Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1878, p. 3

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*78;; sbi\d think rm; t*bli~ -^Train; leave ^>'t,ni rvr. X-.f'!it-:'f'"Arvc"i'< TSr.T.ti ma:.'. rUy.Kipti^' Kx;>wj GU mixA - Nicat Kv,.r<' l.*:l mixed Pv Express YVe.tcri mail London mixv i 1 tf'Svni, V>.lv>a.m. 1. '> l.m. 5- \t ]>.! .OINNl'.ANT. . 3:5,*J.JM. t):4J.-v.m Shop licenses in Woodstock Imvo ) Iwri ml need from; $200 to $150 this year.,. choice Spring (toods. I Christie, Henderson & Ci>., Imvo pleas- j: ; urn in .-uiUKiineitij; daily arrivals ot new } spring >;oih1s Ivuglit under most favor able lircuiust.-inetM and selected with roat carv. iNpiv lines of .Orcss Woods m the Litest shads Mid stylos and de- THE FREE PEES Ft RE! E ;,;<--^-'n- J in the l.-itest shads Mid stvlcs and - de ll :3lv.vui. Icidedlvchcn>. ' o:l i p.m. , * thsilp.m. [' Mi'. J. 1>. Watson, the humor- '.P. ScrW.-o in the Mcth.vlist PhnivU cverv SaMvuti evening t ha If-past moVlock; and h .th morning<K>ittvt>ii- ifc ->ti the tlrs- ,-.Hl>t.:\t)i of , j>cli m.<at:i: Ur.v K. lltiun-s 1'astor. LOCAL MATTERS. ' " NG felt . Sr.K;: WnKim- and Uirthday rTesi-nti> in K.m.-y lI-o.U .iml do'wellerv ail ;hcf>iir rw.n.b.-rt U.-v Hvnds dew'- cl^rvTf^- tsTuch. roads ! Wi-iv you at the fire ? _ -^jtvrli^ht^Ut nights. -^Gardeuiu^ will .v _ iKead Kelson's advertisement other column. -; tlVuiiba, ionjr, line, and circular at J. K. Mo<T!Lrvia'. There was skating on the rink lut T'jt^liy cvc::::\;. txo. _io G. l-l. .Morrow's- 'for :tirec~"s As^-st Hncer. The roads in the country .aiv in a fearfal condition. A Redding jtriico^sion fvis-sed through U\wu yesterptay. V .. .- ^, - G-=t ro>:r_4j-iihi!ie \% me at G, E. JdVrrow's Pre,:; Store. . . -U-T'.u top all woj! G2.V rE3 5d eve- tTY. Irietor. cc'.ife s; Fyfc and M'cXaVs.. Mr.^Tohn Brown, of iLarnia, f rnicKy ^t Acwa, is in town. try J. E. V'-'iarvin's. 'Wormi Powders. . - They have i;o^ new blinds oq I the w:nd'.-'.-i of the Pul-he Schorl. : Business in town is extneniely dttU, ea ,-:-vun: c: 'he'br.d r.udi. -Buy ye'.'.r ^'.ivdt'ji und tlowrr iwi, :.: '. 11. K^'Itt-;-:, l'ri:-<:ore. -^-A :.u::.Lht ^.t- ,f;.:c:ci:s lojk izi ^'"'~~~ -r^1-^ i^irti - *.-'U ^r ." -::.! town rL'i'u->-'s Hiir R-.-newer just rn-ed t.: J. K. ^^Gariiu's Drnj.' sr-re. - - - ' ' '.. r !cr.m:i, of Toronto "_ t to -^-WiJu, ;Ai; B itch^rt's razors. shsvjr;^ Si-a;>, ic., t J. K. Mc- ist'did not/ lecture iu tho Temperance llali last Thuraday evening, as was iid- vertlscJ. Ho had not reoovcrod from his illness, which had kept him in bod lor over a week, and, thervl'ore, was not aUU- to nnpear. As soon as he has: re- covered he will Koture lure, of which due notice will lie given. j Who is going to give.the next .&nd Kocial ? It is'well known that the Acton Brass Baud does not receive the ojicourage-mcut which it deserves from tkc private citizens of this Village. Tift? l^and requires several npw instruments which will necessitate the outlay of jv considerable amount of money, and it is to 1h- hoped that our-vitireJis will conic forward and lend a helping hand for .tliii- pupi^e. Don't all sneal; at once. Ali-I.. narro"^ llCTlltl Tj-ti.-tct I uTtr 2&ior>- iy Uufc- \JtntJr >vfrr in- ladi.of - |iii pt*t- ale or pi.Ve iuee'it =IL,. t. 5B . feflrV ta- )>t cure jpedi- : iiom j cents tdDlr- , from. . ihC . iter- the e at U br- Qtter - core pc*Ur- .ndl Ot nancf. T-orr. i eiat ~k s, &. ii~co ?. '<***' >i*$y- 9 & fi I- %-- S:r.