Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1877, p. 3

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?MM m '- Us m i 'BB. i - 5 / " -.j-UUn iha Method.*! Uuwh every S^^n the rirtl Sabbath of tneli K*v B. Honns, rnstor. 1" ODS EMB, 5 - tpssl r vdfoCfcn^ w= fading Tiniif -1 m taalnai****. Brail/* loeoeedbytti* li msmMmmi* SrM ob lei trial aaf lron.:nr*4 tf.* In In* wort*. ' kbna*4 ir<)nIU>f). th, hrit lMy - traqBifM**? I to* only a>M krpnt be <ns rlort i _ Jy mil Xb* ' Inuat alegss* f uj mtn . ip' test **. SKTT n Mais reOiaf- TK l*H, U"1 thc tTlrkc>& xro "rul"BR ""Sins*." ,__(\ g Smith's auction salo of ^hort-born cattle. long-wOvued hee|i, &, takes pi*"0 t0 J>*- Messrs. it. <fc J. Bro\\n -will jt(*i fttir and farm .stock at public paction next Thirds}-. Mr. Isaac Snyder's salo of fcattocltanJ implement*, ]** 6, 3d cM. Rrtn. on Friday 16th iut. The now brick store on Miin lfit<f*.~olohgin'J to the Mr^jur estate tiH 5* offered at public auction on ffnday, I6ti mst. Tar.-Tar, at McGarvirt?!. " Swinging -oft tifw gfe " it kbost played out, and tlrert Is- an In- cMtoi demand for Mai and wood and ^ark itovea. , ^-Spatial religions services hare titfl held in the Methodist Church, nearly avery evening during the past tare* weeks. Wo learn that there kve been quite a number of converts. The boys and hoodiluma of A^toa amasod themselves immensely:' but eventng because it Was Halloween. They deemed it necessary to their tippines* to remova gates and othor things too numerous to mention. We presume they enjoyed it, The Volunteers ball under the auspices of the officers and members of Xo. 6 Company, in tho Drill Shed, last Fnday evening, is reported to ha\ o been quite ' .success m c-vity w:\y. The SHpcr prfvuled by >Ir. Ttios. Campbell Was aH-that could be desired. red Sturdy and his daughter passed through herv on the 5.20 train Tuesdav eT^ni";, ca their -veay to Kingston Peuilntiary. One will have tea JTsars asd the cthor two years to _ redect upon Xae rul^ of cmo night s *a. Messrs. J. P. Allan, M. Cpc'ght and E. Nicklm started ycite'- dy <-a s excursion, to Muskoka datnet. They calculate to hrinj; home a cumber o* derr and other wild caine. What if tkt+ expectations are not reaiued! ~ r 1 Two geeso owned by Mr. Wm. fftjVh, of Enn, hs^o Veen doing what _*v(TvM!* wy H of Tery rare occur rence. They have been laying ccg danag the- month of October, and have How 23 egK- Geese don't generally ~~1aj egg* except in tlte spring season Go to Mot-tow's Drug Stare for the Hon**' own1' ohoic* Condition Povdcrs. Sprigging 8ay th<vt-Tjo once nrevscted a severe ^eiM of hydrophobia by i mp!r getting on a high fence and waitirg t>:! t>e"dog had gone away a very Rood idea. Another good idea a to examine Christie, Henderson & Co-'s good* before bayiifjj elsewhere, and tbus prevent any outward nclama- tioDsxir inward ^egrets. Tbe famous BOe Tea is growhig in faVor. Try it. EsqucKins Council. Tho Township Council met nt Ktowmttown, on Friday, 19th inst. All the monibors \\eroiux<sent. The minut<8of inevious.ineetiirg wew road nnd confiinicd. A vlcscnption pivjini-eil by Jumrs Warren, r.L.S., of tlip imitof mid on K8t part of Lot' 13, in tho 2d concession was read j-ulso, the com plaint of r> Stairot, Pathmn8t<Tr with reference to thoeio&smg of llio II. & Nf NV. K., on tho lino be- twpon the V>tli and 10th concessions. The Tivasurcr \>us nuthoii/cd to refund SI ?o to James Miehic, tav. collector, being taxes ho could not collect. Also to pay John Woideu $5.33, being the Uvo-thiuls \aluo of a sheep killed by dogs, rihI nlso ~$H to Henry A. fteul for two sheep nnd four Iambs killed by dog^. 