Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1878, p. 2

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I . wfeaa^iL.iggasisraMtfma^ ?acBCTia^g^M^^^^^'W-* i i^i'i>>. : ;ti:i: 'k.|"i:k y l.rar:- rSl i: i i \v. i,.vi.y,i; viTii. v.vmaciaiiFi.Jc!i?Ki^8 Tin-" Y.or.stNr., An; it; l, 1S.S. Mmi!'^ <f i.. As will-he s-en by nil .advertise- .vtiont iti nnot.ier otimuii i.!w tirin o! M^ow ^ ilalhriit'i luis disudv- iv- i it? jdispo. i .of. his sJiuip- iu ihi' | l.-.:si:i"SS to Sir. M"oie. This will j -.not e wise any great chajig> in the ' r.!i:i^.-,:i)i-iit of \h& Vm:y. Prkss. us | Mi. tJ.-il''h !*s Ik en" rri'.iiiied in 111.-; position as i diti-r. These 'who ; itrc iiuh'i'Ui' u> .the Lite tiriu r0'peCtfullv II OUi stid IO C:lll settle? .at once. , are lull tire t-Totcction, A W'Or.o'i iV-'iin I'liiei >> :i' u".i . tint i lie concentration '( lun-tile io.ii.ius in 'ibn"' nei .boo: hood "t; deling I 1 "ji* e.nup continues, j their number (being t-m iunitt >1 nt j between live and H'Vfiithousand. I Sitting Hall is -send to counsel lllodcea*|i'll tow;lids <_' itnuli.III", "lit j.breathe:; vt'iigiMticii iiguiusf t lie" :. United Suites. It in cvnvti'.'. ih.v r.\ili;ur,oi)t I will ho able to get, through with I tliu work in which it iu engaged mi. i that prorogation can tithe place' by .1 tlio begHshitig" of.K uiti'i till1 lliili j of Apijil. Too feeling in the j country $n in t" of sh, j the impression gaming g.-ouiii". that i tlliy conrry pays altogether too much f u" it gets in tliu. shape of- li'_i.l.i;i->n; T.n* f vr.ury would tie" .far bettor p!easrl with morn .work 'mil less n!!c--i!i I -that w nill inn ui^shorter sessions and ljss exp-ans.!. i.5 v Although reports kef-p coming from tlu; North-west, to tho effect that Sitting Bull is trying to ""'l!> a confederation ot the dill'treut tribes of J in that ipiai tcr, TljK 1?' I .Tifl: V/.JiTJ , Tiii Whit"' sTKANii LMjWUai^JlSMWlWWp'j REE PRESS, AOl'bN, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., mi \mi tires. ' 'Jiircltv iOlt't'il. I) 'IMi'iXY i.i) :.ian'. AMOl'T THE A i.v.l-uo iiH'i-tnii;. was hold in Mai;'i:vw' liali list Wfduosdav ( with ll.o nitfiitioii of U:fri)i;iii^ tliL- _evi-i;:ng to i:i.-cuss the propiH'ty * ...,:_ i ...v.. i -.."" .i... cf jiroii'ili'.i^ n vans with'-which to th.i vill;it;o fioni Several parties' Bivo.projiftty m iK->triictioii hy tin probtmt tspivi ill-.- Mihjt-ct- some Sf'itehigly wi>h-^ i:i^ to'.iiv an eii^jiie, utid others tiiOir^ht that a Look hik! ladd'-r 'iii'par.itii^ wo-.:hl he. mo,ro'suitable Mr. \V.| ilo: ri^oii, ri-]')rese"ling tue i> e Kx;:t'.^u;.-4;cr Manufactur ing Co., of Toronto,, was present ar'J gave experiments and expl.v. nations to oroya that a er."ino is"'lie be*t', aii.T would be u:'..i: suitaidu -for a Village liky Acton S'oii.iiy dvii'.iito ws thiu'e in the,mat:er furthvr than that, as the Et-e-vc was aoi^'i ;o Biofnld, Ii'b was ia'i".;e;t-d to" c.iil at the tirr" d i:a:-.:'.i-:=: ": wrongs Ins race lias sutlVn-d iit the (land." of the Unitt J Suites Govern ment', Major Welnh, iht'" head id the Mounted Police Force-, ' h:\yx tli'at t5Utin:j lfilll has" pioaiineil to behave hiitis.df us lou^'its lio is. al lowed to re.n iin in Can idjali, sod, and lio would take tlio wold of SsU- -tinj; B.illiti pre|!'Jreneo to tiiat of miny white meiL Major Welsh is at present at Ottawa, and -has doubtless ueen.list-ju'int; to soiiu' of tiiii S]wa!:e5 in tho House of Cjiu itl.Tns. ' - ' Afvr the easier cxaniitia'.ioii last week the'School of Agriculture at Giielph came to a close on JTii-' il.iy. Tiiv closing fx--.rci-"'d iiti* of . ii'U'iesrill" chai'aetur In the (V Tliui'S'li.y lis1 eello'r Pioudfo sides ('. '. Wlii lii'iinni;. Tlii with the uetii On.' August. Wiiilesidi-, vvl a 'miserly murdered in Kii|Hi'sing,- in p'.'ISon of pel ttl'J tlJIU" of hi -messed'id' eons iifiearch in h die di.covery \\|i 11, oxceuoH liiiViu ' the w 'ti two son: ^ii'iirv. Kol hcv'U' n fivon f/etlirr wi:h tl termitied to d hron^ht nn agaiiiht the lTuis was mot' but b'.l'ore th agreement \va tin) parlies to the