Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1877, p. 2

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i ^.y m i m m Jirt 1 m iftl '11U1M THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, 1IALTON COUNTY, ONT., DECEMBER 13; 1877, T1E ACTON FREE I'KLSS PubV ' $1 Per Anr.\ra t/.V Advaihee T i mi. D.w. 13 1ST", To \ew Subscribers Now is the time to s< ml in sub scriptions fur tha coming yo.-r. New subscribers, who p*y in advance, will -iToeive the paper from the prvseht d.ite to the l&t Jn. 1870. OnN 1.0') a year. , We pin-pose introducing into the next volume fcevoral new and -hitervating features, and confidently iv'jv all the old friends of the Fre^ Prkss, and expect many new ones, to support us in our endea vors to fulllith a good nod ax-lia ble local papnf. , M. still at'woik cji doavorin-. i.. foirn a ministry that. It is propose '.n 1 hospital in tMralfoid kir will tit o:.o>. bo aocrijtaUu to Mac-1 I Milium and to'Iliv French Chamber | of Dt>pii!i.-8, l.-ut the ditticultie's' of I this means easy task areiu-;l creased by.divisions in tho ranks of his own party, the: Constitution-- alists, some o!' whom have openly declared fm-a Parliamentary Min istry an A others for a .-wcwM. at tempt'to reconcile the President's views with those of M. Dufaiiro. The utmost confusion is u ported as exist-in-: in all circles, ami the R-publican journals aro giving vent to violent utterances on the situation ; one, threatening the Marshal with impeachment for high treason in the event nfi" a THi MUNICIPAL ^JSfcTKN?. The time is - di-awing near when the --atepiiyers will be called upon to choose men to transact the busi ness of the-Municipality during tie c^minor year. icoud dissolution being- ordered, and another accusing him of hay- iftg, as part of a preconcerted plant assumed n attitudu1 toward' Du- faurc which was intended to ea.ise a rupture and tho terminations of tho negotiations. Iu view of the- fact that Lord DufFrrin's "term of - service as Gjvernor-Geheral of Canada ex- The nominations ' pires next year, tho London World will Utke place ori Monday, the \ suggests that tho Homo Govern me'ut should consult him as to his willingness to fill another term. We rather think that the tradi tions and customs of the Colonial Office would not allow any auch innovations as the one hinted at; but if they want to please Cana dian's they could not do butter than I make Lord DufFerin Lis own successor. 30th of December, and the elec tions on tho first Mondiy in January. There is .^huidly . one month' before that time, and this matter bhculd he attended to at once. These w ho aspire for the honor" of a!seat in the Council ::-.ust be prepared' to sacrifice their tiiae, energy and sometimes their -ep::uuh n, iu case* they do get a at that lioard, and also to bear ail the real or imaginary-municipal sins of the people for another year ; and what for I Simply for the, " honor " .it brings. Although there iaru no names mentioned so fur for the Reeveship, it is generally'understood that Dr. i I McGarvin will again', offer himself for that position. For Councillor^ 1 there are a few new names on the list of - candidates, and electors .should bo cartful to select from them the best, most intelligent and ! honorable men for these positions of tm'st and .confidence. They .-: should also choose' men -who have had a considerable amount of municipal legal training which training is only acquired' through practiced observation and. a knew- L'i,'9 of rmiuicpai law. *' The Council .should only cdnsist of men of personal dignity and self- re.=ji.