Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1877, p. 2

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^c MM TUE FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY, ONT, DECEMBER r Published overy Thur.->hiy .Morning $1 Per Annum in Adynuce l^lariF^elfress THE MURDER. To N'ew- Subscribers. ^ Now is tho time to wnd in nub- soriiunu.sfor thetoiniiigyotr." Now j uxa^lHTlOX OI- WILLIAMS. subscriber-, who pay in advance, j . ""'r '^ _ ., , ih HIS CONFESSION. "Will ItWIVO tllO paper flOIU tMO | ____ (/ 'ifitc/j'h Mercury.) TiU-ltSl.W MulSNlSl .0, IS7 SALUTATORY. ft*"- I>y Mr. Hacking's valedictory, which appeared in last week's issue of the Ftu-k Fmss, our readers will have -n .that tho iiiBn'agu-mont of the i I'ru:v: Vkess .1ms passed into n-'\v hands. "We do not hold ourselves rn- /hpousible for t!i ji'.>ht history of {lie jii.'.H':', nor tl'uj ceiirst' u has pun-nod. Mr.-, n.-u-kiiiy, wo are sure, tried to Jo his duty, and. not i:; nn impartial manner to both political parties. What nian could do morel But wherever credit is present- d.ito to (ho laL ,liu\. 1ST'0. | iOith St.O'layear. ( Wo. purpose, introdncim; j into the next volmno Mvoral new mid interest iny leaUUTs", and confidently rely upon all tho old friends pf the KltltE PlUlsSj and .expect iu:UiV now oih\^| to support us in our endea vors toifurnbh n good mid relia ble local papej".. t/r. ife - *- duo for services rendered by the Trj Press in time past that credit i3 duo to Mr. Hacking.' ! We -Are responsible for thei future alone. ;>Vkat this futur'e. will be i-emuinv~yet to be seen? Wo dislike making promises, arid -will, therefore, not unvko them. But if practical energy, careful business management, pluck., and perseverance wiiiiinake- it the "bast paper in the county, it will ho so. "We do not intend to make" it a political paper to take either Grit or Tory side of .the focce but wish to make-it a c-.vJ /aiuVy_ net-<i-uj'--jr. As it Las been in the past, so shall it be in the -future-^ Indepeudent in politics. Particular tfcttention will be given to local To //V Munii-ip't! Etrctor.i < / T,.,r-:^r or/>/! v ,'. t5r'NTLi:\ii:xi- 1" hereby give notice that it is not m'v iiil-niitiiTh-to be a candidate l<u a (dace in t).io iMiim'il at the ,i|> 'pro.iching ) .so, rcrirei l-r.o- to tender to von 411V sinconv thanks for the'oft-repeated proofs 1 have'bad of your confidence ilurin;; tho year ;n which it was lily, privilege to nerve yrai in tire counc:l, and also for tin; ' very; generous manner in which you overlooked any enora or shortecnings into which I may have fallen. t Vrtai;i- ly iii this respect my cunrso in the council has been a pleasant one. And uo\r I call upon, tho electors of W'anl Xo. 4 to choose a man to represent them in the council for the ensuing year, and, upon whoso ever that choice may fall I lwpe and trust the " intelligent" electors of the Township f Esipiesinj will continue toj him the same generous support which was always accord ed to vour.retirinij,hunible servant, JOHN WARKKX. Esquesiiitr, 4th Dec. 1^77. Joi"KNji-isTie. - Mr. !J. | II. Hacking aurioiinrt-s in the last issue of tho Acton F'.;r.r. Press "thdt ho has disposed of tlie plant and g^0"" will of that j>.-per to M^essra. Moore Galbraith, and that in future, ho will coufiii'O himself to his business ia Gueluh. :-W besirak for the new,tirm a prosperous career- i>otti ar<3 young men of intelligence, thor oughly practical, and pos-^?ssed of _; , that entr^y which commands bue- Bffiurs connected with the vmaje - = '.,,. , ,, ., , .. Mr. &. \>-. Craibrai+h served nd county, and the local columns trill contain readable and correct accounts of anything of local ina- porcance which, may transpire.