Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1877, p. 2

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- m ~m - ivy --^3 & - .: THE FREE TRESSi- ACTON, HlALTON COUNTY, ONT.j NOVEMBER 'fl'SS ACTON VREK IVBEBS IViMiMicJ. c-rery Thursday Mik-uiujJ. J II. HA.CKINU, V/roprictor. 31 Tar Annum m Advance JOS H HAOKINO'tOITCR Ti;v;.!|'av; Moksisi:;- Nov. '3..MS77. ~^.i ./'/ that all the Ureal Povr- ershnvo advised tho French Presi dent to t'O conciliatory. h-TLo ?oj>o is ill. The Pope is P'->t ill. The Pope hna died. The W'-po hus not died. Such- the e^i'itmdiotory nature of the intelK- gr>ucc ^-oin ltoruo. Th* Uriffrelnrna of the Graud IVmkRailway, for wwk tulim (5vtr.-j-.nbcr 3rd, won $217,354, against 6191,246 for tho same }-tiri>>'-.l la-t year, being an increase 'u^s.ivS. Charley Rtwa' father urs ex- r.Vl 30,000 in lna searches, ,1 - tn.uls ubotit - 200 . fruitless K jonk-ripys. Ho ia now poor, his lnuiaos's; having gono to naught throng- neglect, and he has engag- eJns ajtrnvt'lling salesman. ' A r.ow ltind of deidneat is on V.a travels. He selects an unconi- turn name from tho directory, culls c\ tho person, and by claiming to j of the same nanfe, bases un np- p-al for " pecuniary- assistance. Sharpen.the toas of vonr boots iu v, nation. o &i: .1 a coining. A London- despatch reports thr.t <-U Lope -of. .'the Pope's recov ery _. has bqen abandoned. The- Ifrdvari Government has already taken the precaution to station a strong qn:ard asound a'l approaches to tbe Vatican .to - prevent any1 pil- lagiug thai .might follow- tho an nouncement, of tjae - death. o- the Pope. A disastrous firo occurred "in M.irkhainflbn Tuesday morning, by which tho: extensive manufactory of Mrssr3.; Speight ii SonB was entirely consumed. Tho loss is at $50,000,-. oiv which e>tir.!a:ed there is an- insurance of $3,500. ! meet again a. _______________________ The residence of Mrs. Thos." Speight Monday, tho 3rd December next Ernmosa Township C'onncH. This Council toot at tho. Centre Inn, on Monday, the f'th inst, Tho day being .stormy business ffus commenced at tho usual ihonr by" Messrs. Carter and Waterc, Mr. Diilneld, Deputy Reeves in tho chair. Tho minute* of last meet ing were road and confirmed. <Jas. Nicol'a aecouut for iron bolts- for the bridge near Kdrn,. $1, -:wns ordered to he. paid, and tho. fi/lljow- iny persons wore ordered "to he jki'id for.gravel talari from tiioir pits: Wiii. LVrsyth ,81.50, M.irtiu Dew $0,. Win. Grierson $1.80. Dr. HcGullbugh'n bill of 1 for medical nttendaneo on Mis. Uurton won ordered'to bo paid. TJio RsoTo-iioir. wrived ndtook tho ojiair. TJ5e-9idbjrod "between- tho West halves of Lots 10 and IT, ill tho 1st CQn.jJmvhitf been lately survey ed 1>y T. W. Cooper, P.L.S., and found to have encroached conoider- ably on Lot 10 at tho copti-e of the concession, the owner, Peter Fitz- p.-itriek apjmnrud beforo tho 'Coun cil and applied to have tho land so encroached upon rt-Etcred._ to him.i Tho Council, after duo con.sideru- tion-.of the matter, instructed tho Clerk to notify Wni. Swailes to raoro back his feneeB to tho proper line on or before tho 1st day of October, .1ST?, Peter Fitzpatrick not to get back his hmd "until such timb>a3 the road oh tho prdpor line watt-niudo fit for jmblic travol. Tho Cltjrk was directed to get 250 copies of 5the minutes of 1B77 priuted. T. J. Day's account, 5.63, for sta tionery, etc., was ordered to be paid. A petition from Georgo Scott "and others for opening the side road at Lots 15 and 10, 3d con., was laid over for future consideration. John Turner was ordered to bo paid !?35 for improving the Rockwood hill opposite his blacksmith shop. $5 was granted to Thomas Bolton, ?S to Mrs, Kavanngli, )$5 to Mrs. Jones, $10 to Mra. Blanio, indigent persons, and $3 was granted to John Carter wherewith to pny Dr. McCiiUough's bill for attendance on Mrs, Burton, an indigent,' and to to procure other necessaries for her benefit. t Tho Council then adjourned to the Centre Inn.on Sunr., (mother of Messrs. John and Michael Speight of Acton) was also burneil, at a loss of*; S2,u00, on which there was noinsui^ince. , The dea