Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1877, p. 3

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^-^Si ~" "*>P? ' ***7 3* ? ss^iHfes^fet-SsptSfe 'h*. A *" 1* "i h-i 1 X apSS3S!KREHWTB^aE3 ".iSi-g<iasaaaia" ?Wii**?|S!W?i.JlJf s/^Qt \*0 TBr>K TIJIK TAtlLti. lVin leave Ac ton as follows : GOIKU VVSST. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY,' ToNT.', NOVEMJBER 15, 1877. -"j Toronto taail Bxrrcs? (lilt idii<M llOIKO HAST. loapasV <Cht Kxpr*>3 . piTKiprc*s .. wjitern tittU - ' j,od1o mixed - 1:04 a.m. "y.10 a.m. 1.S7 pni. 5.-0 p.m. 7:07 pan. 9:10 a-m. 11.34 vtv. 10:UJp.m. JlfrTico in *ho Methodist Church every SAbbnili evening M haU-pasV rtx O'olocR; (\nit l^th momlTisnnilcvpn- bc on the rtr*l Snbtwth of i each month. Kbv. K.-Hoiins, Tnftor. . *j!1l'____----------------------------------- LOCAL MATTER8. I*. V p. _*lveteena^ We cading -ionasi, t of fishioa- - tiaterials. : A Mr/ fl^U^ujkineni. rv^r1^ People fs- &ec on _- cl WaVaei Fronorricrttnaj t in theworlff.- l-'-y'j celebrated r Ortra-r.. ijjw - ^:i11Mb -n.". tmucey '-. -e_v. ejrt-.uisttery' ." ik a be As> :-lives CIpMiiy r a-'nae *zt t n-.r-M e'.cpsct :1 ?*-l.ld -aroeC t.-.iii r.t fui'-y-^rsT- ^ot'T flrrt cits, ." lisrt- u*'. trial. "!! ATTT, ssafjsx*" ' -for Mfe'tbat-" Jnit^r era Msin' by Mr. Chas. dwelling. IW. i cocditleH acd Terms trber*!. -' I -H>ly t ' fiLIXG4C-b. r JdontrwaL- T- '.jy,-- ONSi r- leave. ycor oder i Is Factory Serrleesbfe [time "to r given * reseralSlM*-' aT-ESiYW led <<",elxy*SS th?y^SifS IUusbted j , Qay,^vffaai- tss.. UrdressenV; kordcr. |\^B6itn&toD' " 4 _3[o m&n is mil emnigli to feet *iit dy trill bring fotih in the fctirtifrhnc. Auotion 8%Je of stock on thtT lurn ol Mr. itos Homo, nc*r Speysid* Ortt Monday. KeT.rJ|r- Mancheo'a lectaro. is to be' nort Monday, instead o{ lost Mon4J" M was*preTioBtilj- anDounccd. J. E. . McQarTirfs . Cough Jijrop is tho b**t ftmetly for couglu, colJ, Bronchiti, io. Try it,' try it. - - TEe tunting Boason is Loro," iaJthemiu wlio coS steal'a'dog aud borrow a gnn feels sitisficd in buyiuR a box of cips. Mr. Jqihn ITa^kins, recentlr &^f:srant ir-tho l*o*t Otlice, Has oj^;lu?d a grocery -and variety -storo. See hia advertisement." ' Read" Fyfo i MeXab's new edvertisenicnt. They hayo a tine 6t'.^.-k of clot'hes and gent!emt-n'3go\>d^, whieh shoald l>e scn. Mr. P. E. Iioc, dentist, is now ia towu and prepared to.nn'dortake any orV required iu hia liiie. Mr. Lee has the reputation-' crf~ being- a tirat-claca rt'entist, of large experience. ----A toung man sent sixty cents to a' firm in. Michigan -w^o ndvertises a recipe to preventliad dreams. Ho ro- . ceived a slip of pr.pi.-r- en which was -written: " VVn'tgo.Utjslecp." .Messrs'. Alex, it Robert Ken-. -. Ci>.ly will have an auction sale of Bliort- shevp, aom car loiii;-wo\>iod and otber s.rticle5, ou their premises, near Acton, on Friday 23d itt. Seo _ad- vertiiement iu anotheT column. -Tae auction sale of_ fartji stock oa the pretuisct ot Messr* J. & J. Brotri;, hwt ThucidaiJ, w.~.^ very largely attended, -r.d n-..>st of thu articles were s--ld at isir pii-^^5. *This" i57 JoubtWa r.e cilvct of t>eiiis v-til advertised. -^A iiCLUre will be delivered by Ker. Mr. Manehce, of Liuelph, in the t t-n^regat?c=al Cimrcb, hcr^, next Monday ccmr.g ,the 19t!i iiist. Sub ject : "The Life and Tfiaes of John Knor." I>iH>rs open at halt_r>aost seven, 'Lectcrc to eor=meso ati' eight. - Ad- cujsion 15 cent?. _ -j We osiittcd to thention last ^s^>et that Messrs. Gocldipg & Henry, vr*o had bo-ja chargnd T."ith selling g.