Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1877, p. 4

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-;e?J & -!lj ... ^..'tfigj 'ZW&m IP^liB E':;-'-^^B HcA, r f "xy&c&'-W' '-' ! ~--^kt^Hfl Btt f t-1.- ^-'^^ &?v -fHI In j- ".^^"'-^ B^v^-J^^H ---:.t? B&^'^^SB^H k ^'-f Kv-ljH n i' ~ vi'^ij Ri' ^ji^B i ' "^-r^l !&' P^BNI p^J Hni mraarai THE FREE PRESS , ACTON, IiALTON COUNTY, ONT., 6, 1877. JS.VrtHTV, BIT MI'B. She stood beside my high-backed chair, Her curl* nipuust my face, And turning round to see mo fair, My very tluVBghtu to trace. She put a dimpled hand iu mine. To hide it iii a trice, ', And; blushing justlittle, aai-\ : V ". I really think its iiuhy ' uch \n^ heart of ice would tduch, And melt Ay.ay in bliss ; In fact, I think i .n*id as raucli, Ann hinted tl a \iy. The vjinsomo maid beg-.w V P*1"*. _ To atiyu trillo sad, -- ' That'.s A-cry naughty, sir." she saul, "A}\A novv I think you're bad '.' ' v told hor while I clasovd her waist, Whore long, dart tresses eitrled, f. would.not hr,vi< her .low displac-d, No, not for oil the world : And kiss without her sweet consent, I never, never would "I'll tell you. when you mnj\'\sliD said, "And now I think you're ^ood." h stood heshle my high-hacked chair, Her ^urls against my (see. And turning round to fee mo fair, . 1 Mr very thoughts to tfsu-ii, I took her dimpled handa in mine, - Like cunning little mica, And kissed her when the maiden said, " It's naughty, but it's nice." The Parrot's Joke - The ptiio package stationery man is around again.- Ho knock ed at the door of a Nelson street houBe, Friday afternoon. " Conie in f' said is voico.; He stepped into u exttinjj-room, but raw no person. Thrro wis an other door leading into what wm undoubtedly a bedroom, and thence p. female voice apjieared. "Wuttt 4o )'^u wantf it iu- quired.= _" I am selling a' new kind of prize package !of stationery. It is a oeriJ."' nvelty iu i^'ia ,iue - " Here "the n*Tni tnier^ "I'0"." foil, minute and e.^" * f^np tion of the contents of tn'J'iU'ki,Se> waxing warmer aa ho advauvJ'"' bjxH revelling,, as it were,, in the' freedom from tho scrutinizing or doubtful eves of tho prospective customer. Finally his breathk was exhausted, and as he Ktooped, the voice asked, " How much are they V' " Only tweuty-tive ceuts, madam, only twenty--------" Here an unnoticed.door in an other part of tho room opened, and ' & female with a very astonished face looked in upon him. ' ." What do you want, and who are you talking to t" she asked. - " I only authorized agent. in thi* section for s. new prize package of stationery," be explain ed, " and I havo Been telling the lady in theother room-------" '* The lady 1" broke in the new comtit, " There's no lady there that'H ray parrot." " A-a-a-what i" gapped the agent; "My parrot^*she kindly repeat-. ed. . j "Scarified Israel!" ho 6oftly ejaculated, aa ho slid out through, the door. Curious Epitaph. The inscription on tho headboard of" Will Bill's'Igrtivo has become quito a curiosity to " pilgrims." 