-.>i, shvsrij So; Uirv^'s Uri;^ SturJ. : / . Tfte rt-sid-nco cf Jlr. A escape :r-j=i tire ono.J.ij la*; wc^-k. ~ - ^"Gfe^n'.s Auirust Klowf-r foi \I>jsp^p = :a,. liiliiotLsue^s &nd Iriii^estion ti. J. E. McGarvin's Dm Store. It has been s-iiJ-rliat tut: bread .. Tf:*.cle b~ the Art-^n Bakers has been vsLrbtii iji thtialance and foand want- '-Ws hare a lar^e nnanttty of trute paper on hand, suitable for wripp^g p-rpo=e?, vrhi^h "we %rill sell .cheap ' Mr. Albert Matthews left town on Wednesday, for Fort Rowan, Co. y.-yfol't, where he will holiday for > & cample of weetts. ^ SOHETHISG A.STOKISH1XG. ThoiS limits made to order in the latent Btvl'. tpd l>e5t, material, cobby andt diirablo for $11.00, at Fyfe t.McXab'i" sale One of Beatty's celebrated Pianos that "will be disposed of at a great bargain. For! particulars apply^at this ofnee. ' The meeting of ratepayers to ! ^ttcroEi the bonus question was held las nighti An account 'of the proceedings trill appear in next week's Free Press. -^One of our merchants .wishes c to inform the party -a ho Roht'him a roll of batter, with a muffler in the cen tre, can have the muffler by applying at the stire. . ;' ' M^r. John Hawkins, who has ben in bosiness in iiiis A'illage for. some . time past, left foE-^Jerlin r>n Friday, where he has gop:'into the grocery fcasinese. ? >- ' r~" ^The ?rtf department of the " .Public School was dismissed on Tuesday afternoon, for the remainder of the week, on account of the illness of the teacher, Misa Jloore. Mr. Wm... Planks, .who has been employed by Mr. Matthews dur: ng the .past year, has rented the farm of Mr. David Storey, west half lot 23, con. G, Xa-Ssagaweya. ; That spier . daily paper, the Guelph //'raid, corners, to baud iu a new , * .dresg. The proprietors of the Herald eem to be gifted with uiibounded'en terprise, which enterprise, we are isure, will be appreciated by the public. Tlie Herald Js one of our best exchanges, and we have watched, with-pleasure, the rapid, progress it has mads of late. We with the Jit raid continued success. Cheap! CxieatJ I It it a fact that Gooda this Spring are-nudoubtedly cheap. A,:6:nall ;.;mouutof money if iu- vested.iit he right place more, good* than a larger amount would bave done a year agoi Instance ' good sound Canadian Cotton at T'c worth JUc a year ago. But to get goods at the right price >'ou must go txj the right place." Christie, Henderson 4 Co., have the *ery best facj'Utieiior'Bectfring'.'goodaat bottoni prices and sell decidedly cheap. Tixamijne the Deft' "stock and be .your . <!Q judge*. Bemeinbcr the famous 50c te. CotupllmcnCary Supper. ' A complimentary supper waajjivpu in; Agnow's Hotel, ou Tuciday eveniiio, uv Mr. Horace J. H.-JI, of Berlin, formJ-rly ci :\ctou. and ^lr. J.^hu Kennedy, on the occasion (f their departure to new sp'.ATts of hbor. About 30 i persons were ptvjeut. Mr. P. P. Christie, ix-- ctipied.jtho chair and Mr. Jas Matthew's the vici-' chair. After justice had been ~i lionc to the excellent 'spread supplied by Mr. - * v'new, the cloth was removed. The chairman stated that the object of their meeting together was to bid farewell-to two of our most respected citizens. He said they would deviate from the general course and not propose all^thc formal toasts, j euch .as "The t^ueen,'" etc., as die took-it for granted that they irerc loyal subjects, die ex- ; rvs.