Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1877, p. 3

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/-* '" L& ITS 4 jxist l& CkftlSS, "1 ft ODS END, dors V.IraUaa*, imama* THE FREE PRllSS, ACTON,! IIALTON COUNTY, ONT,, DKC^MIIER 13, 1877.. Oli^ilSTl^I^Ls ^StD S"E"^7" ITEAKS GOODd .'At J- B- McG^RVIN'S HALL OP JPHARMAQY Comprising Shells, - Bronzes, Papir Machie Goods, Cruets, Foiios, : . Perfumes, I Scent Bottles Razor Oases, Briar and Meerschaum Pipes tMlLlLLjirOaA Jewel Cases, Companions, '-.purses,.-.' ' Albums, ! Shell Pockets, ITin^igrettes, Skates, Mats, ______________ .-,- , Ink Stands, &d, &b CALL EABLlT .^IbTID SBQiJBES ITbUB OH(j)IOE. *1SD TKlSK TlWK T1HLK. Trains leave A^n as follows: , ' . 00 WEST. Sight K ,v,>reu Toronto "mail pv E-Jprvss Klpr - - . Gall miicA . - .-KM NO KA'I, yj^fet Express - - i Gait, miied * " Dr Express - "VTcsteau mul - Lanoori mixed 1:04 a.m. 9.10 a.m. ,1.57 p.m. ;T;0T i'.m. SiSSa-m. 9:10 a.m. 11:34 aim. 5:20 p.m. 1^.10 p.m. A question often asked, " Wlrero do you buy your bread *" Tho answer always cornea, " At-Niekliu,a." Tho Skating It ink whs flooded la.-<t week foi* tho llrat time, when it w;ts -found, that -bno cud of tho rink was higher than tho other. Since then men have been engaged levelling the bottom, and it is understood they will have finished in a day or two, when it will bo again flooded. 'Hill's Photographs are the Ssrriee in tho Methodist Church every Sabbath pvttfiruj at half-vast kIi o'clock: nj b-Vh ruornVrut and pvou- ( iPf on thv Aral Kabbath oT each moDiti. Rkv. K. Honns, Pastor. LOCAL MATTERS. . Polish up your skatei %? J. C Hill for good skates.'1 Tie tax collector is on tht war pa&. Christmas precenta at Hynda' ^jrollery Store. - 5omof the crossings in town are simply execrable. The Free Press, fiom now to Jan. lit, "79, for $1. See Hynda' new advertisement ca second page. Road ih adrertiaeimin'bs to day and patronise the advertisers. Christmas presents ut Hands' Jew tilery Store. . Acton Village Council meets thii evaning for the last time this year. Craine it Son's netr adv. was received too I&tc for this week's issue. Looi out for it next week; . ' Subscriptions received for the Weeklv UlJx, Guelph Merc dry, ic, a; J. C. Hills. .,--_ We have a large quantity of w&i;e p^J>er on hand, suitable for wraT^-ping purposes, iwhich wo will sell cheap- '!" "'" -Subscribe for B'tw Bulla, Yoan< Ladies' Journal, etc., etc, fur 1S7&, aid. C HilU Th beat? Thero does not seem to bo any stir over the earning Municipal elections. Whether thera will ba any change in the present Couucil it is hard tb say, but it U gene rally understood that several new can didates are aspiring for honors. Tho names of the ntj,v caudi- dtcs aro not yet made pnllic. ^Christmas presents at Hynds* Jewellery Store. i ^-Application will b mado at the ncj^ session of the 'Legislative At. Bembly of the rroxiuce of Ontario for an act to incorpr.