Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1878, p. 3

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t?y% :- ,: 878; At F-Sei | to'do iec It the |ie*or. B 'e<n- "tf S T4 9 i eaoo-~ . -.' 1-4. i>.Mt-.*,: ir-rl- -I ~%~ f ichl ";jT CDt :"i i* *- _ ;J dmtr- "? frcnr". "sr, -^i tiWc ;.' 1 ieiir nl^T- 1 .f *be re at' il- i>y _ f rt :t:*-r , - -~4 care 'ii esdiy. . J! srfsftof , ji ba**/ < -f' t0^'"' ' rorx- > ST " I . i H*t ' i . ---' -3 Xh J ' * *e- ^ ^.3 ?c * .3 -" | c on :/ I Jj0. ! "I - "Ir* *SHOTKl>k nut; TUILI,, ' Trains leave Act. ii as follows; - <; O i N l*-W KST. Kijht Express - . I:03a.iu. ' Toronto m at 1 SMO.vm. :Day Eipross l-.Vijvtn. " Express V 17 p.m. 7:07 p.m. Gilt tuixed ' - . iioinv EAST. Nicht Express - Gull miicd 3:.r>aJm. 9:-'J a.'m. Py Express 11:30 a.m. Western m^l - o: 17 p.m. Iiondon mixed -" 9:30 p.m. Scrvi.^ in tho Methodist Chnrch every Sabbath v*.inK t hrif-pan Mx o clock; una riith mornlncHiiilovpn. Irg on the flri .sal.twtii of , eh ftiontn. Kiev . Hon-,-Pastor? LOCAL MATTERS. Skk V-Wedding au,j Birthd.iv prwntsp Fancy-Goods and Jewellorv 11 Ihe year roiind at Geo. Hynds Jew- licry Store, Acton. Call. - <-*o ami hear \Yatson. * Btvans at McGarvinV .L as quit School Board moots Monday ,' cvo.-.iug.-- "- Ronns " is all the talk in town jnst now.. YVatson will be hero-Monday evening, jure, d at Mcparviu's. v-Snliaonvillo beat Mihfm nt ' r/hivkers lately. ;"".' ": Our merchants "are beginning to get in.their spring goods. Tip) top-Ml wool tweeds at 62A cents at Kyfe and MoXabs, v Mr. J. A. MurrnV cierking in Matthews' store. Buy your Garden and Flower Sxls by weight at MeGarviu's. , - - Last wsek this, viltafio was be- n insurance agents. Xhe "oldest inhabitant."' says tH isjthe queerest winter he ever seen. : We have been informed tliut frost Ijas be*n over thre<s feet'ileep this winter. A number-of fartuers in this neichbevhooo. intend nioricg to Malii- ; toba" this spring. . Tir-j bite ball season-will roo:i ccmirence. Are the Acton boye going' ^ .icfgafkeacbi!?? I >r5- S-i-.uuel Speight, of this -rViili;e. is iuj7iiig-to her country resid- '^ehc^-fur the sumn^r. ': -=-Mr. JamfB McGuire has pur chased the hotel business of the late John Maney, for $SiO. Bros. lit has been selected oa whi.h to erect the cw Georg-jtown Town Hall.; i-TBe Ac^>n checker players arc practising a^tri-V-every fevening. They are the .champions of the county, : B. I. K, Kine, the tetu[)erano | a-ivocate, has Miecided to retire from .public speaking until afterhis trial. ^Get your Horse. Bills printed a: the Ftrc Puffs office. We have a g-io-1 assortment o.'cu.ts;to choose from.' L-ittuca Sded:it McGirvin's - The merchant^ of this Yi)JU<T are s: "present thinking of forming a ocietv to do away with the credit sys- Tuiuato Siii-il ut McGatviirs. Wo hnivo a largo quantity of. waste paper on hand, suitable for wrapping purposes, which wo will aoll cheap J Wo w-ero told, a few d'ys ago, , by a gontlemau hi tho Credit Valley) I Kailwoy offices,: that they are daily cx- I pecting to hoar that \Vm. Laidlnw has Coucluded the purchase of steel rails for the outiro line. -If Jio~" is successful iu this, he says work will bo commenced, iu May. CAomjn'dH, >Jew Spuing Milliseuy. Chris tie, Henderson Jt Co., have'pleasure iu intimating that their stock ut Milliuory is now coming to hand. Tho greatest care hasbccu'bxcroiscd iu selecting tAily what, is -choice and decidedly now so that tlur I-adios can depend on getting) tlw latest a^d U>a nicest. This branch will be superintended by persons thor oughly experienced and who have just i come from the centres of fashion. No fancy prices for Mflliuery. [The ladies will ulcase retueiubor tl^is. r O wing to their largely increas.