Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1877, p. 3

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'T.A ': ] ---.,-- k 3 THE f FREE 1 "Hi. IILY. tj*t 6K1* TStrKK TIJS.K TAMLk. "Trains leave Acton ** ti <?wa: -.- noisM! Avs**. Jfight Ktpress - - -.. - ' l:04.vm. Toronto mail 'fl. 10 a.m. ptvKiptv" 1. ft* p.m. Expr* - - - Gait mired - - - 5.20 p. m. 707-r.m. C01X0 F.AST. i ' ' Siht Express a.^ik.m. Salt mired t>:10ft.m. Day Express '- -11:34 a.m. \Vfrtera mail - ;- 6:20 p.m. London mixed 10:10 p.m. Ssrrier in the Methodist Church every gtsMutiti ovenlTOT at half-past six oV-Iock;'Rncl froth morning; and evon- VBf on the. flrtt rlabbalh of raeh , .Jttontfti' S-Bv Kl Hb*9, Pastor. LOCAL MATTERS. Good by S Kext weak, Mrr -J. n. h. S. W. Gal. brsith, of Guelph, trtll introduce him- mU and hit scribhlinjrs to this column. Mr. T. A. Moore, is already well-known U> many of bar" local readers. Accounts have been mailed to to parties iodebtetLio this office for the past yearVand we shall loiok for groropt ttlernsni tbersof. Remittances b^. mail for inscriptions duo Mp to tho 1st?* of July last, or .{or advertising and printing up to this date, ahould be ad- drasswd to J. H. Hacking,' Acton. Co. eggs '*' of faaiio, ** *, t. 8aitj^ P'*Vlit. fo- Sena a |t trtsrf as I Organ. Am*- r*c**M>ts. |U, bittiui; y. exqu.attsly , 1 U only top heonis r*q*k>- ^j *li th atr " *tt elefxst "Jl*. woo* pntAmyvaik tly first claw. y' trn trial. .sraahls*- fEKTY - TrTtl for oalUi Jy Mr. Ckaa. IweitiBp. Ta leo&ditoaa. aa4 term* . SbeiaL. ING&'CO; " ' |Y. Actcsu ^N^. (Nile |tockfor aW uiteriai. >v&i* ven+o, BTDEB.. * , - _ |ia^^^ : Le he *" ler7_iW*rt* JforxJW* fcd- areW ,tet ***?! i V are tp- .trated * hif P*?J | Store. Mffl itche* * < Christie, Henderson & hare packed otw 10,COO dozen tiiia season. Mt\ CtaR. Cameron, \rbo bab been Tery ill for the past few vrac^s, is again able to be oot. ; -;~ We are pleased to see that ilr.John Secord, who has beon ill for some time past, is getting arornd agaju. - rThe. buns and . cakes made by Galloway are justthe thine. Try thtm -' if yon dont know it already; ; ^-Gonlding <k rHenry'a auction: "'-room closed Tuesday evening. We be- " lire thoy hTe remoTed to Cheltinj;. ham., Rain Thnrsdar, Friday, Satur day, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday- six i'.eonaccntive' daps. It has ceased, an<S fcow we have a cold snap. .-. A two-year-old colt owned by - Mr. Thos. Cameron was killed Sunday morning, on^the Grand Trunk . Railway about one mile west of Acton. . 1, t ]We have for sale one of ^Beaftfs celebrated Pianos that will be: .- disposed tjf at a great .bargain. For. ' particalara apply at this office. ^Galloway's superior bread tells v-awry time, and is sought after by " eTsry one of good" taste, both far and . near. Tea-tneeting and concert to be - ..fceld umler the auepices of the members ef the Oongr^aauofikl Church on firit Tharsday atter Cb^tstmaa. Further fiartirolara hij^afttr; J >: The jewolry store flf Mr A-mionr, in Georgetown, was burglariz ed lut Saturday night, and a large qui ntity of jew elry stolen. . Particulars in mul hex column. W underatand that Mr. Jaa Sjmon,~-formerly of ihe firm of C. a J. , Symon, intends to open a dry goods I estaUUhroent in Agnew's new brick store abootthe 10th of neit month. _. ^kaJesat J. E. McGarvia's. Mr. John Speight baa been appointed by the Acton Division Sons of Tonperance, delegate to the annual session of the Grand l>o<ige, to be held at Bowmanrille, commeuciig Tuesday. Mr, Fred SecorJ, travelling azest for Messrs. Vt. H. Storey i Co., 'ha* returned borne* for Sj' fow days, (cfter as extended tour ihror-Rh Western .On tario. ' He has "had js>* very suceessfut trip, notwithstanding the almost nni- Tersal dullness in trade. ^-SkateS at J. E.