-:ct, eIso of good business quali ties, ami it rests with the electors to determine whether they shall or shall not be governed bv men who ere cnpLle of filling tho portions in which they are plticed. In re u re nee to the present Coun cil, wo would Kay that if the electors have found them capable cf transacting the business of the . muEJiQipality .in an upright and honest manner, retain them by all 1 . jneans, if possible; but, ;f otherwise, discard tbetu altogether. As the time is not far distant, it would bo well for the elector* to - carefully exa-mine into the qualities of the different aspirants, so that when'the day of election arrives they can have their minds fully made up on the question. Madame Cauchon, wife of Lieut- Governor Cauchon, died at Winni peg eaily on Thursday morning last. Death waB caused from heart disease. Private advices report that the Pope's condition is crowing worse, and that he is expecting a speedy, ^cturea anu.suiu ny uaiuei r _ '. ' . J of Washington, >. J., have b release. _ Preparations are being made for the coming Conclave,.and all the Iutiuu political and mili tary uthoritres have received in structions forensuribg a free and undisturbed meeting of that boJv. Ica antl SrtsH.or S;!coC^.i 1 to ; t stitblith ' a the [ ac commodation of tho .sick poor. ! John! Was*, who pleaAod guilty for attempted burglary, was ^.-u:. from Nnpaneo to tho; Peuiteuliary for tw 3 yeara. . .! Tho pi oper way, whc;n a tramp iiflis for br>?ad, ia to j;ivo him a stono -to break lietoi'b ho in allow ed to break bread, i . The niiti-Dunkinitea of. Lemfox and Addington aiiil dctermfnod) to submit .\ by hiw ubkiiig for thu (re-i peal of the Dunkiii Act. Tho Grand Trunk. direcUua an nounce, that tho ruvenuu for the past half year has exueeded that of the same poriod last year by X'll 1,- ooo. "In the sentencp, ' John striken William,'1' letntukcd i\ school teacher, "what -is tho ' object of ' strikes V" - Wo havo for pale one. of Beatty's celebrated Fianos that wifi'-bo disposed of a', a great bargain. For particulars apply at this ollico. " Higher wages ami ltfsB work," promptly replied tho intelligent youth. . ' ' Tho Warden and Clerk of Wellington County Imvo been in structed to sign a memorial to ho forwarded to tho Ontai io Legisla ture, to so amend tho law nB to do nwaj witji all exemptions from taxation. fea ture of tho day, and is the only way to bring the fz<y>d times back again, and it only can be practised by viaitiiijg and purchasing at MeLeod; Anderson: 4 Co.'s, Georgetown, their : cstrem.ely cheap clotUinK. millinery, mantles, dress goods, silks, winceys, cottons, blankets, llannels, furs, buffalo robes, carpets, boots and shoes. A young Knglishman named Thomas Pritchard, working on" the extension of the Victoria Railway, camo into a fortuno of i!30,000 the other dsy by the death of a relative in London. He went to Lindsay, spruced up, got a new suit of clothes, bought a ticket for Eng land, and started for homo in ex cellent spirits. : The Pianos and Organs manu facture J and. sol J by Daniel F. Beatty, " ecomo so ~ K 10S3 OF TBiE CF QERtlN." OVKR Tltlir.i: HUN'DUKIl i'i;ittsm;i). CITY :m:usonh A. lady in Gravenhurst is the happy tnJther of seven pair oi twins. Tho boiler in. Mr. Dawson's flouring mill, well and favorably known that any thing we niay add will only increase the testimonials of thousands by one. AH know tiles': instruments aud all praise them, but all do not know the very low prices at which they can l.e bought compared with the price3 charg ed for inferior makes. \Ye advise nil who contemplate buying a Fiano or Organ to write to Mr. Bcatty^rfor his Il lustrated catalogues of prices J ' The additions ordered to the Water'.oo County Poor Hpuso; to buablo the inmates thereofj to have _a chance of ^escape should uj^firo Orangeville, exploded on Saturday | break out iii the building, .hav mrirni n rr u rini't. civ t\ *-I*-m^L- n.iiteitui l - ' - .'. 4 Til _ .. ^__ -Tlie Eastern TTar. Tha unfavorable stato of tho weather during the past week has occasioned a lull in operations both in Bulgaria and Armenia. Great . preparations are being made by the Turks to defend Elena in the event of a Russian attempt to re capture it. In the two battles on " the Tirnova- road the Russians are reported, on their own authority, to have lost fifty officers and eigh teen, hundred jueri killed and wounded: Suleiman Pasha has gone to Rasgrud, nod Osman Pasha claims t j have made several success ful Hoifi'n -A late. In Armenia thff ino-i;;.