Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1877, p. 2

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C\!i%tri ^^^^^^^^K S ? : IH ;. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, OOT., NOYEMBER 8; 187T, pHE .VI ION FKEli IMtESH Pa'.ilisltcd Serf Th.irtd:iy -MWnhiK. J _H. U UHvlXi:. Proprietor. $1 Per Armunv t.C. Advance r? 30 IFtfess Sow ,8, 1S77. l:>;.i % m 'Sr- ___Tho great bugbear of this comity Inxomes ifinfiillv apparent at this time of The year.. Wo have so frequently tried to enlist the interest of our .pabHc-T.wn-ni'ti-jin.!; to form some set-erne whereby the roads might be improved, thut wc^iro beginning to believe that the chances are against us. People binu> so fa miliarised to plodding through mini, mid over roiigli apologies for roads, that tfcw fail to appreciate the very s;reat. disadvantages under which tlir-v,4-al>or, ainl W nil interest-in trying to have any improvement eflVetvd.* Aprw'aranfes would indi cate that this is about the state of things existing in Halton county. It is not for the hick' ot means, that" c*f rends- are so bud, but mainly- for- the the lark of uni- ted'oncr^v and public spirit, on the part o* those who should take iv pride inputting themselves in a position in .this rew[xect eaimlly :vs-gc<>'.n3' their- nergii'n'ors in ad joining districts. Ere ion - -the ciuuicirciL elections will be coining on, and there is no "subject which oaqht to enlist the interest of the electors of more importance than this .matter- of- good roods.' It should be niade-a: test qurstronr n't - '.he polls. *-'^ in' Mi- imsm. Our neighbors in Wellington County are full of agitation over the prospect ni voting very soon on the Punkin'-Act "By-lain-. Meetings are be ing held daily and nightly, in-every fectieii of the couair, am:-' the subject is being discussed on both sides with tie utmost vigor. Tlie newspapers teem with corresp-T.dcnce and editorials on the subject, so that the merits and demerits of the Act are pretty thorough, ly discussed in all their various hues. BorS the liquor interest and tht teraper- X Shower of Flsli. A correspondent of. the London /V<v Prt&s; senda'an accountof the tin-ling of a quantity of frcKh fish on dry hind In the 4th concession of Harwich. Tlio writer who ia >* school teacher says :: " Iluving.dia- utissed tho children for the day, I was returning to my boarding place, when with ii tiiilo glance I discover ed something in tho grass. At first I thought it was somo spocies of. rattlesnake: biit upon moio careful scrutiny, I found it- was a tine, firm, fresh fish, of tho piekorel species, and picked it up, whilo wondering whence it canto. My astonishment was increased, how ever, wJien stepping on a few yards further I found another equally good. A few steps further, ami 'ono more, and then I thought I outfit to return to- tho school room .for some pnper in which to wrap theiu. On entering tho roonr I s. iz.d one of tlio |\ailsv and pro ceeded to collect the .fish. When I had more than half filled the pail, I siw a man in tho distance carry ing som'" tish, and, supposing tho mystery was about to be solved, I watted' hHs appronchV I' dfopp-ul tho pail and felt somewhat guilty for having appropriated tho tish, till relieved by his - assuring mo that bo had guthered'itpalso those he had in the same way, and that lie hid just been culling tho largest _of them. He observed, " Those are as good and fresh as naone.y could buy." I filled the pail, not only to the 'brim, but up the wholo height of the hnndle, nnd having depesited my heavy burden, nntur- ^lly.ia the furrn houso-whero I "board, T returned to collect the- re mainder. When I hud finished my task, I assure you, that, I felt fatigued. The work had occupied half en hour. This fall offish tx- tended about threo quarters of & iiIo. On tho same evening ono of -the Btuuii waa sent for tho cowa to a field abont half a mile frora-ruy boarding place She also returned laden with