Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1877, p. 2

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JP^^SSS'" sttammoBmaxamlm (" THE FREE PRESS, A.CTON, IIALTON COUNTY, OKI, NOVEMBER 22, 1877. "V -BlilK 1CT0.\ FREIi l>Kl>NS I r.:1.!1.: ihivl every l'hurs !>iy Mitt-iliug. J. It. Il.-U'KINU, Proprietor." SI Per .Annum iu- Advttsce JOS M MACK +o M:ml lli: & i Ttr. ij-M'.\v Mouvjrn!, "Nov. i^IST". Tlie most important news wo have h:ul for sonro tiiiio fi-oui tie Sf.l* of War IS []\C. report of tho caplMre of the city of Kara hy the Risriiua. Tho despatch says the oily ia mow in tho hands of the C:u's invading and victorious force*. Tin* is ono of tho most important strongholds of (ho Turks, a;:.l has resisted the repeated tit- tneks of tho -Russians almost over, since- the war began, and it's over throw has only1 boon accomplished after a loss of S000 men aud 10,- 000 prisoner*. Tho downfall d( Kara will probably also seal tho fate of Ei-zeroum, as thoiarmy wdl bo set froa to march to the [capita. 1 of tho IVovinco, .Tho tide Ii\h evi dently turned against tho uriniua of " ttia Sultan, and it-is very probable that'the oiid is not faroff. Russia's grcAt mistake throughout the cam paign appears to have been in un der-estimating the strength of her opi>o:it'iit and in attacking iiuprrg- positions with inadequate . forces. Xow, however, that ho haR discovered her mistake, and has come iuto the field with a de termination to strike as many fatal blows as possible before winter in teiferes with her operations, we see tie effect of superior forces; Tho j real cause of surpriso in this war ia |, theTabiliiy of tho Turks to bald-out ] as loug (is they have. . | WM-, Tho Dunkiu Act contest in Wellington, county is beiu;- pro- seeiiicd wich vigor. Mr. Marvin Knowlton, agisted by local talent,. holds nightly. ..meetings in the _ interest" of the Act, while a Mr. ; Brooks of Peterborough' and E. Iviug Dodds champion the, " anti'i cause.- The prospect that the Act will bo carried triumphantly seeins , Very good indeed; .The . voting commences on the 27th. The Union of the Maritinio Provinces- lor logisktivo purposes itilLsoon be under consideration. Mr. Hill, Premier of Koa the movement, parties ara to Hon Scotia,-has started both poljtica iUll unite in. discussing its feasibility. The main difficulty will be that uch a union would greatly curtail Provincial patronttg.', and deprive n.ivi.y offict holders of positions they now occupy; Tho advantages of such a union would be great, for legislation would be'simplified and the executive power concentrated, in one Government. HP -(flff:.^ I ! 1 v i. Thanksgiving Day. To-day has been set apart as sp Day of Thanksgiving for the Dominion of Cina3a, and it may he said correct ly that it 13 the first . National Thanksgiving Day ever had in the Dominion, inasmuch as all the Pro vinces :nave never before joined in Betting apart the same day;'_ for thanksgiving. Governor Collum, rpf Illinois, seem to ha-re a correct idea of how such a day ought to ho observed, ami in -a Thanksgiving proclamation,-says : '.' I therefore Call upon all.jcitizens to assemble in their places of religious worship, and around their tables and fire sides, to mako thus holliday a day of rest and festivity, not forgetting its.religious observance, but, above; alii a day for the re assembling of Ecattered kindred, in order tb the closer knitting of those dorpeBtic tie3 which are the pludga and ground of national union and pros perity." " . ~ The Toronto Telegram makes bold to Bay'that it is the fash ion now-a-days for ~tbe party organs to sneer at any organi zation or; company of peoplo who. do not folloW' humbly in _the footsteps -of tho party leadera. Tiiey seem to think tliat. ifobody should holct opinions of his'own on any matter win'ch do not chime in with the opinions of either Sir John Micdonald on the one hand or jlr. George Drown on the other. The Mail sneers at the peopje iwho advocate prohibition andwhio have I made up their minds to oppose the i tl--cUoti of such politicians as re fuse to vote for it, while the Globe Bcold3 the ruanufaeturers v/ho are advocating a policy of protection, us if they had--perpetrated boiuo gr<vit moral wrong. - It is v<:ry jf-com-ise, that people should . flnUott County Council. Tho Cuvittcir'mui iu uccordanco with udjimvnnii'iit in "tho Court House, on Tuesday of; last week. Tlio 'Warden in the chair. Aronibers pnwmt it-^ Messrs Duck,, Foster, Lyon, Mo- Gurvin, MeKenzie, Jduniios, Ram- any, Kobinson, Warren, Watson and Waldio. The minutos of last 'iiicoling were yoa'd and continued. Tho Clerk road communications from tho Directors of .tlio Toronto Eye und Ear Infirmary, tho Chair man of tho Select Commit tee on Tax Exemptions of the City-Coun cil of Toronto, and a letter . to tho County Treasurer from, the Mayor of tho City of St John's, N. p., acknowledging tho receipt of tho grant given by the Council in aid of the sufferers by. tho lato Ere iu thut city. