I--,: .3 * - 1 HI Ui- ',-t: He 'r.\iV-:;ll t - ~W?i Iv.-i-^ SF^l i I 1 1 if THE FREE PRESsJ^ TON,IIALTON COUNTY, -A~sr.rF.kT r.TK^T. hnndrtd piper* in tartan ac hrw Tirim vilfusarrynTirchod up to OUmvh ha' J To , confront that Sas.ennch : ) ' wicht; i And think the Micplierion, that Sena-1 itor 1.ik. - t ' AVho Tilth courage, slam lung ! I defended th<rhottor'of the whole Hir l*nd..: ' '" . r ; From the wit of Richard Ourt^ I hometmies. the best; gam la to w right; Jove. ... -: Hour with fho evil and expect Words of Wisdom. Little wealth little c.iitv.. The offender never pardons. Tho shortest answer ia doing. . . Ho is rich that waists' nothitm;. Fiiaiso tlio noil, b|t keep _ on i^o ai*.rch o'er so rand na the (road of . the Gael x .Sinoe war slrdn the FUack V? odder that ;. wore the whit tail, j . Or ever t\.is scan euoh a eight, When, tho eoris arid each ide . > 3<t the lies'ther on fire To werk mischief aire ^ . .On Minister IlieTiftrd C.iri- urijjht. : good. Montul git'tH effort ;hido. bodily defects. A yift much expected, is paid out given. ' Oji;> bad oNampifr spoils many good pI'ecTepts. I A \v!m> Ui.m makes more ojipor- SVho f poke of (and jo ,av# them mortal <viYe nee) . ~ Tho "predatory inituie'ts" of the old . tnnitios tli'.m ho iim - Hudm' clan, j And ?ir John and Maophor^om wo aoa : at glance To l:ave pprun:;. as it wcro.^from tli hold CnUiraii. " The Maephervon- had j-liown thai Ids head it was empty. Or at- loa>r. like a pine, only topped t i\ ith a cene ; 'The.rooms in the attic wore furnished,- Init icvity 'Tww fi.uvii thai his brains stretched i along his leek-lone. "Tio j,*>:rc;'wr.i read, 'mid-'! tho-dm sr.d tl'.o-hum. Ar^.i the filvt-r-tor.ed voice of tho poet. ' / tUirr-l'lo.iiiK -' As he poahd forth the'-words,' \- ' Let them rlieker':" . Miop'acrso:.; the -X.\\\. assurj-.n- tli* ^rr.r.d, . 5tilted forth with the red cros* raised taffr, la h:s on hi, ha:,!,. _ A ot thcOo'oaraons wh:skeylst;L!id. And brvu!y s-.i i,- "B-oys lot u? liquor'." - Th<? c!.t::., lor^ettiii^ "thiir old. feudal "*r" - . ' Xt onoe, optm?rlJOu:i'.ed., ro.shed np to . tie tar . ' .-- l\>ta*ie >- ( its ilielan' eh.eer. ' "They dra::K, out net of mount.:::: de^r, TheH>cv--r3^eoUaUed ly Koderick l'hu, But livii'.i*! lire f^f vitrd ioate T&n.^lo-leg and t.t^-,= Sir John was la one of " his-iapr-iest tnoodal" * Jujt s^ ! Like the .moon in her no.'d?, L'uu.l.erland's war:hone wts chaanpir.g his hit, 5o each Hi-!a^' iiian Tory, Feeling quite huiikv dorv, Told bs'Hs little story.' '. Unheard by one-single Grit.. .Thus ended at last, tkis corneal Zark, .Ar. 1 fci> dat>3 J . (Attested) .! - J: .Burr-Plumb lui X-mari. IIo that halli lo^.o in hia hcni.t hntli, spins in his sari's. 8oud a wiso__tnan on an errand and eay notldnjt unto him. . Itnioli'iico is tbr X45t of tbe iniml ani the inlet i'l every vieo. IJi.lV hvoomes useless and i:isipi<l wlion wo Iiano no lonoer l'iKnd:i or . . . i ' eneiiiiey. 