Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1878, p. 4

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t^t i mi -_i Si-.i _&a, _* * ?^?3 Iffcr ' : fe?f r atata THE FREE PRESS^ ACTON, IIALTOtf COUNTY, ONT FEBRUARY 14, Tilt I M .M_IU:1> Kkau Vr.imvooii, ISTt1. Wo readied llOtV tllilS lUill'Twill!'" Tom H;*kcr. Ne.l l.eomv.1 hrM I ; i> y,ui w that, in spite of you warn- The end of o ur journey ii nijjh.' The redskins - tis soaroo wort 1 th. m tit:. Ml, IV.n t -w -rrv at ..lit me >ray- 1 ;t\ i'. hiiWII US 11 . lit !.. : itt Mltlotl - t_V'n I'Ull I th in >._ ,l.<i l ll our Mil}". " I'oor Ned's y >t a b:dl in lii? shoUaU-r, Another otic jn>t iiiiuc.l niv vide 'Hut pshaw I v-iv We're halt :\ day older \\ I'tl be at the end oi 'our ride. hrvaUfast-- 'IVm's splittitii: Sonic Kindling wood otV in tho pine;-, -\nd _>tiido a dead cedar' I'm sitting To hastily pen you th*-.-.' line.-.. '* A-oourier froiu l>ead\vo.d - wo mot , In in- Ju>l now. with a mail for tho S'-abur, (i Ah. Jenny %. I'll ru'iit forgot him) Kor this olilioiu^Iy.wji't^. " Ho say.-., i*-., tho miners arv eAruing Ten dollars a day, every inaii^ Hallo : here comes Torn he's return ing - AuJ r-juuin as fast as ho au. he is only > AJ oiuv'f-!iis practical --" Hang ! And sharp, througji that solitude lonely , The era k -of Sioux rillo shots ran.*. -J' o- ..^mo bhu.lcd :_An.l :ii tho .tire vo / * With eeho troiu The Utter to .It-uuy I:.-* writer lay dead ou-the ^rase. eanoii aiul Kiss, :u ei*deu VOEODV. S/rram&r eix wpeka for liolliiii'. ' Lot 'ur oomo I'm on dock, 1 am." " Well, nil', if two diiimotrioiil oiivlex, with ootnijoiml ppri|ilu>rjo:i n)ioulil ocUido with a oolit i ifugul ttluuiyticraay, or, to jmt it^liiincr, j avd'U say mliaoiili Miu:hib>i:d liotiaiiity, i v>:lmt cll'oct would tlio Ciittistropliu, ' oxort on ii orystullir.^d" cod Tin h mi - hu'lulod l>y tin! tail fro i\ tlio lioino. jjonrou.s l'lifii'i'.s of tho cinpyi't'iin 1" As tho full ioioo of thin ponder ous juoblein hiolco upon, his bowil- ileiTil liiuiu lie slo\vry-ikiKijl lii iuiiitistioaliy eoliblod- yhoo' fioni undor hiw ehuir and Hturted ftvm tlin room. Wo heard him descend tho -eturt, go out aid close the door. Wo then placidly rfsum rt our duties, repotting - thnt ko pro- uiisin^; n youth should kiivo been weighed i\ud found wanting.: Til For Tat. On tho Hon. Hurrry Erskinc'B receiving his np]iointinent to sue cct-d Mr. l>undas &a justiciury of Seotliind, he observed that lie must go mid order his silk robe. " Never mind," sniil Mri J>nn- das; "for the short time yoti will require it, you"had better borrow luine." '"No !" rpplicjl Erakino ; " no uiktter for how short a ts'mti hoov<9* I may ireed it, heaven forbid that I commence my careor by ndopting tho abandoned habits of my pre decessor. ' 4J 'A Oil Izi H ft c3 0 E I t. '~4 N -5 t o til R H. Q . IT i.oUsly'; notiecd you, yon must ho small :'"'" I: uol>.iv"j slichtcd vnu, von must l>c :-dl'; If tlohjsjs'^ *K.W'ed t.} VOU, yeUl lUU^t lie low.;" " Ii hi^kIv s kij^eM you, yt.u rt? ugly, we kui>w : - }i no'vAv's euviial- vou, vou'ro ft \kiot oi:\ " ; If nohovlvVs tiattcix-ti you, ilattcr vour- - .self: ': li nobody's cheated you, you arc a knn.vej If u^'siU.vto^ you, you are n plavo; If noKtdy'.N called, you a fcol to your face. " Scnivbody's \nshed for vour back in it3 place: "1: i-.oKkIv krioTT^' ^.f vour- faults but a Noboiy'li miss thei If iioln<dv cl'.ucs t. i at thiLstbrld'a end ; your purse like a If uo XuU.dy'Il run like a hon.xid wh,3u if? '" t-0..e:- . niy'i titcu your bread from your sUire, Nobody'll call you a '-'miserly bore}" If :io;*.ly's slau-.lered you here is our. -{. -,""' - . :^'.fcU yoursvlt "'JioboJy " qi'.ick as yon Call. ! ry?u;ted .to be an Editor. 