Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1877, p. 4

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If- ';:: "v.vfl 1*- : '- if- ^ 4 * y?M>te l-iSS -JT: ^T;'^| '-J^ SSI IT* e^a m is M fit" THE FREE PRES^, ACTON, HALTQN Hurrah for the Elephant. EliEEHAIT -CL0THI1G STORE . / ' - The Leading Clothing* House. LIST OF W. RUTHE Q-TTHSXi^-H:- Stock Ida?ger;thfiin- Ever.. , "> Clotlung Cheaper than tEver. MUSIC BOOKS ' '(jblit ivhol^Hnio unit retail by John Anderson Booksollor, Guolph. Buri'Owoa' I'iauoibrto Primer. Joiukg'b Musical Catechism. flortini'H Kow Mclliod for the Piano. ClnrUo's jScw Method lor tlio Piano. iTiinton'a Finrio Forto .School. Ilowo'a PinKO without 11 Muster. Uichanijan's New Modern School,. Oitzo'a Furtor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 100 different Music liooks; ;A Rig Discount on nil EMU SBC- BOOKS AT A'NDRS0.N'S- ."i CHEAP BOOKSTORE Oh the 1'aat side of Wyuillniiii Street rjuKLi'ii. KNOW j We "take pleasure in informing the ^people that our stock of - W I.N T IB C L. O t HIM Is now very complete, consisting' of all the Ikfcest designs in Cloths, and for workman ship cannot he beaten. -' We have the following lines in By reading nnJ prctlclrj| the iDCiaimablc truths con tallied in tlio beet me^Ic* book ever lsurc], entitirt miiUaii| ~sixr-iutESEUVATiou THYapI Fl'ricooniyei. Btmbjinul I II I Wlabl on receipt of price Ir trctts of Exhausted Vitality, l'rqmnttiro Decline , Nervous and Physical DclJUlty, anil .the cndlcM' ; concomitant Ills and untold mlscrics-tbat rcsuD Ihrrcfroirii ami contains more tliunDOorJciiihl pro crrnUons, any one of TCjjicb is worth the price ol the book. '1 his book was written by the most ca tcniivc audprobably the most skilfulnractitionei in America, to whom was awarded a pold and jew filed medal by the Xntional Medical Asioclatlou A Pamphlet, illustrated with the Tcry fijaca Steel Xngravintrs a mar- II pi B. Til of irt turn beauty fltflL cnt rcEE to oil. Send mmmmr*^ for It at once. Address - . 1. 1'EABODY|it#API W INSTITUTE, No. i Ihil.TlfYSpl F -fcch St., Boston. Mas*. BIB VfckkT Jj5NJjk^.jBEATTY^ pianos & oaSAifS r,.-.....,s-..-.->,-^ Grey Ulsters, Blue Ulsters, Check Ulsters, Blue Pilot, Blue and Brown Beavers, Melton, and Grey Frieze, * *'-. SELLING FROM $5.00 UP. ! car BE ATT Y CI Oiir Suits range in[price from $7.00 up. We have in stock all the latest designs in SCOTCH ENGLISH AKD -CANADIAN TWEEIjS AND .DIAGONAL CLOTHS. Our Suits will be found equal to ovdeied work both for quality, fit and workmanship.. 25 :e>:ki;r cent "ozhhe^i^iejir,- OUR PANT DFPARTMENT is very large. Wn can |ive.ii good, pair of, Punts for $2.00. CALL AND SEE. . Wo linyo over two Lundred oddf VESTS which we will clear out atTimlf their original cost. . i^ BOYS' CLOTHING. , A full Assortment BOYS' OVERCOATS, nil sizes. We have in stock thejollo^ing shuj>ea : HUDSON BAY;- ULSTER AND BEAVER, selling very low. . - Wo are showing a large stock of Pilot/ Beaver and Tweed1 PEA. JACKETS FOR MEN AND BOYS. '> One great advantage out* Clothing- has over any other in town, is tbat.we manufacture all ourselves, therefore wo .can at all times--give a stylish garmant, as wo copy alto- gether/jrom American Fashion Plates, and never -rnako up any inferior goods, nnd Laving always adheted to these principles, we have succeeded in building up one of the largest trades_in the West. HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT; We keep the largest assortment of American and English1 Pelt Huts in town, also Fur, Whitnry and Cloth Caps, in which we defy competition. Nothing but fresh "goods ti i: \ N i> _________ s<; K \i K AND Ill'ltlGllT. niulllKVi'Tl'.s ti 1.1-.- HIlATKI) O'll.JiKX jU.N'ul'Kli I'Alt- l.i >ti (illii \ N .!!-. till' \<-e<!l(-M imicil Miot pnriin iiiMiiiiiiciiis I'vir h'loie nmnufuemn-tl In thj;- vc iitiy tl:.. r f-inii;- try. IThn or'hl ( clialltncci t<> t"in:i, tbt-'ni. li'-st ill^c^unt'?'ii(l term <-Vf l>r- foru'Kiv. ii. lvoolt bin[um' ptinlf i-riri'.