Morten, one Kop ublicans, loss to that they lose a man of marked ability, but his-placo in Congress has been taken by a Detnocratt'Mr. Moorkees having been appointed by the Governor of Indiana to fill the vacancy.; The PiepTibliciurisni have ot ly a Tiajority of fcur or five in the Senate, and every single vote nox,sb^3onies of more than usual importencei A gentleman who lately Tisit- ed nearly all tbe principal Bettle- ments on Manitoulin Islands, re- parts a large increase of the population, and considerable im provements in several ot the Villagers. From carefully gathered statistics- thb whits popnlntioa-.' is n-rw- e*tJtnated at a little ovr S,- 030, and the Indians about 2,000. School houses and churches are bfing built in many places, and sign3 of progress, with considerable prosperity, arovto be seen in every directioui The Guelph Hqratd peo]>le are pro:i J of their new.' building, into which they moyed last week, and well thy toity ber for it is perhaps one of tbe most roomy and conveni ent printing ofEces outside of the largt.- citieB. The building" is of eione, three stories high,1 with naanRard roof, situated on Qnebeo street, a Bhort diBtanco tro^n tho new post office. The proprietors of the Herald deserve a full meas ure of success for the enterprise they have manifested in .work ing op their business during "the past few years. at ten o'clook" a.ra. J. A. Davidson-, T'p Clerk. Postal Card.Libel. Icn nnd Scissor Select*. Bey. Canon Bulilwin, Montreal, hurt recovered. __jtr. Kino resumes woik in Montreal on Friday ^-. A. T. AndroaH, Chicago, h.xs fnilod ; liabilities $110,000, assets II l7. - A New York wifo wni driven to auicide by her husband1! intem perance. Severe hurricanes on the Brit ish const; numerous disuateru to hipping. Mr, Qladstono baa visited Ireland for tho ilrbt time at the ago of 68. Thero aro 352 prisoners in the Central Prison, Toronto, and 200. in the gaol. Ripo strawberries woro picked in gardens at,Stratford ^0,v days ago tho second growth. ' Mr. Jiinioa Massie, M.P.P., of Guelph, liaa received hia dischargo from tho Iilaolvimt Court. The imports of American freBh inoat havo reduced tho price of licef in England one cent, j. . The report of tho death of the. Pope was premature, but the- event may bo "expected at any timo. Woodstock Lna spent 100,- 000 on buildings this year, Nor wich $44,000, and Borlin $100,000. A temperance coffee and lodg ing bonso has been started in Mon treal for tho benefit of Mr. Rine'ii couvqrU. Th|e Toronto GrRnd Jun-, in their; presentment, recbnimondod flogging for repeated and aggravat ed crimes, I jBurglars.entered tho summer kitchen of M>\ Georgo Birns, Lon don, Ont., and made off with a new cooking stove. Stanley with a hundred and twenty followers were brought to tho Cape of Good Hope by the British atornship Industry, which will also tako them'to Zanzibar. _ Winter wheat around' London looks exceedingly well. Si great has been it3 growth that iu somo instances firmers have been com pelled to turn their Btock into tho fields to check it. A Winnipeg Free Press spe cial sayB that fifteen lodges of Hit- of nd inipnofo -tho' railway by tho lying of jBtool iails, Resolutions T. . & K. It.-CUuugc A ir.roting of tho delegatei) np- pointrtl do canfir with tho Board of directors wua held at tho oflico of tho Company on Thursday, the 8th inst, to consider tbo best stops to bo chango itho' .gauge anil 1 - - approyiriglof tho submission of by laws by 'tile yarioua inunioipalitiea to tho'extent of $000,000 woro passed, and a deputation waa iip- pointed to .wait on tho Ontrtrio Governinont to oscortain what aid mi^ht bo expected from thtm to- jWnrd* tho rcoonntruction of tho railway of ft broad gauge lino. Tho meeting whs very enthusiastic, and arrangements wero' mado for at onco holding a series of public mootings in support of tho schome in tho various municipalities in terested. N10 W' A D VliRTLH KM KN TH. * A VC'ITON. SALE OF _ ; ITABM STOCK Ss IMPLEMBSl'S. Akotiibr Patent RroiiT Swin dle. - Tho Hamilton Timo sara that ft country " yokol" catuo to tho city Saturday to complain' thrt he had bocn invindled out