Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1877, p. 3

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sjp BeojiisKV^jj^aBg W* iniiiliiiiirtiif fliMi-fti rri"' "T ay ^/ SB. s- END, ^ taMt I0PS "elVeftatt, We * i'--' I of fkwhion- |ibllateMirtv Fliio a, r&aa. Bgn*r*- |a<*la?* rfcxah* It In Mm, wwrl^. KB. *H7 h equal tbm. h, brtriauacy fc, rtqtfiattalr I liM-eary a*>p UraoC-;t>a <- . f R*i la air ly mil Ue air taaaaVeUc*** Willi f kentfnBjr ** - Uy flmt-ilaai, r |for Mle * * _ on Hate Mr. -Ck* n_iditJO a* ? ami 1>*G*C0. r, AeieA- I.L..L, roH, 9 ,:FBttfV -i';.h; ! I-Jew *" SHOBS )hiou Ittefct & THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HAl),TON ^OOTji^"ONT^NOYEMBiR 6, 18'77V, TABLfc. ** Tr /"UK Trin*^"ActopM follow.: - ooi:a|wXNT.- Toronto m. - f gipresi fait UH*d r,.n^n f.v<t. 1:04 .vm. t": 10 a.m. 1..17 p.m. ft. W p.m. 7:07 lvm. j|Ji mixed pyKxprw. Wartera mad landon united '^a.:Ss . m. '^lO.vnv 11:34 a,m. 5:? 10:10p.m. tMTicc in th NtiaSodUt Church rcry Ubbath evenlne at rudC-pas. *\x Vclock; n<l Holh'niornUiK anufevrn- Ihe OMt Sabbath of <neh Kkv. H. II on as, rastor. tnonva. ,wwiir ******** iRowi the \th pago of the Frke ( The bacWbont- of irinlcr Las len broken by vhc fall. The 2 2d of this _montu is a ioKday TharAi giving Day, Stop th&tjrougu bj using M<?- GMvin'i Poa't-cough-any-more. Rev. Dr. L>avidson, of Gtielph, will preach in the Baptist Chapel, next Sonday, at li ajn. and 6 p.m. -?-Tho'Tororiko Telegram svggeata a "Society For Tlio Better l^scortirig ofSingle Ladies To Lectutca." It looks ell in print. ^The ehort-horn breeders" have, ao* formsd a National AsiOciationv The object imdu toto to praise each ther'i cowa, Owing to the idrance in cruda fhtf pric of reined oil has been adf Tauced 3c per galloti. " Protractlad. Meetings" are till beitg held nightly in the Method. at church. Wq' are informed that nearly fifty persons have beea led to tee the error of their way, andr have Aad profeatkm of rcfonaation. wDl be delirered r A Lectart l>y Rt. Mr. Maciiee, ol Gnelph, in the Congregational Church, here, n^xt Monday evening the 19th inst. Sub ject : "The Life and Times of John Knox." Mr. George Stranger, of ^as- aaga-weya, was rttn over . yesterday in Gnelph, by a team of horses driven by Mr. J. C. .Chaiiwick. He was not though considerably briii*Dd. _' j .U adopting the envelop* ayatem of -".** Weekly offerings" for the payment of til* mifiitterrt salary- It is aaid to be preferable to tha svatem of quarterly payment*. At 3Ir. C. S. Smith's anction tile of iic.rc^h.Lred stoat list week, all that was advertised were sold at fair prices except three bulls and a few lambs. A number of buyers were here from a distance. Mr. Rutherford of the Ele- Jyhant elothing store, ha an extensive *tock of clotliingj and, like a sensible man, takes an exiellent rheth,c>d of let- ."fing the public ktiow it by advertising largely in the Filse Peess. . "Walking Costumes, made in length six inches from the ground, will be fashionable' the coming winter. T*i?ie* are tired bearing trains, .-repair- in^ skirt bottdriu,]and cleauing d%st and mnd that their, dress hai" swept from aide walks. The regular meeting of the School Board ahonld have ; been held Uat Monday evening, bnt as there was only three members present, no busi- neas was .transacted for want of a qnor- ttm. Messrs. .Moore, Snyder and Storey faifcad to pat in an appearance, for' what reason deponent sayeth not. . George Eotta rented Mr. Syd- ey Smith's, hop yard for the season. Last week he' shipped his hops to" Gnelph, gold them for cash, returned in the evening, packed np his dnda and scooted during the night.. He .had been running in debt all summer where- erer h\e Oould jjet credit, and lefi be hind him unsettled claims amounting = to about 300. j . r^Two little Erin boyBr aged re- pectfully five and eight. years,' got