Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1878, p. 7

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Is. lery rest Iplea ; keap o. 3 -s smmmimmiim&i*& Sl TIl>k utii: TIDLK. Trains eivt Aot> in as follows: OOISK W K>T. Sinbt Kxpre** 1:0,1a.m. Toronto mail . 9.10.VUI. pv KiprcM * l.SAp.m. 5.17p.m. Kppreu - Gall mixed - -- - T:07 p.m. HO IN l . CAST. Xi<fct KipreM . 3:55 a.m. Gait miied-. 5>:42 a.ra. l>av Kxpreti ". 11:50 a.m. "Western mail . . ' &J-17 p.m. Loa4oa mixed . ---------- 9:30 p,m. I^Z^: PRESil ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY,. ONlL MAS 30, 1878, Servico in the McthoilptCtittTeh every . Svb*vH, vveulug At , half-pan Mi oVIoc*.; and both TrtOrnlMaiid even.. . In* an the flr*t Xnhbath of >neri monto. Hsv, K, Horma, Pastor. LOCAL MATTER8. Ske'. Wedding and Ilirthday frfoat* in Fancy Goods and Jewellery all tic year round at Geo. Hynds Jew. ellorr i^tore, Ach>n. Call. ~~ -Tr-lofl (.'ream ut Hill's So* Hynds' advertisement! Turnip iveJ at McGarvuVs. - Pure Honey At J. E. Me- Uarvin'a, -'._-' _ The SchooHBoard masts next Monday night. The Ice Cream season is now open. Call on 0. \Y. Hill. Mr. \Iorro\r is having an awn ing put up in front of his ilru>{ store. i Ice Civatu served up 'by the dUh or quart at C. W. Hill's Parlor. R&. G. W. Calvert, of Lon don, hii been in town during the past few days. Tha strawberries around here hare been injured to a considerable ci- teat by the Ito frosta. _ ' ' >-C. W. Hill can supply Pure Ice- Creim to parties in any "quantity. I -, E- McGarvin's drug store iat 'the- .best placo to buy good reliable cods, , .. ' The minutes, of tlio Nassaga- Weya. council meeting, which took place on Monday, T,ih inst.,'.were received too late for this week'* issue. They will appear iu our next. The- Georgetown foundry is Roing up at a lively rate. Mr. King is a pushing individual, and wo hopo hia expectations in the hopo of having a large businoai will be fully realirod. Htrattl ' A number of English sparrows are in town. These birds are excellent for clearing our fruit trees -from worms and other inicota, and we. would warn the boys who are so handy at throwing atones, not to kill any of them, as thorp is a heavy liuc imposed on any one who does so. The Georgetown Herald snys that tie KoDVe has issued hand-billa to tho I'llcet tliat all boys found tiring off tirccracUrs on thn streets will bo prosecuted according to law. The boys may go to the market square, and en gage iu thuTamuscincut asmuch aathoy wislu i Mr. T. CaUVer of late engaged in the niarble business'ih Milton, went away last week to part's unknown. Sorne people are sorry he didn't say he was >joing. It is generally snpposod that he has followed his brother to Manitoba, but soiree think he is gone to the U.S. .tiu Parties should keep very quiet wheu they \fiit Milton. On Tusday a young man caught in the act of talking rather "above his voico" and practising pu^iHsm in irout of a man's face, was promptly arrested .by Constable Con. way. He hailed from I-.owville, and was peddling meat round JJilton. oa-short notice. ' yctci. Beautiful Linen Costumes and ever a ghost, or spine other animal, in Costume I.ifiens, plain and fancy Dress tbe Catholic cemetery. j Goods, panties ready made and to ' Millinery clinin nt thm stand. Highcs E.VS- Christie, Henderson Co^ On Tuesday evening three car loxli of erai^ranta passed through, here oa the (I. T. H. Taer are bound fpr Manitoba. order: Silk Ties of all styles at job heap at thyroid f prices, at the leading Ory Goods' House, price for Butter and ! Acton, Christie, Htndcrxon & Co. Ke- member their famous 50c tea, in 5 lb loUt45o. Ilessrs. J. D. Williamson & Co., of'Gaelph, will make arched pas. Sige ways between the present .. i occupied and that lately reconstructed,' \\ a hare-received the Guelpb wi formerly/ occupied by Jno. Hbrsc man. In the'new store will be kept Ifcra^i mammoth supplement. It con tains 32 columns of solid brevier read ing matter. ' " agent at the G. T. H- station, nearly sprained ^his askk' laat Satardiy evening, while step ping o3" the platioim oa to tbe track. Mr, J". E. McGarrrin