-ed his .sorrow at ; parting with Me^ra. Hall and Kennedy, and ho was cure he-expressed the sentiments of all 'ho?e present when he said he was sorry. He prepused the-teostof "The (.Quests."' Mr. Hall said. it.gave him pleasure to wee: with so ninny of his friends and' old neighbors^ It was with regret that he left Acton,'as it was the plaee ol his birth. ,'Hc had .been shown gteat kindness by the citizens of Berlin, since he had become a resident of that place* and expressed himself well pleased with his choice ot the town cf Hcrliu as his \ future home. Mr. Kennedy expressed his.jsorrow at parting with so many friends.' . Messrs. Jas. Matthews, Major Allan and Duncan Kennedy were sorry that they "were lojinj two of their bcst>'iii- zeus and" wished them success in their I U'lyr" humes. -* The wife and family of Mr. Hall, A0T0N, .HALTQ1T COUNTY, ONT., MARtjlf 21, 1878, ami Mr. Kennedy,"was bv" -Messrs. (.. Toltou, C. S. Smith, Shoe maker, of Berlin, James Synion, and S. \V. Galbraith. "The prosjicrity of Acton" was ne)Jt toasted, and called forth responses from Messrs. H. J." Hall, Robt. Craine,. and H. Hunt in a song. V-The- Agricultural Interests " was responed to by Messrs. P. ii. Armstrong and W. P. Brown. " Happy to meet, Eorry to part, and happy to meet tgain" was proposed after which the: company san;* tl Auld Lang Syce," which terminated one of the'best and most' enjoyable entertain ments which it has been our jilsasure to attend. Hydeifs Carriage,Fac tory and Souso Oomplotoly Dostroyoft "by Firo. SUFF03SS TO SAVE BEBlT THE VTORX OF AIT INOElTDIaRY. LOSS $15,000; INSUKAKCE $:t,500. On FJiday morning lust about two ojclock tho ciMiin^o works ol Mr. Juntos Ryder, corni'i- of Mill und Elgin streets, was discovered to be on tire, o An ulut-ni was im mediately 60unded fioiu tlto Con- gtvgntioiml Church bell, In a short tfcme a luryo crowd of villagers assembled and took Bteps to- btay tho file, but thero being no tire engine in $ho Village, thev had to carry vyiikM' in jiailB mid throw on the flumes. The building was a two storey frame ono und burned with fearful I'riptTuy. Seeing tlnii thoir efforts to aavo tho factory wero in vain, the villugors tried to save the house,' which stood close- besido the factory. The excessive heat from .the burning building would not allow them to remain long in tho vicinity of tho house, which scon caught tire and was burned to the ground alpng with the factory. Some houses and outbuildings in the vicinity of the fuctory had u na rrow escape, and had it not been .,for .tho fxtm efforts puts forth by tlie crowd present thero would have been a. terrible conflagration. Th house of Mr. Wm- Musalaa, on the" opposite sidCj-of the street, caught tire several times, but was extin guished- :Tho wholo side of hisij house ib blackened and clmried with j tho excessive heat. r- . : Ver -little" was saveil from the j factory, but nearly' everything wasj taken out of the house in a damag ed condition. Messrs. John Barber and David Smith, two of the en.- ploytcs, lost ttll their tools, valued at $150 each, on which thero was iio insui-arce. Mr. Ryder's books, notes and a; sum of money were consumed in the olHce, wherejt iB stipjiosed the fire originated, Mr. Ryder bad a large number of orders for carriages, 4c., to fill, and intended to employ an extra- number of hands. The fire is. supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The loss amounts, to nearly $15,000, which is made up as fol lows l " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' TECAL.; V Having iilterod my intention .of re moving from Ueorgetown, I bog to inti mate to my friends and the public gen erally that I will .continue the practice- of my profession at iny present otlico, Mill street, Georgetown. J. D. MATHESON. Georgetown, March Cth, 1878. 