fish thut-she. had picked up in a similar way. . Thi9 girl re ported that Bhe had" lefc others be hind her, which-she could not con veniently carrj: to the house. The tady with her maids prepared the fish the same evening for drying or smoking, and they were subjected to this process next day. Tho cir cumstance, you "will adorit, is \iniqne, apart from its-strange Bur- 5 id Shc^ Wnut to Herself. . Drown KXTRAOR*>U<'AHY CONlHUri' WINUSOK OIHL. OK Willium l-'orbes is tho namo of tit* stout, good <Mtorod man who nightly pulls n Btuytlyj oar in. his business of night for'ryinan betweon Windsor- wid Detroit, umlhe lius scon Bonie quoor scones,-- aroS" wild' ones, .wlnle on duty; Among.the most singular affairs in tho history of his night ferry' happened-on 'fhnt=ody night, when about half-past cloven o'clock a young lady of Windsor Btoppod into Billy's boat at tho foot of Woodward avenue, Detroit. Sho was the only passenger, attar' hulE im hour's waiting. Mid the Buiull craft was headed towards liur Majesty's dominions. When about half-way ncroBS the river the young ludy, who hud been chatting sunsibly and agreeably, suddenly remarked : " Do you know, what 1'vo a great mind to do V and when Forbes replied that he had not the slightest idea, sho 'continued, " I've a notion to jump into the rivers" following the re mark with a merry laugh. The ferryman jokingly sii'd : " Oh, vea !. You've got threo notior.s. 'One to jump in the river and two to stay in tho bout." 'Die conver sation" had been in a purely joking inanuor, and Forbes had no moro hiei that his fair passenger thought of-'taking a midnight bath ^ than that his boat would take a noctur nal flight in tho clouds. No sooner had ho given his last reply than the girl arose, and with " Hero goes the first notion," jump ed overboard. William is ordin arily a very self possessed j>erson., and as ho expressed it, seldom gets " rattled." But ot> this occasion ho was fairly paralyzed with as tonishment, and only awoke to a full realization of the situation when he saw tho floating female gradually drifting awuy from him, without, making the least effort, to help herself. The girl's skirts pre vented her from sinking immediate ly, and gavo Forbes a chanoo to put his boat about and rovr to- her rescue. With the same singular nonchalance, the girl was perfectly passive when Forbes caught hold of and lifted her back into the boat, and, after being again in safety, The GiielplvAbtliiotrcBS. j N-EVV-'A'D.VKRTfSEVENTS. This is what Louisa Sturdy said when alio was taken to Kingston, After receiving her Bcntoneo she broke completely, down, and, in qoiivcrmtion with a" fi-iund who wont to boo liur. fiaid.:---"I never thought, it would conio to what it 1iaB ; I knew there novel- would bo any peace in tho houso until father |_gol Misa Can'; wo all likod liei'for his sake, and no I tried my beat to get her for him, never giving u thought to etiino or punishment, for fnther never intended to hurt her. Wo were all willing to wait upon her if wo could only get her in tho house, and wuuld have treated her like a ludy all her life for father's sako, for ho had at that time plenty to live on. Kven tho little ones would clap their hands when they heard Annie's namo. rpEAUHEK WANTE1J. Femnlo: Teacher, \ for JS. S. No. A Estjuoaing, for [-1878. . Testimonial* wanted. Apply stating salary, to W. it, Orant, Hciirvtary, Kaqltuaill^ 1*. O. T|tAR|II FOIt KALE. X'ho Biihweriber ofTcrs for salo his Farm, boiug tho north-ooat half of lot !2(J. ill tho lid eon. of'tho township of Krtipiosiugr coinprint-ilg-100 acrcii, nd; joining tlio corporatcd villnge of Acton. There is a good log house .r>0x2(J, and frame kitchen, both lathed and plaster ed ; a lrnnio bnrn 4(ixf>l ; stono milk- house, and a thriving orchard. Tho farm is "well watered, 80 acres cleared and in n good state of cultivation. Campaign Opened I pon. 1878; WESTERN ADVERTISER Titlo good apply to further particulars JAMKS HELL,. On the promises; Kaquusing, Nov. 7, 1877 19-lm- ince interest are well organized and ... , , , itroasly represented for the campaign. ! tb,D3 J fcno^. that they were sent; Thi voting,, we- hdieve, cenimences neir the end yt this mouth. Seeing utterly refused to offer any expla roiincijngs. As to whether these i nation as to. her strange leapr at now famous fishes fell six feet or the same time promising to. behave si.