Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1877, p. 4

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ysi - f' ?? !;ll |!'\-.'KJf IT--" ' i..:Vv>--?j f~^' M Sfe rv ;-,. -* *- i 'I 3 31, : "ifli H^^^K -ts&H^H L^Ef "[---^WJ^^^^^^I ^^^^^^B. L '::a^H 1^<f3iS^B^B HEKm ^^K-e I^mB AmgaBB^ b^b^b^H *- ^'3iiHH I^I^BSre: -iiPiSfl ^^^B -- b^b^b^Bbbs*' -. i I. ! .1 JfiX-US>^M THE jSlEE SeSS^.....ACTON? IIALTJON COUNTY, ONT., DECEMBER 20, 1877. M,i\r We iliH-s tip ef- ?.v-'ua':!v * Mnryaiul her little lamb." ---'-' .iU. if nnylinly. i.-.he* to add nn'oiher \i'i>o or two, they-'wn semi, tltem to us: - . ' ' ' \< a little lamb, ltVeyes wore litsivi itly bine ; Ami if "you tnuoli that little lamb, I'll \\\\ ;\ head on you, [ And so tlu> tenelnr put liim out, still he lingered near, And vailed p-itivtiUy alnmt, 1 lion'walked, ott'on his car. ^he put him in hia little bcel, ; Ami badehim 0 to rest. * You l>e.t," the liitlo lambkin f.iid, I'll do my level K at," Marie had voii lidiile.sjheep. liu void \as black as ink : Slif ilook him out to sck'nto vou tay, I'm! trouml him dor rink. . ~~ I'ml Vfii bo got mid IkM <lat ni^lit She dream she. ho:\r him vdeathn;; Tut von she vtike, ulie vas mil.lake., . lie only vas a s-keeding. JM.try hail n little lamb, And'aUiiw-wli^tu was her skin : But when it followed her to school, The boys said : " That's too thin.*' i?!ic missed-iffrom her side: "Al.ia," Sho s.iid, "my ].iinh*i n gouor," lie was only nibbling i;rasa Bv tho bridi^o around tho corner. Mary had a little lamb, its T-ail went with a jerV, ^8he evit it otV behind the cars To fee the old thins; Avor - / Mary had a little lanjb. ' Itlrank cold vStJr freely, ' And looked so itiE.Sfroiitiy wise. She called it Hoi/ace Greelv. After Mofrc Har. M<* stopiiiiiKrtluu Interest, Danitd Wuhstur onoo dined with mi old Boston merchant, and when they ctuuo to llio wino iv duaty old botllo Whs 'CH;f(illy iloortlitod hy Jolm .iiul :p:isail t<) tLo lios'. Tukinj; the !liotiUi ho ptnued out Mr. Wobstoi-'a gln'HS uiul Imudod it to him. Thou jiourii^ out another. glti'KS for ViuiRolf, ho to -tho light uud Aiil : . ; ' llow do you llko it,' Mr. Wob-stor V ' \ think it is u fmu Bjitroimoit of; old port.' ' ; 'Now, enn you-rucks' what it cOnt mo,' BMid tho host. 'Surely not,' Raid Mr. .Wolwter : "^1 know only tlmt it i'h oieollont.' ' Well, .tiuw I oitn toll you, for 1 undo a careful estiirmto tho other day. When I add tho 'interest to tho first price, I Mud that itjjcost mo tho auin of jobt $1.20 Jjor gllUiS.' ' Q\m1 gracious ! you don't Bay so,' said Air. W.eliHter; and then draining liia glusa ho proacutod it to the hoit ugiiiu with thorouiark : ' KH it up as quick as you can, for I want to stop that confounded interest.' It in astonishing how soon a man acknowledges hia uiistako when ho puts tho lighted oud of a oigar in his'mouth. As a frightened darkey, chased by an infuriated bull, ueaied the boundaries of the Mold,.ho .enthusi astically exclaimed, ' Millions for defence, but not She coat for tie hruto. ... GASIS FORSeCBNS. We are prepared to pay tho highuHt ' of Toronto for all oanh price went tdanye of Sheepskins and Calfskins in good condition delivered at our tannery. Wo wish it to hu dintiiiutly) umlorHtood that we pay the '.IIkiiikst. for mieh. I'nrlnerH will Htiuly their inter- ofits.hy hriiiK'UK their nkiim to mi, in- Btemlof selling thorn to Middlemen and iVldlcrj. STOUEV, M0011K &. CO. JTiMoiwloaviiij,' Mkiiiii at tho factory of.'W. 11; SixiKKV tt Co. will nlno ro- ceivqtho'hlxhe.