-McOarvin'B, We are told that the fall wheat has turned rusty in many places, owing to the exceeding wet spelL As this is a new thing to farmers, they, can't say from poA experience whether ' the rust at this season of the year will hare the effect of permanently injuring " the crop. The Sons of Temperance of this Tillage purpose holding a first- class soiree, on Xew-Vcars evening. A number of capitaT speakers from a distance are expected, to be present. All members of Acton Division are requested to attend next Tuesday business of importance rrraeaali Wo are pleased to noticb thp name of Mr. C-has; W. Laaby, of Acton, in the Globt and several other newspapers, as having won for himself laurels in tho matriculation examinatioua hold at Oobourg this fall, by way of compoti. tion in Honor Mathumatica, for what has formerly lieen known as tho scholar- ahip of 1875, of tho valuo of $75. Wo aro informed by a student in tho col. lege that trout tho superior ability Mr. I<aal>y has displayed since ho went thoro ho would undoubtedly have carried off tho prize had it been awarded. >sa----------------- -Winter is approaching, and so is tho timo you iwill absolutely rwjuiro ono of those heavy. Ulstora. See Christio, Henderson cfr' Co.'s stock of overcoats; they aro cheap and of ex cellent quality ; from 83 up. Economy is tho leading fea ture of tho day, and is the only way to: bring the good Umos baok again, and it only can bo practised by visiting and purchasing at McLood, Anderson 4 Oo.'s, Ooorgotown, their extremely cheap clothing, millinery, mantloa, dress goods, silks, winceys, cottons, blankets, flannels, furs, buffalo robos, carpets, boots and shoot. The Pianos and Organs manu factured and sold by Daniel T. Beatty, of Washington, N. J., ha.vo become to wejl and favorably known that any thing wo may add will only increase the testimonials of thousands by one. All know those instruments and all praise them, but'all do not know tho very low prices at which thoy can be bought compared with the prices charg ed for inferior makes. We advise all who contemplate buying a Piano or Organ-to write to Mr. Beatty for his il lustrated catalogues of prices. Important to all. Whero can the best value be got for tho money ! Why at McLcod,_ Anderson & Co.'s, t'eorgotown. I got flannels, winceys, dress goods, cottons, hats, set of furs, mantles, at half the old prices. -Go there and make money. i J. E. McGarvin's Worm Pow- ders are, without exception tho best worm medicine made. Try them, try them, try them, try them, try them. COUNTY, ONT., NOVEMBER 29, 1877. Pay t> Sharp. All parties indebted to the under signed are earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts on or before the 10th day of December, and save further trouble and costs. JOHN KEKNEY & 30X. Arton, jS'ov. 20, m 7. "" New Arrivals. Christie,:Hen derson & Co., ever desirous that their customers should have an opportunity of selecting from the very latest designs and shades, are daily in receipt of now and fresh goods. Their Millinery and Mantle room shows all the latest novel ties of the Beason. Place your orders early and prevent any disappointments. Ko fancy prices for Millinery. . JLadics will please remember this. J. E. McGarvin'a Cough Syrup is the best remedy for coughs, colds, Bronchitis, it Try it, try it. THAT jWONDERFUL MAN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ^ARIETY AXD UROUERY STORE, Opposite Dr.- McGsrvin'B residence, Mill Street, Acton. JOHN HAWKINS : Wishos to call attention to his Btock of GROCERIES And other Useful Articles. -.