property equally. Tl iiigned by nl csii'ij and up|i of Qareii's then tiled I'o Court of Oft and John as I rest ol t'le fai cjusi'Ct was prty as ainoiii; liu su' ' nllil AUOTIOfr ypril..l. TJ farm, form Block mid lit f'Clianei'l'y Oil i b.'fore Vice Clmu it, the case of Whlto lip (loil liml rt'it'itli.'il it Hi'.u'rot to ".v 'l" *xii<;i.s(S til'uiilinnii tlirfft him which llehut) nevof revealed ti<l industry, niity ortiiinly lnck to m\ body exempt John Wilson ; forwaril to uu iinuiodiaty unci oom- Iim also si-id that. Goil.. inado if! i'ortiiblo living, and to;-making known to liiin .hat tlmr,, .Wl no | n.onoy ^ Ailibuth, and ilnit; liirt,.v.iNdiiiii wiih , coiiliniinifatloiiH with tlio outer | floul.le briok lioAAo and lot, Hituated on iiolliing hhoit (if Solomon's ; ho world hhall Imvo bnen Kuuiliod. "'In | ,lfidn struct, | Ac ;oii. Kcimody'n fact, nn oiili!rpriiiig, industrious "ri<?k. hlook, Acton. Wm. Hcmutroet, ides cime for li mi* ns l"ilow!) : 21jt, ISTti," h'obe.t- 0 U iH admitted, was. o|tl mill. WiiS; foully the Township of ar- Apt on, by soim' 1 HIS tlll'jkllOWIl. At death ho iviia pos niid" I in' of 11 could ilso drink of the livjuf{ water ut any time, nud um d to perfoi in tin"! iiciioii of invisible tli'inkinjj ; the tii'Ht hoii.'H) we lived iii did tnjt ! have a window (or many years, be- faeis ... eouueeuon f^,^ , ^j,^ to sec me : when (ie of h' dangh- tera died at l'iuiii])tjn he refused to go; to tho funeral or even to pay the expenses of burying her. (/d|iifti of will:i wiTti |itiL in, in Olio t'if which he pr il'i.'siled to have cut liti". erased and - disinherited a si.iter who was ail aboniinatioii to him; a Heeond' will ^commenced with ii |)i-i-aiuiile s'tling forth that he had been warneil /by certain i isionrt of liiri ii|i|in);ii:|iin'^ i-I'Mi'li, Ho profeHHU'l to have discovered the Heci'et of perpetual motion mid mi insight.into tho IJouk of K'jvela- linn, ; My' hiisbaiel nail ho would not leive It ibert au> thing beeau'ii! he was not his son, nn I ho was a wiirthl "is fellow,nn,1 only lit to be a hangman ; niter the murder the ivill wni found when the hou-^e iv> veu'clrod. and it wan filed et lie- et>i'o:n-r'a 'iii(]U".',t; wle-n U iber: re; iiriu'd-home after bieng aw.iv- n derabln wealth fl house refill!I by h!^ family m ISilii, the loll." of named rt, Afi <.|d. e of'-his father, to f O'.llel elllldl'ell (If year ns prop-i-ly J i: 1111 . }: id n. but. pule tho will, and le; ion of eject inenl i'o favored brother.-. than one year ui;'o ; ; trial cimo iftF' tin 1 entered into by all the nation, by which was to be divided is agreement wis I the p.iiUi'H intei- Oi'eil uf liv the f.Viin't. ^iuctioiioer. -^pril (ltd. Farm Stock and Imple Go to at: O.ikoa. They nro nil"tho go. meiitH of Maisrx. ArinstronKt w Efiutieaiiiu. \V. , "April 10. Fn :incnti of Mr, F>' con. A, Towniliin of Esqucaiiif;. \V. Hoc, Auctioneer. In Erin, on tl: Thos. Dookrav on ,'ird inst., l>y Armi, \ Ht-{. of daughter of Mr. Ill Hi ijie.jiiig, bulowd wito of aujed -.52 yearn. r.'lieh A bill ilailltil]'-, illy"; an.I !' ade di vidil nevion.-! i whole of ." ngl ee;l t!nr w: i s a pt til ion in the i: cerv wit ii It ibei' tiliNt the i-ci.'ee I'V tile |iri'i upon children, ct to tilt" widow's d.v.vei'. Tie property wuh s "id and. the money paid-into the, Court of Cii-ineeiy. and then John (seventeen \bur.i ol ajl-*) tiled u petition getting i'o'th tli'iit lio w'u'.s an infant,'.ui-.l he had b-'en% defrande;! o'f his rights, and elaiuied Raid l i^'hts under ins | father'*' will, arguing that he w.i.- not boutnf by thy last *Mgrcniie:i: 'number'of vi'iii'.v, we dctei inim-d to bve.ilc t^iu will, and wo wen', to Mi. i.ii.llnw to eel. Ilia advice ; I knew ' hat Mr. . WlnteHiilei was ol 1 be fore I married hi.n, but I did Hot thli k he was mi. bad a-< he w.ii ; lie '.V is :,t siriiein.iKijr in J.el.inl-, but lid' not work it his trade he re ; wiifweru both natives of Ii'elinh bill had not uii.