-!. ; centres entirely at EfZ-rc'ira, where the Russians are" Eiid to be threatened l/y the nutive tribcB.aiid in turn to be threatening Mukhtar Pasha'd commui.icationa with Tribiznn 1. ru-n-irs have como to " hiiiul ii a Sunian forwai-d move ment, followed by an engagement on Ottoman territory; but these. have suhsyjiiPiii'.y been .contradict-' : 1: by \\ {S\k%--'.\v. from Nisch, which l-il:js '.V..:t 'Till is rpiioi.ofi the frdn . t;->:r. :,:i-l thjit th'j Herviiin ,troops i:b jrhoo.l ha:>e .!> The Porle also denies having received any ultima turn fr'onj S.irvia, as was reported a few days ago. r Plevna htka been taken by the morning abort six o'clock, causing damage to the mill of about $3,000. A son of Mr. Dawson is injured very serious'ly, and little' hope is entertained of his recovery. John Patterson, the miller, lost a leg. Pumping told water suddenly into the hot boiler was the cause. The shock broke windows at a distance of two or three hundred yards, and pieces of the lwiler, as well as timbers weighing 25Q pounds,.were nrr.t through Sir. Aiken's tannery, 150 feet away. t ------ ..--------:---- - A Scamp About a couple of weeks ago a re spectable looking Englishman paid a visit to West Fiatnboro' and Greensville, villages, and commenc ed tha organization of'classes for instruction in writing. Ho repre sented himself as a teaeher from Jones' Commercial College, Lon don, arid announced that all who paid any fees to him and after wards attended Jones' College would have the amount paid re funded Or allowed tp them on their tuition fees. His charge was $1 for twelve lessons, fifty cents to be paid in advance. He succeeded in getting up large classes in both villages, ind having collected the advance fee, he decamped, and has not since been, heard of. Probably ht> is operating in. the same way in some other] place, and it will bo weil for the press to pass him round. Dundas Banner. A gang of river pirates for three months have been stealing every thing they could lay their hands on, either in Canada' or on the other side, along the St. Clair Flats, and at last (says the Detroit Free Prest.) the victims became aroused at the theft of two largo quantities of barley taken from Henry Cas well^ of Marine City and Henry Rankin, of; East China, St. Clair county; and a pool purse 0/ 3150 reward was offered for their arrest. Constable Durling, of Marine City, then took the matter in hand, and fin-illy captured the ncow off Sora- bra, Out., by which the pirates carried away the goods. When it wis boarded a man giving bis name ax Summers waa found on board, tie claimed to lie simply boat- keeper," and 8tated'tnat the owners Imd become alarmed and fled. He was kidnapped by. the American fficeis and his assistants, and forced to afjsist iii taking tho bout to Marine City. Tho first night he escaped from- the gaol in the village, and lias not been heard from H!iie<v Coiifttable Durling has recovered 11,000 shingles stolen from James Dunlop, of Oourtright, Ofit. They wire found on Dixon's Isl'iiiil. Tho captured scow is . forty feet long, eight feet beam, j 000, whiih p.iinte.d cabin. ' po'EErkking. now been "completed, They con sist of two outside towers, one at the ea6t and one at the west end of the ; building, containing stair ways to the upper story of the house. : A large tank has been put down, i capable of holding some four hundred barrels of water, to ho used: lor lire purposes shuild occasion require. The total ex penso has been some $300. The true receipt for getting rich is liy laying out your money judici ously. That can he done by\ ordering and purchasing your clothing, your overcoat, your underclothing, your fur