of his note, for $240 by agents of tho patonteo for Clark's Pruning Shears." Tho modus operandi is, to say the least of it, ingenious. The farmer is npproachod that if ho will givo his noto at 90 daya for a sum tho subject of a " dicker.' tho agent will. pndo'ra on it an aggreetnont that if tho purchaser does not reslizo oh pnrohaso money in 30 days from Bides, tho ugent will return and help hi in to sell, to ninko up any deficiency, and so tlio gentlemon from -Knletu, Jfask., got tho note, but instoad of making tbe promised endorsoiiient on it, they writo it on a blank copy of tho noto and depart happy and con tented ,and sell the original which was jjegotiated to an iunocent pur chaser of it and leave tho farmer to proceed to " Salum" for his ro- dress. Gold oh Titn G. P. .it. Tbe L) Herald pul.lishea- the fol- lowiiig: "Alex, McLennan, brother of Wm. "L. McLennan, of Duluth, discovered a placer gold digging, about 150 miles out from Princo Arthur's Landing, on or near the line of the Canadian Pacific Rail way, and not much farther from Diilutb, to tho northward. It ap pears that he was digging for water in a ravine or gulch uiid came upon tho yellow Muff, of tho siw, of iino The case im tried before Judge Gait, who defined tha law of libel, and showed in what respects libels differed. It is not s libel to ad dress a letter under seal unleM'tlro letter be opened and shown to Bonie other person. When a postal card is made the void-la'of tho.abuse, or blander; or of whatever tho libel may consist, tho caso is different, for then the libel is open to the observation of any person into whose hands it may fall; and thus is calculated to "bring the plaintiff into ridicule and contempt,, and injure and defamo hia character"^ which the law says shall not be allowed." In the case of the sealed letter there is no " publication" of the libel ; in the postal cartLthere is. From this it will be seen that people who want to libel their neighbors by means of the post A. Philadelphia judge decides that1 arailroad company i3 not re sponsible for baggago fursher than to check it, pound it to pieces, and preserve an ordinary watch over tho trunk handles.. The total sales of coal raised from the mines of Nova Scotia, for the nine months ending September 30th amounted to -484,493 tons, an increaso over tho sim period last year of 29,84$-tons. itting Bull has made, an ora tion of the length and breadth of any recorded by Fonuimoro Cooper. He declares bis undying fealty to the Queen and his equally undying hatrod of the American. In Breslau a successful at tempt has been mado to erect a paper chimuey about fifty feet office would do well to use se'aled high. By a chemical preparation letters and not run the risk of put ting their opinions on poBtal carda. J Ii 1 :il The Globe on Saturday refers again to the ravages of the Hessian fly,\and says : InBects are .-net the only enemies that the young wheat has to contend witbtbis year. \Ve have received several parcels of si.okly-looking young wheat affected with a disease that, under the -EiicroscOrK', 13 plainly identifiable as rust It is somewhat unusual for rust to be abundant except in siFEamer-, aiwi the. fpet that the ever-, present fungoid spores could find a, suitable resting place at this time rtf the year angijna ill for the health of the plants. - The fact is that. farmers, in their anxiety to avoid Utenesa, havo gone to tho other . extreme and have sown too early that is,.too early for a season like the present, and for a time when tho,: Hessian fly is around. An immense breadth of. fall wheat is far too forward to allow u chance for it to "survive tho whiter. The Oitav.-a Frei- Preex says : A prominent saloon-keeper has ad mitted that hia bar jt-eceipts have, been at least $4 per day less eince the Ritia wave washedover Ottawa This would be 24 per week. ' T?res:tmihg that the decrease- has been the same; with somo sixty odd places where liquor ia retailed by tho glass, and wo havo tho Bum of Sl,440 drink money saved each vw,k. Taking the fifty-two weeks nf til.; *nd we have the Lrge sun uf >7-Lt>50 per .annum. 