-t in that country, ; I cannot riMiieui'iiT [In- time of the day he wioto the will; w'lp'n le- if.e the lonip of ice ..and br.tti, I ex liect iie seratchfd !'i'< throat; 'tli.u was tliu time he sii I I had !:iut fi-h hooks in tiie in ihh, and ti'ie;l to piji.-.iu. him ; he tooki foxtail and fin ivli seed to th.'jiinll to. be ground into floor; tjie third day .if'."r Ills i.roth'-r died he vent out .irid riio^t v,:cceS-:i';)de uic;i :i s i \, i ttie :.j).ip:is !. Ill'lll 'ler acquitted The Court -then ,-(irec". ti> lie tried (-.vliic.i is UCtii.':i).as.-tii; wire: !.. Was :.[ tv-s: a su.-::'.: r' n'.'i '.asue ;o dig lion out iif t ..< JiMV-e ; ill'! S"-), I t le oil. t! , iiut keep and ! : child :! will man may fairly hope to attain on a pi-.iii-io iarm ;iu tlm Hpaco of ten yeara u position that it took his fiither forty yeers to reach in tho lieavily-(iinbereil portion.,- of rUni tjirio. It is here, hh (ihiuivheii!, very advantageous to the tiew- sottler t>3 Irivo a-bundant help in his own family. Among tho Meiinon- ite.M, nil. work -u'liiuli in out! .of tliu HecretH of th) iiiiinittmn progresi) their i/ettlements hnvo inade. I".u-"iiis inMinitoba aro easily cul tivated by uiiicliinory, of which tho anost suitable kind:) aro t6j 03 ob tained at comparatively cheap rates on tho Hpoi, <inn;i, who, make ugiicultiii'iil implcmn'itH n'.y having lilrejidy establiHh-: ed well clock ;i| ngciifticH III, the i'l'.n-incii. . With kus.i AiJ.1 to labor, a lariner", haying tbu help of his .(rowing Hou'sis cuinp natively in .b-pendetit of the nec.-h.iity of. hie nig, an.I tho bulk of tlm -proljt.s iMHs(.'.|iioiitly accrues to his faintly. Fiif tile capital,-it M Uiitoba a till tlm Teiritorii'a furnish unrivalled oppoi't.iiiiitieH. ..Money uid c ifiiin uids a hi interest.'. C iiiieijiieiit ly nbiiud int p-uiiigs for M-il'ij 'inveMttn-ni.i, nt uigli r.'te'i of intercsr, up on nn- loublHil'; security oirii preae.nti!.!. l'lie. op'ru'tuiti; ii.-.s for (iiiib.irkiiig liidu-itr; il en'erpriw! are very jnr oi -rouji, and the practical nan, v^tth inmi'V tit iMuim|iijid,iclin nirjlly fail to liml openiiiea that iVlli meet hi.s vie.yn, '" Iii c inclusion tvYC iinnt ' not for- ;>it to uieniion one cho-.i wiiieh Can >ie.d here a veiy wi In li.-l 1 of em plov.;n:nt. Tiic demand for do mestic servants is always, and^good gi,-|< c nntiMlitl ^Xe'i'lien', Cage.) an 1 Comfortable .situations1. Klou I'm"! number of this- clasa ia aubject Fall Wlicut, 'o cons-.tant rednclion as tho'ranks | Spring Wheat., us depleted by marriage,! which is , -, iine to create f.-ef-^'iit, gaps in a j 0-ltfl c^utry wh:;ru there ja a dispro- ' Poaa o oitiou of the HextiS, and where one. Butter {fresh rol a) A. Brown and P...S. t half lot 27, con. '4, Flmiistreot, "Auctioneer. rrn .Stock and Implo- fo Somtnorvilto, Iot'24' W- joway'n for Wedding BIUTIIS, !;o 17th ult., the wifo of Eq., of-'a "son. M IHBIED. In tliof'ongro; itiimulO'litireli, /Icton, ..... ' itov. J. Dav;i, E. II. (xiih'tpli, to Ai^iatU, Tan. Cameron of Jlctoo. . Ei'I'S'dJofOA. 'roitriMu. "Ky oji'jrationa. of il on tho .'Otli ihB.t, Mary, Mr. Alan. McOonald, (illATETt'J. A.-in Com a thorough knowledge of the natnral I I'rtu which govern the ;';4tioii and nutrition, IN6 GOO T GOLDEN LI '.'- ! - Ahead .as usual. V-j is KOnriJ'i'l :""' '*y a .careful application of the hue rile of l'r"i'-'rt'i'* f Well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpp.t haH provided our brvakfaHt tables- *.vitii a dvilicattily llavored beverage which miy iiiii'ii lis tinny heavy doctorii' billri. It is by trie judicioua irseof auch articles of diet a coimtitution may lie gradually built up until ntrongenougli to rosiiit every I .tondency to diseaue. Huiulrcdflof ( llaating :iroa.'iil iin rjady to attack wherever there is a weak paint. We may escape many a F.ital shalft by keeping ourdelvcb well fortified with pure blood and a pro- fr.iiiie."' -Clcil Service ly in packets labeled fc'Cu., iloino-'epathie ;rly nourished [}:i-rtt>. Sbidoi: '"./a:.iks Ill-fa . 