cap, your boots, your neck-tie, your gloves, etc., at McLcod, Anderson & Co.'s. Georgetown On returning from church in ad vance of her husband, MrsJ John Young, of Welland, found a tramp "toasting his -- shins ',' before the fire. On asking him |what he'was doing there, he very tluly remark ed that he was warming, himself; and-on being asked! what he was doing with her son's'overcoat on, he quietly took it off, put on his tnittH, and walked away, beforo j Mx. Young reached the' hbuso.; The rascal had broken a' pane of" glass near the door, turned the key on the inside, and proceeded to make- himself comfortable. Important to all. Where can the best value- be got for the money? Why at MeLeod, Anderson & Co.'s, Georgetown. I got ilannels,|wineeya dress goods, cottons, hats, set of furs, mantles, .at half the" old prices. Go there and make money. I A miserably-clad,starved looking old than, [Upwarda of seventy years of age, lately took a night's lodg ings in a stable belonging to the -jjfayor of .Lindsay. His Worship had his unwelcome gusst arrested next morning and brought before the Police Magistaato, who com mitted him to jail as a vagrant. Two small bags were' found at tached to a cord around his neck, which contained twenty-one sover eigns, $38.10, also a quitclaim deed on a farm, a note for money lout at interest amounting to 134,- 56, and a large bowie-knife, Seventeen persons residing on Fifth > Avenue, New York, own among them $248,000,000. Of these tho Aiost wealthy is W. Hi Vunderbilt, whoso HtUe moans are put down at $75,000,000, though his father appears to'have left him $95,000,000 by his,last will. The next richest individual is Mrs. A. T. Stewart," worth $50,000,000. Then come John, Jacob and William Astor, put down at $50,- 000,000 between them.- Mr; Fred Steveiis ia valued at 810,000,000, and the rest run from $8,000,000 for August Belmont, down to the contemptible little sum of $1,000,- Tho New York Tunc* sayu a dispatqh reporting tho loss: of .a largo i'higlish steamer oil' Ushant leaves no doubt that the 'vessel mentioned is tho City of lioi'fhi,. when thu fact that packages addressed to tho British Colonul Department wero picked up near thu sceno of the wreck is consider ed in connection with tho known presence on board of thu vcbii-l of F. W. Pliinkett, one ,of tho As sistant Secretaries of the British legation to thu United Status. The City of Berlin carried 52 cabin and 1-2U steerage passengers, with, a crow of 150, not buu of whom up to the latest account has been heard from. ;. Tho.steamship City of Berlin, of the Inmaii Line, sailed on Satur day, Nov. 1:4, for Liverpool, and. as her arrival thero has not yet been reported, soino excitement wuK created yesterday . by tho ; a5i- nouncemont that " sixty shilling;*" was paid Tuesday at tho London Lloyd's . to tllt'ct^ ro-insurance of risks on her. The Baltic,'.of .the Whito Star Lino, sailing- fro'tii New York at thtVsuino time as the City* of 'Berlin,'..reached Q'leens- town; at 2 p. in. Monday. The City of Berlin has often beaten the time of the Baltic. From eight to nitio days in summer and from nine to ten days in winter is said to be the average of her trips. Allowing her full ten days, she should have reached Quepnstown on Tuesilay. At.tho oliice of tho Inman Lino it was staled that very heavy fogs had been prevailing on the British coast, which would necessitate great caution on. the part of approaching steamers. !Tho vessel is insured iu England, while the insurance on tho cargo is divided between London and New York. When the City of Berlin.lcft on her last trip she had fifty-two cabiu and one hundred aiid'twenty steerage passengers. Among the former were- Mr. 1L.S. Grecnhill and Mr. Wui. Kigby, of the British rifle fain; Mr. 1*\ \V. Jf iiinkett, ex Secretary of the Bi itislj- Legation at Washington ; Mr. Jenkins Yan - Bchaick, who sailed for England in the interest of the Erie reorganiza*ion