enme very ccar falling from the tbp M his drug ftore oa the i4th, while, putting up his big siga- He might hare got hurt if he had. >!.tinL of ' those goods which appertain to the ladies' department. ^This arrangement will give them the mammoth store of the town. The necessary alterations are expected to be complete, and the ad ditional premises occupied, early in Au- Sst- " . ' ] ) : Tfd! far'Barrio :and: Burling ton Beach ; Those who enjoyed the ex cursion to these different places called at MeI^eoi, Anderson & Co.'a and se cured their Millinery, ..Mantles, Linen Costumes, Linen Wrappers, I'mbrellas Parasols, Gloves, Silk Neck Ties, Col- rnmosa Townsliin Cotincll. Tliia Council met nt tho Centre Inn, on tho 27th iiiBt. All tho tiioiultcra prcBont oxoopting Mr. l>ulHeld, who wub absent on County businota. Tho minutes: of hiht meeting woro road and continued. On motion of Mr. Waters, second ed by Mr. llortop, the Council went into a coimuittoo of tho wholo (the Roove in tho cH*air) to conaidor tho reports of the Roud Coiniuittues. Appropriations wero inudo for tho .improvements" of roads petitioned for, ond thj Clerk was instructed to cause baud-bills to bo printed and distributed over tho Towiiship, to invito tho attontion of parties desirous of contracting for tho suid improvements. iMr. Dufliold lmv- ing arrived, tho Clerk udniinistor- ed tho oath required by tho Stutu'to to tho membors of tho Council, who woro thou constituted-a Court' of Ixovisioh. Tlio Court ordered the inmes of Junius Peters- to bo entered on the Assessment K611 us owner of west half lot '22, con. 2; Tho'mtui Blanchliuld na owner of lot 21, con 7, and oVsso Couling as Tenant of wost half lot 10, con. 1. The Court was then udjourhed until next moating of Council: to bo held at tho Centre Inn, on Mon day the 17th day of Juno, next. J. A. Davidson-, T'p. Clork. TERRIBLE BOAT ACCIDENT IN GALT. Pleasure Htcnuibont Car- rlcd Over Blniu's Warn. SEVEXTKE* rEKSOXS IX TUE RIVEIt. ElbC or These Drowned. HINDS;' Jewelery Store Back Combs, Circular Goaibs, Jet Ear Rings, Jot Brooches, . Slack Setts, i i ' horsc4 and csttle ruaain^ at lar^e upon | lars, C'nffs, Ho*e, Boots. 4c Ladies o=r streets, to the annoyance of the i wh.. calle<l and patrouiil us, say that public. This anaoyaiicc should be at- teaisl to. Open Divihion next Tuesday evening. Goad programme, and good pen'orxners. Chair to be taken at 7:30 o'clock sharp. All are uivjted. Ad- Diixioa free. O, when are we to be delivered from that ereat nuisance, the fireerscter! Somebody answer. We wish the person who invented it had cever been born. On Tuesday a man attacked Sir. A. Moffatt, and attempted to take his coat oat: He was promptly arrested, sad taken before tho Bak, who fined . him So- 50- Champion. A agar contains acetic acid, formie, butyric,' valeric and proprionio tliey enjoyed the excursion infinitely more. E. Hulbert, who was arrested in Hamilton last week on a charge of carrying a revolver -was discharged (no weapon having been fount! on him) but he was taken in custody by the Deputy Sheriff of llalton, on a charge of aiding the 'Marshalls in obtaining a horse from J. C. Weather-aid, of Georgetown, on false pretences, and taken to that vil lage on Saturday, 18th inst.. to bo tried before the magistates. - He was remand ed for eight days, and brought back andiodped in the jail here. yews. We wish the members of the Streets and Sidewalks Committee would take, a stroll along Mill and Main streets and examine the condition in ,' which tbe sidewalks are in. Complaints acid; ammonia, sulphureted hydrogen, ( are coming to ub from all directions pyridine, viridine, picoline and rubid- J about tbese_8idew>lks, and ths sooner -all lor ialf a dime. they are fixed the better. There is a Seeds, Seads, at McGarvin's.