Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1878, p. 6

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-* fllR FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., MAY -30, ;I87$. V\All ICTO.V *RiiE PKEI4K Published every Thursday Morning |1 P>r Annum us Advance S. W. U.Vl.mJAlTII, KnrroR. riu:;.iAV Houmnc, May SO. 1878. Editorial Notes. Karl Uuaaoll is dead. i A despatch froiii Lmdon aay it boa been announced at the- Atbfe rteum that His Excellency I/ord DufTnrin haa accepted the Fresi loucy of tho Royal Geographical Society. Litest accounts show that vory hujfortant advance* havo been made towards n pt>act>ful understanding between England and Russia, en the ICistcru. Question. Russia ap pears to havo concluded to concede to the demaitd* made by England and tho latter iu turn to giro a little nlho, at. no time since the beginning of tlio struggle have tho indications been so pita bio as now Tho L'nited States Senato Com nnttec on Foreign Relations has rejiorted a Bill providing for the payment of the Fisheries awnrd, after a representation of the American view of the decision (shall have been, laid before the British Government for consider ation. T'uu Bill is accompanied by a report protesting against tee aiuoiiut of the award as not being commensurate' with the advantages di rived by American fishermen from the use of tmT fisheries.; The report* from the" peach- growing districts all agree in one respect, that the crop wilt neither be so large nor so choice "as that ; of laai year. Various reasons are given to account for this.. The unusually early spring produced the blossom* fully three weeks sooner than last season, and being followed by hall storms and cold THE <ll EfcN'S IIIKTIIDAY. Uow Celebrated lu this Vil lage. Lai-S-c fmvrtl of Celebrant*, and Bplcn- did Uunirs and Klrcworlis. i Notwithstanding tho fact that .! very abort notioo wus given of any I public denmustration in this Vil lage on the occasion of tho fifty- ninth anniversary of tho birthday of our beloved sovereign Queen Victoria, there was a large crowd of j>ooplo 'in town. Upon rising in the morning many wore disap pointed with the appearance of the weather, as it had been raining very hardduring tho night, but it Boomed that Fate favored tho 2-till by it turning out. to bo a day just suited for tho occasion. ' In the morning THE ACTON BRASS BAND, undor the leadership of Mr. John C. Hill, paraded the principal streets and apread sweet music ull over tho Village THK (1AMUS commenced about 10 o'clock, the Judgt'8 being Messrs. David Me Mackon and 'T. A. Moore. The first on the Programme was THE BASE BALL MATCH, ' between tho Pastiinesand Mutuals. Only five innings were played, at the end of which tho seora stood 18 to 23 in favor of tho Pastimes. Neither of the clubs showed any great degree of good playing, as call be judged from tho ncoie. But, notwithstanding this, a few of the. individual members of both teams made some good play. The following is a list of tho various gameB and ' __PRIZE TAKERS. QroiT Matcii. 1st, Goorgo Oibb3;: 2nd, Hugh Cameron. 100 Yard Foot Race. 1st, E Luck ; 2nd, John McDowell. , Boys'Race. 2nd, AN'. Ryder. Stakdixq Hop, Step and Jump. 2nd, D\ McMackon. 