>t^ \ho Town of Guelph as a City, and to authorize the conversion of the burying ground with in the limits of Wyudbam, Quebec, Yarmouth and Woolwich Streets, into a pfirk or pleasure ground, and for other purposca- Flaxxels. tlris season of the year the most desirable article for children's clothing is a nice warm Flan nel. You can get beautiful check Flannel justj suitable for that purpose for only, io cts per yard, at'Christie, Henderson & L'o.'s, Acton. Accident-ix Euix. On> Thiirs: day. last, while a lad named John Cripps, aged- 12. iuu of Mr. Wm. Cripps^was-ridiuc on horseback, the horse on which he sat fell, throwiug him u ith violence to the ground, alight ing < :i bis herul. He was insensible when piehed up. and. at latest accounts has uot i-.p.^ke'i. L)r. Lowry, Actou, at tends the tullerer. Before making Ohristmas pnr- cbaies our readers would ' do well to i look 'over our advertising columns. Ust Teaiikes and Buns ! t-usiuwsmen who advertise are gcneral- MKKTINll OF CltKDlTOltS, i- A meeting of tho creditors" of llenajah Williams, of (ileiiwillmins, an insolvent, was held on Monday, 10th inHt.; at the ollico of Mr. D. \V. Campbell, official assignee, Milton. Thoj only business transacted was the appointment of Mr. John I^mith, of Guelph, as assignee ; Mr. Fiiilay, agent of the Hank of Mont real, tJuelph, and Mr. W. H. Storey, Acton, as JuspectorSi The meeting ad journed to meet at tho otlice .of the as- signco in Guelph, on Monday, l"th inst., at 2 o'clock. Wo understand the liabi lities of the insolvent to be about ?35,- 000. assets about $42,000. Any person wishing to make a splendid Christmas present to their friends, should call at Hill's Photograph Unllery> and have a large portrait made. NEW 4inTERTISKMENTK. ACTON PLA?ISiiG M3SILS ___v THAT WONDERFUL MAfj; Having purchased the above named eKlablishiiieiit, 1 am prepared to iniilitl- faoturc ' ' . SASH, DOORS,. MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of Promptly attended to, IX W. CAMl'HKI-L. Act<in, Ilec. 4th, 1SI7. 2J-3m TRADE MA'R'K THE GOLDEN MAN. EVERYTHING THAT A LADY WAfcTS Special ia-town are to bo-had at Galloway's iliken-. . -The ordinance of baptism was aAainistered by I*. Ri Campl ell, cp-.m one persoa at Crewson't Com.n oa Friday but Tho -reporters of the Ouel| h daily papervhive been voted $10 ea-.-h ij Jie Weiliajtoa County Council lor ly the rnoat liberal; beside?, they want your trade, and go on the principle that f what'ia worth having is worth asking * for. Such men are alwavw pairis-taking, and endeavor to reicinOyonr custom ; while those who don't advertise \ jrtp- I ally t.y, "Yon can trade with in if yen like, but mind we don't a-s you to." ' Vaair services in reporting the pHceed- Christans preseuts at HynJV Jewellery Store. iagsof shAt bod7.', .- | "WaLLXCEBCRG ADVOCATE. ThiB 1 a change in tho Gr^d Trunk w two hours behind ! propjiet'.nhip ; Mr. Ara Cronk, tne *, Tw~ ~~.<-.j ! foraaer editor has retired and kis part- tinae on Mondv morning. Ibfl caueo ~~^ M . s i DRY ! " ANNOUNCEMENT. CHRISTIE! HENDERSOia GO iCTON 7'ake pleasure in assuring their many customers that the share ofi business accorded tlieni cltiriti^ the Fall Season lias been unusually large, notwiih- standiiig the depressed .>tate of trade generally, and that during!' the'"rMnaindcr of the season no pains will he spared to re'ain the confidence le- posed in them, liy regularly assorting their stock theyi hope to he ahle to fill all orders with the nliiiost promplne.