- '.' Having fairly etnbArked' in this undertaking,, we are determined that ere long the Free Press will be second to none in the county and editc *?r?m Sot life, energy ability. . Wo hare just added to the mechanical department - of the establishment a card presa and other requisites to a v/eil conducted printing office, aild, being both practical printers, w'e are prepared to turn, out work equal (if not better) "to any other office in the \\ County. j In a word, to bo brifcf, our aim wDl be to ffiafe the Fi'.ee Press a John WiHiaiiiN, who tnurdered Ilia wife at Weston on the night of, tho.'Jlst of He|ite.ul'er hint, snifered, tho extreme penalty of the law nt tho .gaol on Friday morning. Sineeihis sente.nee on tho '_'2nd of (Ictolior, the eundeinni'tl limn has passed his limu in a most exein- phiry 'manner. - Buoyed ui'.by the jury';! recom mendation to inercj'j ho imagined for m')Iiu> weid;s that the death sentence would not be carried out', and even stated to tho. Governor of tho fjaol that iisunrthin^ told him lit) was not to die. The' Giiyrrnoi" emleaS (.;'_ ', i !.) nis.ii.c.-e 1..!', niud ..(' ti;!.i i.l !iV' la a iiitr.-riu; .liitcMou, :i.,r ;-h.- pr.isoie.'f never lost hope until last. Sat'ud.iy, when tie- Shenlf visited the >;aol and im'oruicd .Mr. Green, the"Gover:H>r, that, In? had received a telegram from Ottawa .'to the effect that the law must t;ike its course. Mr. Green conveyed this information to the condemned man wbo said, on hearing it, "My God, is all hopu gone." After tliis ho gave up all thought of a reprieve, and showed by his demeanour that ho was trying to fix his thoughts b!i something higher and greater than lifo in this world. His daughters, four in number, visited the gaol, on Tustlday, for the pur pose of wishing tlie unhappy father a last {.vewell.' The interview, which lasted nearly two hours, was a most.affecting one. ' The women hung about the unfortunate man, displaying the most poignant ."jrejf- and uttering lamentations painful to hear. The prisoner, though- nnit'Li ulFectt'd aiiil nearly broken down under the stress laid upon Ilia feelings, managed to restrain himself with the remarkable forti- tiult that litis marked Lis lifo siuco the condemnation, amid his tears which.- fell fast. He - counselled them to lead good ami virtuous; lives, and if they did not met-1 with a reward in this, woild, they suiely would be acceptable in the eyes of their Maker. Theiyoung wouien reluctantly left, having the com miseration of all the officials of the jail. The Governor elicited from them a promise'ttiat none of thtin would visit, the-, instituto on tho dav of their father's.death. Oh the Wednesday foUowdng the prisoner's Son. visited, and by in- fonnint; him of the petition that his time as a printer in the 3fcroffice, and he at Was found faithful and- reliablerin all matters I with which ha was ehtrnsteU. Mr. f Moore we understand h:is during the past year managed Air. Hack ing's business in Guelph. His lengthened expurienoe in newspaper life will serve bim well in the re sponsibilities he hr.3 takfetron him-j imul beeu sent to OtfavWi in Lis self. 'Gutlph Mercury, Thanks, j j favor, again raised hopes of a ro- 1 ~ I priSse in his father's il.reast. . Ho Vagrants are employed to break I again-commenced to [tell of the-life honor anil sorvo Hod,' go to ydur oliuroh ami try to do your host, and lit) will novoi' forsnko you. or lot ytiu go to tlio bud hh ] Imvo tloiw. My untion is to writo tlii-i to a low in Weston nud around tliero, uml to my children too. Nevi-r'lci. got your cliuich, or you will homi roritrt Ood ast havtt tlono, and then .find it bitter and hard work to find Ilini iijinin. 1 bid you good hyo in this world. When you hoar my liaino remembor what 1 ny, Th-inlc ahoiit Ood; soivo him wliilo you can heforo you conio into this nrap and lmro to pay yeur lifo for neglect ing it. I novel' should have ceJne to this if I had roniomheicd him at all. This is nil the truth, ll Mnul done thafl nover shouUl have hceii hero. Ood liuve mercy on my soul and:pardon me. Now dour children you'nro nlnno in ilio woild, hut nit four. Try to know (iotl mid hcrvo Him, and do i-iylit, and loan see He will take cure ol you. At eight o'clock a large crowd gathered around the dour of the l.dl ..eel.Mij; admission, hut only tho.