-t thousand, I- know not. One herself whilo in the boat. She kept her promise, and when that the agitation is so general throuch- cut all T^irts of 'the 'C-'icnty, ami thar t.lie veoole are neee=-'darily vrakened up t*> the ntrce^sity of taking ti liv^K- in terest in the matter, there can-be-no (iios:ion but there will 1>^ a very lans; Sf>te polleib Tlie probabilities appear so far to bu largely in favor of the pas sing ofthe By-law in .the County. .1 mm : - The price of wheat remains ^without much fluctuation, at a fuir average- figure. The chances are that it will not be- any higher for Borne time to comeist all overrta. 3finers and produce buyers appear to be receiving as. truch as truey reqnire, and are not disijos.^d -to lay in large stocks at the presont prices. Kurcaeva who sell early in the season-are usuully en the safest aide. ' -^The death of the Hon. Chief ^irstice Draper occurred in Toronto hast Saturday raorning. The de- c*:Hited had b-in in a lo^w condition for sotik; time pastrand his demise wus hourly : expested. Though Chief-'Jot-ie8 Draper had-long been withdrawn from politu-'-t, tlie promi nent part he took in p.tiblie aSiire at a- stirring ptriod of Canadian history wit] cause his name to be lonj; remembered in orrr annals. There are some twenly-fire ^constituencies ^Weh have sent Re form representatives to the House of Commons with majorities Under a hundred. Fi!'y vote's in t-;ich constituency would change twent)-- rivc seats. Twenty-five seats would Fifty on- the Govern Si: i. count fifty oh a division. h division would uiiie meat. If on. Mr. Thibaudeati having retired from the representation of Quebec Fist, an active canvass for _ilr. -L-r.jrrer is oin^ on. Q/iebec Eist la- a strong Liberal coustLfu- .ency.und returned -M!r. Tuibaudeau by acclamation in 1374. Speaking of the late meeting of tlie Minnfactireii' Association, the Journal of Commerce says: N.yihing i ni'/ro extraordinary, than the way in which Protection is discussed in Ouiad.i. It is al most invariably treated as a ques tion outside of ^nerul polities, and, us ft matter of fact,.what is styled the Liberal party includes many Protectionists, whilo the Conserva tive party numbers in its rankB many Free-tr mIoi-.h. The Associa tion of Manuf ictiirers goes strong ly a duty on coal and, bread stuffs, but it.must not be forgotten that Sir John Macdonald's govern ment was compelled by its own Conservative supporters to nbandon those duties. There can be no .doubt that the real question before the country is the policy of Prbtec- 'tion, but it BiH'iuB very doubtful _ whether the general election will nevertheless true, not Uira.-6u o'-her issues. I cuvy. tered for a distance oFabout three- quarters of a mile, and! that at least to my knowledge, three per sons gathered them: * A-" Model" Schooi. Board Tn the suburbs of Louden, the Forest City, is a place called London East. -.For some time past certain mem bers of the school Board resolved to have one Mrs. White, a teacher, dismissed. Alt & late meeting of .the Ifcoard Mc-s.