Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1877, p. 2

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/' SK 3~' IN Xi * 'Ml r q Sot I B 9 <' SB f~ Wjm am i-. B ! m - iff <j. 9mU 1 P If iSam i~-m >i ."'? B- I i-i THE FREE PRESS7 ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ON?., NOY4LMBER 20, 1877. ICTOX FREE iltE81 The War. The full of PWvna now appears to bo regarded s n forogono con- clnsion, the moro bo as tho Rou manians lmvo succeeded, in ciu'iy- ing tho im pot tii tit position of Pravttz, which Mehotn-t AH will be compelled to recapture in order to secure the Miccess of his ie)ief( movement, unlets lie. moves liis J -.'_____________J main body futtlici- west. The Rii8f Change of Mannsctncnt. I sians are repotted to bo bo confi- The present editor and propria- * * <"f T^? "f1'n"?, f~ * - I Osmen Pashas stronghold that tor of the F|RE Fness, finding after tuey lm,e countermanded the pro parations for vvititeiitig in Bulgaita in the that the full of J1IE P iMishc 1-bvery Thursday-Morning- J H. 'IXOKIN'O. Trvrprictor. $1 Per Annu r ia Advanoe ' f JPB M BACKING 3oiTORjo TacotAJr. Mouxiso. Nov. 29, 1877. a fair trial <?f two-and-half years, that managing two B-pjirato -stab- liahnients at a distance of fourteen miles apart, waa neither proGtablo nor satisfactory, hus concluded Xo dispose of tho Free Press, and confine himself to his busiuess 4n Guelph. Therefore after the publt- ca'ion of this issue a change in its management will tako effect. In future the Fbxe Press will be eon Plev na willtlead 'to negotiations for peace. St. Petersburg advices itate that the Russian Government are extremely anxious to exclude England from pal ticipation iu any such negotiations, and it is an nounced from Constantinople that the Sultan has expressed Ihs inten tion of treatiug separately with the Czir. Tho sensational reports given on the authority of the Man Chester t7uaru>i'ti><Vi London cor respondent aro denied, as was to , , , .. _ ,r ^ _ , have been expected; as also aro dusted-by Messrs. Mooro .S-Gal- the rumours of braich', two enterprising p.-actical printers, sufficiently experienced in newspaper Jifa to -warrant the hope that ti.b="change will bo beneficial to our patrons ad-all-concerned, Thi ir salutations wilt^ made next week. We- have pleasure iu be speaking fer> than* a foil roeasure of the generous pjttroango bestowed ujvon ua during .the past years^with considerable addition thereto. In taking leave bf oar readers, we do so with a considerable cW* gree of reluctance. While the editorial columns have not been as full as they ought to"have been, and nanny local matters have un doubtedly been overlooked or neg lected for want of personal atten tion, we don't know of anything to regret having said or done, or of having admitted into the Free1 Press anything which ought npt to hare been admitted. If careful su- .pervisiou over e*ery paragraph, and constant anxiety for the promotion of the test interests of oar locality, be any merit, then wj have noth ing to reproach ourselves villi on that seore. we haver given offence, to some there can. be bo doubt, Hut we have no apologies to offer.. We don't expect to slip through liis woi Id without of- feadwg people, and we trust we Shall ever have sufficient spirit of independence Lo say and do w hat we believe to~be right, and for the best, interest of the public, without regard to the immediate i Sect upon ourseif. Wbea the bieeze baa spent itself,'right will prevail and assert its .superiority oVer per sonal malicu. We have many warm friends in^Aclon and vicinity, who; we believe are sincere in their expression of regret at our intended departure. To our numerous pat- ^ua and well-wh>hers wo hereby tender our sincere thanks for the hearty and generous manner in which they have supported the Fsee Press, through ids infantile days and so materially agisted to maintain its position as a local pajier of so well'guhtaiued reputa tion. We are not in the habit of boasting, but there is one thing we mey be permitted 50 ay on the eve of retirement, that the