^^ds by acctir-s without li^cnie, ivero arraigne-1 before ths lleere, and \V. II. Storey, E^i--, and mulcted in a fine of 820 and costs. Mr. Gouldinu gave.. ' notice cf~appeal on certain technical troTinds. "We are informed by a Naaaa- gaweya correspondent that the-hill en tho St. Helena road near the 1st concep tion oi Ei^uesviig ha3 recently beeifT : gieatl5 improvod, so that tho aido^n-aii ii now in first-rate condition. Tie job :1ra3 don by 'Messrs. Thoa Ilunie oiia Michie, at a cost of only 35. The}' 4eaerve credit for hating doho : eO good & job for auch a email sum oE nionpy. The skating rinE ia fast be- eoming Uteral f*ct. The outer walla are completed and the.roof will be on fe a few days. M^r. John Cameron ia tl bailder. It is 1S8 feet long and 40 feet' Tride, eosting about 400. "shareholders are Mersrs. John and t'harl" IJill, Edwin McGarvin,- John Camera*, James Sickiin and Albert iNicklin.- Lots of fun may be^Bticipat- *d_for the Trinter. " -^ Acton Hcbool Roanl-* Tliero not being a quorum on tho evening wltwn tho regular monthly meeting of the School BoArd should' have boon held, a special meeting was called by tho chairman for last Thursday evening, when all tho members were present.. Tho special objeot of calling the meeting^- appears to havo been to glvo an opportunity to reconsider tho .jUoslion of ' ro-engaging tho toachora for the forthcoming year. At tho October pessioi) of tho board, tho fob lowing resolutions woro adopted, Messrs Snyder *nd T^sby lieing absent: Moved by "Vy." It. Storey, seconded by Kdward Moore, that this ltoanl re engage Mr.. John Hoss na sfnioT teacher (or tin's school for tho year 1878, at tho yearly salary of $5SO Trith teacher'* residence rent free, and that tho chair-. nVnn sign the ongage-mmt on behalf of this Hoard. Carried. Moved by \V. If. Storey, seconded by Horace Hall, that n committee, eonf sisting of Messrs. Alex. Kennedy. Kdfc- ward Mooro and tho seconder of the motion, bo appointed to rc-cn^agc the female teachers of tho second and third departments of this rtllool for the year 1978, should thoy bo ablo to do ao con sistent with economy In salary. Car ried. Tho .inoetihg on Thursday tvenlng was characterized by a groat doal of talking and not maeb bnsinese. Somr of th mombon exyrowod desire to rescind tho resolation previously adopt ed oolleerning the engagement of the head feaclior, and Bovoral motions were written, discussed and destroyed. The following were finally adopted : Mov*'d by \V: H. Storey, si-eomled by'-Kli Snyder, that the minutes t\{ last \ nie.etinjrbe couiirmed with this amend ment thereto, viz : That this Hoard re serves to itself tho right to terminate Mr. Uoss' enga'cement at the summer rr.eation, provided they doom they have any justitiablo gr.uml of complaint. tV.rried. Yens Mes.-rs. W. 11. Storey, Kii Snyder, Edwarvl Moore, and 11. J. Hall. Nays Alex, Kennedy and Jos. I-asby. " l Moved by-. Horace Hall, seconded by Edward Mooro, that all grievances of whatever character against tho admin istration of the Acton Vublic School be reduced to writing and forwarded to the grievance committee of said School (Pjeard. MessTs. Storey Snyder, Moore and Hall. Nay Mr. Kennedy, The Finance committee reported that they had examined^ the f.dlowing ac count, and recommend the payment thereof : John Koss. salary for October, S45.S3. Moved bv Jos. 1-asbv, Eeconded by Horaeo Hall, that the jOth report of the Finance committee be adopted, and that the chairmanrissue tiis cheijuo for tho same. '.