Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1878, p. 3

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.,*^T.i:i,,^.iJiCJ,tx^Ji^^ tuiiiiiiii i.Mnmii/n.. iMjinj., r,^..T.i,,i,.im,!]., i ~ IBRj FREE- PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON* COUNTY, ONT., APRIL 4, fcBWtl TIHVk TJMK TlHI.t.. fr,;:;t Ivjvt \.'o':i 5 follows :-- ,:,};>-,-. w i:>r. s i H S'-.t'jt V.\ T.t.i:;:' mv i>y t".i;>; *' Ki'prv" ; Nic^-JV.w' (lO.t'miv, -i 1V\\ Kipr?.*". \Vo*;<^-r. :r,.\-l l.^r.Vo raivd i_i_----fat ^ in N(-. i:\s7 Service in the Methodist ( hurch every Sabt**in evoninic nt hHlf-tinM six nV'.v);; i*.l IS -Hi niornlmc mitt ovon- Si-c ,v' i:i ur*' **bhMi of inch * tn.v-!li. Ui:v. U._llius Pastor. ."___' --jfOCAL MATTERS."-'--llli ; Sri'. '. - AWdd'uu; ah J Birthday 1 prfvnij" r, Fancy Giv>ds and Jewellery * - *U the yfr round at Geo: Hyads ,1ew- 51frySJtro. Acioa. Call. " /">ur Wje know your .1 name ar- lv Of J ITS; and. s |cds eTer ".'rail. M&nthly i>i:e t-i-Jay. \ ?ed at SlcU.trvin's. R >d J. D. W'iirmson i Co.'s Eew l\*rt -Vitiate C maeil Vheeta next Mraiiy evetiinj, ... _ _Ef >A MoSaU's. Auction Sale at Ko:inod\'s T.rick Bbvk today. .Charity is liki .bn.-j: sr' w'-ca it t-c_^i:3fi to hv.rr.. . Yi-si can get Oil Cake at G. E Morrv-rt 's lJrc^ -^tore. . ~ TLe:\>, was .very little Apr:' toeli"; 7ur.e-here Mo-ad..y. Mr. S: T>il:s, vf the George- town fi-:ri:"", caiied en Mor,day. Ot^n Division ia: the Tem- 1 r-\rar.ce ii.v'. r.ei". Tuesday evening. Bee*. Seed at McGarviuW . Mr. Kyt- Somirervfrje has sold his fr.rr.1., lot '2i, C't'n ccr..,._E;.j-.-.csing, CJ'tite a r.nsltr cf new build S. Smith. has sold 'fcis D-.-hiir. 5=rH, "Hdlo I'uke'! to M-. C ..-jjiSy.'o: r-*c.s. ir: better, an 1 f.irti:er57hir* comir.c ;a:c :ovr:i m.>re i_inrd~3 Seeds : G. H.-SXor- ... rtw-S6=^t^. . - . ; ji It/dir will have tisimeut in next weeks Garden Seeds at, U. K. Mor row's I'mg Stiorc. ,-^-M l^i'jl'i varioty of hata ftt tho Em Kiul CluvUinn Store. : ;" "] Mr. W. II. Storoy is liaviuy a. uno now foneo orootcvl in front of Uia 3:^.> a.m. I 1 i'^-.vm. | "---PitrtieR iintetfdmt; to go -to *J;'?i! *,,n- I M.iuit<iba fliouKl read the iirti'cle in -i>'30iMn n'.othor ooHiiun, wliich is copied from ' the Winnipeg <r />if-. Go and sco Christie Hondcr- ^tin Jt Co.'s Show Uoom - nitieent ditplny of all that, niee, clioieo and cheap -tho finest stool; pi' Militno-ry at tho very hotipm priees*. : I '. -.'d nt ^IcGarvin's.- Tlia lUnd social, held nt Mrs. Swan's r>ishlenco lajtt evening tt.\s n suecess. ..4 most enjoyable evening was spoilt'ami the Band supplied an iV.iulatiee of niusie. .lhout $'J0 was rt' _ -^ . IH'll Times.' AVho Ei'iifs dull t r.ies *' You never, .hear them M'k ;h:it way down ut Seeord's, . lor they :iro iloinj; a i^Jnig' business, snil are a'ways busy, hilt the best of it is, tt'oy aro iluiit^ it for -o.i^b. i\\:\ secret is, tho right goods r.t the r-gh'. price*. l/uciiinbef Soedat McGarviu'B, AYo lmvo i\ largo .quantity of waste paper