Free Pkes3 has always been regard ed its an interesting and enter taining local pap#r, the proof being in the fact that fully nine- _tenths of our first subscribers have renewed their subset iptions for the third time, and that neatly-all of them are on the alert to get their copy each week aa Boon as possible after it is pVint.i'd. ~We entertain a hope that our.successora will not only keep up its reputation, but that they will make it a good deal better. They .will have the benefit of our expeiience and counsel to some extent to guide them, and with their ptactical knowledge of the newspaper business, they can scarcely fail to -make it a success, financially and otherwise. Subscribers will continue to re ceive their papers as usual. Those who have paid in advance will he supplied tho full term for which they have paid, as if no change had occurred iu._the management. The Dunkin Act agitation ia now at its height in Wellington County. Voting commenced on Tuesday, resulting in a consider able in ijority against the Act. The rotiDg will probably be com pleted to-morrow. Reports of yes- t-arday'* poll:or jrive a majority of 1809 ngainat tho By lav. the forcing of the investment lineB-aro'-mdiPlevna. -, The Tramp Nulsnnce, It is positively appalling to read of the outrages committed ' by tramps all over tho country. Not ^nly has the number of tho nouuidtc prowlers been largely increased within the past few years, but their character and habits have become more dangerous to society. When cold weather sots in the tramp will be of a bolder and more desperate kind, unless united action is promptly taken betimes by tho .proper authorities1 for tho abate ment of the evil. The enforcement of a law authorizing the apprehen sion of persons not having any visi ble means of support ought to strike the evil at the root. Those who say the\ cannot find work and those who will not work must be provid ed with compulbory employment. The-y must be made to earn thoir living. At present tramps nian?(ige to steal and beg t-nough to support their useless, dangerous Use3. In brief, a thorough treatment of tho tramp evil implies an absolute pro hibition of the practico of shiftless [covered, and seventeen of the con- wandering over the country, and spirators have been shot, conversion of strong paupers into ' _Qn0 d ^ ^ R ^ productive labo^era^^^ . ^^ Qn the G,anr, Tnmk r . lieved Sheriff AfcKelliu ot his wnl Pen and Scissor Selects. TltSo Kcvley niottn- Ihb "bunt ed," henue theRo earthquakes. __Madamo* Gmichon has been seriously ill, but is reported better. Tho lust ocean at6umii" of the' season left the pot t of Montreal on Saturdny^ The Wulliind Railway Btatton nt Wellitml was burned on Satur day morning. Over $1,000 has boon sub scribed in London towards the Tilley momoiial fund. Qvor three-fourths of all tho hangings in Missouri within ten years have been by mobs. Sinco Gennrul Grant went to England it has discovered that he is a descendant 6f the clan Giant. Passenger grains aro expected to he running between Montreal and Hull, .P. Q , oat ly iu Decem ber. What is the difference) betweon a gaoler aiulu jowuller ? One watcliuH cells and tbVothor Bulls watches. The water in tho flooded districfB of Virginia is subsiding. Enor mous damugo is reported from all quarters. j Dalton McCarthy. QC, in- intends to argue before tho Judges lor a new trial in the casa Simpson Wilkinson. The Minister of Justice ha decided to giant no reprieve in the chub of Williams, tho Weston wife murderer. t The Murning Po*t authoritive-1 ly contradicts tho rumored retira ment of the Earl" of Beaconsfield from public life. TliQ San Francisco cigar makers aro about to dischargo thoir Chinese employees ajid bring hands from New York. A large number of burglira and thieves are now infesting Mon treal, and burglaries are oimo3t of nightly occuirenco. Congress hut appropriated $160,000 for expenses in having the United Statea represented at iho Pans exhibition next year. A eonnpiracy against tho Pre sident of Guatemala has been dis- The Fisheries Award. n The Halifax