Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1877, p. 3

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IDS [end, iors ST QK bouse fM4iOfr. IT.. paring , tWith- |on d: -^ icr--. re stock, th the- : prices. Ivill be- mm, iod is [signs, larger IhouJtl s~ V .". Insar-r ition,;- [t cup thr* la THE ^^-l^^L^0^' HALT0N 0OUNTY~ ONT^ DeI^MBER 6, , 1877. , At J. B. ItoaARTTO'S HALL 0^ PHARMACY - -. ""' Comprising: Shells, I Cruets,; f: Foiios> Razor Cases, Bronzes, Papier Machie Goods, Perfumes, Scent Bottles .Briar ancl Meerschaum Pipes, EAE'S C3-OODS. f MILL STREET ACTON, ONTARIO. .SE1>0 TKl\K THIK Triins 'cave Ac;on^^ t "- * i:on wi:>t, >"igM Kxfrc?!* ' Toronto mail SiprcJ - Gtlt mixed - - UOl.Nd K-vsr. Slcct Express fijlt mixed IV_v Express Weitera utofl - I/iadon mixed - k tabu:. : | AuiirsTi-i). Wo loam that thu oilows: . Wglar who broko inter .Mr. Ammir'i 1;(M n.rri. .9.10 a.m. l.oT-p.m. r.^p.m. 3:33 ii.m. 9:10 a.m. ll:S+.vm. r>:COp. in.; $rxic-e in h Methodist Church cierj- Sabbath evening; at half-paxl fix o'clock; and b.'th morulncuntteven- lng^oa incurs* Sahlvuh of ;icli montn. Rkv. R. Hur.p?s Pastor. LOCAL MATTERS. j-Goor> MV>rstsv ! -jrv J. C Hill for good skates. x^ i The Pkee Press fioru now to !Ja. lit, 79, far$l. Read D. W. Campbell's new adv-ertiienient on third page. Xieklma Bak piCT? in town to buy ; is the best I.U12S, cakes, SubscViplicns reOvived for the Weeklv G\-'I-t, Guelph iVnvr.rv, &c, at J.- C". Hills.' Mr. Starred editor Milton Xm rave us -a. coll list ^aiurdav. i- " Jolly good fellow. ._ . . . 3lr. George. Temana paid a ivies visit to Acton during the lattsr jiri oil.vft we>k. Xickiins Bread is universally cted throughout'Acton and vicinity. Yen should try it : . Subscribe! for Bow- Eells, Yoc;^ I_id:es" Journal, ic, etc'., for Is'S, at J. C. Hills. ! Petrie, bookseller, Gnelphyad- Ttrrises Christmas sciiSevr Year goods. S*e tii adv. or: first poire. " UrUniag your btese and turkeys for CirUttaas ai'.d Xew Years, The bans and c=ke3 made ly Gillowxy lie just the thing'.". Try'-tiitin if yoa doi't km.'W it already. '. Cliavi- jcwelry stora, Gcurtjotowu. Las boon arrested in Detroit He was .shot through the arm by the bullet from the trap revolver. "Ho gives hia narao n.8 :07 p.m. Andrew Thompson, hut it is thouqht his real namo is J.vmes Bell, n shoe, maker, formerly of Toronto. The, stolen jeveUry has been recovered. ^ We have received Vol. I,Ko.1, ot tho X>oml:;ir.7i Farmer and Agricul ture:! Gc.ztXc, a monthly periodical .de void to the improvements of live i Btock and the interests of stock raisers, 1 dairymen, and tffo general fanner. It is neatly got up and well printed, and deserves thu hearty snpport of those interested in stock raisings Proctor Brv>., Praytou, publishers, l'rieo fifty ceuts fur Annum. ' The Guelpb Town Council are having lively times just now. Atr 'a r1u'eti:^"of that body one of the Coun- .ciHor^ dashed an ink bottle en the tloor and wUlKJ.tlie street inspector to " be handed." Such expressions as your a liar,, your drunk, etc., are indulged in tt> an .