Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1877, p. 4

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v - THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONlf., NOVEMBER 15, ! 1877. Hurrah for the Elephant. ELEPHAST-CLOTHING STORE The Leading" Clothing" House. W. RUTHERFORD & CO, g-txzeielipib:.. Stock Large? thin Ever. Clothing Cheaper than Ever. "We take pleasure in informing the I people that our stock of WINTER CLOTHING Is now very complete, consisting of all the latest designs in Cloths, and for workman ship cannot be beaten. j "We have the following lines hi LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Hold wholoBQlo and rotnil by John Anderson t Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowos' Pianoforto Primer. Jousbo'b Musical Cnteohlsm. Bortini's Now Method for tho Pmno. Clarke's New Method for tho Piano. Hun ton's Piano For to School. Monro's Piuko without a Master. Richardson's Now Modern School. Gitao's Parlor Organ.. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 1(KJ diilorent Mimic Ubokfl, A Rig Discount on nil MUSIC BOOKS ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE - On tlio Cast Biilo of Wyiidham Street GUELPH. ! KNOW THYSELF! By reading and pr*tlcln| the inestimable troths con taincd in tho belt medic*, book ever Issued, entitle! SELF-1'KESEnVATIOH Fncconlitl. Scntbymal -- _ _ _ - on receipt of price. tresis of Exhausted Vitality. Prematura Dcclino ferrous and Ph> slcal Debility, and tho endlesl concomitant ill* sod untold miseries that result therefrom, ondconlalns more than Worifrinnt pro teriptions, anyonoof which is worth the prico o) the book. This book was written by the most e tcnilrc and probably the most skilful practitionei in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jen cllcd medal by the Rational Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tho very unci Steel Engravings a mar. " " Tel of art and beauty- sent rnzc to all. Sesd at once. Address PEjUJODY medical IKSTITOTE, No Dul- toco St., flojloB, Mm*. HEAL THYSELF Grey Ulsters, Blue Ulsters, Check Ulsters, Blue Pilqt, Blue and Brown Beavers, 7 Melton, and Grey Frieze, SELLING FROM $5.00 UP. Our Suits range In price from $7 00 up. We have in stock all the latest designs in SCOTCH ENGLISH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS AND DIAGONAL CLOTHS. Our Suits will be found equal to ordered work both for quality, fit and workmanship. 25. JFIEIR. CZEHSTT OHEAPEE. OUR PANT DFPARTMENT hundred odd VESTS which we will clear out at half their original cosh is very large. Wo can give a pood pair of1 Pants for 2 00. CALL AND SEE We have over two BOYS' CLOTHING. A full Assortment BOYS' OVERCOATS, all sizes. We ha,e in stock the following shapes HUDSON BAY, ULSTER AND BEAVER, selling very low. "Wo are showing a large stock of v Pilot, Beaver and Tweed PEA. JACKETS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Onfe gr&Sii. advantage our Clothing has over any other in town, "is that we manufacture all ourselves, therefore we can at all times give a stylish garment, as we copy alto gether from American Fashion Plates, and never make up any inferior goods, and having always adhered to these principles, we have succeeded in building up one of the largest trades in the WeBt. HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT. t "We keep the largest assortment of American and English Felt Huts in town, also Fur, Whitney and Cloth Caps, in which we defy competition. Nothing but fresh goods always on hand. : FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. 1 Our Furnishing Department will be found the most attractive in town, comprising all the latest noveltiee in White and Colored Shirts, Neck-Ties, Bows, Scarfp, Glover Mitts, Silk Squares, Silk Handkerchiefs, Jeweb^y, and everything elso appertaining to a Gents'Furnish ing Department. 