Commission hjive awarded five and1 a half million dollars as the Sum which the United States will have to pay for the right of fishing in Canadian waters. Judge Kellogg, lh United States Commissioner,, dissenting from the award. As the United States "have a few million left from the Geneva award which they do not know how to employ, tbey may pay the sum awarded for the use of the fisheries without incon veniencing themselves to any ap preciable extent. The right to trade for bait and supplies along the coast was not considered by the Commission. It is understood the stftu asked for by the Canadian Commissioner was thirteen million. Extensive Robbery ia George- town. SljO^OO WORTH of jewelry takek. Georgetown, Nov. 26. The town is in a state of excite^' ment over a lobbery committed in Nicholas Armour's jewelry store, on Sunday morning. The robbers stole a quantity of tools from Don ald AlcK.iiinon'8 blacksmith shop, with which they effected an en trance in tbaj-ear of the store. Mr. Armour, expecting something of the kind, as similar attempts were made, last summer, to rob him, erected on a bench opposite the second door, which gives admit tance into the shop where the valu ables are kept, a vice, containing a six. chamber revolver with strings fastened to the door, passing through a pulley, and then hitch ing on the trigger. The revolver would face the heart of any party opening the door. It would appear that the robbers knew of the scheme, causing him to lean to one side, letting the bullet) pass through bis wrist, a quantity of blood being found on the floor, and some on the ^loor, but could be traced no further. The accompanying party bound the wounds with cotton, and proceeded to search the place, re lieving it of 81,500 worth of valu able jewelry. There was placed in a box in the rear, a whiskey bottle containing poison the color of rye, expecting it would be taken by robbers, they found the box was broken open, but the poison was not touchedi Several other plans in operation had no .effect. Mr. Armour says it is worth half the the loss to know that some one is wounded. Detectives are looking up the rase. No clue yet. J3us pieions looking characters here on Saturday. /, let and a smull amu of money. The Grand Trunk tLCcipts for the week ending 17th mst., mic $20,106 ; $7,248 more than dur ing the corresponding period last year; Mr. Jonathan Tasker has moved bis sawmill machinery from iTassagaweya to Gravenburat, where he will resume the lumber ing business, An snti humbug association has been fortnel by clergymen in Toronto to' protect themselves against pauper frauds- who_deplete their pockets- According to the report in the Globe the result of the first day's voting in Wellington County, gave a m ijority of 1,330 against the Dunkin By lnw. The Pope received some pil grims on Tuesdny. The feebleness of his voice and his suffering made a melancholy impression He was cartied by four chairmen. Lieutenant-Governor Caucbon has arrived at Winnipeg. He was met at the border and presented with an addreBa. There wua no demonstration or opposition. A New Weather Prophet. Major Bate, of Fergus, isi looking for honors as a weather prophet. He sajB that "fine weather will picvitil fiom and after the 20th November until Tuesday, the 4th of December about which time stormy weather will sot in and,in force, last for some days," The temperance movement is making good progress at Hamilton Large and enthusiastic Sunday temperance meetings aro being held at tho Mechanics' Hall. Six. of the great Chinese com panies in San FranTcisco have ap pealed to Washington for protee tion against violence, and the ob servance of treaty obligations. The voting for $6,500 for steam fire engine, lor St Mary's, was defeated on Monday by a majority of 23. There was only about 200 votes cast altogether. Germany and the United States have entered into negotia tions for a mutual- uatmalization treaty to supersede the treaties now in foice with the separate German Stater, The Ontario Legislature will meet for the despatch of business on the 9th of January, two days after the municipal elections, which this year^fall ou the 7th of the month. 