- J.' E. McGnrvin'B Worm Tow- Jers'.are, without exception'the'best worm medicine made. "Try them, try try tHeiu, try thom, try them. th Bargains going The people astonished ct the immense piles of Cheap goods they havo got at McLeod. Andersen &. Co.'s, Georgetown. Ten tons of Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and ChickcBS wnntod. Christie, [-Henderson <e Co., during freezing wcather,~will be prepared to bny atty iiuantity of Poultry, for which the highest prices will'be paid. Tie long pwjiig and long tail feathers Bhould bo pCft on, and the heads iiml.feet also, and if brought in before freezing the Lead sh.inM bo tied " un-ler tlie wing, and the fe-jt drawn up and; tied close 4iuder-the body. ; Xo -Sxcnse Tor nny one bclnc Oat of Employment. - Our attention has been called to some new and "useful household inventions recently patented by L. K. Brown & Oy, of Cincinnati;-'Ohio, which mike hoipekceping a pleasure instead of-a dryyi.Ied necessity. They havo been having a very large, sale fur them throughout the LTnited States, and now wi=h to intr-.duce then: -through tho Dominion of Canada, aud offer good re liable lady or gentlemen canvassers an opportunity seldom met with for mak ing money rapidly. For terms and ter ritory write at onco to Ij. E. Brown & Co., 214 and 21G Kim Street, Cincin nati. Ohio ftCtslrttes' C'OBrt. The adjourned easa in which John " Ksan was eemplainajnt aud John and Adam Halliday defendants, came np ' before" EsqnJrei-Campbell and.Allan at AgnewJs~ hstej,'* yesterday srftemoon. The eojBplaint !ws that the"Hallidays had maliciodsly filled np and destroyed e. weH" of water on premises owned by complainant and occupied by Mr. Itobt.' Meade, on the 4th con. Nassagaweya, with intent to annoy and inconvenience eaid owner and occupant: Mr. McGib- bon,'ot Milton, appeared on behalf of the; defendants, and Mr. John&tou, of Dunbar & Johnston, Guelph, for the pr&secntion. The defefadants admitted the7charg, and the niatter was settled between the parties, the Hallidays atrree-ing to pay all cc*ts ahd damages anloucting ii about 13. A. fresli consignment of now Tweeds, new French Vestinga, new Worsted Coatings, new Black Doe skins, now Black Broads, new Otrer- The J coatings, new Ulster Overcoatings. The Mammoth is the spot to order ydur clothing. New Fur Caps, new Cloth Caps, new Pea Jackets, new Ulsters .at McLeod, Anderson & Go.'s, George- ;t0wn. *- Every man, to be successful in any branch of manufacturing, must turn out good goods. There is no per manent success without it, consoquent- ly success ia a strong recommendation for quality. When wo find parties like Mr. D&niel F. Beatty, of Washington, Iv. J., tlie manufacturer and proprietor of the Beatty Piano ahd Beatty Organs, making sweeping sales each month and each month increasing, thore is no other conclusion to be reached than that the instruments are superior. Every patron of Mr. Beatty speaks in the^ame strain, pronouncing' them the beat. See hit advertisement in this paper, Our' j^lillinory show-room la tilled with new Millinery, new Mantle*, now FloAterSi now Feathers, ne-w Mink Furs, now South Sea Seal Furs, now Carpets, new Itu^s, new Oil,.Cloths. The above goods are new," tasty, nobby and cheap. The. Mammoth is the spot, McLeod, Anderson & Co., George-, town- " m HUrd for Sheep Stealing. Mi\"tJeorge Norrish, of Xassaga<feyfi, missed ieniheep, a few weeks ago, and after searching some time for them,: b,0r came impressed ra-itli the belief .that they-had been stolen. Certain circum stances led him to think that they had ;been captured, and killed by a farmer living not vtzry far away* -named Lam- beri Earbaree, jniiior^ A': search war- jfaat was pracured^^aud in a dark .cor ner under Barbjaree's barn were found Jt number of sheep's leg3 and heads' and I thcr indications' that several animals .