1 TLe Keeve iiciiduv and arr T.ii=';ut; i^ tn^ nes vrcnt *.o Ujn'alo on \v:ii,-!uio3L ij^vly, ret urn to morrow A p:;blio meeting will again cai a..,o t:;a. ofyoaog .' ;iuuibL-r isd to iliscius the question. be I : The War _>iews. \ ____ TLe war cloud for- the past few davs looked, very-black," aud it was expecttd' that every ni-jruetit the news would arrive that war had coiiiineuccd. B;:t yesterday t!;f in -as showed'that thincs hid .taken a ufvfc pdc.ti bio.ies of a tura' and the p'raba-- E.U'opean war 'cre U.uiiniahibg. LiOi'd Derby has r-iig:ie J imd has been auccc-idi.-d - by Iho Manjuis uf ti ilisbury. a.S OodiJ lie..e.V|e'C^-'-l ; t'aey Wei-e a [vroun.sing s. iu!n. There-were a^ of visitors : pfes.eiit. Tne classes wcreexatiiiCied by Prof. B lcklaLd, Prof. Sa'iI'.L and P.of. Croft in special subjects, who congratulated tae btudeiits iipon" their p.roticiency. Speeches were also niaje ii'y Hon. Arch. 'McICvllar, Mj. " McCi nag, Mr. David Hi.lie, IXA: Mr. Tor rance, Hon. Miv Wood, Mr. W., . L. - Paikinson,' and others, tl. priz--S being d".Ktribnted between the addresx'eK, in, accordance with the result of the previous examiua- tion. -The proceedings-c'ohftl with lha customary mam/eat itlous of loyalty to the Q leen. Tue 'C'-j'*'.' ledge-meets again" .in a, fortnight. A ,:.,; , on eacli .-.iiii., aiiji !r.;(i'..f! ' ; :.__ Iiecii.-a vero. ek imiii!.-ti. A'l.'i'ii.' other.s tjeortri! Cainphoil, living o-n lot 3U, Silt Con. I-Jxpirts-ing said : I signed his will as a.witue.-.s, uint it wus. executed ut 'my mother's lioiibe ; - my, brother was also a witness; at that time the testator had a'wife and live or six children, ami owned 100 acres if land in h block;; aboii: seven or eight acres were cleared, (.and only on-.' acre wan fenced iii;- at that tiai-r lie | complained o a so'.-o throat and " j Ins wife h'ad niacin ii " iinis!i" and put lish books into it ; my mother ex luiiheil bis throat alio told hiiu there jwas no fijh hooks there, mid ?nlit! exdernally applied goose grease, nuil he a'.e some nhemist. 170, I'iocadilly, rhjeadaeedle Street, and Loailon. m it "'.' .'.....i eh-nee iu thi: i the Court' i-ij.v.ii le 1 .v'ee </>. it not being ex- lecte I that tiie. enquiry will be I'lurua from circuit. c in litioii is ncc-.'ss ii'y: to the 8iii ces of the young farmer is the pisseaaiou of a sitl'.uble h'elpuiate. f I !:>;v33:33:i&3iiS.o. honey Who .'ihaii'd Come to >Sani- tob.i. /V.'.*) (From tic M.i/iifoK-i -/ > Tii^ Keas'Ui'.s niimigratiiin having alia).uly commenced to m-.t in, the time seenia opprirtauii!.for giving n lew worda of advice to the ma:iv p-o'saria. -\v ho are <'oibtIe-.a con- si-iering wle:t!ier iheyj.ihall try to oetler llfir ptM-ipecls by removing to t.iii! new tieU's .of labor oyi.i - nterpiise presented so attractive ey:; I read the will aloud; he.j .,.. Manitoba and- the North -weiit ^.l. .-.r i.:..............a .. I../ i . Editorial. STotss. _' Dr: F. 'W . S-r.inge, or Toronto, will be the Conservative candidate in Xuith York for the Commons. - PictJ.n Liiier^l "Conse"vativLS i-ave iiuanimo~is.iy selected JauieS &. McCuaig as- 'heir calidldato for t tie Cominuns. ,. I. > { Tiic Douiinations for the new Quebec L"-gisiaturo ' take place.on the'^-ith -of tiiio montli, tiie elec tions immediately after. . ifr. Kerr, (if Montreal, is out as a candidate for tho Quebec Legis lature. He is opposed to the .ob noxious measures of the late Minis- trv, buti he is iu favor of the Ministry itself. ". At Toronto, last Wednesday, the Hon. J. iG. Carrie win airuck oif the roll as a Sjlicitor, by Cuaucei- -lor Spiagge, for improper .conduct in connectkm with the uiotto.igo of iiue Brown, in Lincolu Co. Priimier Joly, in his~addiess to tle electors of Qunbt-c, takes the whole- responsibility of tho con- nutritional conduct of Li. Gbvertior Djteliier de St. Just and appeals lor support on the ground of ! economy. . The feeling iu'favor of^jjrotfec- tiou it growing iu 12 nope as well - as in Canada. For aome cfiiie pi*t ,1 ' ., it lai'ge section of the British puidic have felt they cannot compete against; the United States, Uubgium and other protected-countries, un,- lefca they have a himilar protection and now this uiovemeut has'extond- ed to Germany, yvhero Prinee1 }in biarlr l.aa lent i'Thh powerful uid, and will probably dissolve- parlia 'inent a . it as is test qutstk German jiapefs upuak of thoVe.