1' II:'.ve y.ou had any f.Xj>eriencv }n the Uubiiiess f -e ^ked of a Verdant looking yontji, who ap plied "toi an editorial position the .other .lay. - ' . ' riaveu't.. I, thoiijjh',2' he repli ed, ai he bhored one- foot under ijis chair, to -bide the unskilful patchtEjj.vf a bttcVwoods' cobblei. " I -should siy 1 had some exj.eri- .ence havn't I corresponded with .rhe Fuiupkinyi41ti Screamer for six . weeks-i Haiif't .that experience ,e,nough _f" '"That will do," ye replied, but. when we take young menon our editorial st-atf, we generally piit them tbrougli an examination, .ilow much are twelve times one ?" " Twelve 1 Why, any iittle boy .ought to an _ " IJold on, please-^don't be too who discovered Aitierica "l" ~ " KliiuibiiS I, Pshaw, tlieLu- quea- ition.s are just as easy as " J " Whor-wai, the first ina:i I7' j " Adam ' Wliv_, Mister, I know |{fe ' -, .all -" ' " What was his other name f "His other name'. Why, he didn't have none." " Yes, he did. You set*., that's where we've got you. His other ,xi:iiuo .I^biii'zur Adam," E'iq., late of Paradise. Nobody"' but .editors know this, and see to it -that vol: don't tell anybody." He. said lie wouldn't. " How many bonus are there jn .the human body ?" . " Well, I forget now, but I did ,know" "What: don't vou know that j Why, there's 7,482,921,444 bones .in an ordinary man. A -man that snores has one bono more than' ,ptlier men." " What bone is that V "/Che trombone. Tt is situated .somewhere in the nose. You wont .forget that, will voir?" lie said he wouldn't. " How long would it take a mud- tuitle in eroKS the det-ert of Sahara with a' binall orphan-boy to touch him up behind with a red-hot " Well, look here, Mlstor, if I had a slate and pencil I. could finger that out, but my dogskin if I'm much'on mental 'rithmatic." "Slate and pencil J Did you ,cve,r we a,fc>lrtw and pencil about u :sanctum'! Well, well, we'll let tiie matter slip. 'Have you a-good (Constitution i" " Putty tolurahle." ." How long do you suppose yoti .could live on raw corn and faith, jtthd do the work of a domesticated .elephant]" ;" "Jingo! T don't think J could- ]live mor'n a week." ; " Well, thal'd about as long aa you'd 'want to live if you got an .editorial position on this p-ip^r. ' You appear to be pretty well posted"; we. shall ask you one more^ .question, and if you provj oqual'to it you cup. tjke ptF your coat and jSail in/' .. '-"Let's have'er square. I didn't i^oj-reapond .lor tho Puiupkinvillo ; Cull a lfldy "a chicken," nnd ton. to one she is angry. Tell her alio is " no chicken," rcnd twenty to one she is still'angrier. There is said to be something consoling for every ill in this life. For instance, if n.mun is bald- headed, his wife can't pull his hair. . .