huffed at something at home, and took into their heads that they would go away to their uncle's atCuelph. They _j started o|f the; other day without tell-' ing any one of their intentions, and after walaufig about twelve miles,' and getting on the jwrong road, finallyTand- ed late at night in Erin Village, where they were found the following day.; M|ttrtr" rnrt. yi'hat part of Kassagaweya locally ttiown^ as "Sodom," has boon iu n fevorish *tAte of excitement during the past covlplo ot wooka over au assault case, in which two of its prominent reaidenters arv the chief actors. Mr.1 Uobcrt Muado keeps a small store and Mr. John Holliday keeps an unlicensed hotel or temperance house. Some months ago Xtoado ijavocortaiu.infor mation which led to the conviction of hia neighbor for selling liquor contrary to the atatutos in 8\\cl> cases mdo ivnd pwyidevl. He consequently drew upon himself the disrespect and ill-will of HollidayJand a few others, 4vhich tcml ed/to luako things generally disagree able. One evening, some ten days ago, Holliday and his two brothers came in front of Meade's premises, and, accord ing .to the. evideuce, used vilo. and. threatening language towards him. The following day Mr. Mcailo lougoil a com plaint before Arch. Campbell; .u\., J. P.,'who issued a warrant for the appre hension of the parties concerned on the charge of assault. The trial of tha caso was heard at Aguev's hotel, in this village, on Mon day, before Arch. Campbell and Wm, Allan, Esq's. The complainant had so- cured the services of a Giielph lawyer, and Mr._tMcGibbon, of Jdilton, appear ed for the defence. After testimony had been given by Mr. Mcailo and his wifo and < Mr. John McTaggart, the counsel for the defcuso contended that no case had been made out against his client, on the theory that it ww not shown that ho wont to Meade's prem ises with any malicious or iujurious in tent ; whilo admitting that certain lan guage'may have bceu used, -ho submit ted thatJ there ivaa no evidence to show that Holliday had any iiitoifion of committing any unlawful act, and on this ground asked for his dismissal. The other side, however, showed tho fallacy of this reasiiiing, and.quoted the law in the casoj, The magistrates airecd to inflict a tine of four dollars and costs upon John Holliday, dismiss ing the other parties. ^ jfAt tho Toquest of Mr." Meade [ who stafid. on oath that ho was in bodily fear, John Holliday was bound oter to keep the peace for tho space of .one year, under a penalty of 5500 in him self and two sureties in ?200 each. Another case from the same neigh borhood, concerning the malicious in jury to a well, was postponed till next Wednesday. I use McGarviu'a Worm Pow ders. What do-'you use ? Bargains going The people astonished at the immense piles of Cheap goods they have got at McLeod, Anderson t Co.'s, Georgetown. Ten' tons of Turkeys, Dacks, Geese and Chickens wanted. Christie, Henderson A Co., during freezing weather, will be prepared to buy ahy quantity of Poultry, for which the highestpriccs will be paid. The long wing and long tail feathers should be left on, and the heads and feet also, and if brought in -before freezing the head should be tied under the wing,. and; the fett drawn up and tied close under the body. Xb Excuse for any one belne Ont of Employment. Oar attention has been called to some new and useful household inventions recently patented by L. K. Brown & Co., of" Cincinnati, Ohio, which make housekeeping a pleasure instead of a dreaded necessity. They have been having a very large sale for them throughout the United States, and now wish to introduce them through the Dominion of Canada, and offer good re liable lady or gentlemen canvassers an opportunity seluom met with, for mak ing money rapidly. For terms and ter ritory Write at once to L E. Brown Sc Co., 214 and 21G Elin Street, Cincin- nati, Ohio