Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1877, p. 3

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I LV m jusfe los. let Sgjtjj ISW V r fMJELSTTS. PART*" Lat we intend lac 3ist day >^c-*.-nnts dtie r before costs of col- |OHKSO>'S GE Street. ?stlert>a ;; Neat- wiy..- " >L.T> 24-2*. Lnd Speyride,.. locket Memor- ijids, lettea, ,~ myself, due >'otes ate pting mje2f_ at either tfcis- IlESVARl- Ftn, le, on the 19th |not been ra- ^id- tail -were pump oa. ?ne person giving ad to the;re- y. buSalerobe-. ef, *ai *>' ADAM5. ro' Lea ^. the- |"4thsi De^' , cut two feet en beech a**1 split and no sine. Wood mostb * I-22-3t. i-dresser, r Store, MM ^witches ad , to order. > P. ; f,4. The *.* rida?^*^ uoncfO&cer^ u of Officer*.* THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., DECEMBER' GHEI8TMAS ^USTID HlJ-W TBAE'S GOODS I At J. E. McGAHVIN'S HALL OF PHARMACY Comprising Shells, Bronzes, Papier Machie Goodsj - Cruets,," Polios, ^Perfumes, * Scent Bottles . Razipr CasfeSs, ;! Briai; and Meerschaum Pipes, ONTAEIO IISPp8'! * Cotopanions/ Purses, S?leinK&nSds, J"^*^ Sk^8 ;i\>D^TRI\K TIWR TABLE. Trains leave Art. u as fol owe: t: USi: WKHT. Xinl repress. l;Nvi, Trt'roit*1 vd 9. 10 A.m. P/v Kxprvss ;: - - K'>7 p.m. KiprvM - Glt railed - : 7:0, p.m. o OtN<5 KAST. Xicat Express .. 3:3$ a.m. Gilt miied 0:10 a.m. T*iy KxprcM. . - 11:34 Wcitera mail -- . 5:20 p.m. I.oadoa mixed - - 10:10 iv.iu. Sirviec in the Methodist Church every Sftbbxih evc-uln* at hnir>t<aM Klx o'clock; and t> >lh morntmcatul,cvon-; Itr on iho tlr*r Sabbath: <if cneli ruaut!i_. Rev R. Ili.r.BS,' Pastor. LOCAL MATTERS. New door' Christinas presents nre in order - Skating Tin sidewalk Tuesday evening. Hill's Photographs are tbe best. The Frf.f. Press fiom now to Jan. 1st, 79.-for-?l. -Christinas presents ut ITynJs' Jewellery Store. -To-morrow wilt be the shortest day this year. Merry Christmas iiextTuesday -Public School Examination to- Esorrow. .- " " - Business brisdi in town " last iMocdsy.' L B'iv vonr Xmas presents^from ^Lots of "In'.K'imeri" at Socovd's corcor S'.:::J.-.y ni^ht. - Snow i| expeoUnl sometim* this vv;.n;er. Be'sure nnd see J. E. MoGnr- vin's ^;ock of-'XLr.r^ (.icp.Is. St, A:iiire."'s T>j.y wns ct-li.'!irated h G'ielph NviVi ;;.:.: -::"-.:. Mar.ey, Lett! r.^o^er, is getting & nev.- i^^-cli in fr-^: : u::s i.^jIl-i. I use J. E. MeG.i: vin's AVorni Po-s-dcrs. - V^Lit do jo- -ss ! . , Christie, .Htsidt-T^ou i Co.'fa fiEccs -r"Oo, ieA. Walnut 'Fir. ines in great THAT WONDERFU1* MaS T!|rip'y-at C'. "W. "Ifill's. J, ' j 4 Albums, . nlhuniR,' :pir,l, at Hynls'~Jewel from 30c ery Store. Rink, will be fec-^zv". weither .cpwir; Tl.e-. Sk^ti"! cctse?. ~ .-'.' D. Cinipl?ll, the cvnncelist,- "sril! pre3.^h ia the Temperincs H^Jl on Sssdiv aftsmoon at three o'clock. , T'iT5 cheapest and best lot of Albums at Hyc<U' Jewellery store. [ _]. McXJarviri, Druggist, has sent m bis Bj.yj Canadian Aliatnac Jor is;s. ' The i. 0. 0. F. have put up a new lamp at tbe entrance to their rooms. It looks well. T"be l*5t Tea c.skes arid Buns - in town ape' to H>e had at Galloway's Bakery. ilf yoti have anything to sell invite buyers through the columns of the Fi:E PiiXrisJ ^ e have a large qiiantity of waste paper, on hand, suitable for wrapping purposes, winch -\re will sell i#- -. . t * We are pleased to notice that ; Mr. W. Dunning, who had'tis arm bro ken about six'"week3 ago, is able to have it out of the sling. He expects to use it shortly. -----A notion Sale of household fur niture at the residencei.of Mr. J. Ii. -Hacking, on Saturday, commencing at 11 o'clock.' -----A question often asked, " Where do yon buy your bread ?" The answer always comes, " --Vt Xickbn'a." - A.ny person wishing to make a Bplendid Christmas present to their friends, should call at Hill's Photograph Gallery* and have a large portrait made. ~" - :JIr. J. H. Hacking, who is Al?on% to remove to Otielph, will