-C.duily" chicken train had been started on the Pttmisylvtuiia mil road. They liavo have a I'-ochin' tho rear and - a locomotive' to- pullet. - A young1 hidy of Chicago, ro turninc from church recently, was asked what the text was, when she replied : " Blessed are the dress- makers." How a woman can keep talking while she if twisting up her back hair, and has her Hvuuth full if hairpinc, is a mystery not yet ex plained. A Frrnch - paper says : " Not .one American in a hundred has a I handsome chin." Of course not- thoir time itf devoted to tho culti vation' of--chevk. Thirty days imprisonment in jail was thought by an Irii-huian n trilling sentence, ' ' bccauKO, rb it was the depth of winter, the days were so short." A journalist says that the girl, of the period prides herself on "being no larger round than a candle." What he .rueo-OB is that she has a taper waist. I' ll you go on. an excursion ard tho seats, are all taken, stand up as long as long as ypu can, and then cry out, ' Man overboard !" Every woman will rush for the rail. A ittle boy1; after watching the burning of the school house, until the novelty of the thing had ceas ed started down the street, saying, :" I'm glad the old thing'd barned down.; I didn't have my jogfry lesson no how." A man who had brutally assault ed his wife was brought before Justice Cole, of New York, lately, and had ii g^od deal to say about " getting justice." " Justioe," re plied Cule, " you can't get it here ; this court has no power to hang you !" _ A young man appointed to a clerkship in the Treasury Depart ment was conducted to--his'desk and informed what his duticB were. I he chief of the. department dis covered him comfortably reposing in his seat, with Jiis feet character istically resting on the ' desk. ' Hollo !' said the chief, " don't you expect to do any work V ' Work ]' ,ejcclairued the astonished'youth,' "1 had to work hard enough to get here.' : '.' A stirn father ,got wind of an .intended elopement of hia daughter on a certain night, and when that 6weet thing was fen - the poiot of stealing down stairs, she beheld a very ferocious bulldog standing at the bottcpnv-"; so she concluded to go back to herlrootn and postpone thu elopement. Hor fathe, never told her wns a stuffed dog which bft -had borrowed from the nnn .ixing next door. . Ax. AWKWARD PAt'SE. A -young gentleman undertook to xc- late a circuniHtiince one Sunday evening, in the presence of some' young ladies, and he commenced as follows : " A lady frieiid and myself, lust ovening went toj Bed " With a sudden spring tho old lidy bounced hitn out of the house. Ti,e net day the old gentloman met him on the street- and asked for an apology. "I was about to say," commenc ed the young man,. " that rt lady friend and myself went to Bed " when a thrust from the old man's cane started him back several feet, upon which he exclaimed at top of his voice : ; " A lady friend and myself went to Bedfprd street church, ydu old fool!" . " ' ';' CAST OUT But not Destroyed. Raving made arrangements with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for an agency for tho salo of Saab, Boors. Framos, Mouldinrjo- Drossol rioorlnsr. shooting, "Wainscot, j S14ine. &e. I am prepared, to furnish nny of the hove, at prices defy com petition, i'leaso call and see sam ples of moulding, ic.,'oioforo pur chasing elsewhere. " .'1 BLINDS 30 CENTS PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customers for pastfivvorsmid nopincstill tomorita luir ahare of your patronage. I am respectfully yours. TIIOS. EBBAGE, Agent. Khon at Mr- Overtnii's old stanl. - Acton, Die. ITlh, K77. 