<- had been recently killed ajid their re- j. mains carefully concealed. Xorrish felt p fully convinced that 'th'o animals were iiifi, from certain head3 diRccrreretl. Barbareo was exam inod before lia(|uirea Geo. Eostorbrook and Arch. Campbell, when sufheieht evidence waa prodiiced to warrant the magistrates in committing him to jail - to stand his trial. After lying in jail a Ehort time ho was released on bail, to 'appear when-called upou. Gi.THEn.iKG Iks ^^A'fter reaping an abundant harvest and enjoying iir. exceedingly favorable fall for the prosecution of all sorts of farm labor, the farmers are now biiBily engaged gathering in tho roots, which are a very excellent crop, "Vv'e often hear it remarked that farmers are a diseontentod and grumbling lot. We don'V think there is much- truth in the Btato- raoat. Certainly we see no-reason why there should be, particularly this year.' , , , . B.ev, Dr. Ives, the irrepressible markson oneof the]cburell debfc HquWator, aucceeded in raising 58,139.91 at thn To ronto Dloor street Church on 8un- dny^nnd. Monday, last, wbich is raord than sufiiciont to wipe! off the cost of the improvements to tho {building. W.STEWART? CO ABB NOW SHOWING A very largs And very choioo assort- ruont of iTo^r Dry Q-oods . ' *on FALL WEAR : I \' :' W Now Black and Colored Silks,' New Frenoh Ca*hmres, Now RibbonB and Tios, New Dreas Goods. New Staplo Drj. Goods; THAT WONLJERFUL fviAN. T^TXfZ: trade' mark Tflfi golden man, GREAT ATTRACttONr silk department. m Tweeds oun stock qr i, Cloth*; -nd -t Overcoatings , ' i. Is very choioo and oKo<ip. . i Especial attention is requested to"our Siik Peparlment. We offer tbd jfinest asssortmenttof Black Silks to be found in the Dominion. i , We unhesitatingly say that tve offer ift saving of 20 per cent to our; patrons inColored and Fancy DrossBilks. Also in Evening nnU Wedding Silks we bnve yery attractive styles ant} colors. .-_; ' , Our etook or Ladles'Jacket ClothSjf Ulster Cloths ahd Trimmings for satae, is Vfell.-wortliy of attention. lndee<rour stock of all classes ol'\r>- ^oods this eeason is Temarkable for excellence oi quality and , " "' ? : cheapness of price. ' .' ] t W9 take the lend this season, ns usual, having the Ihe flneBt assortment: of Ladies' Dross Goods in town, also of Ladies Quilted Lustre Skirts, Fillfed Felt Skirt3, and the rrincos3 Walking Skirlsr-peautiful. goods.,' '"-' { JOUST 3C3LOC3r<3- t3 SO3>0" -,t| i , , . Keppeclfnlly announce to tbo publio that the greatest enre has berh eie^.: 11 Bales'or whloh are Bed Blanketa Of tho best kind, wonderfully cheap oiBe<1 !" *te BBlcct!on r their immense and vaiied stork. Every article is and good. ----------.