otleP the whole of hia household furniture ., for tale at public auction, next Satur day morning. j Go,to Galloway's BiksVy for' tl3 best Bread in town. It is -free frjip Jjrugv " Crewson's Comers' Division Sons of Temperance will hold another oLtheir'first-class entertainments intjie new Temperance liall in that place, on Wednesday evening, 26th'inst. The entertainment will consist of speeches, Vocal and instrumental' music, recita tions, readings, &c. Iiockwood -Tem perance Choir, tfigether with several popular Eingers, will be present. Christmas presents at Hynds' Jewellery Store. k ", We harp received from the publishers, John Dougall Si Son, Mont- treal, a copy of Vennor's Winter Al manac and Weather Record, for'1877-78. It is a neat pamphlet of 138 pages. Wo lnivo for fiilo ono of IWatty'a celebrated Pianos that will bo disused of at a great bargain. For ywtfcuhvs ni^dy ftt this oftice. ruosi'kttous. Tho poorgotowu hotels are doing a lively business. JJilUm Cfuiinpion. No doubt they do, when tho tnlitor of tho Champion ia in Georgotowu. ; Your Ublo does not look well unleaa it haa tomo of Xiokliu's cakes up^ni it. They are prououueed boss by every one. Any person wishing to put presents on the Methodist' Church Christinas ttvo for their friends to have them at the Church by threo o'clock Moiiday. Tho Post Offico Storo 13 tho place to buy Cfcristmas presents-, nml presents to han>; on the Christmas Trees. \"ery large stock to chuosc from. TLo teachers of tho Church of England Sabbath School intend having an entertainment on Xmas evening. There will bo a l^uiorama. Xmas Tree, and Social Tea. The proceeds are to be appropriated towards replenishing the School Library. Neakia" Drowsed. On Friday evening a young man named John Mc- Crae, while/skating on Nicklin's pond, ventured too near the edge and broke through. At the place where he got in the water is about ten feet deep. There being a Jog .directly uuder him he only Bank to tho neck,.but had it not Wen for the tamely assistance of others ho would h:tvo either been drowu'ed or frozen to death. The Cunadiitn Agricultural Insurance Company, of Montreal, has gone into liquidation. The insolvency of the President, Mr. Wm. Angus, who had some $lf>,000 worth of stock has, no doubt,'precipitated this action. In surers are taid to be perfectly secure, al though they have to wait some time be- f.-re tlitir claiias arc paid. A Curiosity. On Saturday last, Mr. T. C.-Moore, of this Village, brought us a brancb of a waterTbtech tree ia lull bloom. It looks beautiful. He noticed the tree while passing the farm ot Mr. John Brown, Sth line, Es- ciuejing, and cut the twig off. It can be seen at this otiice. ----Mr.' George Levans has our -thanks for a can of splendid oysters, which he sent us Tuesday. The boys e"njoy*;J the f^ast, as it was the rirstcan of oysters that has been giveii to the poor printer, since coming to this' vil lage. We would."dvise those who wish to get a well-tilled can of good oysters to go to Lerons. -lie sells by the can or by measure. Some enterprising farmers iu this section intend "holding a monthly auction sale of stock, &c., at-Agnew's Hotel. The lirst sale will take place on Saturday next. Any person wishing to bring cattle or horses to these sales, may have them sold by paying fifty cents per head. This ia an enterprise which should be encouraged by farmers and others in this vicinity. Painful Accident. On Friday last, as a young mi.n named Kennedy, employed'at Mr. Joel Leslie's, Erin, was' engaged cutting, wood, the aie flipped, cutting'the foot nearly off at the joint of the big toe. Dr. McGarvin of Acton, was immediately sent for and dressed the wound. We understand the young man is progressing favorably. We have received a communi cation entitled " A letter written from Carlisle, Oiyt,, tq Irolanil," but as our correspondent does not givo his name, wo decline to publish it. Wo positive ly refuso publishing any communica tions uuleaa Kccotnpanied by tho namp of tho writer not to publish, but as a guarantee-of good faith, Christmas presents at 'Hynd' Jewellery Store. I Tho Miseibnnry Mooting bold in tho Congregational Church, Tifbsday evening, was well attended. Tho pastor, Rev. Mr. Davies, occupied tho chair. Interesting addresses were delivered by Itov's Messrs. Unswarth, of Georgetown- McColl nnvl Silcock, explaining th working of tho Congregational Mission. ry Society of Canada. : A collection was taken up at the close. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ACTON PLANINtfMILXS D. W. CA.M1BELL, lh-oiK Having purchased tho above named oaUhlibhuiout, I am proparod to mnnu- facturo SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c AH kinds of PLAlTIISrOr Promptly attended to, D. W.;CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877. -. 22-3m DRY GOODS ANNOUNCEMENT. GHBSSTIE.HENDERSON&CO i. i i ACTON', Take pleasure in assuring their many customers that the share of U.isiness accorded the in during the Fall Season has heen unusually large, notwith standing the depressed state of trade' generally, and that during the remainder of the season no pains will he spared to retain the confidence re posed iu them. By regularly assorting their stock they hope to he ahle to fill all orders with the utmost promptness, and at the very closest prices In all lilies of seasonable goods their stock will be toiind complete. TRADE MARK TIIE GOLDEN MAN. A Ibu^is, Mats, s*aatie&, wkita, Oo^H EVERYTHING THAT A LADY WANTS : Eveain^ Silks, Evonias: Kid Gloves, ,, :\u^.^^1' Real Honiton and Limo*ick Laces, wonbebftjl Afs bTORE. ' P&li STEAMER CELTIC. ' ' ; -- Millinery.^ats, Bonnets, Flowers, all jthafc is new, good, elegant In de sign, and exquisite -in histjs, is to be had of us. 94.BPETS; CXA-tR^Elis. ' Best quality *f Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Dutch Carpets are on exhibition at our Carpet lioom. Wo quote bottom prices; styles, colors, and designs of which are unequalled in tonn. . . Ready-Made Clothing An immense - variety of Taney Goods, Fancy PHc^^ Jnst arrived and opened up for inspection and sale, 9 cases of tlie above floods, direct fi-om London. Knsland, Prices extremely cheap; quality of tue Ooods best. WE ALSO H ktE RECEIVED A large lot of Ladiesr Jacket and Coat Cloths, best and newest prices extremely cheap.,'. Dress Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel lously cheap prices. aolioited., Nov. 26,-1877. JOHN HOGG & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Gneii-h. PHOENIX LIKE UP AGAIN. H Is ill charge of experienced hands only, and is regularly supplied with alI the newest designs, >0 that satisfiiction can be guaranteed. No fancy prices charged for Millinery as is usual in large towns and cities. A fact which the Ladies should remember. Your humble servant, the subscriber, having' seen that there is a good opening for a first-class Dry Goods Store in his old home (the Village of Acton), has decided to bipen out in the1 New Brick Store, and his stock will be new!'and dompjete in its several departments of Ladies' Dress "Wear and' General- Dry Goods. Hq has also secured the services of one, of the best Milliners in the Province, and hopes this will be no transient affair. - ; J ; > He expects to be ready on the 15th of this (month and has no doubt that he will meet once a^ain his old arid tried; friends of Esquesing, Nassagaweya, Erin fe,nd Acton,' and is equally C9nfident they will be satisfied with the quality and prices of his goods. And, as he intends to do business on a ^triotlv cash basis, there will be no bad debts to be added to the co^t of goods to his friends., , f Produce of ^all kinds taken^at the Jiighest market pricea Further particularswill be given in Blast No. 52. Very truly yours, Acton, Decembef 5, 1877. Irton Tlllaee ConnelL The