1 On motion of Mr. Warren, sec onded, by Mr. Shortreed, tho sura of 8 was granted to Wm. Shanks, patUTu&ster, for the purposo of im proving the hill on tho crossroad^ 22 And 23, in tho 6th concession. ^On motion of Mr.. Warren, seC eroded by Mr, Fn(?r, tho account; 'of Edward Klxon, d| jlSt^or servJ ing G2 notices for tho Voter's List Court, and attending tho Couit, was ordered to be paid. On motion of Mr. Lindsay, sec onded by Mr. Frazer, tho account of JoLn Orr, for building bridges Rnd repaiiing culverts, wag ordeied to bo p-\id. Tho account was as follows : For making two culverts on lots 10 and 12, grading hill, and making approaches, G0; for rehiring bridges on Ri\ er Credit, and furnishing material for same, $30 ; for planking bridge and extra work, $0 ; for grading road on townline, 10 making a total of S120. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, second ed by Mr. Warren, that $3.75 bo paid for loaduic gravel for cover ing cross way on Lot 20, in the 4 th line, Mr. Thorn is Lamb, Commis- Mone,r. Cariied. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, second ed by Mr Warren, that tho CTcrk be paid by the Treasurer 025 for ^er\ ico in connection wit tho V otors List Court, uiidt-i section 19 of tho Voters' List Act Carried. The Council then adjourned until Friday, 23d >"ov., 1877. J. Mvuut, Township Citric THE FREE PRESS, ACTQy, IIALTON COUNTY, OUT., NOVEMBER^!, 1877.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I^KKKsmni; boar. Tho uiiihwignoil has a puro bred Berk-dino lioar, fur aorvu-o, on lim prcimsos, in Acton Terms SI oaib. .1. 11. lUUlNf?. Acton, Not. 1, 1877. I8-2m ry\\X0 RAM LA1IKS for Sale. Tho subscriber offers for Bale to Well-bred LEICESTER RAM LAMBS, $10 a mo. , Tor partiLiilnm applj to T. 1X1KUAY,_ Lot No. 2, Tom n lim , l>u>. Oct. 2vS, 1877. 18-1 JMREle BC'HOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS.' In accordtneo with tho Statute, mid tho lteaul.itiona, tiro Sumi-nii- nuil K\nininauou of. Candidates for Publio School Teachers' Soooxul Glass Ccttiticatos will bo hflld<Di.')ln-tho' Towi; Hall, Milton, , Commencing on Monday, the lTth ttcc'r, I8*T* At 1.30 p m, Terms of tho notu-o to bo pre\ imisly ftnen bj thu Cnndidntis can liu obtmi- od on apphc ition to tho County In spector. It ia itidnponsnhlo that CtndidatL'H should notifj thu undersigned hor LATKU THAN TlfK -10TH .NmUJIUIl of their intention to present thtinsehcs for Examination, audh liotico to be accomp.iniod by tho Ccrtitu ates of character, ability, anil espenenco ixx teaching, recjuircil by thu Higiil.ttious. R. LITTLE r. S. Inspector, Co ILdton. Acton, CGth Octobor. 1S7T T.\$>OLV\T ACT OF 1ST5 LIST OP MUSIC BOOKS Hold wholOBnlo and fotail by Johnj Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Durrowos' I'mnoforto Trimor. Jousso'b Musical Catechism. Bortim's Ne^ Method for tho Fiano. ClarUo's New Mothod for tho Piano. IIunton'8 Pinno Forto School, llowe'g Piano without a Master. Uiohardoon's Now Modem School. Qitso's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Musio Hooks. A Rig Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the i:nit side of Wj ndham Strcot G1JRLPH. KNOW The Season. We are now in the autumn of the year -"the season ^ golden hues and verdure. jNaturc'a chill breath is imperceptibly