Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1877, p. 4

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nun mm II ; -;TU1 11 -r! Jt: '31 lis m .. THE FREE PKESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., NpJEMBEE 22, 1877. USES TO A DBBSSMAltKR. . ,Oh t wherefore Ud dw leave thy slue, Dear Polly, I.would ask! How can 1 all my feelings rfoak When to thy smiles 1 basqga T Nay,." Polly-nay," I; cannot go .' Oh! do not *Und aloof, ""When of my warm affliction "You possess, oh ! wat-:or proof. .Why will you thus my footings oro By BcndiUKTOO away 1 You know it's wrong, of corset it Is, Thus to forbid my *t*y. It seems as though some fell disp.-vso Was knawing at my rumrtv . ,An*l hem-orrhiujo would Boon ensuo If we, perchajice, sltnuU part, . Then waist the precious time no But lot the parson tic m I Sew firmly that tho marriage knot v Shall never be cut'bias. In peaceful quietude we'll tloaA tm. life's miranlctf tide, Ivor lot tho bustle of tho world " Pull-Wk," us oa wo glide. Tho low's GoodNanifN r*~ m II I SOW AX IRISH MAKi KM TLOYKp DV A MILKUJIH DOES IT. W.STEWART SCO 1 AUll WOW SHOWING A-verj largo and very choice assort ment of How Dry Goods A. landlord In ono of mir Wes tern villages a few months ago engaged aa his " man of all work" an Irishman just fresh from the old scxL Patrick whs a good, steady sort of a fellow, and went about his business every day with tho regularity of clockword. The cows were milked, tho stublo was jittendod to* md everything was locked after in stylo. Twice every day he camo in with u pail brim ming over from each of tho cows, and tho landlord was in 'the habit of boasting to bis neighbors how well the cows kept up, uotwith' standing the falling away in the pasture. But a few days-ago the man Sot to other work, and it fell to the lot of one of the female attendants to do the milking. Milk aa well as she would, how ever, . be couldn't manage to squeeze more than hulf a pail from each cow, which fact was reportod to the landlord. " How is this, patr he aaked. "The girl says che can't get more than half a pil from each cow, atnl you always : brought in" a pail full." " Faix dow," Bald Pat, " nuther could I; but shure I belaved I must get you , a pail full ivory time as" at the fir&ht, an' so I filled it up wid water P Patrick couldn't under stand the wajB efi milch cows, but he was bound to keep up, their good name. After all, chills and fever are no great shake*, Soldiers in transport qnght to be happy. Something always on' your thumb. " Wood is the thin* after all," at . the man said when the mad-dog . bit his wooden leg. ' . ' "Kancy, it is eleven o'olock. Tell, that young man to shut the door from the outside." "When they say that a man has been, elevated by his fellow citizens', out Weil, they mean that ho has been hanged on a tree/ ^ A Chicago man want* the thief who stole his well-bucket and rope to come back and take the well, as il Is of no use new. What is the difforence.between a hill and a pill 1 One is hard to get up, and the other is hard to;get down. .'. ~ * SnodgrEss s^ys when yon see the broken window of a 'country house glazed with old hats,' you may con clude that the occupant thereof huB seen-^a rum bottle. ' One of the annoyances of gather ing Autumn leaves in Missouri is the fact that all the best troei are in daily use to , euro men of tho habit of horse stealing. A Kentucky man who went to the Black: Hills writes_Lom9 Bay ing ;'" Offer a premium for the biggest fool living, and 1 will try to be at home in time to win it. Dramatic author, to female friend " Here Fifir.e, U a box for the first night of my new play." She piece is it J Is it something a girl can safely take her mother to eee 1" ' In all guns of great calibre you find a great bore.' Minor :^ln a man of small calibre you find a great bore. A man of - small calibre, may easily pass for a great gun, j Whilst some workmen wre digging at the rear of the Kuusoll House, Ottawa, on the 7th inst., triicos of a._. vein of coal were dis- eovt>v(il I oil waa Ko'iii tor be flout ing on thesiirfucu of the water and a strong buh-11 of "petroleum per vaded the atmosphere. " Let me see," said a desperately ,/Tiunned debtor, " ^I;is is the fifth time^ yqii have culled with in four days, is it not? itegret to disap