-----*. - - - Carpota of the newest designs and colors. Talpeslry Carpets. ', All New, Fresh and Fashionable Staple and \ Fancy Drjr Ootids, Millinery, Mantles; ^ Shawls, Dress doods, etc. 321 GASES _A.ISr:D B^.LE3S DIRECT FTIOM Tt^E MANUFACTURERS. ISlf: manufacturers. Beantlful Brussels and JOHN Sept. 8, 1877. HOGG 6l SON, Alma Block, Opper ^yndham Street, Guelp h; MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY of; New Pall aM "Winter! Goods Wo hold a very superior and large lot ot HEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewartr & Co., GUELPH." Octoaer 10, 1S-77. | AT THE GOLDEN L! We doBiro to call attention to tho very largo assortment of choica now ' goods of every description which wd are now offering. Our importations from Britain nre-now nil to hnncl, nnd we claim, without. Jear of contradiction,-that our Stock of D^fc"Z I 0A1T2TSD QC0D3. t Cnltfornliv Salmon, rorllunJ liobstera, - i Freneh SurdlneHi Cdve Oysterr* 1 Fresh MlM'knrer COFFEES. Our Btock comprises the best grades ot Old Government Jfava, Lagunyra, Maracaibo, and Rio. ' Itoasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus "retaining all. the natural aroma and fisnt of the berry. 00C0A3 AiTD 0H000LATE3. Taylor's Cocoa and Ghooolate, "j. pp's Uomceonathlc Cocoa, j ' - ; Menier's ChooolaUe. STJ0AB3. Refined, ih Loaves, Cnt Loaf. Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, .Extra C, English Kenned fill gradts, Demerara, Porto Kico. Fresh Mackerel. .AOTCfiisr, The subscriber having again gohe into the grocery bfi'sfness, would in timate tbnt he hag always a full line of goods usually kept 1ft first claBs grocery houses, fresh, and of the best quality, such as TEAS. Blacks Finest English Breakfast'Conguo, Souchong; Oolong, " Flowery Orange Pekoe. GnF.EJfs Mbyune Gunpowders, Silver Leaf Gunpowders, Moyune Young Hysons Uncolored Japins, Imperials, Twanknys Our teas are all seloctod for their superior drawing qualities^ j Special discount on purchases ovet 5 lbs. Ourol Hama and Bacon.] anl Buttor. r Oheoao Suraett'r Extracts & Eosoncos- Tlio Finest Goods Manufactured. Soaps of all fcln&a. Pisiaos ana Cauoos. Crosse A Hlackwell's, MlxeU I'lcklcN Choweliow, I'lccaliH, Mnshroom CaUun, John Hull Sauce, Lea A Perrln's iVorcltestershlreHauce, Tomato Catsup. Favorite do., (io",l Yorkshire Rellsb, FroneU Mustard,"" PABnTAOEOUS GOODS. Carolina rtleo. Arrncnn Rloe, I'earl Sago, Rto Tapioca r fearl Hurley, Corn Meal, OntnwnV ATnvbor, Hon.07 aal Syrups. Stan&ardl Chewing, T0BA0C03S- Smoking, Cigars. 'Wall Fapors and ^indovT'iBlicko In groat variety cheapo I - JTT PSTJITS-DSIED. Valencia llatslns, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless, 'Vostiiza Currants, Black Patras do. In Cases selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finest ex ported. CANNED FIVDITS AITS VEGE TABLES.' Peaches, Pears, Cherries, ' rinenpples, Strawberries, Succotash,; Green Peas,' Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other artielesln season, not here mentioned. jggy-Choap for Cash or Trade. SSSSERT FRTTCTS Currnnts, Valencia (iranges, ' Mi-Kslna Lemon, PlneapplpH. Tunis Dates, liurdeaujt WaitHHs Filberts, Almonds. B1S0HIT3 & 00OTHOTI0NERT. iArrowroot, WIno, Scxta, Abernethy. Oeam, Jjemon, fJuttor. ISoeton, (irntinm. OyBter cruekerr New yorkUlrujor nuts. i_ Ginger Snaps, OandleBandSweetmeaUofall klixfc. Cheese, lluttor, Eggs, Hops, I GOODS, In every Branch, is THE iliRGEST, . r ' . \ CHOICEST, Aftl) r V.. BEST ASSORTED OUTSIDE TOKONTOi '....' . QHEAP SALE! GHJEAP SALE! FRESH ARRIVALS At :the Bast Biid GLSSf mUQ STORE. Largaadditipps to our already Bupnrb stocli of _ .... Ss Seats' FurMslnags^ Just opened,-which wo are oflerinj; from 15 to 20 per cent less than their' 1- Having bought largely and fOrcashwe are enabled to place in tbel hnnds of pur customerra good, sound, reliable article at less than auction:,' sale prices. For example: '.'