-- holding 'icLels from the Sheriff v. e:e admitted inside the instil ute. About tuiu hundred persons, composed cliiilly of repte- sentatives of the press niid legal profession, waited tho hour of exe cution. Sheriff Games-"arrived at S:4-e*,- and after a short consultation with tho Governor, proceeded to thocell of tho prisoner, along with oms or two officials. Willianm looked up and said, " Tho Lour lias conio at last." Tho Sheriff replied, " Ves," and the prisoner put on his hat-and said he was ready to bo pinioned. That operation hav ing been performed, tbd mournful procession wended its way to tho yard as follows : Gov. Green, tho Sheriff and his doputy. Williams was sujiported by the Kev. Mr. Johnston, the executionist, and the Deputy Governor of tho jail. The prisoner inarched through ' tilt? rotunda and out into the yard with u Uriu step, although b^wuasuffer ing from intense nervous excite ment. When the party had as cended the platform, he stepped to tho front and addressed the assem blage as'follows : . " Gentlemen, T wish to make a few remarks regarding the sad event. 1 desire to thank the Gov eruor, Deputy Governor, and all pho officers under Lis charge, for ths kind way thoy have used me. I wish to tkauk my council for the way they defendi d me. I am happy that I cot a fair trial. I thank die public at largo for -what/they have dono for me ; also my ciergyiiian."" These remarks were uttered at intervals of nearly a minute, with great emotion, al though his voice was not trem ulous. I The executioner then conducted him to the trap, and having pinion- stones1 in Windsor. . One distillery firm at Windsor will fatten 2;000 cattle this winter. --S"'j4,000 worth of canned lob- sters wero shipped on Tuesday from Iluiifax-for London, ng- Le would lead in the' heiiitentiary, under the kind guidance of the KeTv. Mr. Johnston, .of Weston, who attended him ap his ,'iThe prisoner's thoughts w."re again brought to'bear on the awful ordeal thiough Which he was about. Upwards of 3200 worth . of i t0 P;l*s- ; The prisoner, whom pub the counterfeit l0 Ontario Bank bills have been passed in Montreal. . G alloway's superior bread tells every time, nud is bought after by every one ul good t:i-.-te, 'both far and Mr.Wilkins, sculp tor, of London, is engaged upon a 'the Canada Literary Institute, Woodstock. pi *' - Hi gent and well-ordered . home throughout this soction of the country, and, with the good will and assistance of our friends, wo have no fears of our efforts being misdirected. The in Wei- 1* -.1 i>: V'r Li: t'r. *;t. : i ;".i;'.-*5l Mi ir: hi Dunkiu ulct lingtbit^ Toting on the Dazikin Act com menced in Wellington County on Tuesday of last week, and endsci pn Thursday the Atili Dunkinites coiijiig our, ahead by 2145 of 3. majority. On the- evening of Thursday those opposed to the Act, from all parts of the County con gregated in Gueljm to celebrate their victory. A-s soon: as day light disappeared the various hotels were illuminated with candles, and Chinjpse lanterns. A procession, containing three bands of music, wa formed and paraded tho prin cipal streets. On coming opposite the Herald (anti-Dunkin Organ) tho procession halted- an 1 gave three rousing cheers, and on- com ing; opposite the Mercury [Duhkin organ] gave threo groans. The Iletrxld' building was brilliantly illuminated. The procession dis banded at the Market Square and tLe anti-Dunkin ppeakersandothers , repaired to the balcony of the Royal Hotel, where speeches were delivered by Messrs. Dodds, Fahey and others. ~ Although tho procession and j illuminatioiis wero magnificent, one bad featured in tho procession, was the bands playing several Sabbath School hymns, such as " Hold the Fort," etc., and wo think it would have pleased some of the anti- " Dankimtes better had thofe tunes 'fo "n discarded frain the pro- g rani die. le optmpn htia !ronounccd a most hardened man, is said to have been of a most tender disposition, and at all times when his spiritual comfor ter consulted with llim, displayed NnHMsiKaivoya Council. Tim Council'met, jiufHiiunl to adjournment, on Mumluy tlio' 30,tli day of November. IMctnbeiH all [ireHent,- the Iteovo in tholchiiir. : Tho Minutes of last meeting were reiid and cinfiruied, . 