-.larmini; extent. Jt is proposed ts iu\-itc them to hold a meetiui; in tliis villai^c, and that an admission fee of twenty -five cents be charged for those who wish to hear. them. Thoy AVQulJ. l>e better than any minstrel troupe.that has ever visited this'place rrjslat V eddlnjr. The twentieth anniversary of the marriaco of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Moore v;::-'HA-Wottd by tlir.t family mid r utsiubcr f>i irieiuL=, on Monday, 3rd iust., r.t the resilience of Mr. E. Moore. Congratulations' to the "bride" and c* bridei;rooni" were in ordc-.r for' some tune, auiil Liinner >ras served at 1.30, when all.partook of the good .thinsjs of this life.- A:"te r^ dinner, pleasant eon- versatio-.rr.nJatiuvseivieiits'were indulged in "till evening. 'A" pleasant time was spent by those present, anil alio^rctbey it vi"as i'lie o! tlii. luoit r-vhtrch,- ntTnirs of thckindtha'.haiiioi'Uired iutliis villairo. during the present season. Tlie presents, * about '.twenty-rive in mtmbcir, were supberb. We trust we niav be able to record the "silver" I ' - . - ' r i | ret'.irn o: tl:e oec-i^ion in our eolarnns. i Dur:i:g the afternoon a ^roup consisting ! or the,six Moore brothers were photo- ', -ra;:ied. Jewel Cases, | ' Albums, bhell Pockets, v"taaigrett|9s,:f ' Skates, Mats, Ink Stands, &a, &c, 1 SS3QTTBE TOITB OHOIOE. If you Imvo any thing to .Sell invito buyers through" thu columns' of tllO 1'VXE PllDy. . I Aelou riorr <<>jiipanx. ^ The insolvent estato of the Acton Plow Co. was offered for ealc )jv auction on Tuesday last. Not] being able to sell the calalo in parcels,! as advertised, tho Asifjijco resolved to teoll the wholo concern in onclump. lt:waa purchased by Mr. Sydney Smith for the sum of ?l,S0O,;subject to a morttrago of S290S.50. .Skatjxc Risk. tho time to secure single and family season tickets for tho skating rink. As there are .only a limited number for sale, those who are desirous of securing them should do so at "once, , "^ , ' Coffee Social.- A CofJeo Social will be Kiven by tho bhoir o f the Meth odistChurch in tho TeniporancHIall Actort, to-morrow (Friday) evening, Dec. 7th. ,-Ul are respectfully invited.' Admission- 15c. Proceeds' to bo np--t plied to the purchase of mnsic books for tho said choir. : A. E., 'Sep. The 'Methodist. Church S.' S., Acton, intend holding their anniversarv on the evoiiiiijj of the iltli iuat. After tea presents from the Christmas tree will be distributed anuuiLj tho pupik and others. Everyone should attend. is pro. bably in more general use than all other teas put together put up in neat caddies of 5 lbs at 45 cts per lb. \"ou can^etit only at Christie, Henderson ifc Co.'s Acton, send fur it by express if you cannot come yourself. new advertisements: ACTCW PLANING MILLS 1>. W.- A!IIl>ItELt, Prop. Having purchased,tho' abovo named cstablislnueut, I am prepared to manu facture I SASH, DOORS,, MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of ; Promptly attended to. : D. W. CAMPBELIx Actor,, Doc. 1th, 1877. T HE ROYAL E\CflANE iioii:l, ACTON. 22-3m THAT WONDERFUL MAN. TRADE MARK THEGOLIEN MAN". hb* 'HI Unties, Jaokots, Coa^s, EVERYTHING THAT ft LADY WANTS Evening Silks, Evening Kid Gloves, : j j; t^^^ found at the ;. . Heal Honiton and Limeriok Lacos, ^ WONDERFUL MAN'S STORE, i This welblinoNMi' house: has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with "new and mikleru furniture of tho best des cription, and is prepared to provide, first-class accommodation .