on hum!,-.. tmitidde for wrapping parpoaoH, which wo will sell cheap Goods Rro so cht<i\|> t ia tlio general coinincnt of tttosc who examine our stock and it ie an undoubted fact that in our olVcnts to procure a. bounti ful stock of Spring liooils at lowpricw. We have far outdone nil rivals. Our Stock of Dress l!ooih is extraordinary value. Christie Henderson & Co. ^"ouiato Seed at McGarviu'?. ^Tlio marriage cerniU)iiy pa- i N.KW ApVRRTlSKMENTS. [ ".' ' Tho partiil'r.sliipj herefoforo carried on umler the nniuu and firm of- Monro & (ialhraithliaii this day liccu dissolved by mutual consuut. All indebted to uj'nre requested to call and settle -inl ine liatoly. MOORIC AGAldlRAlTH. Acton, April 1st, 1S7H. In coiuioutioii "with tho abore, I beg leave to solicit tho eonliiniance of.tlio public patronage which lias been so lib erally bestowei.' -Mjion tlic lato linn. J might also stat iat-1 have engaged Ml'. S. W. C,n dlh to eoiitiuue Ioh 1878, :I87I m toi? tween ilr. KLiI. .-frui^, of Gnj!li>H ahd ! editorial mnnagenient. and tho public : can, therefore, ilepund upon gutting tliu :Ki:i:k 1"i:r-:m u\> to.tlie utaiulaiil in.iuu:il nd editorial news, I . '_ !T. AI.UKHT'NJO^llWA ^^TJiAVlAti! Wi2AVJN;J:! All orders intho'Weavingliiiepronipt-. ly attciuU'd to. Special atlentiim p.i'd to Carpet Weaving: I Mi;.S..Jl. Mcl.Ol'lillldX, JO-It -' near CijiIwson's Cci!!Ni".i:s. Miss ^4'gusta (?aineron, daugfiter of ,1ns. Cameron, Ksq., of ^cton, was perform ed in tho Congregational CliTrroh, las evening, by the Kcv. Mr. i>avi'. . Tliu church was crowded to exe^ps by au admiring "ainlicnce. Miaj ' Jeaunie Cameron actetl as bridesmaid ami Mr. Tho;-. - Christie as groomsman. The happy couple wore stationed in fcont of the desk in tho Church and wero soon made one.T /4(lor receiving the congratulations of their'friends, they started for, (iuelpb. Am-.'riewi A<jriri<lturti1t!>1 of April 1st, eontnins it usual 50 eugrav. . ing.i, illustrating animals, plants, build- At tliu last reirulnr meeting ot I , . , . ^ -5 i ln^s 3r.bor-savi:iL; contrivances t^rcv.'sou'c t"*c;ruers' Pivisiou, Sonn o i cmperc.nco, on Saturday evening, the t\>I!o\\ ing o'.'iicors were iustalleil by llro. J. P. Sccordj*. : llr,.. II. 'Mei;orinsii. V. W.V. w. Auid. w.r. ___- SisterS. A. Cripps, W.A. Bn>. II. NKl'.wen, M.S. Sister C;"A<:lil,- A. U.S. !ir,...:;. i .iiiLr. r..s. " .loiin t'rews.m, 'tress. ----- K. iirnvn. C.- Sister M. A. Worden, A.C!. Uro. IH':r!, I.S. . | ,-C. Taylor. O.S.. - re elected as o.'Ticcrs of Prospect llivision, -'Sons .o . Tetr.peraucc, Na^sa^r.v.eya, at'thcirlai t re^uir.r nievti::^. on Friilay, t2'J::i ilar. i;i'o. .1. Miln:'. W.V. *'.: - N. McMillan, W.A. " W. AtT:.-.v, K.S. i Siiter N. Stio^io. A.R.S. ; 'IJr.'M. MeMilir.n. K.S. " .'. ,W. Lv-.trbrno'.;, T. '.' P. Asnrt, Chap. " 1). Ssais^'.'e, Con. SU^.tri-:. McT.-..-.-irt, A.C-. ': Hr^. .1. it. And^r^.iii,. I.S. ' .!. C.'llilis. O.S. ^. THAT.FA5ICU-S y\: TEA. Chris tie. "HerTjcrron iiCo.. have j"s-; rccciv- i a- lii^r fr^sh l.t ot that Famous oUc Ts!i,,olH in,S i'o lots for 4o.