- : Messrs. Nicholas Flood-Da vin and A W. Wright, of Toronto, address^ - ed a pablic meeting Si the Temperanpa I Hall, last night, on the live isrnes of the , day. Messrs. Johnston and James Uassie, of Gaelpb, were' present and replied. A report of the proceedings will appear in our next issue. A. lull, overgrown wretch, bj the name of Blewin, was sentenced to i thirty days in the county jail the other day for striking a poor helpless cripple ' by the uaire ot Carson, who U attend ing school at Georgeton n. Ready-made Clothing at rock- bottom prices ; drivel, jobs, and bar gains in coats, pants and vesta at the Glasgow House, Acton, Christie, Hen derson & Co. Secure a 5 lb lot of their famous 50c tea, to soothe the nerves in the arm season. ' ^-Aftbe Guelph Methodist Dieh trid meeting, lield in Preston, on the 21st and 22nd May, Mr. .W. H; Storey, of this Village, was appointed one of '". the lay delegates to the general confer- ^"Stice, to meet in Montreal next Septem- bar. ' Miss Florence Isabella Mc- Craney, eldest daughter of Mr. W-. Mc- Craney, M.P., of Oakville, /was married to Mr. Henry Langford Loucks, G. P. W'.C. Templar, P.Q., and merchant and postataster of Hail, on Wednesday, 22d inst. . - ' ' |. Mr, Dixon, who has been night switchman at the G. T. B. station, in this Village, for some time past, left last night for the " old sod," where, he intendi to remain in tbe future. His will follow him shortly. ' The rush to the Mammoth ' House still continues. Great bargains in all classes of goods, very cheap. The popular and unheard of cheap sale of Dress goods for 5. 10, 15, 20,. 25c, worth three times the money. ^Black and colored Dress Silks at 50c, "worth $100. Now is your chance for the bar-' gains. McLeod Anderson Jt Co. I / J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. big hole in the sidewalk- near Mr. E. Adams' residence, which is very dan gerous, aud several persons have nearly had their Tegs broken And there are other jdaces which rcquiro immedi ate attention, as well. As we said be fore, if this matter ia not attended to at once, the Corporation may have an action for damages on their ' hands, which would cost a great deal more than getting the sidewalks fixed now. Qceen-'s JrETHDAY. Having concluded to have a dBy of it on the 24th May, I went to Georgetown and visited McLod, Anderson <i- Co.'s im mense Pry Goods establishment, and there filled myself out with the neces sary clothing and furnishings to make jne cotnfortable and to enjoy tho day thoroughly. They were busy. , I order ed my suit of clothes and got niy other filings, and I am satisfied they were good and cheap, and I enjoyed the Queeajs Birthday. ___A journalistic silver wed ding -was celebrated by Orange Judd, on the.occasiou of the 25th anniversary of his connection with the American Agriculturalist, by the introduction of new, vigorous' and competent workers in both the editorial and business de partments, in the persons of Hon. D. W. Judd and Mr. "W. K. Beck with, each of whom have had considerable journalistic experience, and Mr. E. H. Libby, found- er and late: editor of the Scientific Far mer. Mr. Judd, Dr. Thurper, and the other efficient associates continue active work the changes being additions rather than an exchange of workers, for the purpose of strengthening tho Amer ican Agriculturalist in character and cir- eolation, if that can be possible in ajour- nal which now visits so many scores of thousands of country homes. From the first of May to the Jst of September duck shooting' is illegal. Persons offending against tbe law can be prosecuted fined heavily. and A frightful accident occurred nt Blain'a dam, on the Grand River, on Wednesday evening 22nd inst., at about eight o'clock. The J-Jm- press of Indiit, a little pleusuru steamer built by two of the young machinists employed in Cameron i Co'a foundry, and designed to run duily trips up stream during tho sujnmtr, went over tho diim with u party of suvuntccu on board.