-to the public. The present proprietor has received a lieen-e, and he will keep the bar Well supplied with the very best of liquors land dinars. The stabling is largo and well--1itted up ; also ample shed-room. The.patrona.'/e of the public is rcspcet- u]lv solicited. . \ . JOHN MANEY. Acton, Juno "Jti, 1S77. "EEK STEAMOSR CELTIC; 3ST O T I Q IE. fs troild greitb" interest cs. if it was priit^d ;o that we cx-uld read it- * e - " . Tho-Mount Forest Coiif-Jct-.TCite idTertise* "Those who_ -have lost friends sh-uld order soma at the Cjn- Jrdrrc'? price." Storev &' Co.'s Glove TTo'rks elos-a for stocktaLing last -avcei. T'y Will coainience work again, aboirt l^tjan. 1S7S. ". ' '. We send a copy of tbe FnsK Peft? to & number of non-subscribers, t< ihit tiey will favor ns with.; uumlj=r of tbe FllEit Pi;E.-;a under their subscriptions. .- \ ^ rpvv rpaf,, pmdl-t iiA not coma Thaiiking the'people of Acton and surround ing country for their support for tho last twenty - four years, and , boiling to continue their patronage as muchUonger if-Tieulth uud wealth will continue, I Lope my customers will come forward on or before the Tenth of December, ami p:ty up their accounts ami; -notes. After that date I will bo obliged to place iuy; books in J:' D. Mxtlieson's bands for collection, which costs I wish to savo my customers, for lawyers are terrors. Remaining , ' \"o:irs res'6octf::!ly, JAMBS RTDER. Acton, 2sov. 20, 1S77. 2()-2t I -^ Millinery,jHatf, Bonnets, Flowers, all that i8\new, good, elegantMn de- . ' Bign, and exquisite in tasK,'is,to be had of ub,- Just arrived and opened up for inspection and sale, it cases j . of the above Moods, direct from London. England. I '.~ u -. .... ,^-,^-<->r. ^. A -_. , . . lt-Aj-^ Prices extremely clienp; quality of the O A--RjP-EltE!S, O.A IRIFEGirS- ' v _.j ' ' . ' Best'quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Datoh Carpets ^CV^P AT SO FTAVR T?T^P1^TVPD .are on eatobitionat our Carpet Room, We qote bottom prices; styles,: A large Iot; of Ladies' Jacket and Coat Cloths, liest aad newest: prices extremely cheap. , , /- i ., Abend of oil lormer efforts. Best assortment of Overcoats to be, met witb.. All IinnienSO. _ Variety OI FailCy^ GpOa?, i allCy Prices warranted 20 per cont under anyth'inc in town. An early call i^p Dress Silks, Bfa'ck Dress Silks, at marvel- ' . lously cheap prices. .* " Alma Plock, Upper Wyndham Street, Guelph. colors, and designs of wriich are uiiequalled in town. Ready-Madd Clothing last Muinber One. PHOENIX LIKE tJF AaAIN. ' Tlie number of-tbe Acton Fkek Pr.:^, under tho new is i. It is much improve". T!io editor Sat'.ers the l^ly bj cojiving. !' verbittiin.'ti. few columns of local ! r.ews frotj: this 7>ap;-r, racs credit. G ew5 frotp this paprr, racs credit. y> f\ r~-i t-~i tujph y.-mhiofd.-. i. r 3 |\ I T\re l>?s your "pirjoii. tho first ' i_ \J \Jj _L aw manager for -la OT. Cf ,Btty's celebrated Pianos that will b~ , 'caused of at a great bargain. For ! number. out last Weeb, this' Using the first Tho editor of tbe Ilm/Jd ^&-< 'OIT. The subscriber having ngnin fone into tho grocery busincsp, -would! in- timnte Uint he has Mways a full line'id usually kopt in firdt class parr:cuiir5 applet at ni3 otuc -W. e ge the bes ert- md' \ne r 1 MX" ; 50c Tea. at tatjpost ofSce stor-3, also Z lbs good HyipnforSl. (Poultry