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded by Mr. Robinson, that the by law to. raiao ten thousand dollars by tho issuo of debcaturers for tlio purpose of buihKng tho now Jail aud tho enlargement of the Court House bo read the third tiiuo and passed, tho Mine, having received the necessary, advertising. rCarried. Tho by-law was read tho third time and passed. The Warden read a statement of the amount of money paid up to duto to George Blnin, contractor for tlie erection of tho now Ja,il and addition to the Court House. Mr. Waldio, chairman of tho Conunitteo on Finance, preseuted its report, which Was read and adopted. Dr. Buck" moved, seconded by Mr. Foster, that tho sum of fifty 'doljars be grouted from tho funds of tho Municipality to aid in erect ing an Eyo and Ear Infirmary in the City of Toronto, for tho treat ment o.f the poor of tho Province of Ontario who aro affected with disease of "tho eye'and ear, -and that the Warden habere by author ized, to issue his cheque on the Treasurer in favor of tho Secretary- of the Board of Directors, for tho game, so soon as satisfactory evid- "onco is given to tho Warden that the proposed scheme will be car ried out, and that tho blank peti tions forwarded:for tho Lieutenant Governor, and tho House of Parlia ment, be signud'by the Clerk and transmitted to tho President of tho said Board of Directors, A,'T. Mo- Comb. Carried. Mr. Foster moved, seconded by Dr. Buck, that it is necessary to provide sixty cords of good, sound hardwood tor tho use of the Court Houso and premises- oouneotod- therewith, and that Finlay lie- Callum and Joshua "VanAlien be authorized to advertise for tenders for the same. Carried.. Dr. McGarvin mdved,' seconded by Mr. Waldie, that R, Little, Esq., and others, be paid tho sum of thirty dollars and 'fifty cents for equalizing assessment rolls "in Union School Sections. Carried. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded hy Mr. Waldio, that the: Warden is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders for the parchaeo of the County of Hal ton. .debenture!. Dr. Buck moved, seconded by Mr. Foster,- that this, Council ad- jonin to meet again oh tho Sth day of December. Carried. Council adjourned. VV"M- Paktok, Clerk. AN UNDERGROUND HORROR. Vlr<\ lluiW llxitlosioli 111 U Colliery. -^TWO HUJIDRKI) MEN IN PERIL. . Soranton, Pa., Nov. ir>. 1877. , Tho Jorniyn Colliery, in tho Thirteenth Ward of this city, was the scene of a thrilling fire-damp disaster this morning, by which u number of workmen woro fatally injured, and others maimed in a most appalling manner. Tho ex plosion occurred in ono of tho chnm- bors of tho, noino sixteen him .drod foot from tho foot of tho shatt, whoro a gang of workmon wero constructing cross walls to direct tho oourao'of tho air. Tho volumo of firo damp, coining in contact with their lamps, bocamo ignited and exploded with a terriblo roar, tearing all beforo it, causing tho ontiro mine to shako and making tho firm breaker at tho,mouth of tho shaft tremblo liko fi rbed. : V A SCENE OF IIORUOH. Two hundred men and boys w^ro; in tho mine when tho accident oc curred. Their lights wero instant ly put out. Hugo pillars of coal were torn into fragments. Props wore flung about in- all directions. Mine cars woro cruahod to piocos, and men and mules carried Bevoral yardB distant or buried alivo amongst great boulders of rook and coal. It was a moment of intense terror. As soon as tho men in uj distant part of tho mine recovered from tho effects of tho shock they ran to tho assistance of their com rades, who wore lying herpiess and: dying beneath tho heapa of debris. CAPTIEE OF KAILS. Turkish Loss 5,000 Killed. TEN THOUSAND rRISONEBS. Rauln Dcrllnci Mediation. "u"> rer; til.:: . t'IB'.i :iij-: ii . iv. \ nii"I!jgcuce.'and i tho ke-.pinj; of ,;ni,d thut they to walk humbly d out for them i'TK. But th(!l-4 he any' help, for ')- il'..'