28 ft.' 10 in. I Running Iop,Step and Jump. Birthday celebrations over held in Acton. KHQUKHINii. A gimiu of basu bull took place, on Quiioii'n Birthday,,in Uo1'h field, on Cth lino, KHquoaing," between the Blue Mountain and Bauuook- burn clubs. Tho score, at tlio'end of stood, Bannockbiirn 42, Bluo Mountain 32. The Fenians. snaps, the fruit will be dwarfed in b'hw *nd inferior in quality. Two \ \stt D. McMkckon, 36 ft. 9 in.; million baskets will be the extent ' 2nd, T. Irving, 35 ft. 11' in. . . Running Jump. 1st, E. Luck, I o, of the crops from all sources. High prices are expected. The Milton Champion of last week contains ' an article on 1G ft. 2 in. j) 2nd, T. Irving, 16 ft, Staspin-gJ Jump. 1st, E. Luck, 11 ft. .7 in. ; 2nd, J. McDowell, 10 "quacks," and represents that theyJ r, ri-'iJ receive them from a large number -.. _. _ _ , . r, b 200 1. ard Foot Race. .1st, E. of advertising agents .throughout Canada and the United States. This is what wo have been trying to come at, and the Chamjnoii is _ giving itself away pretty badly when it acknowledges that it has so many " quack" advertisements. In a former issue of the Champion it represented itaelf as a 7iei/-jtpaper, and we hald th*t " quack" adver tisements did hot constitute a n-*paper, and we further said that the Champiun had a veiy large number of them. -. Lasfe week's. Champion confireas this statement,' and gives the names of eight ad vertising firms for whorh they in sert " quacks." We repeat what; we said before, that a paper is not a rzeifefpaper whea it is tilled with them, and that subscribers do not hunt amongst s*id advertisements for uews. The Toronto Tclt'jram says that some people have good heads for : mathematics. - We have heard of cQmpututi'jns in regard to hy-4 pothetical cannon balls being fired from Jhe sun at some wonderfully far back time, say the creation, be-, ing still on their' way. through apace, and somebody onsi under- '. took to count all the repetitions of tLe word "and" in the Bible and weave them into a chain of fabul ous dimensions. Now, this know- lodge Lb good and practical, and we always like to increase it; conse quently, w3iej[b we understand that the tobacco, annually consumed in ithe worldVamounted to 2,000,000,- 000 of pounds, and that if the loaves Were made into a roll two- inches in diameter, we should have '" a tobacco serpent" which, follow ing the direction of the equator, would wind round tlie earth thirty times, we felt, if we only had time, that there was nothing we should so much enjoy as discovering/ the 'quantity of smoke that that' ser pent would end in-. -| ! i i A special train from London, on the Queen's Birthday, ran- to Sus pension Bridge hi four hours [and twenty-five minutes, including the necessary stoppages. This is the fuetest time ever made on the Great Western. Driver Williams went /torn Windsor to London, and Driver holmes did the rest of the journey. J. E, McGarvin, druggist, Actou Luck ; 2nd, J. McDowell. Running Horse Race. 1st, G. Ross'- horse j 2nd, T. Campbell's horse. . [ ,Lj Quite a number of the games did not come off, on account of their being no entries. One pleas ing feature of the day's sports' was that there was no betting to any extent on any of the racoa or games. ' GRAND CONVERSAZIONE. In the evening a grand conver sazione was given under the aus pices of St. Alban's Church, in the Temperance Hall; The Hall was completely crowded. Mr. Fred; Sacbrd occupied the cbair, and ably discharged the duties devolved upon him. Tho Acton Brass Band was present and rendered ,good' service. The following programme was gone through with, each in dividual performer taking their part excellently ; PART FIRST. 1. Brass.Batd. 2. Song. " Better Bide a Wee," by M's Cameron. 3. Ballad horn solo, by Mr. Hunt. 4. Song. Miss Watson. _ 5- Song' " Molly Brown," by Mr. Percy Secord. 6. Song. " None but I can say," by Miss L. Carter. 7. Organ solo, by Mr. C. Garter. - PART SECOND. - ' 1. Brass Band. 2.. Song. " Thee Been Roaming,'! by Misa L. Carter. 3. Recitation. --" Charge ofi" the Light Brigade," by Mr.iWm. Smyth. f 4. Song.- " Annie o' the Banks o' J)ee," by Miss Cameron. 5. Reading, by Mr. Hunt. 6. -Song. " Laura Lee," by Misa Watson. 