-uit oi fcaicb a submittal to the popular '. vote, at> certain to lie tiiumpliajitlv iu'favor of u national policy '"SSES iu probably dissolve- parlia and to tho country on i test qu|;sti/j,i). The leadin Tiie Council ol Gait is negotiating for the purchase of. the-'MethodUt Church property, to be ti.s-*d as aji iiliproveinent oiilhe'Mai ket Square. 81,000 has been"oit.-red. . Trickett ha3 offered to row Courtney .for >1,000 a wide and 300 expen,sns,i the water, to be, ciiusen' by Courtney. Tii?[ Auieri- can -oaismaii 'has accepted the challenge. ~ , J "lOno of'he wonlers of the Paris Exposition will be a grand balloon of 25,000 cubic metres volume, with a diameter of 30 metre*, and capable' of raising. 59 people to gether to a height: of nearly two thousand feot. _!,' Hanhin will row Planted on To ronto Bay, og the afternoon of Miy 15, for-$2,000. Hanktna'lows tho New Yoiker th'j very liberal sum of So00 for expenses. The dintauce ia to be two miles straight away. Last Thursday afternoon, George Bakerj. churg-d with ; coniuiittiiig a violent and indecent assault upon Mary Penny, was tried iu London, before Mr. Justice Wilson. Ho was sentenced to twenty-two months' -imprisonment, mid two" whipjling.s oi twenty lashes each. Tim priiiti of tho lands iu the township of Liird. Algoina,^ has been fixed a.% sixty-two cents an acre for all lots excepting those fronting' on River St. Mary. These latter will remain one dollar, per acre an before. The. htrea.n known as Bar .River ruufi ucro3s the north part of the township, and a nun*bet' of lots have bean, tak-n up on its banks. of the towndnp has ii large quantity of good land. At the Middlesex Assize?, Wed nesday, Much 2"7th, Hi'.rgriives, the principal id the London torture casB, wmi. Kente'nced to three years imprisoiiiiieiit upon the lessm- charge, viz., that of doing grovilnis bodily harm without iuient inn [i-.. inj-iH-e, to which ho pleaded guilty. The woman Donntillv, bis accom plice, wa bailedin 50Q to npp;';j,r wlien warned, Llmi judge taking time to- eonsulet tjiu Hentt'lici' he would inflict, inasmuch u(j medical | testimony went to .aliow that im- prisonmeiit would bo physically in ) jurious to the priHouw. gave the bulk of bis property to two children, and i? 1 apfeo to.',tin- i'((!umiinle.r ; at ioiy sugge.-.tioii (is a joke) he. umdo'it o ; I do not be lieve hn was iu a fit stale that day to understand the will; : hs iva.. straiigiiu his, nctions nt lime-i. Henry Colo and h'a wife, Geo.' MilleT, Dr. Freeman, Dougull Mo Millan, Henry Harding, Win. Allan-, Geo. Gibb.s, Lawrence Hose, John Higgius ; J,is. Simon, liiberi Camjiiieil and others were exiuiin- ed, w!io gave somewhit Conflicting test'inony in regard to tho 'sanity of Whiteside. Mrs. Wiiitesides, relict of the leRtator, testified : ,My husband was in the habit of hoeing his po tatoes with ohip-i, and he groun I wheat with stone;? nud blew nwm the chaff with his breath ; fiom 18-17 to 18G3, when the will was signed, we wet-el fed on , very in ferior food ; I clothed the" children by my own labours or by .gifts from friends.; :my husband ustd to eat gr.iss'.npp.'ivj, and said they were- tho Jociisi'.a mentioned iu Scripture; ho force 1 lidieit to eat graashoppers imd the children to eat spoiled ineil^ ho took "bran and put gooseberries iu it and called it, fruit c.iko'lit for Queen Victoria to;eat; a3 a bcver/ige he preferred the water in which po. had, been boiled to anything else; he' very seldom undressed, bur, slept iu jhis working clothes ; ut the time lie linide the will I do not consider his iinind wan right ; the Friday provio is . be in nle H "bran mush," which wuh mixi-d Wificiih it- to':h? 'uii'l-'ivtooii Ih'if ice do It'll III! J rjll,--*-;lt'i!< ri.'-'Hililfihtr. for th<? i>i>iiii'iii!