Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1877, p. 4

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1.1 ***, ^ ^AV-i" RsessS4iasB ^*pis :l .Jr'l jm;-.-;. ! s. ! *J. m& IT: ffiP** ;i mil* - * IS 5 U" .1 ^ :I I i 9H ft- THE FREE PRESS, AGTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., NOVEMBER 1S77. FALIiJ 1877. SON & Co, .AlOTQIN". muui nutans In presenting our regular -half-yearly Circular to tlie Bublic we have again to return thanks to our numerous customers and the general public for the very large share of business extended to us, and in doing so we can only assure them that no effort on our part will be spared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore it will be our constant aim to advance their interests as far as lies in our power, and at all times endeavor to show as large and complete a Stock as can possibly be found in oue eslai>lishdent. Feeling assured that the bountiful harvest of the past season with a rea-: sonable prqsjijict of fuir average prices for all kinds of farm produce, will cause a great re ntal in tralio* my have purchased this season a larger stock :than in any previous year, and having done so njth'a knowledge of the wants aud tastes of our ^^ustomers, we feel assured we shall liot be disappointed iu finding,ready demand therefor. As heretofore our stock comprises 0 * 0 Of all kinds, -ISllUfiery and Miliinory Goods of all Mads, Boots and Shoes in immense variety, Heady-made Clothing, Groceries, etc. . -As'tS prices we are determined not to be undersold by nuy one either in Acton or outside. We manage our business at the least possible expense and will seM-at all times at the lowest possible prices. "We extend a cordial invitation to examine our new Stock, which we trust will in style, variety and good value, compare more than favorably with any house of the kind in the trade. In the fall of the year no one requires a line of credit ai money is then more plentiful than at any other season of the year, besides our experience teaches ub it is in all cases infinitely better to pay as you go. Our motto heretofore has been CASH -A-HSTID SHyL^ILiIj PEOFITS, .! And we are determined to adhere firmly to the principle. We fihd it impossible to enumerate a\\ lines of Goods in stocky but will re%r to some. '*> ' We show all the latest novelties in colors, styles, and makes. "We employ only experienced hands, whose constant aim will-be to suit tastes and re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. AYe charge no fancy prices for Millinery. The Ladies will please remember this. I ; We show an extensive stook of Indies' Maiitles nmd &Siawls, jj V^vz-kl Qnnarad cxmc\ TTn-rcs r\-P all ,l?-iTif1c!i. r*lr\c*c*Tr\ . r." Also Clouds, Wool Squares, and Furs of all kinds cheap. Also a large' stock of ; 6EHTS, YOUTHS AID BOYS' OVERCOATS In Ulsters, Red Hiver, Brown and Black Beavers, Men's Ready-made Suits coarse and fine, extra, value. Clothing made to order by experienced hands. r USEES' DBB8S ' :<&@@8 W^MMZMMWW ^Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. In Black Lustres we challenge all competition. Ask for the famous Tiger Brand Black Lustres. Win ceys, extra value. Flannels in grey, scarlet, white, check, orange, etc. Seejour line of Factory Check TTlannel at 25c per yard. HOES P From the heavy Stoga to the infant's shoe all [bought direct from the makers. No middle man's profit. Slock extra large and well selected. Five per cent off all purchases of five pairs at any one time.' -' FRESH TEAS AND .'GENERAL GROCERIES ,- -"" Regularly-to hand t Our Famous 50c TEA is used more extensively than any other Tea in.the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45c, Try ittnnd be convinced. Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps for Men and Boys, and a fine assortm^t of Fine Fur Caps, Grey and White Blankets, Grain Bags, Cotton "Warps, in fact almost everything found at any time in a general store. :, We most cordially request a continuance of patronage from those who have hitherto'favored us, and atrial from all who have not had pur Goods, feeling assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. We pay Cash for .good Dairy Butter,! or take in ex;- change for Goods. Our terms are cash or produce. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. Acton, October, 187J > ' ' W. STEWART CO NO"W SHOWIHGf vry Urg and wry choice assort* raent of Now Dry Goods FALL WEAR Bf Now Black and Colored Silks, Now French CtUhmtrei, New Ribbons and Ties, New Drew Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, OUB STOCK or Tweeds, Cloths, - net Overcoatings la y ohojoe and aheap. . W holi wry superior sod larga lOS f MEW IIANTUS AND MltilHERY, W. Stewart & Co GtlELPn. Ootokerlfi, 1877. THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as woU as tburemghout the Qounty, the Free Press is au invaluable Advertising- T > Oar Unpvaited Facilities for BxAcating.ail UnW rt BOOK AND JOB FEINTING Enable ub U tura out work equal to wiythlng doiu in ihe cities, .V SUBSCRIBE -^ FOE THE k-S. ^aTOjsrl FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Ye4r In Advance. BEATTyMno! ^^&aftss.^? saw 1 are the *X i n ion, uYuyr uiieen daW' tno^T", *yr funded-and froS,ic*llrl' wart inn snV wl Kl:}i*r& I- 1 Organ; boxed 3"tLiWi1,lffe?' otbn'Z3t* fore given. KoekmS.12? u *>*t3& now ready jto bb<2ja^2-= ** trade n gefcrai"- ' ppdgeB, Hall?. MhiUiSSnS ien*ri but t!ios Aotm dollars a-SS^flSJ ^ localitlee. Have noVrSS?? Writ* and see! p-SSl *** Ihoir .on. and di^lj S > -in need orpmngwdriFLiF? r*f"SSja. 'write to P aid fe-SgJt JNCSSS once. Aotr l thre^SS?1* J?5*S5 nffKE NOTICE* '.:"( At THB ACTQSf Will b foand a qojjj ti|j ^ REASONED LUMfiB? "" loci Comprising inch, 1} ant dressed and nniimhsj! good' stock. Sashf , Doors, *' rMouIdingi! Battem, &c., r "' 2t{Uuia&cicwed m tin i., / TH08:IBBAQE,?r*. ?^AtOD, Arig 21, rt<f. '; Mt POST OFFICE Wm iOar stock oomprlBes thd best grades ~i ' Old Governaaentjjava, X*guayr% " " ilaracaibo, and Rio, . Boastsd and ground, daily,-on the premiers, thos retaining all the natural aroma .and flT*r of the &"'" . : - < r-. - ooooas ajto osnobz.A7ss. Taylor'* Cocoa-and Chocolate, " Bpp'f Honweopathic Coooa, Menier's Ghooolatea. STT&Aas. _ Refined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf. Dry Crushed; Qmnulated, Extra. Ground, Jxtra<V Itogltah Kafinad-^dl gradaa, - Bemerara, Porto Koo, Amtor, SaaQ7-ani Stouiaid -SyrupB. .-* \-.L- TOBAOaOES- Chewing, 5n>oking> Cigars. California Salmon. Portlandl^jiyma- : ; French Sardines, Cove Oj " Fresh MactereL Tha subscriber hating again gone into the grocery bosin timate (hat he has always a fall line of goodp usually Sept in grocery' houses, fresh, and, of the beat guality,\such a^ ' TEAS. . " Plackb ~ - Finest English Breakfast Conguo, ; SbSichong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe. GB.EEXS ' Moyune uuhpowders, : - Silver Leaf (Gunpowders, ; Moyune Young Hysons ; ; Unoolored JapanB," Imperials, Twankaye Our teas are all selected for their inparior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. * i 4 Cured Sams aadBacoa 1 andSutts^ Otsasi Snmett's- Ertracta5 * The Final Qpodg MnpnfaBftjtA f- Soap3 Cf sol Pickles and p' Crosse 4 Blackrwsli'B, Wx&i Chowohow, iMocalilli -: Unshroom Ca^snp. Jobii Lea <t Parrinls iv^rch Tomato Catsup. Favorite do*! As . Yorkshire Esllsb, Kren4h "* ^AaaTAOBOUS .Wrw- Carolina itlce- Arracan 1 tearl Sago, Rio Taplo Pearl Barley, Com I DSSSZSTFSUIW Coriarits. Valen'eia Oii Messina L,emon, Pirn - Tunis Dates, Bardeatt' .Filberts, Aipiopils., - ' AwiWwot, 'Wlno, Bodmjajrrf >: -Ceam, Lemofi, BottsrJBostf" r- Grahamr7ster-craeker<r- New yorkGlnariinta.t- Uttser Snaps, -l-jtv*^f Caztdlea and8waetmeatltHH -: Cncesp, Butter, Egs, Hos*j . csoossstf..' China Beta. White Stone.8ta.^ Flgnred Stow Beta. 0^ Tea Plate*/Bol,jJ<- And a rail Horn at "*" Ufll Pans, Cream Cmem_mr.t ^^ Butter crocks, JB5' E3i Su SolUng at the mattaftc^uraire T^T";' -aiAss^AiadTi "" Tumblers, Ooblets, r - Lamp*, LamP^iJfMft.i: Qlas,FIate8, Qlssf S% r FraltJars,4e . .. IV. , Wall Sapers ajaA/W^aflflr In ereat.vorlety^B**^ msos: Tub?, Palls, Brooms, i : Wire and Wooden B<*sj- atent Medicines, -._ i)ye 8tuns. I :. T Ropee, Piiirs,rallel., Bpeetaoli VUUXTS^-SSZSO, Valencia Uaisinai Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, . ' Sultanas, Seedless, yoetiiza Currants, Blaak Patrasdo. in ,cases^ selected Do. do. in bMs., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods ace the finest' e?> ported OAXUtiES" TSSBSn and ysija- I TABLSS. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, finaapples, Strawberries^ Stteootash, Green Peas, . Com. Beans, Tomatoes. Oysters Besides sian#-other articles in season, not hpre mention.ed jji^Cheap for Cash or Trade. '[' j JAMES MATTHE - Acton, June, 1877. '.-._x . ' OoijTeyauoer, Com. i^ $ 3B,, Issuer.^f , Maxn8p: Insurance Agent, &o. , VS>Jlp'Str1i Fancy m Boneless^od^h, fleWJ* OvsWrs In can and oal|t-r :-.V-:',L^

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