\ Tins tea i* oecidealy .- ' of any ."0c or even iiic tea olTere.l here~or elsu'Aiiere. P.y baying in lirge lots and on :goint terms Work- for the month laid out: in detail with illustrations ; extended humbug exposures; A .51000 house!; livery stibl' . " Uoyal Ilcauforjl," dam, imp. "l.'.ad'j Barnes," sire, imp. ' 'Itoyal t).\.fnni t^ivyiiue," will scrVo eous on the fe'rio adjuiiiiug (lie C. 1". 1;., Acton. Terms. l'eiligreXi Cows, .>7.0I) ; Orado Cnw.n, cent oii'for c.till. Also two I'trksliiro i'.oara will be kept for, si-rvii-e at the same-place. Tena.-, S1.C0,' cash. 40-Gm : C. S. SMITH. G-RA.ND ;oPENi!isra ' . 1 . MILLINEK&IAETLEg *ms, d JAMES S.Y7U0N" bogs to inform his. numerous ; 1<VjmkIs ai'itl Cusloniers tlipt on <"2i- dSBi til rj stiblc and carriage-house plans; Among 1 "J^J^OTH'E^ | 7 the Farmers, by one of them; Kami Crop , , ^^ ^ ^.^ ^ ^^..^ ^J A Talks, No. 1-1 ; lioat-iaismg for Prolit \ , deliver. >iilk in the .Villago.of .Vcton | Hoot and Kodder Crops; Hardening after the loth of April. l'.irtnv do-ir- Chapters ; Plant Due ({rave Vine"; Sun. | i"g to-got milk can havo it anytini,- by " ' ' -ailing at the hr.,t !ni-.i.-,-e ua Mill streut., iry l'arm Appliiiuces, lllustratcl; Many House. Hints; lJJiyVand (.lilTs Columns; I'sing the MitCfoA-opc : witli interest ing illustrations, alud.a Kpcat variety o.l conilelised useful articles and itepiy. Price, lo cents ; .^4.5i* a ycr.r. Orange Judd Company, Publishers, New York. -L-^ttilOd S.'c.l atMjG (V A i^rlo r.'vcriutTiitut m next wecjis 1 "^yii:^ in iar^t; una a-iu tu ^omi icrins i ut -> "i".i..Ht. ^> -, n<_ noUm i4t* Z\-.i*i>iLi^~- 2-JDi out for i:. i every pur- received a trowacil l^ousc, but now, w cr.*:-? - nn-1 hence ti.t- reasnri:-R-hv we can T , 3 .- '. - L * ^-T!;o cf Mr. l*incin M-J ='ff <:^.:r. -T^c-ey,, -.1 t 2^ow i* -'^ uat amusing^ not^heextr. here at acinic :?at is to settle 1, httl c>.j;c ;r_ .(. Bills Pri^t...! r*'.i--'< "t-ll:l-- . . Vi'e-have a Istort in j ->5 i:- r:n:-;u: i'fc-"'j cbo-'-e iro^i. i tire iufi-rior article: : Mr. -l = ii^-- S.-:u m AiiiL.itiac^s iz i--v.'-...: ,-.'. :. a ihit n tIU op:a ;ry,a'.t:np*.3 made to imitate e- *. rat-ei- tet\. and. sm-h at- ii-tr-i't-s mct.v-itlr.but ilisncce?5, r.o i taken ::i ,':y p-lrc'i .s!r.^ even small quantilie.) of }... i.;i 'maavi; s'J jtr-rjonn ou - *\\ e nre sorry to learn tlia' Mr. ..* . McKcnric, lot 1, con. -t. Ei-'n. ^rho ba-l his leg l.rokua o:: January 21;.t ... - , eac a^ain rn*:t. with a severe aceiiiei. ^. : n tv>s> r. '^ be^ri a?i- }--. J and onr [choicest CO. lALE. ;he!dt Bt, Ac. [-piece. sk.. it on |Mr.'J.. F3 ES fe or. hair ctoiTriII Ie to *nr getune* "coMf'* e one ', Bank PJerf *5 Imnrket. Ioo.sW>U- fjatactar- I..KLD.- ton, t>*- 1- r P-.iij-.-i ..T.e'.=. ui tLc S:i".e,)i r.or.rd, - ir. rlR-ee of Mr. J..Ln lias-k:s, who has r;ntcvcd ;r-.-ra to-a. !'. K-jb-.'