-l now rt-aily to rx, n^t-nlH. itnd tb*"- tnnl-ln Rt-nprtil. An oirt-r. TIh-m- itle- l>rate<l ln-iriitu n's eitlicr 1'1jii:(i nr "ruun1 l)i)xeil itntl *111iii->P(i unvwhore, mi (iv<- .Tlinivn lnyj,' km trial. M"li'}' re- fundi'il and fn-l^ln rtiarcci ;iind J.ntli waj'slflu -my wny ttl.s.Ttlsf;icii)r>". I-'ullJ' w;irriiut*ft 'or six venrs j-s strict I \- ih-st'- rluss. 1'XTHAOItlllSARV LIHEIt.M, JJl!-COlJNTK|vpii toCtlurolirfi. Sfl.lHllH, I.idgi's, Halls-', .Minister*. Tciii'lif is.</ic, in ortli'r to liavo llnMu'intrfKlueed at mxr wln-re I I'avi' mi i^i'iils, Tiioiih.-nids n.w In t:se. Now llluslrn ed Advert isertt'a"!.- Ioruo Kdllloti) vitli Hut <f IfotliiKjiilalf, now r*-ady, boih irro. Ksial.lhhr' |i |S|. - A.niros.pAHIEL F. BEATTV, WaKlilUfrmn, Now .Icn-cy, T AIi .\OTl . AT THE ACTUS* alwavs on hand FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Our Furnishing Department will be found the most attractive in town, comprising all the- latest ' novelties' in White and Culored Shirts, Neck-Ties, IJ.owb, Scarfp, Glover, Mitts, Silk Squares, Silk Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, and everything else appertaining to ft -Gents' Furnisll- ing Department. 20 per cent cheaper. ; A great many wonder how it is that we sell Clothing, so much lesa.-tb in anybody else. But it' is a; problem that is easily -solved. Answer; .; ' WE BUY LARGER QUANTITIES, ^ \: . WE SELL LARGER QUANTITIES, ._ I WE PAY CASH FOR ALL-WE BUY, t ! .-- .. ' - - "' ; : ' AND SELL FOR CASH. .; Tbrefore we^ore enablijd' to mark our goodi so low that it would ba ruinous for any one to try. and com pete with u. L ^ _r ' " r . ' _ Pay us a visit before going elsewhere, by so doing you wnT save 20 per cent on every dollar you spend. ..-. _ ' No false representations allowed. No trouble to show. Goods. Wi<li thanks for {tasUfaybrs we remain at the head of Clothiers. ' ' Gbslpb, November,' 1877. WM. RUTHEREOBD & CO. PLANINfi MILLS Will bo found ft quantity of SEASONED .LTJMBEjR Comprising inch, ] J 'nnd 2 inoii dressed anil until essod. AI^- good;.k. Sash, Doors, Mouldings Battens, &c, Mnnuractured as.usual. THUS. EBBAGE, Prop, Acton, Aiir 2], rSW. 7* N CONSUMPTION CURED. AH: otl) rjtTBtrlAS. rMirod trmn relive prtc- BhiiiK hail iilorod In hi. liiixla liv >n Ert Mliiioimry tlit; liiriiiuli of o YtMlalilc caj fur tlic pccdy 011U i>uTiniinc)it cure of Consumption, Axlhtna, JironchilU, Cutiirrli, nd ill trrirtmt nnd Imntr Airnctlona : lo PpilUTCandJlMllrol Cute Ibr Nervous De- blUty ond all Nmrnii rllililn!nl, nllrr iiuv lnj UlnrolifIlly trlccl 111 irnndrrlul curative powtrj In inauMpdi <d cu<, it-c'.i li hil duty to mikt II know,, i ultrrlne li'lUnri. Actu- Icd liy 1I111 iimliic nnJ a rnuunriitluui/dnlrctlo ffi. '^.,1."il1,1.a.,f "ft. CIIAIftJi:. to oil T,o dclrc if; thli icclne. with lull ilircrtluiii (ur iirvimrlnc "> turrcMlfil. ly. uiluc bent t,y rilurn mail l:y addrcului i WjJi iianiji, naming tl^s iio|ht. * -v lili. O. STKVEJ'S. *" . V.S.T.j UOi6MlUU(;IiVILLE,0>iT.B K rfjre I Any rcrron wlto will make rilbC nnd forward me a list ni Die names of reliable perBonscir their ac- qiialnttincp who wish 10 proi'urern in- strumftit, either Piano or Organ, I will use my best endeavorH to Bell them one, and for every Pliino I succeed In Kellmir to their tint within one year, I will credit thorn with Sio; ami for every Oi'i-'un $5, to ho iipplltMl on piynient of eillior a I'lnnoor Orcnn; nnd when It amoints to a stim Kiiinclenl to p:iy for an inslrr.ment selceteil nt tno lowcxt m lielesnlc iirloe, I wlllimiaciilately ship the instrument, free, or after any amount Ik credited the bnhtnee may ho laid mn in cash ami I will then' ship t'liem tlio liiKtriiment. TI py nerd lint bo known in tlio mutter, and will bo doing their friends a real scr- vln, an 1 fihnil make sperlnl otrern to thorn, scllin<; a superior fnsrrmiiriit for from mifluiir to two-tliinlH what Is orUlnnrlly iislted hv am-nts. Plensn send nloa lis at onee andfifiev you huve mnde> InQlllry yon enn- ntlil to It, . Adtlress nANlteLF.liEATri' Washington, New Jereey: In presenting* oiir regular half-yearly Circular to i^e Public we liave ag-din to return