'Mr. McnziiiH moved, tecoiided by Mr. Norrisli, that ifib itceoiint !of Dr. Winn, amounting to ip.'JO, for Hetting a broken leg,, and twenty additional visits to. Uilbert held, 1 ho paiiL Carried. Total amount paid during this year .*16().80. Mr. Ilutcheoii moved, seconded by Mr.-MePlmil,. that tho oceoilnt cf\M(*sis (Jargill & Wheelighun, auiounling to .S49.87, for lumber furnished for'bridges, as per account leiiilered, bo paid. Carried. Mr. Hiiteheonnioved, seconded by Mr. MePhail,- for leave to intro duce a Hy.-law granting ceituin hiiiiih of iiKuioy for ri'pairing roacla and biidgfa,. and that tho Hum bo read n first Ciine. Carried. Corncil adjourned for one hour. Council resumed. Tho Reeve in tho chair.. Mr. NorriBh moved, ueconded by Mr. Monzies, that tho Council ac cept tho offer' of 50 froni D. Wliet'liglmn, Ks(|., as payment ifi full of the back taxes on a lot in CampbelleVille, being ono .aero of tho Wtst hnlf of lot No. C, in tho ,4th con,, known as the tannery lot. Curried. ^ M^r. Menzies moved, seconded by Mr. Norrish.for lc?aye to introduce a liy-luw inakiiig provisions for the Nomiiijition and Klectinn of Town- slip Councillors for tho ensuing year, and that the same bo read a hrst time, Carried.' ; By-law read the first'time. Mr.^Hutoheon moved, sWjanded by Mr. MePhail, that the- Account of Pauton i Rixon, for/printing Voters J^ist, and advertising the 'same, amounting to $2-1.18/ be paid. Carried. Mr. Hulchi'on Moved, seconded ;by Mr. Menzies, that the following amount be jiaid to the parties heiein rtimed, viz : Mr. Jonathan Tusker $24,08, for plunk furnished II. Division oil and 81.44 for plank for Div. 45; J? Etisterbrook J3.G9, for gootls furnished to Patrick M^c- GHirigtil; T. J..- Day $.17f>, for Voters list and collector's receipts ; W. Patterson $9, for work done on road; A. McAIpine $G, for furnishing gravel to Road Div. No. 23; T. 31. Tavlor $5, for work tlotie on the BG<iclph road. Cir- rietl. /l<)t:t.l ^auiotint paid during this year $1.00,89. Mr. -Sorrlrih moved, secon<led by- Mr. Menzies, that T. Locker.;and Mrs. \]> right be refundetl $1 caeh on dog-tax, ami that Donald Me- Ewcn' be struck oil'; C.nrital. E.*rJiiKle.*s Jewellery Store,- I tinclph. I TO l-'AllSIEna AVD KVKIlYBOOv! RISK.' Why is Pringlo's jewellery store in Guelph tho best place to deal at? lieculiHO all the wutch, clock and jewellery repairing is either clone by himself, or under his poi-aonal supervision. He being a first-class workman in all tho branches, and iving the greatest interest in1 keep ing his-customers', it follows that all the work will .be done | well. Every r job -which comes into the shop is examined by -him. before it is taken-away, "You'can buy watches and clocks cheaper tliero than anywhere else, because Prlnglo having bought from Thus. Uusseli <k Son for cash the whole of their stock in Quel pit, and got it fcheap, he can afford to sell Immense Sales of I SILKS AND DRESS GOODS THE FASHIONABLE V/EST g-tj^sij'fs:. END, .600 tb 700. Yards SELLING DA&Y - We are showing, without exception, the - -." "/ ' Largest, Most Attraotiy>nd ^Cieapeet^ clienp.