-i Noto tho following : Fresh Groceries, Tea, Sugars, Raisins, Tobacco. Biscuit, Soap, Ball Blue, Button Blue, Soda, and all other things in connection with the Grocery lino. Also Pipes, Cigar-holders, Hair Brushes, Combs, Penknives, Lead PencilB, Note Paper, F. C. Paper, Pens and Ink, Tooth Brushes, Finfrer.Rinfjs, Pins, Needles, and Br variety of other things'too nu merous toincntiun. Call and bo convinced of tho abovo facts. Tho patronagu of- thoi public respectfully solicited. _1 GRACE'S CELEBRATED gALVE, A Sure Relief for tbe Sufferer. TRADE MARK-^THE GOLDEN MAN, Mantles, Jaokets, Coats, ..' . Eveaiagr Silks, Eraaiac: Kid Gloves, Heal Honiton and Limerick Laces, FEU STtfAMKR CELTIC. Just arrived and opened np for inspection and sale, cases of the above Uoodn, direct from London. England. Prices extremely cheap t quality of the t Hoods best. WE ALSQ HAVE RECEIVED A Coal Cloths, lar^e lot of Ladies' Jacket and best arid newest prices extremely cheap. An immense variety of Fancy Goods, Fancy ! DreKs Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel lously cheap prices, EVERYTHING THAT A LADY WANTS la to be-found at the _ WONDERFUL MAN'S STOBB.; M(llinery, Hatp, Bonnets, Flowers, all that is new, good, elegant in de-' ' sign, and exquisite in taste, is to be had of us. CAEPETS, CAEPETS: .; Best quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Dutch Carpets' ore on exhibition at our Carpet Room. We quote bottom prices; styles, colors, and designs of which are unequalled in town. ' ! Beady-Made ClothingU Ahead of altformer effurts. Best assortment of Orercoats to be met with. Prices warranted. 20 per cent under anything in town. An early call ia solioited. JOHN Nov. 26,1877. HOGG & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Guelph. r jMUPASEI) BT 8ETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 80 nAHRISOH AVEHUX, T: BOSTOX, MASS. URACE'S CELKBRATPD HALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, Invented In tbo 17lh cenliuy by Dr. Wil liam Omcp, Surgeon In KlnK James' nrmy. Through lis ngenoy no lured thousands of tho mostserious sores and wounds Hint bnfflod tho skill of the most eminent, pliyslcliins of tils day, and was reirinled by nil who knew lilzn as a pub ic benefactor. PRICB 25 CEXT3 A BOX. MAGNIFICENT DI!SPLAYiG1H^APiSAJ-Ei_?HEAI>SALEI FRESH ARRIVALS At the Bast End CLOTHING STORE. New Pall and "Winter Goods THEGOLDEN LIO JOHN' Acton.Xov. 14, 1877. HAWKINS. Neably Killed. John Hydo, Steward at the Guelph general hospital, had a narrow escape from being 'murdered1 during Friday night.' He was Watching James Smith, tailor, a violent lunatic who ia being- treated at the' hospital. Smith auddenly.-rose from his Led, and seizing an article of chamber' furniture, made a murderous attack on Mr. Hyde, cutting him severely about the neck, and breast. A severe and prolonged struggle en sued, Hyde being weakened by the losu of blood, and the lunatic being endowed with the strength of mad ness, the steward-was nearly over powered, and well;nigh murdered, When assistance arrived, it re* quired the united strength of the doctor and four men to restrain tha lunatic's violence. DKorPED Dead. Malcolm Curry, of lot 34, in the gore of Puslinch, went to church on :Sun day, came home and was engaged in unhitching his horses when he dropped dead. He was nearly 80 years of age, and was much respect ed by his neighbors. He-waa one of the early pioneers ia his section, and leave's a highly respected family.. Child Desertios. On Tnea-. day afternoon, Mrs. W. Toffey. of the WiUon. .house, Stratford, hav ing occasion to go into the inside sitting room of tie hotel, found a little stranger lying on the lounge. Jt was a mule child,.about a month pld, was warmly but plainly clad, and was wrapped up in a . plaid khawl. Search- was immediately made for the mother who bad thus D l KHAN BULLS for SALE. The undersigned has for sale one yearling Bull and two 2-yoar-old Bulls. All thoroughbred. Also several Leicester Rarh' Lambs. C. R. SMITH. Acton, Nov., 1877. ir eveojng, wili be bronght before the Division. ., , , . cruelly deaerted her offspring, but - A man with aeore hand called aho ^uld QOt be fotfnd; Mr , / at the house of Mr. J. McConnell near the station, Sunday morning, and asked for something to eat. When the aCi. count of "the" -burglary in Georgetown was heard