nnd Rev. William II. Channing, of Boston. Among the other ocean .steam ships from New York for foreign ports now overdue are the Victoria, of the Anchor Line, and the Donau of the North German Lloyd, which sailed on the same day as the City of Berlin ; tha Helvetia, of the National Line, -which sailed on Nuysnibcr 17, and the ;W. A. Scholten, which sailed for Rotter dam Noveml>er 22. Of those now overdue at this port are the China, of the Cunard Line, which sailed from Liverpool Novetrfber 24-, and the State of Virginia, of the Stato Line, which sailed from Glasgow November 23. LATER. light on tbo/bufTor of the 'engine which Mr. B.-ow miw was .only .put there because another train was I'olhiwiiig. Tho engineer df:'iho freight saw thu hcuiMigh.t of ijdio engine *>f tho mail, but supposed thu train to be s'anding and it wus only when ijuito chiso that ho paw tho danger. As soon us ho did so ho . reversed his engine,, but his train consisted of over twenty1 cars -and.of course'having no previous intimatiun of danger it waa run ning at good speed, so that lit-tht could bo done to stop tho (train, and seeing that a collision appeared certain., they jumped oil', and the train weut rushing on, only being stopped by one of tho brakesmen, who climbed over the end of tho tender and shut oil" steam. Tho engine was reversed but still it was with some troublo. thu train was titopjxat and all hands gut on board again. Mr. .Brow and his fireman are given great credit for the way in which they stuck to their engine, and for the promptitude and cool ness with which they took nioas- utes to avert tho apparently un avoidable collision, tho consequence oi" which vrould have been au im ni'etiso destruction of property and very probably lives. Esquesine Council. Stf.warttown, Nov. 24, 1877. The council met pursuant to-ad journment. ' The Reeve in the chair. Tho minutes-of last meet ing were read and confirmed. A circulor from tho President of tho Toronto Eye and Ear Infirmary, accompanied by blank Petitions, was received and - reaeL -A letter from the secretary of the Hamilton^ A North Western Railway relative to iroml crossings was read. ' I'rfliSle'B Jiewellery Store, diclini. TO r.VJtMEJIH AND JCVF.JlYDOnY ELSE- ;Why ia Pringlo's jewellery store inlGuelph tho best place to deal at? Because all tho watch, clock and jewellery, repairing is either dove by hiiDSidr^, or under his personal supervision. He being a first-class workman in all tho brunches, and having the greatest keep ing his customers,, it follows that nil tlii) work will bo done well. Every job which conie.s into tho shop is examined by hfni before it is taken away. . You can buy watches and clocks cheaper thero than anywhere else, because Pringle having bought from Thos. Russell it Son for cash the whole of their stock in Guolph, and got it clieap, ho can afford to sell cheap,. All stock bought by him in future will bo bought for cash. Merrbanjtfr, and traders know that this ia a great advantage. Pringle has no connection witlr the firm of .Russell <fc Son, any more than ho is still their authorizetl agent for tho Russell watcji, which is ac knowledged to be the hest watch made. G. D. Pringle has also been established as agent for the Wal- tham and Elgin American watches, and a full line of them, from tho lightest to the heavy six-ounce case, will be 'kept on hand. Remember that ull thos.e watches <xrc now bought entirely for cash, and there- foro can aud will he sold by him cheaper than they can be got any where else. Beautiful Christinas goods coming in every day. Gold chains, gold rings, lockets, brooches, &c. , 22-3m. . Oke Who Knows. Something Wo^th Buyiiigfj Fon AT G. HYN0S' Jewellery Store. Applications for grants, to re pair roads was received from J. P. Hutton, Town Line; James Bar ber, on Credit Hill; Win. Hoare, lot 28, 10th Line; J. W. Re-id. Stewarttown ; J. McPherson and other ratepayers of S. S. No. 5, praying for a division of said section. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, sec. by Mr. Warren, that tho sum of one dollar and thirty-three cts. be paid to John Nickel!, being two- thirds value of one lamb killed by dops. Carried. Mtived by Mr. Lindsay, sec. by Mr. .Ffazer, that the followingIbiuii be paid to the undermentioned parties, being two thirds valuu of ' Fens ... the daaiage done their flocks by Sutte^ , .,, - h^iis (new laid) If you have anything to sell invite buyers through the columns of, the Feee Fuess. - In Fancy Goods, I have j open'ed a splendid qssortmeat of L*fliea' P&rl jOajl Casos, Ladies' Shell ta& Irory Pupml SUvor 02asYattk, SealBobemUa G2assVjj&. Sholl Hearts, SboU "Worife Boxm^^ Glove Boxos, '. : . SHa OnaStfUv ' Tho Tjost selected Stock :a town. Special to tKe Fire Pre**, prr iluntreal Line. Crookhaves Point, Dec, 10. The Steamer City of Berlin passed Crookhaven Point in tow of the City :of New York this morning. dogs, the owner or owners of which are unknown, viz : David Cook, 1 lamb, $2.00 ; Alfred Cook, 3 lambs, $G.OO ; H. L."Jobn<(ton, 3 lambs 2 sheep, $25.33., Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, sec. by Mr. Warren, that the following sums be paid by the Treasurer to B1CTUM. _ In Nassagaweya, on. .the 3th inst., thu wife of Mr. It. B. Campbell, of a son. r- ' MAEEIED. In Rockwood, on the 2Sth ult., by the Itev. 1). Auld, Mr. Wilson Kanishaw, to iliss Thorasa Docherty. all of Crew- son's Corners. ACTOX UAUKIiT8. Flour ... ... ..$2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat, .. f .." 1 15 to 1 18 Spring Wheat,- . .1 ... 0 75 io 1 05 Spiouted .Spring Wheat 0 75 to-1 CO ,J -'--- "^ '.. 0 SOto.O 60 .. 0 30 to 0 34 . . 0" (JO to G Go . . O 17 to 0 IS .. 0 IS to 0 00 .. 0" 05 to.0 06 . . 0 0.r> to 0 OG .. <J 06 toO 07 An entire ne"w Stock. Sings Seautifal dc LaOies' Gold Eetts, Ladins* and Geat's Gold Finger Kings Seautifal deslaas Gout's aold Studs, Lakes' Gold. Setts, . Ladies' Gol Brooches, Ladies' Gold Ear Elan. m\Mm Ladies'afll Geat'3 Gold CuS Sttttoas, ^^ Gold LoeSets and Chains^ Silver ffhimb^es, Silver ffliiiav Lots of 5: Barley (7ats ChickeU3 Gcebe . . . . Turkeys .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, early, per ba;; flay, per ton, .^ . 0 55 to 0 70 10,00 to 14 00 Njearly an Accident, " SCOTCH ilAIL" AN"D A FREIGHT TRAIN SEAKhY COLLIDE. Mr. L'juis Lorillard black, with lead-c lored j must fee1,almost lika a pauper in u\ r\'mg: The Gait Reporter says that one night lust week the " Scotch mail " on the Grand Trunk had a very narrow escape from a collision with a heavy freight train near Guelph Freight Station. It appears that when at Guelph Station, Mr. Hus- hin examined the train book and found all clear for his train, and ac cordingly gave orders for his train to go on, after making the necessary entry. Having to .cross the West ern track, the train was brought to a standstill, and then waa run at a slow pace across the track, and all appearing clear, steam was let on until a speed of about fifteen miles an kour ..was obtained. ..Looking, out of 'the cab window, Mr. Browj the engineer, saw in the distance a dioi'rcd light, but' for a few moments was scarcely ablo to make out what it was, but between himself and his fireman they decided that it waa a light on a rapidly nioving train. Mr. Brow no sooner; decided than he used evepy effort to stop his; train, ap plying the air-brakes and reversing his engine, while the train with the momentum obtained forged still ahead as if determined to meet ths advancing train. At last, however; tho train was brought to a stand, and then as quickly- run backwards, until it passed a switch, when one of the hands jumped off and turned the switch for tho approaching train, and just in lime, for it was hut a fiw yards frorn Mr. Brow's train when switched ^ff, and' went thundering by safely. It appears the conductor of the freight got .orders