-tt price for them. Jp-lYK VS1NTS A^AIN. On and after tho 1st of November, MILK will bu Hold at the following rates j. For rQuart, o Cents; Per Pint, 2k Cents; .' Xow Imperial Mo'.tsuro, .?t Guarl Ticket*'for Vne Dulliir. St rhib Ticket* for;F!fin Cents * ' In advance..- P. S. AKMSTUONO. Acton, O.ef is, 1ST7. TJJIlOTOilKArilKR.S -should for. -& ward mo their atldrcss if they wish" to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange lor PUotograjihing. -'Ad dress DANIEL .F. 1SKATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. Tt needs a bit oif imagination for the full enjoyment of the anecdote Uncle Silas didn't! like to bo beaten. Though iis youthful days had becvn left very far behind him, and the frosts of more than three Bcoro year* had Bilvorod his head, vet he really fancied that he was physi- cta'Iy as young, as ever. He was a short, dumpy, happy-hearted tnan, fond of his joke, aud particularly fond of the good things of life. One day,* out in tho hay-field, whither the oi-ttsni had been driven for a. load, the old man de clared that he conld load hay as well and as fast as lever ho coiilj ; HE'd > it waa known tlmt irr his younger, days, placing the hay u'pon.toe load had been his forte.; His two nephews did hot flatly. dispute him, but they clearly iii- tiriiateJ that he hud overestimated Lis power?. AVbew ! Uncle siles leaped like a playful dog. .'He would just like to 6how them ; land ho issued a challenge. He said Ire could load the hay as fast aa a pair of them conld pitch it on. The boys accepted the challenge, and the old-tnau mounted the hay rack, fork in hand. Anil, then the work commenced. The boys lifted large forkfuls rapidly. While tire body of tho rack was being filled all vvent well enough, but when tho load began to swell above and beyond the points of the stakes, and it became necessary to place each forkful in its proper place for binding the ni.iss ns-xt -below, things ljeennie a little mixed-tip 011 the top of tho cart. . Slill XJncte Silas yelled on";, at. the. top of his voicj ' More hay ! More hay ! Drat it, boys ' \"ou don't half keep me busy !'~ The boys let in. The Iiay went up .thick and fast, and the old- mJh'a puffing, as. he struggled to kekp his bead above the Hood, conld h plainly heard. At length, with Jus struggling, and his choking, 'and his being blinded tinder the ttiick coming mass, and the clumsy, ill- fashioned manner in which th la^t dozen forkfuls had been suffered to rest where they had fallen, the top of the load slid off upon the irpund, and the with it. ;-'ilallo! Uncle Silas, what'r ye down here for P ' 'Down here for?' gasped the old man, struggling up from the choking, binding pile. ' Why, concarn yer lazy, good for-uoihing pictures, I've come down after more ImvI' Boots & 1132,0-; S, CRAiNEi'& SON , have just received .1 fjrfl line of FELT :GGbDB5 ' ']! " 1 OVERSHks, AND RUBBERS for winter use. Jadffmeat Invited Evidence. on the Hugo Richards