7. Song. " Travelling Back to Georgia," by Mr. Perey Secord. 8. Daet, by Misses Watson and Cameron, 9. Organ Solo, by Mr. C. Carter. - God Save the Queen. - __ FIREWOHK8. Immediately after the close of the above entertainment, a splendid display of fireworks took place. This closed one of the best'Queen's A young man who left Ottawa not lontf ainou, for /the United States, has addressed a letter to tho Ottawa Herald, which throws aoiuo light on the Fenian move ment, lie says;: -"It is but a short liino since I left your city, and 1 uni! extremely, sorry.I over left, as times here, as well aa else where in the United States where I havo travelled, aro very dull; which I beliuvo is tlit' civusu of tlm contemplated raid on Canada by tho so-called Fenians. From what I can learn, .and what I can boo thero is no ti.nibt| but that tliciv will bo a raid tre long. Bjth em ployed and idlo oongreg.ito every evening aud drill the latter class are, of course, tho most numeroiif. Tliero is. to bo a grand pic rile held at Chicago, tho time not doliuitely aottled.' As f,ir;as 1 can, learn it: will take place some tiino in July. Tliero is no doubt tbo raid will-be on a gigantic scale. One half of tho malo population of the United States are starving for want of employment. Of couiho tlio ranks of this collcsul army will bo 'com posed of different racoB and creeds." ' Tho New York tliuts, r^feiTing to tho threatened! Foniau raid, says : A careful inquiry along the Canada border, in tho towns of Northern New York and Vermont, 10voids uu utter lack of fact in the reports recently furnished to the press concerning Fenian demon strations in that locality. A promitielnt Fenian, well-informed regarding the status of that organ ization, divulges tho cause of such autemenfj by explaining that tho districts mentioned were vi3ited hy emissaries frpm New York city, who commingled with the various societies throughout this and other States, and endeavoured to enthuse the members by ' inflammatory representations. The sentiments at these gatherings! were adroitly exaggerated in the presence of press agents, so that n fictitious Agitation could bo secured, on tho heels of which were to follow urgent appeals in bojialf of tho notorious : skirmishing; fund. Tho spirit of the whola movement, ac cording -to his statement, wus u cleverly designed raid on Fenian purses and sympathies rather than any aggressive venture against Canadian possessions or content ment. Tho potty "oflicrtrs I of tho ship Greyhound, now at Quobeo, nio accused, of /.brutally ill -trim tint? u sailor, and forcing him ovorbjard and drowning him. ' W. If. Concloiigh, G. T. It. Station Aifont at Tronton, commit ted Hiiicido on Tuesday moruiii g 2lat innt., by nwitllowing n quan tity of vitrol solution tukoii .out of the. telegraph battery in his oflico. The rash act, which was committed about eight a.m., -waa almost im mediately discovered, uir.l Dr. Day was in attendance in a short time and did nil 'that was possible, but tliu u-.ifortiinato man died at noon. Tho only possible reason for the act in that ho wu's bohiud in his rotuniH. Kri'S' (! ll'll.l. -(IRATKFCI, AND OoM- k-OKTlNu.- -"Uy a thorough knowledge of tho natural law's which govern the oporatioim of digestion ami nutrition, . mil liy a c.-iroful Application of tho line proportion of well solootuil cocoa, Mr. KppH Ins iinivided our hroakfast tables with a ilelic.itoly flavored hoverngo which m.iy Hnvo us many heavy doctors' liill*. It i liy the jiuliciouii use of hucIi nrticlefl of diot that a constitution may hosnidimlly built up until strnngopougli u> resist every tomloney to disease.' Ilnndredsdf sul,tlumaladiusaroll<>ating arouiul. ua^re.vly to attack wherever there is a 4&3s"',ht- Wo ""*>' escape many n fatinJ^l^St hy kooping oursolvt-H well (ortitieil vntit jiure hlooil and a pro. porly noiirishoil frame." Civil Service Omrttf. iSold only in packets labeled ".Iamks Kits A Co., Honneopnthic Chutnist,'4S,-Thro.i>liiuodle Street, and 170." AfTOX M. flour ... ,.. Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, c .. Sprouted Spring YY Harley Oats ..... IVftB ..... Ilutter (fresh Wills) ISuttvr (salted rolls) I-ir.l (l.K'ht) ' r-ard (dark) .. . Kggs (new laid) Potatoes, per hag Apple, per hag Hay, per . on. Timothy seed. . Clover seed .. 1>icy (loons ... heat lltLITH .. $'i '.>r to 2 .. ' 1 10 t<, 1 0 <K) to 0 0 7.r> to 1 0 00 to 0 0 30 to 0 0 01) to 0 o lrJtoo o latoo 0 l(fto 0 0 OH to 0 o o& tflkt o fid too ' 1 00 to 1 10 00 to 12 2 25 to 0 4 2o to 0 Cheat CIF.IPU MAKKETS. Special tit Ike Fntx Pkess, per Domin ion Line. J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. GcELru, Msy 23, Flour, per 100 . . $2 .'.O White Wheat, per hush 1 1G Tread well do -1 08 Spring Wheat. . .. 1 0.", Oats, .. .. 0 3G vIJarley, .'".-. .. 0 4.'i ' Pc.13 . . . i 0 fit Hay, per ton .. 10 00 E;u;a, per dnz. 0 Ot! Butter, per lbs 0 12 Potatoes i.-r bag .. 0 40 Hogs, per'ewt .. . ' 4 SO Clover seed ., .. 4 00 Timothy sood.. .. 1 80 Pen and Scissor Selects. Drayton is offering 81,100 of de bentures for sole. Trickett, the rower, has had a stop put to his rowing, he having lost two fingers off his left hand. The death sentence on Burke *nd McPhoreon, oi Whitby, haa been commuted to imprisonment for life. A young lady of Montreal was severely injured with stones thrown by roughs after the firework exhibition concluded on Friday. It. is stated that a joint stock company is being Iformed to pur chase tho Toronto Leader, which is soon expected to be In the market. 1878 to 2 75 to 1 22 to 1 22 to 1 06 t.s e 37 to 0 .r>0 to 0 G8 tol2 00 to 0 08 to 0 13 to 0 50 to />. 00 to 5 l0 to 2 25 . WEAVING!! All ordors inthe Wonvinglineprnmpt- ly attainted to. Special attention paid to Carpet Weaving. MRS.'II. McLOUOHLIX, 40-41 near Crewron's Cor^irs. OTICE. Any person nMhing:to have pnint- ing or papering done should leave their orders witbQ. B. Levens, who will be at leisure-every day except Wednesday and : Saturday of ach neek. Staving and Haircutting done at\the shop every day except those mentioned above:, and very nigbt OEO. B. LEVjENS. Acton, April 10. 1878. T. J. Finn, of. the Montreal Gazette, is the delegate of the]Mon treal Typographical Union to the International Convention at Detroit iiLjune. A petition is being circulated in Guelph for the purpose, of obtain ing the release of the young girl Louisa Sturdy from the Kingston Penitentiary. The petition hup re ceived a great number of signatures, and will be presented to tlae Minister -ofcJuBtice shortly, Last Saturday afternoon the City Corporation of Toronto gave a bond to the Agricultural and Arts Association that they shall provide the requisite accommodation for tho Provincial Exhibition within the |time agreed upon. Thi3, of course, settles the difficulty, and the Exhibition will bo held in that. city. Tho Winnipeg Free Press gives this warning, which cannot bo too extensively published here : " Over and over again have we warned poverty-stricken )>eeple of all kinds against coming to Manitoba ; and our warnings have been very gener ally republished by our Canadian exchanges. But, while without doubt, this action has been to some purpose, it is nvident that the effect ia not what either tho friends of this country or humanitarians might: desire. Let us say once more, there is no room in this country for penniless people. We have too many of that kind here already, Manitoba is an inviting field for few