1 give it just aa it appears on tho board: . i " Wti.o Kim.," J. B. Iliekoli, killed by the assassin Jack M'CaU ;- in ^ Poadwood. lMnck Hills, Au^utft "ml, 187t. l'ard. we will meet again'. In thu happy ihintinc l!rmid- ,.Tv pnrt-'no more, tioml.bye. " Co>.ol!.\i>0 Oiaiii.ii:," C. II. Urn:it. 7n the gravo with him is buried all of liia Kus, cartridges,' belt, Ac, that ho died possessed of. II A "Spoke." , (Scene , Duke of Eothsay Hotel, 5 p. m. Enter three Highland fartuera newly landed from the " Ional") Waiter-^stmlingly advancing ) " This' vay gentlemen ; wishing teal" '" -,, lst-Celt-=->' Ocb, aye, whateffer for me." ,. 2nd Olt " She'll tak coffee for herbel'." ; l 3rd Celt (who has travelled and is. up to snuff.) " Wbeest : she'll mnV a spoke for eiTeryone, whateffer tea for you Tongall, and coffee for Aliater, shust that Here, waiter if . you'll was please ta procht ben tea foi-t&Cee an' two for wan tram, an' eggs in ta parlor for efforybody ; un' three pads for each of the shentlemuus here enoo, whateffer, forbye," Waiter (evidsntly b&nt on swallowing his towel) "'A,beiu ! Yea air, like to vraab, sir.7" 3rd Oelt-(proud of his English). " ISo, ennk you she'll no smash ber face till she'll got her supper put here (handing over a Ibig waterproof) Ling U room door up on ta nail that's atick in ta .pack of ta big coat whaur she'll b sleep- in' till tomorrow mornin', and procht pen three trams 6' goot whiskey till her supper pe ready." The origin and meaning of tie word ' woman ' haying been quite recently under discuthibn in the pages of the London .-Notes unci Queriet, a Dublin man sends the followin/r.old versa which ho lately came ucroas in his readings ; When Eve brought woe to all mankind, Old Adam called ]mr'icoe-maii ; . But when she woo'U with lovo o kind. He then pronounced it Mjowman ; Bnt now with folly and with pride Yheir hushaud'a pookete trimming, The hvlie3 are so full 6i,ichl/ni, The people called tUein whim-men, I talked-with a minion fronr" Her Majesty's ^ domiuioDB: Saya I, ' Wburu are you going V Saytt be, To Hide a hoa.' Say* I, 'What are you-going to hide n hop for'/' Says be, ' I didn't say hide-a hoe ; I said Hide a hoe.' Siiys 1, ^ Spell it.' Says he, I-d-a-ho.' ' 0, says J, < Icjaljo,' ' Yefe/ says lie, ' Hide & hoe,' The latest discovery in mecljiinic.t js by a Frenchman, arrl is ktiown as the suicide uleek. Vou attach its machinery to the trigger of u gun, fix the time wIuti it in to- lit fired, after tho limnni'i' of an ahirm clock, gti to bed and sleep comfoi--. tably,-and at the moment fixed the work is done without your know : anything ab^jut it, If running after thclwouiou boa in, it is ouo which is voiy easily ohecked. All that's necessary is for the women to Btop miming away ftom tho men. A woman may not ho ablo to sharpen a poucil cr bold an um;- bruiltt, but Bbo can pack moro arti cles into a trunk than u man can in a ono-horso wagon. There may come a timo-when everything bad of Brigham Voung will* be forgotten, and ho will bo rcmembei-ed as tha great philan thropise who buried twenty-sovon mothers in-law iu a doseii years. Tho long continued drought has cause a terrible famine in north eastern Brazil. Over 100 persons have perished of starvation up to 1st October, and more thau 15,000 were Buffering. t An editor received a letter from a subscriber asking bitn to.