- ins business, the' Guclph Mercury has found it necessary to procure an entire new outfit for the otVux;and, lasfwcok-, the paper was presented to its-readers in an entirely new dross. The Mfrcitry has been daily gaining fayor '.unolig the general public, and, no,. this new iloparturo will liriug. its. duo reward. The Mercury is now one of the best aud most widely circulated p: pers west; of Toronto.. - Onion Seed at McGarviu's. morning lastj Mru., Edw -ird Janes,' of this Village, met with rather a severe ajoideut. It appears thaa she went to one c>i the outdide divers of hef luuse andjreached for some- tiling outside with her left hand .having hold of the door frataio with her right. A gost of wind ciuac'd thjrtfoorto slam oa;her hand, taking- tho'first finger: of the right hand cleanoff at the first joint. I>r. 'JK-Garviu dressed the linger, aud Mrs. Jane-3 is doiiu'. as well as cau be cjrpect'cd. ' - Oucumbai' Scud ut McGurvi Wo liavp for Pitlo one Beatty's celebrated Pianos thntwil disposed of nt n groat bargain., particulars apply at this ulliuo.,^. THE^FREE PRESS, ACTON, ilALTOK an- of bo jFor nk!w COUNTY, iONT;, MARCH: 28, 1878. the P. D. respectfully BJub- mits thesu lines-for tho consideration of oertain saucy girls ; 1 / A printer's clisvil was piercotU in heart, :: ! With tho charms of a littlo niiss Quoth ho to thO lass, "My dear, cro| part r-. Lot us~soal-our lovo with a kiss. Tho maiden replied, as thu imp she-oy ' " Don't thiuk that I'll let you ri| Where otheri. before have vainly tri No, No ! I'll not kiss tho devil." Years rolled along, and the sweet li(tlo i lass Became ts>\ old sorrowful maid Sho lived liko a oueen--was rich, |ut alas ! Her beauty had all decayed. Onco again'they met, uiid ttie old in tried .: To recall the former issue, But ho gaily 'smiled/ and only repliei " The devil now woublu't K:a you lid . -Always full-of customers, nltul always busy, iu fact,, they ard do about them wtrns,litn^Mtbiuine.-is dolvn at fcecoril s Xew Store that we know Indeed, it is-no tvoridor, for thev lulve their Storivpackcil froiu end to e'ud'ajnd ut u he atid piled tip along the side of the street < doora for a block or so, .witu every ei con-able .thim; in their line from tl rarest aud choicest foreign K ,..I teox. llr. Robt. Galloway has been z(Taring from a bealiog thcrab, which was caused -b/ Iwing struck with a word. ' * ,. ^leasra. P. S. Armstrong k. A. Brown intend shortly fjoing'.into the 1 diiry business, sod purpose (hipping mdk to Tciroato; _ Parties wishing, to go to 2kt*nitoba &nd all .points west can get ^Tickets and! every inforrmttiuo j& the C. T. . oSce. , . / Mr. Ji B. Watson, having ro- eortred from his lata illness, will lectors in the Temperance' Hall, Acton, on Mojlay evetting^neit. SoUETHIKG AisTOXISHISG. TfaoSO stits made -txy-ordeT ia the latest stylsj^ and bert "material, nobby and durable tor SI 1.00, at Fyfe-k McXab'a. -----Mrs. Swan. wHl gire the Band Boys a social on /Wednesday evening next. Lorers of ^brazen music should turn out and assist the boys. Acton Division, Sons of Tem- psrancc: intend having another Open .Division on Tuesday evening, 9th *f April, in ,the Temperance Hall - Misses ~Bell <fc Stone announce '- by advertisement in another column that they have commenced dressmaking at