tells a laughafcle I - story of two1 friends who were at- ritacked by Indians in Arizona. ,. They were bjth orr muleback and the Indians right at their heels 'letting the arrows fly past them thick as a swarm of grasslippjiers in Kans-is. , One of the mules could outrun the other, uivLits rider became alarmed for the safety of his friend, who Was spurring, whipping and yelling at the animal to urge it along, hut it could not kriep up. The foiemost man Ipok- ed back, saw the peri] of his friend, and, in a frenzy 7-borduring 01V de- Kpair, sang out, 'Joe, why don't you come along?'- Joe, whose legs . and handd were ilying in the air like thejirms of a runaway; wind mill in a storm, coiild iiot let the opportunity ])ass, andiis ati/iirrow flitted by his ear, which, if possible, increased his exertions, he exclaim- *L- 'Do I act like a awn that --:Was throwing ofi'i' TO-baDSSED VOBB," . Ecpairing promptly attended to. CRASNE & SQtf. f December 17, 1577i. [: " } r:iE OATAKIO SADDLERY, AOTOKf,: Is the get tho best Harness for'tho least money. Ovrincr to Hard Times, Prices -------.have been Reduced. ' . {// Orilcrs left irith'mti will receive ( ireful attention. COLLARS A SPECSALTY ^As all farmers know their horses' cannot work with sore necks, throw off the old collars and get a nevY pair tlmt will give entiie satisfaction.. The place to get them is at the ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whips Just received and will hesold cheap for cash.' /{ , Cheaply, autl on the Shortest Xvtice.. ! LIST OF mm books Hold wholoHnlo uml retail l>y f . John Anderson v DookGollor,LGuoli)li. Burr6W0Br i'ianof'orto I'rlmor| Jousbo's Musical Catechism. Bortini'B Now Moihod for tho Piano. Clarko's New Mothptl Tor tho Piano. IIuuton'BiFiatio For to School, llowo's Tiaao without a Maslor. Uichardjon's Now Modorn School, Oitzo'B Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music iiooks. A Big Discount on all ^iOSBC BOOKS AT AJD'E.Ba0iH'8 CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East side of Wymtham .Street OUKLPH. W.STEWART&CO Ann KNOW! THYSELF ly reading otnj praetletai be loeitimablo truths con nlDcd In tho best mcillc* jook ever Issued, entitle' SELF-rHESEBVATJO: Price only (1. Sent b> mat nn rtCJipt of t>HcJ-_. S book ever l^nncd, entitle! -------------------------------------iS ____________________r. .. ____ s tressa of Exhausted Vitality. Fremararo JDccUoo JicTTOoa and rbyrlcal Debility, and the endltn concomitant Ub and untold mlietles tUat rcsui thetvlrom, and contains mora than aooricuill pre eriptlons, any ono of which Is worth tho prico ol tic boot. This book wis written by tho mo-tea tonilvo and probably the most skilful practitlonei In America, to whom was awarded o pold and Jow lled medal by tho Kattonol Medical AssociaUoa A' Pamphlet, JUnstrated with tho Teiy flaeal Bteel KnpnTincs a ronr- "" " " tel of art and beanty lent rnxE to alt Bend for it at once. Address l FE.VBODY MEDIC*T|IH/ari B JKSHTDTE. No. 4 Bnl- | H YSELP tachSU. Boston.Mans. I IDI Vhbl DANIEL F.