- White ask-cd to bo allowed to address the assembled wisdom, and permission- wajs grant ed. Mrs. White, who was loudly- applauded, began by Stating that the allegation that her school -was not in so good a condition thia-year as- last, was not in accordance with the facts, as any one could see w4io compared the exercises of the chil dren now with what they were sine-tim^ siTjces fche' left Forbes at the Windsor landing, shaking and chattering with cold, Bhe said : '* It's all right, Mr. Forbes, but he careful how tou accuse a woman of having notions." And Billy says' ha will be carefalin the future.. ' When you detect tho clove in the breath look out for the cloven, foot. -----David Smith, the Cistleton abortionist, has been, sentenced to be hanged on the 19th of Decem ber. ,' John SheeEan, connected with the Hackett murder, received a_ severe thrashing from a revengeful young Orangeman lately. . Snow foil pretty generally over tb'e-rreslern portion of the Province- on Monday. A-bonf a> foot of snow She" had' letters J&U in TeeBwater.. Tho" fvfst full of snow tells us that winter i alm-ost hero again. It has sot business men rubbing their hands and rnnking- ready for a revival; of trade. Ab long as there is line weather people will not buy winter goodR, but as- soon as the'cold weather begins to make itst'lf felt and tho snow puts in an appearance trade begins to brighten. This is tho reason why; when so many people are regretting that tho warni days have gonb so soon, business men look happy and Like a wild delight in watching the ther mometer 'dropping-down four or five degrees every other day. Tliero is n new sect in Russia called the " Purifiers," belonging to the Greek Church. Their lead ing doctrines'aro that all must marry on coming of age, that the husband must be subordinate to the wife and recognize her as tho head of the family, and that once a week ho must eoufeas his sins to his wife. Sunday morning the Bruce Agricultural in Tenswator wore totally destroyed by fire. Messrs. Frasor & Gillie's loss will be about $20,000, on which there in an insurance of $4,000. By great efforts tho adjoining buildings were saved, though they were on firo. several times. The origin of the firo is unknown. lThe results of the past few- years have effectually done away with tho fear sometimes expressed that so many apples would be raised, that it would become un profitable. Notwithstanding the immense crop last year in nearly all the other States except Maine, it was readily /disposed of, large quantities having'been shipped to England (opening, a market which will require larg*} quantities- every year), and in the spring prices were ranging from 84 to $5 per barrel. Farmers need have no fear of rais ing too many apples. Tho more they are raised the greater the de mand-is tov iheuy. Letcitton Jour nal. TTJEICKSIIIItE HOAR. [ _ , , , , The uudcrtignoil lias a puro bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on his promises, in Acton. Terms $1 cash. J. D, BURNS. Acton, Nov.. 1, 1877.. I8-2m T WO RAM LAMBS'for Salei- two Tho subscriber offers for Bale wolhbretl LEICESTER RAM. LAMBS, $10 A I'lECE. ' -For particulars apply,to T. DOCK KAY, 4 Lot No. 12, Town-line, Erin. f Oct. 2% 1877. 18-4 jprnLH' SCHOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. In accordance -with the Statute,-and the (ieneral Regulations, the .Semi-an nual Examination of CaiirlMatos for Public School Teachers' Second Class Certificates will bo held (L).V.) in tho . Town Hall, Milton, Commencing on , Monday, the lTtk'Dcc'r, 1877, At 1.30 p. in. Forms of the notice, to he previously given by the Candidates can he obtain ed on application to the County In spector. It is indispcnsablo that Candidates should . notify tho -undersigned . not LATER THAN TIIK lOTII NoVElIBErr of , their intention to present themselves for Examination, Bach notice to be accompanied by the Certificates of character, ability, and experience in teaching, required, by the Regulations. . : R. LITTLE. P. S. Inspector, Co. Halto'n. Acton, 2Gth October. 