1 i It i always safof to learn evin our eneniios seldom safe to vi n- tun> to ins'i'iK't.-cvrn our t'lieinls. Make no more vows, to perform this or' that-; it. shows- no gie.it ?:re!:gt'.i, and makes'.tkeo rido . be- liiiui t'nvself. ,-. hjrr Of M i tf. m '/!" >_' w .-a fee Eh <H -M t-H <} P J. E. ioGABVIN Ghemist & Druggist, Member of Collogo of Pkamany By Hxninination, '.'North filc BSiH Streoti ACTON ONT. - DAKIIEL F. JBSAT^Y j*^;s PZAKOS& OSCrA?^'^ BEATTY !: (i it \ N tJ tsj Ml" I? A I l'J M ill wastes lPis..i is noriiuiL': a'fternoon in on- and "eip.i'.ii'.p uas'.es his aUel noj'-lifi ill ' regYel.tin hi* tuoiniu's. : i t. ^.y^x-'s OatJattrtic PiliSj For Uic rcliiT eii't cuiv of all iii.'r.,.H[U,LPU'!lta in' the iU'-.'KHli, lir- tr, ainl ln>n els. 'J.'.t-'y aio :i mild n]--.-::r!i:, and an r>.:-t;ilt i;L I'll (Ta- ;:vi'. ilfinv jmro- 1. \.'/t*:.ii-ii-. ti. CAS But not Destroyed. Having m-aclo nrr in^enientR with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, lor an agency lor the t<alo of. : Sash, 113373. Fr2,2153, LIOTlldiES'S. Droscjd Floorin?.' 51101:111", Waicosot. Sidiajf, &c. 1 aru prepared to furnish anv of tho hovo, at prices that defy com petition. Preaso call and seo sam ples -of mouliing, tec., oofore pur ch;iBing ojscivhci'o. ' ' TJL5ND3 3D CENTS PcR P30T. JUST AURI^'BD, ing A iplendid lot of Up Boots & Sl.o:s. -it wre- ONT iflJLkLL'L.l GENfML BOOT & SHOE STORE. Call- ard czcbiiro] facia 'bcoro tuyiae: oloowliorp. SP'^iAL- ATTENTION .to 0BDBBE2 ;vcnE. AND t'I'lllii ii'J'.an ni:-. . 1 1 V'.~ i'i"I.I- HK.vTKt) U'll.IlKN HIMil'MI IfAlt i.ou tj110- >N jii'o Hie s\\ erlcf-l lonoil ai^il ninsi | 11001 In'si,.tiiie-nis I'v.-r brf. tiiaii"l'a"turi'.l In 1 his ur any rt'ir nmii 1-1-0.' Tlio .'(M'lI'lH C'iullcll',1 ll to l'l|llll, nnoin. "I;'- M illM-'n'.nt- "ii<l torni- i-vm lu- iF'i*.' ^ivi 11. Iti'ou ooiioia i'ai;;lo 1 r!<'i ^l iinw i-i'a.tv in Jo l> !(,.iiieii'S.'iiii'.l Hi" t'rs'l" 111 -;;..|ici'lil. All I'liiT-' 'i 111" o "I lO- lu'.iti'il Iri.liuin ins 'lilnr I lai:o w 1 )i :;,:nMi iN,mI all'l shljiIMtl :tny\v 10' I c, on j live i,T illlv.-II .lays' lesl ll l:ll.. Mi II. .V r-- - fiinih-.l all I rii'i^lit eliar;.'..- pud l.otli "-.i\s .f l:r -ui\- way in. rtimsla clory. I-'ully \-.'.l'l r.illl.'.l ."I- s'.\ v.'iits i-sslrli-l'V m-M- e'a-s. IIXritAi.lltlllNAUV I.Il;Klt.\L. IH-fDU'V I'.-l-'l . oi, to I'llll ell" s So:.on!:', l.mlH- s. Hall-, Miiilsler-, Teach, is, e'i ., 1 ill. unl.T !'i:iri\'.' Hi 'iiv . nll'illlee'l al ."i.e.' 1 wh.-ro I 1'n'v," 110 .'iiji-nts, 'nui.:^ir-.(!r 11 -v. Ill 1.--0. Nov.- 1 li'.<lia I'll Ailvorilso: (i'na l.-ltne Ivllilim. wllh llsti 1 u- -11 niial a'i-, ll'OV r. a.lv. s.-nl ii- .