Mrs. Stone's residence, John-st. It is pleasing to note with what commendable enterprise Mr. Jas. ydcr h-iM gone about the erection of another place of busiucsa. The tire of his former premises had hardly been ex tinguished before he took steps to erect a temporary shop. Exactly one week after the tirej he had erected a substan tial blacksmith shop; and was moving iuto it. He has had a stable beside the blacksmith .shop fitted up as a carpenter shop, sjid things around there are about 1 as lively looking as .ever. !l'. " ' -TheRummer session of tho,0u. tario. Agriquitural College, at (luelph, commences'on ApriI-16, at which time there will be vacjaucies for "JO additional pupils. The college u How thoroughly equipped, and a fail knowledge of all that pertains to the tilling of the so;', and the raising of Cattle, horsea and the smaller domestic animals, can bore ,le jaofjuired.: Applications mado'toAVm. Johnson, president, will secure a circu lar, giving full information regarding terms, course, etc. Applications will be received until 12th ApriL Beet Seed at McGarvin's. At the-Iaat regular meeting of Acton Division, Sons of Temperance, ths> following officers were elected for the ensuing term : .^ Bro. H. Cameron, W.P. " T. Albert Moore, W. A. l " Fred Ross, R.S. lister Clara Speight, A.E.S. " Hattie Speight, F.S. Bro. Benj. Xiclilin, Treas. ' R. B. Cook, Chap. jr., Con. Sister Annie Waldie, A. Con. Bro. D. Kelley, LS. f " Alex. Waldie, p. S. - All the members are re |ucsted to be present next Tuesday evenijhj, at 7:30 o'clock, as the very interesting cere mony of installation of officers will b* psrformed. ' ami choicest foreign Fruits delicacies, gathered in" those far Kastern Countries, Southern .Seas, a Tropical Cliaios, where"'sunbeam's nei fade, where niggers fry out at 1:.' where whites are cremated;by a pr<"'cj of nature, where rich-man larins oul vato that isplendid 50 cut TeA sold Secord's, aud_jiWiero gooil fat' missio aries (that i^on't use-Tobacco) i teemed the choicestluxury when serve A La Is'.e.V from all the things down to the commonest as w< .is the choicest humi products, suchi: Fish-at $2.00 per barrel. Dry A'ppli Dry Peaches, Dry ' Cherries, Honey Maple Molasses, Hams, Bacon, Flour, Meal,1 Cheese, &c, &e. And to pka'ke J 30 the eye and cheer the homes of thair ! V' customers they have- just purchased] large, lot of choice House Plants and Flowers, but more of this anon. We are afraid to speak of the prices thoy selling all kinds o! crockery at, which are so low that itiis almost incredible, but, just go and see; But don't take too much' money with you, for if you do, you witt be su re to ? peud it all when you see the goods and hear, the prices. wo; ]od; Vol 1! ADVERTISEMENTS, TKCiAL. Haying altered my intention of re moving from Goorgotown, I beg to inti mate to my friends and the public gen erally that I will continue the pi-autico of my profession at -my present ollice, Mill Btroet, Georgetown. - .1. 1). MATIIES0N;' Georgetown, March Gth, 1878. 3C-2t BULL FOIl SHORT-HORN KALE,. ft " Belle Uuke." Rod. . ..v. .v.... ['Sire 3rd Duke of Springwood j Da' I Maggie Belle, by.Cbnstauco'n Duke, ;Can bo eocn on tho fn* n,u..i..:.... yei 1 j Datn- &c. no Been on tho farm mljoining tho . T. Railway1. ' : C S. SMITH, Acton. /GEORGE LEVEXS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Secord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Aotout Hair switches and -, combings prepared to order. Thoso wishing to have a shavo or hair cut had better coll early, as Acton will soon bo minus a barber. j- Sales extraordinary at the NBWDBT -i TO THK PUBLIC OF JinNS ,t roi.irio vi ALL.NA- gnoil AUCnyNKKK try (JEOKfJE tiJIIBS, UlldBr.iliitiiU his b'lslncs-i. Ail Irss MIHsborj I'. 