[publish a cure for apple-treo wornis. Ho .replied that he could not suggest a ujro until he know what ailed the worms. During tl.e -B>aiaf. last Mon day a South! Hill wasp ;wa8 2truck by lightnjng, and a raoro osto^.'*'1' ed streak of lightning novr climl>- ed back iuto the empyrean and hid behind a thuuder-oloud.- Rairkeyc)-- A Mr. Steele recently married a if:s3 Lemon in New York. Wo have our opinion of any nsdn who would Steele a Lenion, hutwo sup pose it was well squeezed before he took it, which lightens the of- ence. Or, maybe, ho wanted some lemon aid. An Irishman having accidently broken a pano of glass in the win dow of a house, was nicking the beet'of his V7ay to get' out of sight, but, unfortunately forPut^tho pro prietor, stole a march on him, and having seized him by the collar, ex claimed : ' Didn't you break that window i' ' To bo auro I did,' r^ plied Pat, ' and didn't you eeo mo running homo for tho money to pay for it f GASH FOR SKINS. Wo aro.prepared hi pay tho hightbt oasli prioo west of Toronto for (id clas.soi, o5-' Hhccps.hliiM mid Vnlfsliins in goodjcomlitioii dolivoredatour . I tauueiy. \\'o to be distinctly uhdorstood. that wo pity., tho IlicniiST Puiris for ullch. l^atnit^ra'will ytedy tbuir iutcr- esU by luinuUig their bUiiih to us, in stead of selling them to M iddluuiun and Peddlers, fiTOlU'lY.'AlOOliE &. CO. Persons leaving hUins at tho factory of \V. 11.: Si'oitKv &. t'o. will .nlso-ro- ooivo tho hinluMt price for tlibni. F1 VE CENTS AAI>. Ttf^BrsiNESS MEN.-If yon want Billhead*. Btutements. Let- ter-hoaiis, Eoveloiws, ilercant.lo Pi lilt ing, of any kioii, liono l'i d.ishhss My]p, end your ordois to tlio 1riie PuKijs gSoe. tiaLUracriuu Kiiantnteecl. ----------------------------------- GRACE'S C^ECRATED SALVE, A Sure Keller for me Sufferer, PIltPAItEU 1!Y SZT'A W. FOWLE & SONS, 60 IIAUniSO^T AVE^tTE, BOSrON, MASS. UKiCK'S CELUBIIATKD SALVE, 1^ a Vegetable I'reparation, Invented In tho 17tn cpntuiy by r>r. Wil liam Grace, Surgeon lu Klin; James' army. Through its agency .he cured tlionmnds of t'no most serious sores and wounds that ballled'lhe skfK of the most emiiii-nt nbysTniiins of his U-iy, and was n-K.tnled by all ^lio know him as a pub ic benefactor. PEICC 1! CliafTM a. r*6:c. 'i Oil mid ntler tho 1st of Novcinhrr, 331 Mi will bo sold lit tho folluwing rates : Per Quart, 5 Cents; Per Pint, 2j Cents; Xotf IiuporJnl Mcaatin', 21 Quart Tid-d* Jor Uue Dullai. 21 Pint ITiHtLt fay FiThi Cails. ' r . ! ' In aova^ijco. 1". S. AI1MSTKONO. Aoton.Ocf IS. 1.S77. P'HPTonKAPHiiiRS should for ward mo their address if they wish to oblaiiijn Piano or Organ in exchange for : Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL I', B1SATTY,. Wash. ington, Now Jersey. rr\UK ONTAKIO SADDLEBJ, Is the placo to get tho best Uarocss lor. the least money. Hard Times, Prices h?tve been Eoducod. 4// Orihfjlr/t tcith ?