'Elopement ih Peel towssuip. A well-to-do farmer in Peel whose wile died a couple of years ago, leaving him-tho charge of seven children, did a rery foolish thing last week. After the death of hia_ wife ho secured the services of a widow woman, who'had six children to support, and she at tended; to his household until last spring; when one of Garafraxa's fair maidens became the' well to do farmer's second wife, and the house- keeperoerviceB of course were dis pensed with. All went well ap parently until last week when it was rumored the housekeeper in Quostion wa3 Boon to be married. Tho well-to-do farmer met the buxom -widow at the Goldstone station, en route for this village to Becure tha wedding fixings, and in a twjnklo an elopement was ar ranged, and tho pair lef6 for Uncle Sam's dominions, leaving a fond wife, a lovesick swain, and thirteen children to mourn their absence. Wo learn from one of the neigh bors that tho woll-toi-uo farmer has written to his father, acknowledg ing that he went to the States, but relieving the old man's mind by telling him that "a bad penny might return agaiu," Alas for poor fallen humanity. Flora .Ex press. A later report says tho farmer and buxom widow havo returned as man and wifo. Counterfeits. The public need to keep .ail xharp look-out for the counterfeit Ten dollar bills on the Ontario Bank."_Seventl of the bills have been presented at the Ontario Bank in '-Guelph,' and re fused acceptance. ; They have also been detected in Montreal, Kings ton and Toronto. Ono suro way of de.tecting tho spurious from the good is that the counterfeit has the omiosion on the back of tho bill of tho engravers imprint, The Globe train has been Jis- cor. tinueJ. V^ the paper i3 rendered impervious to tho cction of fire or water. The publio gardens,of Paris have been overrun with spiders this autumn. Careful observers find-them trustworthy barometers, as they extend their web making in ploasant weather, and contract it when a storm is coming. Mrs. T. Briggs, wife of the postmaster of Heps worth,-pleaded guilty to abstracting money from a letter, and was committed to Walkr- erton jail for trial; while stopping at an hotel in Paisley on the way to jail Bho made her escape through a window. Friday afternoon, while a Brantford, Norfolk, and Port Bur- well Itailway train waa .passing over the Grand River bridgo at Brantford, the western span of the structure gave way, precipitat ing tho engine and freight and baggago cars into tho river below. Tha engino driver and firouiaa woro iuJHred, but , neither of them seriously. Fortunately tho passen ger car stopped short on tho centre span of the bridgo within three feet of tho broak\ <, -4Broek, Ont., has had c^lt elope ment. The wife of a farmer resid ing npt many miles from banning- ton, and the mother of it large family, somo Of whom avo married, left suddenly one* night iaBt week with a man from the States, taking her youngest child, a girl about four years of age with her. Tho man wjith whom she has gone is' said to| have "been a former lover, and had also been married, but was left a widower. < " . Williams, tho Weston wife murderer under sentence of death, in Toronto jail, aa becoming more despondent as the time set for-the execution draws near. . Ho begins to.beliovo that thero is a ohanco of the recommendation to mercy of the jury not being acted upon. Ho coitinues to paco his cell and the corridors in a heavy monotonous way, and looks ;terribly worn aud / Sullenly stupid.) want to know as much about it as tho finder, and our Canadian frionds on tho lino of that road may Boon havo a gonuino excite ment on hand." Kidnapping, in Essex.- Greut excitement exists in Essex Centre over tho alleged kidnapping of the Rev.