point you,.young man, but stop in neifSTtturday before threo o'clock and I will positively settle in my mind when you may call again." He was a wild Texan, just from the frontier, and had boarded the train at Port Worth for DkIIiis. It was 'his first ride on the ,rkeerB," and as Xi -^conductor reached in his hip-li>cket for Jiis punch, the sharp eye ni Texas" caught a glimpse of its polished handle, arid, quick as thought, be leveled a " navy six" on that conductor, saying : " Put 'er u\)j-Or "I'll blow daylight through you! No man can get the drop onJ;m^ FALL WE New Blaok and Colored Silica, New Frenoh Oathmeroa, New Ribbons and Ties, Now Dreis Goods. Now Staple .Dry Goods, AR OCB 8T00K ov Tweeds, Cloths, *and Ov Is very oholoo and oheap ereoatings We hold a .very superior and large ; | ~. MEWMAMTLE3 AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart &| Co., i;iELl'II. I ; Ootokcr 16, 1S7T. LIST OP MUSIC BOOKS . Bold wholesulo and retail by John Anderson Bookaeller, Gnelp.h.: Br.irowoB' Pianoforto Primor, .fouBBo's Musical Catoohistn. Uortini's JJow Method for tho l'iuno. Clarke's New Mothod for tho Piano. Hunton'a Piano Forlo School. Howo'n X'inHO'without n Miiator. Uiounrdaon'B Now Modorn .School. QiUe's I'lirlor Organ. Hilvor Wrontli (Vociil). 100 irnToront Music iJooks. A liig PiHcount on all MUSIC BOOKS i ' ' ' ' ' ANDiERS -pW'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho Enntehleof Wymllinm Street OUKLPll. KNOW By rc&dlng and prftcClclD| the inestimable truths eon taincd in tho best medic* ' book ever Issued, cntitlel VIIUAPI BiBELF-rilESEnVATIOK | |i Y VLI lilMcconlytl. _8cntbjmnl on receipt of price. treats of Exhsutted, Vitality, Premature Decline Ncrvoui and Physical Debility, and the endlesi ooncomitauMIls and untold miseries that rcsuli therefrom, and contains Kforo tlian 60 original pro criptioniliBnr ono of which is worth the prioo ol the book. [Ttis book vraa written by the most e tcnilTe ana probably the most skilful practitlonci In America, towhora was awarded a gold andicn cllcd medal by the NaUonal Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tho very flues" Steel Enpravinp* a mar- MPII tcl of art and beauty flCAL cut mats to aU. Send for It at one*. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. * llnl. inch St.. Boston, Mass. I THYSELF POST OFFICE STOKE The subscriber having again gone into the grocery buBinesR, would in timate (hat he has always a fall line of goods usually Kept in first claBS grocery houses, fresh, and of the best quality, such as DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS & ORQANS BEATTY &*; &$?& AND OPKiaHT.nn jfEWTY'SCKLK- HRjlTKD OOLDtK a-ONOUKJJ I'Alt- l.Oll ORGAN nro the Rwcotest toned unJ nickl perfect Inifmir.ipnt.-. over bpforo manufactured In thin or nny otbor coun try. Tho world Ib challenged to c-qua, tbom, Bost discounts and torms over be fore given. Koclc bottom .'panic prlcoHl now roady to jobbers, ngonlR. nnd tlio trade In gonbrul. An oflor. Thoso celo- brntoil liictlruiiionla (either I'lnno or Organ; bozodand shipped anywhorp, on five or fifteen days' lest trial. Monpy re funded nnd freight charges paid both ways If In any wny nnsattsractory. Fully wnrrnntod for rIx yeftrH nn Rtrletly flrst- clnss. EXTttAOHDlKMtY L1HE1HL DlPCOUNTtJ Riven to Churches, achoolB, XxxlgoB, Hnlls, Mlnltor, Teachers, etc., In order to havo thorn I ntroduood nt onoo whero I hnvo no agents. Thousands now In use. Now Illustrated Advortlser(Cftta- logso Edition) with list of testimonials, now ready, sent free.' Established In 1??\ Address DANIEI. F. BEATTY, Washington, Now Joraey, I . TEAS. Bl'acks : Finest English Breakfast Conguo, youchong, Oolong, , Flowery Orange Pekoe. Qeebhs Moyuno uniipowdeTJ, Silver Iier.f (Gunpowders, (Uoyune Young UyspnB ^ Uncolored Japuns, Imperials, Twanl<&yB Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. QOFFEES. Our stock comprises the best grades ' ot Old Government Java, Lagunyra, Maracaibo, and Rio, Roasted and ground; daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural., aroma and fl&vvr of the berry; 0000AS A1TD 0H000L^T33. Taylor'i Cocoa and Uhocolate, fi^p's Homoeopnthio Cocoa, Meoier's Chocolatee. 