-iBEATTY's' a. \ao Tcry iu HEAL BEATTT"p3S T\\>!1 R. CREECH. Acton, Aug. 21, 1S77. gBAGE'3 QE|lEBRATED gAt-VE, A Sure Ccllcf for liie SnCTprcr, pbkpahed nr SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, SO JIAHK1SOX AVENL'E, ". B'lSTON, MASS. GRACE'S CELEBRATED HALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, -. pr ! AND .. WAGGONS. Now is the time to leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory for a StylishBiiprjjJ' or Serviceable I am making up a large stoek for the present season, from the best material. Invented In tin 17th c-nuny bi- Dr. WI1- li-tm (irrfC, rturgeon la King James*. irrmv. Thningli'liti agbney he fared thousands of t lie most serlmis soreR and ,, ,. , , ,, Tr , ,, womidsthat barited ttie shin ortlie most Vail and hce-nurltr.UtcitifiMVlJufJiJtce oraiiipnt physicians of hlH dty, a^d was rrjfirded by all who knew lilin es a pub ic beuefaet/vr. PRICE 'Z~t GJCN-TS A TlOX. (IBWE'S CEIEBKITED SALTE CURES KLKsir ^yotr?.-D, KifznN- i.tmbs, salt liUEUM, CIIILIsr.AI-NS" W>ItK BHEAST, Will! I.II".-j. KltVSIl'KI.AK, tft.VG- . WonMHiCMihU.SES, SCA7/I) HErtJJ C'llAU'ED IUSIW, 1, ' n'JBXS, , ; CNCKlUS, VEI.ONS, si', 1 sires. - ulceus, WOUNDS, SriXGrf, HIIINGJ.ES, kestkks, wens, stii:.~, I'U.KS AIl.'KsS, VltEf'KLES, - nrsioxs, -SPhaiss, ' iwni,, 1JITE*, CUTS WHITLOWS WAKTS, 1II.TSTF.RS,: TAX itmi'Les, c.'itks, scrnvy, ITCII, INOROWI^G NA1LR, NKPTLI-; lEASir, jS JIUSQUITO AND H.EA EITES, KI'IDEK . . STINOSf And allioutaneous dlspasi s and 1 ruptlons 'J generally, I'V>rKilb by all drtrji^li.t., grocerp. nnd nt all coanfyKi ores tli nm-'ln mt the Tliil- ted -Stilts anil Hritlsll I*roviQce6. Prloo by mall So cents TTY Thereisnomanufacturerof'Pinnos and Organs in-this oj- any other country who has received- as many iinsuli-jite'l indprseirients as has Mr. Beatty. Froiii every .State and Ter ritory comes the sam verdict 'They are the best in the world." T11 usiratod^.Advertiser, (Catalogue 'Eiition)Tree..- Addi-ess DANlEi/K. BEATTY, Washington, New .lersey. Xow ia a good tinic to secure bargains. _'.- ' Strict attention givcj to Zotsc-Shooiner.Ss GoacralBlacli- smiifcinsr. JAMES'RYDER. Acton, Feb. 2G. 1877. AXn ri'UKaiT.nii iif:WT\"S CKI.f- HltATKI> O'.l-lll'N 'jiiSUIIKH I'M!- I,f>tt ORGAN" lire tin-( tPS! mtied tno<t iwi-!oct ,ln>t-itn. nts t^v.-r ;.b.'f'"- 1 f irie.r. -il la iln- < <r any rtlur coun-i try. Th** %r.'rl'l is challtnecil lo cn":, them, jllest'ilisromiti "lid teriii- ever In-, fore ^IS'i-n. Hoc!; bot'om ;>niile | ric/^K? now rrfit|y t> jo' b- ri^, n^ns, nnd tlif trad" In urneriil. An (ll'cr. TIipkp cele brated' in.itriim nih niUi'r llnno m '<>rp;.'iti.1 boxoil nnd sliljij ed anywhere, on five or fifteen days' test trial. M< my ro- Timileil nnd frelclit chnmet paid bott. vraysif in uny wny iiuFnti>'fnetory. Knllv ^ iirriinti-H for six vrurs ik strlrily fln-t- rlnss. FXTKAOKDINAllY IJREKA1. Dli-COtlN'lx il-eii to CliurclK K. ScliOOls, f<oil?es. Hulls, Minltlcrf. Tenrlif-is, ele.,. In i.rder to tmve ttieni ininvluc-ed at once whore I bnve no brpiiI*. Thoiinind.s now In 111-e. New lUusJra'ed Advi rilfcerfCnta I'-yue K<lil ion with llKt rf tpkiluuiuialF, nov.