- All stock bought by Lim in. fuluro will bo bought for cash. :rii ,r,.ifrx,n phS stock of silks and .dkess qoot* has no connection with the firm of '-" v o:,i. - xi -^ i R.msell & Scm, any morb fban ho Ev2r-Hhown ,n tl* town. is still their" authorized iagent for tho Russell watch, which is ac knowledged to-be the best watch made. G. D. Prjngle Las alsc b^en established as agout, for the WaJ- thaiu and Elgin American watches, and a full line^f them, froifi tho lightest to-tire heavy six-ounce ccse, will be kejit on hand. Remember that all those watches are- now bought entirely for cash, and there fore can and will be sold by him cheaper than they can ba got any where, else. Beautiful Christmas goods coming in every day. ; Gold chains, gold rings, lockets, brooches, itc. 2-2 3m. ^ Wit o Kkows: Ff-Ax>nr,s,--At this season of the year tiie most desirable article for children's clothing is a nice'Warm, Flan nel. You c:Ui get beautiful check fclanncl just stfitahle for. thai purpose for only ir, et>r,-r yard, at' Christie, lieiiUerson & Co.'a, Acton. Ladrea .visiting Guelph and buying.. Dreaa Goods] Silks Vel Mantles, Aitllinery, Furs, etc., witboat firstfseeine our im^L . -= and -beautiful stock, do themselvesja great injustioo wT"""< esteem it1 a pleasure to show our goods. , 1 . i Ladies, come direct to the Fashinable Wst End the leadfavl, ' for. Silk's, Dress .Goods, 3/antles and Millinery. Fall Btocfc of f /T"0 dble Trimmings, Buttons, fringes, etc., to aatch all m&texiSi*' AL O. BUCHAM, Fashionable Wc'.KnJ,Dress, inn.nerj: ana 3)amleEAariliii*.' Otielph, Oct..21..1877;- .- lr*0Ut^**U: SPECIAL. DRY GOODS innnis.. ..' I In Acton, on the lttinst., the wife of -Mr. J as. butler, of a daughter. In Acton, on the 29th ult., the -Rife 01 .Mr. John Clancy, oi a son.- ': In Acton, on the 20th ult., the wife of Mr. J. P..Allan, of a daughter,1. In Aeto , on thc 30t}j u]t _ the wifj, of JJr. \\. H. Lowry, of a ton. --, ,, i - , ,- ., , ,--, -Mr. Norrisli moved, Eoconded by eir his legs, drew the back cup -.c at .1 . ii r'i 1 1 Mr. JleU'/.Jes, that, ths fol over his face and adjusted the rope Rev. Mr. Johnston read a portion of the Church of England service and began to "-repeat the Lird's Prayer. When lie had leached the words " Dejiver us from evil," the Sheriff gave the signal, whereupon tho hangman' sprung tho trap and the utifortuuata tiian struggled in the gasp of death. The drop was about five fret. His body twitched convulsively, but ut thu expiration of seven minutes . all was over. After the body had hung for the usual twcjityjuinnti's,. it was cut great.contrition for the deed dune, j,do%vn and placed in a pine coffin and sought to make all the pre-J'aud carried into the hito cell of paratidn inrhis power. Last night deceased, when) a jmrf iiior/rm ox aiiiination was made by tho jail tht) lleiv. Mr. Johnston stayed in the prisoner's cell. . At six. o'clock the condemned man nle his supper with evident, relish and then eii' Tho U. S. Customs officers- at I "&* Detroit have instituted a vigorous' *" mu crusade against smuggling from Windsor,, and several ladies have been searched ^nd detected in try ing to evade the payment of cus toms dues. which -The .true receipt for. getting j in religions conversation. night he wrote a letter, of die following in a copy . ini: Gaol, Toronto, Nov. 29, 1877, Midnight, Tl my Children and Friend* : h'ou will want to know how 1 feel with my end close beside me, and rich is by laving out your money judici- I i will try and tell y'oj, lUe ously. Tint can be done by ordering | dropped into a trap, which has en.d- and ' piirchasmg your clothing, year | ed ijn opening my eyt's|and letting overcoat, your r.mlercioLhi:!^, your fur j me see J have done n'rong, and I cap, your boots, yo;;r nel-k-t:e, your i think m'jv.y of you -are j)Crii2|'.s, t"'jv..3, i;le., .>: McLe...l; Au.U-i-.-.-ai : without tliinkin^. floiiitr is .1 did. ! C'o.'i, U-.-r.r^e:oTIl. ; f Call HOW ..if-e .H.-O I hln-T "vhicli J j e,...------.... f a i'.:. I had good parent" ,Tr t 1- 1 ' . 