3ti;2t t SHOKT-IIOKN' BULL FOB " Bellu Duke." Rod. Two yearn old. Sire Maggie'Belle, by ConKtance'H Puke, etc. Can bo'seen on tho farm adjoining, tho (J. T. Kail way. 3G-tf C. S. SMITH, Acton. Q.E0KCSE I/EVEXS. Barber and Hairdresser, adjm'ning Socoid Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Ilair.fiwitehes and combings prcparoej to order. Tliosu wishing to have a shave or hair cut had better call early, as Acton will soon be minus a barber. PEAGE **wrm miknm. ^liOQXi^^IjJMlSX) Sales extraordinary at th|e Everybody satisfied, TO THE PUBLIC OF Aid; NAfe TiUNM ,t CHLIrlCAIj CBh.KIW. a want a ^'.>o'l CiEOItUE (ilBBS, JASIES SYMOM would return his thanks to his numerous friends for tho very liberal support thoy have already accorded him, an'd begs to in form tliom that ho has thin wook made largo additions to h|is Stock at extraordinary low prices. "' A word to tho wise All new soasonablo unod---All now shades No credit heir own judge It will pay you to come, twice tl day And Strangers to the lollowjug Departments Aiind ye not trashy stuff but new stylish,good's the best in) f - nk, DRESS OOQSS. FLANNELS fto, TW5B33 ANJbi aJgOTS PUR. Serges (new shiules) 10, 121,15, 2m. NIf3^IN&3. i/ustres, 12, 16, 25c. Black Silks, 50, 75c, $100. Black" Bright Lustres 15, 20, 25c. Empress cloth. Baratheas, Paramottes, ;Crnpe cloths, Ve'veteeus, , (All new shades , the market for Stylo ^nd Finish. 00TT0N{3 Sse. ?:* If yon want a <;oo.l AUCTION'KKit try ! Wincey. Plain and Fancy, 8,10,121. ' - -' 1 La Duchesse Suitings the latest of ' ' all, 1 J, 20, 25:" Usual) prlce,25c Twawis 40a, SHirting-i, all itho latest makes, Qiinh'.s celebrated Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars,!' j Kid.1 an I Cloth Gloves, Undorclothing'. Braces, Hats and Caps. :&C, (fee, tc; He umler-*ljvmU hid b-islness. bald. AilOr-Ks Illllsliur,' I', 1). NOTICE. Tho un lersiitlied bees lrnve to nn-: xloiinco Lo-I-'arini.rf=, :u;d ot hei h < i>k' g< it In halter inuklriK.^bo puri o-e getting a now Cliurn tout ihev w.-uM consml Ihvlrown jnlrresis by onlirlnc <>i> if A. Holmes' Improved Tabular Pnstl I'buriiH. 1 am nmv ink n^ orders lor Hum, lnwlnj;piii'clii<hi.|ll In- 1'iuont nipit to nmnui'jienne nutl ai-ll rhey lire vltboiitilou'i! mo brst In ilie nnrki't. Your jintroiini;i< \* respectf.HI> sollilled. Clr-ubirs ii!iil l- stlinonhilK lr..e on nnpll- | cation. Terrltorj-lorsalp. '.Mimulactur> edana sold b/ U. L. MctlOV ALU. Acton, i-nt. depend upon getting your orders lilled iu the Latest Style Flannels, Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Heavy Twilled, 25, 40a. Factory Cottons. 0. 7 8, 0q, White Cottons, 7. 9, 10c, Special Lines 88 inches, 12Jc, l.")C. *tc, &c. &c. 1 FAiTCY DE^ARTIISITT. Kid gloves,'all new shades, to match drers, ' _.. Silk-Button's, new shades, " Fringes, -Braids &c, . p* worth : Sewing Silks, very cheap, Corsets, French wove arid sewed, Adjustable-lucing, strblTg, Heavy Jean. 62^,. t Collars, Cuffs and Ties, very cheap Clouds,'Scarfs, Hosiery, &c.,.