* rendv, t-rn( tr*e. Ks'ni.Msl'.ni li- IMU. Aiid'n-s^ DANIEL F. BfSATTY, WaiJhlliBlon, New Jcrif.v, , C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN Groceries, CrcsiciT. j Loots &-Sices, _ "TTall Paper, "Window Blinfle, iTails, Glass, Putty, Linseed Oil. ; , Paints; Turpentine . Coal Oil, Salt, ote: /111 of which will be sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. Also agent for tire RUBBER PAINT COMPANY O/ Cleveland, Ohio. Casli for Hides. .4cton, July 18, 1876. Tiie first anitnalsi-that camo out of the aik were a rpuir of calves. Thry were o*i Noah's legs. It is estiiiiafccjl that the .'o isefl needlessly sustained by fir.i in the w.pild ainoiuit -o:^7S,010 OQd ,an- liuallv. - WA- \TED. Jjadiea and geiitlu:n.e*i to IcnHi Tele- grajili Operating for oliiees opening in the Duaiimon. Sta up for answer. . Address AjAN'.A'im:, liox 0ji5, Toronto. iEATTVS.rll'.'no^ -T,,""M,"^,E:,< ranU, siimire I A (MflTkC ,,n'1 "nr'!;llt. ie 1 n il H-V C3 pronounced by the -^ ' pics and tlie people ID as the most t'eadtlfn-l and KWet t- ..^ 1 est loned i'iahos ever mannlacinr- 0RM"' t1?an.l.?,'ufc miwt'T yu H1 if UsgaBBBaai prononneedtne WASHINGTON, best In tho world. NEW JERSEY. Realty's celebrated -.olu*-n Tc'n^iued Parlor Origan. A'ny mitmii.-iclnrdT eballen^ed Ui ecjtiiil tliem-. Triey .possess power, .lept'b, brll iaiicy inifl sympntlietlc delicacy, exqu.Mlely beautifully solo efl'ecis, and tne only stop action ever Invented that cannot be dis arranged by ute. The bellows capacity is $01-'real that bin .itile effort Is requir ed]-wltn tho fee', to Riipplj all the nlr nepessnry. Best made nnd most elegan.t cafes in the market. Ml solid wood ornaments. Every In.strnmentfiilly u nr- rni)itC(I for sir yearn n strictly first ehiss, andsem. on ironl 5 to l.r) .biys* t.-st IrlnV. A<Mr'Sl\MP.l F. BEATTY, Vl'liBhlng- toa New Jersey. T^IISINESS PKOPERTY. The undersigned offers for sale that demisable property. situated oil Main street, now .occupied hy Alri Cllas. Cameron as a'lstoro and dwelling. The proporty is in first-class condition and \vi ;h a good cellar.-Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to. T MESSRS.'Wi DARLING1* CO. , ! ^Montreal. \: Or, U'.II.'SToniCY, A;etou. 1 Aeton, Aug: 2-J.l,dS77. V CONSUMPTION CURED. An oi.ti rirvBHIAN, re tired from tctheprftC- - c*ihtTln^ hsu f>larcd \n hi liaiitU bv an Kait I JjiaU Mi*iu!ir>' tle lurriiula uf a VcRctable I lUnif:U>' fur tliC i)ct"i)>*.ai,a .permanent cure of Con'#ittitj>tlott* Axthiim, I>voncliiiiti'ttUivvh, PH3 T,Tlir"n.t. rt-^i Lutif Affections: alo I &PbBitir*' ami n>-dieol Cut f<-r Nprvitg De- I blhtv ami all Ncrv^ua ('ciupln'nin, aflrr Jiuv- I iD^lhorouehl)- tr>tHl "*iti vrt.mlniiil curative I I'weri in ifi(iUKrtli> ( cum-i, (rel j' till' duty to make it known In his Millurin^ fWlimi. A<-in- I ated by tins motive nr-d a cuiiniriiliitit* ilctirr'tu I relieve Jntinna sntlcrinc, lip wii! n-nd Flth.K 1 *>r CI!Alt(;i* fi> nil wTu> dcxlrv it. this. Tei-ipe. I will) lull 'Jlm-tutim (ur pr.'iJurinz any mi(icetiil- I )y unlit?. Hviit l>y rt-turti timil ty add (twins ] wj'Ji *taitii), naming this paper. * i It. C. STKVKNS, : : NOW KO"WINa A very large and very choice assort ment of JOB FALL WEAR New Blaolc and Colored Silks. New French Cnthmoroo, New Ribbons unci Tiea, Kew Dreii QoodB. _- -, ' >fov Staple .Dry Goods, our stock ov i Tweetls, Ciotlisj [and : Overcoatings In very ohoico r nd cheap. - ' Wo bold a very superior and large lot Of U1V! MANTLES AND MILLINERY. MASNIFICEANT Dlpjl Q& New Fall and Winter GoodJ AT t ^ W. Stewart'& Co., filTEfLPin. October 16, 1S77. OdLDENLIO^ Wo desire to call attention to the very large assortment Of"cbtHal* '* goods of every description which we are no??, offering;. T ' ^; : - "r 'f ' i-- ' . Our importations from Britain are now all to hand^a-od n&j&a.lmi+ia fear of contradiction, that our Stock of I"'~*-?P"-- <3ropr>0 In every Branch, is "" : TB^B LARGEET, i CHOICEST, AJSfD BEST ASSGEl^D OUTSIDE TOK0NTO, : i'.' A CROWDED STORE, Immense Bales of AT E FASHIONABLE- WEST E 600 to 700 Tards BBLiLING DAILY. Wo are showing, without exception, the| ~ Largest, Most Attractiy^ an& Cheap est? STOCK of SILKS AND DUESS &U0rS K Ever shown in thia town. :' Ladies visiting. Guelph and buying DresS Goods, Silks, "Velveteens, Mantles, A/ilIineiy, Furs, etc., without first seeing our immeuEe and beautiful stock, do themselves a great injustice. We' I esteem it a pleasure to show our goods. :' ... L'idies, cotiie direct to the FashinaWe West End, the lending house for Sjlks, Dress Goods, .Mantles and J/illinery. Ful.l stock of iashion- nblo Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match all our materials. A, O. BUCHASVi, Fashionable West End Dress, Mllilnory and WnmleKstfiblisbmtiit. Gaelph, Oct. 2*. 1877. , ea aasssssBs PBEC I Any verson who will make rllbfc i nnd forward me a list of I he names of rellnlde pernors or their ae- qualntnr.cp who wli-h to .procurer.!) in strument, either Piano orOrgiiT'j I will use my best-endeavors 'o sell them one, and for nvprr Piano J Rueet ed In Kellilie 1.0 their llKt- within one year, J. will credit them with $10tand for .every Orcmi $3, to be applied on p->yrr.ent of filhor n Piano.or Hrent'; nnd v\ hen It nmnints lo 11 sum 'sufficient to pny f< r 1111 iiiHfrcment sell rled nt tue lowest wliolrsnle price, I will Immtfdintel.v ship Ihn l-nstrnn.ienl,'. free, or after nny amount 1b crrdited the' bniiinee may be Tnld me In enslnind I will then ship llirm the. lnsnuni"):t. Tl ey nerd not ho known In ti 0 mutter, and will he del lit; I heir frier ds a real ser- vlon, as I-slinlI niatce special eflVrfi lo them, sol lin-rii !ip<>vfor liiMf rtinu-iit for from one-tipir to t-wu-tliin'K what Is ordinarily aslfed by ai!i-nis. I'lersisei'd me ft Us' at rtiieeaiidnfier.vnu have mmle Inquiry vou <-}in 1 1I1I In ! . A 'dress nvNMKIjKMJEATTV Walilrg'on;New Jersey. | CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALEI FRESH ^RIVALS At'thi Easst End . ,: Large additions to our already Bupurb stock of. a Our stock.of Dress_Gooda large that itis impossible to enoiberati the Tarietiea. ,iadie may depend, however, on finding at ^THE tft Nail ~" the flew materials -alLjhe fashionable shades and at the iameUm* oa of, the cheapest goods ever seen.. This is acknowledged by. all wb3ihat looked through our stock. . . 1 I ' No lady.- ever leaves THB LION without getting exactly th dreii Jja wnts.' , l . '" ' inLLINERY, TB.IMMINGS AND SIANlLES; - -v. We invito spQcial_ attention to the bargains we are offering in tl ii de partment. In the Millinery Branch TfJ.JS' HON has alwavn carrMtf tk palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles than ever wh leoar diapiay of Ladies* Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported an imnvsaa assortment which we gcarantee to be the cheapest ever shown in ii tlph.