/; tr;7/ receive : ({ireful- attention. COLLARS A SPtC^l-TV Aa all farmers know thoir horses cannot wor!; with sore necks,'ihrow offthe okl/ColIara and get a new pair that'will give entire satisfaction. The place to got them is at the ONTARIO SADDLERY f Another Bot of those famous Am'e]Jiblaii Whips Just received and will be sold, cheap for cash. JJepairing Don' Xeatly, Cheaply, ami on tltt tihyrtert iVad'ro :'E. CREECH. Acton, .Aug. 21, 3877. LIST OF , Hold u holttsulo and retail by John Anderson BookBeller, Quolpb. | Burrowes' Pianol'orlo Primorl -' Jousso's Musical Catechisjm. ; Bertini's Now Motbod for the Piano. Clarke's New Method Tor tho Pinnb. Hun ton's Piano Forte School, Howo's riaao.without'a Mastor; Uichnrdjou's Nevv Modern School. Uitzo'b Parlor Orgai:. , . Silver Wreath (Vocal). 103 dilloront Music liooks. A Dig discount on all SwIUSiO BOOKS W.STEWART 8 GOf ahh kl NDEBSOWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE OiltliO East uidu of Wyndliam Street OUELPH. KNOW THYSELF! By roidlng and pr*erlcla tho lnoUmablo truths con Ulnctl In tho bout medic* book ever Issued, entitled SELF-ritESERVATIOM PricoonlySl. Scntbjrmal on receipt of price. Ir treats of Exanusttd Vitality. PrcmatoreDccltno jferrouf and Physical Debility, and the eadlcsi concomitant Us and untold miseries that rciut therefrom, tin J contalni mors than Woricinal pro crlptlons, anrono or which Is worth the price oj the book. This book was written by the most e tensive and probably the most akllful practitlonci In America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew ellcd medal by tho National Medical AuociiUon A, Pamphlet, Illustrated with the very fine* Ececl EaeraTlDgs a mar- IIP II Tel ot art ana beauty nPlll for It at onee. AitJrcsa PEABODY JIEDICAL INSTITUTE, Ko. 4 Uul. oca Sw Boston, Mas*. THYSELF DANIEL F. f EATTY'S P2AN0S as OEGANS E3ESB3 .',': WBfh-mWK'.M.VV^SJ CBUX'S CCIEDEITED BAM'E . CUBES Fi,P3ir wocnds, kuozf.n- i.imbs, halt U1IKUV, CHII.JJI.ATNH, KOJtE IlllEAXT, SOKE Jill'rf, EHYSIPKt.AK, ItrNG-- WOIl3Irt,0AT,t.uSEH;iCA1.O UEaD C'HAl'I'KU UAKW, nr/r'.ss, 8CAL1X, WOUNDS, FRSTKItS, i'ir.KH ' IIUNION8, niTE1, -W-A1IT3, 1-IMl'LEM, C.iNCEKK, s >SKM, STINiJS, WENS, , AI;r;e>J.a-,.; KPIt USS, CUTS Ci'RSH, >EI,'iSS, BM'EllH, SHINGLES, KTIE.-, KHKCKLiCS, HOI L**, WII.TLOW3 TAN Honuvy, itch, iNcr:owi--o nails, nettle uasii, JIUS4JUITO ANIl PLEA iilTBS, 81-inEn KTING.S, Ancl'all cutaneous dinentica and eruptions cencratly, PorK'<le l>y all drog^Ihta, E:rncv?rR. rtml ata'lcouut'yHK.reHiiiioiunoutthe Hnl- ted fi*at"R an'l Brltlhh Provlntca. PrJot- by mall socentn. BEATTY- There is no mannfacturerofPianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Bieatty. From every State and Ter rrtory' comes the -saui verdict They are tbo best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, {(Jntalngup Edition) ftee. Address DANIEli I". BEATTY, Washington, New .lersey. w AJfTEI*. Laditis and geiitlemoii to loarn Tele graph Operating for oifioeu opening in the Dominion- Stamp for answer. Addres'3 Makaukhj Box 9.'>3,'Toronto. AND i t WAGGONS. Now J3 the timo to lpavo your order At J. Ryder's Factory .J for a l Stylish Bussy or Serviccnblc Vi'ajruoiy I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the best material. Gall ami S':a our Handsome Biiijijics Now ia a good time to secure bargains. ' Strict attention given to Sorflo-Shoolne c GoncralBlack- smithinEr. .TAMES RYDER. 