6(i-lj-. j. F. NIoGARVINS Hall of Pharmacy, For Drug3, Patent M.odioines^ Dyo Stuffs; Gom^g, Brushes," 6co. BEATTY 142,; JrVMft AND Ul'ltKiHT, an ni:\TTY'.SCKI,K- HltATKl) tlubDF.N 'JDNIHIKII 1'Alh l,l)H nllll-\N lire the sweetest lonoil ami p(>rlect. liistiiinn-uls over before maniifiieiiired lu Hun oriiny oti. r Coiui'- try. Tho uorltl In chullencct u> c<l.m, Lliem. Il;-st dlseounf* ..n.l term- i-vcr be fore i;Ivi-ii..' ltoc^ bottom piuile prices! now ready .l,>-Jo,-l>frs, ir^culH, and the triulo lii'iiciteriil. An otter: Thene rphi- i.rato.t lii-iniin ins, ..tiher llano <>i Di'Kani Imxeil and Klil'|.peil any where, on live or liricrnMivyh'tet-l lllul.- Mm: fumteif unci fretKlil. '.eluirues paid- bot b ways If In -iny-way unsansfaelory. ^-"ully wairiiiited tor M.\ rears us str 1 o11y llrst- rliiss. KXTItAOlllHN.lBY MHVlKA I, 1)I-(!UUM'.-kI .ril to (,'lmrrlir 8. Sc.ools, LodR-'H, Mall,.. Mlnlstern, Tonch.TM, etc., In ol.lor to lial'o th'-m I ulroduced at oliee wlo-re I Lave no huohIk, TIioiikuiuIs now in um'. New lllnslnoed Advortlser (I'a'n InCUi- Kdlllnn; with llHt if toMlmuiiliih, now rnidv, sent Inc. KMaMlsbed In 1K.V. Addresi. DANIEL. F. BEATTY, W'asliliiKlon, New Jersey, .'.I SIGH PAINTE3S __ ____ _____ every hoc tit. 11 of t'ift IT alt* a __.-:il:'s and Provlncit Uian.Wfrtiil mlvortlfi*Miwnt. Atltlri.<r>f> OAMIL F. nRiTTI, Wasl.lDgtot), Wiew Jersey. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE A Sure Oiler for flic huCfcrcr. i'ii_rAui-:n uv SETH W. FOWLE __ SONS, SeJ llAHaiSON- AVK5VE, I1_SX(,S-, MASS. KNOW By reading _n_ pr_cttct_| Ike Inestimable truths con txUocd in tbo best mer]ic_- bork erf r Issued, entitle! SELF-l'IlESEEVATIO? THYSM trricconlyei. (SentbymM I II I Vbhl nn receipt of price. . treats of Exhausted Vitality. Prcmiituro Decline Kert-oui and I'hyflcal Debility, and tlie endlcsi concomitant Ills nnil untold miseries that resuB therefrom, nnd contains moro tlmn oOorijrinnl pro criptions, any onc:of which is vorth the price ol the book. This book was - ritten by the moft e_ tensive and probably the most akllful praetiUonci In Amc'rica, to whom was awarded a gold and Jew eUcd medal by. the KaUonal Medical Associadon A Pamphlet, illustrated with-tho Tcry Ones 6tcel Enpravincs " " " Tel of art and bcauty-r- lent TlirB to r_ Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bui 1__ St., Boston. __!_ HEAL THYSELF SCU(JUL TEACHEHS- You cm easily incrense your salary by devoting n very small portion of vour leisure timelo my interest. 1 do not expect you to canvans for. my celebrated Beattj's Tiunos aid Organs unless you see fit to; but the service 1 require of you is both pleasant and profitable. Full par ticulars free. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey ; UBACK'S CKLEURATKI) _ALVE, ls-n V.^etablo Preparation, Invented In the 17lh cmtiuy by Dr. Wil liam Draco, Surueuu lu Klnis Jaiiu-.s' army. Throu.;)) its agency lie cured tlrousands of the most serlraia sores and wound* tliat tmllled tlie skill of the most eminent pbyslcianR of nta day, and \vn> rcKiirrled by all who knew him i.s (i pub ic benefactor. rniCE 2~> cy.sTH A box. (CnltTS (F.LEBB1TED 8.1LTE : cijitty- rT(_'iil WOl'SIiS, Vlt(l_l:S. IJMIIS, SALT IWtEr.M, (-im.llI.AI.S.--, SOU1J liltKAST, '. .IlK MI'S,' K.llYKH'KI.AS, 111X11- WrjJI3IS?CAI.I.L-sns, M-AI.II irKAl? fllAl-l-KIi HANI!--., nt'rtNs, CrfXCEIIS, l'KI.ONS, SCAI.HiJ, soans, iri.cKiis, WOUND.-., STINfiS, SIM.Nfil.ES, rKSTKIlH, W'KSS, . STIK.-, J'lI.KS AII.7KSH, FUEI'KI.SS, II'.'NIOSS, SniAINS, HOM.s, I1ITK, 1 ckts WHITLOWS U-AHTS, Ill.ISTEUS, r- TAN- l'l.MI'l.IH, roiiNs, scruvv. GASH FOR SKBNS. Id-, are prepared to pay the highest cash price west of Toronto for all classes of , .