-s, and at the very closest prices In all lines of seasonable goods'their stock will he found complete, i . ' Mantles, Ja&'sfca, Ojats, EvQnin^ Silks, Evanins: Kid Gloves, ;' : - n ,t0 lq round a^the - -lEoal Honiton and Limiriols Laces, ^ wonditrpul man's store. =" FEU -STEAM.KR CELTIC " .,. ' < Millinery, Hat?, Bonnets, Flowers, all that is new, good, elegant in de- ^ sign, .arid exquisite in taste, is to be had of 6b. Just an*lvcl nu<l- upciicu hi for inspection aud sale, 2 caf>cs . - . ?. . t of the above dioatls, direct from London; F/iislaud. . --^ -j -r^-, -r t-j-rtrrxz* /-^i A'XDX^Trnnca i Prices extremely clicnnt' tho - ' L-/^^__tl_t^-tLi J- O, 0^a--tv_trJlj _LO- ~ <iioo(rls '. - i . .' "... Best quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Dutch Carpets "Wl-i"' AT^n H'i AfU T^TrOT^TVrf n aro on exhibition at our Carpet Room. We quote bottom prices; styles, V> Hi JrYLlDVJ XLtXyLj SXShKjShi. Y LjU colors, und designs of w'nich are unequalled in town. A lary;e let of Ladies' Jacket and Coat Cloths, . j . J-. _ _ -. n ,_,, _ . I,;S, a,.,l newest-prices extremely cl.cnp. Ready-MadS Clothing Ahend of all former effirts An-jearly teall is JOHN HOGG & SON, Alma niock, Upper Wyndham Stieet. Guelph miw m _^ _ Ahenj ot all tormer ett'orts. Best assortment.of Overcoats to bo'niet with. All immense VaiietV Of FanCV- Goods, FailCV Prices warranted 20 per cent junder anything in town. ' ._'../ . J 80lic:teU. 1 Dress Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel lously cheap prices. Nov. 20, 18771 lie.. . 1 i . PHOENIX [LIKE XJJP AG-AIK. of this delay Va* on account oftha -. Mimico briiR* being repaired. Walnut Frames in great yriety at V. WMfill'e. } We -would direct the attention o! oar reader, ta the advertisement, of Mrs. Carter, music teacher, which ap- ptin ia soot" cjlnmn. ' Andrew Tfaompson.tho Qecrge- town bnrsUr. ho pleadfiA guilty of - breaking into Armoor'a jewelWy store ner, Mr. M. Ferguson, asamies tho cares and responsibilities of editor. Being perionally acquainted "fi tth Mr. Ferguson, we know bim to be in enter prising young man, and have*"no doubt he will fill the editor'B chair with credit to himself. ^Mr. Ransom -. Adams, of this place had a hcrso aud bn^'gy stolen lately. It appears that, ou Nov 19, a man named John FslK, from Church. vHle, wished to biro tho xie for a few o Armonrl jeweuery aiuro i ' , x i i j v t,.^ c_ diys to go to Bra-nptDii. HaviuT s e- Uuly, wa* aentenced- by Judge Scott , ]} 6 . r 4 ' . .. t-- r>__.- cjred the rig he drove off nod has not to seven Ten ia the Sangston i"enj- i " j I been beard of tioce. .Mr. Adattis offers a W*arii for any j,erBon who 'will give information which will lead to tho re covery of tho propeity ai.d conviction of the thief. ' . ! "! EstessIok of Premises. Mr. Geo. Hynds, the Acton watchnvaktf, Untiary Christmas presenta at Hynds' Jewellery Store. Aa Mr. Hobba and wife were ntaraing from - tea meeting, which -w held in B<rthl Chftrch. 