-Father Phitch Patrick^ which is said to havo occurred last week. It appears that the rev. gentleman ha3 been until'latoly pastor of the Catholic Church, Woddslee, but owing to so'no differences with tho B:Bhop had decided to join J the Methodist | Chnrch. Mr. Phitch Patrick next went to Essex Centre on tho evening referred to, and be ing met by .somo of his late friends, he was requested to. take a walk. Upon reaching tho suburbs of the village, hojvaa forced into a buggy, which was in waiting for him, and driven off; of course thoy only know whore. At a wedding in the North west Territories the other day, tbe company being unable -to secure liquor owing to the stringency of the laws in that section, were com pelled to drink the health of the bride and bridegroom in a weak preparation of ' painkiller." It.snows every other' day in Russia during the winter, and thousands of young men join the Czar's army to fight tho TurlfB for no pther'purpose than to get rid of shoveling throo or four feet of snow off tho front pavements three or four times a week. -i -3= - Mr. Tuoh. Humb will uell a nmuitity of Live Stock comprising several Horses and first-olftHB Cnws aiul Snoop; and Karining Implements, on his'p'reinises, Lot No, 12, in the -Hit con. of Ration ing, on Monday, 19th Novombor, com- nionoiiiK at 10 o.'olock a.m. Mr. Humo linn 3-1 Bninzo Turkeys which, nro uaid by the Globe (if last week, to bo tho lar- IIN TH.K MATTER OF-' M:ary McNair, | AN TINSQL.VBNT. Notico is -hereby givon that by virtue . of thi power vested in me liy said Act, ah Assignee <if said estate, I v.ill ofTer for nalo. by "Public Auction, on the promUos, in'tho Village of Acton, U'CMt nml hardiest breed in tho conntry. ! , r .'.,........I,i, XlH.. about CO.Urahma. and a <,,mntity Oil Frftlliy. Itll Of ftOVCHlbCr, of larfio (iepue, highest bidder. All to he Gold to. tho A VC^iON'SALEOF Short-Horn and Grade - Cattle, LONG-WOOLED SHEEP Aud Farming ImplcmcntB- Th undersigned will sell by Publio Auction, on tho premises, EnqurnlnKt 23, let No. Ill, Iht con On Friday, Nov, valuable property, COWS with pedl- Tho following viz: 3 Durham greo'j 1 two-year-i'ld Heifer with pedigree ; 2 one.year-old Heifers with po,lii;rc(; j 1 Durham bull calf i 5<Jrado cows with calf: 1 .beef cow;, it three year-uld <irado steers ; .1 .two-ycar-o]<l grade stuer; 3 one-year-old grado steers ; 1 Durham calf ; '2 steer calves,, grade ; 2 heifer calves, grado ; 1 yoke working cattle ; lo well-bred Leicester. Kwes ; li Leicester Ewe Lambs; 1 shearling Leicester Itam ; 10 Lcii-ister Kara hnmhs ; 14 Store 1'igs ; 1 Gang Plow, Hiohardao.n's make ; 1 pair Iron Harrows, Ford's mnko. The abovo stock 1b to bo sold as tho Proprietors are overstocked. .S'u/i' to euMiMnce cU 12 o'clock. TBP.SlS. Al| sums of .?5 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit ou furnishing approved joint notes. ALEX.. t-"llOIiT. KBNKEDY. Wm. I.Ii-M.sTHF.KT, Auctioneer. Acton, Nov; 13th, 1877. "V7-.IRIETY AX 6KOCEKY STORE; Opposite Dr.". MeO.iryin's rc3iJence, llill Street, Acton. At ono o'clock p.m., AU , the estate, right, titlo and interest of tho insolvent, and ot myself cm Aj. siKnoe, in and to tho following tMUgefiuf' land and promises, consisting of Village Lot number nino, In Hlook number two, in the'Villago of Acton aforesaid, upon which thoro is croctcd a largo and com modious 1* Bridk Dwelling H|ouso and Merdhant Shop, - With largo and commodious cellarage, biiiltj of stono, with hard and soft water. Tho building is now and well finished throughout, with mansard roof. This is woll worthy the attention of any ono intending mercantile business, The village is growing rapidly and in a good farming' community, distant from Guelph IC miles, Milton 12 amKioorge- trf'iwn: 8 .with Hevcral mauiifacturuing eataUUahmcnts thoroin. Tlito property will bo sold stThjcct to a mortirngc to thu Hamilton Provident and jfiOan Society for twelve hundred dollars,.nino years to run frc>:n the. 1st Doeclulicr, 1S775 and ifitcrei;t from 1st Docctubcr, 1376. Conditions mado knouili on day of sale. .- At tlio samo time and place art eight- day Cluck and Lady's' Sterling Gold Watch. I W. ALLAN, Assignee. Acton, Oct. 05, IS""'. lS-?)t "piULIC SCHOOL "" TEACHERS'j EXAMiHATIOHS. JOHN HAWKINS Wishes to call attention to hia stock of In accordance with the Statnte.and the General Ucgulations, the Semi:an- nual Examination of Candidates-for Public .School Teachers' Second Class Certificates 'will be held ft>.