besides, farmers with a capital of at^east from $500 to 1,- 000, and large capitalists. Most people whp disregard our advice in this respect,) will' certainly wish they had heeded it before thoy have been in Manitoba a. month." Photographs, Photographs. Okas. "WJ Hill, PHOTOGRAPHER, Wishes to announce' to his custom ers that,he has added greatly to his former facilities for taking Picteres, and is now prepared to make Photo graphs second to none in the Courity and at prices to suit_all. ' . In Picture Frames 1 keep a larga and well selected stoak. Also, a great variety of Mouldings of th* latest design, which will be made to order on short notice. Give me a call ' . 32-6tn - CFIAS. W. HIIjL. Post Office-Stoze ACTON. J. K McGarvin, druggist, Acton, Most every person .says money is hard to get, but you can get goods remarkably cheap at ^ J . the Post uffice Store (to suit the times). No. 1 Round Herrings for 1.50 per half barrel. No. 1 Split Herrings for 81.75 per half barrel. No. 1 Trout for $2.00 per half barrel. Three Patent Pails for 50c. Matches per Box, 12c. Warranted Good. The Best 50 cent Tea In tho Hu&et. WALL PAPERS FROM 4 ots. UP. And everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery, cheap, for cash or trade. ; , JAS. MATTHEWS. Acton, May I, 187S. ; EXPRESS! MB. JAS. BURNS Having mudo arrangements with the G. T, It. is now proparod to ' carry any express And freight Delivered at Acton station, at VERY CHEAP KATES, Bo sure and see that Burns carries your goods, as ho is surd to deliver them safe. ' 45-3m. y *< 5 5 &W&0 5"v*S i5 '<<S 2cr A.E.P e o 2yr> To Cleanse your Houses, ! --' -GO TO- i i | Who are prepared to And tliorouglily Kanovuto liouaoi at tho very lowest rutoe, Ordora from town .nnd-iUiinlry attended to. All "orders to be Joft at' William Walker's residouco, John-st., Acton. Arton, April IT, lS7.-3m Walkerz& Capdrpn _ James Jttyaer Wishes to thn.ik the pulilie for t lMilroD.iKo.tlH-y biiveo'iirtircd "1> tho imlrotiucu.ttif-y I.. o.i blm heretofore. Ab hit hooka and uot-s wern tlrRtroyed hy lire, he would ho tlianufiil II Uiomb ur.ilun whom lit, liL-ld nolei would IjlAe htm tin- ihil< * mil amouja oi thejn, iiiid nlM> IT those whose acpoiiiiut liave liT-un ruinK-rt-l woul.l biliigrtlu'lii rorwurU and bottle. lie would alsu.-t-hy that he 1 STILL 0 ARRTIiia oa dit^:nU33 at tlio oil stina, where ho will h; Kind to Heflhlsold cus- Uuners. and. as tuneK are n ird, Uo lias miiUo tho prices to suli them. LooU. at tlirsc KaW-st1 Lumber Wagnoii, complole, wl'th spring f.enU $7l(.(K). D.'inocr.n Wanton, $100 to 110.', UUKKlt-K. $100 io$UU. I . . All wno rtquite a W ac^nn or nugvy ot those inlcscull uml vjlve jtjur oruefB at once. SSatorUl aa.4 Quarantcol. ^orkmaneblp Jobblnc as follows 1 HORSE-SHOEJMi A SPECIALTY Now Shoes,'J.V9'- Sotting Shm s, 10c. Ktlllro HorseH, f'ilO, for now shoes. " 1.00, fur seltl 15 shoo' La7lneMber-.5oe. io$I.oo. Coul' erx, V5c. to 00c. AH other Jobbing In proportion tjgT These prices are only. All work charged lb further particulars ntxt we Yours truly, 41-3m JAMES LOOK for Cash * old rates. ki RYDER. 1 u*.oto:i>x TIN WORKS. ; r .' ' - ' ';! Main Street-, Acton. wm. "Seith Would reHpectfiilly call the at-, tention of tliO| public to his imuieiiHe stock of1 TiWWARft" i STOVES, &c. which he';is now selling ' fVery Cheap. j, J| B. McGrarvin's - DRUS STORE -. Is tho very best place to buy your Drugs, Dye Stuffs, ' Seeds, Stationary, Toilet Articles,: Notions"&e. N. B. The quality of all gouds. warranted, i- ? / THB-POSp? OFFICE- T. Stewart <& Co Having purchased th Tinsmith busi neBsfrom-.Mr. Robert Fijlier, Would respectfuliy solici't the ccntinuance of the paironsge heretofore dxtend- ed to him. together with as much more a the publio of Acton and vicinity shall be pleased taextend. All work entrusted tq Stewart will _roceivo p careful attention; Our Stock la now well assorted and shall be enlarged as soon aa possible. try ira and be oonvinced . that place to get the best valu meney. t&" Stand Next doo Methodist Church. 