-..- Sheepskins and Calfskins in good condition delivered at our tannery. )Te wish it,to ba'distinctly understood that wo pay tlijc Hkjiiint I'niri: for such. Fanners'will study their inter ests by bringing their skins U) us,*;in- stead of selling them!i5^.en ind Peddlera. ' i STOItEt, -MOORE _. C'O. Persons leaving sk,ir.s at tho'factory of W. If. Srolttv & Co. will also re ceive the highest price for them. ITCH, iNdimiriM; nails, .vi;t.ti.k itASU, MCSUUITO AM. KI.KA IJITES, sl'I IlKlt sri.Mis, And all cutaneous dl^ea^oH and .ruptlons generally, "ForKilo by all dnnj.lns. (trneors. nnd at all country stores Uirou^liout the Un|: tedKlat-es and Hrltibh i'rovinces.' 1'rlce by mall ol) cents ' I PHOTOURAPHERS should for ward me their ad.drcss if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad^ dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersoy, 'i ACTON PLANING MILLS D. W. CAMPBELL, Prop. Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture ' ' SASH/POORS, IvfOULDINGS, &c All kinds of PL A IT I IT & Promptly attended to. ; ;D. W. CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877. _2-3ra BEATTY?S ^K _vs___b iin_- li'ijuu _ iuni;_ t; v ORGANS. i-Hnd, Krjunro QIAMAC '""' upright, are f~ IHIl KJ O pronounced by the **^"**r**rpieSB j,ud the people AND ns the most hcatitffill nndsweet- est toned pianos ever manufactur ed. Sent on to t trial and pronounced-tne WASHINGTON, best In tho world. NEW rJERSEYi Healiy's celebrated Golden Toncueil Parlor Organ, . Any niiinutacturerchallengcd to equal Ibem. Tbey possess "power, depth, brilliancy nnd sympathetic delicacy, exquisitely beautlfuHy solo eflects, and tne only stop action ev,er Invented that cannot ~be dis arranged- i,y use. Tbo bellows cnpacKy li;sn great that but little ellort Isrequlr-: ed wltti tne feo-. to supply all tho olr necei-siiry. Befit mndeand most elegant cases In tho market, a 11 solid wood ornaments. EveryInBtrumentfiiliy war- ranted for six yours as strictly first-class, ' andsenton from fl to lfi: days' tost .rial. Addr<>rR|>AKiRi, f. BKATTT, Vanhln*. tap'Jtew Terse v. BEATTY S--52 u_.n in 0EGAN There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received lis many unsolicited indorsements as lias Mr. Bentt. From every State and Ter ritory comes the siim verdict. 'They are the best in the world " Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New .lersey WA. VXTEI>. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for officcH opemiiR in the Dominion. Stamp for answer.' Address Manackr, Box 955, Toronto. CONSUMPTION CURED. .. 4?! nI-.1' Phtsh-ian. rt-lirrd Irom "active prtr-l ',c5hSThijt },,i P|,ri,i | i,| i,ouiIi hy tn p,,rt I India muimirj the formula V(-rttable I nemtay for the .peedy antl pcnnfljwnl cure of I Cotitfnnptlon, Anthmn, Jlronchilts, I Ctttarrlt, r I IS? *J.ViJhr<?l.t.IuntV lAinrr AJTebtlona; alto I rosltlre otirl H.illrol Co'e n.r Norvriua De-I plUty nrrtl all Ken-mii tJninnln.'rWir. aflfr hiv- laj OKiroirjfhly lr-^o.1 u. wondtrf.,1 curatlro Htn lu tfuiuiai'ili nI i-dici, feeii'ii hli Jutr to make II known in hli nnlli rlnc I'pMnwi. Aelu- 1 aled tjr Ihn niollTc anil a ernuirlniiiiiui rtnilre lo I fff'R.'j'jrW! ufl.riiir, lie will FH>.K| V*. VIf,Airt'Li <" all wlin rlwire Jt, lliir rcclM, I wluitull dlrcdluui lor iire|irinKaiiT iiirceairfil. I ly uiltifz. Sent l.y rrfurn mail \y iililreiilnir I Willi Uaiup, uiuuini! thii. paper. ' 1IB.' C. STEVENS, D.B.r. Ub\ SO, haooKVIU.E. ONT. TO BUSINESS MEN.