'Nawaga- weyaon Monday sight, A wheel indden- 3/ bc*io detached frdm th buggy, thus allowing the buggy to go' down i, .. . . ' - Is in charge of experienced hands oniv, and is regularly supplied'-with all; the newest designs, so that satisfaction can be guaranteed. No fancy prices charged for Millinery as is usual in large towns and cities. A fact which the Ladies should remember. Your humble servant, thd subscribers having1 seen that there, is a good opening- for a first-class Dry Qcods Store in his old[ nome (the Village of Acton), has d.ecided to open out in the , New Brick 8tore, and his stock iwill ,be>new and complete; in its several departments of Ladies1 Dress Wear and General. v Dry Goods. He has also secured the services of ofae of the best Milliners in the Province and hopes this Jwlil"--'^.-^'; transient aj^;ir. ; ;; \ , \ >- - . !' V - He expects to h^e ready on the 15th of this month and has no doubt that he will meet once again his old and tried friends of Esquesmg, Nassagaweya, Erin and Acton, and is equally- confident ithey will be satisfied witlL the quality and prices'of his goods. And, as he intends to do business on a strictly cash basis, there will be no bad debts to be added to the costt of goods to Ms friends. / I f " "^ finding that his increasing business would warrant the change, has extended hit quarter* in the Pojt Office store to Produco of all kinds taken at the highest market pric Further particulars will be given in Blast No. 2, .. ' . * Very- truly yours, eip ** of tb* ICMitt >.2l Wooziidrblj-. Portnntelj- no. one wu I aboat twice their former dimensions. Jmrt. ' 'f ' ^ "** s'5 Pnrched a beautiful atlver- Go to Galloway's Bakery for mounted show c*e with which to show Um best Braad in town. It is free his goodeto better advantage. Watches, "clocks, jewelry and an immenso stock of Christmas goods have been added to his already large stock. Friend Hynds, we wish yon success. ' CatTee Social. A goodly number of persons attended the coffee social, beld.under the auspices of the Methodist Church Choir, in the Temperance Hall, last Friday evenine. Games and amusements were indulged . in for about two hours, after which . order was called, and tho programme JUEETIXG. .a. I commencej by the choir singing an iroin Drags. i th dy jog along. Santa aa. begin* to lower in the diaUnce, Ith bis wonted importance. Little ..^dings are dropping penny af^T Pnny ' Into the strong boxes ; plain for Christ mas trees are developing, and tho world -wag* joyously. Wegettba beat 50c Tea at the post offica etore, also 3 lbs good Hyaon for $1. (Poultry wanted). ----MlSSIOSABT READY-IV3ADE QVSfR COATS In great variety and cheap from 85,00 up. BOOTS & SE0ES Large variety and cheap.-- RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, LADIES' GENTS' & Childrens' Felt Goods Just opened. Special drives in Dress Goods. Full Stock of Black Lustres and Mourning Goods. The Famous Tigre Brand Black Lustres is unsur passed. Acton, frecemlier 0, 1877. JAMES SYMOH h EkKSiaiKE BQAR. Miaaionary Meeting willibe held, in the j anthem in splendid style. Rev. B Congregational Church,.; Acton, on ^0^5, chairman, gave a short address Tuesday, 18th inst., at half-past seven | Aad wa3 followed by an instrumental o'cloek. Eev'a McCall, Dayies, and j piece< BkilfuUy rendered by' Mr. Chas. others, beaides the resident miuisterv .Carter. "Gathering np the shells will address the meeting. A collection jrom tbe bBots," was woU -sung by ^*n np in bebaU of the Mission | MeB8r3, C- HiU and A. Matthews, and THEIR FAMOUS 50c TEA Is too well known to need further mention, only to assure all lovers of a good sweet cup of tea at a very reasonable' juice, that this line will be kept up to the full standard. -In Aii:icur:ce to the']>coji^c of Acton and viuinay tb.