Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1877, p. 4

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---"- fl '-'"<: ii-' ,-rH-3 ;'# .4;.--^ ' '.-V".-,3"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j i.. _' -t-"~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -----r-^J^^^^H ^^^^K WirS'S^^B ^HM ^^^K > "" ~3^H ^^^^^^Hc ^ -.i t-i-^^B^^^^I ^Hd *- -l^^E^^fl -v'5-^^^B^^I ^Rpi V^ Ui " >'S^H Kj +sk ^B^H ^^^^V t lir~<B^H 4i - i ff^.u^..umui|m CfCTHBI Tfli FREE FRESS, ACTON, HALTON: COUNTY, ONT4 NOVEMBER 29, 1877 -1 - rcsMM. rKH - \ Ktrnv rOEEIGSiEBS. '. Ftt IS i aun. Some readers may he interestotl in perusing a clover uiiuiinulnthm of Eng lish w<tr\U wlrieh are nrom'Mnce-l alike, but jx'lt eliffervnlly, and;, to which dif ferent i mcnvvjngs n.j->> "aUaohcni, The lines' which are tryly a study for for eigners, aro hy Wetitworth ; A~protty Jeer is dear to me., A haro with iinwuy hair, A hart I love with alii my heart. But bArely liear .1 '.>onr.. 'Tin plain that not v>::e;tks-a nlaco To have a pair o{ i>cnr.+..1 Although a rake liisv ikc aTalw To tr away the tares, , J Sol' rajs raise thyme, time twos all, And throiigU-'the whole, holea wears. - A serilo in writing ri^ht m*y write To Wrieht, Mn\ Htity Vo wrv-uiv For wri'va ami fite aro-nriiher riyfht, "Aaddou't to: right belivng. IJtobertsan is not Robert's s<m, ' Nor did ho rob Bart's son, Vet Uobert*s suu. is lh'hin's t .And everybody's sua. Foroitoa hriuj--s a hier to mail. Coughing acotBu brings. And too much ale will make us oil- As well as other things. lb* person lies who says he- lios,- _Waen he is nof reclining. And whou coaauiuptiva folks decline. They all declino docliiiirig. Quails* do not quail before a storm, ~ A bough, will bow bclorvj it, Wo cannot rein the. rain at all, ^so earthly vower reigns o'er it. 5""he dyefcdyoa awhile* then ilies 1'ntil ujm his dying l^od,-". Ho thinks uo more of dyeing. . A son of Mars mars many a son ; All Deys must have their day* ; And every night sUoiild pray each night, To Him who weighs his ways. 'Tis meet, that man should mete out meat > To feed one fortune's san : Th9 tail should fare on love alone, * Klse one can not bo won.. A la&s, alas '. is sometimes' false ; Of faults a niaid U made ; Her wast a is but a birrec wast<>. Though stayed she ia not staid. Tiie- springs shoot forth -each spring, , and aht>o":s Hhoot f.>rwnrd one and all ^ ,Thoijgb summer kills the little lluwors, " The le-ives to fall Ir. fall. I woojd a story her^ eommence Bat you m:;ht tind it stala ; ito we'll supp.-s*j tiiat \i*-^ hav reached . The tail epd oC our tile. % STEWART SCO aim -) Waat's One Bullet to a 15as- ket Fall? An incident occurred at thp brit tle of .Franklin 'which I have never seen in print.; T.'.at sanguinary battle 'was nt its height, and now -and then there was 'a soldier who would not face tbo music, and, folding to the idea thai "'distance lends enchantment," on all gucb occsionsa would exhibit his faith in the ides by taking "log bail " for the pear. These cases were getting too numerous, towarJa the close of the battle; and Colonel 13--------, A. A.G. of our Brigade, was sent back to the rear to intercept these eeekr1' ars for safatjr, and return ibem to Jheir posts of duty. . Colonel B--------, said ho hailed o&d fellow who tu aiaKing^ IracJcs for some safe place with all the energy of despair. *' iialt.l and retnrn to your com mand '."shouted Colonel B-^ -. The flying son of Mars took no notice of the command. ~~ "Halt ! I say, and go back to yonr command." The soldier paid no attention to liirn: \~ The Col6nel now became exas- 'petated and yoiled out : -? " If you don't turn" and go back to vour coniuiand I fl?ill Bhoot you, sir"!" ' ' " Without pausing, in Lis flight tlie fiolJier yelled back at him : "' " Shoot and ba------! 