passing over leaf, plant and JlowerJ and imparting to them all tho tincture of approaching decay. The grden carpot of creation is bein? superseded by oae of yellow or more motley color, and all around and about us tells of the perishable nature of things. ____ ILL, row. =An examination ot pupils for tdnmsion to tho Oakvillo rfcgh 8cihool, will be held (D.V.) on Tuesday, tho lltB, SBd Wednesday, the 12th Decern Vtf, 1877, at 9 a.m. Candidates should at iroee notif> the Head Master, X. J WeBttooil, &q., (OakviHe P.O.), of iW\T iBtePtiotl to present themselves for examination. Lamp chimneys 5tMcGarrin,. ^-Complaint jrajr entered last w4k against Mars> Goulding & Henry, for selling goods at auction Without first having obtained a bcense therefor, or paid -the fees required by th VdUege Bv-lan- respeotico; transient ,tradrs. The matter was before the BeeVe aed W. H. Storey, "Bosj., and TUthout taking any definite action, the run iris adjourned till this (Thursday) tfVssuS47- -Hex. T. WillUmron, of Toron- &. will preach in tka Baptist Chapel 0ia*fiim9*X,(a& 11 a.m. andfi p.m. Dirine Sersdce will be held in (St. Alhan'^jelmrch.^ 3nsda>- nsit (D. Tvttr. low for ei* Is HOBS 'MP. 30 )bio.> Uefi <*#*- S > , fulfil. ,- A. meeting-of ihe pillage Conncil was held iafft TbarsSay evening, ^mrsuant &o adjournment. Present, the TJeeve and Messrs Smith and 2idkljJi. Xhe Aunutea of prerions meeting woce .reait ^nd. adopted. Amplications were re ceived from Jft Ihos Easton and Mr. John Hawkiss tor the appointment of ^ai collector, r -On motion, the By-law tfor toe appiaaeat of # collector was duly read and adopted, with the name f Jtn Uawkics inserted as collector1, t a aalary of 25. fln motion, tlio Cuaa^l adjeurned till the thir^ Thurs day in Xo\ ember. Jnst as the Council fead adjourned, Messrs. Hendiiraon and Christie puti aa appearance, and were surprised to find the business con cluded. The Place to Purchase. As toe times will not warrant any useless 'expenditure of money, the thrifty honge- keeper is looking about to- see nhere no can f nrcnaae good serviceable arti cles at -reasonable prices, and to assist iheta in tbeif praiseworthy endeavors, ? is eur pleasant duty to inform them that Messrs. Christie, Henderson & Co. havettacilities for pnrehaajng the very best^hne pf Roods, at lowJprices. Being large cash purchasers, they havjo oppor- *nuiUes of securing barjjains w hero the *naU buyer cannot compete. Thay are ivins; their customers the benefit of these bargains, and invite purchasers to **amine their goods and prices before fnrchasing. See their advertisement tt another column and examine the PM*, CaKAPI*^ BL*NttET8----Just to hand a lot of superior Canadian Blan kets, extra quality. Don't fail to seo them. They are a firot-cliss article and cheap. =Chnxtio, Henderson & Co Those beautiful Bonnets, flats, Clouds, Tie*,,Muffs and Mantles arc in great demand. It is alwaj s advisable to buy early, as tho choicest goods nrc bought up first. A failure to examine <>ur stock oarly is a gotden opportuuity lost.