of herej, it was surmised that this was one of the' parties" implicated -in the ^affair.' A detective was set upon his track, and we have just learn ed that he has been arrested on the " charge of robbery. ' . , The following paragraph is irom the Guelph Daily Herald: '< "Jocehalistic Mr. J. H. Hacking has sold the Acton Fbkk Psess to. .Messrs. A. Moore and S. Oalbraitb. ^Mr, Moore has' been foreman of Mr; .Hacking's job ofHce here for some time yast, and Mr. Galbraith hasibeen em ployed iu the"Mercury office. Both are fnost &eBervin% young men and have -th^-^^s^fs hearty good wishes for - Aheir wri'"'- It u understood Mr. Attacking w8l, in future, devote his -whols time to his job business here." -"The Bkating Rirdc will be com pleted about the "begicyaAnjJ of nit wsek, ani then shall he siswered ~ "The_ people's prayer, tjie^glad di- Jiner's theme". The young .men's -vision, and tho old men's dream.- ?or wild, ambitifn love* to slide, not Stand, And Fortune's ice prefers to VirtuVs i -, land." :Bkatoa at J. E, ^fcGarviaV. Toffey doesn't appreciate this addi tion to his family cares, afid natrr- ally thinks that the cojrporatien; should be at the expense: of its; maintenance. ' A Cobdial Gr-EETiNo.'; The locomotive of the. Stratford <fe Hurpn ' Railway made its first appearaace at Listbwel, -on Satur day last; 'and the Bound of its .whifltleiu heralding its approach was ehoed by a loud and prolonK- ed chorus of welcome from nearly all the steam whistles and bells in town.. It returned tbe same even ing, and we understand will scarce ly be seon there again until the first passenger train arrives on the day of the publio demonstration. .. Think of It. During this changeable weather, it is import ant to guard againBt the insidious inroads of disease, and especially of colds. It is hazardous for a per son to lay aside an overcoat or cloak when going out, because the atmosphere" is milder. The con- stunt exercise of common sense in what are.considered minor matters will often; prevent' sickness and ije^tb, j( -y 'Skates at J. . MoCfarvin's. IflAKM FOB SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his_ Farm, being the north-east half of lot; 26, in tho 2d con. of tho township of' Esquesing, comprising 100 acres, ad joining the corporated village of Acton. There is a good log house 60x2G, and frame kitchen, both lathed and plaster ed ; a frame barn 46x54 ; stone milk- house, and r thriving orchard. The farm is well; watered, 80 acres cleared "and in a good Btate of cultivation. Title good. For further particiriarB apply to JAMES BEfcL, On the premises! Esquesing, INoy. 7, 1877 ' 19-lm ! -DEEKSIIIRE BOAR, i ' Tho undersigned has a puro bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on his premises, in Acton. Terms S) cash. J. B. BURNS. Acton, Nov. 1, 1877. I8-2m, UnACE'fl TELEBR1TED SALVE . CURES rLESH TOUSD3, FHOECX LIMBS. HALT KIIEUM, CHILBLAINS, SOKE BKEABT, SOKE MM, EKYSIPELA8, KINQ- WOUMS.CALI.USES, SCALD HEAD CHAPPED HANDS. Cakcehb, rrxoKS, S IRKS, Ul.OKUH, STINGS, SIII-.OI.ES, WENS, STIKK, AHCKSS, rKECKLKS, SritAISH, BOIL"", tuts whitlows i1i.istbrs,, tak . corns, hcitcvt, iTpir, iNonowiso mails, settle kaah, MUSQUITO AND KLF.A DITEH, SPIDElt 8TINQ9, And alt cutaneous dlsensrs and t-raptloUb generally, .' For sale-by all tlrug^tRtSj grocers, and at nil count'-y stores uimu^httut the Uni ted States and British Provinces, Prloe by mall SOcentv. -< BCBKS, SCALD-t, "WOUNDS, TESTERS, PI LBS BUN IOSS, BITE, WAKT8, PIMPLKS, rTUVO RAM LAUDS for Sale. The subscriber offers for . sale two well-bred LEICESTER RAM LAMBS, $10 A PIECE. For particulars apply to T.~ D0CKRAY, Lot No; 2, Town-line, Erin, Oct. 28, 1877. 18-4 BEAtTTggg. ORGAN There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has.Mr. feeatty. From every State and Ter ritory comes the samn verdict "They are the best, in the world." Illustrated Advertiser,. (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANIEL f. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. We desire attention to the Very large assortment of goods of every description which we are now offering. Choi oice new rpiIE ROYAL J_ - UOTtl. EXCHANGE ACTON. CASH FOR SKINS. We ore-prepared to pay tho highest cash price west of Toronto for Jill classes of Sheepskins and Calfskins _ in-good condition delivered at our ' tannery. We wiBh it to be distinctly understood thjkt we pay the Hioiiert Price for such. Farmers will study their inter ests by bringing; their skins to trs, in stead of selling them to iliddlomen and Peddlers. STOREY, M00RE & CO. Persons leaving skins at: the factory of W. H. Stokey & Co. will also re ceive the highest price for them. This well-known house has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with new and modern furniture of tho best des cription, and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation to the public. The present proprietor has received a license, and ho will keop tho bar well Bupplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. Tho stoblinp is largo and well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room. The patronage of the public is respect- ully solicited. 7 ' ... JOHN MANEY. Acton, June 26, 1877. :------ -----------p-------'------ Our importations from Britain are now nil to hand, arid we'claim, without fear of contradiction, that our Stock of 3D IR, -X- O- O OD :S, In every Branch, is ! THE LARGEST, CHOICEST, AND best Assorted OUTSIDE T0K0NT0,V . DRESS DEPARTMENT. ^ u ' .! Our stock of Cress Goods in bo large that it is Impossible to enumerate the varieties. Ladies may depend, however, on finding at THE LION all the new materials -all the fashionable shades and at the same time some of the cheapest goals ever seen. This is acknowledged by all who have looked through our stock. No lady ever leaves THE LION without getting exactly, the dress she wants. --._[. !. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS AND MANTLES. We invite special attention to the bargains we are offering in this de partment. In the Millinery Brunch THE LION has always carried the palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles than ever, while our display of Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported' an immense assortment Which we guarantee to bo the cheapest ever shown in Guelph. : DRESS MAKING. . Ladiesj -do . not forget this branoh. Mrs. Thompson, as she becomes known, is monopolising all the beat work of the town. Styles unequalled. -Prices moderate. - ' [ , KEADYMADE CLOTHING. Just received a largo stock of Clothing, including Overcoats in every style, very cheap. TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS, t New styles for fall wear, latest patterns, figures very low. Gentlemen, remember we have the beBt cutter in town. A perfebt fit guaranteed. Large additions, to our already supurb stock of Tweedi & Gents' ^raisliiiLgs, Just Opened, which we are offering from 15 to 20 per cent less than their - real: value. \ T . Having bought largely and for cash we arie enabled, to plat in the hands of pur customers a good, sound, reliable article at leas than auction sale prices. .For example: A large selection of paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents and $1 per yard. These goods are noted for durability. .