. M-..-IH t) ir. A nil perhaps the organs' and the Ifiidevs will find out by-arid-bye tliKt the better way -vijr |,e to keep their sneers an! thejr threats' to. theitiRfclvcs and to bo a 'little le^s "despotic in their hearings towards difl'erent classes of the communitv. The Future of Canada. It is noticeable that many of tho thinking men of the age havo of late been giving more or less atten tion to Canada, and that there have been more articles written during the past few months- ooncerninif the probable future of the Domin ion than during any other period of' similar' duration. That the apron-eti-ingfl which hold Canada to tlie Motherland must be untied sooner or later, seems to be the 'general conviction of all who havo -turned for a moment from tho con ditions of the present to take a peep into the possibilities of tho future. After that, the students of politioal history part company, fiomo belioYing that tho future of Canada is independence, others"bo-' lieving that it is annexation, and still others that it is imperial part nership. Mr. Blako is among those who take tho latter view. He holds that the day must come " when we shall cease to be de pendents by exchanging depend ence for association j by rising from the present position of colon- fsta" jto that of partners in the freedom, the fortunes, and tho re- sponaibili.tie3 of the erhpire." Ho pointed out that Mr. Fbister, one of the foremost statesmen of ! the Liberal party in England, delivered a .long addrebs two years ago. in which he fully recognized what some people hore do not appear disposed to recognize the anomal ous character of the present relation of England with her colonies. At a banquet given to the Premier- at Montreal the other day, Mr. Mac-' keazio gave expression to views of pretty much the .same nature, showing thut ho, too, had falkn in wi'th Mr. Blake in believing that the present tie lacks tho oloments of permanence, and that before very many years the question that, will have to bo decided by the people of Canada and the Mother land will be separation on one hand or federation on the other. London," Nov. 19. A social despatch to the Duihj Xeicn from Krzerouni lias beon received report ing tho capture of Kara by tho Hussians. It says tho Turks evacu- atod the plnco aiid retreated to wards Err.erouin, the 'Russians pur sued and captured a'company of tha retreading Turkish battalions. The Turks lost 5,000 men killed, aud 10,000 taken prisoners, besules 300 cannon. Tho Russian los'sos are reported at 2700 men.- Berlin, Nov. 19. ,Tho semi official German preB3 JBtates that Russia has resolved to refuse all offers of mediation. Tho political contest in Que bec East continues to increase in interest. Both'parties aro conduct ing active canvasses from door to door. Tho Tt'h'ijram says tho .Local Legislature will probably bo called together for the despatch of busi ness about the 3d January next. It is now too late to assemblo this yoar,l even if it were not found to be the moro convenient plan to meet in. the beginning of January, instead of meeting in December and adjourning over tho'hpMdayi<ras had bten tho custom up to the la3t session. From all appearances the ooming' session will be a protracted one ;. neither will it bo a particu larly brilliant nor productive one. But short as it may bo, it is hardly possible that it will bo able to got through the work it may have to do-without overlapping the meet ing of the Dominion Parliament. \ Abyssinia and Egypt havo I sovoral tinios been repotted as huv- ing. concluded peaces and then Vvar- like operations havo'been heard of "afterwards. Now a telegram comes from Alexandria to the effect that there' is news from Col. Gordon himself that the King of Abyssinia lias accepted his terms of peace. Matters ought to bo gufficiehtly settled in Alexandria for tho news from thtre to be reliable when it ia vouched for as authentic., Tho conclusion of tbiB war will make explorations in Africa morefeaBi* ble, for it is not at all probable that Col. Gordon would offer terms, to Abyssinia which would include provisions for the safety and non- interforenco with exploring and other peaceful expeditions which