^-Chnfctie, Henderson ft Co. X Excnse for anf one being Out of Employment? Our attention liasbcen cillcef to some new and useful bnua(.hfildaii\cntioiis recently patented by L E. Brown & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, 'nhich make housekeeping a plcasnre instead of a dreaded necessity. They have been having a very largo sale for them throughout the United States, and now wioh to introduce them through the Dominion of Canada, and offer good re liable lady of gentlemen canvassers an opportunity seldom met with for mak ing money rapidly. ForHerms and ter ritory write at onoe to Lv E. Brown 4. Co , 214 and 216 Elm Street, Cincin nati, Ohio Tmmenne BticceRS. -#reat sale going on. Dry goods being sold with out reserve Come and examine and bi* convinced. See the remarkablo _chenp winc6ys, dress goods, ailk gloves", tlan- nels, blankets, clouds, cottons, ready- made clothing; geitta* furnishings, cot tons, buffalo robos, boota and shoes, at McLeod, Anderson & Co.'i, George^ tOWB,' IN THE MATTER OF Mary McNair, AN INSOLVENT. Xotico is horeb> gt\en thit bj-Mrlffc of the power \euUd in me by Biid Act, rs Assignee of paid ^atato, I will offer fur sale by Public Auction, On the promises, in tho Village of Acton, ^ Ou Friday. lGtli of Xovcuibcr, At one o'elock p m , All tho estite, right, trtlo nnd interest of tho lr.onhent, and of myself as As signee, in and to tho follow ing pircel of land ami premises, consisting ot Yill.igt Lot number nmo, in Bltck number two, in the Villige of Acton aforesaid, upon which thcro is orectcd a largo and com modious Brick f>weUinr? House and Merchant Shop, \\ ith largo and commodious cellarage, built of stono, with hard and soft water. Tho building is now and well finished throughout, with mansard roof. This is w ell worthy tho attention of an) one inteuding mercantile business. The village is growing rapidly and in a good farming community, distant from Guelph l(i miles, Milton 12 and George town S^with several inanufacturning establishments therein. The property will be soldsrbjccfto r. mortgige to the Hamilton Provident md Loin Society for twelve bun Ircd dollars, nine years to roil from the 1st December, 1S77, and interest from 1st Pecembcr, 187o*. Conditions mido Uilouu on day of salo. At tho fame time nml pl.-cc in cie'd day Clock and Lady'B .Sterling Gold Wateb. ' W. ALL VK, As.i^nto Acton, Oct. 23, 1877. lb 3t By renllng and eracde!n| the LnesUmablo tmthf coa tamed in tho best xncdlca book ever lsmed, entitle! THYXrl pPriceonl)tl. Scntbym&i I II I Whhl on receipt of price, k tresis of Exhausted Vitality, Prciriraro Dedlno Nervous and Physical Doblhty, u id tho endlcst concomitant U)i^aad untold miseries that rciut therefrom, and caatainsmoro than 60 original pro mcnpUons, any ono of which is worth the price o) tho boob. This book was wnttcn by the most c^ tensive and probably tho most aLUfulprActluonei In America, towhom wbs swarded a gold aodlcic cUcd medal by tho KaUonal Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tho very fines' Steel Engravings a mar- ~ " Vcl of art ana beauty cnt rnxa to all. .Send for it at once." Address ^1 PEABODY MEDICAL. " IN8TITUTE, No. 4 Bui- aacb. Su, Boston, Mass. ,_. i tHAT WONDERFUL MAN. TRA!r>E SfAAK. THE GOLDEN MAN. GREAT ATTRACTION. silk department. All N.ettf, Fresh and Pashionabk Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Dress Goods, etc. EipBoial attention is requested to our Silk Department. We ofler finest asssortment of Black Silks to bo found in the Dominion. (he Wo unhesitatingly sa, thut wo offer a saving of 20 per cent to onr patroiia in Colored nnd Fancy Dress Silks. Also In Evening and Wedding Silks we have very attractive stylos and colors. ' Our stock of Ladies' Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths and Trimmings fcr same, is well Worthy of attention, indeed our stock oj all classes of goods