- It appears that the bout was just starting out, and was crossing tho river on the dam to enter tho chunnel on tho other side, whui she was caught in the current und became unmanageable. The rudder (refused to work, and in spite'ot all that-was done, she drifted swiftly towurds tlio fal's. In going over, the keel cuight on the edge of the dam, und the cruft fell over aide- ways, landing below in a cu]>- sized manner. The struggle which ensued mm fearful to bohold, and struck the bystanders with horror. Most of the party wertt.ilrnggud on shoie, or uludif their escsipe through their own exertions;' liut a lurife number: woro lost. The nows of the disaster cuusetl the^nost intensu p excitement in town, and long after | midnight the crowds lined the stream, and the search for the dead went oil.. The following is. a full list of those who were on board : . L J. Juffray, James Montgomery, Samuel Smith, Daniel Scott, Au-* drew Jackson, John Frazer, Mr. Godfry, C-haa, Knowles, Wm. Begt;, Frod. Cane, Miss ;LanJretli, Miss McGill, John Owens, J.JBentty, Eilwtird yron,Tlioniii3 Elliott, Win, Owens 17. Tho body of Mr. Jaffrav, one of tha proprietors of tliB Gait Ileporter, whs found and drawn out -shortly after tho acci dent. All possible remedies were- applied but he nover breathed again. On Friday at 9:30 o'clock the body of Edward Uren was found in about six feet of water near the Main'street bridg", about fiv-p hun dred yards from where tho accident hnpt^ened. The body of David Scott, was found at 11 o'clock ; Jus., Montgomery tit 11:40; Andrew Jackson at 2:45; Fred'. Cane at 3:30 and John Eraser at 4:45, and the body of Thos. Elliott was re covered .i)n Saturday. ' On Friday tbe funeral of Mr. Harry J. Jaffray took place, and his remains wero interred with Oddfellows'.honors. The funeral of tho lato Messrs. Montgomery, Uren, Jackson, Frnser1, (jiine, Elliott and Scott wa* a joint alfair, the-severul funeral partiPB inHeting ut the town Imll, Saturday, rand marching together to the ceuietery.I There whs ah immense concourse of people, in the procession." All the business I William Temple," III," (83) got by " Sir places in tho town were closed g^P^.PWf?V'^AnDn& during tbe progress of the obse --- QPESi Divisio:,.- Acton Division, No. 242, Sons of Tem perance, intends having another Opeu Division, on Tuesday evening, .Tniie. 4. A first-class programme is being prepar ed. Entertainment to commence'at 7:30 o'clock ehap. Everybody come'. -t O. LOZIKR, Sec. of (k>m. "J^OTICE to TKESPASSEaS. All persons found fishing or slioofing on my premises, without leave, will be prosecuted according to law. 47-3t : . ELI SXVDER... BO VAL EXt'HAXVE HOTEL. ! Mr. R. Clarn. f'ropil-u>r. One of tli^ m**;t cm iiloHInils Hotels 111 Ihe county. citMvl cumrapri-Iiil room. Tli'- bur Ik always snppll.-d with tlio choicest bramlsorilii iur.s ninl elijars. Klrvt-ehusK stiiblllit.-, illl'l illlcntlvi! Moallnr. House sHuat'-ii iu too Ousiness pari. ^ir tlu; VLIIubu.- ii. CliAliK, Proprietor.- JASH. FOR STAVU TIMiiES: Having purchased the mills formerly belonging .to P. ot- II. Sayers, at' .Spey- Bide, I ani .prepared t^i pay ca:di for soft elm and oak Stave Timber. Cash will- also be paid for good, sound Pino. 45-4t EDWARD MOORE. CA SH FOR I am ; prepared to pay the highest cash price west 'of Toronto for nil classes (if Calfj and.Shce'p Skins, deliv ered at my tannery^ Lace.'Leather con stantly on hand. 41-lv . JAMES MOORE. IN" OTJCil. Farmers, now is the time to jinprove your stock The first prize bull, "Sir qmea. In connection with the accident, it might be mentioned that Miss Landreth, who was saved by being washed against the bridgo pier, was to have been married to J'as. Montcouiory, one of the lopt, on the 24th. , It is learned that the eauso of the little steadier not* answering the helm'as it should have done, was on account of not being loaded to the extent it should, have been, and in consequence the paddles did not ba-vo sufficient boid on the water. When danger was ap prehended by thoso , on board, u rush was made by many'of them to one side of the boat, which caused the paddles bn one side to be lifted out of the wateij altogether. The Queen's Birthday celebra tion has been postponed until July 1st on account of the calamity. A United States cutter has left Cleveland for a cruise On' the Cana dian Bhore of Lake JElrie it is sup- nosed on the look-out for Fenians. j. E, McGarvin, druggist, Acton. ] J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. by the Glielpli U.iron [SC,'J\; 4110 g. g. Ann, by Patriot [325], will serve cows on thu premised of the undersign ed during the season. Terms to in sure Tliorough-brod cows, 1.00 Grade cows, S1.5X). JOEL LESLIE, 44-3m* Lot Mo. 5, cin 1, Erin. G}-E,^.