1 1 Refined, in Loaves, CutLoal, Dry "Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, Krtra C, English Kefined all grades, - ' Demeraro, Porto Rico. Ambor, Hone- and Standard Syrups. CANlTaD GOODS. California Salmon, Portland Lobsters, French Sardines, Coto Uyetens Fresh Macsorol. OursA Sams and Sacon. Oaooao aadSuttor. BuraotfB'Extracts & Esscncos. The Finest Goods' Manufactured. Soaps of ail nanlB. Plckloa and saueos. Crosse * nijicRwell'B, Mixed l'letclcs, Chowchow, riocalill, MUKhntom CalAnp, John Boll Banco, LeaAPorrlu'K n'oroliostershlroMauco, TomatoCalRnp, Favorite do., do, . Vorkshlro Rollsh, Kre'noU ilustard, FAHINAOEOTTS GOODS. Carolina Hlco. Arraoan Blco, X t'onrl Soro, Rio Tapioca Pearl Barley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. DESSERT rUTJTTS Currants, Valencia Oranges, Mi'BHtna Lemons, Pineapples, Tunis Datex, Bordeaux walnul^ Fllbertj*, Almonds, t T0SA3002S. Chewing, Smqking, Cigars. DEIED. Valencia llaisins. Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, ' SultsnaSj peedless, Currants, Black Patras do. In cases selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finest ex> ported. O^NtfED FBTTITS AND VEGE TABLES. Peaches, Pears, vGberrieo, f ineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. BISCUITS ft 00NPE0TI01TEEY. Arrowroot, Wine, Woda, Absrnothy. Oenm, Lemon, Batter, Boston, - Ortham, Oyster cracker, Aew Vnrkuinxer oats. Glrurer Snaps. OandlosandBweelnienUofnll Klmle, Cheese, Butter, ls^K,Hopa, I ORO0SBB7. China Sets,-White Btone Hetn, riatnlwl-Btooe Setii, Chamber 8e*s, Via Plates, Bowls, Jelltos, I Platters, Bakers. And a full line of other'kliKls, Mill P"ajiB, Cream Crocks, ButAr Crocks, Jug*, Flower Potn. 4e. . aolllig at tho manufacturers' prlceB. GLASSWAHE. Tumblcn1, Goblets, Lamps, Lamp (ilnssos. Glass Plates', Glaus 8te, Fruit Jars, Ac . 4o. "Wall Fapors and'Windg'w SUnds In great variety oheap. C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN' Groceries, QrooSory.. Boots & Shoes, "Wall Paper, Window-Blinds, Nails, Glass, Putty. ,Linseed Oil,. Faints, Tu.rpontln.cs Coal Oil, salt, oto. All of which-will bo sold low for cash BOOTS ^-rid SHOES Selling off at cost. Alae ogont for tho RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio, CokIi for Hides. .4eton, Jhly 18, 1876. 7* MXSGSfcLAlTSQTTS. Tub", Pal'r, liroojns. WttKhbonnifi, lirusbes, AC., Hopps* Vv'lro^P/oodon Baskets, i Patent'Medicines, ! Dye Bluffs. Stationery, Mchnol Hooks, PursoB, Wallets. School Bags, Mpeetacles, Vlolljs, Violin Strit-es. Briar Pipes. Famy (joods, Combs, <te. ..' 'sSJjMi ^ CONSUMPTION CURED. A ouj Phtiician. retlird froTn^ctiTiprM- l!?4lhW hfcdplnccd in hl hu}di bv tn Ewt fiWU MlMlpniry the ftrmolft of a VezeUble lUmed/ ft>r tht ipcedy ind pfcrmonentcure of Consumption, Asthma, Xtronchitis, Catarrh, nd all Throat end Lutik Affections: Uo s Fptltin and 17*die! Cure for NorvouB I>- pIUtT sna all Nrrvoui CtiinpUliiti, after hur- lae thoroughly Irvtctl 11a wotiilrrful cormtlro bo*ra ia tnonand oi c*o, fccla H hi duly to Inssttt known lo, Acln- alttd by tKU tpollve and m. conaclonUom d^alrtf lo railcTo h\rtriii mfltrlnir, Tie will icnil FBRE OV CHAJtOK. to all wlo dwlrv it, this rfchlfc wits fall dircjjtroDi ior preparing nny tucctwfu)- jj uilryr. Sent by return mui) by addrciihij With itamp, naming flili pm.pvr. Vn. C. 8TKVKN8," BOX HO, BUOC'KVILXE, O.NT. k Boneless (Jodfish, Herrings, OyeterBln can and bulk in season' Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned. j^Gheap for Cash or Trade. JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, Juno, 1877. Conveyancer, Com-In Q. B.yZssuer_^of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent, &c. / '.' '. ! C19BC 1 Al,y porson who will make rift EC I and forward mea Hut ol tho nemos of reliable persons of their ao- quaintnnoo who v/lBh to procure nn In strument, either Piano or Organ, I will use ray best endeavors to soil them one, andfor every Piano I succeed in sellinc to their list within one year; 1 will credit thorn with 10, and for ovcry Organ $5, to be applied on pnyrnont of either a Piano or Orpan; and when It nmountB to a sum Rtiinelont to pay for an instrument selected At tnb lowest wholesale price, I will immediately ship the instrument, free, or after any amount Is credited the balance may be paid me in cash and I will then ship them the instrument; -Tbey need not-bo known In {he matter, and will be doing their friends a real ser vice, as I shall make special oOTcrs to them, selling a superior instrument for from one-hnlf to two-thiril* What is ordinarily nsked by oKentB. Please Bond me a Hsl nt once nud nfler you have made Inquiry yon ran odd to It,- Adtlress i jyAKlfeLF.BEATTY Washington, New ! Jersey. 