20 per cent cheaper. / A great many wonder how it is that we sell Clothing so much less tfean anybody ebie. But ltisa problem that in easily solved. Answer . WE BUY LARGER QUANTITIES, ' WE SELL LARGER. QUANTITIES, ? ' WE PAY CASH FOR ALL WE BUY, AND SELL FOR CASH. Therefore we are enabled to mark our goods so low that it would be ruinous for any ond to try and com pete with US. Pay us a visit before going elsewhere, by so doing you will save 20 per cent on every dollar you spend No false representations allowed. No trouble to show Goods. With thanks for pastfavors we remain at tho head of Clothieis. r 7 Guelp.i, November, 1877 H WM, RUTHERFORD & CO. DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS & ORGANS riPlATTY PIANO. UKANI) AND DPKIQHT.anrt UEMTY'S CELE- MUtED GOLUKN lONGUKi) PAJt- LOK OUU vN nro tho sweetest loncd nnd most perfect lnsm.menig over beforo manufactured Jn this or any otbtr coun try. The world is dial longed to cqua, Ihein. Best-discounts and term- e\ er bo- fore given. Kock bottom pnulo prices! now roaJy to Jobbers, rujonts, and tho trade In general. An offer. There cele brated Instruments (either Pinno or Organ* boxed and shipped anywhere, on flvoorflfloen dfiJB'Ust trial. Monej re funded sad freight char-RCt paid both wajsirin <inj waj unmuisractory. Fully wnrrnntori for six jears asstrldlv first- class KXTRAOUDINARY LIBEKAL, DISCOUNTS (fivon to Churches, Schools, Lodges, Halls, Ministers. Teachers, ele , In order to nav 6 thera introduced atonce vliero I bovo no agents, Tboacnnds now in nsc. Now illustrated* Advertiser (Cata logue Edition) with list of testimonials, now ready, sent free. Established in '^ Address DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, Now Jersey, C. T. HILL, MUI Street, ACTON, DEALER lis Grocorieo, Qrocfccry, Boots & Shoes, - "Wall Paper, "Winao-w EUalB, IToUb, Glass, Putty, Xtlnsoel Oil, Paints, Turpentine Goal Oil, Salt, oto. 411 of which will be sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. Also agent for tlio RUBBEE PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio, Cafeh for Hides. jlcton, July 18, 1876. CONSUMPTION CURED. JLW OLD PHTBICIAJf, rcllr^d 1mm * pr*e- ttc*. htrtnx h*rj pltccd In hi* hinds by an Rut JadiA MlMlantry &c fonnU a of * VcgeUble Rtmcdj for th& tpcedy nnd permanent care of Coiutumjjtie?h Asthma, JironchHia, Catarrh, ssd all Tbroat ond Z*ini*r Affections ml<o * PotlUre and Hdica1 Cure for NerVOUflJ)&- bllltyand all Isenoui Compla nil, after hiV- powers in t/iou*ndi of cafct, fccli it hll duty to mak#U kiroftnto hli lufftrfiiL'feIio*i Acla- klcd by thia motive and a conwJprtJous detinf to reliere hutnaa ruffcring he wIJ cnd FltXI* Or CHAHOL. lu all who tlenlro It, thli rixW with full direct ions far p-cpurine any soccco ful ly ujln; bent by return tnsal ty sddretilog with stMJOp, naming this ntpcr r t Ub. csinKV8, VA f. BOXM, BtouKVitXE. Our lLX.0>ir B CDCC I Any person who Will make rnCC t and forward me a list ol tho namou of reliable persons of their ac quaintance who wish to procure en In strument,"either Piuno-or Organ, I will use my best endeavorH to sell thorn one. and for every Plnno I succeed in selline to their list within one year, 1 will credit thorn with $10, and for every Organ *S, to bo applied on payment of either a Piano or Orcan; and when It amounts to- a sum sufficient to pay for an instrument selected at tnojoivest wholesale prlco. I will Immediately ship tho instrument, free, or after any Bmonnt 1h credited the balance mav ba paid mo in cash and I will then ship tm>m tho Instrument. They need not be known In tbo matter, and wll I be doing their friends a real ser vice, aa I shall mafce special orreru to them, Belling a snperlor instrument tor from ono'linir to tvro-lhlrds what is ordinarily asked by nuents. Pleasosond moallKl at once andnfler yon havo made inquiry you ran ndd to It. Address' DANIEL F.BEAJtTY Washington, New Jersey 1877. FALL. Christie, Henderson AOTOU, Nl In presentzng our