\\>in tho- . Town; Hall, MUton, CommencinK on H Monday, tlic iTth Dcc'r, 18TT, 1 At 1.30 p. m. Forms of Jho notico to be previonslj- ffiveii by the Candidate* can be obtain ed on application to tluT County In spector. ] ~ It lis indispensable that Candidates j should notify tho undersigned sot LATEIt IOth XuvtiirF.n of their! intention to present themselves 1-C IIor 1'iXamination, sncii notice to.' be iu% ^ ' accompanied by tho Certificates of Immense Sales igf _ ,': SIIJCSANO DRESS GOOIJS iv AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END cs-tTEij^^a:. 1 600 to 700; Yards SELLING- DAILY;- ..-.,'.. Wo oro' 'Bowing,^without exception, th*? . Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapest ! / 'ftfOGK of SILKS AID- DKESS .i . Ever shown in .t-Lfa town. Ladies visiting-Guelph and buying DreBS Goods, Silks,, Velveteen*,? ' .' M'unflcs, Mih'mciy, Funfj etc., without first seeing our immenak and beautiful stock, do. thomnclvcs a^"grca6 injustioe. "We esteem it a pl'eaauro to show our good*.' ' . for Riiks^Dross Goods, J/antles and Afillinery. Full stock of jfikshfc:' able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, otc, to match all Ladies, "como direct io the Fashinable West End, the leading loUe-' 'jfask our materials! .-' A* G. By CHAM, Faslilonable West End Dress. Millinery and Mamie EstaWUksiiBt.' auclpil, Oct, 21, 1877. ~"-' ' " " es Gampaign Opened WESTERN ADVERTISER & WEEKLY LIBERAL. rctluc^tl r-lrc-rrpiuima to- every Sub-crlbcr Harvest for Agents And oilier I'aefnl Articles. Note the following : Frosh Groceries, Tea, Tobacco, Biscuit, Soap, Ball Blue, Button Blue, "Soda, and all other tilings in connection with the Grocery line. Also Pipes, Cigar-Uolders, ' Hair, Combs, Penknives, Lead Pencils, Noto Paper, F..C. Paper, Pen^_and Ink, Tooth Brushes. finprer Ririjre, -'" Pins, Needles, . ,- and a variety of other tilings toofnu merous' to mention. | Call and bo convineod of the al>ovo facts. Tho patronage -of tlio public respectfully solicited. .' JOHN HAWKINS. Acton, Nov. 14, 1877 -. T^UKJIAM BILLS for SALE. The undersigned has for sale ono yearling Bull and two 2-year-old ijulls. AU tEoroughbreH. ; Also BO?oral Leicester Ram Lambs. C. S. SMITH. Acton, "NoV.., 1877. character, ability, and experience .in teaching, required by tho Regulations. j j . . R. LITTLE. j V. S. .Inspector, Co. Ilalton. Ajaton, 26th October. 1577- - The Fifteenth" Annual Campaign of the .}Vc*ivr:i Advrrtiszr and Weekly Liberal is now'under full .hcadvray. Hundreds of new names are pouring in from all parts of Ci lada, \Ve want 5,000 new subscribers dnring thiSrcr.n- vase. 1'lenty of room, for "1,000'more BATTY>S fc3U=^./^ -^c=,r~^. p, eiS ^j tl]e (.- / Bettli*: - B."f.,arS ?-& j^NDastiic mi).n ieauinjil andsww T"1 estlon.-U Planes cvir manntaeiBr'- ^*g. jgM i\ gsi te>t trial .4 V^ASHINGTQW, test in tne MQrlS? PJ EW J SRSEY. Eeaily-'s oefeDrstea " lioliicn Tougued\ParIor Organ, anjr"' manut.;ct'irer c^.sllengbd to equal them They nosress power, depth, brfl.Uncy anil fjaipailiplic aeiieacr, exqaiUeljr beautifully polo tfTecls, and tne.ohl/jtoi ' notion ever lnvcn'.ecl that be dls^- arrniiKcd b3" tu-e, Ttie bcihnrs csperin- ISFoureattliat bhtiiula cflort Isreqnlr^ e-l ivjtti tne ftejfto snpply all th^-sir ec-sary Bi'sfraailc anil most' e!e-ac .' si's In tlin i/arl;et..- >il-soUd mm'! ,-. i . ^ ^ V i orniuncnis. Ev<Vy in.strnmentfoily ar- agents. Our tcrnls > agents, ami in- , j-.cteJ Tor six yeArs-a* strictly furtclaM-,' ducements -to subscribers will }?e found aodwuion from 5 to 15 day*'t<-sttijjj.. ' in-advance of anything yet oi^rei' i^'}',TJL-fi A\1EL F. EEITTI', WBth\nit J "J , i^oii, _iew Jersey. I$1L OF FAKE. I n?'STjviieral r.ewpaporln Canil-l.-i. "|T>I'S1'Vtp<S PTrnPEftTV 2-BalsSieolyearire'eto new Bubseil- 1 f?Sl " rltUraBI If rrs. I . V to every ^ ^OCR R-A T'.TT! - \Y. F. GRACE'S CELEBRATED ALVE, .li Sure Hetlcr for the StifTcrer. bo.. - , 3-SnI'ndf'.I J-^ngrnvir scrlbor.'