1877. Buf.l ye V I li ll O K, grand, Bqcnre and umlglii, a -e pjonouncod by the p-e^s imJ the people AND as the most teautiful .andfcueet- CSt toned }J,ntloH eve> ctl. Hcih ' on ._______________________ t6.t trial and Hal tr'Mlvrtnt-atttimm nroikimieed tne WASHINGTON, uesfln j,he world. NEW JERSEY. Bea.lj Tscelebraleil '-oluen Ten^ueu Piir'ur o y;ui. Any iiiamitaclurei cl'ab'en^'cii tnnival toe-in." Tuny pcr<f.ehfi power, 'Oonto, nr'l hiney and K.vmocLlictio {delicacy, exnu.Miei> beaut'fuily koIo etTdcm, ana ino on'y HtO|i action ever invented llnttcaenot be (1)k- arrnneed i,y 11>e# fn,e beJIowe capacity 1k ko erent that but-'lt"o eOorl lsretjtiii^ ed with tho feo. to supply till, tbe nil! nocc*iiiiry 'Ilefct mnde nlld mc:;t elcsnnt' CBBf'jt In tho mai'kci. All nolld wood ornrimeni?.. livery InHtrunu-ntfuMy ^ ar- runted forwls yeiirsnintrlclly first class, andsijuton rroni ft to l."i ihiyt-'test, irlal. Axlclreii nt\n:L f. fiil\%TV, 'iVushlnB- ton, New Oerticy. i i j^VSlNES'S VKOI^ERTY :' foe s^nk]- : TliO lindurdit'lluij oflers for Bale that desirable jiropcrty. situated on Main street, now occupied by Mr. ChaB. Camcrcn as a Htorc and dwelling. The prj.tpe.rty ia in fn-wt class condition and witii a gnniT cellar. Terms liberal. L-'ur further particulars lapply to MESSRS. W. BAIiUNG &.CO. i' Montreal. Or, -\V. IT. STOliKY. Acton. AcUui, Au-j'. -2M, 1877. giAfittQS AND "s most mmm* est lOUttl iJ#nijo c vt-r " II11' I ll-ian-ITinsra nr rw a "pnrvV" piArvo. ukaNd \VT> i-,'"'"".<Hlr. Ji;1 KK'VTTY'MfJKM-:- i!l:ivrEf)"G'>Lr!-'N' I.'N-OUKl) PAH- l.tiH OKtiAN fltethe J^ectej.; "meil arid iiioM ivri'ect lhstnimenta ^ver b '.'re mail f .-ii-red In Ui stirany otbri coun-, try. '1 he- n-crl-r'in cl'Ullei";cd to cf|iin, tliera. Eest U:rrount- -nd ter ins ever be fore i;iVt-p. Kt>ck bottom r^plc i-rlcesl nnw v-ady to Jolvis. n^onis. and th" trad-In cereral. An on"er. Tl e^e celo- liralrd lii.lrtiin ill" ichhrr i'lnno or UrK|-n; boxed eno si Ipped nnywhere, on five lor fifteen days' lest ulal. Money re- fuiidcd nod frelKhl charc^f paid horh wnvsirin nny way uhsalisfuetory. I'olly %\*arrantefl for 5=lx v.-n's rs. slrletly first- cliiBk KXTItAOIU>lNTAlVV IdllEltAIi Ul-pOONTmrI ven to Olm relies. MoUnols, I.odtos, Hulls. .Miulslci". Teachers, cic., In rder to have them lturn-.!need t once whoro-I have no agcntR, Tho isandi* now in u^c. JCow I'liiKlra'ed Advertiser(Culfi- legue Kdhloni with list t-f testimonials, now! ready, sen; tree. Ks-nhllsh"' In ni-Vi.l Addr.s. DANIEL F. BEATTY, W imfilnKtmi, Now Jprsej , q. T- HILL, Mill Street. ACTON, UEALEIt IN OrooerloB, Orocltery.. BOOtS & SbCQB, Wall Papor, 1/ Wind'o'w Bllnas, , , Nails, Glass, Putty, LlnseodOll, Paint3, Tnrpontino Coal 011,'Salt,otc- /Ulof which will bo sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. ' Also agent for tho RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash Tor Hides. ^Icton, .Tuly 18. 