mifeht conio within tho power of the King of Abyssinia. Stratfoep and Huron. The laying of .rails on the railway north is now about completed, but owing to the weather, ballasting has been discontinued till spring, It is intended, we believe, to com-; mence running regular trains to Listowel about tho first 'week in December. Tho peoplo of the northern metropolis are prepared to giye a hearty welcome to tteir southern visitors on the day of the formal opening. Conviction Quashed. An amendment to Mr. Crook's liquor law passed at the last session of the Legislature compelled defendants in liquor prosecutions to give evidence against themselves, and a number of convictions have thus been; obtained. -In a case recently appealed, Chief Justice Harrison decided that the Legislature had no power to make such a law, and quashed tho conviction thus ob- taine 1, This decision of His Lord ship will upset a number of con victions mado all over tho Province. J - . Ono Scott, a collector of debts,' Toronto, quarrelled with his wife on tho 14th inst., and went to board at Williams' hotel. .About 6 o'clock on tho 15th insl> he wag. found dead on tho floor of the bodrooim pating lately. The limine (fcucKtion..' After much earnest discussion, and very full considf rat ion'of the ciroiitiiHtJinccH, both of the Toronto, Grey and Bruco Railway Company, unci of tho pooplo.interested in the running , of' tho road, a fair and feasible financial sehomo has: been hit upon. _ To Beciiro tho ratepay ers for tho total bonus of 1,000,- 000 required, tlio.'_'Uoinpiiny will give that amount in Second Mort gage Bonds, tho interest, on which will, iu time, mako a sinking fund that will pay them off. It is safe to say that thiR iH tho very best oll'or tho Company can 'make, and to wait for any hotter is needless. It would bo a mistaken.dopondonce, too, to suppose that if this com pany bo not | aWo to- ronow and run tho road, somo other company will. If people would but think that tho Grand Trunk, for instance, could not run a car to Owen Sound until tho whttlo gauge wan changed, they would seo the folly of such an expectation.-But the Grand Trunk could not chanjzo tho gaugo and re- nbw tho rails without spending nioro money than tho T. G. <fe Ii: Company propose to spend. To lobk to that quarter for assivtnnco is utterly foolish. Tho pooplc must thomsolves oomo to tho front, if thoy wish to robin tho road and tho benefits it hriuga tho'in. 73u- dall; Quiile. Temperance movement lu Ottawai It is argued by somo that no matter how much tho question of temporanoo is advocated, or how many converts to tho total abstin ence ranks are made, qui to bb much liquor -is consumed and drunkenness is not decreased. This is what the Ottawa Free Pram says : " A prominent Baloon- kceper has.- admitted that bis bar receipte lSvvo beon-ut least Si per day less sinco tho; Kino wave wash ed ovor Ottawa. This would be, $24 per week. Presuming tbat the decrease ha9 butm the same with somo sixty odd places where liquor is retailed by tho glass, and wo have the sum of $1,4-10 drink riionoy saved each week. Taking tho fifty-two weeks of tho year and wo have tho largo sum of $71,88(1 per annum, ' -Making an aljowanco that $4 per ;day is too high an estimati of tho average loss to tho dealera around, let S24,S80 bo taken off the amount, still there is tlio respoctablo n'um of $50,OUO left : saved from being swallowed without any appreciable benefit ^~ niaking;-enough in four years to cover tho '200,000 bonus to tho Toronto aiid Ottawa Railway." Anotiif.k 2sote Swindle. Mr. Wm. Gilmore^ a ftrmor of West .d'lainhoro', has' boon duped by two American sharpers to tho tuno of 240 in ordering "a new and use ful pruning knifo." Thoy told tho firmer that the knifo was the best ever made, only $2 opieco, and. they could bo easily sold for $5, tlni3 clearing $3 on each. Mr. Gilmoro finally guvo an ordor for 120 of these knivos. Tho gentle manly vendors woro in no great hurry for their monoy. They would take a note at 90 days. Bay, for tho $240 mr they wero wealthy, there wai no need to hurry.about it. Mr.' Giluiora 'consented," but having still a little common senBo left, he insisted on putting all tho conditions "of tho transaction on the back of tho note, to which tho strangers at unco agreed. Tho note was duly drawn, up, indorsed with tho conditions, and tho