&c, &<z. .. ' . : , . rn addition to the (ibovo'Jai. Symon his SSllirol tha BOrir ces or first Milliner who will be on hind for the Spring trade. Ladies you may ipend uuon settinir vour orders (illod in t.lio Latft*t. Sf.vly' ni tUa. mnD, ^. - 29-6 m. 2s ew Spring Millinery. Chris tie, Henderson Ic Co., have, pleasure in intimating that their stock of Millinery is how coming to hand. The greatest care has been exercised in selecting only what is choice and decidedly new so that the Ladies can depend on getting Ihe'latest and the nicest.. This branch will be superintended by persons thor-: oughly experienced and- who have just come from the centres .of fashion. No fancy prices.for Millinery. The ladies will please remember this. |5ooks and note accounts, : $0,000 Raw material. 1,00 Partially made stock, . 750 Ready made, 400 Paint shop, 150 Trimining shop, . ; 75 Tools in workshop^ j 300 New stock, ' 3,7-40 Buildings, 1,600 TD0RK PACKING HOUSE. Tho sub. oriber has always on hand all kinds of fresh Meat, Sausages and Poultry, cheap. , CHAS. CAMERON. Acton, Dec. 12th 1877. ' 23-3m Soqd&5 'V- . Seeds, Seeds, Garden and Flower SEEDS r J. E. McGARVIN'S DRUGSTORE. at the most reasonable prices, "fours Truly, CProduce of all kinds taken ns cash at highest market price. . Acton, January 23. 1878. ! dA w ON. _A. C3-K,^LISriD J UJLiJJillV Of all classes of r lt ! i " EalfYearly. . risii u- ;l -Is' now' going1 on at TH G-TTIrUILiIPiaiJ aUOTION ~ SALES. r March 22. The farm, thorough-bred 1 stock, and implements of Mr. Alii. WaMie, lot 24, con. 2, Township of Ksrpuesing., For particulars Bee adver tisement. \Y. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. March 25. The farm stock aut im plements of Mr. J., Diamond,' lot 21, con. .5,-Kassagaweya. \Y. Hemstrtet, Auctioneer'. March 20. The farm stock and im plements of .Tohn Grieve Si Sons, lot 10, con 7, Township of Eramosa, near Kverton. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. Jfarch 27. The farm stock and im plements of Mr. John Sibbald, lot 4, con. 3, Erin. Wm. Hemstreet,, Auc tioneer. < . Jfarch 28. The farm -stock and im plements of Mrs.. \\'.. G. Simpsou, lot 2S, con. 7, Eramosa. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. .-[ March 23.-^The real estate, farm stock and Implements.of Mr. Thomas Hume, west half lot 12,_ con. 4, Towtt-J ship of Escpiesing. I Total, 814,515 Insured for $3,500 1,500 in the Wellington Mutual, and $2,000 in the Waterloo Mutual. Mr. Ryder has a "staff of men employed ' clearing off tho burnt timber, &c, and has commenced the erectien of a temporary shop. He intends to erect, as soon as build-! ing operations can commence, a fine brick factory, 60x90., 2J storeys high, which, when com pletod, will be an ornament to the Villago of Acton. ;i ----------. I Two illicit stills have been seiz ed in the neighborhood of Napunee, \)n't., and the Government Inspec tor, who was present, Tnade thoan-| nouncement that in four months he has seized eighteen such stills, and every one of them in localities! where the Dunkin Act is in force The real estafe consists o.f part of the w-est half of lot f'andlower. 10, con. 5, Township of. Esquesing, con taming 50 acreC) more or leas ; also the east half of lot 12, con. 1, Township of Esquesing, containing 100 acres, more -or less. G. Gibbs, Auctioneer, Match. 