-it they lirwe coir.Tntr.ccd tlvo liiiti'hcrui^-.. r>ii.'iiiiL"s.< in t'nc /iremiKc'ri lately (:cujiicd by M'r. (.J. M. sco.t, nc.\t door '.to -Galloway's haki-ry.. Fresh Meat of all kinds, Sausage, Bolocrna, Lard, etc., etc., Always on linnd, in largo quantities. Meat delivered frqsh at tho houses in the village every day.' Tho patron age of the public respectfully solicited. FAUR.&. MeUARDY: " Acton, Nov- 21, 1877. . 20-ly isai The' -lindbrsigned .has a pure ljred Berkshire Eoar, for on hia premises, in lActon.' Terms'SI cash. J. B. BURNS. Acton, Sfclv. 1, 1877. ' I8-2m BU B: Ci}t?fc1 VAaivABi.E"PKOPEKTY SA* Lario.V . For Sale or Let. FOE. TEE money refunded if uot satisfactory. Illie YYin w^ .%v.|/. ..,,......^ ....._________ _ The Stone Dwelling on Main .street, - * . * . . 1 adjoining the cntranco to tho school 5 lb lots put Up UI a neat Caddy at 40C, aild grounds, h offered for Bale or rent, .... ! There are nine rouma and l.irge cellar, and a quarter of an acre of gurdeii. I^or further particulars apply to .' HORACE J. 11ALL, Esq. : Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. - -20-*3m. Misses Watson and McNair. A capital reading, "The Old Chnrch organ," by Miss Fanny Christie, was well ap preciated, as also was ' House of God" by the choir. An instrumental piece by Mr. C. Carter, was given in ei- T tO 1-t-v ton and * reinowd v> irger nnfflOff deal V& -^risb Oalcea, Bona, Eiscuita, etc., at Nicklin's Bakery, .. -T 8KA1ISG. Every evening quite' a number of young persona Congregate "- M^ chri8tio nnll Mc. and a great deal of frost, the ice is in 4 ^ in the duet, .. what are .excellent condition. Th.s^nakes tlnngs ^^ ;. ^^7 de- look "blue" for the new skatmg nnk. ,'.^^ .. The Editor's Guests ' by 82,100 to loan on. Farm Se- ' JIr T_ A Moore, was received with, curity in sums of 8500, or upwards at lou'd applause. The choir snug an I 8 per cent Interest, apply to anthem, and so ended as pleasant_ a] JAMES 2ff ATTHEr3. ! B cial as has been held in Acton for J - ' ' Bohie time past. ia pro- nortlikmurol.roKcbdltorgi r, hably in more general nse than all other tea. put togithe. pri sj up Vat called'on ua the other day andlei- caddies of 5 lbs .at 45 eta per lb. You v\^meA about the Municipal JtMe.- can get it only at Christie, Henderson I I;on a8 fjUowa PupmujynnhoJfa '. SA..n aoiifl f/\r it. Viir'pTr.r.'AK if. - . . m .Tr...Tl .bbVk S,Co.' Acttm, scud for it byexpr^, " ( p.omcLuPhrai.TiieKumsJLhkb. you paunot come yonreelf. i^muiui x o o La. L oil By the gallon, 5 gulloriH, or Barrol Special jirico for large pm-chasers. Good Goods, Low Prices, and Square | Dealing are among the inducements offered -\ ' - ' - , ! aa. Nrf Tltrcads put in for the paryosc of extorting onc-or two cents more per yard. t Gc\IuL AND fSEE US. ' CHS.IS'TIS, HS2.7DSB30?iT & CO. Acton, Dec. 