regular half-yearly Circular to tk.' Publio we nave again to Return thanks to our nuiiwrfZ customers ahd the general'public for-the very ltSSSSSS- of business ^tended to us, and in doing so we JmS assure them] that no effort on our part iill b| s?areu% merit a continuance of their favors. As heretoforeit x>rin be our constant aim to advance their interests as fer^ uf^11..0^ Pwer. and at all times endeavor to show S large and complete a Stock as can possibly be founrl ^ one I Feeling assured the boaatiful harvest of t^ast sLou S ^ sonnble prospect of f ir average prices ,for all kinds of farm produce, will cause TI.JL"* jival .n trade, we have purchased this season a larger stoek than in any preriou. issT^JS having done so a knowledge of the wan.s and tastes of our customers, we fee .Jaw"* .hall not be d.sappo.nied in finding reajlv demand therefor. As heretofore o stock coa^ 1 General Qood$ tt Of aU kinds, MiUiaery and Millinesy Goods ,of all lands, Boots and Shoes in immense variety, Steady-made Clotling, Groceries, etc. ~N- *>y As to prices w^ are determined not to be undersold j any one either in Acon or outside. We manage onr business at the least possible exftenao and will sell at nil times at the lowest possible prices. i ' We extend a cordial invitation to examine ourJnew Stock, which We trust will in style, >ariety ond good value, compare more tlianYavorabIy~with any house of the kind in the trade. In the fall of the year no ^ne requires a line o&cjedit as money is then more plentiful than at any other season of the year, besides our experience teaches |ls it is in all cases infinitely better to pay as you #o. _ Our motto heretofore has beeii, 1 And we are determuied to adhere firmly to the principle. We find it impossible t^ enumerate all lines of Goods in stock, but wjll refer to1 ^ome.' *\' in Mtmmmmw. Wfe^snow all the latest novelties in colors, styles,land" r&tfces. We employ ony experienced hands, whose constant aim will be ro suit lastes and re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. We charge no fancy prices for Milliuprj.- The Ladies will pledse remember this. \ ""_- iWe\show an extensive stock of Also Clouds, x * i _rt H A 0 ftfasitaes and ^haw^I. Wool Squares, and Furs of jail kinds-^clieap. - Also a large stock of \ GEITS YOUTHS AND 1B0TS; OVEECDATS ' i In Ulsters, Bed River, Brown and Black Beavers, Mens Ready-made Suits coarse and fine, extra value. Clothing made to order by experienced hands. ^ I Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. In Bladfc: ~ Lustres we ithalleHge all competition. Ask for the famous TigertBrfmd Black Lustres. TT|n-, ceys, extra value. Flannels in grey, scarlet, wljite^ check, orange^ etc. See our Hue of'FacWiy Check Flannel at 25c per yard. 1 * BOOTS and SHOE - K From the hekv^ Stoga to the infant's shoe all bought direct from the makep. No middle man's profit. Slock extra-large and well selected, I ** " per cent off all pui'chases of five pairs at any one time. - r . _ FRESH TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES ;[V Regularly to hand ? ^% Our Famous 50c TEA is used more extensively than m&< if other Tea in the market. Sold in ,5 lb. lots at 45c. Try it arid be convinced. \ ' L _ ; Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps for Men and Boys, andp;' fine assortment of Fine Fur Caps, Grey and Whjte Blankets, Grain Bags, Cotton Warps, i fact almost everytlrin^lfound at any time in a general store. '- i -u- We most cordially request a^continuance of patronajip i1 from those who have hitherto favored us, and a trial from all who have not had o^ir GooCSt feeling assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. We pay Cash for good Dairy~ Butter, or take in e|i change for Goods, fjjur terms are cash or produce. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON &.t$ Aoton, October, 1877. ~ " ' t X

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