- i Heavy Checked Fulled Cloths, from 62 and 70 cents. -"Rare value. Scotch and English Tweeds, from 80 cents up. A good suit of clothe* made to order for $11." , Special value in Overcoats from 7 up, And also "everything in tho way of Gents' Furnishings, at bottom prices. - , Remember this is no moth eaten bankrupt" stock, neither shoddy auc tion sale gdods, nor yet eobds damaged at fires, but sound, reliable' goods fresh from the looms, We solicit a thorough Inspection of^ur slock. PYPE & McNABs Acton, Sov. 14,1877. OUR FALL STOCK OF Fn 'E CENTS AGAIN, J LBGTTJBB TO YOUNG MEN. We have recently published n new edi tion of Dr. Calvcrwell's Celebrated Es say on the radical and permanent oure (without ai' dlelne)of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity,Impedi ments to Marriage, etc.,resulting fiom oxcesses. I'rlce, In a*oalad envolore, only Scents or two postage stamps. Tho celebrated author, In this admir able Essay cleurly ;demonstnnes, from thirty yturs* succpssfUl practice, thnl alarming consnqupnees may bo radically cured without the dangerous useof Inter nal tnedlclne or the application or the knife; pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, oertnln mid efleotual, by mean* of which every matter what his condition may be, may cure hlmnelf oheaply, privately and radically. . TlilB liecture should bo In the hands of every youth andevery man In the hand. THE CULYEBWEIX MF.DICAl <., 41 Ami 8U. New York. Post Offlco Box 4580. 4-ly On and- after the 1st of November, MILK will be sold-at tho following rotes : Per Quart,-5 Cents; Per Pint, 2 Cents; New Imperial Measure,. ' 21 Quart Thlcet8 for One jbollar. 21 Pint TicUti for Fifty Cents In advance. P.S.ARMSTRONG. "AOton.Oct-18, 1877. TO BUSINESS MEN.-If you want Billheads, Statements, let ter-beads. Envelopes, Mercantile Print ing, of any kind, done In business style, semi your' orders to the Free PBE.SS oSca, Batlsfaoilon guaranteed. WINCEY. WINCEY. More than 1,000 pieces, plain and fancy, from 6 cents a yard- est in town. BUFFALO ROBES. ; Cheaper than ever, Price! from 1 upwards, highest brand, A 1, perlect, from $8 to $10 each. -the cheap. A large lot juBtin; the Is now Arriving, And will complete for the CALL AND SEJE OUR NEW STYLES. Speoial Attention Givsn to Ordered "TTork. Kepalrins Promptly Attended to. T AILOBIN6. JOHN McARTHUR, _ tailor, has returned from Now York city .whore he has attended tbe Sohpol of Instruction in the act of outtim? garments, and is now better prepared than over, to give tho best, of satisfaction to his customers. He is now in a position to warrant a perfect fit, and to make up j/armonts in tho very latest American styles. Tho continued patronage of the community respectfully- solicited. JOHN MoABTHUR. Aeton,-Aue. 8.1877. 6-im -rrr-ANTED. * Ladies and gentlemen to learh Tele* graph Operating for offic%s opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address Makaoeb, Box 956, Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION SHIRTINGS. . Go to the Lion, the People's Cheap Store. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. "Ouelph, Oct. 30. 1877. I as BEATTY ZPI-AjZLSTCM Grand, Square; & Upright. Agents wanted everywhere. Address " * j . DANIELj F. BEATTY, Washington j-New Jersey. BRICK DWELLINGS FOR HA1E. Tho two dwellings, built of brick, situated on Main stroot, near the Do minion Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms. The lot consists of three-fifths of an acre, with good gar den. The building is new, and well finished, adapted for two families. A goad stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to tho owner. JOHN KENNEDY. A.r.ton, Auj. 15, 1S77. 7-8m CJCBO0L TEACHERS: You can J easily increase your salary by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time to my interest. I dp not expect you to canvass for my celebrated Beatty's Pianos and Organs-unless you see fit to; but the service I require of you is both pleasant and profitable. Full par ticulars free. Address DANIEL F. Acton, August 7, 1877; CRAINE k SOX. THE FREE PRESS FBIgyTING HOUSE To Merchants and other Business Men in "' Acton, as well as throughout the County, the Free Press is an, ; invaluable Advertising - ' i Medium. J t $*- % m &'& ('-. isS? ^ ,ll>*4* m Out Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey'.' -Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. IT.

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