Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1877, p. 4

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Kfjm-teaiufjn ii ' '..usaaawawi IWI'IW THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, 1IALT0N COUNTY, ONT., DECEMBER id, 1877. DCIOIM.. Captive lit tie hand, ro tremble ho? Likcalliittcnnj; bird* All J out jmNcs ntirnil Wonld jou if )oU could "Would j ou g j I I>rotM)ilij;. ilownci-t > \i% Killed With lo\i'< own li^iil, 'Neath jour mihv lid All tin worht Iim hnl ; \Yhj *o slrvH u'lhil l"v un iu> -i>,lu * IxivJv. q\ mnn: 11>, \\ i I.'m . r \m. lth >t ml, Spo I. "tho In i^iJ for nun1, First in l\li u In nil ) lu jour <v vwnt vikj 1U0 it said K-igir, rcitloa heart, i/ingmg for umr m ito. What lr\e >\>u to U ir' Kind eotlt*UU'ltut lull' , To jm tiUiUr )>>\e Trust your f.ito V>n uty littlo maul, ( raced with .harine 10 \m ct, Ono bright glatu-c lu stow ; Kay but 1 will kuow lf-^*h, yes, for mo, Life'a iomvlctu. Educational DUHcuUtps. An old man who owns a bta.ll at the City Market took 'a notion, a few days ago, to use his spare houra in bettering his condition. Pro curing his spelling hooW, his. face was eetn behind it hon tradtfwas dull. He tired, however, of spell ing tho words to himself, nnd en jjaged the sen ices of a boy about thirteen jears old, having tl'e next stall, to hear lug lessons. Every thing passed ofX if 11 right for two or three dnvs, and then a storm, arose and a climax came. Holding the book in both bauds, the bo) ob served : " Wo now come to tho word welcome. How do you ?j>*-Il it ?*' " Well, sir, I spell it w -0 1 l-u id." " Not correct." " K-o-m." " No, sir." " Then it's k i ir." * No, sir." " Bov, don't,tou lie to me," the dan warned, j " J guejg I ll resign my office," replied the lad, as he laid down the book, " I've let you g'i and spell cat with a k, horse v. uhout un c, boy with a trouble o U> it, because you are old, and I didn't wiurt to hurt your feelings. Riit when jkdu call me a liar, and don?t even know how to spell the woid) it's time for me to resign," How to Sit for a Photograph. / After having arranged the pre liminaries as to Btyle, price, etc., enter the operating room and in form the operator thati you haTe bat three minutes to catch tho train persuade him if possible to Bit you in advance of two or three others wbo have bean patiently waiting get vexed and* pout if he declines to do so without tbeir con sent. Then retire to a seat in the reception room and cultivate a view of thought best adapted to make yon miserable. When your turn coniee, suddenly recollect that your hat, cloak, etc., must be removed, and that your bair needs crimping or re arranging, "w~ond6r tkhy you had not io employ ed yourself while wuiting ; but, no matter, console yoni&ilf with the jdea you jue paying .Mr. Skylight back, in bis un n coin by making J our wait. , If your face is long and s'im be sure to do your hair up high "a la pompadour;" this may ,make the face look a little longer and slimmer but, no matter, follow the pre vailing sty le and blame the opei-atoi for all that is not oo your fancy pic tured it. t**" Should your neck be a trifle long wear a dress cat low or a turn down- collar. If it is the reverse, wear a high