'VVhat's one bullet to a basket; full 1" - Colonel li-------! let! hiol go, and %fter the battle tcld the incident a,s a good joke. NOW SHOWING A very large and very choico assort- ruont of Now Dry (foods Oil" FALL WEAR New Black and Coloroi Silks, New French Oathmercp, .New Ribbons ond Ties, New Dress Goode. (Sold wholOBiilo and retail by Johii Andersoii Bookoollor, Quolph. BurroweH' i'iiuioforto 1'rinior. Jousho'b Musical GiiloohiBtn. "' Bortini'B JCow Alplliod for tho l'iano. ClarUo'a Hew Method-ror the 1'inno. -ilHtiton'n Tiario Koito (School, Itowo'.s l'iuvo without a Jlastcr. .Uicbardaon's Now Modorn Scliooi. UHzo'h rnrlor Ojgan, Silver Wreatli (Vocal). 10y dilfercnt Music ljooltB. A Cig Discount on nil SBC BOOKS New Staple I)ry Good3, f ODIl ftTOOK 01/ Tweeds, Cloths, &nd Overcoatings la very oholoe and cheap. Wo hold a very superior and large lot ol MEW MANTLES AMD MILLINERY. W.-Stewart & Co., <;iLI>H. October 10, 1S77. CHEAP QOSKSTOnE '%P On the Ea:it side of "VYyndham Street GVELFH.. SKIiF-rilKSERVATIOK I*ricc only 1. Sent by mat By reading nn<! practtclnj the incBiiin-jMo trulhs coa talncd In tho best tnedlea book_evcrMpBUc_il,_ entUle_4 I III dEblon receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality; Premature Deellno Nervous and l'lijEical pcwlity, ojyl the cndlcfl concomitant ills and untold miseries that rcsuD therefrom, and contains moro than OOoriRlnalprc* criptions, any ono of wliich ls.wortli the price ol the Dock. This booU TCas written by the most ex tensive and probably the most skilful iiractitionei In America, to-whom was awarded a pold an J Jew clkd medal by the National Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tho very Cue* Steel Enjrravintrs - - Tel of art and beauty sent rnc to &1L Scad for It at once. Addrees rEABODY MEDICAbKailtf API f" rs-sriTuxE, xo. i Kui- B UVVLI L |aclSul3o3:oa,SIass. D IB I Vbkl DAMSEL F. BEATTY'S j?Migm r.-rnr-r-Jr.'. :?TTrr-r?r>*-.Tjp PIANOS & 0E0-ASTS BEATTY PD T OFFICE S! 0AN1TED GOODS. California Snlmoc, Porllund I^>bsteri3, Kn-nrli SiirillMes, CovoUj-nUTi--, Fresh Mackerel. \m ', ''u Business Brick making. A ladder: ifor Life A Sre-e'seape. A fist team a team in the mud. Tho "jsfcpre hnsinesa is. brushing up. " SIoss greeR 13 the fashionable i>lor. ;. Two-button' kids A young goat figfit. "The right thing tQ ba intoxicated with^Delight. ' - Something1 that;will soon be leav ing us^thft lea.vea. "Vyben is a literary*, work like smoke ^when it comes out in vol umes. Thoagb an honest merchant is a plain denier, a carpenter is a deal . planer. . : When a young lady gives her self away, does ehe lose her self- posscssioo. * All the gootf don't die young, for many lawyers and editbrs live to a good old age. Brigbam'a widows are to bring out a book. It will be callei " That Husband of Oura." Hold on! this is all a mistake, Sitting Bull can't bo tho son of Kuglaud Kngiarid'sBtin jieveraits, .A man out 011 West Hill kissed Lis wife by mistake the other'day, jind for a time the sud afi'air threat ened a rupture of domestic amity, '>'|}ut, that was ~, "in his I <il>ology, bo expliini-d that he thought it wa.s the hived girl. A Georgetown young la:ly re- i cantly received tlia following, i tthi.u heart-broken: ' Vou luwdii't upeot ruj down any moru fctinda "uitea a gurl \yat leaves gum' it ^tickiu'on tbo pai-lor cuaint for a falltsr to it on alui t no gurl for uje. AOTQ3ST. _ , , The subscribrr having again gono into the grocery bu5iDCB.r would in timate that he has always a full lino of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, fresh, and of the best-quality, such as TEAS. Br,ACK3 Finest English. Breakfast Conguo, Souchong,' Oolong, Flowery Urapgo Pekoe. Greeks r Moyuno Utinpowders, Silver Leaf (Junpowders, Moyune Young IIyibna Uncolored Japma, Imperials,; Twankays Our teasjje all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lba. coppsss- . Our stock comprises the best grades Ot Old Government Java, - Lagaayra, ilaracaibo, and Rio. Boasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the lateral arou' and .flayer of the berry._ C000A3 AND 0K0C0LATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Uhocolate, ijpp's Honaceopathic. Cocoa, Menier's Chocolates. STJ&AE?, , Refined, in Loavea, Cut Loaf, Pry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, Extra C, English Kelined- all grAdeti, . Demerarn, X'orto Hico, Ambor, S01107 aa.d Staadard Syrous. TOBAOOOES.. Chewing,' Stnoking, Cigara. rBUXTMItXED. Valencia llaiRins, Layer KaisinB, Lodse Miiscntel, Hujtanaa, Seedless, Vostizza Currants, lilack Patrasilo. in cases' selected Do. do. in bbls., Kleme Figs, ; French Prunes, Tunis Dates.) Theke goods.are tho lineal ex. ported. 0AN2TED T3.VTS5 ANS TEaE- TABiES. Peaehes, lJpai;8,! Cherrioj, rineapplea,-Strawberries, '. .Succollaali, tireen Peaa,' ' Coin, .Boans, Tomatoes.- - Caiod Sams and Sacon. Ohoo30 aad.Xa.ttcr. Bprnott's EEt^act's & Essiacos- - TUo FluoitOcfoJs Manufactured.' "' Soaps cf* all Slada., Picltlcs :and Saaepa. Cmsei tilnckwcll's. Mixed Plcliles, Chnwclifiw, 1'lccalill, Mushroom t'ntsuj-. .lonn Hull Sanrp; m fjc:i & 1'errln's i\'orclieKIcr:-t-ilrer:aUce, x'omalo t'aistip, .Favorite do., t!o , -a'orkshlro Itellsh; French Mustard, FASHTAQEOUS SCODS. Carolina Hie'e. Arraean Klco, l-earl Sao, Illo Inidnca Pearl fjarley, Corn ideal, Oatmeal. - r CESSEST *TwX7XTS Currants, VnleiiriiiOratire!1, . Al'Ksln.-i I.eiiion^. Pltieiipl'Ies, TmiU Dales, Bordeaux Walnuts, Flibeit^, Almoiuls. BIS0TJIT3 & C01TS,E0TI0N3E, , Arrowroo', Wine, Soda, Ancrnejthy, Cream, Umnn,ItutLer, lV'stoii, Uralinm, Oystef^rncKfr, } New YnrlcUlnter lints, j GiTierSn_a[>, Candles nmlSweeime^Lsof nil kinds. ^Uccko, liiuter, Kg,-H, llops, CR00SERT. ChlnaKrts, WUlleSttiue Htt'jj. Flgiireil HifincSeis, ClititnhprSotR.' V.-.a I'lates llo*ls. Jellies,' l.'laltei-s, Itakors, a And a lull line of other kinds. Mill Pans. fVemn Croehp, lint tor Ci-'..c!:s, Jnj:^, Flower Pots, &c. Sullltiy atUio iuaiuu"auiui'er' prlees. a^ASSWARE. Tumblei-s, tiohlols, Xjuiopk, I.aruf eilaKKoH. UhiK-'tMiiK-H, Class S"ts( ". Fruit Jill's, Ac ,4c. WaU Papers and Window Blinds In great variety cheap. MI3C2LLA1TE0US. .. Tun", Pui'w. lirooms. . .. i ! \Viislil>ai'i's, Iliiislirs, dc, ltoprj<i W'Iro a:ul Wonitou Itabkets, I'atont MedlPiiUS, 1 >vh Klulls. Stationery, sclinol Ilo.tisi ' Purses. WallolK Hehnol Uacs, BlJfrl.-iolt-K.A'lolJOK, ' Violin still jrs, Hrlnf Pipes. Fan (Joi)ilis Combs, &c. B/vneless Codfish, Tlerrings^ Oyatorslu'cah and bulk--hi season Bosi'les iiiany other articlenin season, not.hero mentioned. Egy-Cheap for Cash 01" Trade. JAMES M'ATTHGW8. Acton, June, 1877. ...."' U It A N 0. si) ir ai:k AN'll FPUKi-HT. an jli: VI'TY'S CKI.K- .lilJAT^n GOI.IH'.N li)Nl!OlK> I'AK- I'Ailt UIKi AVlirc tho FWi-.-testJlnncil nlld i:ii st ;- v-f^i l!i"i Ttino-nis ( vr^-lH-fore iiiunufiioiui'i .1 lu-ihiscraiiy (.Uu r conn- tr>. Tli^ world: Is eiii.|]i'iip<l to cquo.^ them. Host (liseounts "lul torniscvor be fore elvi'ii. Keck lioiuiiii i-aiile iriettl now ready to Jn',1) ts, iiL'etils. and tho tr.