5, 1877i ACTOIT i hereby: give notice that I-do not now buy Itemlock Bark, as. 1 have a full supply :'n"n hand. -'i | .,-" " G. L. 13EARDM0RE. Acton Tannery; Oct. I5j 1S77- I- Y 'ARIETY'AKD GROCERY TO RE, .BEATTY'S- PIMQ&^^OBORCAM INSTBIJCTOE. -~i Containing tne el t-'mviTtet fninrfcwlth. jcn>y aiii'i progie^sive rtterciwei* to j>erfecfc" tlie.plMy^r in tlif*. nrt of-iuMc (Pllher pi:ino r>r orBni.) to wtilc-lv i* atl<le-<i over hixty Wnltzes, PolKfle, Mrc&PB. Galops. tJi-erutjo Moicxllt'tt.'DuiiAetf'eici bjr Uan- iel F..HenlLy; Wnshtrtptoh. New Jersey, one of tho b<-st works ol iis kind ever in--L trodiiced, :ii)fl shuiilu bti.ih the hands of every piano und orgim player. Kent post paid t<> any purl bi Hie linlteU Btatefi'or Canada for only fifty CBnts thff price having been reduced- to introduce 'It evprvwhoro.' Addr*-P8 uANIETj F; aUSATl'jC, Washington, New Jerg*y* - : :-lJ"' . . - ' Ulppoaito Dr. McGnrvin's residence, f ~ ,M|m Street, Aotou. JOHiil. HAWKINS. Wialies to bjxll atteution'to his Btodk of NtW DOrrllNia;, BOOT> H) STORE Opposite' Agnew's Hotel, J'ain Btriet, Actou.' KEN2TEY /& SON TO YOUNG MEN. We liave recently publlKlie'l n nr-w edl- don of Dr.CnlverMTll'i* CelebifiteU 1!- snvoatne niUleuT: ami perluuuelit cure , ("ithoiHinlieliie)of N.ervons Mobility, j Meninl'and Physical Incapacity,Iinpecll-1 montti\o ilnrrlngp, elc, residUim nom '"VriceiVn a 'p-ilert envelofe, only 0 cents 'rtv.', po^tauo si i.m ('K. '" rno BleiinitiMl i.Iiik udirlr- nbln fifsiiv clearly (UMii-nsi.mii-t., imin thirtv v('..r' siico-HMim Ipruetici-, alaniiH'L'KiiiiBi'(in.-nct> mhy iif rn-iicinly cnr..d wltnmil Uif .lungei.Uis uw.n iiK.-r- iinl tm-dieiiie or Hie iifi|ric.siuin or l.tio Iciilfo; iiomiini.'. onf a mode oi eiiri- t. nc- simple, colaln mill elli-timl-. Iiy iiiimor WHICH every KiTircrii,.no iiial.M r wluit. hl e..nd.tii'nr myi.'"V m <>[ '"r" tilm-oli, nrivatftiv m-d v idlcaby. Tids I pelnroknoiilii tie In it"" oimmip >>r every youth intciMvory in ui 1" the h dul. Tnn fisiLVEfewcsx !ij:n:<;.tr. rp.. 141 .1.11(1 CSt., N.-w' ^ out. rostomjo liox lo-.-u. ' -i-iy Only $1 a Tear; in .ad mcc; Aud otiicr tTTsefal Articles. Note the following : * . .'.' Fresh. Groceries, Tea, Susarel, Raisins, ,- Tobacco, Biscuit, . Sdap, Ball Blue, _ .1.Button Blue, Soda, and all other things in connection ^with the Grocery line. Also . I Pipes, Cigar-holders, :* Hair Brushes, Combs, ' , Penknives, Load Pencils, Note Paper, F. O. Paper, Pens and Ink, '<; Tooth. Brushed, ? Pineror Riiiers, ' Pins, Needles, ; and a variety of'.other things too nu-- morous t'o mention. - CidJ mid lie? convinced -f the* above facta.' - The ' patronage of tlto : public rcaT'ejtrutly boiicited. - -' .'."JOHN-HAWKINS.- Wiith to cull tbb altonLion of li eiin- hiibitiiuts of the Village Of Adton- Hiiii. vicinity to 'tbuir .itlmenso: atook of j ' SOOTS, SHCE.1 &. GZ-OOESIES. . .Qomprisingall tlielaleat styles in Boots and BhoeB, j Our Grocery .department' . Is wellsupplied with Tea-^/S ugars,' " .',- Fruits,-Biscuits, \ ^Tobaccos, Soaps, v Oofeirs,^ c-,&6; Pfease cjll-.ard ex irti .e ouf:stoe. ; \ _ KINNEY}& SON.-, -Acton, Dee, 1?, dS77. " . ; . ... 3na

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