men departed, saying that they would sertd on tho prunors at onco. Tho! men then left and called ori ilr.: Diamond, but that gentleman de clined to deal with thoni in regard to tho note/ A Mr. Timis was evidently persuaded to give a span of LoraoB for tho note, and tho horses were takon to Hamilton and sold by tho swindlers. Mr. Gil- more shortly afterwards sow tho note, and found that tho back qf it had not. oven the scratch of a pen, on it ! .In short ho found that the old gamo of- fastening two notoa together had been played on feim. Ho had written all hie con ditions, -etc, upon tho back, to bn sure, but it happened to bo that of a blank note. The swindlers of course, separated tho notes, and Mr. Gilmoro'a was given to Mr. Tunis without a niark' on the back of it. Qf course Mr., Gilhiore will havo to'take up tho note,, aud thus'he will pay $240 for inothing, aa they did not leave hitri even a' eaanple' pruner. -Exchange] 'Am Ti Enoch Arilcii Stury. L0S.T IIUUUA.VJJ TUltNU UI>. -.;. i The Trauip I'lanttc. iQi?AKKiiT.ow.v, Pa., Nov. 19 V|igihuicf)f Oniiiiiiittco has _____ formed in Northoni 'Ponnsylvania for protection agaiiist tramps.. A- number of stores in Ixihigh and Bucks counties'havo been plunder ed. Tho tramps found a.renden- voub in Thomas Widfrife's'house near Coopbrsburg. The place was captured on "Saturday and several thousand dollars worth of stolon goods.recovered. Tho vigilants had a desperate oncotmtor with another -body of tramps four miles from Ctecporsburg on Saturday, and cap- tyred ton, including throe severely wounded. _. uth, ic is said, is stranger than lotion, and tho adage is fully borne out hy incidents' 4n tho life of a lady belonging to Moititreal, which havo been related oniunqucstioned authority. Tho Htory ia of tho Kiiotili Anion -type,! and may be relied on as being pelfoct(y truo. A number of years ,!go a Montreal married to a young lady there, and, shortly al'tor, being "at- trac'.ed by tho glowing accounts received from tho liind of gold in California,-Hot out for tho Golden Gate to hotter his At fiiBt ho continued to correspond with his young wife, but tho letters cousod and information nrrircd that ho had fallen a victim to tho mur derous propensities of ono of tho " hoodlums" who infested tho city of San Francisco. Being assured of tho truth of tlio report tho lady married again, but hor happiness' was not of long duration as tho second husband soon after died. Sho was not destined, however, to bo long a widow, as a third;Buitor presented himself in tho person of a gentleman well off in real estato Jbusiuoss. - Ho oflerod his hand and was accepted. The marriago was a happy one, nnd all wont well until news! arrived .that tho first husband was alive and'woll in San FrauciH- co. fl'his information was soon followed by letter* from tho truant Flour himself, anking the woman ho had ' Fall Wheat,new.. abandoned bo infamously to come ' Spring Wheat, new out to him. Now comes a strange ! ^"tcd Sprilia Whga chapter which our informant was ' Oats not nblo to.oxplain. Tho. 1'idy, ul-| Peas .:: though professing to ho deeply at-' Butter ... Inched'to tho third husband and I ^KK""' resolved to cling to him, no matter' .J^""' lf* * v. , , . , t , * . ' AppIcB, early, per bag what -might happen, wont out to - ' . California in responso to the letters ,., , ,. ,, " '. ""77 ' GiurEiX'L and Com- she recenoi!. blie did not remain rollTIW,_..- ,5y ft thoroUKh knowledge long,, however, bub camo back,}' of ,the untnral laws which govern the: when the'door that was opened to ! operations of digestion and nutrition, her before was now closed, and tho ' aI"1 "^ a 'careful application of the fine man sho had last plighted bor troth i K?;T'e3 ' ^"i -8e,efud ,ctoco"; c\It' , . _ , , ,u." | Lpps has provided oar breakfast tables -to having taken legal advice, dc- with a dclicatoly flavored beye.ragc. cllned to acknowledge her' as his ; which ijiay save ua many heavy doctbrB1 wife. This was the saddest blOwfkillB. It is by the judicious useof Buch of all, and-has fallen with crusliin" ' ?rticlc,a ^,<li?t ',hrit a constitution.may oegrailually limit tipuntil.stronneninKh icight upon tho unfortunate vie {to^t cv y fiLi^c* t iU.L tim ot man 8 neglect. Tho lady ' Biindrcds of subtlem'aladiesarelloating bears tho highest character and is ' '.vo'iud us ready to attack wherever greatly esteemed by those wh0 ' thore is a weak poi:i{.. We'may i-jicape fenmr |, ,, s-/.