41-3m r to: the T. STEWART & CO. our Mr. mpt and Having hart an experience of inany years,'all ordeb ior Repairing and Eavetrqughing will ^e filled on ihe shortest notice, and in the best style. Be sure and go to Leith if you wont good i ; ' j ,v or a good job of Eavetroughing done. ! ' Produce Takeu :n Exchauaic. ' WM. L^l'ril^ Proprietor. Acton, March 29, IS77. ."" ^.otcosii i- Acton, Feb. 14, 1878. JAM.aS MATTHEWS. THIS WEEK tb U is the 3 for your ACTOW Livery Stable. Having purchaced the Livery Stable and business formerly owned,by Mr. R. Adams, we are) pre- ; pared to furnish | : First-Class Rigs at the Most Reasonable Bates. TERMS CASE. Good Commercial Rigs always on hand. . 45-tm MATTHEWS & N1CPKLIN, John Streot, Aoton :r J, E, McGarvin, druggist, Acton T^RESSMAKING. . Wo take this opportunity of dnnonnc- ing_ to the'inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that we have started Aressm'ak ing at Mrs. Stone's, residence, Johri-st. Orders left with us will receive prompt attention. Tho most reasonable prices 1 charged 39 3m MISSES BELL & SPECIAL LOTS AND PRICE W.STEWART&CO Invite attention and inspection to 1 special lot or . : ;. 5,000 YARDS OF: NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS Purchased at a. Discount cf 33 par c&nt.' The lot was detained in transit by cable hence the large sacrifice. Thepe goods are oh en per than have been offered for years, and . could not be replaced. no rxuiLT SHonxn dt t^eir "Winter DRY GOODS before they see our immense stoak of fcew 'and Fashionable I- Goods I W. Stewart & Co;, -1 - I. ! GUELPH. STONE. March 12, 1T8. TEMPTING BARGAINS! -^T- T 2**?!sl s^j :->-s LION CSi-TTSXj^^ We >vill pflftf Special _Barraiiis iliis week in erfery Dcjiartinent. The harder the tunes the cheap-'; er the goods. jNo iualfer how small the ' profits, we are bound to sell cheaper . than auy other store. iV ' Come and Judge for Yourselves. if . SILKS. In Black, Colored and Fincy S.Iks we are offering the largest and cheapest " stoch ever seen in Uuelph: Our ranee of Black Silks is unequalled.,' Fancy Silks in every sha<le for 45 ceTnts. Grey, with black stripe, !; so greatly worn,same price. '.'.'. / I -t DRESS GOODS. / This Department is full of bargains. Ladies will find in it tbeiritwert Styles, ;at the. lowest prices. Our 12 cent line is wonderfully - cheap. Big "lot of Dress Linens just in very cheap], " " CJ : FAMILY MOJJB$m& ' "" '1 i f Wo have been paying sp^cial^attention to this Department; andsnr ' sorlment of Black Goods is very large. Every variety.-of ,-j f ^"~- . Mourning Goods at the lowest figures.' - "^ / v /'. I ! MILLINERY. Tho largest, cheapest, and choicest stock in Guelph.; STAPLES. The Lion has always been famous for its bargains in ali o'asses'of Stapled and Household Goods. Our stock is now. immense. Cottons; PrlnPt.' Sheetings-j^the best and torn. Grey Cotton, .- \-.- 3 cents a yard, White Cottony cents a yard.' / .;'/! "-V./ : :-^ :\r The Gheape^t Goods *will al-ways be founa , i at the Q-olden Lion. * Dpn't be induced to go elsewhere until you have trie4 u. . '. r, ,": Tweeds ajhd Coatings aro lower than over. ! They have never been BpiohWP in the history of the trade, and will never be cheaper. \Ve have af >. tremendous stock. See our.50 cent.Tweeds. . . - - : ." , ^ JJD. WILLIAMSON & "GO. Quelph.May 22, 1878. -' r.; " -'"'.' y "' I ', ii :

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