1877." & WEEKLY LIBERAL. Iteilucrcl Price-Premium to every 1 HulMcrlbcr Harvenl for AgrnH, Tho Fifteenth Annual Campaign of the- Wtxta-ii Advtrliirr and' Wertp l/rbrral is now- under full headway. Hundreds of now names are pouring.m fr^m all parts of Canada. We want fl.OOO now subscribers during. tlu> can- va'sB. , Plenty of room for 1,000 more agents. Our torms to agents, and in ducements to subscribers will ho found in! advance of anything yet offered. j , KIM. oi- FAKE. " Y 1 EoHtgoriorat nownpapor In Canftaa. . ST ttalaiico ot year free to nowsufcscrl- txtrs. - 8-Splcndld Kngra-rtiie to ovory sub- ficrlhrr, ,_ , ., 4 Afjncuttural Department by \V. X . Clarke. D , 5 Best In Can- V^Ladles1 "Fashion and Kitchen" coli nmn. 7 MuhIc, nicturei*, cbe^ft, humor, eto: B-Full hasoball, sporting and orlefcot news. It Complete Temporanco Record. lO'-Bellable and copious MarKot Ro^- ports. 4'ERHS FOB 1378^-$1 CO, wltli-eernv- n&, LantUoer'K '8anctuary," 3G.XZ0 nctios. fl.60 without engraving. Post- no "preuald. IT3T Liberal torms to agents. For free niple copies, orlnstrnctlouB to agents, nadrcss JOHN CAMERON & CO., Adrcrtinrr Office, Loudon, Out. 1 SILKS AND DRESS TO- BUSINESS JBEN. you want Ulllheiuls. Statements, Lct- tcrdieniis, EnvclopoH, Mercantile' Pilnt- lii'ir, or any kind, done In business styler send your ordors to the Free'Press olllcn. Satisfaction guaranteed; Immense Sales of AT/' THE FASHIONABLE WEST END i . " GTJEEPH. "XSOLVEXT A T OF 1875. IX THE MATTER OF Mary McNair, A.N INSOLVENT. from the parents f all her pupils in her favor except Messrs. Plumb, ilunter arr/ri Clarke.- She then stated that her real object in ap pearing before the board was that, until such time as her teaching term is up, she might have protec tion by the Board from her chair man. One afternoon Mr. Giles, chairman of the Board, walked into her room, smolling Btrongly of liquor she would not say he was drunk, a Mr. Giles had said to others. She made this explanation because she did not believe that had he been in his sober Benses he woukr.have acted as he did. She hud just culled up the reading class, ftul he walked up to the platform and said, " I want to speak to the children." She replied, "Very. well, Mr. Giles." Mr. Gilr* then said, " Children, your teacher has "been telling a lot of lies to the newspapers." She replied that if Mr. Giles wished to speak to the children he must speak respectfully. Ho replied, "Shut np, I am in command here ! I am chairman of the School 'Board.!". She treated Mr. Gile.s respectfully ; but it was ; the most she could do to keep four small boys from turning him out." A Stkan'ce Fact. On the 14th Spptembtfr last a ewe belonging to John Henderson, of Nassagaweya, was^niissed -from the flock, and it was supposed that she had been stolen-cr strayed away. On Mon day last James Henderson, in paKsing along tho stable, noticed imder the sill the nose of a pheep. On taking off a board, the, lost ewe was found in an exhausted condi tion, having been reduced to a mere skeleton. Nourishing food was given her, and she is now in a fair way of1 regaining her wonted strength. It appears that she had crushed under the stable for shelter during the hot weather, and had g it so far in that she could not re turn, and consequently remained without food'or water for a period of over six weeks. This is certain ly.-a most extraordinary ease,,but Queljjh Mcr- Among the children exhibited at the baby show; in Boston was a girl four and a half weeke old,, and weighing oner pound and' a' half. She was apparently in good health. Some years since the fashion able styles in ladies' dresses re- 'minded? un of aa umbrella hoisted. Now they remind us of an-umbrella- let down and bnttoned.- T?ho annual mseting of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars .will be held in London on Tuesday, . the 27th inat, Mr. E. B. Reed is Grand Worthy Chief. A poor, colorerj man in Rus sell County, Georgia, apnTied at tlie Clerk's office for "some marrying papers," saying that ^eond-huiid pers wouiil :o just as 11 if he could get them at half price. If the earth sh mid be sudden ly stopped in Us orbit, a degree of heat would be evolved which would- furnish motive power for 35,000; locomotives going -at the rate of two miles a minute for 4,000 years. The ScnflkJt American Journal says: It is understood that the Hon. Gebrgo and Mr. Gordon Brown have secured the entire con trol of the Toronto Globe, and that they intend to form a joint stock company, with a capital of 500,.