>. i maiiy a fatal sliaft by keeping ourselves kno uci.-A/m. - . I wl'I fortified with p-are'l.lno.f and a pro- -------------- Civil Service V-QimUk, -Sold only in packets labeled -".l/.Mi:? Errs ic Co., Ifonid.'oputliio CiiemUt,.-IS, Threadueedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." , . NE\vT7vm^:l^isi:MENTsT Immense Sales SILKS AND DRESS Tbo driving houso, stables and contents of Mr.;-Aaron Foetor, of' tlio Township of Erin,' were last Thursday completely destroyed by. fi^u. Estimated loss, $1,200 ; in- nured in isolated Company for 8900." Supposed cause MAUBIKD. ' - { Walton by tho Ilcv. It, Ilobbs, at.the rsi- ilenco of the bride's mo'tJier, Jlr, Henry Walton, of the city of Lon don, to Miss Elizabeth llowcn, o[f Silver Crock, Ksquesiiig. Osiioity On tho Cth'con., Towiitjhip nL Lr>ndon, on the mat;, by tho Rev. It, Ilobbs',' of Acton, Sir. JohnOrfborn, of Hotba| 'Osliiirn'i Ilobbs, to Miss H. Oor- -will, of .Se'arburj), Out, .1 l 6. AT' V -*r ACIOX JiiakLTS, $3 00 to 3 00 1 12 to 1 15 heat 0 70 to 1 05 0 75. to 1 00 0 45 to 0 55 O 30? to O 3o 0 GO to j& C5 0 17 toO 16 0 12 toO 00 0 (10 to 0 70 0 50 to 0 75 THE FASHIONABLE WEST END 6(^0 to 700 Yards SELLING DAH^d Wo ore showing; Withorft eitception, tbo ;'- Largest, Most Attractive and Olieapsst' -Mark the word Cheapest- STOCK: of SILKS AND BkpSS GO0m , ' l ; -v " "' Ever shown in this town. -,- Lai'tes visiting Guelph and baylngi Dress Goods, Silks' Tetwfeftn ' (Mantles, iiillinery,! Furs, etc., without firsi seeing on'r immaM^" ind beautiful-'stock, do themselves a -great injustice. "WeT J esteem it a pleasure to show "out goodfl, ' Ladies/come direct fo the Fashinable' West End, tftedeading|fli*r for Silks, Dress Goods, JjQintlca and J/illinery.. - FulL stoctof faakio^ able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match all our materiali A^ O. BUCHAM, Giiolph, Oct. SI, 1S77. Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and. Uanile Estabiltasv Campaign Opened "&*C>JEi. 1878. WESTERN ADVERTISER & WEEKLY LIBERAL. Prrmlinu io every 8iUcrlbc> Uarvcnt Tor Asentit. A Case of Fouhefiv. Ab- s;dom Page, of Bronto, was charged, before -Chief Justico lLigarty, in "Toronto, on Friday last, with making a declaration and signing it ""Thomas Page, on the 3rd day of July last, representing himself-to W-the owner of land in tho township of Trafalgar, on UlOtll'.V' which ho-wished to raise _______, from the North British C'anadian Loan Company. 'Oil. investigation _____________ it wiih found that lie mis ,rat|.T., " Z^r^7^~~~ Thomas Page. On being question^ J-"1 Q"TAM ^OTICa. to swearintr to thisl : ALL PAKTIES.'u-lio owe for their ; Betweon the Il^ilr.-in.t anil theMtli line, on Saturday, 17th inst , ono set of Hreo!iiirg. The finder will please leavo tliom at Campbell's hotel, Anton. ' ! - JOHX WATSONT, Jr. The Fifteenth Annual Campaign of tbo' Western' Advertiser. and Weekly Liberal ja~ now under full1 headway. Hundreds of new names are pouring in- from all. parts cf Canada. We want o.tHX) new s-ubacribera duriug this -can vas?..' Plenty t>i room for '1,000 more agvhts. 'Our terms to agents, and in- d'ueerncnts to sabsc'riber3_will be fuuinl in advance'of anything yet olTere'd. . Itl^L the FAUE. 1 t-funeral' newspaper In i'ana<la- ^ O-alniicf of year ff to lo new'spljsorl- r'ndl'J l-'ugravlcs to ovc-rj- fab- /**** * Tlsa <>V Jran<l> oprl t prononuced bj e Jnct PIAMOS AND s the most teanilfal uHaSit est toned Pianos cv<r mamSairl- WASHINGTON, etPTO^ r - =!- - .11 clearly proven on tho part of tho Crown. Tho real Thomas Pago, tho father of tho primmer, s.woro that-Jio;had handed his' son tho deed of -thejiroperty to enable him to raise money, and had authorized him to do all that'wu3 necossary, yAfcl'ASLE PKOPEKTY'IN AtTOS ; For Sale or Let. bi-ry ."> .-Spf i-ciiu-r. Africa t'lrul liprartmci.t bj- \V. F. Chirks. ^-T.-aclicr's DcpirtiV.M Host In Can- , C eo!- iiiao-, 4 7 Music, pictures, crip.?, humor, etc K l-ull base liair, spor:lug and cricket ( news. .a ', ' Complete Timppfance Record. . I" %Fte-llabIe ^I'iU copious llartct Kc- porls. . . - "TKlJMfS- FOR 1S7S.-U fP.Vltb rnprav- bt;. Laie>o'.r'. 'C;;11,,CLnri, v#o .'iox^o Tiiics. gbso without e'Dgravfug. "P031- fljjc. prepaid. - . EC"-Liberal terms tn as.