30. The farm stock and im plements of Mr. John Arthurs, lot 24, com 3,..Ksqlifcsing. Win. Hemstreet, ^luctioiieer. ' April 1. The farm-stock and imple ments of Mr. I>avid Storey, west half lot 23, con, 6, Nassagaweya. AY. AV. Itoe, Auctioneer. " .;, April 2. The farm stock and-imple ments of Mr. Jas. Collis, lot 27, con. 3, Eramosa. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. Flour, oat meul, corn inenlj Graham flour,,buckwheat flour, cracked wheat, etc., etc., cheap at SecordV Cash Store. Special bargains at- Secord's Cash Store. Fish $2.00 per bbl.. Toil- et Setts full fr'piecos only 51.80, Largest l)iniier Plates best quality 85 cents per doz,, Mediun>: or Breakfast Plates'75c per doz., YViite Stone Tea Setts .44 pieces, Cups, Saucers, in fact, every thing in these hues at wholesale prices,' llo -^ Qur 59 cent Tea-has distanced all competitors. All rivals have had to| stand back. Try it at Secord's' Cash Store. - - Packed full.!'! flowing Orer and bulging out at both ends 1. Secord'sl Cash Store with everything new. Fresh, choice and cheap arriving every day in Groceries,-Crockery, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. If you don't believe jit you oughtl to just step in and see. ; T>LOW FACTORY OPENED The subscriber, fiSvfng purchased the Acton Plow Works, is prepared to fur nish Single and 7" " ' J " T . -, , rm , . - . __, i .^6.^____Double".Frame Ironl .^pnU-rhc jarm, farm stock and - 86well as the B^'Gang Plow] implement* of Afr. John Kennedy, lot whichiia8ga5ned the reputation of beihf 2o, con. 5, Nassagaweyaj. .-Abo a new tfa b G^ VlownJde, at the usual double-inck house and lofe situated on | ra^3_ <Ail ^ ifB Aohj D'D tho shortcB(j J/ain street, Acton, fcaleat Kennedy { - d |h ch fit ; brick block, ^f-cton. "Wm, Hemstreet, e- * J Auctioneer. '/' 37-tf^ SXD1?EY SMITH, SPECIAL IOTS AMD PBICES W.STEWABT&CO Invite attention and inspection to special lot of 5,000 YARDS OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS In a fe*w -weeks Stocktaking will begin, and by that time, if ,^'OT.O.rN. To avoid carrying" over any heavy goods yet in stock, on account of the unprece dented, mild winter-^. i announce a ^~^^ GRAND SWEE^INGSALEj COMMENCING ON } l WILL DO!IT,; We will not have a single piece I of Heavy Goods left. fiSasL W rW=U^i A i'la/iasa Purchased at a Disoount cf 33 per cent." The l"t was detained in transit by . cable hence the largo saorillce. These goods are ehe.iper l.hnn haye been offered for years, and could not be replaced. NO FAMILY SUJUI.D BUY THEIR Winter DRY GOODS before they see our immense stock of New and Fashionable ' Uoods SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, I TWEEDS/ - BLANKETS, ; j&c, &c. All lines of heavy Woolen" Goods Dress Goods, iPancy Goods In fact their entire stock of Dry Goods will be offered at FT JTJST1 lUFFALO ROBES "\7"]H,ir CHEAP.- J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO tt VERY BOT rices; Two cold ninths yet to fee provided for- HeaVy Over coats, Tweeds, Blankets, Man tles, Shawl , hirtings, "Win ceys, Purs, ocksy Hose5, .Mitts, &c., _&c, will be ab$o^utel3T required. Don't fail to secure them at the right place and at the right price. Guelph, Feb. 14. 1878. W. Stewart & !Co., . GUELPH. SISToh 12,. 1878,! THE POST OFFICE ^OTOzcsr. JAMES MATTHEWS. u This is. ft1-JS-eauir. Sals u No goods charged except at regular marked prices. Aoton, Peb. 14, 1878. In 5 lb. jots at 45 cents. Acton, Dec. 5, 1677." "" Vi . ^-> m. rmh i n-J, <-m

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