X Brakem 1m. -- _ The cold snap the other day;, had the effect of making all outdoors icy and generally" disagreeable. It was diffi cult in some [placet to keep'one's feet ;| in the positiojn that feet ought to-be,d . and np wonder some people found them-j ] selves suddenly sprawling upon the ' grourid. On Tnesday a young man, named Wm. Danni&tr, who has for the . past few weeks hid-charge of the Do- miaion Telegraph office here, had occa sion to go across from Beardmore's tan nery to Storey's tannery, and thinking to shorten the distance, climbed a rail fence. When on top, he- sb'pped and ' fell-to the hard ground. The result was an arm broken in two places and fracture of the elbow joint. Althengh badly hurt, he managed to get near enough to make ^" situation known to the people at the tannery^ whence he was assisted home. Dr, Jjowry has him in charge, but the wounds are of such a nature that it will be quite a loDg time before he will be able to make use of the arm. It is fortunately the left arm and may not seriously interfere with his1 telegraph operations. A. fresh consignment of new Tweeds, new French Vestings, new Worsted Coatings, uew Black Doe skins, new Black Broads, new Over- . coatings, new Ulster Overcoatings. The ' Mammoth is the spot to order your clothing. New Fur Caps, new Cloth Caps, new Pea Jackets, new Ulsters at McLeod7 Anderson & Co.'s, George town. Spriggins says that . Le once prevented a severe case of hydrophobia by simply getting on a high fence and waiting till the dog had gone away a very good idea. Another good idea is to. examine Christie, Henderson & Co.'s goods before buying elsewhere,, and thus prevent any outward exclama tions or inward regrets. Their famous 50c Tea is growing in favor. Try it. -.^Gur Millinery show-room is njlesl with new Millinery, new Mantles, new Flow era, new Feathers, new Mink Furs, new -South Sea Seal Furs, new Carpets, new B-ugs, new Oil Cloths. The above goods are new, tasty, nobby and cheap. -The Mammoth is the spot; McLeod, Anderson & Co., George town! " Canadian Blankets. Just to hand a lot of superior Canadian Blan- ketSj extra quality. Don't fail to see them. They are a nrst-cluss article and cheap. Christie, Hendersonj& Co. THAT WONDERFUL; MAN. SB1 T W.STEWART* CO ARli' STOW SEOFINtf A- very largo nnd very choice assort-' ruent of NovDryJS-oocls FALL WEAR at Now Black and Colored Silks, New French Cashmeres, NewiRibbons and Ties, TKAI^'12 MARK TI-I.E-POLDEN MAN. GREAT ATTRACTION. Silk dbpartmjsnt; All New, Fresh and Fashionable Staple and Fancy Dry Goo as, Millinery, Mantles, I Shawls, Dress Goods, etc. , ' . 321 CASES ^A.3ST3D BALES ' DtllECT -17ROM THE MANUFACTURERS. Hew, Press Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, OTTO STOCK OF;' : ' | . Tweeds, Cloths, And Overcoatings la very ohoico and cheap. - 11 Bales of which arc Bed Blankets of the best kind, wonderfully cheap and good. ' Carpets ;of the newest designs and colors.. Beautiful Brussels and Tapestry qarpets. j Especial attention is requested to our Silk Department. W'e ofler -the finest .isssortment of Black .Silks to be found in the Dominion. ~ Wo unhesitatingly say that we offer a saying of 20 pen cent fo our patrons in Colored and Fancy Drpss Silks. ...-. . Also in Evening and Wedding fc-ilks we have, very attractive styles and colors. ; ^> " ' Our stock of Ladies'Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths7 and Trimmirtgs for same, is "well worthy of attention, indeed our stock of all classes of goods this season -is remarkable for excellence of quality and ' cheapnoss of price, " "--- i. We take tho lead this season, as usual, having-the the finest assortment' of Ladies' Dress Goods in town, also of Ladies Quilted Lustre Skirts, Filled Felt.Skirts, and the Princess Walking Skirts -f aroHijsr aHLOGrO- c& son., Respectfully announce