at Petersburg- to cross No. !l4, the "Scotch Mail" at Guelph, and that the operator theue neglect- 'od to book tho telegraph,, bo that when Mr. Hushen inspected the book he had no moans of knowing such an order had been given the freight. Singularly too, the head light on the engine of the freight I ad become out of order, nnd had to he put out, aiisUtLu little, red 0f'"raoBt all kinds' tho patties named, viz : John; W. Reid, p.uhiiiaster, culvert, 7th litip, $6.00 ; S. Denny, re pair'Town line, $1.12J ; W. Hoare, repairing.road,, lot' 2o, 10th line, $45.25; J." Barber, Credit Hill, lot id. 10th eon., $11.25 ; W. Fr=tzer, lot 30, Town line, $20,00; J. JS. Frazer, for scraper, $4.00 ; Messrs. Luwaon cfc Cross, culvert, 7th line, $5. Edward Nixon, repairing of road, Stew.irttown. $3.00 ; Also tfcat the sum of ;$2.0t5 be refunded to A. Stark, collector for 1S76, being small sumS he could not collect: also that the collector for Division No. 4, for 1877 be refunded for a dog wrongly assessed to James I Hyde,'and one dollar wrongly as sessed to Peter Lee, for a dog. Carried. Moy^d by Mr. Warren, sec. by Mr. Lindsay, that the Treasurer- pay Hugh NcLachlan $0.50 out of tho grant made in 1870 for build ing a bridge over the creek on the Town line between Enqueuing and Erin, being one half of the cost of said bridge. Carried. Moved by Mr. Frazer, sec. by Mr. Lindsay, that the sum of. ten dollars be paid to J. Thompson for a culvert on lot 28, 18th line. Oan-ied. - Moved by Mr. Lindsay, and sec. that the sum of eight dollars .' be paid by the Treasurer! to Wm. Beaton for removing 8tump3 off the 5th line opposite Lot ;No. 15. Carried. j Moved by Mr; Warren,j sec. by Mr. Shortreed, that the petition of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 5 pray ing for a division of their school section lay on the table until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, sec. by Mr. Warren, that the sum of ten dollars be paid to Samuel Meredi,h for keeping McRea, provided he keep3 him for four weeks. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shortreed, see by Mr. Lindsay, that 250 copies of the Minutes and By-laws of this Township be printed at the Heruld office, Georgetown. Carried. .Moved by Mr. Frazer sec. by Mr. Warren, that whereas Mr. D. Cooper had his shingle mill de stroyed by fire, Be it therefore resolved that the Bum of three dol lars and twenty cents of has taxes bo refunded to tho collector,- and Eprs' Cocoa. Giiatefpi. AXD.CoMr FOP.Ti^c,. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the, operations of digestion and nutrition, aud by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use.of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually built np until strongenough to resist everyr tendency tn disease!. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating aroiind us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We ma3- escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood anda pro perly nourished frame." Civil firrrHce Gav.'lle. Sold only in packets labeled > "James Errs & Co., Homccopathic Ghemist, -ts, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." NEW. AD VE 3, T IS E ME NTS. Warranted.; -.;-1 A H 38E STOLEN. by him returned to Mr. Cooper. Carried. The -CounciV then adjourned until'0th December. John Murray, Tp. Clerk. A gray horse, hired by John Falls,: who hails fromChurchville, on the 19th Nov. for a few V.--, has not been re turned Horse's mane and tail were considerably rubbed off, lump on one side of his nose. Any person (riving information which will lead to the re covery of the horse, buggy, buffalo robe and conviction of the thief, will be suitably rewarded. I 23 3t. E. ADAM3. X>ERKSMR BOAR. Tho undersigned has for service a puro-bred Berkshire Boar, on liot 30, 1st con., Esquesing. Terms 75 cents cash. P.4J. ROBERTSON. Esquesing Dec. 10th 1877. 