'J. ACSO Everybody satisfied si- , y ,ft.J I s to in- ftlina ye not trashy Btutl'but new stylish good ..- um early in the day ittention of intending purchasers Oust and come-often-U wiaargain8-NO redH pay you to_con.o 8 DItESS GOODS, PLAlTiTBI,S GsO. TWilS^S AND aBNfc.S FTO- .Sergea.tnewsl'iadfs) 10, 12i, 15. 2Jc. NX3H1N-5S. lustres, 12,'lti,'25o. ______0 i- And Strangers to tho following:. Department the best in tho market for Style and Finish. '. COTTONS .&c. - If yoo want i Kc said. Bluok Silks', 5D, 7oo, S100. Dlacic Bright l,<j.stres 15, 20, 25c EmpresB cloth, j" liarutli.ops, PnrninettoR, Crnpo cloths, Ve'veteens, (All new shades , Wi.jicey<. Plain anil F JS'uil. j^TOt'It'E. TlUi i)iili>rKlKncd bncs leave lo nn (o Farmo.s, ami othe !%., ?. " u ii. hotter mi<Ki nK who pnrio- La DuchpBse -Suiti,,g8Vtho' Tat<-'t"of all, I- 20, 25. incy, 8,10 12.', tho Usual price,25c Tweeds 40o, $1 25, .. Sliirtipgj, all the hvt&Rt makns, Q llnri's celebrated Dresj Shirts, Ties, Collars, Kid-> mil Cloth Gloyps, Ufidjorclotbing. Braces, - Hats ntftr Cnps. ifcc, &c', &c. Flannels, -1 . Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Jloavy Twilled, 25, 40c. Factory Cottons, (i. 7 8.i9o,. Wnite Cottons;J7. 9, 10c, Special Lines :;8 inches,'12}c &c, &o.<S:o. 3u, iyort]i i PAiTOr DEPARTMENt. -f . Kid gloves, ail new slides, to match j dres3, .' .^. - ' .. Silk Buttons, newshudes, . Fringes, ,. ~-,' Braids &c, ,. ; Sewiog Silks, very cheap. Corsets, French wove and sewed, Adjustable lacing, strong, : i : Heavy-Jean. 62J, ". ' Collarsj -Oufls and "fie,. very cheap Clouds, Scarfs: 'wv.U kc, &.C., &,c. In nddition to the above Jis depend upon getting jHoslery, Symin has ssitiro 1 the services pf a fi your orders filled in the Latest Styles nt th rst class Milliner who will bo I !i'^w,Vj'iirim,1,Ki'"B,-W.,!<' '""-ix-ego.fne ., I ni w Liiurii fuit lliev W..1U1I cdusu lli.lrown Inlcrrsis hy ordering .*. Holmes' Im^rove.1 --_C""L l-C'hnriM. I am now ink ng~,i-uVrM'ior lb.-m,i,avii,Kpl,re!lMK..JIhl>.','.', ^"'t to m iinrafiiirc mid- sill 1 ,.v ,?,'l uIf...,lt.l< best In the mCrk I ^mr pntroiitiiri. I resno^i r,,i i,. '1,; |U.,j e most reasonable prices, jfours Truly, Tuliulur U:tii 8a,Produce of all kinds taken as cash at highest market price Acton, January 23, 1878. on hind for the Spring trade.-Ladies you may" " ' " < JAMES SYMON. I'ir nl 1 call-in. c-d ana 29-rtm! snntl 1 stlmnii|.,|sir>., territory 101 sile old h ,- ' ui>| II at'tnri .Mm 0. b. Mi'|)[)\\|,|i A01 on, i_-nt irr. James Black, of Abeifoyl trajiped last winter twenty seveh foxefli some of them crosses. St.'Mary'a is to- have a, second Presbj'terian church, and steps ar|j hcirig taken to form a secon Church at Douglas, Garafraxa. Since May 1st, 1877, 527' nevf books have been added to th library of the Collingwood Me chanics' -Institute. AUCTION SALES im -During the paBt winter a horse coJlaraaJ'psrts oftacneasiogethfcrwith other articles, have been stolen from th e farm of Mrs. S. Speight, She will be obliged to any person wha will return theav , -^Zzish Friday, two men,v both kaving performing bears, paid this Vil- Mr. "Wa.ldie's sale of farm stock md implements, on Friday last, was well attended. The following are the names of some of the purchasers and prices received for thorpa^h-bred stock : Cow, " Rock Rose," to Mr. S. Smith, Acton, for $170 ; " Red Rose," to S. Smith, for $39 ; "Rock Rosa II..