- 000. Large gangs of men are being sent to the shanties in the Ottawa district,, indicating that the maks of timber and saw-logs 'will.ire much larger this winter than usual. This appears to be caused by the prevail ing feeling that the trade will be' much brisker next spring than, it has been for the past few years. The New England States and the Ottawa Valley were visited by at very distinct shock of earthqunke early on - Sunday morning. Re ports from the Upper Ottawa in dicate that tho shock in that sec tion was of much greater severity than elsewhere. Considerable alarm was occasioned, hut no damage of serious importance is reported. Reformatories Tor Woracnt Chief Justice Harrison called the attention of tho Grand Jury at the London Assizes to the fact that no provision is mado in tho Dominion for a reformatory for women. He rogarded this a defect which should be remedied. It may bu mentioned that at Indianapolis, Indiana, the female reformatories have been in the hands of women for the last four years,. And tho results have been bo good that-there is no dis position to change again. All the female prisoners in the.State prison were transferred .to the new insti tution, and out of ninety-five in- matea discharged during four yoars, ^it two have been sentenced for subsequent offences. They are looked after in the institution, and when- they leave it, for tho ladies are-enthusiasts and da not perform their duties in a coldly perfunctory man-ner. In this department of charity much remains to bed one with us. It is likely that the re marks, of the Chief Justice will at tract the attention of the press, aud that at last government will take some steps to repair an evident defect. : GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE> A Nure Belief for (be Huu*er<T. ' PELPABEI/JBT- .. SETH W. FOWUE & SONS, 86 UABR1S05 ATE5rr nosroK, mass. , 600 to 700 Yards SELIJNGr pAEfcfc '- V I. ^1 "We are BSowihg, without exception,-the Largest,. Most- Attractive and Cheapo GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE,- 1s a Vegetable Preparatlonr invented In the 17th century by Dr.W^ll-- llim Orace, Surgeon In Klnn James': af-my. Through Its agency he, cured' .oosnnds of the most serious'sores and Wounds that baffled tba skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and Was regarded by all who knew him as a pub- lb benefactor. FIUCE 25 CENTS A BOX. A<:T0N MAUKKTH. " S3 00 to 3 00 1 12 to 1 15 0 70 to 1 05 0 75 to I- 00 0 4~> to 0 55 Flour . ., .... ., JPall. Wheat, new.. .Spring Wheat, new Sprouted Spring. Wheat Barley Oats ..-. ., .; Peas ... Butter....... Eggs.. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, early, per bap . . 0 30 to 0 35 0 GO toO 65 0 17 toO 18 0 12.toO' 00 0 60 to 0 70 0 50 to 0 75 ^rrs' Col.'OA. GlIATBFUL AND COM- FOKT1HO. "By a thorough knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, anuTby a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps haB provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' hills. It is'by the.judi'cious UBeof such articles of diet that a Constitution may begradually built upnntfl strnngenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are'floa,ting around ub ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We niayescape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Errs S; Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 1.70, Piccadilly, London." kVRHAlI BULLS for SALE. The undersigned has for sale one earling Bull. and.two 2-year-6ld ulls. All thoroughbred. AIfo Beveral Leicester Ram Lambs. C. S. SMITH. Acton, Nov., 1877. Xotico ia hereby givon that by virtue of the power vested in me by said Act, as Assignee of said estate, I will offer for salo by Public Auction, on the premises, in the ; Village of Actonj On Friday. IGtli of jYoYCDilier, At one o'clock p.m.. All the estate, right, title and interest of the -Jnsolvent, and of myself as As signee, in and to the following parcel of land and premises, consisting of Village Lot-number nhifc=ln Block, number two, in;thu Yillage'of Acton aforesai(1> upon which tlrcrc is erected a large ami corn- modi cms 4 Brick Dwelling" HouBe and. ; Merchant Shop, With large and commodious cellarage, built of stone, with hard and Boft water. The building is new, and well finished throughout, with marfsard roof.