the Dominion. Stamp fir answer. ' f, " " tia^ "' -------- ArUfAII. MAVAflKR. UrS& DAl> can buy first-olnBS Pianos and Organs cheaper of .DAN IEL F. BEATTY;, Washing- ___ ton, New Jersey, than any other manufacturer in the United Stales. Why? Because he sella only for cash, takeB no risks and has no book accoants. Every inBtru^ mont is fully warranted forsixyenrs ns strictly first class, and avo sent on from S to 15 days' tost trial, money 'refnudrd and freight paid both ways by him if they are usatis- factory. Send for Illustrated Ai)- vmtTisKn (Catiiloguo Edition) and stiraonials from his patrons, Espacial cttentioh is ro4ueted to our Silk Department. We offer, t&s finest nssBortment of Black Silks to bo found in'the Dominion. -"- We; unhesitatingly say that we offer a Bavipg of 20 percent to our pfltrons in Colored and Fahey Dress Silks. "- . Also in Evening and Wedding Bilks We have very attractive stylos and colors, ' ! '['i.L - ' -..' ' Our stock of Lnd.les' JackeV Cloths, Ulster Cloihs and Trimmings for Barne, 1b well worthy of attention. Indeed onr stock of all crasscs of gooda this sensnn hi remarkable for excrllenco of quality and -o'! cheapnoss of price, , Wo tako thcjlead this season, as usnah having the the finest assort Of Ladies* Dross Goods in town, also of Ladies Quiltbd-Lustre Skirte, I Felt Skirts, and the Princess Walking"-Skirts-^beautiful goods. JOEC1W ELO<3rG cto JSOIff Hespectfally announce-td the public that the greatest care has been exers cieed in the edlrction of their immense and varied stock. Every article lis Warranted as represented. TLe goods are all iresh and direct from the> manufacturers'. ~~ JOHN HOGG & SON, Sept. 8,1877. . Alma Block-, upper Wyndham Sheet, Guelpht ment Filled- r\v 3? I-A. ZtsT O I Bnoi?mous Quantities of Grand, Squar & Upright. Agent* waited everywhere. Addresls DANIEL F. BBATTY, Washington, Nejjo Jersey. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE I AT To seciire the EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS TbeStore is ttaoagede^ei^iday' Crowds of People come from all tlie Country Ron lid to Take Advantage of this Great ChanGe. -. . FEVRY OTHER STORE IS DESERTED We still have heaps and heaps of Goods Soiled and Damaged during the Fire, wlijich we are bound lo Clear Out at Any Price. . : PRINTS,' . \Kuf- .'.' ' COTTONS, '[ BLANKETS, ] DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, ' I : ' ' CLOTHING, ETC All at such Reductions as have never before been V offered. , HOW'S THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS AND _; .;. p; , "THE LION" is 'the. Place. aOH/HEl A/32 OZLSTOIELL BAST tM~D OSTi We^ do 'not Blo-w. Wq stats Piaia PacW : ':..." -. SEE THE FULLOWIJvGf. 'A Good Black Beaver Overcoat for $8.00. ^ Splendid Scotch and English Tweed Suits from;i; These goods cannot be surpassed for quality and price m the country. Heavy all wool Canadian Tweeds from 62c up. Wo would assure tho public that it is always our object to place in th hands of our customers as good a quality of goods as 'can be obtained in the market ^t as a: low a price as possible. Our goods are allHmarked at corresponding rates. Wo do not, sell a customers'one piece Of goods at -less than us value, and then try and, make up the-iosa by charging an ad ditional half price on eomethiugf else, pur motto- is to deal honestly with all. . : J In Gents' Furnishing we have an exfcensive - ' l- Stock. :...*- rrNDERCLOTSING- ALL PRICES AND QUALITIES- S@".Wo solicit a oall from all desiring cheap gooda and clothes made gtylish. -' ...