-" to. S. Smith, for 372; "Rock Rose IV," to C.S.; Smith, Acton, for $o9; "Rock Rose'ry," to.C. S. Smith, for $43.50; " Duchess of Kent," to Mr. F. W. Stone, G^elph, for $65 ; "Lady Mar," to Mr. Wilson, Trafalgar, for 67 ; Bull, " Duke of Kent," to Mr. Alex. Stewart, Eraroosa, for $150 ; Bull, " Young Aud- ley," to Mr. Alex. I^isby, Acton, for 535. The farm was not Bold. A gentleman residing in Guelfh who states that he has not failed | 1^ this weather predictions for the last eighteen-years, intends trying to suc cessfully compete with Vennor, who has been so far astray dog-ing the past season. He writes as follows regarding the changes tliat will occur in the weath er during the next three months: "It s, in my opinion, a very difficult spring P6*t- igp> tine 3Ir. Ues" k<-:"' f.<..r&; id* taajj ugh. Cg jtifiK : erexf live* pro* lift drw thic Isgeva, visit, 'and anmsed some" of our fW deal with; owing to the present un- young folks by theirantics. A collection was taken up at the close of the per- j formacce. "~ ."- Afarch 2S. The farm stock and plements of Mrs. W. G. Simpson, lo| 2S, con. 7, Eramosa. W. Hemstrceti Auctioneer. J/arch 30. The farm stock and im] plements of Mr. John Arthurs, lot 24 con. 3, Esqugsing. Win. Hemstreot Auctioneer. ' April 1. The farm stock and imple ments of Mr. David Storey, west hal( lot 23, con: 6, Xassagaweya. W. W Roe, Auctioneer. April 2. The farm stock and imple ments of Mr. Jas. Collia, lot 27;' con. 3, Eramosa. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. The farm, farm stock ant implements, of Jlfr. John Kennedy, lo 25, Con. 5, Nassagaweya. ^lso a new ilouble brick house and lot, eitqatod 01 ' J/ain street, Acton. Sale at Kennedy'i brick block, Acton. Wm. Hemstreet Auctioneer. April 6th. Farm Stock and Imple ments of Messrs. A. Brown and P. S Armstrong, west half lot 27, con. 4, Esouesing. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. \-OTICE. . 1 hereby give notice that I will noi deliver Milk in the Village of Actor, after the 15th of ApriL Parties desir ing to get milk can have it anytime by calling at the tirst house on "Mill street, north of the G.T.R., at the usual price Buttermilk always on hand, at 2 cents;' per quart. 3S-3t " ! P. S. ARMSTRONG ppRK PA'CKISG HClsk , ^ fie subscriber has always oh hand gjl kinds of fresh Meat, Sausages and oultry, cheap. CIIAS. CAMERON. Acton, Dec. 12th 1877. '233m Soed% Seeds '* IAL CLEi , Of all classes of T^RESSUAKING. We take this opportunity of announcer] ing to the inhabitants of Acton audi vicinity that we have started dressmak ing at Mrs. Stone's residence, John-st., Orders left with us will receive prompfi attention.... The most reasonable pricey] charged; 39:3m ' MISSES BELL & STONE.!' T^-OTICE TO TRESPASSERS I hereby cive notice that anybody found, riding or driving on my premises will be prosecuted according to law, 39-2t JOSEPH ARTHURS. I settled state of the weather. Througji- | out the ensuing three months, from appearances, the weather will be favor able for farming purposes. We will Jmh,. - ."='.' _J.J i ,1 probably have a few thunderstorms st Sunday evening was rather too cold_ * J ......________t___.'J iij:*__ i_ ____ I'd We are requested to state that I il -ii Vw - lor^the young gents and ladies to pro -aenade. We don know whether it waa or not, but we merely mention it as an item of news. ' -Mt/J. has, of late, been -nakih^Wery-'exieh sive improvfcinentii in his drug stxtce. In the dispensing department he has h.