this aeason is remarkable for excellence of quality and cheapness of price. f Wo take the lead thisseaspn, as usual, having the thb?finest assortment of Ladies Dress GootTs in town, also of Ladies Quiltott Lustre Skirts, Fillfed Felt Skirts, and the Princess Walking Skirts beautiful goods. T03ECKT 3EZ.OC3-C3- cto SON EeBPCclfully announce to the public that the greatest rare has been eser* II BaIob of whloh are Bed Blankets of the best kind, wonderfully cheap cieed in tho jelf ction or their immense and vaned stock. Every nrlict and good. - warranted as represented. TLe goods are all iresli and direct from 321 OASES AnSTlD BALES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTttHErRS. manufacturers. e i* tho- Carpets of the' newest designs and colors. Tapestry Carpets. Beautiful Brussels and- I JOHN HOGG & SON, Sept. 8, 1877. Alma Brock, Upper Wyndham 8treet, CueJp b U U1U TWI U HEAL THYSELF farmers, mechanics) lawyert, doctors, clergymen, merchants,.railrod men, waUhm&kera, engineers, survey ors, laborers, gentlemen, 6n"d' In fact everybody should order and get -their clothing at MbLeod, Andorson St Co's, to the Mamtooth, Georgetown, where they turn out tho nobby, fashionable and cheap suits, overcoats, etc, ) Every man, to be succeasful in any branch, of manufacturing, must turn otrt good goods. There is no per- manest^acceas without_itvconsnqUont- ly success is a strong recommendation for gnaliijr. When we find parties like MJ-rDaniel F, Beatty, of Washington, S. J., the marrufaetnrer and proprietor of the Beatty Fianc and Beatt> Organs, .making sweeping skies ach month and each moattt increasing, h/3-e is .no other conclusion to be -reached than that tho instruments are superior. Ei cry patron of Mr, 3eaity afieaks in tho same strain., pronouncing Ahem tiie best. See his advertisement in thia paper. Ob, Mrs. FitZHiramons, ,wbat a a nice .hat and mantle I got in the mag nificent milliriory Bhow-rponi f Mc Leod, Anderson & Co/s, Georgetown. It is stored fall of aU the latest novel ties, from London, Pans and New York. Nice fxrrs, warm clouds, knitted squares, shawls, etc., and they were fiuch nice people to wait on me. Call at C. W. Hill's Photo graph Gallery, Aeton, and see speci mens of his fine Photographs. If you want a real artistic picture, leave your order with him. and we are sure you will be satisfied. Best Photographs in Haltou . Dp.uplol CouBty are mado by C. W. Hill, Acton, address C^Jfffe ? Any person who will make riatE t -nn 1 forward me a list oi tho name* of relbibto ptrM,iirt ol llielr ac^ qii tintunc who ftiMi toiprncnropn in- (..riitiitnt, r ltlier iMiino or OrRiin, 1 v\ iII us< tn> litsi ende uorn tc> pell them one/ ami for owrr i'luno I fnect . e! in fielliit<; to tin lr list w illiin oi eji ir. 1 w ill credit tliom wIUi Sl'i.niid for e\.'n Orirnn j^i, to l)o iippli'-l on p \in<-nt of il hrr n l'l mo or i >ttrii': ami whon It atiitvuitB to a suni siiini ieiu to p i> ri r nn-liiMn mrnt seleclo.I at too lnvrcnt M.iolesile lirlce, Iwllllmm <ilnt<>l> ship the, fret,-or nfL^r an\ amount is credltod tho l>il tnco mm be i alii mo In cnsli .nd I will l'l* n i-hip- tin m the lnsLrnmr'ut Tli J net ilnot be ki own in the matter, ind will bo dolnu th ir frli lul^ a real i^ r- e|p,, jib 1 hlinll muki) sprrlnl ofTers to tnem. f>CUln^ a superior lni*tranieni for from onr-li.iir to Iwo-Ililrds lint IB ordluarll> n^ked hy nici ins 1'lenRosend mo a ll nt nnco andafior 5 ou ha\o made luqulrj J on can mill to 11. AildrcRS VN1 fcL K, BEATTV, WasUlnKton, New Jersey. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY Enormous Quantities of BAST END , GLOTHBNO STORE. We do not Blow. *Wq stata-'^laia Pacts. STtfw Pall and "Wmter Q-oods AT THE GOLDEN LI O TIEliLCCa BAKK, 1 hereby give notico that I do not now buy Hemlock Bark, as 1 have a full snpply on hand. G L. BEAHDMOP.E Acton Tannery, Oct. 15, 1877. TVo are prcpired to pay tho highest cash price west of Toronto for all classes of Sheepskins and Calfskins in good Oondition deb\ ercd at our tannery Wo wish it to be distinctly Understood that wo pay the Highest Tiik k for such. Farmers will study tbeir inter ests by bringing their skirts to Us, in stead of selling them to Middlemen and Peddlers. STOREY, MOORE & CO. * Person*leaving skins-at tho factory of W. H. Stoke* & Co. will sIbo re ceive the highest price for thtm. Campaign' Opened FOR 3LS73i western Advertiser AND WAGGONS ** ,\*o.-. is tho timo to loavo your ordor At J. Sydor's Faotory fo* a Stylish BiiKS? or Serviceable WagCOll. I am making up a largo stock for tho present beabon, from the beat material. Call and Sea our Handsome Buggies Now ia a good time to securo bargains. Strict attention gi\en to Zorso-Shooing ft QonoralBlac^- smlthlncs Acton, Feb. 26, JAMES RYDER. 1877. . Honey at McGarvin'fl. 1 & WEEKt,Y;L8BERAL. Reduced Prlcc-Promtum to c\cry gnnscrlbcr nancst ror Agents, Tho Fifteenth Annual Campaign of tbo Western Advertiser and }\ulhj Liberal la now under full headwaj Hundreds of new names aro pouring m from all parts of Canada Wo \wuit 5,000 new subscribers durniR tins can vass. Plenty of room for 1,000 moro agents. Our terms to agents, nnd in ducements to subscribers will bo found in advance of anything yet offered. BILL OF FAKE. 1 BcBtgonerat newspaper In Canada. 2 Balance ol yeoxfroo to now subscri bers. 3-8plendld EnsrnvlDg to o\cry sub scriber. 4 Agricultural Department by \v. F. Clarke. 6-Teacher'fi Dopartmentr-Best in Can- a-Ladles'"Fashionand KUxhen' col- nmn. . ... 7 MusVh, ploturep, cher, humor, eto 8 iVull base ball, sporllng and crickot WR. '( Complete Tempernnco Rfcord. 10-Beliablo and copious Market Re ins, TERMS FOIt J87S, ?1 00, with ontrrnv- as, Landfeer>B * " Snnetuai y," 3dx20 ncbos. 8l.50wlt.hopt eugra-nng. rost- ibe prepaid- * Vjisr~ Liberal terms to agent.". Tor freo sample copies, or Instructions to atentti, JOHN CAMERON & CO, Advertiser Offices, London, Ont. CONSUMPTION CURED. , j.^^. oi*u I*irT6T<-TA7J, rctlTT'd frnm ncUra pnic-I I y^fe*11,11* liRttltlsfcd in M. houfli by u. lfrojt I I JoI Minon*ry tht* lorniu1*. of h VcgetabTo I I licnicdj for thcUpccilj nnd permanent cure of I CunsumptUfn, Avtiima. J^ronchHU,* Catanh, I I onrt ttoo I 1 a roiltlroftiid Kirillral Curcfbr Nervous Bo-1 I taili-ty a. d all J,cn n. Complu nt. after har-l Ing tlioroufililr icitnl 4ti nondfrml curitlTei powori lu ihoufard* < J cnso fcdi It hli duly to make It kno\.nlo hii nufierli e lcllnwii Arla- atea by thu motl\* find n toniriBi Ucii dtilrtf to relieve human uflcrlr e h will ct)fi FJtXk, Or CIjAUdt to all wtio dc-irt It, tRlB recltx. ,-wlth mil lirftcttoriii lor prcr>ajii enny auceeiftj- Jj ualnjr Sent 1> rt-turn maU ty addreiilnff with itamp, uaining tills paper IK. C MJ.M.Ng, s-. Hoi 80, liny* KVti^.r, Out We dOBtro to call attention to the vory largo assortment of choico now goods'of every description which we any now ofTertng. Our ifhportationB from Britain are now all to