- Thjs is well worthy the attention of any one intending mercantile business. Tho village'is growing rapidly and in a good fanning community, distant from Cuelph 16 miles, Miltow 12 and George town 8 with several manufactuniing establishments therein. The property- wrll he sold subject to a mortgage to the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society for twelve hundred dollars, nine yiars to run from the 1st December, 187i, and ir*trest from 1st December, 1876. Conditions made known on day of sale. At tho same time and place an eight- day Clock and Lady's Sterling Gold Watch, - W. ALLiA'N, Assignee, Acton, Oct. 25, 1877. 18-3t XTEMLOCK BARKi I hereby give notice that I do not now buy Hemlock Bark, as I have a full supply on hand. . . G. L; BEAEDMORE. Acton Tannery, Oct. 15, 1877. CUACE'S CELEBR1TED SALVE ( CLTRES Fi.F.srr wounds, frozt-.n . r.rMns, SAI>5 IB1IEUM, C-ir.ILBI.jA.ISS, SORE BltEA'ST,- ! SORE I.IFS. EUYSIPEI.AS, KIXG- I lVOIlM.SjCALt.tiSES.srAI.D HEAD | CHArTED HANDS, HCK>'S, CrtSCeits, FE1/>XS, SCALDS S >RKS, ULCERS, WOUNDM, BTrKGS, siriKGi.rcs, FjF.STKR-S WENS, STIES, I^ILES ABCESS, FRECKLES, BUNIONS, SPRAINS, BOILS, I1ITE", CUTS WUIJTLOWS WAKTS, BI.rSTF.nS, , TAX 1'IMPI.ES,.; rc'BXR, ' SCI-RVY, ITCH, lSCROTl>G NAII.S, NETTLE TtASET, i MOSQUITO A2CD FLEA I1ITES, SPIDEB . STINGS, i. And aH-cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, I For sale by all drugglsts.'gToeers, and n,tall counfystoresthrou^liout the Uni ted States and British Provinces. Prle liy mail 30 cents. STOCK of SILKS ANB DKESrSQ0FS Ever shown ia-tiis town;. Ladies visiting' GfnelpH gnd baying Press Goods, Snka/YtliKte&t,,. Taantles; ibfillinery, Furs, etc.,-without first Beeing our imn^ean-r" and beautiful stock, do themselves a great injustice. tf good*. w DVTED. Ijulics and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Tlperating for tiflices opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. ~Address Manager, Box 955, Toronto. Ladies, come direct to the Sashirmble West End, the leading hoa for Silks, Dress Goods,.JUantle8 and J/illinerj: Fall slock of"fohiaa- able Trimmings, Buttons-;.Fringes, etc.," to match-"ill our materia]s. a ; A. 6. BUCHAM. Hashlonafcle West Eod DresBj.Mflllnery and 3<antlK*tatiU*MB% Pu'elph, Oct. 24,187?^- .7* - ' . ^ | V ' . ' F IVE CENTS AGAIN. BATTYy8 -i GASH FOR SKINS. We are prepared to pay tha highest cash price west of JCoronto^or' all classes of . Sliccpsfcins and Calfskins in good condition delivered at our tannery. We wish-it to be distinctly understood that we pay the Higiiest Price ifor siich. Farmers will study their inter ests by bringing their skius to us, in stead of selling them to Middlemen and Peddlera.; STOREY, Af OOBJE & CO. Persons leaving skins at the factory of W. H. Storey & Co. will also re ceive the highest price for them. PHiJTOiiRAPHKRS should for- ward me their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- ington, New Jersey. rfOEEGE LEVENS, Barber and Hairdresser,* adjoining Secord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair switches and oom'bings prepared to order. ] - '.' ANT> WAGGONS. Kow ib-the time to- leave yoiir order At J. Ryder's Factory for a ' Stylisli Bugisy or Serviceable Waggon. I ;am making up a large stock for the present seasoa, from the best mate'rial.. Cull andeSce our Handsome Buggies Now is- n good time to secure bargains. ' "Strict attention given to.; Horso-Shoeing &.GeneralBlaek- smltl{faiifj^ O^AMES RYDER. I Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. V ! u SIGN PAINTERS wanted in - _.