1 r I and I ran awav Horn -them : I have \Y. Johnson, who was convicted of ., - r, ' , . . '.. , : , . .._ , never seen them sinoo. Itoiu that murder nt Windsor, in loot, ana | time 011 , _neglecled Wod too, and whose sentence of death v.'as com- ] worse tho luck. Seldom have 1 routed to imprisonmen^fpr life in darkened a church door, and never- the penitentiary, has had. bis"sen- inquired of any one how I might be tence commuted,, and will be re- happy in the next world; and, in leased' in January next,! on the trufi it never came into my head , ,. . ' J , 'j .. , that 1 should want it. Ob, how completion of ten years servitude. diirerentl:feoI now, I wish'T had The extenuating facts connected done better, and beyond everything, .1 wish 1 had attended, my church, for then 1 wouid have known some thing about God, before whom I must stand in a few hours more. When 1 think how tho church was open close beside me, Sunday alter .Sunday, and I knew.alj were invited rand yet bow I neglected it, though ;I did not want to break the Sabbath,; 'but just idled my time away, I see now what a shame it was of me. I knew there was a God over my head but I neither served nor loved-bim, aiid oh I what would I not ive H 1 had it to have clone as.I ought while I could. Oh I >dtar children and friends, bear ami believe me, a dy~ ing man,1 beseeching of you fo at tend, your clrurch. Ivever make ex^ euses, go there wet or dry. .Some thing seems now to say to me, God " set apart! this day for our good, and I knew ij. and would not attend to it, and it weighs terribly on my mind. There are inany among niy friends wbo moan no more ill than I did, but this 13 not enougb. If 1 had tried to serve b'od lie would not have thiai most awfully: severe way to teach j me. OH, why did J not learn while 1 could, and oh, do you try now and do as you will wish you had done when you come to die, and may you (never be caught in the trap'I fini caught In. Oh, that 1 could only be let to hear surgeon, Mr. Richardson, in the presence of u .number of medical student*. The usual formality of an in quest was gone through., with, the verdict of tho jury being "death by hanging." Mc.NAci.vH the Hang[ias. On Friday forenoon as England, the man who hanged Williams, was leaving tho gate of tho gaol he was was met by four rougll looking inen, who made Jfor him and [hrcttteued to " Ha for him." See- >.\:^ his danger, Efcglan'd ran back and got insido tlieguol.again, with out sust;iini'ng-any injury. i ; with "the crime, tho youth of the prisoner when it was -committed, and his excellent conduct ' while undergoing sentence, have induced the Minister of Justice to favorably entertain the numerous petitions that have recently been forwarded in his behalf. Johnson, who is a negro, entered the penitentiary at seventeen years" of age. Saved bt a Teamp. ,H is not often that a tramp has been- found to do any person an actual service. It has lately happened. ' One of. those itinerants recently asked for a lodging at a farm house iu'Chin- guacousy, Jand was given a quilt and allowed to sleep in the barn. During the night he was awakened by some parties who were filling bags with grain, Supposing: these were connected with tho farm, Le did not pay any particular attention to them till they had filled the bags, when one of them remarked, " I wjsh some fellow was here to help us to throw these into tho waggon." The tramp.jumped tip and said.l'I'll help you," and the thieves immedi ately vanished, leaving a waggon and span of horses, which are now 'in"the- possession of the farmer. '< Iiri"Ji^^.s I*"omiO. The to buy your Christmas Gcetls is at the Post Office (Store, ^vhere yon can get Slllbs Currants for 1.00. ISlbs itaiiins for SI.09, and all other Gootls eqjially cheap. Spices, Pcelj Candies, Nuts, Figs, &c, Toys, and Fancy Goods for presents. Vegetables of most all kinds., ' Houribee Accident. George Jones, of Centreville, had a portion of his head kicked off by a hors one morning lately. Dr. McCVus- land, his medical attondant, doubts his recovery. Economy is the leading fea ture of tho day, mid is the only way to bring the good times back again, and it only can be practised by visiting and purchasing at McLeod, Anderson & Co.'b, Georgetown, their extremely cheap- clothing, millinery, | mantles, dress goods, silks, winceys, cottons, blankets, flannels, fars, buffalo robes, carpets, boots.arid shoes. JWife Beating. Tho Police Magistrate at Hamilton, in sentenc ing a man to imprisonment for beating his wife, said' that if the same fellow beat his wife again, Le would be sentenced to a flogging. , Duxkijt Bill.