-. K- :.i.li>lij.1 t. lsvi. a uir.s- rjAMI.it. P. t3SA"iTV. 1 P Pi A S fl-WF Acton, March 20, If Kindly past fa>or]?;jti(t nbpm iair share o|f I am TE1S OLDE-37 CROCERV house AOTC) N !rini:ing customers for till to rnoiit a " your patronage, respectfully yours Aeio By rcullnff tnJ-praeffcffij ' tlio ljiriiaiBbletruiU eoa . tiim-d in the bff^r cirilica. I bonk ever i>u<<l, (laiilcJ SK'LF-l'KKSEKVA'l'lO^ i- s -uu-n .r-l'rlceouly&l. Ki-utli/miil ! I B SB B VBaBsU on,rccri|.l of prii-e. i ' trent:: of 1'iliaUFtcd \'itaKtv,-I'rciaunire Decline ; -ij,.o iiO.S. LBBAfJE,. Agent. concotnltLct ills and untold miseries tbot n.tui j Shop at Mr- ()-ort.ill's rial ki.-uhH i Ihcrcfrori, and contains moro^lwnS'ioriKnm^pra Is tho plaro to, get go jrcpsrios, .Grookeiy^ GIVEN ge: your Kctur IPraming DCNE AT a w PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY All fclal^of 32 "Gm Mouldings Kept in stock. 7S. JOB 1'KIX ueully ill .>ror NEW BOOT & d cheap Glas& and,. SarcL'^aro, loe. t27tls. 1S77. .iU-ly. - 1 ^ leripti, oi'.J, anvr.ne of which in worth the prise ol 1 ^rintioi'.J, _.... ........ , , - . (lie book. This both was written by the taoite:* : tcnuive and probubly the roost skilful practitioner In j\jr.erich, towhom v.-us owardcd'a polil and Jew ----- " " ' alMedic;d A5'Ociatir.n with tbe very Hues t~---4 ^^ ^* ' , , .. In America, townomwttsnn %^S N; "..atain no.-ivr 5^,^ PAai^JelS1 ,.v'.."U "'-cllcrtmtdil by the National ~ ^^ -i: ,' illustrated 1 .. . :.. r!..n-si.-S.ness r.nJ fniTerma- 1-irv. eao .1 l.y * iy,/,0 r..' '.'ViUv".".i m, ,"' . A'lilr'-- . vcVxifart nnif beauty- . HrffllL cIlt. rnuc ,0 aU. Send . laB-JrttUsi !:ave t: '" , Jhr it Ot once. AlMrcfl THYSELF Bousler on his ^Slusc'le. .-V Ji-.-a te ,t:i:.'d I 1 peii-. 111:1, . *'.jj. ! fr.s;"! . . 3-ondon Advtriietr gives -the follow- ;',': iug amusing account of the set-to ' between Bqnster anct Cheval On Friday evening, -8th ult: A mosfexti-anrdiiiary scenco qc- crrr.re in the lobby of tbe House of Commons onPiiduy nigbt-uhich fairlyniay be said to hnve bronyht the huinors of tbe session to a'lfea 1. Mr. Bunster made a speech in the House after recess; during the de livery of which he was interrupted by-sonieone on the back Ministerial benches iuia'fating the sound of om. This ruiide-tbe famous nitm- fcer for Vancouver very irate, and id a*ked the hon. gentietuun who bad thus insulted him to send him his card and . he would bp glad to receive l/im oytsidp;- Afrt-r hesa' dow-p he rfci'.tJ r..bhi'iil: card-aiiii was-led" to belieVfc that Mr. Cheval web tho offender, and therefore he .sent that gentleman the following .note : . v - ; OTTAT.-.A, May 2S, 1S78. Cheval Sir you having sent mo 1 .blank And-1 think lackquard balack- j;uard card I would iikej-oa to meet iat jii room 13 Iniediatel^-and explain your XBeauinjf-why iymr did not si^'n your iiame Wit and the insult you mean; .' while I wsj speaking,: sweating yoiir answer, I am ISir^ , A. Br.vsTEn. The above'notp, Vjeside the bad L?p..'H}i;g, Iii^'d -liO't u single punctua tion 'jiu'tuV In itr which speakx vol- -uiii'^a fo expel '.ao' nx-l Ii- ; - lu.