. L'.taliiw ba3 par chised hi ipartoerls uit^-r&st ik tte i Tt co-t-ti^k/-Vr.'cir aid vrili conduct- the piper :s fptare himself. ilr. D-JCiid- Jvennedv left htrs' evecins for St. Mary's, where be c.aj r.ccepted a sitnitioc as clerk in vie tore of ilr. Curri-3. .- A ilisplv Sugar Social will be . belj ia tLe Mtthcdijt Ciuireh :to-mor- r j evening. Those wishia.g tc spend a ""-?>" L^Ppj tisJ shoald not-'fa.l to KJ.-" Mr. C'aaa. G. Cavanagh, Hto of the Oakviile Exprr**, has accepted a position as local editor oa the Geor^e- tci-s-ti If wild. 'Mr. Cavanagh called ' uri^ii us Saturday. V Rot. Alex. A. Fiemming, pas tor of iho Sixteen Presbyterian Charch, -telson, -was lstIy presented with * beautiful family bible by the membeirs of his cocgregation. -t Early Corn at McGarviu's. Mr. Huin-y P. Mooro will' ' to-day from Albert College, pkrileville, where he has been during t the past three months. ' We tiBder- \,- ttand he passed a very 'creditable ex amination. ' t;ndent8 wishing copies of the reporw of the S. S. Convt-Dtion field at Oak- vtlle, on the 14th and 15th of February, '1S73, can be supplied by addressing the, K. Coates, l^owville, Out. -------Messrs. Fyfe & McKab's ad- vfertiEement v.:aa. received too late for th s -K-eekVitsae- They'advertise all * the latest "patterns of Scotch, EucliEh, and CankSian Suitings. Suits are made from $S;up. ffats, cott/ms and shirt ings are also/advenisecL Kou^p out for itnextweeic! The body of Miss J alia Row] sell, whose mysterious- disappearance has etmjsed bo much excitement in and around Uiislph,'wa found iioatir.g on the main branch of the river Speed,!on _ .-.Monday afternoon. It is supposed she committed Jsuicule, as there were no rfe,rks of vfolence npon the body, and it was dressed -precisely as when tl 8 young lady left her late home. i_. Beans" at JIcGarvin's. " .- ! The Actoa Lodge No. 2.0 i,1"^.' 0.0. F. intend celebrating the anniver sary of Oddfellowship in America, on Friday evening, 26th itist.., in tho Tem perance Hall. ""Several professional and . amateur vocalists will be present, ti-a leg was just getting men and ttro::^ and he was able to wa'.k around and do some chores. On Sunday last, he wag curryir::; chaff tOrSOine. cattle in the 3table, when, by some mean?, he fv-H, btc-akiug the les^ in the nut! ' pi .ice where he had it broken before. L'r. Lo-.vry wias immediatclv Ef-nt for and dressed the limb. The Dr. says it will be a Rfeat -K-hile before Mr. McKenzic will he a'ole to-as^ the lee again. :li irvin s. - '- ' / T-'^Yntson,. tlio hmnorist, is n fraud." is the expression which has been .J"ing from mouth to mouth since that person did not.put in an appearance la.-t Monday evening. Thisis;;he third time that Wat-son has fooled the inhabitants of this Village the tirst .and second times he ;at word that lie was sick, bur-this time he failed to fetid any word at all, Wo have heard V.ikv that lie was getting married instead of being laid on a bed of sickness, and we have, therefore, come to the conclusion that he is & humbug afrd an impostor. . If die hail come tho first or second nights, ,\8 he wa3 advertised to do. he would have we d le advi-rtisiug bill Waisi a ^-.