187C, WW SHOWING . A very large arid very choice -.assort ment of Now Dry Goods von FALL WEAR in Now Black and Colored Sijks, New French Cashmeres,. New Ribbons and Ties, -~ New Brew flood*. Now Staple J)ry(GoodB,.! - ocb stock or ' Tweeds, Cloths, -and Qvercoatings la very oholoo and cheap.? Wo hold a Tory superior and large lot of NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart &'Co., ; t <iiKLrn, 0<fiofcerl6, 187T. b^ N G0NSUMPTI0H CURED. Atr oil) PYICIiH. retired froai act!Tiae- "cj,}'^'I,liapUM 1 lo hi- hKid. br roliit PU*.*Ilpnti7 <h funnul of Vtjtuble Acmeay for ths speedy snd pennaneht euro of - Consumption, ^tmhijia, Bronchitis, Cdtampi, nd all Threat and 1/Uri AiTot!on: alio PejIUre i,d Hadiril Cu-Ffor NorvmtB De bility at.d ell Nervous Ceinpliints, s" ' ta^j thoroaKhly tepd its wonarnul tliour; - ...... cm.ui Ceinplaints, sfler h. ^, , ,----- tepd its wiiiuTcriul cunitlTe powsri In tliourinds el c/ri, Iccls it his dul* to niaje It knowti lo Mi iiirrrrinj- fellows. Acln- **,tt>7 jais motive irnd n ramcitnljuui d#,Irrf to f1.1^. la'Oiaa sufteriitcr. ho will iond FHTJ-: Ol- ' CIlAnOK, lo .nM-Tioclr.ini it. Uiii rrclm, wjtli lull direction. lor p:opsrin(-iijr successful ly, uslue. Kent by return nisll \y sdjlesilnj with t*mp, naming this psprr. Lz. C. KTfcVENS, i>.B.r. uoa ao, Uloukvilli, Oar. nno wm ne 10 inn 1 iieir 11 iriun- 1 ,-ai ^r- vie, us I Khnll innltp KiH'rlal ifli'r to tneiiii H'liiinr.a liprrlnr Insliiiinriirfor fre 111 <mc-lwirl to livo-lalnls what Is ......(..... II .. nr lrr.ll 1\.' A.iAllli: PlnOtO UnT./i frf 111 01IC-IIS ! SO Stl"MII*' .mi. ,n oidliHiillynsItftl bv nue.nts: rirnspHpnd men list n't oneeinndnrieryDii hove made ir.onlrv von enn 'III to H. Adi'reSB f>.\Nii:K bMiliJVT'l Y Wnfilili.filoii.New Joiscy. . . . i . FALL STOCK or W IIM Is now Arriving, #1S And will soon be .Complete for the ' '.' - 'J ^^.HiEEj TEjSlDB: CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES. Speoial Attention Given to Ordered Work. Itepalrlug Promptly Attended to. 0RAINB k SOXl 4 Acton, August 7, '877. " j HE;AP SALE! CHEAP SALE! FRESH ARRIVALS At the East End | THING STORE. New PalJ, and "Wiatei? Qi|j4g at THEGOLDEN . 1. "} > "- We desire to call attention to the very large agoKmit of choL. ( goods of every degcription which we are how efferirii.' '? Our importations from Britain are now all to hajid, and we daim. aLL iear of contradiction, that our Stock of : ^7**, f-.. \ In every Branc^, is THEfLAEaEST, '; CHOICEST, AND / \ j BEiST ASSORT OUTSIDE T0K0NT0: V DRESS DEPAETMNT. bate' Orfr slock of Dress Goods is o.large that it is Impossible to epummtV the varieties.'. Ladies may depend, however, on ttndihga.t THE L;u S a the-new material* -ail the fashion able shades and at the aa mo tit e nme of the cheape.t good* ever seen. Tula is acknowledged by all wi " loofeed through, our itockV No Jady ever leavea THE LION, without ^eititig ex&etljiha iiei^an Wants. . .