18V7. Christie, FAHiL.. 1877. #** & Co. i i M , III presGufciIlg, our regular halfyearly Circular to tte Public wenava again to return thanks to our numerous customers alnot the general public for the very large shale of business extended to' us, and in doing ao we can onty assure then^ that no effort on our part -will be euared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore it W[JL be our constant aim to advance their interests as ^^ lies in our power, and at all times endeavor to sho^KaS large and cbmplete a Stock as can possibly be fpiartttn one eslublifiliment. iTeeliu^ assured that the bountiful harvest ofithe past season with W- eoiiablc prospect of fair average prices for all kinds of farm product1, will cause a. great fei wval iii trade, wo have purchased this season a larger stock thairi in any prertouB year and-' having done ho vvitli a knowledge of the wants and tastesof our customers, we fee atsisof^wQ r^halt not be disappointed finding readj demand therefor. As heretofore our stock cor. Is Of all kinds, Millin^y and Millinery Q-oods of all kinds, Boots and Shoe/n is?, immonso ^wiety, , Eofidy-mad' GlotMn^ .0rocexies,i etc. - i we are determines not to be undersold'!^ ctoii or outside. We manage our business at the least possible expense times at'the lowest-'possible ^prices.- As to prices any one either in and will sell at all possible expense We extend a _ cordial invitation to examine burne^r Stock, which we vf ust will in style, variety and good value, compare more thaw favorably with any house of the kind in the trade. In tlie fajl of the year no one requires a line of ' G-^SIBl as money is' then nio>J' jlrntiful .tliau at any other season of the year, besidesour. exjieJrie^e: teaches us it is in all cases Infinitely better to'Jpay as you go. Our mOIto heretofore has beet -A_it:d sivE^k-iLXi ^B^aosPiTS -* -. And we are deterniined to adlicrc firmljy to ihe prrhcipler l~'*~ "Wc fin il it imj)o>sible to .enumerate all lines of Goods in stocky but will refer to soma* P-: - :(? ' -Mi' ttf s^ ;We show all the latest novelties in jcolors, Bibles, &p&r; makes. We employ o>ny experienced hands, whose 'constant aim will be; to suit tastes and'-k^^V quirement of purchasers; at lowest possible prices. We charge no fancy prices for Millinery. M A The Ladies >viil plpnsc remember this. %l:.: / We show an extensive stook of es. an Also Glouds, Wool Squares, and Furs of allikiudsr^lj^iji. Also a large stock of v ;i i GEMS YO.rtlHS AND BOY^ OfERUOil In Ulsters, Efced River, Brown and Black BeaversJ M^ll Ready-made Suits coarse (and fine, extra value. GlotJ " niade^ to order by experienced hands. ^l / r i* ^ Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors^' In Lustres we challenge all competition. Ask for the famous Tiger Brand Black Lustres; vfl^v ceys, extra value. Flannels in grey, scarlet, white, check, orange, etc. See our line of F#59jS?" f Check Flannel at 2J5c per yard. _j^ . y .-: ..'-V^QS^. i.1-'.;' M From the heavy Stoga to the infant's shoe-^-all IpdOL^ direct from the makers. No middle man's profit. Stock extra large and well selectfdLi^^f;- per cent oflfiall purchases of five pairs at any one time. j - ^ FIIBSH TEAS' AND GENERAL Q-ROCERIES Regularly to hand Our Famous 50c TEA is used mom extensively than other Tea in the market. Sold in 5 lb. lots at 45c. Try it niid be convinced. . V Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps for Men and Boys, fine assortment of Fine Fur Caps, Grey and White Blankets, Grain Bags, Cotton fact almost everything found at any time in a general store. We most cordially request a continuance of _ from those who have hith.erto favored us, and a trial froai all who have not had QUi-'1iv*rr~i-_,$,m<. ._ Cash for ^ood Dairy Butter, or take in ;>* change for Goods. Acton,. October, 1877. feelingr assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. We pay Our terms are cash or produce CHRISTIE, HENDERSON^031 :&

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