( .jo-../"to be a straightforward y ung mar.7%trrwe.Ih.-1 eve it wo^iid be nothing but a sinooth-tongocd scamp who wuuhl treit the public like. Watsjon has treat ed our townspeople. Pie said he never north of the O.T. 11., :>t tile usual price, Itnt termilk always on hand, r.t '*! per quart. :i!l lit P. S. ARMSTRONG, ;ti':ss.5i.v.Ri-.\. U'e take this opportunity of announc ing to tliu inhabitants of Ac.-i.n and vicinity that we have started die...Vnndi- in:: at.Mrs. Stoic's rc idence. .b.i:n-st. Orders loft with ;ns will receiye jir. mpt atteir.ii'U. Tlie roost res.-oo.abh' prices charged. 3a:3m MiSSi::-i IJICLb i STONE. T^TOTIi'S 'FO/t'LtiySPASSSLKS 1 hereby ci-ve notice that aiiyb.idy foiTud riiiiu^ or driving on'my pre-u'ses will tie pi-o-ecute-d acenrdiu^ ti. .l.-.-.v. - ilii.-Jt I .lo.sCPH AI'vTIib'lls. QrKjf,osvi:-sEt>x!.- Acton l>ivi?iou. Sons of Terr.p -ranee intends iiavio^ another Opco l>ivisioo on Tuesday F.veniiig, April ilth, in tin-. Temperance Hall. A vplcnd d ]i;-o I hr.3 bei.-n prepared, and a go-id time may be expected. All who attend ed the "bait entertainment say that it was -splendid. Partic wii-i have joined the " IV.ue Ribbon Club" are uspc-ialh requested to attend. Free Admission. O. LOZIEI5. Sec oi Com. YlLl.Mli: PROPERTY E:R HALE. The subscriber. o:Tenj for F.r.h- the lot \~tf-C will open his Show Rooms with a MILLINERY, . M&NTLES AND . ;i }FANCY GOOD^. and dwellii:g owiK-d an,'occupied was treated s.t well be," tho newrpaper ' j,j. I,;,,,-jn Acton, on rennmiable terms. fraternity as he wis by tho proprietors /The house-is new,, well lini.-dv.-d, and in a go id healthy location. A good well on the premises. -Apply at once to 3J-3i WM. XrXSO.Y, Acton. of this journal, and, in return, lie pro poscd.v.e should do all the advertising and engage the hall, and he w.iul.d re ceive half of the door receipts, and we the o'.hcr half. If we have treated him well, how has he-treated us in return? We Ii--ave: the public to deci-le. We took him at his word three time?, but he has not kept "if once, so that the least we caasay of him is that he ie an unprincipled scamp.ftud imp;-ftor. Buy your Garden and Flower Seeds by weight at Meii.vrvin'a. Actoa School Board. LaKt Saturday .night Mr. El. Lucas, an employee in the Glove Works, had a narrow escape from instant death. Mr. Lucas boards at Campbell's Hotel. He" retired to his room o'n the ni^ht above mentioned a1>out eleven o'clock. Before, going to bed -sonic p^r.ties out side commenced .making a noise and) meeting wero read and confirmed OORZL PAl'Zi&XG SSOl'KS, ^ Titc subscriber lias a!,'.--.}--. on hand all kinds of fre..:li Meat, .Sausages and Po-altrj-, ehe^p. chas. cam;,kon. Acton, Dec. 12ih IdTT. 2:P3m [l.s ] D. A. ^ACDON.VI.D, (jTA^ADA PIlOYIXrE UF ONTARIO. . VICTORIA, by tho Gi-ocoot'Goi!. Til," Scdioo! Boiu-d met on Mor.