____ - -------------------- every sec tion or the United Htates and Provinces tonnswer this advertisement. Address DASIEL F. BEATTV, WahlnEton, jvew Jersey. can buy first-olasB Punos and Organs cheaper of DAN- IEL F. -BEATTY, Washing. _ to:i, New 'Jersey, than any other manufacturer in the United States. Why? Because he sells only for cash, takes no riskstind haB no book accounts. Every instru ment is fully warranted for six.years as strictly first class, and are sent, on from 5 to 15 days' test trial, rnoney refunded and freight paid both ways by him if they are usatia- factory. Send for Illustrated Ad i-ERTisKE (Catalogue Edition) and read testimonials from his patrons, some of whom you may know. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- ngfon, New Jerseyv On and after the 1st of November, MILK will be sold at the following rates : Per Quart, &jDerits; Per Pint, 2i Cents; New Imperial Measure, Zl Quart Ticlets for One DyUcrr 21 Pmf Ttclitts for Fiff>j Cents. "In advance. " P. S. ARMSTRONG. Aton, Oct- IS; 1877. ,/ PIANOS, S^ cioseT.. | . 4 OffCANS. t^W" y BEATjTY'S PIANO & PARLOR ORGAN I ISfSTRlJCTOR. AND as the most teauUful lUn^. est toned Pianos evrr gi^wrltolfc. text' WASHINGTON, best'lntiBwrttf! NEW jeRSETiBeaiiTY^rirtwW manutaeturer challenged to erjpil tbfa. They possess power, dsptti, bririWMy arid sympathetic deltcaer, oioMutr ' beautifully solo etreu,.kt> thWT*S>F action evei iarented that easjel b* & - &rrBrjged By ose. The. bellbw*jrliy t so great that bat littto eto Jm*6^ ed wlto the feet -to: gtipplv'ali lJ* ,' necetsary. Best ronde and mow ht* . - cases In the market. All oBa-.wtwj- ornamenti. Ewn lnrtnrmeirtaHywy- ranted for six years as itrJetl7fio- and sent on from Stafi Aj>M**ii- Address D1ME1 F. SEATTT, ton; New Jersey.______- : Containing the elements vt moslo. wltk easyanu progressive exercises to perfect the -player 1b the art of mtutlo (either piano or orgar.). to wbleh It added over sixty Waluei, Folkas, Marctres. Galops. Operatio Melodies, Dances, etc,, by Dan iel P. Beatty. Wasblnprton, Maw Jersey, one of the belt works ot Us klodj^W in troduced, and should be In the nand\ of every planeasdorgan player. Sent polra- pald to any paxt el the United States or Canada Toi only fifty cents- the price having been rednced to Introduce It everywhere. Address DANIEL. T~ HEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. milE ONTARIO SDBLERT, Is the plaee to get the best HarnBs lor the least money, Owiripr to Hard Times, Prices have been Reduced. All Orders left with, mt trill'receive t careful atisniion. - - COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know their horses cannot work with sore necks, throw off the old collars am* get a new pair that will give entire satisfaction! The place to get them is at the ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous^ American Whips Just received and will be sold cheap '; for cashi \ -. ' - ' . . i H^pairrintf-Done 2?**Uly, Cheaply, and on'tht Shortest Notice. Rl CREECH. Actobj Aug. 21, I87T. piTSINESS PBOPEK' FOE sLa. ;j The undersfgned" offer* forj'"l **'- (desirable propaity sitmtedjjoa * ? street, now occupied; by &^ Ow* Cameron as * store anidwelSrif. ^* property is in first class coaaitw* with a good .cellar. -Tn# ,- For further pixticnhvzs apply t* kEssitsi W. DAELLNB *# i Or, W.H. STO: Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877 iREY.'Jtettjfc--- DEALEB 15 Groeeile*. Orortbry, ! C. Tv H MlllSirct. ACirH Boot! & S&,0tf> VTidi Faser, SfeHS, CrlMi/ P0*tT' . Liaaead 01^ . All of which win Hsoli jte ^ BOOTS and iflOBS - '_ Sailing off at eey*. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COS| Of CHvelasd, Oliio^ Canh Tor Bl^tt* icton, July 18, 187.6. r

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