Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1877, p. 4

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m: "theekee -press, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.;, OCTOBER 25, 1877, 1877. FALL. ( 1877. AGTOET. t?f luwuwnmi'>n^.(i^wwi IpriJ ^:I In presenting* our regular half-yearly Circular to the Public behave again to return thanks to our numerous customers and the general public for the very large-share of business, extended to us, and in doing* so we can only assure them that no effort on our'part'will be spared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore it -will be our constant aim-to advance their interests as far as lies in our power, and,at all times endeavor to show, as large ar^d: complete a toc!< as can possibly be found in oue 'establishment. Feeling assured jtlint the bountiful harvest Of the past season with a rea sonable prospect of fiiir average prices for all kiuds of farm, produce, will cause a great re- ival in trade, we have purchased this season a larger stot'k than in any previous year; and baviHg doue ko with aknmvlodi^ of theuantsand tastes of Qj.T customers, we feel assured we shall uot be disappointed ib finding ready demand therefor. 'As heretofore pur stock comprises - . U& -JS-* ..: ' i iiUj IPI* -' K 95$ || M" 'c vW SB* * Mm mm FJ 11^ iiii mm *"' i, gg "XrA it? :*<=j?i Of all feiads, Millinery and Millineiy Goods ;of all kinds, Boots and Bkoss is, immense variety, ReadyKbiad. 01otliingr Qrooesies, to--'-. As to prices we are determined not tp be undersold by any-one either in Acfou or outside. We -manage our business at tlio east possible expense find will sell at all times at the lowest possible prices. We J extend a cordial invitation to examine our new Stock, which! we trust will in style, variety and good value, compare more than favorably ,with any house o| the kind in the ffiule. In -the fall of the year no one requires a line of "credit a# money is ttien more plentiful than at any other season of the year, besides our experience "teaches jus it is in all cases-infinitely better to pay as you go. Our motto heretofore has been iC-|SH A.1STU SJ&JL.Tn^ PBOFITS, And we are determined to adhere firmly to the principle. - .. / Tfe find it impossible to enumerate all lines of Goods in stock, but will refer to some. We show4" all the latest novelties in colors, styles, and raakes. "WeempVoy only experienced hands, whoso constant aim will be to suit tastes and re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. We charge no fancy prices for Millinery. The Ladies will please remember this. " -. : v We show an extensive stock of Xadies9 -Mantles anil Sfiawls Also Clouds, "Wool Squares, and Furs of all kinds cheap. ~V%~. Also a large stock of .; :GEIfTS, lOf THS AND BOYS' OVERCOATS In Ulsters, HedRiver, Brown and Black Beavers, Men's tReady-made Suits coarse and fine, extra value. Clothing j, '.. ' "" : ma|^ to order by experienced hands. Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. In Black Lustres we challenge all competition. Ask for the famous Tiger Brand'Black Lustres. Win- fv.eys, extra value. grey, scarlet, white, check, orange, etc. See our line of Factory Check-Flannel at-25c per yard. and I^>: ^ From the heavy Stoga to the infant's shoe all bought direct from the makers. No middle man's profit. S(ock extra large and well selected. Five per cent off all purchases of five pairs at any one time. FRESH TEAS AND GENERAL .GROCERIES* Regularly to hand Our Famous 50c TEA is used more extensively than any other Tea in the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45c, Try it and be convinced. - Gents' Felt Hats, jCloth Caps for Men and Boys, and a fine assortment! of Fine Fur Caps, Grey and White Blankets, Grain Bags, CotUni Warps, in faet almost, everything found at any'time in a general, store. "We most cordially request a continuance of patronage from those who have hitherto favored us, and a trial from all who have -not -had our Goods, feeling assured that Goods and Prices will he entirely satisfactory. We pay Cash for good Dairy Butter, or take in ex change for Gorftfs. Our terms are cash or produce. ! \ .. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & dlO. < Acton, October, 1877. y . ' v ,-t "i W.STEWART* CO Aim NOW SHOWIN0 A very large and very oboioe assort* 9 raent of Nov Diy Goods sirfesoRiB: try. 3'fie or?t ','"* 0'ny <*berXl? ' fore grlven. Hoeic nd'^W*i?J* POR THE Fon FALL WEAR 4 - / New Black and Colored Silks, Now French Caihmarea, i , ew Ribbons and Ties, New Dress Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, opn stock or . Tweeds, Cloths, .nd 'Overcoatings a very ohoioa nd chaip. Wo bold a very superior and Ur - lot of NEW MANTLES AMD MILLINERY. W. Stewart & Co,> GUELPH, Dptober 1ft, J877, i THE FBBB PRESS jLCToisri now icw tra<le In gfeno"r^'""Ti' SaU..ig|" -vvarrairtpfl ror J52x1SSSl,i*, uoae^f Hail? muhS,^"^*.