! ' ....-'__ A large selection of pafcorns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at. 70 I and 75 cents, worth 9(J"cents and $ I per yard. These goods are noted , for durability. ; j . -,-. I Heavy Checked Vull$d Cloths, from:62i-and 70 cental f Rare value.-c -; Scotch and English Tweeds, from 80 cents up. made W older lor fil. ' *- lip. A good -suit of clothes And alaff oterything in the Special-value in Overcoats from ?7 t. ___ ..- way of Gents'Furnishings, at bottom prices. Remember this is rto moth"eaten, bankrupt stock, neither shoddy auo- iion sale goods, nor yet eoods damaged at fires, but sound, reliable goods fresh from! tho looms.'. We solicit a thorough inspection of our slock. FYFE ;& McNAB, Alston, Nov. ii. 187". 0UO0KEBY. Cbtno Betx. Wbl te Stone Mots. Ftairen Stoae Setc, Chnmber SWsi tea Plates, Bowls. Jellies. Plattetn, Bakers. And a tall Hue of other kinds-. Mill *an8,".Crenm Crocks, ! Butter Crocks, Jug*. Flower Po', ecc. SolllUij at tlio ruanufacturerfc' prloes. GLASSWARE. .Tumbled, Oolilots, Lamp*, Lamp UlnspeR. Glass Plates, QI.iss Sets, Fruit Jars, <Sc, <to. Acton, June, 1877. Conveyancer, Com. in Insurance Agent. &c. MISCELLANEOUS.' * Tnbf, Tails, Brooms. ! r Washboards, Brushes, Ac, j -Ropes, Wire nnd Wooden Basketsi, Patent Modlclnefe, , Dye stuns. , - |JRtatlonery, school Boaha, ;-"-C- purses, Wallets. Rehool Hags, Spectacles, Violins, Violin Strlrgs. Briar I'lpps. Fancy Goods, Combs, die. Bonoless CodGsh, Ilerrings, Oysters Incan and bulk in season JAMES M At THE W 8-. Our stock of Dress so large that it is^inipossible to enumerate the varieties. Ladies msiy depend,-however, on l'mdinig at THK 'LION all materials -till the fashionable:shades and ati tho same timesomo of the cheapest goods.ever 6een. This is acknowledged by all who have looked through our Btock. ' ~ . No lady over leavos THE LION without getting exactly tho dress she Wants. V ! - MILLlNfiUY, TRIMMIN(GS AND MANTLES.' W'o Invito special attention to the bargains wa are offering in this de partment. Iu the. Millinery Branch THE LION, haa!, always carried th palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles |tlmn ever, while our display of Ladies' Jackets is,unrivalled. We have imported an immense assortment whioh we guarantee to be the cheapest ever shown in Guelph. DRESS" MAKING. | Ladies, do not forget this branch. Mrs. Thompson, as she becomes known, U monopolising all the best work of the town.' Styles unequalled, t'rices moderate. j READY MADE Cl^OTHlNOi : f ! ' .lust received a large'stock of Clothing, including Overcoats in bvery style, very cheap. ! ; "; TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS.' ; ':' - New styles for fall wear, latest patterAs, figures very low. Gentlemen,, remember we have the best cutter in town. A perfect fit guaranteed. - WINCEY. WINCEY. WINCEY. More than 1,000 pieces, plain and taney, from 5 centa a yard the cheap est in town. i r. ' buffalo robes: Cbeaper;lhan ever. Prices from 1 upwards, highest brand, A 1, perlect, from 8 to $10* each. OUR FALL OP -1 V r Is now Arriving'^ Ami will soon be complete for the ^ALL1 TB^BB. CALL AND SEE OIJR NEW STYLES. m STjecial Attention Given to Ordered Work. ."-* '"' ? .- Rcpairiut; Promptly Attended tq. 11 ! i A large lot just in ; the GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION SHIRTINGS. Go to the Liou, the People's Cheap Store. J. 0. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelph, Oct. SO. I8T7. BEATTY PIA3JOI ssasBaBEgnBssssas^z3E3BBSSBaB*HsaBnssjsaBBaBa>> Grand, Squarb & Upright. Agents wanted everywhere. Address T DANIEL F. BEATTY, , ;; ir^hington, New Jersey, Acton, August 7, i877. CiRAINE & SOW. a Q. B., Isaiioi' of Marriagre Licenses, BniCBi OAVliLUNGS FOR SALE. The two dwellings, built of.brick, situated, on Alain oiee(.,Hear tho Do minion Hotel, are o'Ve,e,t for sale, on reasonable terms. The lot consists of three-fifths of. an ner.j, with good gar den, Tho building is new, and well finished, adapted for two families. A good stable.and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. . JOHN KENNEDY. Y-.toa, Ang. 15, 1.877. 7-ym .1 SOFKKiL TEACHEHS: You-can easjly in.creRso your suliiry by devolincin yery small portion of your leisure time to my interest. I do not expect "you to canvass for my Celebrated Beatty'b Pianos and OrgHns .unless you sec fit to; hut \ tho serviced require of you is tioili: pleasant and! profitable.. Full tmr- ticularn free. Address DANIEL -V ! BEftTTY, Washihston, New Jersey. . TJO "YOUNG MHN; We have recently publlshe'l a new edi tion of Dr. t-'olverwcll's Celebrated Es say on the .radlcul aud permanent cure (without ui'dtoiue)or Nervous Debility, Mentalaitd Ptis-slciiIXncaraelJy,rmt.edl- nients to ASorrla^eV etc., reuultlUK Iioxn excesses. fnce, i o a suled enyelere, only A cants or two postageslsmiis. The'celebrated Btatior, In thts admlr- abi.i Ess:.y clearly detnonsi.rates, from tutrty yt,-:.rfi' Rii..-yi.:>.-:liU \iineUre, rhct alarinlwjcetiii8f.riHt*ne.' mrs.v b^ ratlt.-nUj' cui'nl wliiiotit ilteiiaiijjeroii^ nseof bit ;r- I nnl medlcino or the api !iettlt;jii ol ibe tcitife; iKiiiuln^ (ui, a" titode oi cure at onee simple, e.e: t.'it.'.i ;.n-J ett'eetual, by mrnns u,f wiilr.'u i.-very mutter what-.his e-riii.t-tton, mpy ,nc, may cure lrnn^eirebtr.pi.y.privai.ef'y >*o.Vra<jteaHy. Tnls 1 eetiit'oslloQt.'l be In HiolianUs of ovorj' youiii andV?ry Hi tu Jn the hsnd. THE'CI/LYEKWKII, !t?ml'.VI, CO.. -'t .Ian St.^Nevv Yoi k. rostOBVje L'ox J5S0. ' i-ly mAItOKlKC. :v IOUN MoARTHTin, tailor, has returnod*fn^uiJNev.- York city where he h:is atteiuled tlij fcehool of Instruction in the ac-fc of eiiHiny gArmnuts, and i^ nor/botfesr pro-pareyl" than "ever; to tOye the best of satisfaction to his customers. He is nnw in-.a. position to ivarfant a p.jrfi'et fit, and to;e \ip i/arments in tho vt-ry latent Aniert^uu styles. The continued" patronngc:of .tho curnmuiiity resneetfully solieitcd. . -. \ .- : JOHN'StlcAliTHlIB. Acton, Aug. 8, IS77. . . ' n-3m-: TUE ROYAL UOTEI, EX.CHA.NCiE ACTON. This well-known house has recently nndergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with'new and.modorn furniture <jf the best des cription,. and is. prepared;'to ^royid first-class accommodation to the public. The present- proprietor has reeeive'4 a license,-and he will keep the bar vrolt snpphed with the. very best of'Kqpiors; and.cigars. The stablinjp is lar^e-an4 also ainple shed-roomj Tlie patronaffe oL the public is respect- Trlly solicited. ' . , JOHN MANEY. - Acton, Juns 2G, 1877: . PilAlTO osaaA.NDssssa Therei* nomanuTucturerofCinnoa . Otul tlrgans in -this or any.other counlry who' lias received as many urs-jliciteil indorseiuents as h'as^Mr. Beatty. J'vom every Ktiite-n^idTet- ritoiy comes fha siiiiin Verdict. "They re the beftt in Ihe world'*". Illustiated Advertiser, (Catalogui Edition) free. Adilress DANLKl K.' BEATTY, -NVashiugton, Sew Jeisey. V.. L

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