-' FYFB & MgNAB.4 Aoton, t(Oo2J, 1877. OUR FALL STOCK OF " :: Is now Arriving1, - .! -. '.. " And will soon be'complete for the ^^LUiHi TEADE. CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES. Special Attention Givea ito Ordered. "Work. , Bcpairius Promptly Attended o QuelpbT Sept. 10, 1877. J. D. WILLIAMSON & GO- B NIHL V. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. RICK. DWELLINGS FOR _' SALE. Tho two dwellings, built of' brick, situatod on Main street, near the Do minion Hotel, aro offered for sale, on reasonable terms.. The lot consists of threo-fifths of au acre, with good gar- don. The building is neSv, and woU finished, adapted for two familioa. A good stahlo.'and driviluf shed on ;the premises. Apply to tho owner. ; JOHN KENNEDY. ;- A-ctOil, Aug. l"v 1*77.- 7-3m SCHOOL TEACHERS:-You can easily Increase iyotfr- salary by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time to my interest. 1 do not expect you to canvass fOr my celebrated Beatty's Piontiaand Organs unless you see fit to; but the service I require of you is both pleasant and profitable,.! Full par: ticulars free. Address DANIEL F BEATfY, Washington, New Jersey, Acton, Aagust 7, i877. . CHAISE i-SOlff; " TO YOUNG MEN. Wo liavo recently published new edl-- iloti or l>r. CnlvcrwelVs Celebrated Es- , on tberuUlca! and permanent enre (without nK-uloiiie)or Nervous l'ebillty, Mental and Physical Iiicaraclty.Imj'edi- mouts to Marriage, etc., resiiltlua fiom iricc, In a^naled t?nvelore, only 6 csnta ortwo postilgo sinrars- ' . . The celebrated author. In.this-admlr- able Essay'clearly demcufBtrali-s, from thirty years' succf ssful practice, thai alarmist: consequences may bo radically cured withoutthodmgormi* userinter nal medicine or Iho npi-lloallon of J,be kulfc; polntinc out a rbode ol cure at once Himplo, cortaln and cflco.lual. by moaiiBof whicii matter what IUb condtlon. may ue, may .cure hlmBCirclieaplyrOrl-vrticiy .n>d rndlcallj. This l.cotni-o slioul.l be lh tho hands of ovory youth andpvery man in tho liand. THE CtllTBIi-VT r.lX 3f Et ir At. ;<>'.. 41 Ann St., New York. POStOffl;30 IlOXioSO. 4-ly. mAILOKilSG- ',' , J. JOHN" McARTHUK, "_ tailor,' has returned from New Yoik city whero he has attended tlio School of Instruction in tho act of cutting garments, and is now better prepared than ever, to give tho best of satisfaction to his customers. He iB now .in a'-'position to warrant a perfect fit, and to naako up garments in tlio very latest Amoricanstyles. Tho continued patronage of tlio cointiiunity respcctfrill'y-solicited.1 JOHN McARTHUK. Acton, Aug. S, l$77i 0-3m rjnaE koyal ExciiANeB HOTEL. m it* I-':- [.J- AOTON. This woll-known house has recently undergone a t'horongh renovating ^ and repairing, is riow farnished with new ami modern'furniture of the heBfdas-: cription, and is prepared to provid* first-class accommodation to the pulilic. The present proprietor-has received Uceuse,,aud he .will keep the bar.well supplied with the very best of--liquors ^. and cigars. The stabling is large arid " well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room^. The patronage of the public is respect, nlly solicited. JOHN "MANEY. ' Acton,. June 20, 1877. . ./ " - ' r ' -Tirr PIAN"^/ - There is nAmanufiicfurerofPiim'rfS and Organs iij 'this or niiy'ojher* country who {ms!.recei*e<h as many unsolicited if ilorsements as has Mr. Bea'tty. Froi i :every-iState and Te>--; ritory comei "the Bamn 'verdict. "They are the best in the world." , Illustrated jAdvertuer, (Ontalogijo. E-.lilioii)' free'. Address DANlEij b*. UBATTY,'Washington, New-Jei-sejr. -i -U V'

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