ruffla " a. la Queen Elizalieth." Should "Old Glasseye " suggest a ruffle! for No. I and oollai for No. 2, think how stupid he must "je not to know what folks are wearing thin fall. If the figure b tall and slim, wear a long waisted dress with a skirt "as Kcant *s you can, but pos sessing a lohg trail ; this will make you saihn appearance and rail at the artist too. If the extremities of your mouth should be unfortunately near yoai (wrs, dou't allow the artist to niako ji profile, luicausB such a view would xmly show half of its actual capacity {or buckwheat cakes, etc. If the case is otherwise insist on a profile, becouse a lady friend of yours had a aide view taken'which every one admire*. (3'iould there be u liberal supply of hiriiauitv in the make up of your n.isnl organ, object all the moie to a full view of the When j'ou are about to bo sacri ficed, surprise 3 our toimoutor with aome now and original phrase, buch 11s, " I would rather have a tooth extracted." When ho (.ttemdts to jKXie yon, object to the Monition, or, "letter still, brin^ in tl.i ue 01 four lady frie.ids anil iudm j them to .lusttiia you in jour oljicUons, get ihem to fuss aioinid y m ns much UK possible, and don't for a moment forgot you ai e yated in u. dentist's e'uair. Totally ignore the artist, bo he will be responsible only iff case th picture- is 11 tiluie If .1 ohild is u> bo photogiuphed, wait till about sundown oi' use un- iHiially early and come before breakfast \ou aie irw.ue tL .it the bent light for -'the lrt^lc ones" is between 10 a ni. ai d I p 111., bu no matw altout the 1 gh', suit you own pon^'emeuce. 1{ the child is less than two vi-uih oll, iiiHint on having it taki'ii btuudiuf(, 11ml, to make inatleib still more il.liicult of uci'omplishuii nt, put on a daik ditss If the child isohhu.coiii- liioncu a \M'< U or two bi'foio the picture ii to be made to dull it in positions ; teach it how to hold its mouth, mill It n't loiget to tell it ii'|>t>!itt ill} not to be ufiiiid ol the ill tl-%1, thllH i-ouM'Ung to the child's timid that M-riiietliiiig tciiibto will happen mid that 11 molistei Mill haio chin go <lt tho ceiemoiuei. Tho above is not a taio expeiienco in tlm piofissum, but ipitl" u t'om inon 0111, ami iho nnuiil is ob\ioin If j011 expict \ iiiitunil pictuio, do no got \oiu.--olt Up 111 st\ le eutuch tor 11:11 to ci 1 i_i ilnj appearance Pisc^td guw-giiws and so on ; dicss tin' li&ir and pmqn bwoinuigly , and, finally, assist tho uitlst in his bi no nieun.i easy task. Ho must lnive your entiiu support and confi dence, and the utinost good feeling must pievail throughout the opera Hon, or the inevitablo result is a failure. JWk> Jirltuln R<.iord, " And you think, darling, you could boconteut to share my huu'ble lot, and li>o in u quiet-way with love andniel" queried tho blissful lover,as he looked fondly into her translucent oyea. "" Why, yei, pia- cious; you have no idea how ecouomi-. cnl I aiu: Pa gavo me a hundred dollars week to buy a now silk, and I Bavid enough of it to purchase two pairs of sir buttoned kids." A young man of extremely jealous disposition recently visited ouo of the mostr famous clairvoyants in tho city. Being far fioni home, he w,in;ed to know