Council met pursuant to adjourn ment, on Thursday erening, 13th iast., in Matthews' Hall. Members all pre sent, except the Reeve. Moved by Mr." Smith, aeconded by Mr. S'icldin, that Mr. Henderson take the chair, iu the absence of tbe Reevo. Mr. Henderson took the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read- and confirmed. -Moved by Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Smith, that By-law No. to ap point a Returning Officer and to fix the place for the holdiug.of tho next .Muni cipal Election., be now read a first time. Carried. Mr. Henderson, chairman, presented the tenth report of the Finance Com mittee recommending that the account of Stafford Zimmerman, for collecting statute laljor tax, $-1.00, be paid.; The account of W. J. Hugdie3 was referred to Chairman of Committee on Streets and Sidewalks to report.on at the next meeting. Moved by Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Smith, that Bylaw No. to appoint a Returning Officer and to fix the place for the holding of tho next Municipal Election, be now read a secoud tune, and that this Council do then go into Committeeof the Whole, on said By-law. Carried. ; Moved by Mr. Smith, ssconded by Mr, Christie, that the tenth report of the^ Committee on Finance just read, be adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Nicklin, that By-law No". to ap- R EA.DY- MADE O V-'E RCOAT S. In great variety and chenp from $5,00 up. BOOTS & SHOES Large variety and cheap. RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, LADIES' GENTS' & Children*' Felt Goods Just opened. Special drives in Dress Goods. Full Stock oif Black Lustres *\nd Mourning Goods. Tlie Famous Tigre Brand Black Lustres is unsur passed. ^ . THEIR FAMOUS-50c TEA ils too well known to need furtber mention, -only to assure all lovers of :\ good sweet Clip of tea at a very rea>oiiable price, that this line will be'kept up to^the full standard. In 5 lb 4ots put up. in a caddy at 45c, and money refunded if not satisfactory. r>ERK5KIRE BOA3C. The undersigned has .for service a pijre-bred Berkshire Boar, on Lot 30, 1st cou., Esquesing. Terms 75 cents cash. P. <fc J. ROBERTSON. Esquesing Doc. 10th IS77. 23-2t. |> EMOVAL. Sirs. Carter begs leave to inform tho inhabitants of. Acton and the vicinity, that i having removed to more extensive premises, she is prepared to receive a larger number of pupils, ahd having tho assistance of her Bon in the musical depart ment, she has more time, to devoto to other branches of education. Acton^ Dec. 12th, 1877. 23-3t JAMES SYMON. ;'> ;i: !S Mil Mi 'iM YAXUABLE PROPERTY IN ACTOS For Sale or Let. The Stone Dwelling on Main street, adjoining tho entrance to the school grounds, is offered for sale or rent." There are nine rooms and large cellar, and a quarter of an acre of garden. For further particulars, apply to HORACE J. HALL, Esq. Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-*3m point a Returning Officer, and to fix Ae During the past -three years Mr." Ven- I place for the holding of the next Munb Bor's weather promotions have caused I cipal Election lie read a third time, and, much interest "tlir-ughout the* whole j that the seal'of this Corporation, be at- I>puiinion, and ."..j;<ii"ibt this work will have_a large sale. \ The price is twenty cmts. The trade supplied by Dawson Bros., Montreal. taclied thereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. Christie, seconled by Mr. Nicklin, that tie; Council do at'- joura, sine die. Q O -A. 3L O I Ii By the gallon, 5 gallons, Or Barrel Special price for large purchasers. Grood Goods, Low prices, and Square Dealing are among the inducements offered P'o -eaas ^vJ'ce^s u\^fp7r0ra^f. CXt0rtinS "*'"* CALL AND I SEE US. GHRI5TIE, HEKDBErSblT & 00. Acton, Dec. 5, 1877^ . -a, ; ' ,. -DORK PACKING HOUSE. TllO Biihscriher has always on hand all kinds of fresh Meat, Sausages and Poultry, cheap. . CHAS. CAMERON. Aoton, Dec. 12th 1877. 