- It is the inten tion of tho temperance people of Norfolk to petition the County Council at its next meeting to-sub mit the Dunkin Bill to tho rate payers: The petition will have about thre9 thousand names at- tacbed. iVonpfc/i Gazette, Important to all. Where can tho best value he got for the money? Why at McLeod, Anderson & Co.'s, Georgetown. I got flannels,|winceys dress goods,, cottons, hats, Bet of furs, mantles, nt half the. old prices. 'Go le/.ies, 1'iac uis lollowin parties be paid the amount opposite their Haines, as damages for sheep killed by dogs, s.-.i-j claims having been djily e'ertiiied. Viz :. G. Currio 8.67, for I'l sheep ; J. EasterbroJk- SU.87-, for -2 (} T. Little S15.L':i, for-1 do; J. Smith fJ2.8:l, for ll do; W. Thomas $15.- 3o, for 4'do ; J. Mufiatt 84.66, for 2. do ; J. Kttehiug ST. 10, for 1 do ; ami -\{. Thomas 14.-'5, for-3 do. Cirried. Mr. llutcheon' nioved, seconded' by Ml".; MePhail, ^h'at -tho By-law ajtpoi tioning ii'ioney for the repairs of roads and bridges," bo now real the second and.third time and pas sed. Carried. By-law read the second \ and "third time and passed, and, being signed, tho'Corporation seal attach ed thereto. . . . I '.A. discussion took place in Coun cil in-regard to passing a Byj-law -prohibiting persons leaving j ob: structions on the highways, j and also to enforce tho removal of present obstructions. j Tho Council- respectfully solicit the opinion |bf the ratepayers there on at tho approaching Municipal Election.) < : Mr. Huteheon mDved, seconded by Mi-: MePhail, that the By law providing for the Election of. the Municipal Council for the ensuing year, be now read-the second iand third time and passed. Catrieil. By law read the second i and third time and passed, and, being signed, tho Corporation Seal was attached thereto. Mr. Menzies moved, seconded by Mr. Huteheon, that the thanks jof this Council are duo,.and are here by, tendered, to John Ramsey, Esq., Reeve, for the very able I and courteous manner with which ho has presided over the deliberations of this Board during the past year. Carried. The Reeve replied |in a suitable way, and, there being no more official business to transact, the Council adjourned. V John EasteubiiooIv, T'p Clerk ACTON JMUUtT*,. Float r ... : . .. Fall Wheat, - ' .. * .'.'.. Spring Wheat, ... Spiontctl .Spring Wheat Harley ...--.. Oats ...... Peas ... Hutter ... ' '. .. '.'. Potatoes, ift/r bag Apples, early, per bag Hay, per ton. 2 50 t\> 3 00 1 1G to 1 18 1 00 to 1 05 0 7o tf) 0 <35 0 SO to 0 60 0 34 to 0 30 0 00 t<> 0 Go 0 17 to 0 IS 0 IS toO 00 0 o'O to 0 70 0 55 to 0 70 10 00 toTl 30 LiTS' Coi.'OA.--(i|.ATi:l'fI, AM) C'OM- To::r;Nt:. \< Uy a thorough knowledge of the natural hiva which govern the operations of digeitioni and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line properties of well selected cocoa., Mr. Ej>ps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage' which may save as many heavy doctors' hills. It is by the judicious use of such articles (if diet that a constitution may begradnally built up until strongenougii to ro.iist every tendency -to1 disease.. Hundreds of subtle malailiesarc floating around ns to attack wherever there is a weal; point. We mav escape w^^titd^^^^ iu char-e of experienced hands, only, add is perly. nourished frame." Civil Srrritc Ca-.'ttc. Sold only in packets labeled *'Jam_i:s ' Ei-i-s ~&. Co., Ho7n<eopathic Chemist, -IS, Thrcadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Positively r.Asr~xo^ !'! ::. / All parbie3 indebted to B. !c E. Xick- lin, arc requestetl to call'and settle be fore; the 15th Decemher. All acctjants not paid at that date will positively- he handed in to the clerk of the court for collection. .' ' B. & E, NICELLN. Acffln, Dec,5th, 1877. '22-2t OETRKSHIKE BOAltt. The umlersigucd has still the Berk shire Boar, "Wellington;" bred by Mr. Geo. Rudd, of Guelph, which wil be kept for service, at the farm joiiiin ? the Grand Trunk.' Station. Price SLOO, Cash. -,- ."""