^ntK.. Forfrec sample copies, or Instructions to agents, address , , I JQEtN CAJrIESON & CO, -.j1 I Advcrlidcr QSieo, London, Ont. The Stone Dwelling on ^lam street, adjoining the entrance to tho school and even to sign his uamo7" A t"U"d8' " offured- for s,a!e or rut> . , , , fa uuiiiu. xi there are nino rooms and larpe cellar, mortgano had b*en sent to Parra to I .n,l * _v r-.' , , , a .-. _ 1 mere aro nine rooms and laree cellar, mortgago had Wien sent to Page to ! and a tmartcr of an aero of garden. For havo it exocnted, and instead of further particulars apply to getting tho father and mother to sign tho mortgage, tho prisoner had oithor signod it himself or got some Tho' name of tho mother, tho father oxpectod, had beon signed by tho prisoner's sister. The -Old nian" had never authorized tho son to mako tho declaration as to the property. He never saw eithorj the mortgago or the declaration. The jury being unablo to agree wero1 discharged, Express. , ' It ' is estimated ," that pork- packing will,he I carried on during the coming season in the Western centres upon a mora extensive scale than has ever been known beforo. The hogs are said to bo in very fine condition, and about 5 per cent more in'numbor, besides being much heavier. Mr. Trow, M.P. for Perth, who lately returned from tho North West speaks highly of that exten sive tract of country known as the Fertile Belt for farming purposes. Many who went there penniless a few years ago are now well off, and not a few will bo wealthy in a short time. JThe land generally, Mr. Trow affirms, is far bettor adapted- for settlement than what can be found in the adjoining States,-while locations tihrougliont all tho British ppssossions can bo got for nothing in every way superior.^) what.are He has been dissi-J being sold along tho North Pacific I : Railway foijfrom 4 to! 8 per aero. Sad accounts continue to como in wook by week of crime and- death by tho indulgence in drink. Napoleon Varont was . drowned in the Ottawa, near Thurso. Ho had gono ovor tho river to the mill with a.grist; whilo it w,as being ground ho was about the tavorn drinking freely, At last he startod homo, with bis grist and a bottlo of whiskey, but was unable to manage his punt, fell out and was drowned. Michael Ryder, of St. Catharines, had beon on a long extended spree of late, and whil6;wa.lking near the canal, unablo to navigate, fell in and was drowned. Nelson Epper son, a half-.broed Spaniard in tho London - jail, died suddenly, the jury finding that his death resulted from i delirum tremens. Thomas Lawless a.night watchman at the Victor Oil Works, London, while in delirum throw himself before a Port Stanley Railway train, and was cut all to pieces. The man had been on a spree for several days. At Pembroke, Matthew Mangan was tried for gouging out both of TtodorickrMaGdonald's eyes, while in iv quarrel resulting from a drunken debauch. Both eyes were cpmpletely torn out. The brutality of.tho" deed has never beon surpas sed in tho annals of Canadian crimo, and only goes to show, that the perpetrator was, when madden ed with drink, morebruto thtfn human, HORACE J. HALL, Eaq.. Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-*3m E.Sv RITCCEKING BUSI- 1ST _ Things will shortly have to bo either considerably better oi\ con siderably worse in France.^ Toronto' can't get the Garrison Common for. exhibition purposes, '-. ' Announce to tho people of Acton and vicinity that they havo commenced tho Butchering Business in tho promises lately occupied by Mr. CJ. <M. Scott, next door to Galloway's bakery. Fresh Meat ofall kinds, Sausage. JBolofima, ; ',-. Lard, etc, etc., Always on hRnd, in largo quantities. Meat delivered -fresh at. the housos in tho village every day. Tho patron- ago of tho .public respectfully solicited. FAIt-R & McHATtDY. Acton, Nov. 21, 1877: " . 2Q-ly |A UCTION SALE OF Short-Horn and Grade Gatti< LONG-WOOL Ep SHEES And Fanning Implements, Tie. undersigned will sell by Public AuctTo'n, on tho premises, r _I,ot Jfo. 31, lat con. Esiracstno. '^ On Friday, Nov. 23, Tho following valuable property, viz: 3 Durham cows with pedi gree 4 1 two-year-old Heifer >with pedigree ; 2 one-ydar-bld Heifers with pedigreo ; 1 Durham bull calf ; 5 Grade cows j with calf ; 1 beef cow ; 3- three, year-old Grade steers ; 1 two-year-old grade ! steer ; a. one-year-old frrade steers ; 1 Durham calf ; 2 steer calves, gradq ; 2 heifer calves, grade ; 1 voire working cattle ; 15 well-bred Leioester Ewes; 11 Leicester Ewe Lambs; 1 shearling Leicester Ram ; 10 Leicaster Ram Lambij; 14 Store Pigs ; 1 d3ans Plow, Richardson's mako 1 pair lion Harrows, Fprd's make. The above1 stock is to ho sold aa tho Proprietors aro overstocked. Sak to 'commence at 12 .o'clock. ' ; TERMS. of 5 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved Joint notes. : ^ ALEX..