-; ' 1 , DRESS 3IAKING. ' ? , . "" ' ."- " Ladies, do; not forget this branch. Mrs. Thompson/*as"aha ThiIWn{|:.-> known, is monopolising all the bes; work of thenown. Styles une Ila.' 1 Prices moderate. " * ,' . ^>T (1 ; - EEADYMADE CL0THIXG, ,- Just received a large gtock of Clothing,-including Ojtrcoata in style, very cheap. : --. TWEEDS AND OYERCOATIiTGd ] U-l, 1 New stylea for fall wear.'Jatest patterns, figures very low. isrotlsmaL" remember we have the best cutter iiiiovm,. A- perfect fit guariaa'trtd. " / WINCEY^ . WINCEY. I WINCEY. V \ i, ' More than 1,00.0 pieces, plain -and iancy, from 6 cents a yard tljfl|eli> est in town. -.' ' ,. BUFFALO EOBE3. Cheaper than ever, Brices from $1 upwards. A largo lot-full fnt thft "* highest brand, A 1, perlect, from 8 to $10 each. . : ;v GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND ITNIOJv ^Hlim&^K^ ?, o to the Lion, the Fcople's CBenp Store .- "-. ; J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO Guelph, Oct. 30. 1S77. ; , ' f, ; THEi ^REJB^ FilBSS PRIM fc To Merchf njs and other Business Miti, to Acton, as well as throughout tii: County, the Free Press is an invkluabie Advertising^ ' v r Medium,- ! h ^: l""i'-' - Our Unrivalled FacUities for Excnling all kindi of -J BOOK AND JOB P^Mtfip s Unable ns to tarn out work tctxttd t aaytibiDK dn is U fW- s ':,^.il!:-ii "E.I^A.;'3ST3jgg| Grand, Square &..iJj Just opened, which we are offering Irani 15 to 20 percent less than>tbeir. real value. , Having bought largely and for cash we are enabled to place in tho hands of our customers a good, sound, reliable article at1 lees than auction sale prices. Fpr example: . i ! - ;. i 1 A large selection of'paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 and 75 ceijts, worth 90 cents and St per yard. Uie^e goods ore noted for durability; . Heavy Checked,Fulled Cloths, from G2^ and 70 cents. Rai-e value. A good suit of clothes Scotch andlEnglish Tweeds, froru 80 cents up. older for $11, Special valtio hi Overcoats from $7 iip. And also everything in the way of Gents'Furnishings, at bottom prices. ' j, Itemember this is no moth eaten bankrupt stock, neither; shoddy auo- lion sule goods, nor yet eoods damaged at fires, but sound, reliable goods fresh from the loonis. We solicit a thorough inspection of our stock. 1 1 FYPE & McNAB, Acton, Nov. 11,1877. . Agents .wantetLleveryuhere. Aud TO BUSINESS MEN H'yon . want Billheads, Statements, Let- terbeaus. Kuvelopos, Mercantile Pilot- lug, Jpfauy kind, done In btlslnessstjle, send your ordxjis to the Kree l^Riiss office. Satisfaction guaranteed. S10N PAINTERS 'VSZVZ t-iohior the Uulted StateR and Prortnces to answer tnl? advertisement. Address DANIEL F.'UEATTV, Washington, iNew Jorsoy. ress DANIEL F. BBA^T^I: 3| Washington.,'^ew J<f&>U QdHOJdT TEACHERS: ***Z&:- IO easily increase y'"Mlti-A'v devoting a very smalLpMW1-jv, you^ leisure time to my w&T-i&V. do not expert you' to a.n^^S.. my celebriej Seaity's .**, -' Organs unleis you, seo fat .g?, the service rrequire of JonT% pleasant and profitable, f^te fifx. ticularsfree. Address PAfcWf *^ BEATTY, Washing*011) e* -- V -# '

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