what his wife was domj., " She is looLinq out of the wim ow, esfdenlly expecting boiho one " " That is strange," mutter ed Een 'diet; " Who can alio e*. peet 1" " Some 0110 enteis tlie door, and sh cirtsses him fondly," went on the cluir\oyuut. " It can't bo I" cued ll>e excitod huslmnd. " My wife is true to me." " Now he la>s his head in her lop and looks tenderly ia hereye1-." " It's falbo ! I'll make \on pay de'irly for this/' yelled the jealous husband. " Now ho wagsliia Uil," said tho medium. The gieeutiyed monster subsided,, and the voung husband cheerfully paid his $5. A httlo fellow ran to his mother tho other day, and naked, " Mo, can I have somo bread and jam 1" His mother, wishing to break him off the vicious habit, replied, "When I was your age I couldn't gfct any thing to eat between meals if I wanted." "Yes" said the hoy, ufter a moment's pause, * but you didn't have a good; nice mamma, did you 1' This settled it in fa\or of the young flatterer. GASN FOR SKINS. Wo arc nii'purcil to liny tho h'glieut 1 >th unco \uit of Toronti' foi tdl l IllvMCH Of SliccpMtlnN nml CninkliiR 111 fjooil ciiiKlitinn ik'hierululnar j tllMIHIJ. Wo uiih it to he distinctly uniterutoml tint wo p iy tho llii, Vim K for mioh r.iiliiLis ill Htiuly tlioir inter- 1 its by biinuiiin' tlii'U iikllli to tin, ill- id ul of -Kctluu; tin m tu Middlemen mid IVd.Uii,. STOIil'.V, muoui: i. CO. PeiNims U i\ mil; ukuiH st thu faetury of \\, H SniiiK\ A. Co will nlttn ro- LLi\i> thu liiuthi"-t litu-e for tlitni F ilIVK ti:.%TS AGAIN. On mill nfti r the 1st of NoMinhir, .111LK Will be sold at tho fellowmg i.itus : Per Quart, 5 Cents; Pc Nov 21 Quart 21 Pint r Pint, 2\ Cents; liupcrrnl Mcisuro, Ticktt* for V>u Dollar. Tichtts for Fifty Ccnh In ail\ auce, { V. h. AlO^TUONU. Aotoii.Oit- is. ls?7. TO BISIVESS ME.V If jou ter hoaus, En\eroioji, Mercjintlle Pilnt- ine, of any tmii.tlone In basin* t^Mylp, cnd yoar orders to tho b ree Phess offlcfi. HaliafactlouEUarivnteeJ. wanted in c\ery Bee- SIGN PAINTERS tlonofttif* Unitttl !intw ao<l Province)* to .mswer ttii-* advertisement- Addre^H DAMEl F. BEiTTl, Washington, :>ew Jers-j, QRACE'S CELEBRATED ALVE, t sarr Kiiirrror the SnUerrr. rnti-Ar-ED d. SETH V-'. FOWLE & SONS, fcC II VICKISON AVI.M/L, nosros, mass. OBlCiS CCLiLliR VTf D SALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, lnvciite<I In the 17tli oei;im> hj Dr. Wil li un1 tir.iCi-, h ir^oon in King James' iirmv Through lis agency ho urtsJ thoiioinds of the most st-rlouH sores anil Mounds that baffleol the skill of the mo^t eminent phjslchinB of hi i day, anil wna rc-C irded by all vrho knpvr hlin aa a pub ic bclii-far tor. PLRZ 25 CIZ^13 A BOX. IDIIOTO JKAPHWRS should tor- wan mo their address it they wish to oljilnin a Piino or Organ, in exclnnge for Photogiapliing. Ad dressl>\Nli:b F. HlJATl'Y, Wash ington, Ntw Jersey. riHHK O^TAUIO SADDLERY, Is tho place to pet tho best Harness lor the least money. Owinp: to Hard Times, Prices have beon Reduced. All (.hikr* h'/t uith 1110 kill receive cartful uttuition. COLLABS A SPEGIALTY As aD farmers know their horses cannot work With sore necks, throw off tho old collars nnrt get a new pair tint will give entne satisfaction. The place to get them is