23-3m. B ESIUSIIIRE BOAR. The undersigned has still the Berk shire Boar, "Wellington," bred by Mr. Geo. Rudd, of Guelph, which will be kept for service, at the farm joining the Grand Trunk Station. Price 1.00. Cash. . ; V .; >C. S. SMITH. ERKSBIRE BOAR. -The undersigned has a pure .bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on ids premises, in Aeton. Terms $1 cash. i J. B.BURNS. Acton, Nov. 1, 1877- I8-2m .A, LEOTTJEE T6 YODiSTG MEN. We have recently published a nr w edl- iloo of Dr. Calvcrwell'H Celebrated Es- snT on tne rudlcul nnU permanent cure fwltlioutmidieinejof. Nervous Oebility, Mental and PliyslciO- Incaracity.Impedl- monts to Marriage, etc., resulting fiom excesses. Price, In a sealed envelope, only 0 cents or two postage slumps. r Tho eelebrateU author, In tbls adralr- Rblo Essay clearly deinonsl.nlties, from thirty years* successful: prnctlce. tliwt alarxi>luc eauseO-UoHObB ttifti' 111! radically cured without tlie dangerous usoorinter- nal inedlctne or the application of tbe knife; po'nllnu: out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, t>y ineuns of which every matt er wliat his eondltlon may be, may cure hlm^elfcheaply, prlvateiv itnclrMdlcally. /This Lecture should be In thehamlB of every youth nndevery man In the hand. ^ - THE JIF.OH'AL CO., 41 .inn St., New York. Postomee Box -15SG. .4-iy XTTEMLOCK BABKi I hereby give notice ithat I do not now!buy Hemlock Bark, as I have a' full supply on hand. ' ' G.: Ii. BEA.RDMORE: Acton Tannery, Oct. 15, 1877, BEATTY'S P1AM0 & PARLOR 0RGAH IXSTRrCTOR Containing the eli-ments i riunslo, wltb." easy ami progressive cxerelses to i>erf!t the player in. tlie art or ZQQhlc (either piano or orpaiOito wnicri U.added >TeT sixty Waltzes, Polkas, Marches, Galops, Uperatic Melodies.^Dances, etc., by Dan iel F. Realty, Washington, New Jerw*/ one of the best works o$ ilR kind ver lri-. trodncal, and shooter be In ^he bunda;of every piano andorgan player". Sent post paid t* any part o Atn'e United Btat^;br Canada for .only fifty, cents- the prtce having been reduced to U averj-whero. Address DAN!Eli- F./ BEATTY, Washineton, New Jersy. Aeton, Deo. 5,'1877. 22-tf NOTICE. LOOK OUT FOB. T BE ROYAL, UOTEL, -*.' ACTON. EXCIfANGE This well-known house has recently undergone a .thorough renovating and repairing, is now. furnished with new and modern furniture of the beak des cription, and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation to the public. Tho present proprietor has received a license, and; he will' keep the bar well supplied with tho very beat of liquors and cisars. The stabling is large and well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room. Thp patronaj/e of -the public is respect- ully solicitod. , JOHN MANEY. A'cton, June 2G, 1877. [The Public Examination of the pupils of tbe i ACTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Will be held on ! Friday, Bec.l The Examination will commence in the 2nd and 3rd Department at nine o'clock a. m. and in tbe lBt ai ono p.m., precisely. The parent? and frienda of the pupils, and all others interested in education are lespeetfully invited to attend. | J. ROSS, Head Mastor. Ac^on, Dec. 12th 1877. 23-2J. \ - EEITH&CO HEW DQM1H10H - BOOT & SHOE STORE Opposite Agnew's Hotel, Main - ; Street, Ac{.oa. , NEXT: WEEK. KENNEY ! ft 3, ON \Vish to cull the attention of i-bein- . habitants of the Yil.lageof Acton and -vicinity to their immense stoak of BOOTS, SHOES & aSOOEEISS. : Comprising all the latest styles in. Boots and Shoes. Z . . ; Ordeneil Work; receives our special attention^ Repiuring promptly at tended to. 1* ' I' One Grocery ' epafctraent Is well supplied with ': Teas, Sugars,- : ^ Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, / Cotiees, &.C, &c. Please call and examine qurr'stook. , KESNEY &, SON f Acton, Dec. 12 177. 3m L

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