- ^ MILLINEE.Y, TRIMMINGS AND MANTLEa. We invite special attention to the bargaiDS we are offerliig iothlild* partment. In life Millinery Branch THE ilOK has always eaniadlUu palm, and this season we are showing choicer-aruclaa than ever, l diaplay of La-dies' Jackets ia unrivalled. We have imported an in assortment which we guarantee to be the cheapest ever shown in pa " ! Ladies, do not. forget this branch. * Mrs. Thompson, si. ah* known, is monopolising all the besi work ol the'town. Styles naeiji Prices moderate, EEADY-MADE^ CLOTHING. Just received a large stock of Clothing, including Overeoaia |n trsi|r style, to7 cbeap.4 . 5 TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGa -i i - L New styles for fall wear, latest pattens, figures rery lofr. Gentletnca .' A perfect Etiguaranteed, -p mmemlerwe have the best cutter iu town. WINCEY. WINCEY, Jloro than 1,000 pieces, plain and laocy, from 6 est jo toyijx. . 1 ; . ' - BUFFALO ROBES. ' ' - ' i' - " - - - jCheaper-tilan ev6r, ; Priaes fi-om.SI upwards-: i. large lot jnai hisfhest.brand, A 1, perlect, Irom 8 to $10 each GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND F^ION SmRTJonifc Go to the Lion, the People's CI eap Stores J. D. WILLIAMSON &M Guelph, Oct. 0. 1877. FBEJB PB3SSS m> PRINTING HOUSE. i Tq Merclp;ents and ottter Bias^iness Acton, as well as OGrunty, tne Fre^ Prestii is ag invaluable Medium, Advertising -i i ^' - " r. X3Ut M9:i;; ;'-*' - -1" uea' Large additiqn^ to our already supur^ stock of Tweods 8s. Seats' F^raisliiiLgs, Ju^t opened, whiob we are oaerinj;! from 15 to 20 per cent less than their teal value. ! ! Having bought largely and forjcashwio are enabled to place in the hands of bur customers a good, sound, reliable article at less than auction sale prices. For example; A largo selection of patorna of Barher'a Heavy Canadian' Tweeda at .70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents and $1 per yard. These goods areiioted Heavy Checked Fulled Cloths, from C2J and 70 cents. Rare value. Scotohmnd English Tweeds, from; 80 cents up. A good suit of clothes made to older for $11. ~ i~ Special valiio in Overcoats from: $7'up. And also everything^ in the, way orients' FiirnisbingB, at bottom prieea. Kemfmbor-tliis is no moth eaten bankrupt stook, neither shoddy-auc tion ,su 10 goods, nor yot eoodg damaged at fires, but sound, reliable goods fresla from the looms. We solicit a thorough Inspection of Our stook. > " FYPE &s McNAB. Actod.Nov. 11,1877. ' Oar Unrivalled Facilities for iSiecutipg all kinds Dt BOOK; AND JOB Enable tiste turn onit work eqI to anything LL '(:'" ' deeehathe ."-. re*-- Grand, Squaite SsfOpW0l Agents wanted eterywherq. Address iii Daniel r, Washington, Ifea: , \\v.], QJPJteE LEVEVS. Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Secord Bros.' Store, Mill Streat, Acton. Hair -switppts and comhinga preparod to order. ^NMIHTERS. wanted' in _ __ .__________________ every see- tlcin of the Ualted BtateR.and Pro\ lncea to anBwfer tbl advertlaem*nt. A.ddresa DANIEL V> BEATTY, NVashlugtoo, Hew Jersey.! ', s Mlarj easily increase yow dfjo.iag a very IWU your leisure time to mJW do not expent yon to my celebrated! Beattf 1,^. Organs unleM JOIT-W^L thl service: rrquire^*ffl, pleasant and P/^^%au: ticulars free.. 1 Aod"* if5j; r tofte :.,'?-** m.

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