thanks to our numer^gi customers ajad the general public for the very large sli^ of business extended to us, and in doing so we Can CKlSftp assure 1Lem! that no effort oh our part will be sparepi^ merit a continuance of their favors. Asheretpfori#:it":v^/- be our constant aim to advance their interests^as' ^ar+Ijas lies in ouripower, and at all times endeavor to show:^s large and complete a Stock as can possibly be fbiiiidJM one eslablislimcnt. , Feeling assured that the. boiiiitilji) harvest of the past season with#lrfe gonablc prospect offfiir average prices for all-kinds of farm prodticp,/wiil causei a gfe&ijt& \iva in :=tradc, we tiave purchased this season a larger stock than in any previous year%;ahrj^ having done so with a knowledge of the wants and tantes of our customers,Vwe fee a sgurettne fshall not bedjsappoinled in finding ready demand therefor; As heretoforeour stock comprise* .- i: Of all kinds, Milliaery and Millineiy G-dods of all-1 kinds, Boots land Bho^n ia isimettM vatiety, . r^i Seady-mad 01t3img,:, Groceries ete. ; jj:f As to prices.; we are determined not to be undersold hy ' nisy oh<; x'iiln r in Acion or outside. We manage our business at the least possible expense | ti'.u! will ti?ri a! aii'times at tlte lowest po^ilile: prices. . ? si . We extend a cordial invitation to examineiour w&vir Stixk,; which we trust will iii'stjl-e, variety, and <rod value, coinpare iiioie^tlian favorably witfi any house <f the kind in the,trade. In the l}djof the.year-no. one requires a line ofei^ijt aw mt-ney is then more p'ent-fulr than ;if any other season of the yeiir, besides our exii.erlenc^j teaches u-i it is in ail c;is,t s infi'n!t-e!y better to pay as you <^o. Oitr motto heretofore has j&ee CASH ^_2nT) SnVE-^LX. ^HO^ITii. And we are 'determined to adhere firmly to the principle!"" !-^;?f: AVe fnrd it impossible to enumerate all lines of Goods-in stock, but will refer to;Vonie.'! - t '* ' 1 ' "We show all the latest novelties in colors* styles,'^nft makes. We employ ony experienced hands^ \-ihose constant aim will be. 10 suit tastes/niMJkTPr quiremeut 01 (luiciiasers, at hiwevJt p-)ssil)!e j)rices. "VVe"charge no fancy prices for. Mirliji^jf, The Ladies will ,plcase .remember this. 1 , ..- r _Wv v We show ah (extensive stock of .'i 0 3 t k'-Jv ::lr Also n:Glouds^ Wool Squarejs, aiidl [Furs of all kinds-~ch^p/ GEHS1 Ready-made m Also^ Ikrge stock of^ j". '.v.f-:- i " 5 -rHv WTIC 2 In Ulsters, Red River, Brown: and Black Eeavers, MmSuits coarse and fine, extra value. Gib de to order by/experienced hands, ^4sns8 mMss! 'i)s\ r Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors^ In BlafcK L-.istres we challenge'all competitions Ask for the famous Tiger Brand Back L-ustres.!k|flrii& trey's, extra value, flknnels in grey\ scarlet, white, cliebk, orange, etc. See our line of Fctctftrf^ Check Flannefat 25c per yard. _ '-: p - ! From the he|ayy Stoga to the infant's shoe^ali: bou, direct from the makers. ISTo middle man^ profit. Sioek extra large and vvell selebtfid;; per cent off all purchases of five pairs at arty one time. - ' y FRBSHrTBAS AND p^ERMj QROCBBIBa Regularly;to-hand . . - ^ r f i( Our |amous &Oc TEA is used more extensively tthaii other Tea in the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45e, Try it and be convinced. - r Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps for Men; and Boys^ to$ 1 fine assortment of Fine Fur Gaps, Grey and .White Bankets!, Grain, Bags, Gottim Warrts; jj* fact amost everything found at-anytiine in a genera siore. " . . . 1 We most cordially request a continuance of patron^i^ from those who have hitherto favored us, and a trial,from all who have not Trad pur Crbod.^ feeling.assured that Goods1 and Prices wil be entirely satisfactory. ^-y . ' : - . ".'; * We pay Casrf for good Dairy gutter, or take '*i&\&& change for Goods. Our-terms, are cash Or produce,; c~. W"" J i ' t ii; Acton, October, 1877. L". ; " --,.' r f.fcr-tjS CH ftlSTIE, HENDERSON & M "^- '-:- ' . .' : - 1-3..- V I &*&

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