hand, and Wo claim, Without ienr of contradiction, that our Stock of ID IR ~^r G O O 3D s, In every Branch, is THE LARGEST, CHOICEST, AND BEST ASSORTED OUTSIDE T0K0NT0. DRESS DEPAHTMSNT. Oflf stock of Dress Goods l*. so lurge tlmt it is Impossible to enumerate the varieties. l/dies may depend, however, on finding nt TUB LH)N all tbo new materials and at the samo time BOtas of the cheapest goods ever seen, Ttiis is acknowledged by all who have looked through our stock. "" No lady ever leavoa TflE LION without getting exactly tho dress sho wants. ! MILLINERY, TRIMMIHU3 AND MANTLES. Wo invito special attention to the bargains we aro offering in this de partment. In the Millinery Branch '1 111; LION has always carried the palm, nnd this season We aro showing choiger articles than ever, while our display of Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported an immense assortment which we guarantee to bo the cheapest ever shown in Qnelph. DRESS MAKING. 'Ladies, do not forget this branch. Mrs. Thompson, as she becomes known, is monopolising all tho best work of the town. Styles unequalled. Prices moderate. READY MADE CLOTHING. .lust recpivod a largo stock of Clothing, including Overcoats in every Btyle, very cheap. - TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS. New stylos for full wear, latest patterns, figures very low. Gentlemen, remember we have the best cutter in town. A perfect fit guaranteed. WINCEY. WINCEY. WINCEY. More than 1,000 pieces, plain nnd fancy, from 6 cents a yard the cheap est in town. BUFFALO ROBES. Cheaper than ever. Prices from SI upwards, highest brand, A 1, perlect, from $8 to $10 each. A large lot just in ; the GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION SHIRTINGS. Go to the Lion, the People's' Cheap Store. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO enn buy first-c'nBs Pianos nnd Oiioans cheaper of DAN IEL F. BEAUTY, Washing- ___ to i, New Jersey, than any other manufacturer in the United States. Why? BecnuBG ho sella only for cash, takes no risks and has no book nccounts, Every mstru ment is fully warranted for six years jib strictly dirst class, and aro sent -on from 3 to 15 days' test trial, money refunded, and freight paid both ways by him if they are usatis- faotory.. Send for Illustrated An- TEnTisER '(Catalogue Edition) and read testimonials from his patrons, some of whom, you may know. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTT, Wash- ngtOD, New Jersey, PIAITO I Ouelpb, Oct. 30, IS?" BEATTY G dS Grand, Square & Upright. Agents wanted everywhere; Address DANIEL P. BEATTY, , Washington, New Jersey. SEE THE FOLLOWING. * - ' . I A Good' Black Beaver Overcoat for $8.00. Splendid Scoich and English Tweed Suits from $12, These goods cannot bfl surpassed for quality and price in the country. Heavy all wool Canadian Tweeds from G2e up We would assure the public that rt i always our object to place in the handu of our customers as good a quality of goods as 'can be Obtained ifl the market at as a low a price as possible. Our goods are all marked at carrespondin rates. Wo do not sell a customers one piece of eoodr at ' less than its value, and then try and make up the loss by charsme an ait- I ditional half price on eoraething else. Our motto is to deal bonestlyJ with all. 1 'j,, In Gent^' Furnishing we have an, extensive 1 Stockl ~J UNT>EBCLOTHING ALL PRJECES AND QUALITIES. ^ 5 cheap goods and clothes max FYFEI& MoNAB. ISerWesolioita call