at the ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whips- Just received and will be sold cheap for cash . Itipnirhi'i Du)>t Xiatbi, Clicaply, and on Iftt Sli'jrtat Xvtice. LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Hold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Booksollor, Guolph. llunowoB' Pinnol'orto 1'iimer. t Jousuo'h Musical Catechism. Bort ni'B Now Mothod for tho Piano. CIrirU'B New Mothod lor tho 1'iaiio, Hunton's Piano Forto Nchool, Howe's X'iato without a Master. Itich iidoon's Now Modern Hchool, Oilxa's Pnrlor Orgai.. Silver Wreath (Vocal). lOt* ditloront Music Books. W.STEWART&CO A Dig Discount on all AT CHEAP BOOKSTORE <s^ Ou tho K.-ist side of Wy ndhaui Strcrt GUELPH. ARH By reidlng tnd pnrtlchu tbo Incftimablc iruiln con taincd Io (be be;t meillcA book crtr Usned, cntitlrt KNOW THYSELF , trcMsofExhutcd VllalitrirrcoiBturo DedLno Hcrrooi and Fhjtlcal DcbiUtj-, tsd tho erdlf m concomitant UU od untold mlirries tba SELT-PnESEUVATIOJt "~ lrtl- Scntbymiit on rccrfpt of price, i ________________________ that result Ibcrrfrom, mil contains more tlun 60 original pro cnptlon, tnr ono of wbWh Is-^rorth the price o) the bock- Thi book wxiwntltnbj the rnojtca trntlre tsd probably the most bUful pmchtlonci In Amcrlca.towbomwasairardcUagolilaodjcw tiled medal by the Notional Medical Ansociatioq A Pampblct, UluLr&td witn tbo Tcrjr tntm Ettel EaprBTinc* - - Tel of art inif beauty est rnxa to all. 6end for It at once. Addrcaa rEABODY MEDICALm 111 A I* I I" INSTITUTE. No. < 1M.X H Y S I* L F Aneb EL, notion, Mass. I III Vbkl DANIEL F. BEATTY'S D tno Tcry in HEAL fijiiiii- , jsva> i-JW-.-WNWW.ql PIANOS & OEGANS BBATTY!*22r 01^N1' K. CREECH Acton, Auff. 21, 1S77. ^mm^^ ANll WAGGONS. (iltU'E'8 CELEBCITED UtlE ' CURES KI.E'II WOTTNDs, KROZET T.IMB1, HALT K11KUM, CHILBLAINS HOItE IlREASf, SOBK I.le, EB1SIPEIMS, RINO- WOItMH.r-ALI USE-S, KC'AI.D UaD ciiai prr> hands, , BL'llNS. C..NCT.US, Ki.l.O!.'?, bCALIM, S HIBS, UIX Eltfa, WOUNDS, STIVOS, hTIINOLES, KESTEKS, WKNS, STIl-.s, 1'ILHS AIIOKh.4, PUECKLES, JIUMOXS, bl'KAISS,- BOIL*, BITE', < UTS WHITLOWS >l AHTS, ril.IsTEUS TAN 1'IMPLKS, t'UIVH, Sfl'Ill V, ITCH, INOriOWI^G >AIL1, SFTTtE HASIT MUSttOITO ANII KLK.A IlITiKS, bl'IDEU ST I.N OH, And all cutanoous diseas' s and eruptions ccntrall), Forsile by all ilru^^lhts, RrocerK, arid at all cnunt-ystortsthrou^lioutllie Unl- Htat-ri a-nl Iirlllsh PiovimtH. I^lco by mail ^Oct-iit- tsca i.MlczEaa 0 S0AST There is no manufacturer of Phmos and' tli^ans in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited jndoisemelitH as lias Mr. Beatty. From every .Stale and ""er ntory con^os the same ~Veidic 'They nie the best in the wr rid" illuBtiited Adveitiser, {<'ntaU,guo C Jilion^ free. Aibliess DAKlEh F. BBATrV, WasbingU.n, New .Jersey. w aKted. I.idles and gentlemen to Icirn Tele- ^r,i.]ih Oiierating for offices opening in the Ltoiniulon Stamp for answer. Address Mavaokh, j Box 953, Toronto, Noil is the time to leave your ordu At J. Ey&er's Factory for a Stylish Bussy or Serviceable W.aKKon. I am making up aJgSKC sto^'k for the present bcason, fa^i tin* best material. Call and Sre our Hunchumc Bwjijii Now is a good time to secuie bargains. Strict attention