< nxjji'i:j<e<J bij oar /. irn'.j/ioiitlijiily. Preserve th> .liifieut Laud- mirks. Butter (ar.lted rt Lird (light) Lir.1 (lark) Kggs (new laid) Potatoes, per bag Apples, per ba; Hay, per fon, AITOV tl.l&Hf.Tri -?2 50 to 3: 00 1 15 to 1 20 0 75 to 1 05 Spiouted Spring; Wheat 0 7o to 1 00 ~ "' .. i o 50 to o r.n . . 0 30 to 0 Si .. (j CO toO G.5 . . 0 !5 to 0 15 . . 0 12 to 0 14 .. 0 10 t.>0 10 .. 0 OS toiO'09 .. 0 10 to 0 10 .. 0 60 toO 65 . . 1 00 to 1 2f>- .10 00 to 12 00 We beg to announce that our \V0\v\Importations have cumm-noed to Ar rive from the Chi Gourifry, and very soon we shall he ahJe to show a large and c'< niptetc assortrnent of " Cheap Kqvt Croods for t?ie Spiiig Wc itave-a!readx opened out a nand diuplai^f ASH-TON'S' BBST/PRlNts" .- r" > So frtmous hoth for quality of Cloth an< beauty of Pa.tern. A!j so, we :%& call'-pp-eeial:' attention to a large\aud bi'autif'iil assortment of i ' . , - ? - l - - - i- : I 6* <%a* - Jusi iu from the Nottia^ham"Factories,. Prices from $1.5iCf to $20 per pair. Us,) Gl'ELS'fl JJVilKETS. Sjvcelil t > thr. Ffirx Pt'.&s-i, ptr D'lmin- ) Flour, per ill.) i Wiii*,; iViie.-.r, I Tre.-..lwoil " j Spring Wheat, i Din, .. ; Ml,.y, [ Hay, per ton ( '.. I Baiter, p--T l)a I'utitnei per be.} IIn2.<, per cw Chickenr, ucr p^ t"?oe.s with milk, and fr lie swiiJlowed the milk and bran ; night ho took ash place and throw >z&; the next, day pieces of f'rojZ'.!ii pn the Saturday s f'om the, liri;:' them' Oack over his head and, " T) Hell's black destruction with the vermin of -the earth, for I havo my shan of tliem ;" ho also said that I ha put fish hooks u: iiiid tried to jiois' very jealous liiin did not like It j soot, was disturbi ii'i I li'iughl. in oi Miroughl- it ; lie' iiight*ci[. 1 tlm bran tuash, u him; lie led of me, :u..l be rt; when i (j,. ill ! lie ehimiie.- ind ootiii; down l-'io put on my iibiilt one. night an.I Went outside, tllje JjolUe to frig.,1 tell troino meji whorl: in- supp.sed to ! there; lie also expr.-Sfiod doubt, in to the paternity jot' hi* children,; ho was strange on religious qtiea Tern lories. : j " . . , ;. "I First of all it is necessary td re pl'at th ciutioii, -which I we 'have i . ; ' given at intervals h retoforje, with respect "to one . pai i cillai; class, whose experience in his new coun try have'rbeen of, s.itistafoiy. There are no opening.-* whatever In re ut preaent for persons df.siriii.g employment in genteel occii[ia-ions. Of clerks, iis- .sistants, and .salesmen we have enough ami toi spire. Situalidiis are ilillicult tooiilain, winlq the exigeiiciij-s of economy during the long winters fivqiiently oblige em ployers to diuiin'isii thi strength of their staff in that season wilien it S.s most difficult and unpleasant to littiL temporary out-door occupa tion. Persons desiring employ uieiit iu stores or counting liouses should uiakii sure of situation's be fore 'fhy came here"; "otherwise ehauci! are -they will sufter griov- bus iHsappoj ltineiit. . Even in tiie case of mechanics wo should hesitate to recommend a largo accession to the ranks .ol: tlioie already here, who-are able to meet the present -dem inds of the public. The cjudii ona ai'9 not particularly favoraby for stray j Hirnoyinitu finding employuieni at their erai'c; but a good work man, i\ ith a Kin ill c ipital, would easily tindl localities to establish himself where his services would be valuable ill. the young isot.t'le- inen'H gio.viog up in all jiarts of the Province. . ' Lit .Manitoba i#-b.s'.inntitiHy; a I firui- ing country, and nowhere in the orld,iloes tjiu produce of .tliu fcdil If to the labor" , ,., t. Of f'armer.s wo caijniot, have too ujany ; but it shouhl[lie-remembered that, to nark successfully iir this, as in any utli'T independent vocation, the poasnssjibn of a Minall capital say it, least $.1,01)0 is almost. indis- |it!iie'tblu. It -is true that H^ine rfo'.llera have managed to get" along irui lu.'iur.n ljin i-iii-o^n so readily yield itsel of tins, agriculturist. its r+ rf-5 tions, and said that God had more t't-spect fjf I To l.'ic Eli fir uf th-.: Fn;,- p,;:.<s. ' Permit u.i-.!,, liiroug'i 'iie oitluiUi of your v.