from all desiring cheap goods and clothes mad stylish. "i. Aeton.l.Oe'a.iBW. OUR FALL STOCK OF imm AND SHOES Is now Arriving*, And will soon be coriiplete fur the T I CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES. Speoial Attention Given to Ordered "Work. Repairing Promptly Attended to. Acton, August 7, .877. ' " " CKAINE $ S0H. B1 RICK DWELLINGS FOR SALC. Tho two dwellings, built of brick, situated on ,Mam street, near the Do minion Hotel, are offered "for Bale, on reasonable terms. The lot consists of thrno-fifths of an acre, with good gar. den. The building is now, and well finished, adapted for two families. A goad stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. - JOHN KENNEDY, acton, Aug. 15, U77. 7-8m SCHO JL TEACHERS : You can easily increase > our salary by devoting a very small portion of your leisure lime to my interest. 1 do not exp'eot you to canvass for my colebr/tted Beattj'g Pianos and Organs unless )ou sen fit to; but the service 1 require of you is both pleasant and profitable. "Full par ^. LJEOTTTlRiJE] TO ;?OTJNG MEN, Wo have recently publlBhct a rif*-v *><ii- b]un-orbr.CalverncU'i\Cctt>brntclt c- (my on tlio mUlcu! uiul i>eriiiaiiuut cure (witbouena. dlcluo)of Ntrvuli. iiebllit>. Montnl and FIijjbIC il Incapaoit j .Impedl- mouts to Marriage, etc., resultltiK fiom excesses. Prlce,ln mealed envelope, onli o cents or two postaBO stamps -- The colebrateil auiltor. in tlila ndifnlr- ablo Essay clearly demonstrates, irom thirty years' BnrcBtdul prnctlce. th^t alarming consoqunnces mnv bi.rndlcii ly cured without the dangerou* use if inter nal medicine or tho upvllcatioh of the knife; polntlwr ont a mtKlo of euro at once simple, cortain and elloqtual, by means of which overy matter what bis condition may no, may cure iilmoiroriPaply, prlvnteivimd rMlcaUy. This ( ceturo shoulil bo in the hands of every 5oulh anuovery muq in the hand. THE CULtERYfEIX MEDlrAI. CO., 41 Ann St., Ntiw York. THE ROYAL, HOTEL, EXCHAaCB ACTON. n rostOfflce Box4G<S8. 4-ly rjlAILORINC. JOHN McARTHUl?, tailor, haB returned from New York city where ho has attended the fjchool of Instruction in the act of cutting garments, and is now better prepared than ever, to give the best of satisfaction to his customers. He is now in a position to warrant a perfect fit, and to make up garments tho very lateat Am!erio<m styles .... ._- ..- _____ Tho continued patronage of tho community ^S.Ul^re Address DAMEL V\ * * ,jaHN MeARTHUR. BBATTY, Washington, New Jersey. Acton, An? ^.1817, ^ 6-3m This well-known hoase has recently undergone a thorough reno\ athig-andt repairing, is now furnished with^new and modern fojuiture of tho best dis* cnption, find is prepared to' provnla first-claBs^ccomiuodation to the public. Tho present proprietor has received a license, nnd he will keep the bar well supplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. The stabling is large and well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room. Tho patronage of the pauHc' is respeot- nlly solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, June 2C, 1877. There is no manufacturer ofPianoa and -Organs in thia or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Beatty. From every Hiuteand Ter. Titory comes the biudp verdict. "They are the best in the world " illustrated Advertiser, <CataInpn< Edition) free. Address DANlEl, K. BEATTY, WashingUn, New .ieisey. I r- m ct n J8&&

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