gi^en to & Ooaoral Bl&cJs- smlthiafj:. . .TAMES RYDER. Acton, Teb. 26, 1877. QA TY\^ AVho".8, ^^^^o^^^^^^K^^graiid, square and upright, are pionounce-d hy the pio'saml tho people AND as t'.o most Le-auLlful anduweet- ost loued l'lanos t\er mamilncluf- cd. Sent on to.t trial nnd pronouncod tlie WASHINGTON. Ott In tho woiid. NEW J5KSCY, neaiij's eelobrnted ' oluni fcnutieil 1'niloi Oritiin Any mimiifactMrci challon^etl to equal thorn. They po-^ess liower, depth, hill liincy mid i-i mpalhcllc <\, exqu.hltely beautifulli nolo eilecls, and tneoulygtop nc tlon evi i 1 ii ii enled H at cannot be diB- urrunpid u> u^e, 'j he bcllimH capacity Ie bo ureal thai hut Mtilo <tlort Is rcquir- od tilth tlin fco to supply all the nlr ncce*Mir> liihtnimleaiiit most elegant en si h In the maiKel. All solid wood orn iinentc ICverv liistdimi'iitfiilly ar- r in ted for six >cars as strictly firRt class, andHpnton fiom 5 to It daj s't fct trial. AdUrf-sllV>IKL F. BKATTY, WaBlllng- ton New Jersey. ID SINESS PROPEETV FOE S^ZDIE. 0R<5ft .fif,. Tho undersigned offers for sale that desirable nropcity situited on Main street, linw occupn d by Mr. Chas. (Jamcri n as a fctoro and diicllinj'. The projieity iB in liist cluas eoudition and iiith a good cellar. Terms liberal. For furthei particulars apply to MKPSItS. W. PARLINtJ . CO. Montreal. ^ Or, W.H. STOREY, Acton. Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877.----- AN'n I I'KlwllT. ill iiKVTTV^CKI.r- IIUvTP.I) 0"1.I>SN 'luNUUKO PA It- IiUII DUG AN art tlie f.-ecle>t lonrd ni d perteci ito-tiurrii ms tvir before mini' f rti.rr il Iti Uus or spy clwr cotm- tr> . 1 bo worl I is cliallenped to eqna, iirm. I>cst discounts ond formse\er be fore kiV|"- '>i bottom panic prlcisl now rfady 4o Jo b- rs, nc^mt., and the trad" In general. -An otref. T1ipi-p cele brated lustrum ntis .flihT Piano or Orjjao' boxed .nid shipped uu> where, on Oie it liaet'li ilny^* tc^l trial, Moupy re- fundi d od frelRhl cliarg*-' paid both wait If In any way ui galisfuotory. Fully warrnntetl ri r six jc ars >' hlrlciij flrst- clai. FXTItAOKlHN-vKY LIllEHAL I)l-COdJNTJ*i;lientoGliurch s p-chools, Tjodges. Hallb. Mlnlsterf, Teaeher^, eic., in .ii-il. r to li i\o tli -in i lltm-Jucedat once where I ha\o no ikpiiIsi Tbo ip-xridi now in use. New lUiiKtr.i'eil \d\erllsor((*ata- h iiue Edit Ion i without'* f ItRtlmonlnH, now rraih, font trPf>. F^tnLllnhni Hi isv. A.i.ins-DAN IEUF. BEATTY, h ashlDgton, New Jone.i. C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, l DEALER IN Grocorios, Orockorr. soots a Slices, , "VTall Paper, | "Wiado-w Bliads, Kails, Glass, rutty, Linseed Oil, - Faints, Turpentine Coal Oil, Salt, dtc- 411 of which will bo sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off .it cost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for Hides. ^fcton, July IS, 1S7U. b* CONSUMPTION CURED. .,^5VvJ-.D PnTBlCTAN retired firaiuHTimie.' tie*, hlriw h I pUrtd In hi h&sda b all Et gKllAjatlMlpriaiy the forDinU nf YtltUMl Baniedjr for the ipecdj and pinntninl eui of Consumption, stithma, JJroncMUt, Catarrh, 4liThro*ti>nd Lurir A^rectiona^ alw ajfoiUmandJUdlci,! Cuiefcr Nol-t/ous !