-:-t, and n'.7'i7,'s v.ah v.hiiti tlo market - :lit :r . i-ra-i.-nal 'u<ei, :i'. ? blood .- ,.;-mio;.in.-pl::I;e ^ysti.r.1 cx- i-::<-.a- it:::-'ii'-1. :i:i'l the 11I10I0 ;;- -,-,',I t.i it~ li.-atriiy actty- ] V',-:ia- i\ hioh li-.-.'aio elor-fo-J .:.:- .a.'aa-:,'! by ..l/er-.i fiHn, I i:.0' aH'tion. ifais iaripi^at - . alth, the Yahie ol" ^. v. :: a .- ::.-atsl aai the i::-l ! r .!:; -y it, i-;:n hanllv lie rir- .Lf:aa,i or.-ilra-es their virtt'.f- \.r ^a\ ha-ah ol" time, s> tl.u. r fri-1:. .-.a,] perf.'etly. reliable r.-iia,-. tiiey are lail.i, a.nd oper- '-'.arba.'av :; i.!u- eon.-titulion OJ a. i',ja- are iri.^n on the wmtiner'to- ,'.v jo 'i-e ilifm.i-f, Painily t'hyrir, ,Tvri:-.,_- complaints, whieh'thcbs 'B.A.ofjTrin. Coll. Dub." lid cliims to Ije. ?>lr. Clievul .it once repaired to room 13 v.jiere the following coin yersatjon took place : , What d > you rr e a by :->f i.ding me a] Uank card ' ' Cheval did not send you am . iijic7rthin. ' Buiiriler .fvxcjted) You jilxyejd illie-bugle y't;t!e I was sneakinu. ' ' Cheval I did not. Bunster -Yon'r a-------liar' and Jrii knock out of you. Ciieval thereupon made a dire into Bluster's flowing bfciid with. the loft, taking hun on the.side o! the head with the right. At ii e "ficiie time BVtnstr-r fetched the Fi'TiChmah a sockdohiger on the rlrjft ciiesk which gent ;.hirn flying -..-icro'ss the room, but such u-uajtbe ioice. of the blow that wbiU it re!. i'ieved iiim of the grip of his oppon ent it left in that' person's hand a'^ .magnificent chin; scalp of cui-led hiir about five and :i half inches -.li?ng and weighing something lefis rthau a pound -Or two. ' At this 1110- .metft, in ru.slied the Sorgeant-at- Arms with h\a sword *tid a posse C^f* rneuibers, lobyists. etc. The eorabatanth were separated and Bunster retired to his pen in. No. 16, while Cheval, wildly. waving bis hirsute) trophy above his bead, gave J,he foregoing account-of his hirstite trophy above hjs head,'gaye ithe foregoing account of the afFaji .to a highly appreciative and deeply ^interested aadieuco. J-'ai: liir ea.-h l.oN antl'.T ! / : rapi P. 1 nr n.v-ar'^ia or Hnilhrcstlon. JLUs* ie-ae, Jl.-.iii^-uor, and 2*o.% of Ai>[ie. lite, they -hoel-i be taten nirMlerately to -ti.i.nhire i!:-..-'...ai.'.'-li, and restore itb healthj fine and :a':i/.:i. rp.-' i-jveir Cprutilaiut and its rnrioiu fynijit'Oit5. ,'Eii*l<i:s ESomJaclxp, Kick 15t-vltl*!che. Jkurnrllce or <.ri*en .Mc-b~ nrwi, Kiljoaa C'utlc and EEUjon* Fp. vt. thoj -hor.M !:;: jadieioa-ly taken /or .:!,'.'.. e:: .-.'. 1/ : , rr,':-f the (ii-ca*eil a'Tinn, VT .reaiovi' the ..1 li-.s".; ,a- iTiiieh e;t:i-p it. Kn'r ISvuMfrt or Riurrlior;:, baton* nol-l.!,,.,' !. :, I-'or I2b'."u:-.jiiti-.irT. Glint. ifJrai'O?. f;i:r.itilt;.->n infill:- IJeart. 