wanted). , $2400 to loan on' Farm Se curity in sums of $500, or upwards at $ per cent Interest, apply to JAMES MATTHEWS. We bave received a communi cation entitled. "Flies a-atl their modes," tut .13 the correspoiiicnt.iloc3 not ecdiI tii name we decline to publish \\. ."SociaL-^-Tbe congregation of St. Albans Church intend'holding a social on the evening o Taeiday, 25th inst. Tot particulars se^ posters. T CorreupcndniU. We in-rite all who can do eo, to'eehd ni Bbort descriptions of accidents, or Bnnsnal occun-encea in any part" of the county. "Write on one side of the paper only. day or Tuesday, to be rore of insertion in the Fr.EE Peess of the same week. We had tbe pleasure of in- ipecting two cases of very stylish and ^andsome photographs the other day at C. \Y. Hill's gallery. The tickets at tached to them indicate that-' they are the first prizs pbotos. in the county, bb prayed fit both Milton and Oeorgetown; Fall Sbowe. Dramatic. The Sbelboumo . Tret Pres* Bays that several influential citizens of that place have ^rtely been engaged in getting up, and rebeareljpj? aeVeral playa, intended to be acted during-th'e long winUJr ^veninga. The 5rt pfe?'wilibe " Ten Kiglits in a Bar Pbstmiater MatthewB has this rather odd legend posted up', in: his tore f'-i - ' A Coxcndecm Anyr>ePi.BonBtAyinginhErcrnoreUi,ant- eniiunUtEBWIthontd;OingbaSines3wiIL- W6^*id1iredtobeioaF ingandin JurinG- wuluiEtsandtHatcanhOtbealloWcdr.n- f 04rrf*icEbuTt>uslneSs. , Will some-: "bummers" take : the] lint? -K ' : " ' : 1- ***e Arovmed. A. horse belongi-ag to Mr. Ran- Mm 4-dams-went to tbe pond oil Soadiy morning to get a drink Arlon School Board. . The Board met on Monday evening, 3rd inat., pursuant to adjounmeut. Present, Mr. Alex. Kennedy iii the chair, Messrs. W. H. Storey, Edward Moore, Horaco J. Hall and Eli Snyder. V The minutes of last.meeting were read 'and confirmed. j Mr.. Storey presented tho 11th report Mail your letter on Mem- o{ the rinriIK;e Committee, as follows : Yonr Committee, to whom have been referred the following accounts, beg leave to report that they have examined the name andirecommend the payment thereof: John Hoss, salary for November' 45.83. ' Horace J. Halb wood, SI.50. J. U. Hill, stationery, SI.Go ThoB. Ebbage/.Klazing. SI.35. >Tote' and lntcre|t:duo for money bor rowed, $208. i ; Miss McKellar1, fpuarter's salary, due 24th December, 68.75. Miss Moire, quarter's salary, due 24th Dccemher, SG2.50. . Mrs. Hughes, caretaker, qnartcr'b salary, due 24th December, 18.75. Total, S408.33. ., . ' Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Snyder, that; the 11th report of tho Finance'Committee be adopted, and that the chairman issue his checks in payment. Carried. t- , (Moved by Mr. Storey, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Fuel Committeo ad- vgrtiso for tenders for the supply of thirty cords o wood, to bo delivered in January, 1S7S. Carried. : Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Moore, that this Koard authorize tho teachers to prohibit the plnying of "shinncy" on tlie school grounds, or in coming to or returning.from Kehool, or to practice the game at all during noon or recess. Carried.! Moved by .Mr. Storey, seconded by Mr. Moore, that Eli Snyder be appoint ed to take tlie census of tho school ' ^erejjeinf ice on the pond "at e tiine the Iforso, venturing out *o fer, broke the ice. and was dr6wn4 before assistance could be rendered.. ' The loss will not be vwy heavy, as ibe animal was not yyj valuable one. BLACKS Finest English Breakrnst Coriguo, .Souchong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe. Gr.F.KSS Moyuno uuripowders, Silver Leaf Wunpowders, Moyune Young Hysons Uncolored J^pins, . Imperials, Twankays Our teas (ire all eelected for their (superior drawing'qualities ' Special discount on purchases oyer 5 lbs. 0ANH3D"GOODS. , California Salmon, Ponliiuil l.obsiers, I'reii. h .SardlMi'!-, Cm a Ojsterr, !"rcHli Mackerel, . j does not seem to have got over his I grocery houses, fresh, and of the best quality, Kuch ha- D(r)u:ikon .tpnll,- n.^ his ideas about things in general are pretty much muddled. On looking over the last issue of tbo Fkee Piiess, -we find that thero is only one item clipped from the Herald, fbr which it.was credited. AVo hope tho Herald -will make the amende honurahle. [Ed Feee -Peess.] . CQFFEES. ; Our stock comprises the best grades .of Old Government Java, Laguayru, , Maracaibo, andltio. Roasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all tho natural aroma and Haver of tbo berry. , , 0bC0AS AKD 0S000LATSS. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocoluto, 'Fipp's Homcoouathic Cocoa, . Menier's Chocolates. Kefined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf, Dry Crushed, Granulated, E^tra Uround, Extra C, English Kefined all grndes, Demerara, Porto Kico. Cured Sans -find'1 Bacon. Obooao - aad'BuUsr. Surnctf 3 Extracts & iSssoaeos- . Tlio Finest Ooo'hs Manufactured. eo^ps cf ail kinds. Pickles and Caacos. CroKsoA RlnctcwcII's, Mixed Pickles, Uliowcliow, I'lccnhfl, Mi^liroom CiilMip, Jolin Bull Sauce, r^ea & Peiiin'a ivorclieRtershlro^auco, Tomato l ralsup, Fltvorlle do., . do., Yorkshiioltollsli, French Muttard, Your humble servant, the subscriber, having seen that there is a good opening for a first-class Dry Goods Store in his old home (the Village of Acton), has decided toll open out in^the New Brick Store, and his stock will be new and comipjete in its several departments of Ladies' Press Wear and General Dry Goods. He has also secured the services of one of the best Milliners in the Province aiid hopes this: will be no transient affair. - He expects to be ready on the loth of this rnonth and has, no doubt that he w^ill meet once again his'old and tried friends of Bsquesing, Nassagaweya, Erin b,nd Acton, and is ectually confident they will be Satisfied with;*the quality^ and prices: of hjs goods. And, as he intends tq do-business on a strictly cash basis, there will be no bad debts to be added to the cost of goods to his friends. ; Produce of? all kinds taken at th 3 highest maifket prices. Further partipulars will be given in Blast No. 2, "Very trdly yours, Acton, .December 5, 187' JAMES SYMON. *'_gijj T^TEW Bl:TCEERIN BlTSE- PARIlTACEOTyS GOODS. Cnrollna Hire. Arrncnn Ulce, . Jb'earl SiiKO.Ttlo'lai'loeH Pearl Uarley, Corn Meal, Oatmoal. pESSEET FliTJISS Currants, Valencia "ranees, Messina Lemon';, Pineapples, Tunl'. Dates, Ii,r<Ifaux Walnuts, Fllbort*, Almnniht. AdiTjqe, Eonoy ani Syrups. ataadard TOBA00OES. Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. BISCUITS ft CQUFSOTIO'NERY. Arrowroo', Wine, ^ocia, Abernrthy. C**enm, Ijiraon, Uutier, Uostou, Or.ihnm, Oyster cracker. New York Uliuer nuts, Gin:erKn:ip-. ?' CantUr-B ami Sweeliiiea.i; of all klll(ts. Cliecse, butler, KgS', HopH, OEOCZERT. ' .: ChinnHrts, WhitesuineKrts, ' Floured Kuinn Rpip; Clinrnber Sols, Tea I'lat^s, Howls. Jellies, Plaiter*. Milker^.' And a lull linr of other kinds. Mill I'iiiih,-Orenm CrookH, "Bui ter Crockc, J up-1. Flower Pols, tc Selling at lho iiiiuniriicuirors'.iirlctB GLASSWARE, . Tumbler.1:, (iohlelx, Lampf, T.amp wlaspes. aiuss 1'liiten, GlrifiS.Sets, l-'rult Jur.-;, <l-e , <Lc. MiSs. FAEE SB' MoHAEDT Annotinco to the people of Acton and vicinity that they have commenced the Butchering Business in tho premises lately occupied by Mr. .G.'.M. Scott, ne.xit door to Galloway's bakery. Fresh Meat ofj all kinds, Sausace,' Bologma, Lard, etc., etc.. Always on hand, in large quantities. Meat delivered fresh at the houses in the viUago every Iday. The patr'on- ago of the public respectfully solicited, FARit & McIIARDY; Acton, Nov, 21, 1877. 20-!ly "VALUABLE PROPERTY IN V Atl'OS For Sale or Let. sfffBSO FOB THE . section, and. (shall be paid therefor the aum of eight dollars. Carried. The Board then adjourned to mciet again on Monday, 7th January, 1S78. ERTTITS^DRIED, Valencia Haisins, Layer Ilaisins, Loose MuBcatel, ..Kuitanas, Seedless, Voctizza Currants, Black Patrasdo. in cases fielected Do. do. in bbls., Elemo Figs, French Pruned Tun,is Dates. These goods are the finest ex ported. OANiTED F&tTISS AND VEGE- ' TABLES. Peaches, Poars, Cherries, r.inoitpples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Pens, Corn. Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other articlen in season, not here mentioned. jGgyChoap for Cash or Trade. . | : 'JAii/aES I^TTHEWS, Acton. June, 1877. |< . t ' Oonvoyancor,'Com. in Q. B., Issuer (j>f Marriage Licenses Insurance Agent, &c. ' <S.' "Wall Pauors and, "Window Blinds -: -In great vnrloty cheap. ."' MlSOEliLAiEOTJS. .' Tubs, Pnl'B, Brooms. Wnshboiirds, Uruslus,^in., noprs. Wire and Woodon Baskets, Patent Medicines, Dyo Slutni. Stationery, School lio.-.ks, Purses, Wallets. 8nhool Bags, Bpcctaclps, VJolliis, Violin girl><. Hilar J'liieH.". run::}'(Joods, Comli8,d:c. Boneless Codfish, flerrings, Oysters In can and bulk -in Benson The Stono Dwelling on Main street, adjoining tho entrance to the school grounds, is offered for sale, or rent. There arc iiine rooms and large, cellar, and a quarter of an acre of garden. For further particulars apply to ! HORACE J. HALL, Esq. Aoton, Nov. 20, 1877. J- 20-*3m ^l. XiE OTXJRJS TO YOUNG MEN. - i . . Wo liaveroeontly pnbllslie'l n nrw edi tion of Or. Culvcrwcll'ft C'clelirmctl E- tinyoiHhB maieiif a.ui permanent euro (withoutmedicine)of Neivou.i liability, Mental Incupncliy, I in pedi ments to Mairlage, olc.,rehiiltlnu Tiom' oxcesBep.: . -, , . Price, In niealed envelope, only GcentB ortv/o postage slumps. The eeluhi'iitDd this m'wlr- nblO ESS'.iy Oloarly aeinonsirates, rrcm thirtv years' suecpssful proetice, Lh.