1 Mr. James A. Miller, chair man of the Conservative Associa tion of Lincoln, has accepted a nomination for the Commons to run against Mr. W. A. Thompson, in Welland. 1 In consequence of the im mense grain crop in Minnesota this season, immigration has been greater than since 1856, and the demand for. lands is greater than ever before. The Owen Sound Advertise}- says a gentleman has rpcently taken the trouble to ascpitain the quanti ty of whiskey disposed of in that town Bince the Dunkin Act) came The quantity is1 set down at 400 barrels or 20,000 gullous. In a quarrel on the 19 th izfsl. aboard ft tug at Thofold, Out.,, a *ad mimed Fred. Oolomnrt, itgod about 16, Btubbcd a man n&liied John Ooibin in the Bido,. supposed fatally. Exeter, Nov. 26. /Two un known men broko into tho house of Richard Joncsr7th con. UHborno, and bound Mr. and'Mrs. Joiich, then took ubout 200 mid a wutch, and left. A young lady, while on hoi way to bo married, was run over and killed. .A confirmed old maid savagely remaiked i " She has a\ oided a more lingering und hor rible destiny." A Virginia sheriff asked a mur- deter if ho wanted to mako u speech on tho gallows, and he replied, " Guess not; it. looks bko inin,. und I don't want to get wet. Go on with tho hanging." Tho latest rumor relating to peace proposals is to tho effect that Gortschakoff is busily engaged in diplomatic intercourse, propositions having been made for a coufeienco on the conditions of peace. At the London, Ont., assizes on tho 30th itlt., Mr. M. Cameron, in his address to the jury, _gave it as his opinion that iiitiutentlis of tho criminal cases on the calendar were caused by drink. . i The tota? nu-niber of workmen who have subsetibed to tho testi monial fund of Jno. A., is aid to bo 114. It 18 lo take the shape of a banquet, and' will eventuate dur ing the Christmas week. Tho Mad Iisb parted into tho hands of Mr, Christopher W. Bunt ing," well khown in journalistic circles in Toronto. The former manager, Mr. T. B. Patterson, re mains on the editorial staff. A young, harness maker of Molesworth, Grey township, a few days ago was arrestrd for stealing sheep and selling $90 worth to Mr. Milne. 'Hb broke awav from bis captor and has not been found. Letters have been received from England stating that Cana d'ali bailey is greatly sought after there for malting purposes. It is also preferred to home grown in New Y<iik and commands a higher price thin United States grown barley Tho li-rnso of Mr. John Rudd, of-London was biokcn into hy a burglar on tho night of tho 25th, and a wntoh stolen thereirora. One Picscott, ,v boiitder at tbq City Anna Hutt-I, 11H0 hud a sum of between $50 and $60 stolen from his trunk. The Canadian- Claimant,-. Cal- lender, tho Canadian Eai I of Mar, has returned fnm Scotland. There are various reports as to his success in Scotland, but we believe he bas left his claims in the hands of a so licitor, and he is still bopelul of establishing his claim. Blondin has returned to England and is exhibiting on a rope 70 feet from tho cround, standing on his head, lv'ng on his back, feinting to fall, sitting on tho_back of a ehu' Vcnnor's Winter Predictions Vtnnpr's latest predictions is ns follows: Tbo present balmy weath-,a man in Virginia, Nev., dreamed or will ubruptly terminate towards or in proximity^to-the 25th of the present month, und probably give place to a sharp spell of weather, with sleet and snow. I shall not bo Burpiisod should the waters bo- coino pretty well ice-locked as iri 1874 in tho latter part of Novem ber or tbo oatly part of December. This condition, however, will bo oi short duration, and will speedily A Significant Dreamt About a week or ten days since that ho saw his next door neighbor brought homo dead from tbo mine in w4s|i-4fij worked. Ho told his wifo of the dream next morning, and during tho day thoy talked a good deal about it. On the second day the mnn who bad experionced tho drenm looked from tho window and saw the neighbor