5aiitn in :2il Siite, Ili:ch. aad tolm, they -IrialJ ae e^atianou.-Iv ta^.-n^a- feijaired, lo ciatnpa :!.e iP-ea-eil a,-t:..:i of ll:.' , v.-tein. Willi fitch . h::a^-' lim-e complaints di-ai'i'i-ar. Vi'tr 3irop^- :ind EDraf>*fcnl Mwv'<l ^n'a>. Ili'-'.v .ti^ilil i.e taken in larpe and frfi- ;,:-:.: 'io^ea to pr-"d*a.'e tne efTeet of a cirattie Kor "arPMlar., a-J it l.roitl'. i-s th Vt 'lose' s-Iionlil 6t dCMi-ed tfeet b" A,- a i'-i-i'.rr I'l.'!, take one ortwo PIUk to pro;,-.aio '!',.:, 'eh, . A'i , .-^ai.-nal il,,-e *..:,iiiia'.".-.lie htoinarh i:i>: hna"! . re-tor.:- .;.( .'Ht'Olite, and iavi^or- 2t.-"> the ; -l.-iii, ii, ,;<-. it js niV-n a'lvati'.'l- re"U- v.!;-.,' no ^er!,.^- fhrair-'anent rxi,= ts. ;U.',e lvho- '.V-.a.-i t-.i-i :i iv v.eii; otlea laid- 'Ji.a, a do.^e of ;he.-c J'iih- make- him IV.-| licej,'. e.lly l.et'.rr, iroia tia-ir eliaii-iap ami rano' i-at:ay efiVeton the 'liL-'-tive ai'paralus. <S pr:i:i'A;:i:n i:y Dr. J. P- AYZB U. CO., Practical Chemisti IsOWELI,, 31ASS.. XT. S-..J.. ?W SJ-UJ BT Ali. Df.""NSUT3 EVEBVWHE** TOAnODY MEDICAlii INSTITUTE, No. 4, Bu Mis u Ucjlon. JUjs. \:0f INS. .'.nil to arrive i" a low d supply of s-c QRACE'S (JZLEBRATEfl'SALVE A Sure Ucllrf Tor the SnaVrrr. Pni.PAKED IlT SETH VV. FOWLE &. SONS, 80 llAKKISO.S- AVENUE, i liasro.v, mass. ORirE'S CKLKURAJI-tlVSALVE, Is a Vej;otab)e Prejiaratlon, invented In tlio 17th crntiny In- Ur. Wlt- ll.m (ir.ics, Snrai.on in Kiiiu James' army. 'I'hroaith Its agency no "'iired tliousan.ls or tlio most Hyriotis sores anil wr'.liiids that balllc'i tile skill of the most eminent iiliysieiims of bis tlte.iiiul was reirar.leil by ail wlio hneyv him as a pub. lc benefactor. . - PBICK J'l CENTS A noi. CHO JL TEACUBKiS : You can o.asily increase your sulary liy devoting ft very small portion ;ol ypiip leisure time to my interest. 1 do not expects you to cranva?s fur riiy celebrated Bo.uU's fiaims.. ni it Organs unless you-seo lit to; l.nt the service 1 reijTiire'<>f you is to'li pleasant and protitalde. Full par ttcul.Tr--free. Address DAMKL. H. BKATry, Wnshin'ston, Ncliv J'erey GA3H.F0R8Eiltio Il'e arc jipc-partd to pay the highest j c.vdi price west of Toronto for all cla^res. of :. Sheepskins and Calfskins in good condition delivered at our tannery. I Vy'v wish it to he distinctly unilerstoo.l that we pay the Hii;ii>:-t I'iii'i: f -r | such. Farmers willstudy their inter, ests liy ltriii^'ing their skins to us, in stead of selling tljeia to MijddleH>i-ri and Teddlcr^. ' J- P'fOREY, .MOOKIC iv CO. Persons leaving satins at the factory of \V. If.. .Sruicr.v it Co. Will also re ceive the" highest price for them. '/"all Pajor. vViado'w 3:ir.ds. &c.' In the latest Styles avrl V Uierns. I aiso keep on hand a Messrs Hinrly A; Ij-Je trich's 'celebrate i e Ayer's ir Vigor For rtsstoring to'Gray Hair As natura^-Vitalifcv andColor. A dreBsbig fhich 'v. at once agreea ble, heal.hy, and effectual for G BACK'S CKLEBK ITKIJ . SALVE C'UitKS ri.r-.sii wot.