-ul^ In cenerul:' An olTfr. The=e cele- t'tftlO'l liirtrum'iits (llhrr Piano or Organ) riosed and slilpvcd anywliere, on Iho or lUlcen iliiys'lost trial. Money re funded find j'reif:nt chut-RC--" iild brtth wnya If In any way uiiRalisfaetory. Fully warranted for six veins nsstrletly first- rliim. KXTltAHItDINAltY MIIFKAL DISCOUNTSprlven to Cliniehes,Schools, Ixk!k*'S, Halls, Ministers, Teachers, ele.,, In order to have them introduced atoneo where I have no^i^enls, -Thoiisands now In use. Now Illustrated Acl.vertlser((:atn lojyno Kdittoni wltli list of toKilmontale, now rendv, sent tree. Kstaldlnliei! In 1R59. Ad.lros-. DANIEL. F. BEATTY. VVashluulon, Sew Jersey. > O. T. HILL, Mill Street. ACTON, DEALElt IN Crocbrio3, Oroctory,' Boots a Shoco, - Wall P&Bcr. Window Blinds, ITailo, Glass, Putty, Lina?cd Olii ?ainto, TursGatiao ; . Ooal Oil, Salt, otc- /111 of which wiil be sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost.' Alao agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. ^ash for IShIcs. Mcton, July 18, 187C. CONSUrVlPTSGN CURED. AK oij> Phtbician. rrtin^l from active ptae- HeK nvlnjf ha.1 plaecnl In hi haml. bv en Ko*t India Mlnlonary the lenniila of a Vccetnblel lumcay.fur tlie.tpoctly anil i*rmantnt euro of . ConitumjHion, Anihmli, Ilronchttis, Catarrh, "5? ,J,I,Thrf!aSn?;" I"">c AITectlono: aljo aPo.ltlrc and Knllrat Cue fur Norvoua Do- ptllty RJicl all Jfcnou. Conipla:nt. after hav ing Uioronchlj- tt*lrd its wi>tulcrtii! curative power* lu thourandfl otT-aKC. fifli ir hi. dutv to make it known to liij nilirriiir I'rl'.civ.s. Aclu- ftted by thl. niotiv,- and a e.nn'.l.T.tii.'i, dcvlr* lo rcllcto luimnu milcrlnp, lie trill mul FliK.K Ji'. CI!,A!."*I:' t" all whodi^ire ihllij. nrlrir,_ wlUl lull dln^t'Uit* tor J.rvl.ilrlneany surcessnil- ly,.nlli(r. Kent liy r.turn mail ly aildreiiliuj With stamp, uainllii; thU (laptr. l.U. C. STKVKNS. D.8.F. liVX OC, auouavn.LE, ONT. Conveyancer, Com. in.~Q.-B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Iijsvjraoco Atrent. &c, - PDriJ 1- Any-person wlio will make PilCE antl forward me a list ol tho naineft of reliable iM'rooiiK nf their ao-' qualntnncp who wlsli to procure nn in- struiiient, either 1'lnuci or Organ, I wild use my liest endeavors to sell them one, Unit for every l'iano I succeed In selling totlielr list within one year, 1 will credit thorn with Sie, and for ovcry Orfjan *5, to hn applied .on pnymnijt of eltlipr n Piaiioor (irpan; and when It nmo'iiils to iiKtim si'indent to pay for an luHlrcmt-nt solcelcdat tno lovtest Vtliolesale jitfre, I will Immediately ship tlilnstnimnt, free, or after any amount Is credited tlie balance may bo paid io In.j'ashauil I will liicii ship tluni the lnstritnient. Tl ey Heed iHitlio knnwu In tho m niter, ntui will ho dnltiK thelr|frlends a itafser- vlee, as I slioll make {special unvr* to them, selllJi','a iipcrlttr liislrninem for from <nn,.Iialf lo iv,o-<!iii-i'h what 1s. ordinarily asltcd hv a^outs. Please send, moallstntonconmlafior yon have maile innnlry you can nittl-lo It. Adtlress HAN1ELF.13EATTY WttBlilngton^ew Jersey. "- 1877. FALL. 1877, & oi ^c^oi<r. "H- r*" In presenting" our. regular half-yearly Circular to^t^1 Public we have again to return thanks to our nunp.eroU9 customers and the general public for the very large share ' of business extended to us, and in doing so we can baly - assure them that no eiTort on our part will be spared to merit a continuance of their favors. As heretofore itwIH be our constant aim to advance their interests as far as lies in our power, and at