& K0BT.-;KENNEDY. , Wm. Uemstkcct, Auctioneer. 1 -..Acton,,Nov. 13th, 1877. ' NEW JERSEY. Beatty's ?lbiste '.oluen Tongued Parlor Ortto inr manuf.ictnrer challenged lOMiMutin Tlipy possess power, depth, Jb'ai Unci benutiru.'ly solo efTecUi- and tne oafr S5 notion ever invented lhatcannot fa mL arrncced by ue. Tile lHot esmrirr- 1^ so ureal that but Utile effort UiStai f.fl wltn the feci to supply HIi the i neccsnry B<st-madeanilar3il"elfrsli( ciisrs lu tho rrtarket. m k,,|ld ^^j, orn:imen.t.. EveryInetrbiaep^fnllyar- [ r.mtud for sixjrearsaKgtiictly'CntttlsMj' ' and sent on from 5 to 15 day*'tltrUl l Adttre-s DAMEU F. DEAITT, WssalBg- I ton. N*w Jersey.' ".'tdusixess propertt iTOE R A T.-m The undersigned offers for~i*k tiit desirable property sitnated- on Mtkt street, now occupied hy Jlr. Cfcu. C'amerr n as a store and dwelling." Th property is iii first class' c<Jnditk>a ri:. with a good cellar. Terras BbaiL ! J.'or further particulars a^iply to MFSSIiS. U'. DARLKfliCd " i , -MtBtreit' Or, STOREY,.Actak. Acton; Aug. 22d, 1677. - - a E3JJLOCK D.VSKi ' 1 hereby give notice that I do not now buy Hemlock; Bark, as I.havo a full supply on hand., O. L. BEARDMORE. Acton Tannery, Oct. 15, 1877/ BEATTY'S P1AN0& PARLOR ORG AM IXSTRIJXITOR. Contnlninp ttie element^ i-flnoslc, "with eaKTy and progressive exereli>eij to perrect tho-player In-the art'-of mmlc (either piano or organ), to wnich li added over sixty Waltzes, PolSas, Marclips, Galoys. Oj'eratio Melodies. Dances, etc., by Dan iel F; .Boatty. 'VVaalilngton. flew Jersey, one of the best, works ot Its kind ever In troduced, and xhocila bo in tho hands of every piano and organ player, yent post paid t<>any part 01 tlio Untied Stntes or Canada for only fifty cents, tne price navlng been reduced to Introduce It everywhere. Address DANIEL SV BEAlTY, Washington, Now Jerssy. rjyuq dxTABio ^]~" SADDLERY, Is the place to, get the best Harness for the, least money.-1 Owing to Hard Times; Prices have been Reduced. All Orders left icith ma will receive careful attention. .'; COLLARS A SPECIALTY As alj farmers know their horses cannot work with Bore neck's, throw off the old collars and get anew pair that .will give' entire satisfaction. The place to get them is At the. ONTARIO SADDLERY t- Another lot of those famous American Whips Just received and will be sold cheap for cash, . - " :' , AND " . ,-.. WAGGONS?. - - x ^*? Kow is tlie time to ledy^j^mXiOK^ At J. Ryder's Factory torn. ' , ' Stylish BugKT or SerrleWr WamoB. I am making np a large;itoekfottf* present season, from tho best M#nsl. Call and Seo our JlantUcmS^p"';. . Kow~ is' a good time to .^f"8 '; bargains. ."'.. Strict attention given to ^ r. Sorso-saooin? SS eearas^-- smitlttafir! -~V":J:. -JAitESBTD^.," 26, 1S77.| .. -\\:] ip. . Sepairlri'g Done ITeathj, .Chca on the Shortest Notice, and R. CREECH. Acton, Aug. 21, 1877. PnOTOliBAPHJSHS should' for- ward ;ro6 their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad-, dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- mgton, New Jersey. .' .- can buy! first-class; B*J* . and OROiss.ches^eTPiffr IEL F. BEATTY, W*ffl; ^^ ton, New Jersey, aStS other manufacturer in ie;'uf?X: Statesi Why? Because *JJf":' only for cash, tdkes no riskssW^ no boo"k acoorints.. Bwry . 2S ment is fully warranteiTfoT **rZl as strictly.first-diss, and 6j^ on from 5 to 15 days' test P^t money refunded and freigh^^ both ways by him if they.*'|rjl. factory. Send -for lUustratja VEE.11SBB. (Catftlogue filiaODliri;: read testimonials from bxB'p3**0^ some of whom you may kni,rJ-jK),j dress DANIEL F. BEAIT5J) " v ngton, New Jersey. rS EORGE LEVESSV Barber and Halrdresse^ adjoining Secord Bros1.' StorBj. ^ Street, Acton. Hair swtehMT combings prepared "to order. . ^, SK5M PAINTpRi^^ Monof tho Unlttd-StElesjandIJXg&at to answer tbls adveiitii;en^ws , Jersey. : '! -:l-:;M;y ! 'h^

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