-Nns, ki'SoZkn i.imiis, salt iiiieum', cim.iii.AiNs, sum: ukkast, . HVii-K HIS, KKVSII'EI.AS, IlINfl- iror.Ms,c,u,i,i'.si.Si c'Ar.ii iieaD t:lIAil"r.I) hanii.-t, III'lISS, ('..NCEItS, . KF.I.ONS, scaeiis, .s >ni:s,. L'l.CEItH, -vvol'MIS, . SrlNCS, SIIISOl.ES, rnsTi'as, WKNS, STIES, IULH.S AIll'ESS, I-UECKItES, bunions, srmi.vs, boii., 1HTES, (TTS WHITLOWS WA11TS, : ' UI-ISTEIIS, TAX PIMPI.KS, COHNS, SGI'llVl'i ITCH, ISGnOW(>n NAU.S, NETTLE ItASU, SIUSQUtTO AMI 1-I.EA I1ITES, Sl'IDEIt STINfiS, And all cutaneoiis diseases and , rujiliohs generally, Forsilc by all drujtitiMs, proeers, and. at all count-'y stores' throughout tho 1J lil ted States and Hrlllsh, Provinces. Price by iiiail.-IO cents P1 la it just to forget all the 'leirick liiens done us by thoRe whom v'u :lye for a little-pain, which, after ;11, may have .been giveri tmintea- cuiUBUttljj,';!.- pretery- mg tne bair. 'It ] soon re stores faded or gray hair to Us original color, with'the gloss and freshness ef youth- Thin hair is thickened,'fell-* ing bair checked, and baldness often/ though not always, cured by. itsr tise. Nothing can restore tne hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such as remain can'be saved by this application, and stirrjulaterl "ihn activity, so tnat a "new'growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, ,it will keep it'clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present -the hair fi-jni: turning - gray -. or falling off, "md consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to tlip . scalp arrests and prevents the formation of tianorufr", which ist often so Uncleanly and offensive. Free from those 'deleterious sub stances which make eome1 prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to fha hair, tho Vigor can only benefit, ;but ,-not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing efe can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oik nor dye, it does riot soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair,-giving <z e rich, gloss-ltLatre, and a, gratefu. perfume. Prepared by Dry j. C. Aye,- & Go,. P'^ctlcal and Analytical f'nem?-'ii T.O\rElJrJ, MASH. | J1C-M/ f>Y ALh r/^OpqjsTS ,KVI5BV"yi'lBB| HOTOGRAPnrJRS should for- - ward me their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F.-BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. LANCE TOOTH CKOS>CpTSA\VS. The best now fit" use. All goods will be told low for cas:i or. pro diice. Cash for ESitles. CUAULE.S'r. HII.L, Mill 'Street, JACoii. i;eb. HUli, 1878: ; i LUL'JI.'B ys a full Str Comprising Boots and SliO Ordeiei Wo attention. K tended Jo. ttierns. ow of Our Groc Is we L IX, 1878, HILL'S THH-AOTON i riN<;fallkinds m>tly executed at tli 3- is th.