all times endeavor t6 \shaw as large and complete a Stock as can possibly, be ;foun4 in one establishment..; Feeling assured that the bountifiil harvest of the pxist season .with a rea sonable prospect of fuir average prices for; all kinds of farm produce, will cause a great . ival in trade, we have purchased this season.a larger stock than in any prefT-oidi year, ^ having done ho with a knowledge of the wants and tastes of our customers, w fee assured we I shall .not be disappointed in finding ready demand therefor. As heretofore our stock comprise* ! eiie : Of all .tinds, TffitUiBLery and Milliner Goods of all kinds. Boots and Sioes in immense variety \ = Soad^mad OlotMa^ Ga?ooenes3 etc, ^ ; 1; As to prices we; are determined not to be undersoldfby > any one either in-Adou ojf outside. We manag-e our business at the least possible cxpensfl and will sell nt nil times at the lowest possible j)iices. ' ! , . 7 We _ extend a cordial invitation to examin0 our ne-w- Stock, >riiich v.e trust will in style, variety and good value, compare more thaii favorably witfa: ~~- any house of the kind in the trade. In 1I16 fair of the year 110" one" requires a line of efediil- as money is then more pirntiful than at any other season of the year, besides our experienced teaches us it is in all casts infinitely belter to pay as you go. Oiir motto li6retbfbie has Jl CASH A-IsrfD SliVEJk-ILi-Ei ~E>^sbrEl^3, And ^ve are determined to adlierc firmly to tlie principle, ^ -..-.-.:. Wc fiiul it iinpotisible to enumerate all lines of Goods in stock, but will refer to soniA ..' We show d,ll the latest novelties in colors, styles, ind! makes. We employ jony experienced hands, whose constant aim will be to suit tastes and-re quirement of purchasers, at lowest possible prices. We^lmrge no fancy prices for 3IiHiopfjr^ The Ladies will please remember this; j } "We snow an extensive stock of r .16! L^ /SI Also Clouds] Wool Squares, and Furs of all kinds cheii. I Also a large stock of f i um o c.5 U In Ulsters, Red Rivera Brown and Black Beavers,;MeB| Ready-made! Suits coarse and fine, extra value: ClotMtt made to order by experienced hands, ""' 4t artto^^M^.j^ Shows all the new designs, fabrics and colors. ;In;Blaqk Lustres we challenge all competition. Ask Tor tlie famous Tiger Braiid Black LHSJre^.;^!^' ceys, extra value. Flannels hi grey, scarlet, white, cheek, orange^etc. See our liu^of Eacip^fr Check Flannel at 25c per yard: Ji >f' From the heavy Stoga to the iinfant's shoe ^all bouj^........ direct from the makers. No npddlp man's profit. Stock extra large -aiid well selected.^|3ff-^ ^j per cent oft* all purchases of five pairs at any one time. : - -t. FRESH TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES I Regularly to hand -Cr Our Famous 50c TEA is usednlore extensively thftft other Tea in the market. Sold in 5 lb. "lpt$ at 45c. Try-it and be convinced. (- Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth Caps &r Men and Boys, , _ . fine assortment'..of f]ine Fur Caps, Grey and White Blankets, Grain Bags,. Cotton Wa^p^^i J fact almost everything found at any time in *a"general -store. - - ";,&it|L 4 We most cordially request a continuance of patron|^c^ from those who have hitherto fayoved us, and a trial from all who have not .had'-bl^j.-lw^-^;- feeling assured that Goods and Prices will be entirely satisfactory. 5 r '^|;':^^ W^ pay Cash for good Dairy ButterJ or' take, M!-i*3|, change for Goods. Qtir ternis are cash or produce. ; / ' ^ ^ H^^ll Acton,'Cctolcr, 1877. , "V 'j ' :,' ,':" "- Si; m X-km idh

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