on his own doorstep;, about to leave for the mine. He said to his wife : " I give place again to rains and open Imve a great mind to go and beg weiiOiei during December and January. Consequently, should the waters cscapo this first pinch of~ tho wintei, navigation will piobably bo open to' an unusually lato date. To all intents and pur poses, howover, our winter of 1877- 8 will-be upon us towards the last week of tho present month; but this, as I have already several times stated, FkIb fair to bo gloomy, wet and open, as well as slioit. Choked to Death by a Marble. On Thursday night week a little child of Mr- Ilollze, carpenter, who resides in f&ei-lin, Ont., was choked to death by a marble, which it had playfully put in its month in imita tion of some ostler children. Medical assistanco was promptly called in, bnt tbo poor little child, scarcely a year old, was dead be fore tin at rival of the doctor. Mothers and nurses should take warning from this they cannot he too careful in keeping out of reach of their little dai lings everything. by which their lives may be en dangered. There is a possibility of the United States getting into dim jnlty with Mexico. Trouble has arisen thtough tha border raids upon Texan cattle made by Mexi can freebooters who have been pin sued into Mexican territory by United States^troops. It is just such a trouble as may ensue at any time through Sitting Bull and his band making a raid into United States territory anil being pursued into Canadian territory by United States troope. Of course tu> American People do not want tio have another war on tDeir bands, even with so insigntficent a power as Mexico. At the same time the military aristocracy nt Washington would like to get employment and glory, and the speculators ana schemers would hardly be apt to shed tears if trouble-should' arioe w|iich gavo them a chance to put money in their purse. that man not to go to woik, my dream haunts me so." The wife answered that it was a> foolish thought, which would only annoy the man, and wan not worth' men tioning, as it was the neighbor's last day in the mine. Within two hours from that moment the neigh bor's body, crushed oot of shape and quite dead, was brought home. A Poor Speculation. Some months ago some enterprising mer chant of Seafortb took into bis head to ship a quantity of dried apples to one of^the West India Itlandu. Unfortunately no direc" tions as to use accompanied the consignment, and the natives of the island, who were revelling in oranges,pineapples^ami a thousand other tropical proidnctions, didn't take kindly to the Northern fruit. Had they been the right ahape they might hare been sold for corks, but no use was found for them and they were accordingly shipped back to Seufortb, the owner paying all the expenses and freight both way- 1 An exchange tellingly puts it in this way : " Underrate every present and prospective enterprise^ speak ill of the churches' and schools ; tell everybody the hotels are bad ; enlarge the vices of the people, especially tbe young people , withhold the patronage from your merchants and tradesmen, and boy your goods* and groceries at some other place ; never subscribe for the local paprrs, and if you aie in bNainrss teftise to advertise, if you wish to kill a town." , A CROWDED STOEl Immerse Sales of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END, -600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. We are showing, without exception, th&_^_ Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapt N ^ STOCK of SILKS AND DRESS GOQPg, 1 Ever shown in this town. Ladles visiting Gnelph and bnylng Dress Goods, Silii YJTots_ Mantles, jl/illinety, Furs, etc., without first seeing ou'rimattai* and beautiful stock, do' themselves a- great injustice W efcteem it a pleasure to show our goods. Ladies, come direct to the Faahinable West End, tbe Ifeadiag 1__ for Silks, T>res3 Goods, -Mantles and Jtfillinery. Full Stock of flwVrm' able Iritamiiiga, But tone, K-ioges, etc., to match all our material*, A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West 