-1 0f ||10 United Kingdom of Groat ljii'.onau-l Jlelalid, (>U!;.:".:;, De fender of the Faith, io., io., lie. day .evening. All the mcmber.s present. Mr. W. 11. Storey in the chair. .- The -minutes of last wanted' to be admitted. Mr. 'Lucas i| went out on the. verandah and Ja--ked them what they wanted, when they told him they,wanted lome matches as they L had Tost "a horse and thought t was in the shed. The matches were thrown down to litem, but they could not find them, and asked for more, pi e procur ed zsore matchei! and was in he act of.) handing thern down, when h* lost his balance and fell head-foremost ou t*the sidewalk below, his. forehead' and left; shoulder striking with great force. _^A doctor was sent; foo- sad dressed the wounds. ' No bones were broken, but it' was one of the narrowest escaped from netting his neck broke we have heard of for Borne tiino. He is now-able to move around, and is getting along liigt- rate. ^ MovodV Ixy Mr. S. Moore, sec ondefd by|--Sir. Henderson, that lit. John Ross be.and is hereby np- point-ed SeCretsry Treasurer of this .Board, during the- pleasure of the Board, and that be ba paid for such servicca at the rata of twenty dollars per. annum. Carried.1 Mr. Henderson, chairman, pre sented the report of the Finance Ootnojittefi, recommending the pay ment of the following accounts, viz : John Rosa, Fnlary for Ma'ruli (less [iliioiiiit of cheque received by him: All the late.s-l,- novcliiesi^to iiand, and "the. Sale Room will Ire .under t/he inanagenient of Miss . Bremupr who coin/ to Acton with n fiift- 'class reputation, and I have no doubt that she will give entire satisfaction to the ladies of Aelon and vicinity. ' JAMES SYMOfi RSMSMB33S' THS PLASH: THEHEyy BRiGK STOR MAIN STREET, ACTC^r .! : i., , e ; Acton, April 4lh, 1878. ". THE POST OFFICE aotoh; .'.-. J^^lES MATTHEWS PROCLAMATION". O. Mowat, ) V%.7HE!:i:.\S Atlyrr.-u (J.-:nr<i!\ J * * . Wedid on the Sixlb day of October. A.l'. IS" 7 by virtue of lUcaiitiioritv ve-teu in Cs by an Act passed in flip So..-.. bn of the Vaili.uiieut o. Canada. held in the Eorliuili sear ol tJur Reign, intituled --.Vn .Ofet to piovido fVr the* sale custody of prisoners li; places wheie llie Conirnnii Gaol- be come tctnpnl'.tiily uisecuio." ]iro- claim and dee.laie llie t onnvr;n CtioI of the Couniy of Haltoo'io bo in^ fieeure, mid did name the'.Common Gaol oi tho Cotinu ol I'eel a^liioiiunl to iwuicii offendeiM within the said LVtioiy of Hiillon w'eio, from ami /alter the Sevenler-nlb nay of Octo ber, inclusive, lo be. comfnilted aitfl smiti-need until We iii:ide I'livllior order Acton, Fi-b. 14. ISTSi ' } "rTi-rE -QS.I3AT ; CAUSE Wv have publl! Iipl n II Wi (!1- i inn or 5>r. t'u'.ver\vell> Lc!eiirate;l f'.s- say on ii.c r.iiici! ai.-i tieiiiiKn.-iit cure (.iilhao; to .Miioei' f N;rvitl-. I'e'oilif., o>ntn<-.iin-l l'o- sic .1 inrvu activ.inn i.oi- m '!<. Marriage, o'C.. res.dlllu 110111 u'ii'e-M". . ' * I'rico, 'o a -o 't- '1 pnyi'lop^, only fi cents or t-v.