>*- fewer. roV IT aid ail lservciii C*iniplB'nl, after hav- thoroushlj teftrd iti wunilrrlMl ettrarlTa era Iti llmutarda i I cenra, flrlt It hli dlltr lo II itwirnlii lilt iiiftrli s lellniri Aclu- rli & felliiiri niilei-tliiu. aifd by Ihta rpotjie an.l a con,i1i-lI relieve -faumau aufreritg, he will i U,1:. C'lIABOL, lo AllwTiort<lr II, tlill itcllrf. wlln lull ai/ectinii for p-vj arlna m y filrreaenil. IT utlnf Sent bj relurtl liiall \y addrtlllllt I wlui lAinp, uaiultijr Oil, pnpw I ILC11U NS. H|. llol SO. BHoeliSBBBESESSaS NOW SHOWING- A very large and r.ry choice aBBort raent of i roii FALL WfiAR i Kaw Black and Colored Silks, Now rronch (JaihmereB, New Ribbons and Tien, New Dreaa Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, s oca stock or Tweeds, Cloths, and Overcoatings Is very oh,oioe and cheap. Wo bold a very superior and large lot of NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart & Co., GlELrU, October 16, 1877. MAGNIFICENT DlSPUy OP New Pall and "Winter t4tt AT TftECGLDEft LION We desire to call attention to the very large assortment of cho&a goods o every description which we are now offering.^i^ Our importations from Britain are now all to fcantf, and we clalati fear of contradiction, that our Stock of I - W)T *abnH' ^%H DF Is now rArriving, Anil will soon be complete for the CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES. EiOEK I A"y Porbon wlio will make ririCb i and forward me a list ol tho immehjOf reliable persons of their nc- qtmlnliircp who wJsh lo procmern in- Hlrnmcnt, cither Piano or Organ, 1 will use my bist ciitleaVorrrto sell them one, and for corr Piano I buccc ed in Bellinf- to lie ir] 1st w'thin ot e year, 1 will creriit them viltli $10 and for every 0iriiii$5, to be i,]iplled on p-'ymejit of ellhor n PI ino < r OifHi ; nnd when it amounts lo a sum sufficient topi) firnn instrrmpnt Relfetpflnt tup lowest ivliolcsnle price, I f!lltr'in dlKlelj ship iliPinstii'mtnt, free, nrnfti rnnj nmount is credited tbo bn'nncp mv he laid me Iji rash and I will thr n ship llum tho Instilimpet 'f ry ni'Ptl not he Know n In the matter, nnd wl I he doing ilielrfi Icmlp a reiiis'r- Ivh"-, in I shnll niuHo Hprrlnl iiffiTu to them, i ellinga npprlor InKtrnnieiif for from < itc-ln>ir So Iwo-tliirdH what Is I ordli nrll.v asked bv n ill K. Plrnsp boih! meallul at nnop anilitfier jou Imvp mnde i Innnlrv you enn rr'Vi to-It. A'i(lrpKK n*n.:L,l.\BEATTY Waihlnglo/i.New Jersey Special Attention Given to Ordered Work. i Repairing Promptly Attended to. i j 1 GRAIN B &-SO*T. Acton, August 7, ^(877. / i CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! FRESH ARRIVALS At the Bast End CLOTHINQ $T0EB Large ftdditioca to our already aupurb stock of Tweeds & oats' Puraisliiags, Just opened, whioh we are Ollerintf from 15 to 20 peri cent lees' than their ieal value. ' Having bought largely a;nd for cash we are enabled^to place in the hands of our ouatomcrs a good, sound, reliable article at less than auction sale prices. For exainple; ' | DET GOODS i in, every Branch, ia THE LARGEST, CHOI<CEST,_AND i :bST a^so&tjsd; OUTSIDB T0K0NT0. LEESS DEPAFwTHNT. l Our stock of Press Goods is so large that it is impossible to- eon \et*U tbo Yarieuei. Ladies may depend, bowerer, on iiuding t TUS lit S all the n^sw materials -aii the hiehionab!e shades and at inejsametimekm' of the cheapest goods ever seen. Ttus ia acknowledged bt u yjjo ^^ looked through oar stock. - ^ Ho lady ever leares TliB LlOif without getting exactly tlm "wvnts. 