to the public ihat the greatest care has been exer cised in trie selection of their immense and varied stock. Every article is warranted as represented.., Tie goodB are all fresh and direct from the manufacturers. '- ffl :m StS;;i? Sept. 8, 1877. JOHN HOGG & SOW, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Grielji.h "I. S V : ~ MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF New Pall and "Winteii t oods \V hoid a vary superior and largo lot Of MEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart & Co., GlELI'H. Ootober 16, 1S77. AT THE GOLDEN LI Wo desire to ctill ntteTition to tho very large assortment ofl.choice new goods of e\|ery description which wo are now offering. Our importations from Britain are now all to hand, and we claim, without iear of contradiction, that our Stock of ID OB THE L post office mm ACTON. The subscriber having again gone into the grocery business, would In timate that he has always a full line of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, fresh, nnd of the best quality, such as SEAS. ' BLA0KS-r Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe Greens ' Moyurie tiunpowders, Silver Leaf Gunpowders, Hoyune Young Hysons Uncolored Jap ins,. Imperials, Twankays Our teas are; all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lba. CANNED GOODS. California Salmon, I'nrUuml bobslcre, Freii-h .Sardines, Cove Oyster?, fresh Mac-Uorel. Curol Hato.3 and Baooa. an! Buttor. Ohooso GOODS, ! - ! In every Branch, is st,- CHOICEST, AND j i BEST ABORTED OTJTfelDE TOKONTO,! . i Bnormqus Quantities of ^a o do "not Blom- We state Plain Tgots. f ', .'. SEE TH13 FOLLOWING. . ' " " -, ':.- - j A Good Black Be^vpif Overcoat lor $8 00. Sple nclid Scotch arid Etigltsb T weejd Suits from $12 Theso goods cannot be surpassed for (quality and- price in the counfry. Heavy .'.all wool Canadian Tweeds from 62c iip We would assure tho public that It is always our object to place in tho hands of our customers as good a quality of goods ai can be obtained in. the market at as.a low a price as possible. Uur goods are all marked' at corresponding rates.. Wodonoisell a cus tomers'one. piece of goods at less than its,value, and then try and make-up lha.lpss by charging an ad ditional half price on something' else. Our mdtto is to deal honestly with all, ' , In Qents' Furnishing we have an extensive Stock. - i--_. ." UNDERCLOTHING ALL, PRICES AND QtJALiripIES: 6* We solicit a oall from all desiring cheap goods and clothes made stylish. . ; - "" :- " ' - ' - LU f FYFE & McNAB. Acton, t.Od 24,1877. OUR FALL STOCK X m Burnett"b Extracts SS Esaoacos- The Flueet Goods Manofocturejl. i Thoae beautiful fipnnets, Hats, Clouds, Ties, Muffs and Mantles are in great demand. It is always advisable to buy early, as the choicest goodB ore bought up first. A failure to examine our stock early is a,golden opportunity lost. Christie. Henderson &. Co. The English papers state that young ladies who wear what are sometimes called deer-stalker bats are; beginning to raise them in ac knowledgement of. the salutations of their male friends. - lihe Farmers' Warehousing Co.'s elevator at Belleville, took fire Saturday morning from a sparlc" from a tug and was completely de stroyed, with nearly all iis contents, which consisted of 38,000 bushels of grain. A rural debating, club recent ly discussed the question, "Which is the hottest job, to pop corn or pop the question ?" , COFFEES. Our stock comprises the best grades ' I ot Old Government Java; LaguayraJ Maracaibo, and Bio. Boasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and fiavar of the berry. COCOAS AWT) CHOCOLATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, pp's Home&opathic Cocoa, , Menier'a Chocolates. SUGAR?.' Refined, in Loaves, Cut-Loaf. t>ry Crushed, Qrftnul&ted, Extra'Ground, Extra C, English Kefineld all grades, Demerara, Porto