. f 4 Airncu i'.iral I'epartmei.t by Clarke. . - 5-Teacher's Department Eest In Can- .' - 6 Laslles' " Fashion ami Kitchen' col umn. 1 " Music, pictu': I .. ii Complete T< mpejaneo R<-cr.rd. 10 Reliable nnU copious .Market Re- ports. ' - ' 1 TlillMS FtiR iSTS. $1 C". -nrilh o'nerav- T.j;, Laodffepr's -1 Paneinary," 5i'X20"'.es. gl.50 without engraving.' Fest- age propnid. '. Z**~ blberal terras to Jisents. Forfree snmplecoples, or instructions toagents, address.; JOES CAJlTrlTtOK & CO, ' ~Adrtrtlier- Officej"'t'iiid'in, Ont, -: i'!iti'Ar.En iiy SETH W. FOWLE.& SONS, SO lIAHItrSO.V AVENUE, ~: I BOSTON, MASS. . TO BVSI.N'ESS BIES?. If you- ivant llll:heads. Statements, Let- ter-hoiuls,'Jopes, Mercantile Filnt- li^ir,'of aivy klnil,_.ione in business slvl-?, *nl your orders try \\\^ Fuki: Piiuss oillce. SaUsfactlou guarantee;!. -- i UBACEnj CELEBRATED SALVE, : Is a Vegetable Preparation, Invented In tha 17th cchtmj- by Dr. Wll-' Ham Grace, .Surgeon Iu Klnit James" nrmy. 'i'lirous'.i Its' agency he oureil lhoi'.Bands of the most serious' sores and ^svmmds that baffled trie slcill of tbe most eminent physicians of his ils(v, and wits regarded by all who knew him i-s a pub- ic benefactor. r . PRICE 21 CENTS A BOX. =! ' ACTUS MAUUKTS. Flour ... '..-. .. ?3 00 to 3 00 Fall Vtlieat,new'.. Spring Wheat, new Sprouted Spring Whoat Barloy ... Oats Peas ....... Butter...... EgRS. .. .. ^Potatoes, per uag Apples, early, per ba . .. 1 12 to 1 15 0 70 to 1 05 0 75 to 1 00 0 45 to 0 55 0. 30 to 0 35 0 CO to 0 GO 0 17 to 0 IS 0 12 to 0 00 0' GO to 0 70 O 50 to O 75 Epps' Cocoa. Uhateful and (Jom- -FOBtino, " By a thorough knowledge of the .natural laws which govern tho operation3 of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of woll selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicatoly flavored boverago which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by tho judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may bcgradually built up until strorigehough to resist overy tondoncy todiBease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating around us ready to attack, wherever there is a weak point. We may oscape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvoB well fortified with pure blood and a pro- porly. nourished frame." Civil Service Oaxi'Ctc. Sold only in packets labelod "James Evr-3 & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Throadncudle Stroot, and 170, Piccadilly, London." X^AR.31 FQIt SALEi The subicriber oWors for sale his Farm, beinj? the north-east half of lot 26, in the 2d eon. of the township of Esquesing, comprising 100 acres, ad joining tho corporated village of Acton. There ia a good log house 50x26, and frame kitchen, both lathed and plaster ed ; a frame bam' 46x54 ; stone milk- house, and a thriving orchard. The ^ farm ia well watorod, 80 acres cleared- ^ T'S and in a good state i.of cultivation. vimPles, Title good. For further particulars "-"" "~ apply to james; bell,. - On tho promises. Esnueslng, Nov. 7, 1877 19-lm GKACES CELEBRATED,SALVE : CURES' """" FLEflH WOTfKDS, FUOZES LIMBS^SALT BHECJI, CHir,BI,AIKS, SORE BICITAST, SORE LIPS, ERYSIPELAS, EtNQ- W0RJI8.CAI.I.USKS, SCALD HEAD CHAPPED HANDS, B0RNS, scami, * WODKBS,- FKSTER8, PILES .; BUNIOKS, NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. mEA HEK 1VANTEW. Fomalo Tcnchcr, for S, S.. 'No. 5 Esipuosing; for 1878. Testimonials wanted. Apply stating salary, to \V. II. Grant, Secretary, Erquesin^ P. 0. ; T>EK5iSHIKE BOAR. [ Tho undorsigncd has a pure bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on hia promises, in Acton. Terms 1 cash. J. B. BURNS. Acton, Nov. 1, 1877.', I8-2m rriWO BAM IiAMBS for Sale. / The subscriber offers for salo two well-bred LEICBSTBB RAM LAMBS, 10 A I-IECE. For particulars apply to T. DOCKRAY, Lot No. 2, Town-line, EriD. Oct. .28, 1877. 18-4 ' cancers, . kkloks, ' SIRES, ulcers, STINGS, Emj?QLES, W'GKS, STIES, AJ1CES3, rSEOKLES, SPRAINS, BOILS, CUTS WHITLOWS BLISTERS, TAN CORNS, SCURVY, ITOir, INOROWINO NAILS, NETTLE HASn, lIUSftUlTO AND KLKA CITES, SPIDEE STISQS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, Forstilo by all UruggUts. grocers, and' at all count'y stores throughout tho. Uni ted States and Ilritl'sb. Provinces. i*rioe byrnail 30 cents. Ladies and gontlcmen to learn Tele graph Operating for oiHces opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. ' ' Address il anaoer, - i ; .'