* In niihiHo tuivr, the ,.' ^^Wbl m use. New Wuktrlu^', J^00*1,S now retldy. Bent "r i'f'"^/^ 4 3j ,. % Atldreas ruui^.v*'*^i $9991^ dozon.dollars a clay J^?,f*'!? localities. Haye'nX^i&tt Business pleaiant in5Ph*oeaW' men, Wo -trfll ftiVnifk ;d0* Outai free. SThe SK*on * * pera* oi taniD?7on P.- ' Wrlte^BclHee. Fafmw, RI FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance. AT THE ACTON Will fee foond a quantity o f SEASONED LUiM^ v OPOaet s Comprising iacb, 1J tad" 2 dLreSifid arid nndresacdi tort ^QOiljtOCk. ' T Sash, ' >-J - Doors, "j- : Mouldings, l.w ! Battens, %c, fv- W"ann faotorod as ua*l. A ^ * ^. Acton. Atjjc SI, IStt." 1-^ PRINTING HOUSE. The subscriber having again gone into the -grocery business, wotUd fair tim&te that ho has^always a fall, litie of goods dsnally iept in first-dlsja grocery houses^ fresh, and of the best qaality^4uch as^ TEAS.': vi . . ':| >'"' California Salmon, rortlnd IxdwteOS, French Sardlm>s, CoVeOjstem ' ". FresttMaekei?', \ ' j\. - --------- ! \'- Curod Earns and Skcdu<&fe$ at4Btttt4r. ;i.-. -U=;' U To Merchants and other Business "Men in -. "' '-i '. : - I Acton, as -well as throughput the County, the. Free Press is an -: inyaluable Advertisiog Medium. .<* ,Our Unrivalled PfKOlitjaB ftyr ^^ all kin4* ot BOOK AND JOB PfilMlNG ^ ' ":- ' Enable ub ta turn out work equal to soythiug done in the cities. Blacks . Finest English Breakfast Qonguo, Souchong, Oolong, Flowery 0rang4 Pekoe. GasBire * \- ' Moyune Uunpowdere, '.<. - Silver Leaf Uunpjowders, . Moynne.Yoang Hysons IJnpolored Japans, Itoperials, Twankays Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities. ' I Speoial duoouat on pnrchasek overs lbs, * ^ i L'; .^pPS^iES. .i. ;! Our stocV oomprises the boat grades Ot ^>ld Government Java, , j ,Laguayr, . ' ; Maracaibo, and Rio. Boasted and ground, idaily, on. the premises, thus retaining all tho natural atoms and flavor yot the berry. 0000AS AITO 0H000I.A.TES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chooolate, JKpp'B HomtBOpathio Coooa, Menier'a Chocolates. Kefined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf. Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, .Extra O,, English Kefined Demsrara, Porto Rico. : Amber. Sonsy aai Syraps. Staadaid T0BA000BS- Chemng,t Smoking, Cigars. !- raxnrs ss&bd. Valencia Haisins, Layer BaUins, .- .'- Loose Muscatel, . Sultanas, Seedless, ^Vostljtea. Currants, Black Patras do. in casep selected Do. do. in bbls., Elema Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finjist ex. ported. OANiTSD PSTIITS A1TO VEaE- k' -.- TABLES." .. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Tineapples, Strawberries^ > ' Succotash, Green Peas, -: , ! Corn, Beansi Tomatoes. ' : Besides many other.articles Xa season, not here mentioned SSfChesp for Cash ;or Trade, Burnett's" Extracts & Tbe -FlneBt Goods ilanarictnrei u . Soaps of ail kinds. . - .:^ iPIc&lea and Caucba. , y- > Crosse i BlaokweU'g, Mixed PleBei: ". Chowcljow, Jflccallil, ! . Mnshroom Catsup. John Bnl< SaoeS} -, " iea A Perrin's ivrorcUesterslUrea!% Tomato f.atfiop. Favorite doj '<WV ^Torkshire Rellsn, French U^stMtdi- rABTH-Agsoia opou^ CarQlioa Hiee. Arracan Rloe, I i, i tearl Saeo, Eio.Taploca r i ^-j." Pearl Barley, Corn Meal, OataesJj J. ' 2ESSSB.T TS.TXSS5.' Currants, Valencia Oranges, Messina Liomons, PlneappJesi." . Tunl Dates, Bordeaux Walnnt* Filberts, Almonds. BisoTjrrs a ootei Arrowroot. Wine, Soda, Aheniethj; 'Cream, Lemon, Butter. Boston, Graham, Oyster cracker, - New york Ginger nuts. : ' ' Gincer Snaps. .r^i ^i Candles and S weeuaeats of oil ksnoS, Cneesa, Butter, Egf, Bfljp> f ; .--------.-----: f* t _- OSO0SES7. .:. i . China Beta, 'Wii te Stone B.W, ; ; Figured BtSae Sets, CntmberSeSJ, .; T6 Pltes,IB6wU. Jonifes. i; -. Flatten^ Bakers. 1,":i: And a fan lino ofoejf aoa> i. "I 'J. Wt1** WaU Papera and Pindar* BUjai| In great variety-^chea] >. MtSOELLANEOtTS. Tub?. Palls, Brooms. Washboards, Brashes,lS?2. Mill Pans, Cream Crooks. , L_^_. - Butter Crooks, Jngi, FloirarrWM? Selling at the manufacturer!'r GXJ1SST7ABB. Tumblen>, Goblets,. Lampp, Lamp ulasses. Glass Plates, Glass8p1 Fruit Jars, 4c, Ac Pf s, Wire ana -wooden Basfests. t Patent Medicines, I Bye Stuffs. Stationery, Hchool Boohs, -___ J^nrses, WanetB..achootBtti . spectacles, YloMos. ' IM_^i Violin Strlngs.!Brlar Pfc. S"an5y Goods, Comos, Boneless Codfish, Herrinjgl,!. O-ystersIn can and bulk In BeafQ0? - ;> JAMES MATtHEW Acton, June, 1877. ; Gonyeyanoer, Com. in Q. B-V Issuer of Mairiasro *<' Insurance* Agent, &c.

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