& -V FREE PRES^ OFFICE,, ik'cicf Ihe i'oil Ofllce Mill blrcet. JOMiNICtJ SHOE STORE Opposite A ;new'B Hotel, Main et, Acton. SBNNBY' 65 'SOW Wish to call t ie attention of the in habilants of the Village of Acton and vicihitjy to their immens stock of BOOTS, H0$S & aSOCSRIfiS- -.11 the latest styleB in rk receives our epecind pairing promptly* at- BEST NEWSPAPER r-, a MiilLod m "altos Oouaty ;ry Department ; supplied with ^im i Teas, Sugars, , % Fruits Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, * Coffees, &a, &: PleaBe call ard examine Our Stoek. j Acton, Dec. J Per year, in advance. KESNEY & SO> 2 187T. -AT THE- siAm \ X t) e=-s 0E(jA1v There; is no manufacturer of Pin no? and Organs in this or any other country Who has received as many unsolicited in.lorsenents as has Mr. Boatty. From every .State and Ter ritory comes the same verdict. 'They are the best in tho world " Illustrated Advertiser, {Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANIEL. F. BEAT'fY, Washington, New Jersey. TlfAXTIiD. i ', i Ladies and ^'entlemch to IcauiTelr- graph Operating for oliices opeiiini; in the Dominion. .Stamp for answer. Address M.iSAiira, : .'. Box fJ."i.". Toriinto. rr BI.E WEST END G-tjelph:. 3:t make in .jpigli&li and Am|erican "Wliite Ootteae.-' Bot make in Cakadian Cottons akd Sitings. Best Coeds made in Tickings aud Snirtings ^: r i. ACTON PIANBNG WilUS . W. CAMPBELL, Prop. CONSUMPTION CURED. u-:ir.(l jr'.!ii ErlOc J.rr.c- :: ',i l::.!iil< l,v r.n Ks-t ',,ri:,n n ,,: n Vt^i-l-blc Mi,l I iTiiiin.rnl curi' el Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture , SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, .Sec : All kinds of PLAffllTG Promptly attended to. D. W. CAMPBELk. Acton. Dec. 4th, 1877. " " 22-3m ll rial ty'8 I3 111 II O 6, 'grand, f|iiare mAEUDG an<l "Pright, are ** l\fl 1^ O pronounced by the *"" ""'"" '"-"pies* nnd the pebplo AND as tne most tciiullfitl anil HW'ect- < est toned Pianos over miimilttcinr- Q*X G AraS>< toil trial and mi pronounced tlio WASHINGTON, Hest in the world. IMEW JERSEY, neally's celotiriited lol.ien Tcnguod Parlor Organ. Any mariiitaolurorchulflengcd'tnecinal them. Tiiey poiRenH power, iloptti, brll laucy and' sympathetic' delicacy, exquisitely beautifully snlbcfrectB, and tno only stop; ictlon evel Invented thntcannot be <IIb- irrnnged by uso.; The bellows capacity is soitroat'thiitbptlittle elforl is requir ed with tho fee.; to supply all.the air riocesBary.! Bestmndeand moHt olega-nt ciiscH in tho market. All solid wood irnimentc Rvery tnstrumentfully War ranted fornix yearsaRstrlctly flrBt-clasK, and Ronton from 5 to IS, days'tost trial. Addrossli Wir.lrF. KK.1TTV, 'Vyaphlne- t*n New Jerscv. .As OLT llnsiri.M,-, lice, linvlnjr tin , ltiarcil Imlin Mlniullurv Oil- llcnuily fur tl.e ],i'liy Coii&miijittou. Af-lhnm. Jiyinicliltifij cm! nil Th-^it n-'l l.-,i,- AT'c^'eng- n!o a I'ltsitirc onil I'lfli,-;., (',; , c j- N- rv, Mi l-t._ lalltv a,-,l nil .Vi-ri.,,,.