-o post-v^e stamps Tlio ."c!e!ir:it!>(l ui.tlior. In. this ad in Ir- il)li' K>s.i.v rlearly domonsi vines, from Mitrty yiars' snce^s.-nul practice, th.a 'ihirmlKCCOnsnnK'neci: may b"'nUy cor-d -.vitiiout the ilangeoms use. u inter nal medicine or the n.ulle itlou of knife; nnln'lmtiont a mode or euro m onci- slmntn. cf"-laln ami ofiecivial. bj- iiv-an-of v-'ilc'i every niuLn-r what, his c.n l!tion-m iy or, nray euro, .'lim-elf eh' aplv, orivnieiv 'mil r idlcnlly. T-is-l ecl.oip ilio'ild be In the baii'ls of. ^vtir.v youth nndovery m in In thi' h mil. |TBr. rlrs.vEii'wr.t.i, Kmih.'.i. co., i-J V ' Jl Inn St., New Yoiit. VoBt>.tfll.ic I'-ox laSfi.- 4-l.v , _;... The New Dominion Sleuth ly I p^r McCann fol. Window blinds, for April contains tho following : " As pirations " (poem), by George Martin. Lifeiin Glenshie" (continued). /'The from IiiBpecioi- for-- Mipifcipal j "An-i'whereas tho County Gaol ol, grant), 10.00 ; Mia^ SlcK-llsy, ' the County of Hnlton has since been >alarv for February and March, ) mado fit lor the Kale keeping ol 650.00';' Sliss MoBre, salary foV i plisonors: NoW KNOW YU, W'O Future of Newfoundland" (part H.), by James Whitney, 15. A. " Iiays at St, Augustine," Chap. II. " Ghilctren of Silence*" by Thomas Widd.J "- A few- Odd Weddiiigs," by A.M.L. " Up the N'eckar," by.T. M. A. B. "The Little Health of Ladies," by Frances Power Cobbe (reprinted from Contemporary Jievieu:). Yovsfi Folks. "Blanchctte, or the White Hen," from the French. " Jaqk Granger's Cousin," chap..VH. "Making a Fire." Illustrated. "The RoIIiDg Bridge'of St.-Malo," with cut. pHaroun Al Raschict, and Puzzles. The! Home. "A Year's School Teaching in in the Province of Quebec," by J. W. "Making Both Ends Mept.j' '"Com mon Sense in the Household " (poem), with cut. Ltterabv Notices. "The H:stor}-;of a Crime," by Victor Hugo. LitekaEv ifoTEs. Cuuss, conducted $7.03 ; Mi'K. liughes, one quarters salary as caretaker, 18.75. -Total $138.82. Sloved by Sir. Henderson, sec onded by Mr. L-.isby, that the re port of tho Finance. Coiiiinitteo be adopted. Carried.'. - Sloved by Sir. Henderson, sec onded by Mr. S. Aloore, that the Secretary be and is hereby instruct ed to procure for the -nno of the second department of the Public School the various articles recom mended d>y the inspector, and that the chairman ismio his. cheques 'in favor of tho .Secretary for tho sum of five dollars, to cover cost of the same. Carried. Moved fiy Sir. Henderson, sec onded by. Sir. E. Sloore, that this lioard dO'iiQW adjourn, to meet nguiri on the first Monday of Mayi at 8 o'clock p.m. Curried. o. Till1 STOCK COMPLETE ii-i- Rich phoice and Cla&ap. , r- replete witili .latest novelties in Style and Qolorat onrr 1 Popular Low Pribes^ J. m ~r:T- : ;; "PRINTS, ,V;-.:; =Full lunges, New Patterns ^M New Prices, ? Wr M 0.5<3'H-*F. ," A son of Sir. John"} Agnevr, of Nelson, wasdeading the horses to water'when one' of theui kicked by J. Or. Aseher, Montreal. Dkaoghts, conducted -by Andrew Whyte, Bolton Fores, Quebec, ^^isjece, Mac- , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^. He x.mongwhomistheclebratedMissReid, jkay Institution io. j..