2nd Ore**, MnrLnerj- and 3<aaUKstabU*hmat^ Oaeijrti, Co*. U, 1S77. K Well, are we to abolish tbe grand jury tystein or retain it? The arguments iu favor of retaining it are not veiy numerous, and .we think it may safely be said, not verv strdng. That it is an ancient ami honorable institution, and that it has been a great safe-guard to the snbji-ct in times when tbe Crown was disposed to carry things with a high h,and, is admitted. But, this is a practical age, and we must keep our institutions abreast with the spirit of it. Look at the trouble and expense of maintaining the grand jury, and the poor results we get in return. In these times, balanced on two legs on th? 1 ope^ '"hen the gteat majority of cases go and riding a velocipede along it backwards and forwards. Sitting Bull was converted to tho Catholic faith by Father De Konmet, from whom he learned the French language. He is familiar with both English and French. Onco when surprised by tloops they '.found ir> hip quarters the " Cam paigns of Napoleon I." Archbishop Conroy preached in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Ottawa, on Sunday evening in be half of the Good Shepherd's Con vent home for fallen women. The attendance was very large. Among thoBe present were the Fiemier and a number of leading Protestants. Mr. Philip Wideman, of Ring- wood, cut two crops of oats from one sowing this seasoa. The first crop was harvested early in August, an excellent crop averaging about 45 bushels per acre. The second crop was harvested on the 20th of October, yielding a ton per acre- of first class feed. ' In Grey when a man wants to buy a boUle of alp, he buys IS bottles, drinks one, and sells the dqzen back to the dealer, thus ful filling the provisions of tho Dun kin Act. The same with liquors the man buys five gallons and as much over as he requnes, and sells the five gallons back, In the case of Smith, convict ed of procuring abortion and there by causing the death of Miss Wade, the sentence has been commuted to imprisonment for life, following the precedents set in the cases of Davis and Dr. Spaiham, convicted of the same crime. 'In the case of .Wil liams, tho Weston murderer, it is understood that the law will be al lowed to take its course. The Canada Gazette of this week will contain a proclamation granting amnesty and pardon to W. B. O'Donoghue, of Manitoba, on the same terms as thoso already extended to Riel and Lepino. It is understood that so long ago as tbe 20th September the Govern ment at Ottawa passed an Order in Council placing O'Donoghue on the same footing as the other "North-west offenders, and their policy in this regard has been ap proved ofby the Iinporial Govern ment, before the police magistrates, it will hardly be contended that tbe liberty of an accused person is more likely to be protected when his case is submitted to a juty of twenty- four men who know nothing about law, and who have heard only one side of tbe case, than when submit ted to a magistrate who has made the law a profession, and who has hcaid both sidi-s of the case. We understand that East Flumboro' township^ had rather a singular elopemeat lately, a mar ried'man named James Wheeler, about sixty yeaia of , age, having gone off for parts unknown with a young woman named English, about twenty years of age. Wheeler, we understand, had been married three imeB, and has a grown up family, and he recently infoi-ned bis wife that ba wished to sell bis farm with the view of purchasing another in. tbe neighbor hood of London, by which means he induced her to sign the deed with him of the property he owned and which he had disposed of. Having realized on everything which he possessed, he packed up his " duds" and levanted with Miss English, and tho pair are no doubt safe in Brother Jonathan's do mains.' A Fracas A Waterloo paper having last week made some very coarse and offensive allusions to Mr. John King, M. A., barrister, of Berlin, tba gentleman, feeling naturally^ aggrieved, administered a severolcastigation to the writer in a Beilin law office. Result