1 - i \ ' MILLINEKY, TEIMMINGS AND MANTLES. We inrite special attention to the bargaips we are offering in ihU de partment. In the Millinery Brunch 'IHE LION has alway carried!It* palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles than efer, whiw difplay of Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We hare imported'Bit UHX assortment which we guarantee to be the cheapest ever shown ia Qn DRESS MAKING. Ladies, do not forget this branch. Mrs. Thompaoiv, aa t^__..^ known, is monopolising all the beat work of the town. Stylesuheanajlii irTicea moderate. t *V ^^ READY-MADE ^CLOTpl^G. - Just received a large stock of Clothing, including Overcoat* is r^arr" style, Tery cheap. j TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS. !J New styles for fall wear, latest patterns, figures >ery low, GenUamea,^', remember we have the best cutter m town. A perfect fit guaranteed. WINCEY. WINCEY. WINCEyI * ' ' More than 1,000 pieces, plain and laocy, from 6 cents a yard tb*<Ak&. est in town. ' , -^t EUPFALO1 ROBES. - v Cheaper than ever. Prices from 1 upwards, highest brand, A 1, perfect, lrom'"8 to f 10 each. '[r- large lot jtut lnf-a* k - GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION SHIBTHrfca A Go to tlie Lion, the People's Cheap Sttfre. ,-'| J. A GuelphJOct. 30,11877,! WILLIAMSON & <K)f r THE FREE PRESS rrj. P lUHfUIJ 1 U, , To Mercbants ^and other Busirie^s ISmM 'Acton, as -well- as throughout tB:% County, =the Free LPress is aa ^ifc invaluable Advertising- I Medium. f.ii-j Hi v .Our UnriyaKed Facilities for-Executing all JclBdaolt' ^U > BOOK AND JOB PRINTJpT, nable us to turn oat work equal to anything 4ee i tie.ents* tks A large selection of BEATTY G-rand, Square &t7^ paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents and SI per yard. These goods are rioted for durability. - T i Heavy Checked Ful ed Cloths, from 62 and 70 cents. Rare value. Scotch and English Tweeds, from 80 cents up. . A good suit of clothes made to older fair $11. Special value ill Ovjrcoats from 87 up. And also every thing in the way of Qenta' .Furnishings, at bottom prices. Hemember this is io moth eaten bankrupt stock, neither shoddy aud- tion sale goo is, nor yet goods damaged it fires, out sound, reliable goods fie=h from the looms. We tolicit a thorough Inspeotton of our Block. i * PYPE & McNAB, Acton,Nov. U, 1877. ' ^ Agents wanted everywhere. x Address , 'i-1 " " DANIEL k^BEATTTJ'/ ; > Washington,:New-3fa%' Q.E6KGE LEVENS, Barber anfi Hairdresser, aJjoining Secord Bros.' Store, -Mill Street, Acton. Hair switches and combings prepared to order. received [daily by express.. s CHOJL TEACHEBiJ: r-J easily* increase your, devoting a j very fmiil ' your leisu're time to raj i do not exrect >ou to my celebraed Beatty s t > Organs unlesa ii>a see " the serviced Jequire of ye"1' pleasant and profitable, ticulars free. - Address J BEaTfY, Wa^bingtpn, Wf; !-*J- porq intel DAW? A ,-*H la-s- - ts| ?M* .-V

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