-,~~~ """" ! 1.euiailll.(i iasensible '"/for about of thi Philharmonic Society, Toronto. . Mutes," Montreal, with notice JOlin (.ft(Jen ^j,^,.,,,.^f.,.,. hW-was found. Fur further particulars see poaterH. 1 Dougal' & Son, publuners, Montreal. . ' ,( do beieby,-ttnd bv virtue of iho an tliority veti d iir Us by. tlio sahl Act. and- ot liei-wibe how-oever, pro- chjim mid tleehu'O llvU- iront. tnui nltrir'tbe'I'binl day of April next, 'he .Proclamation' a foresaid shall cease to huve efiov.t, apd tliat thence-.| forth ofl'endeis wirhin the said Coun- , ty ol Hiilton shdl be coinmilleil r.nd uenteuced to the Comuion Gaolol the said County ot Hnlton, in ibe same m inner as if uur siid Proclamation hud not issued. In Tuwimoxy Whereof, Wo have caused these Our Letters to be nracle Patent, niid the (Treat Seal ol Our sajd Pro! vine.e of Ontario lo be-here^ unto nllix.-tl: V. itxesr, Tlio Honourable DONALD AL!-,Xa.N/DEK MACDON- ALDj-LlECTENANT-GoVlinNOIt ' ot'Uur Province of U.ntah.10, nt Our Government House, in Our City of Toronto, in Our said Province, this TWENTY TI1IKD day ot jjJAKOH, in the year of our Lord -one thousand eight hundred und seventy-eight, arid in the Forty-first year of Our Keign -U. - ARTHUR S. HARDY, Sucrcfuri'. I. Slain Street, Acton. J0HW'f3LS& MsSCHAHT TAILOR. j. ' . .'. I " Takes this opportunity of nnnoyqe- ing to the public that his stoc-k consisting of English, Scotch! ' and Canadian . ( TWEEDS, CLOTHS, AND WOR3T-BD GOODlS. Is new complete.< lie is prepared to .make up in LATEST STrLElS, And good Workmanship. Satisfaction .'.Guaranteed!." - ',- . A Call is Solicited. JOMN- JNELfSON tiockwood. Starch 20, '1877 The undersigned is; prrpnvod to do all kinds of WORK, with neat: . ness and despatch, on tho . shortest notice,.and at the 1I most seasonable prices. lie keejis constantly oh hinuj all kinds of WjsT0irss of the latest designs, tfapaa Ware, Sfe. , Al,l orders for Kepniring and eve- troughing strictly attended to. COAL GIL A JSPECI&LTY. Cill and bo convinced that the abov statements are hot balder dash or-frotby babblings ij i ' WMf LElTf], Proprietor. |f| >. ton, Deci.29,'377. ) tile Immense Stock. -7^s 0 ^^st valu m tie fey f dll^ 20 -pir ,oeiLV il v;: Sav,e the rf $Q per cent, by ijrdg JLTorn^.. .','.*. ... -f" 1878. SPRING S-3tn {"cQvi'UiS,-, Garden and Flower S: : AT- J. E. McGARVIN'S Has now. in Stock al BUT aOQDSj GROogRiBs;; Acton, Starch 27th 1878. M Q^P^NING. 1878. lajrge and well assorted lot of im^ 0]LASSWAP.Bv ^zjc: , J; "Which be will sell Cheap for Cash, I I n REIDYilOE CLOTHS^ a specialty. - K large ass^rtmerlt of Fait and strajw Hate for I * < Spring wear. il If1 a a's s"a s . The highest cash price paid; fo) Aclon, -Slft-rch-IJ. 1878. Produce of alf kinds. 37-3n 'S.;. K*2

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