-.d a number: of shelves and cupboards erj^ed in which to hold his large stock of gjiods. He has also had a fine blind Pot up in his front window, whic uring this period, and those that "we will have I locate in the beginning of June. Ih the fore part of the spring we will have light rains from the west or ^outh. We are likely to have light J. E. ^Lhrnl^&r1%^t,tttorri<Snr ^m^>~tiie north in the arclx aud the former! -sf>L0W FACTORY OPEXED. The subscriber, having purchased the Acton Plow Works, is prepared toifur- , t ,, ... . , .,, , , = nish Single and Doiible: Frame Iron that the prevaibna winds will be from pi0W8> ^ weU < the Boss .Gang Plow, the west aud south. In concluding,! which has gained tho reputation of boing would say that U is igood sign to see the best Gang Plow;mide., at the usual toj^clftnl^tfthe^ffion of the wind, ^e^ _Ajl wpair^done on_the shortest painted by R. HrSni: The entire im *anii f |gn, '*BSf. latter parfc^oT" part of April. The fore part of June is likely to be the wettest portion of the three months. I am inclined to think QPEN DIVISION. Acton Division,.Sons of Temperance intends having another Open Division 011 Tuesday Evening, April 9th, in the Temperance illalL A splendid pro gramme has been prepared, and a good time may be expected. All who attend ed, the last entertainment say that itj was splendid. Parties who have joined the " Blue Ribbon Club " are especially requested to attend. Free Admission. ... 0. LOZIER, Sec: of Coin;f1 VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR HAtlJ. : ' The subscriber, offers for sale, the lot and dwelling house-owned and occupied by him in Acton, on reasonable terms. The house is new, well jinished.'tlnd in a good healthy location. A good well on the premises: Apply at once to. 39-3C WM. NELSON, Acton. ,.--..,_' (o ! ,"" \,r 7.....T T" .....7' notice and at the cheapest pricos. p.-c.fjjj'.ats wdl. cost up- j which ha3 genenlly been about south- - " SYDNEY"SMIIH. eed^ Garden nud Flower SEEDS J. B. McGARVIN'S' DRUG STQH SPECSAL LOTS AND PmGES W. STEWART &C0 Invite attention and inspect ion to special lot of 5,000 YARDS OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS iider^on Is now going" on at THE .CpLDEN/LI In a few weeks Stocktaking will begin, and by time, if Purchaeed. at a Discount 33 per cent.- Cf l^hc lot was detaineil in transit by ^ cable hence the largo sacrillce. These goods are cheaper than haver been offered for yeurs, and could not be replaced, HO FAMILY SUoUl.b ROT THBIH Wiater DEY &00DS before they see our imrrienBe stock of Now and Fashionable . , W. Steward Go,, 1."- i: !-'. -".- GrELPH. March 12, 187*, ' '] rice& WILL, DO1 IT, "We will not have a single piece of Heavy Goods left. 1. V STOCK; COMPLETE IDI&IESS (3-QOODS Bich!'1 Choice and Cheap.. SPECIAL BARGAI1NIS dress goods; IN TWEEDS,'" BLANKETS, &c, &c. InfL replete with m latest ^novelties in Style and Golorat our Popular Low Prices. T Pull Ranges, New ^Patterns and-New Prices,; : ] : ."': ' " i ,J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO Guelpb, Feb. 14. 1878. THE POST OFFICE -A_OTQ3ST, Immense Stock. \i Acton, Feb. 14, 1378. JAMHS MATTHEWS. tur oods,--.aa? proaouaoed by fuHy 20 p2? ce^L ; "': .- . i. Save the 20 per cent, by buying from us. r - - tttfXtomz THAT,ti&MQVZ SJo fSA. 0HS2STIB, .HSNDBSSQif.' & CO.; Acton; M.;rch 27i!r 1878. U\

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