23-2t, /HALVES STRAYED. Strayed on Ithe promises of tho under- Bigned, West Part Lot 32, Con. 6th of Naseagaweya, two spring Calves, one white, tho other red sides and white back. The owner may havo tho same by proving property, paying expenses and taking away. 23-3t. JOSEPH R.: CRIPPS. OSIT1YELY LAST No tice. . All parties indebted to B. & E. 2STick- lin, are requested, to call and settlebe- fore tho loth December. All account's; not paid at that date will positively be handed in to the clerk of the coifxt for collection. B. & E. NldCLI^T. Acton, Dec. 5th, 1877. '= 22-2t m VSTOKE Immense .Sales of S AMD DMSS .AT ) FASHIONABLE WEST M 600 tp 700 Yards SELLING lDAILT. We are showing,' without exception, the kargsst, aiost Attractive ar.4 Ch&ptii Mark the word Cheapst-^ STOCK of SILKS AND BKESS GOGfS ' Ever shown in this town. Indies visiting Guelph and buying Dress Goods, Silk^ V!t ^Mantles', i/tllinery, Furs, etc.A without first.teeing our.V and beautiful stock, do thetDseWea V great injustice. j ; esteem it a pleasure to show our good*. Ladies, come direct to the Fashinable Weat End, 'tie Ieaffinjt 1 for Silks, Dress Goods, .Mantles and il/illinery. Fall'stock tf~fij**- able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match til bur maWrid* A. O. BUCHAMt Fashionable West End Dres, MlUlnsryitnd llantl* KUWUl Guelph, Oet. at. 1S77. T>EUKSniRE BOAR. The undersigned has still tho Berk ehiro Boar, "Wellington," bred by Mr. Geo. Rudd, o Guelph,'which will bo kept for service, at the farm joining the Grand' Trunk ' Station. Pric6 51,00 Cash. Cs S. SMITH. ;" 22-tk Acton, Dec. 5, 1S77. t'lirlslrans In Comics'. , The best place to buy your Christmas Qoods is at the Post Ofiica Store, where ynu can get SOlhs Currants for $1.00. lSlhs Raisins for SI,00, and all other Goods ccpinjly. rho'ap. Spikes,.Peek, j January, 1878. C'andios, Xiits, Figs, &c, Toys, and ( Fancy '.onids for presents. Vegetables > miSlYDEKS FOBlTfOOD. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 24th-of Dei; 1877 for 30 cords of wood, cut two feat long, and from good green beech and maple- timber,.to be all tplit,and no rough knotty pieces iri the same. Word to by delivered in the month of pORk PACKING BOUSE. The subscriber has always on; hand all.^inds of fresh Meat, Sausages j and .Poultry, cheap. . ' j- " CHAS. CAMERON. Aiton.'Dec. 12th 1877. 23-3m. I. 0. 0. P. T Acton Lodge- No. 204, The next two regular meetings, TTriday 14th and 21st inst. being Nomination of Officers, and Friday 28th" Election o Officers, a full attendance of members is respect fully solicited Br Order. 23-2t. J. H.iBHOWN, N. G. T. KENNEDY, R. S. mnE ROYAL X HOTEl, EXCHANGE ACTON. ! The Public Examination * pupjls of the AOT'i ON PUBLIC 8 Will bo held on Tae IbcTRniinationwill in the 2jtd and 3rd D*; nine 6-'clock^a,-m. and in at onep.m., preciselyi Thj and;frieids of the papi^ others interested in. edacal respectfully ifavited tof'~ J.ROSS,Hei<l Acton, Dec. 12th 1877.' ELI SNYDER. This Well-kno-wn house, has recently undergone a thorouj/h renovating and repairing, is now furnished with new ahdroodern furniture of the best des-^ criptlon,.- and: is .prepared' to provide -first-blasa accommodation to the public. The present proprietor^ has .received a 'liceiise.-'and ho -will keep the bar -well supplied with tho jrery best pf liquors and* ciffars. The 4tahlin<7 is large and well-fitted up ; albo ample shed-roonii The patronaj/e of the public is respect- ully solicited. T>EM OVAL. MrsI barter begs leaVe *^?j'- the inhabitants of- Acton M V vicinity, that having renor.ea W more ^extensive premises, .^^j^- prepare^ to receives larger , of pnpilp, and having the*u^^r of her 6bn in the touaicil ment, khe has more time'tifp to otheJ brtnohes of eda Mr t: JOSEPH LASB*. , " .'- JOHN MANEY. Acton Dec. I2tb, 1877. Acini Via. 3;d, 1877. , 22l3t.: Acton, Juno 26, 1877. .. . I : " : . j f ' ";-\| *:" (V^-iS; 3t :-T?8% V-- s^M-

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