-.!'l'it'!e piper, to Ciil pa'dicUtteiitipti, as Wrll as tite atrcution of the the.. Townsh p Council, Co the fact tiiti posts niarkiiig the bearings of the check inie are, through the lapss of time, and otherr causes, disappearing, aud j Xiirkeya of tho deep imp iriauce to all land | Ducks . owners north of tho'l said line to have, without delay, durable mono-" lueiits planted nt the angles of said line with the several concession lines of the Tuwiwhip. .".,: Tue importance - of gi ring im mediate aUo::tion to this matter will be butter understood by the .'ollowing explanation :'" 1st, that geuerolly thoireserve (the check liipi is the bane or jjpiid ing li'.l'i, by which all thasi.le lines o the north' west of it are Wuin. 2nd, that the bearings iu tho I several concessions are not the I siiiie. 3rd, that the .bearings of the cheek ntiy-iconcession, | as originally surveyed^ ' is the bearings of all side linos iu that concession, and so with all the other coiiceb'sions. - Hence the gieat importance of having the several angles established as or,igin- dlj marked b\ the Crown Stfrvey- or; But should the matter fio' de*- I lyefl until the original inurktfyire iust'iind the: witness to tho situo gone, then ii survey will haVej to liti made iu a straight course across the Township, which will not agree with tlie original bearings! in the several concessions, and endless troublo and confusion,' ending in costly law bints will.ibe the result. Now there are two way's ;of go ing about this important luatler. Tue Cuiincil may use the powers with which' they are legally invest ed and petition the Lieutenant- Governor tai have the saiil monu ment planted, which is by far tho cheapest and nioatj expeditious mode, and, therefore,"the best Or at least, one half iff the resident laud holders to be affected theroby in iy petition tint 0 iiiucil, i)ud, i.i that case, it will be the Council's duty to petition us iibovo. But I trust the Council will at once pro ceed, for, by so doing, tbev will save u multitude ot troubles. Aud, ns to the cost of the work, I may say that some years ago a similar stalo of things existed at the base Huh of the Township, aud monu ments were planted for tho benefit of that portion' of the Toiv.Usliip .,... .., ^,.,. ..,..,,. lying Bouth of the check lino, and ih l.-sii, nrid .yet have thriven; the amount of the cost was, I be lli v.-. sh"ui-i nut be warrinti.-d lieve) levied on tho whole fown- luadvising any iiew-comer to vi;u .ship. Therefore it will only bo- tor-; to jd.iii upon the just und right that the Township prairie in ihe forlorn-hope, of Mte- I should bear the cost in this Cise also. c-sd'n(ly c-:..-.b.itt'ing the obstacles-^ illoping our honorable Council wi|l see the importance ofi haying oh work done with .us Jittlo delrty tus ; possible, and with thanks for space, Mr. Editor, I am, " - .a'ljriL-lt' r _" ^ - ' ' '. : - MARK 1TKE F0110WIHC: ! I On Wednexlav,. March 27. the largeat auction sale of Cotton Goods e' knpw.f in Can <la v-as h-irl at the- Oani-Ia Cotton Mills, Cornwall. - With our usuit-dosire to s'lppiy our customeFi with-tho cheap. I; e:t po-.o,!; g.;..,<w. re'-t. ri-iej tli-.-'-s-ile .in.d Juticeeded " ; 1 ::i a;'--i::-i:g 3 i.irga nomeer r{'_ '- i" .- - X l". I."i re it i-'s'l , tt 0 i t" 0 0-i 0 lg to 0 1-3- 0 40 to 0 lo 4 Of) to 0 00 ".on to 0 00 iiO to t 1.11 "0 to 1 00 -10 to" 0. 60 Will, h -Ti". 8 PEG? ALLOTS A:J3 ill PH20ES MBT&CO Quelph, April.4. 1878. T>i,0\V FACXOUY OPE.\EI. *. Tho subscriber, haying purchased the Acton Plow Works, is prepared to fur nish Single -ami Daalile Frame Iroii Plows, as well aa the Biis Gang Plow, which has giined the reputation of being tbe boat Gang Plow mide, at the uspal rates. All repairs done on the: shortest .notice and at tho cheapest prices, '.- Invite attention and inspection, to special lot of 5,000 ^YARDS OF NKVV AN D FASniONABf,E, DRESS GOODS Purchased' ab a Discount of 33 f er cent. ' The lot was dotiined iu transit by cable henco the largo sacrifice. These goods ars cheaper than have been nfl'erel for years, and; could not be replaced. W0 FAMILY SSIoUI.D BUT THEIll Winter DSIY GOODS before they see of New an that,'hijv.;i b.'en overcome by only .such persons as are |'.K-ouiinr!v.!itied by experience atid rusourou to fight this-kind of battle. To (ho practical farmer with a lid that God had more small capital.