a full and free admission by Mr. King before the Waterloo burgo master, and a contribution of $10 to the'coSers of that burg. During the services at the Church of Assension on Sunday morning, in Philadelphia, Alexan der B. Say res walked up tho aisle and fatally shot bis wife, who occupied a pew in front of where he had been sitting. Sayres was arrested. Both parties were regu lar attendants at Church, but had been separated two years. The true receipt for getting rich is by laying out your money judici ously. That can be done by ordering and purchasing your clothing, your overcoat, xour underclothing, your fur cap, yonr*,boota, your nck-tie, year gloves, etc, at McLood, Anderson ft Oo-'s, Georgetown. BIETUS. TasKEn. In Nassagaweya, ore the 19th mst., the wife of Mr. Jona than Toakur, of a daughter. HAKRILD. lJLMa At the Victoria Hotel, "Guelph, on the 14th Nov., by the Kev. K W. Byckmail, M. A., Mr. I&jbert LunJ>, to Miss Lilly M. McGonnan, both of Nas- aagaweya. (Iambus In Erin, on tbe Ulat mat., at the r&.iOince of'the bride's father, by the llev. Mr. L^nch, Mr. Thos. Gamble, to Mjss iMjiEy ^ , eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Ma.s3-vje3, all of Floor ACTON MABKETH. . 52^50 to 3 00 Campaign Opened! beatty^s ^/^ worn. 1878. ~3w* WESTERN ADVERTtSER Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Sprouted fapnng Wheat Barley....... Oats ....... Peas ... Butter .. ESKS....... Potatoes, per bag ' .. Apples, early, per bag Hay, per ton. 1 16 to 1 J&t 1 tO-to I 05 P To to 0 95 0 50 to 0 60 0 54-toO 30 0 60 to 0 65 0 17 toO 18 IS to 0-00 0- 60 to 0 70 0 55toO 70 10 00 to 14 oe. * WEEKLY LIBERAL. Kedscrd rrlce- Frrnlmm t* every Subscriber Itervest for JLgeat*. The Fifteenth Annual Campaign of the. Western Advertiser and Wethly Liberal is now under full headway. Huadretls ot new names are pouring, in from all parts .of Canada. We want 5,000 new subscribers during thia caa- waaa. Plenty of room for 1,000 more agents, Oar terms to agents, and 'in- duceroen-ta to ssbecnberv wdl be found in advance of anything yet offered. BILL OF FAKE. i I Bv*at ^*nerat new-paper In Canada. 2 tiuiiuice nt rearfree to newsutucrl- bcrg. ' a,-picBdi(i EugraTtrg to every co- ^eilbi r. -> * i 4-Atneu tirnl Department by 'W. F. CJarte. 5 Best in Can- a la. 6 lA6SeB' "Fashion an<l Kitchen' col- nmn_ 8~|. ulH4>uBe bai l^spor ing anil crfteteel ( news. 1 9 0>raT>lete"T*-inpernnee R^coni- 10 Reliable aatl cspxius JlaraeO Re ports,- TKBMS-F0R IdTS.-SlOMrUIipntTflv- ng, lViPff.e. i% "laicrnarj." 3tx20 nctiea. HJ>9 without engraving. Post age prepaid! ^#^* l.ibrroSterms tx. aeent*. Foa&ee sample eopix-b, 0El09tfacUB t*>aLgeatp, adtlress Efps' Cocot. Gratefex asd Uox- rOKTUta___"By_* thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tableB with a delicately flavored beverage which may Bave ns many heavy doctors' bills. Ifr-is by the'jndicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution zn&y begradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ns ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Epps & Co , Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Los1? i Between the 'Railroad and the 4th line, Jon Saturday, l"th inst , one set of Breeching. The findpr will please leave them^at Campbell's hotel, Acton. JOHN [WATSON, Jr. TMPORTANT NOTICE. ALL PARTIES who owe for their BREAD aro reminded ^bat they must positively pay up by the 30th of No vember, without fad jdse there will be trouble. R. T. GALLOWAY. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN ACIOS For Sale or Let. The Stone Dwelling on Main street, adjoining the entrance to the school grounds, is offered for sale or rent. There "are nine rooms and large cellar, and a quarter of an aero of gatflen. Eor further particulars apply tp I I HORACE J. HALL, Esq. llcton, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-* 3m ]\TEW BUTCHERING BIJSI. Xl IV ESS FARR & McHABDY An lounco to the people of Acton and vicinity that they nave commenced the Butchering Business in the premises lately occapied by Mr. G. M. Scott, next door to Galloway's bakery. Fresh Meat of all kinds, Sausacre, Bologna, Lard, etc., etc.