<',-,,,|,'c-.|>. all. r 1,liv ing tiinro.i^li y y,;,-,] .;. v. .Mnr.Oii. l,(,vir* in ni',i,..E.',I.. ,,i r:i.i-, .,-;. i, hi. ttiov ;,, ..eke- ll Til,own l,J I,i- ...:', ,i, ,.,, . villi- atcil 1>>- Ih.s JiM.lit,. rclii'vc tlii:inr,i. mil,: i.,e. ho ui., -,,-.,,1 K.'lf.i:. in- ClfAIIOI", l.> :..' vTi," J.'.ir.. it. li.i> i.-i-i-i- Willi lull 'JLiir:;,,!. (,,r ],r, j,:,,l, l- ,,,v >, -.-.,ll,.. ly. u-ii.j;. .-ti,I In- iv.i.rii ...nil I. i,.lil,i,.i,i- wan saniiji, r.uinii,^ lliii. ]:t|,7. 1 l:. V. ST'l.VKNs. H.B.1T. Uui to, Ua.H.jiVll.l.LV Ont. ctxj^t o^EibcTiaiD Auotffer lot of JoBephine Kids, in black and col '_ haudsome cheap Embroideries. S?:^'Always opening New Goods at the Fasliioi Leading House in the Trade for Choice Goods irs. "j¬hei! lot of A. O. BUOHA Fashionable West Isnd DrcBS, Millinery anc] Quelpli, -Marcb 1-1. 1R7S. !~HSFS^ 3T able West Bnd--the To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, '^is l?7ell as t-hronghout: thd County* tTa,e ITree Press:is an " Hr "-i "?' invaluable Advertising -Medium. M anile EgtabliBhment. q mm ww<% SEEING- All the latest patterns of m TO BUSINESS 'MEN. If you want l!llltiead, Btalements. Loi ter heads, Envelopes, Mercantile Pi Int- liig,ofany kind, done in biislnrssKlyle, Keiid your nrdeis to the I'kek Pbess ofllce. Satisfaction guaranteed. --------------1 .--------:-----_------ CDCC I An^ nereon w'io will make rnCC i anfl forwardimealist oi the names of reliable persons ol ilieii ac- qnnintnnct" Who wish to profurern I n- Htrumelit, either Piano or'Orgnn, J will use my best endeavors to sell thorn one, and for pvery Piano J succfe'dln soiling toibeir list wltilln ore year, 1 wlll^redit them with S10, and for every Organ $5, to bo applied on payment of eilhor'a PlnnooV Organ; and when it amo'.intH to a sum nnfflcleiit, to pay Tor an Instrument selectcr'nt t"e Ioivchc mIioI nnlc prlrp, I will Immediately ship tlie I iiRtrnment, frec,orarteranynj'->ant Ik oredltodthe bnlnnce may bo puid mo in cash nnd i will then ship them tlio Instrument TPey need not be known in thernatter, and wlll'be doing thelrfrlend* n, real ser vice, as I shall make special errors to thorn, selling a npcrlor liiNtninient for from onclinir to tMO-lhlrdH what; is ordinarily askod by agenta. Plen'sesend me a list at onoe and affer you have miide inquiry: yon can add to It. Address r-ANlEUF.BEATTY Washington,Now jersey. COTCH, ENGLISH mn STTITIlSrQ-S in the market. CANADIAN Acton, Aprils, 18"S.. Suits made to Order from $8 lip A splendid selection of SPRIGS0_HATS ! Full lines ef Gents' Fui'nishings Also Cottons, Shirtings and Duuks at thu East End Clothing Stoe. i :FYFE &' McNAR pr- Our Unrivalled Pacilitiei for Executing 11 kind* *' BOOK AMD JOB PRINTING- Boable us to turn out wotIc <hjb1 id\nythiBg ie in th citie. I .. T, ALBERT MOQRB, A :.JuWiai'ftni. Propiietpp, ' i- si.