- Munition ofFerB un-' iiii) than uuybody el.3e, rivullbd attractions, for such a man, E<> 1 iNTKRESTEiy RATEPAYER. pissing, April 1st., 1878. iur irntnenie stock 1 Fashionuble GoodB T W. Stewart ;jSt Co., ... GU13LPH. March 12, 1878, '...-.. H!ar Below .Mil! Prices, -; T. s lo^s.-i: ih?=e aoods nt'Ipss-thmnny oth'erBtoreni i'Ml.' F-'U--I'llEM. We purchased at the - > Bime title a big lot of i i eni' '- i U e i i Grain -Bags Equally Clreap-!' * Spring seems tD.h.ive set in, but -the Lion u'salways ready, nda customers wilt find our stock of brand New'jioods ,t|he -largeat, chofed and cheajiest in Uuelph. - j j i " . J. D. WILLIAMSON fe CO. 37-tf, SYDNEY- SMI:TH. TO TIIE PUBLIC 6F ALL Na tions A POLITIC XL. CItKEDS. If J-nu want a good AITCJUON'EEK tFS (JEOKGE GIBBS, Ho unilersbvuU Ills bis|nes<. jSuft said. .-Ad-lr.jss UlUsutwsr.P.o.-' U.\RBSEUVE AUCTtOX MILE OF F.18M STOCK A.VO iupi.i:.iiEvrs. Messrs^ A, Brown & P. S. Arm- strong have instructed the under signed to sell by Public Auqtion.on west half Lot 27.-con. 4, t'p of Es- quesing, On Saturday, April 6th,,! the t ollowing Farm Stock and Intple .ments -r Heavv Draught fitirse 8 yrs old, Colt 3 ye^rs old. good Butter Cow, Heifer 3 yra old in calf, 2 two- year-old Steers, 4 yflariinr Steers, yearling Heifer. 21 well bred Ewes lambed or in lamb, 5 shearling Ewes, 6 fall Piga well wintered. Buggy. 2 Iron Plows, ff, Stephenson rtiike] & wooden Plows, Horie Hike, Grain Cradle, 2 Fanning Mills, Washing Machine, Orindstone, 2 pr Jiarrows, Turnip (JultiViitor. ' The above mu\it_'be sold without reserve, as the proprietors are going into the diary business, and must dispose of nil surplus stock to make room for dairy stock. "Sale to com mence at 12 o'clock sharp. I'EKMS $5 and under cash, over that amount 9 months' credit on approved joint notes. 9 per cent, discount for cash. . * ^ " W. HEMd-TREKT, AuctJoner. BBATTY'S "' '-" PIAN & PARLOR 08GAN iyyr-g'pcyoit. Uontulnlugth'^btemc^tiii rmosto,with eawy auu progressive exBrcien to perfect the player In tu, art of muntc ;eliher ptano or orgai.) tdwnlon U added oyer sixty Waltzes, VolBaB, MhtcIipb,'Galops. A CTOXfMOXreiY SAL*. The Acton rnonthfyjale will be ieM i Agaew's Hotel/-on Fair Dy, Thursday, Apnl:4^i All kinds of Stock, Inmleiaenta, fc. will be sold by paying 5waU *-fAc*-, Sale at 12o'^bck, TERMS.-iken months* 'credh o approved joint notes ; ' - \ All entries must be aade to Mr. J*8- Ryder, Sec.\ ."'-^ " J " WJit HEMSTREET, M<ka*V- 25-tf - . ,'. ". '1 4-. L>. DYE i All/ Colors. ANALINE ; AlTdSnades, at: j.E. Mo Duxra i i 1 j sko uf. /Neorge LE11E.VSp i , Batber and HairdreBSdr. ;| adjoining Seord Bros.' St4f.$i Street,-Acton. HaiisswitcM* fa - combings-prepared to order. Those wishinff^have aihv orfe^ cut had better call early, M Acton wv Boon be minus a barber. -1 liw nirslgned: b^^eave W j- nonice to rtme, and *e?'*JI|3B in bjtter mating: who par^o-.e*^3B new OUnrn tail they w">*?* "gSTS rhe^-own luUresis by <>*}*"** * A.'Holmes' Imororea T Uperutio Metodles.lpaiicef', etc., by 0aii- cbarns. i am now- ^"f^f^rgtll lei-P. Bentty. IVasftnuton. Kew Jersey, ' them, Uavlngpurctiasedtnelift'eny fa ------------------------- -------------- w [manufacture nd ',?.V SmW'- wlthoutdouoitte ^-^ftilltS^eif- Yoiir patronage Ir sPfcfJ?iirSpW. Clr tulars and testimonialsJgJ^WM cation. Territory lor sale. JUanuiw^ ed a!na sold b/ ^ ^ McrxwMD^i *-8m ^ ont> of tlie b<-st works ot Its "klud ever Iii troduced, mid Hhiitild, bo In the hfindB^if every piano and orgaw player. Sent post paid to any part ol ttie United Stales'or Canada for only tlfty cents tne pt>e iiivtnp heen reaur-etl^ to. inlrodace^ll everywhere. Addr*s" DA V tEL ,-~" BEAUTY, Washlagton, New Jersey. AfltOH,' 1423 24

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