* Always on hand, in largo quantities. Meat delivered fresh at the houses in the village every day. The patron age: of the public respectfully solicited, i PIANOS MfiSfS AND as trie most ^nura?JSKK ~m est looed Piano* trwrx natTOBatlT ORCAKS. ? ,,^' ? WASHINGTON, beuTa"^^' NEW JERSEY. Beany', ettafe*** .olden -Jbsevad Parloi Oran. S mannfeieVireTehalteaKad *9-enmt4ii*M Tfcey possess power, <Jepu>, bin iuS. nnd sympathetic detieaev, ezqsiMuiiT beautifBliy woefleeu,aB(f tooniTits action ever invented USmttingt MlAsV .arranged by ne. Tbe *-r~rt Hsmisi l soxreat that but lit!f eBottit fab*. ed witp tbe (e*. to npplj.jUj tfca sir necessary Beit maitotiid bmi Mut cssrs in tbe nvarke^ +m m>t TO04 ornament*. vrTttrom*Btfanyie. rented for six years a* itrlctlT flm flfft and sent on from 6 | 15 d*rs'v*ttn*i* j ton, New Jersey. \ i* J*HNES8 PR0FE1TT The undersigned offer* for sale .tktt desirable property atwAti -aa Mint ttect, bow occapied by Mr. Cta*. Caserca as x *t*re mad dweJlhtc. "Tie property is ro first ehus condrnja 'txk with a good cellar. Term* fibosd. For further particulars apply to] | MESSES. Wj. BAfcLLN'G k C(t MonfamJ. Or, W.ff. STOREY. Aetat Acton, Aug. 22d, 1BJ7. \ jTrarreniiEisow co. Advertiser Office, London,.Ont. TTEMIOCR; BARK. 7 I hereby give notice that T do- m?t now buy Hemlock Bark, as I ha?e: a imll Bupply on hand. G. L. BEARBMORE. Aeton Tannery, Oct 16, 1877. ' BEATTY'S PIANO & PARLOR ORCAN INSTRUCTOR. Containing the elements i f id*Ic. with easy and progressive exercises to perfect tbe player in the art or music (either piano or orgai.) to whleh i* added over blxty Waltzes, Polftas, Marches. Galops. Operatic Melodies. Dances, etc., by Ban- lel F. Beatty. Washington. New Jersey, one of the btsl works outs kind ever In troduced, and should be in the hands of every piano and organ player. Sent post paid tunny part 01 tbq United States or Canada for only fifty cents, tbo price htivlng been reduced .to introduce it everywhere. Address DANIEL. I". IbEATa-T, Washington, New Jersey. rjpiIE ONTARIO SADDLERY, Is the place to get the best Harness for the least money. Owing to Haa-d Times, Prices have been Reduced. All Qrders left with m mil receive careful attention. COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know their horses cannot work with sore necks, throw off the old collars and get a new pair that,will give entire satisfaction. The place to get them is at the 0NTAKI0 SADDLERY Another lot of those famous i American Whips Just received and will be sold cheap for cash. ' ^Repairing Done Neatly,-Cheaply, and on the Shortest iNoliee. R. CREECH. Acton, Aug. 21,1877. PHOTOaBAPHKRS should for ward me their address if they wish, to obtain a "Piano or Organ in exohange for Photographing. Ad j FARR ft MoHARtiY^ | dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash Acton, Nov. 21, 1877. 20-ly j ington, New Jersey. *% AND WAQGON0. - V No* ia tie time to ]are ywf ** At J. Eyder's Factory; for > Stylish Boggy r 8rTtee**le Waggon. I am making up a large stock ftr ** present season, from the beat w***^11. Call and &ee our Handtcm*Bg&* Now la a good tin*-JO H** bargains. Strict attention given to SvWBo-Sfcpein* * esimlSM*'- emituar* XAJffiS BYUEB. Acton. Feb, 2$. 18Jf. ^_____' other c can bay firetoI* **** and Orgass ohwtrjrfg*^ IEL F. BEATTY,- V** toi, New J7,^SLj- manufaclnrer in tk* WfZ' States. Why? Becanw '>,g" only for cash, takes no >'w*"J| no book accounts, fivery .WFJ^ ment is fally warranted for. as "strictly first class, *nd W on from. 5 to 15 days* tt money refuudrd and ">|hi both ways by him if they "?, factory. 8end for lUusto**^ WttwsKR (CAtalogue &MOD)< read testimonials from W P* jK some of whom you mayJ^l-.X dress DANIEL F. BEAIlTYt WS" ngton, New Jersey. -__/ i QEORGE lEWBNS. - j Barber and Hairdres9. adjoining Secord Broi.*-Sre, JJ otLt &AotT.. Hair twitca* " Street, Acton. combings prepared t<oraer. w**< to answer this adwtl*otj*J^;j^ DANIEL Jersey. ^1^1* '" i

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