*t iilariulwRCOtiRrfiueBcefc may be cured wllliotittue ilangorons useofinUr- nnl medlcinn or the nOi>llcnllon of tup Knife; nojnlfng out a mode oi euro at once simple! certain nnil oneetonl. by mnnnnof wnleliove,ry matter Lwlmt IiIk onfidiU'oi) mny e, muy enre iiimi'eHehctJplyJprlvnt.Piv nod I'ldlcnlly. Tills I.ecluroHhoulil be In the bands of overy youth nnilovery in in in the hand. THE tllLTEBWEll SI KKK'AIj '<>.. ) 41 Aim Bt,,Now YorK. pestoffl-eo Box ittiO. 4-ly : :.:,V' "; FREEPRESS, Only $1 a Year "|>EKIlSmRE BOAR. The undersigned has a pure bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on his premises, in Acton. Terms $1 cash. J.: B. BURNS. Acton, Nov. 1, 1877. I8-2m TTEMLOCK BABfii'i " I hereby give notice that I do not now buy Hemlock Bark, as I havo a full supply on hand. G. L. BEARDMORE. Acton Tannery; Oct. 15, 1S77. VARIETY AND GROCERY STORE, Opposite Dr. McGarvin'H residence. Mill Street, Aoton. JOHN-'. H AWKINS Wishes to call attention to bis stock of BEATTY'S ' PJAN0& PARLOR ORGAN INSTRUCTORS Containing the elements < f music, with ewy antl procressive exercise, to perfe<s* . tlie player in the art of mmdc (either piano or trrga'i*). to wlilch. im added orer sli'ty Waltzes, iPolkas, Mf.rclips, Galo|>s, Operatic MelodleK. Dsnees, etci, by'Pari- iel F. Beatty. Washington, New Jersey, one of the best works oi lis kind ever in troduced.and sbul'td-be In the-lnroda of cveiy piano and organ player. Bentpoe*-. pald to any. pan c Hie Unlied Staf^r Cauac'aior only fifty cents, tne price having been reduced to' Introdnce It everywhere. Address -DANIEL T. BEA1 i'Y, Wasbiuglon, New Jersy. In advance. And other Usefnl Articles. Note the foUowing : Fresh Groceries, Tea, . ."- Sugars, Raisins, Tobacfip, Biscuit, *:- Soap, Ball Blue, ; Button Blue, Soda, and all other things in connectijon with the Grocery line. AIbo?' . Pipes, Cierttr-liolclers, Hair Brushes, Combs,' : Penknives, Lead Pencils, Note Paper, F- C. Paper, . Pens and Ink,. Tooth Brushes. Piwrer-Rincrs, ' Pins,. Needles, . and a variety of other things merous to 'mention. : Call and bo convinced of tho above facts. The patronago of the public respectfully solicited. ' JOHN HAWKINS. | Aoton, Nov. 14, 1877. " Campaign. Opened^ WESTERH ADVERTISER & WEEKLY UBEBAU Sednced Frlce-Vrr.jnlBBi to ]e*eiy Subscriber Harvest tat AeenU. 4 The Fifteenth Annual Campaign' of " the Western Advertiser and Weekly fjihcral is now' under rdl headway. ^. Hundreds' of new names are pouring in from ail "parts of Canada. We want 5;000 new subscribers during {his can- vass. 'Plenty of roonitfor 1,000 more agents. Oar terms to agents; ducements .to subscribers will -he found iu.advanco of anything yet offered. BILL OF FAKE. r Best gonoral newspaper la Canada. 2 lialance "1 year free to new Bubscrl- 3-Sph'ndid Enaravicg to every sub- scri.ber. " l" " < Acricuitural 1'eparrjnent py W.T. Clarke. _ - ' 5-ToRClier's Dcpartwient Best In Can- ain. ' ' : ' fl-tindles' " Fashion nnd Kitchen'-col. >to n. , 7 MnsiR, plctnr.s, epoi'S, liomor, etc . 8-ImiII biii,,ii)g mid crlcftqt itews. , - . !i Complete T.-mpprnnoo Record. 10 Hcliable and copious. Market Ke- i'orisi TUfcMB FOR 187S.-$.l 0'J,'wlth rhirrav-. ng, ' Liiwlso'-i'n "S^jitiuary." 3dx20 nclies. wUhoiU'.engruvli'g. Posi- iigo prepaid 7 __ ?^" l./lbtnil termsto.agpiits. Korrree -mtiipioeoples;or instructions to agent*, > - ' " JOHN CAMERON 6 CO, : ' AdvertUer Oiiice, London^, Qnt. m k\ : I : "fc ' i| : 1": ^

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