Hico. Amber, Honey and. Standard \ SyruBs. Soaps cf all Mads. Fic&los aai Sauces. Crosse 4 Blacfewcll's, Allxed FlcKles, Ohowchow, l*iccahli, Mi^liroom Catsur, John Bull Sauce, Lea & Perrln's (V'orchestershlre^auca, Tomato ratKUp. Favorite do do, Yorkshire Relish, French Mustard, FARRTAQE0T7S G00SS. Carolina Kice. ArrncanRlce, fearl Sago, Rio Tapioca Fearl Barley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. DESSERT FRTJITS Currants, Valencia oranges, Mt-Bslna Lemons, PlneapnleR. Tunl Dates, Bordeaux Walnote, FUberts, Almonds. Chewing, T0BA000ES- Smoking, Cigars. SISC7IT3 8s COITFBCXZOITSEV. Arrowrob*, Wine, Soda, Abernethy. Ocnnij Lemon, Butter, BoBton, : Oratrami Oyster cracker, New YorkUltmernulB. OlneerSnaps. Coindlpfl andS\veelmefttof nil klnde. ,-j Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Hope, OR00KER7. Chirm Sets, White Btone Bsts, Flgurea Btoue Bets, Chamber Sale, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jellies. Platters^ Bakers. And a full line or ot tier Idnda. Mill Pans, Crenm Crochp, Buf-ter CroobF, Jog^, Flower Po*e, &a. Selllug at the manufacturers' prices. - OLASS^ARE.. Tumblern, Goblets, Lampc, Lamp Ulnsses. GIusk Plates, Glass SfiUv Fruit Jars, Ac , <fro. -, DEESS DEPAETMJS^T. Our stock of Dress Goods i.= so largo that it is Impossible to enumerate the varieties. Ludies may depend, however, on finding at THE LION all the new materials -all the fashionable shades and at the samo time some of the cheapest goods over seen. This is acknowledged by all who have looked through our stock. ' ! No lady ever leaves THE LION'without getting exactly the dress -she wiints. ! ' MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS AND MANTLES. - We invite special attention to the bargains'we are offering in this .de partment- In Ihe Millinery Branch THE LION has lalways carried the. palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles than ever, while our display of Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We haye imported an' immense assortment which we guarantee to be the cheapest ever shown in Guelph. DRESSMAKING/ ; ! * ',.: - . - .'- ', f Ladies, do not forget this branch. Mrs. Thompson, as she becomes known, U monopolising all the bisst work of thetowu. ! Styles unequalled. Frices moderate. ' j READY-MADE CLOTHING.! Just received a large stock of Clothing, including!Overcoats in every style, very cheap. - ^ 1 ' j TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS. ' New styles for fall wear, latest patterns, figures very! low. Gentlemen, remember we have the best cutter in town. A perfect fit guaranteed. .._ WINCEY. WINCEY. WINCEY. : More than 1,000 pieces, plain nnd lai^cy, from G cent? a yard tho cheap est in town. - . -! BtJPFALO ROBES. I Cheaper than ever, .Prices from SI upwards. A largo lot just in; the highest brand, A 1, perleet, from 8 to $10 each. . I . ' r_ Is now Arriving', ,": And will soon be complete for -\\\&~ FRUITS CRIED. Vftleneia Haisins, Layer Raisins, Loose1 Muscatel, Sultanas, SoedlesB, "Vostizza Currants, Block Patras do. in cases^ selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Biger French Prunes, Tunis IJates. These goods are the finest ejx ported. CANNED FRTXITS AXTS-VEas> 5ABI.ES. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Tineapples, iStrawberries, Succotash] Green Peas, '. Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. EelideB many other articles in season, not here mentioned. 8*Cheap for Cash or Trade, JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, June, 1877. - Convoyanoer, Com. ia Q. B., Issuer of Marriaffe Licenses, Insurance Atjent, &o. ."-_ : "Wall Papers aa4 Vlado'w BHads In great variety cheap. MISOELLANEOUS. Tub". Pails, Brooms. T Washbonnls, Brushes, ac, Roips, Wire and Wooden Baskets, . -J Patent Medicines, Dye Stuns, stationery. School Bocks, inrseB, Wallets. School Bags, Spectacles, Violins, : Vlolln'Strlrgs. Briar Pipes. Fancy GoodB, Combs, <tc. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters in can and b,ulk--in season GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND. UNION SHIRTINGS; Go to the Iiion, the People's Cheap Store. ;J. D. WIL-LIAMiSON CO Guelpb, Oct. 30. 1877. PI^A. CALL AND-SEE OtJR'JMElW STYLES. Special Attention Given, to .Ordered Work. Kcpairipg Promptly Attended to.r ' ' Acton, August 7, 1877. orainIb '.& soir.' iA. IIliIEQTTTIElJii istxd i Grand, Square &' Upright. -- Affents wanted everywhere, Addrne&s DANIEL F. EEATTY, 1 7Vasliington, New Jersey. "DRlCKi DWELLINGS FOR X> SALE. , ) The two dwellings, built of brick, situated on Main street, hear the Do minion Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms. Tho lot consists o three-tif ths of an' acre, with good "gar den.. The building is ntjw, iand well finished, adapted for two {families. A good Stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. JOHN KENNEDY. Mrton, Aug. V, 1S77. ). 7-3m .. TO YOUNG MEN. ,- 1 - . - . . 'We have recentiy'piffiflj"shed.ft now edi tion of Or-t*tilvcreir Celebrated Eg- siiy on i-Ue nuiical uud permanui*i cure nvithouL uii \1icine)i" Kcrvuus l>c:l)ility, M^iitiil and Physical incapacity,Irnvjedi- mevtta to -Marriage, etc., resi*ltin^riom. excesses. ' '" . .Price, in asoalftd envclore, only C cants or two postage tstnmps. : The celeb Kited author, in this admir able Essay clearly dcmonsirates, from thirLy years' successful iirnctict*, alarmlBcconsrriupncesmay be radically cured wltnout the rlangcrmis use of inter nal in^dlclne or-the application of the krii'fc-;:|iolnMi)jr'out-.a nunle of.curo at oncii simple, certain and effccLuiilr U>* nicunsof whl ch^o very suiTcrei\ni> matt or wliat'his coiid.tlon, :may cure himself cheaply, privateiyloid li'idlcally. Tiils.I eeture should1 be in the hands of 'every.youth andevery man lti the hand, the cim'ttiiTFXi;'.nfioicAii *:o.* -.1.Ann t,,[No\v-York. Post Offl je BoxioSG. . ' - p 4-ly W HE R4>YAIi EXCHANGE UOTtt, ' ACTON. SCOOJL TEACHERS: Yon can easily incjrense your salary by devoting ~n very small portion of your leisure time to my interest. I do not expedt you to canvass for my celebrated Beatty's Pianos and Organs unlesp you seo- fit to; but the service I require of you is both pleasant andlprofitable. J?ull par ticulars free./Address DANIEL K ] BEATIY, Wojshington, Now Jersey. This -lTell-knoTrn hoii^e hasi recently- undergoue a- thoi-onyli reitovating and rdpairing, "is now'furnished with new ahii-nvodera furniture" of the.-best des-- 1 cflption, "aifd is_propared -to.jjrovida I iirst-class accommodation to the -public. The-present prbprietor^has' received a licciise, and he 'nill keep the barivell SilppTicd v/ith the very best of-liquors- and jcij/ars. The stabling is large and1 well-fitted up ^also nniple shed-room. The patronage of the public is respect- - ully selieitod. \ - JOHX -MAXEY. Acton, Juno 26, 1877.. JOHN McABTH-tTB,: jtailor, has returned from New Yorlcwy >vjierc lie has attended the School brilnsiructiiin in the act of cutting garments, and. is now better prepared than ever, to "give the best of aatisfaction'tohis customers.- He is now in a position to warrant a, and to .make up garments in the very latest American styles. The continued patronage of the , respectfully solicited. 1 : ' ' JOHX M ': Aston, Aug. S.-liT" community bARTHXTB. (j-3ai OBUAlSf There is no manufacturer of Pianos and' Organs "in this or ajj-y other country who has received as many unsolicited inJorseVnentp as has Mr. Beal'ly. From every State and Ter.; ritory comes the Siimo verdict. ".They.are trjo best in the world.*" Illustrated Advertiser. (Cntnlogim Eilition-) Cree-. Address DANlElj F. bi3ATp",. Washington,- New .leisey. M.

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