._ ' C. S. SMITil. Acton, Dec. 5, 1877. P2-tf mESiMRS Iitm WOOD. Tenders' will bo received by I the undersigned up to the 24ttr of Dec. 1S77 for 30 cords of wood, out two feet long,, and from good beech and maple' timber, to he all split and no riugh knotty pieces ia the same. ' Wood fo ho delivered in tho month of January, 1S7S. . ELI SNYDER JOSEPH LAS BY, Acton Dec. 3rd, 1877. 2?-3t. AUCTION SAL NDERSON&Ca ACTON Take pleasure in assuring their many customer^ that the,share of business accorded thetn duritfo-V the Fall Season has been unusually large, uotwithi- standing the,depressed sta^e of trade generally and that during the ^mainder of the season; uo? pains will be spared to reiain the confident re posed in them. By regtdarly assorting.'their stpclt they hope to be able to fill all orders with the utmost promptness, and. at itfe very /closestprices. In all lines of seasonable' gn&U their stock wHl be (bund completed; ; ' > {-. audi' &m%L% regulariy supplied with all the newests" desigfls^ so that satisfaction can be guaranteed. j^o/faiicj,: prices charged for Millinery as is fus.ual irV large? towns and cities. A fact wlricli th4 adies shplliti' remeniber' n- ' i V- READY-MADE OVERCOATS- In great variety and cheap from $5,00 up. , ;^- BOOTS & SHOES Large variety and cheap. KUBBERS; OVERSHOES, LADIES'! GENTSf- Sc Childrens'Felt Goods -Just opemifed. 1. Special drives in Dress Goods. r Full Stock of Black Lustres and Mourning Goods- / The Famous Tigre Brand Biatsk Lustres is unsurfe J - passed^' j' \.-/: ..:'> '? R? STOCK and Implements. The Popo is reportedlto be dying. A Musical Union hasbeen form ed by tho musicians of Guelpli. . " The Pianos and Organs manu factured and sold by Daniel F. Beatty, of Washington, X. J., have become so well and favorably known that an3'- thing'wo may add will only increase / "E"?dntr "Oftr the testimonials of thousands by one / W*1 " ***"Jf ) >*V. The undersigned hasbeen instruct^ ed by Mr. W. P. BROWN to sell by public auction, on the premises, Lot 27, 4th con. Esquesint and , beliefre me. Nevel- forget to th'rrc ^ make money. All know these- instruments andi all praise tliem, but all do not know'the very lovjl prices at which they can he bought compared with the prices charg ed for inferior makes. We advisd all who contemplate buying a Piano1 or Organ to write to Mr. Beatty for his il lustrated catalogues of prices. Wj>raiPEG Gkxeiial. Hospital. The ladies in Winnipeg have set to work and collected funds in'nid of the General Hospital of that place. They raised tho magriiuaent sum of 81,075.43, and that with out any particular exertion. their Famous feoc tsl# Is too we'll known to iieed fin-ther meiitioiaTj: only to assure all lovers of a good sweet cup1; of ten at a very reasonable price, that tb; line wiil'be kept up to the full standard. 1^- 5 lb lots put up in a caddy at 45c, and-; money refunded if not satisfiactory. At 1 o'clock, p. m., the following Firm Stock and Implemonts : 4 Cows. 2 year old Heifer., ,2 Stei irs. -Yearling Colt. 30 well-bred Sheep. 12 Lambs. 1 Ram. Lumber \Vaggrm. Bob-sleighs. Buggy. Cutter. \ Iron Plougli. Gang Plough. PannmgMill. Set singla Harness. Tlie Implements are all new. As ;ho proprietor is giving up farming, th > above must bo sold. TERMS: $10 and under cash, overtime amount 12 months' credit on apt roved. Joint notes. 10 percent dlscountrorbaib. WM. HEMSTREEf; Auctioneer; Acton, Dec. 5th, 101._ I - 2i-I ] Aoton,Deo. 5, 1877 OOAL Olti By the gallon, .5-gallons,, or Barrel Special price for large prorchsiseit^\i Good Goods,1 Low jPriees, anaC; Square Dealing- a^e amongV the; inducements offered sa. N Threads pnt in for tlie purpose of extorting one or ' _ two cents more per yard. .i; GALL. AND SBS^-:;/.US; t CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. j

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