. Box 955, Torhnto, Wo arc prepared to pay the highest cash price west of Toronto for all classes o Sheepskins and Calfskins in good condition deliverod at our tannery. We wish it to bo distinctly understood that wo pay tho Highest Pihce for such. Fanners will study their inter ests by bringing their skins to us, in stead of selling thuln to Middlemen and Peddlers. STOllEY,.MOORE &;CO. Persons leaving skins at tho factory of W. II. Stokkv & Co. will also re ceive tho highest price for them, ^IVE CENTS AGAIN. On and after 'the-1st of November, MILK will, bo sold at tjio following ratcis : . . ; <* Per Quart, 5 Cents; ! Per Pint, 2i Cents.; Now Imperial Measure, 31 \ Quart Tickets for One DolhiT; 211 Pint-- Ticket* for Fifty Cents. ; . Tn advance. : ,-- : P. S. ARMSTRONG.' Act-on, Oof IS, 1S77. -- WEilLOCK BABKk 1; horoby give notice that I do not1 now buy Hemlock Bark, as I have: a full supply on hand. * BE ATTY'S PIANO & PARLOR QRGM INSTRUCTOR. w)lj|JV^milioi"iiHinr.aB Containing the elements ef music.-with cosy and progressive exorcises to perfect the -player in the art of mus-lc ;elfher piano or ortan). to which Is added over sixty Waltzes, Polkas Marches. Galons, operatic Melodies, Dances, e;c,, by .Dan iel F. Beatty. \Vashlngton. New Jersey, one of the best works otlts Wnd ever In troduced, and should be In the hands of every piano and organ player. Seat post paid to any .part 01 the United States or Canada for only fifty cents, tho price having been reduced ' everywhere. - Address BEATTY, Washington; y cents, tho price A to Introxluse It ess DANIEL F. o, New. Jersey.. AND. ,'! ,'-'."" I . " V. Now is the time fro leave-yoor c i*< At J. Ryder's Factoiry" tor a I FT1UE ONTARIO SADDLERY, >4_GJT03ST, Is tho place to get the best Harness for the least money. , Owinpr. to Hard Times,-Prices have been Reduced. All Orders left with m* will receive careful attention. COLLARS A SPECIALTY .'As nil farmers' know theirtoorsos cannot work with sore necks, throw off tho old collars and get a new pair that will giro ontiro satisfaction. Tue place to getjtiioni is at tbo ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whips, JuBtTeceivedand will be sold cheap for cash.. . ". . ": RepairingponcNcdthj, 'Cheaplyi and on the Shortest Notice.. .-> Stylish Baggy or SorrteeaWe .'"". "Wiiitoiiiirn y I am, making up a large BtaAforjJ'? present esaseo^ from the besii K. CREECH. Acton; Aug. 21, ]877> PnOTOGRAPIIWRS' should -"iftfr-. ward tne thair address if fhey wish to obtain a Piano or exchange lo Organ -in Photographing. Ad- 0. L. BEARDMOliE. i dress DANIEL FY HE ATT Y, WasL Acton Tannery, Oct. 15,1877. ] ington, New Jorsoy. Call and" See owe ffandtonfc. Now is a ^ood- time ti S bargains. : " . , ^- Strict attention* given t Sorco-ShodiOB. St GoaexjiSUJ^ -. sriltfcl&gr- '>-" ! Acton, -Feb, 26,1877. n biiy first-ciassjij'*^ a O eq AN3 cbe^pe* * *?* \i . The-nndersigned offiTa for- nl9'<Juity!V desirable property Eitnat"<f oil Haia: [street, now occupied by Hr.1 Ctu.Y ' " iThs* . .r8~f"U b;""e "an> Err l,lg n"a Clic!icl rropcrtTis-inlirstclbs coBdiikJt8; ul2 " -' - - . - - -n-jtj, a gooo; cellar. Terms 'Btetrir': For further particulars apply to ' '."- MESSRS. W. riARLIXCfcOO- -.. "j^ Mo^hn*L :- Or, Vi-.Uj STOREY. Actoa. | A^ton,:Au. 22d, 18/7. " ! : As* BEATTY, ^aslgjt'r ion, N epJ, Jersey; thn Jg^ other ra'anckfacfurer virf fte V* l5S ; States. Why?, Because ho ,^' only for cash, btkes no ris^MP J* no book accounts. Ever? .W ffl^ ment is fully warranted fi^811'^ as strictly first class, an<t.- S-. ort from'^Jto 15-flaya* test "g*:. money refunded fyid fMl^W both ways by him if they..^^ factory. Send for. lllustratea, VERTisfiiv (Catalogue IBurti^pV^' read testimonials from-:bSlTO some of'whdm you may knoSS^v* dress DANIEL F. ugtoii, New Jersey. Q.E0RGE LEVENS^' j-;|" " ' Barber, and Hairdresser^. - adjoining Socord Bros-VBto^ ^ Street, Acton. Hair switches " combings prepared to order. . ^ SIGN PAmTErtS.efrV^ OAMKL F. MCXTIY4 Wflll,D8W* ; Jersey. ' ! =-- . : -' - - .. 'i^- VI r;

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