-If you .'want Hllllieadn, Rtatcinonts, Lot- torlieaus, RnvelopeB, Mercantile Pilnt- lii(j,of any kind, done in business style, send your ordors. to the Kheb Pbkbh ofaco. Satisfaction Guaranteed. COCC I Aiiy poison who will make PnCC and forward me a list oi the names of reliable persons ol (liialntiince who wish to procur* nn in strument, either Piano orOrgan, X will use my best endeavors to sell them rame, and for every Piano I succcerjiJniselhng to their list within oneyenr.l wtiI credit them with $10, and ror._yery"brBMn$5, to be applied on payment of either n Piano or Orpran; and when it amounts to a sum Btnncient, to pay for an instrument selected at ti-o lowest Mholcsiile price, I willlmm;(!lati?lysiilp Iheinstrument, free^riineranyjip'^nnt is credited tlie balance may bo puid me In cnshsiid I will then ship them the Instrument. They need not bo known In tbeJnattor, and will be doliiKthelrfrleiidsarealseT- vlce, ns I shall make special offers to them,6o!lln[;n nperlor lns(.niuenr for from one.Iinir fo Iwo-tUirils what 1b ordlnarilyasked byaBents. Plensesend me a list at once andnfier you have mndeT Inquiry yoti enn ndil to. It. Artdreeg DAN1ELP.BEATTY Washl_e<_(i,K.w JoR&y. W. STEWART & CO NOW SHCWIHO A vory large nnd vory ohoioo assort- -rnont of '!. New Dry Goods iron FALL -WEAR- IN Now Black and Colored Silkc. New French Caihinorcs, Now Ribbons end Ties, New Dress Goods. New .Staple Dry Goods, oca STOCK QP Tweeds, Cloth.-, fund Overcoatings Is vjoiy choice and cheap. Wo hold a vory superior and large lot of NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart & Co., GUELFII. October 16, 1.877. : A CROWDED STORE. Immense Sales of .KS AND DRESS GOODS ]_ i ,'T !' THE ACTON Tol ev| 1 . ,c is the BEST NEWSPAPER a __d nnd Crtj van T.. Pablislied. in Haiton .County I i oBfirr i$ _______ Per 3^ari in advance. Stal AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END, \ a-Tj_EXj_p_B:. 600 to 'JOp Yards SELLING DAILY. We are showing, without exception, the Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapest - .STOCK of SILKS AND DKESS GOOrS ; Ever shown in this town. Ladies visiting Guelph and buying Dress Goodsy Silks, Velveteens, MantlcK, A7jllijaery, Furs, etc., without first seeing our immense and beautiful stock, do themselves a great' injustice. \Ve esteom it a pleaauro to show our gooda. Lidies, come direct to the Fashinablo West End, the leading houBe for Silks, Dress Gooda, il/antles and jl/illinery. Full stock of fashion able Trimhiinga, Buttons, Fringes, eto., to match all our materials. A. O. BUCHAM. Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Jlumle Kstubllslimect. auolph, Oct. -M. 1877. SCHOOL-BOYS! GlotMnG! A large lot of MAQNIPIOENT i TWEEDS! suitable for Boy's Clothing at the EftST END CLOTHING STORE. Cleaning out the Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. Also a lot of G ents' Under- clolhing to be sold cheap for cash. Remember the Bast End Clo thing store, _ FYFE & McNAB, To I Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as well; as throughout the County, the I^re.ePrQss is an jnvaluabl^aAdvertising '.] Medium. Our tJnriT_ikd FaoIlit__ tor Ex*ontirig all kind*jot BOOK AND' (JOB PRINTING y Eaakh. ub _ a^- M OOiRE & GALBBAlTH, i fe PuTwlishersIaad Proprietors. i:i Acton,Febriiaw 1, lf6.

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