^J-ID V ii ivirr iiniFin'wjisn-iaiii^ it* www mm -JLT- esren ^OTOZEsT opens his new stoire to-day for business, Ma 7 3th, 1878. " Regent Hill" will'be, found all the latest noyelties: in ttull^- In ancy FT Ladies'- and &atl@; Furnishing G-ods3 s and Shoes, en's 0aps3 CilOICE IjTEW SEASOxY TEA/VERY CIIEAPr TAILORING PECMif Y- In lliis (lepartinc'iit will he found the latest de signs and patterns in -SCOTCH. CANADIAN". FKENCII and ENGLISH TWKEDS and COAT INGS, and best of Trimmings. Sprang and Sum mer Fashion Plates just received from New York This department will be under the able man agement f M& GEO. Ii2.- AlpAMS,' a1 first-cl^ss gdaranteed. n\) on shbit cutter Perfect fitting garments S?1 Suits from $8.09 to $30.00, and notice. ' ,' J- o. Acton, May Sth, 1878, ! HURST. T AIIES' STRAW., HATS XJ asu bo>m;t>> Cleaned, dyodandjiltered to tho pre sent fashion, MRS. WM. THOMPSON, 43l3m Bower Street, Acton. T>LOW FACTORY OPENED. The subscriber, having purchased tho Acton Plow Works, is prepared to fur nish Single and Double Frame Iron Plows, as well as the Boss Gang Plow, which has gained tho.reputation of being the best Gang Pdow mado, at the ubuiii rates. All repairs dono on the shortest notice and at.tho cheapest pricR3. ' 37-tf SYDNEY SMITH. DOORT IIOKN,BULL~ 'f Royal Beauford," dam, imp. "Lady Barnes," Bire, imp. " Iloyal Oxford Gwynne,"-will servo cows'ou the farm adjoining tbe G, T. R., Acton. Terms. ' Pedigreo Cows, 87.00 ; Grade Cows, $2.00..' 10 per cent off for cash. Also two Ik-rkshiro Boars will bo kept for service at tho same place. Terms, 81.00, cash. 40-Gm i 0. S. SMITH. .' '" -. ' I 11 1 ' JtfLdz* Disrt^T NBW BHICK STORE, nm SWAfJTLES & :r> n c| w Also, ar- splendid Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting" of black and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods. Kid Gloves, all the new shades (1, 2: and 3 buttons), Lisle Thread Gloves, Parasols, S u ash a.des, ; Lace Goods, Trirnrhihg's and Fringes, Prints, Comtrices, Muslins, Grey Linens, White ind Grey Gottonsf __ . J Sng'li^i.; Frene& and Q-prman .;' HOSIEET. Clothing, Black ils, English, and Blue Broad- Scotch and Canadian Ready-Made cloths, Diagonals- Tweeds SUITS MADE! TO ORDER, AXD A PERFECT'FIT GUAKAN'TBED-, ORi NO SALE. A full assoi-i'lneiU of Gents' i^urnishings. White Dress Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, etc. A splendid Stock of Choice Family Groceries. TEAS A SPECIALTY. ' :- JAMES SYiMON", in returning thanks to his numerous friends And customers for the very liberal support accorded to him since he commenced business in Acton, .would remind them that, never before in the history of- Canada we're such bar gains offered hi Acton. The Goods have been bought for Cu&Ji and will be sold at a small ad vance on cost. JAMES SYMON. Produce ot all kinds uWeii in exohango at the highest muirkpt price. RBMBMBBR'THE PLACE? THE NEW BRICK STORE-LMAIN ST., ACT0>:. Acton, ApriLlOth, 1S78. ' Among the numerous important arrivals which have lately come.t, hand, we WoLld ask special attention lo arrivals ial uttentioi Fifty Pieces Cioioe Ne^ -/Btaot" Grenadines In.aU tho new and favontomakoB for thai 8oaSon. CIJEAP. ."" 1 Gase Handsome ^'Bourettef Dress Goods, Jt present oop dInin nnmenso i\li W York, and. other cities of fashion, iheao we shall-sell ; AT TWENTY-FIVE CeWtS,TEE YARD, - :' " and every lady should see them.' >: One Oase Lovely "W^ite Gpods including Pio.ues, Marseilles, BBilli^nts. ' Lwng, wis3 Checks. oto., -ngingS'^O^^^^^^^Pes, i i variety of/IVew and' t. A. ..iO-' BUCHAM, ^ Fa.hlonablo West Knd DrelUiniinery ana iiui.UcKstab.i^men,. Ouolph, April is. IkTB. : - , -iHii- Sa ^r US OOHTINtTES '**' pisiie9 Heiidei^iso THEIR "'MHiIUNBRY!' ';.'. HOW lOOM is the great attraction. Please leave yevm orders early, and have ho disappointment for the 24th. : - - ^ v,-:'-: ( . ."r"r"' j Immensb stock of LADIES' PEMEliLAS Those neat and comfortable Tie Shoes in great demand. GENTS?EELT ... in new and leading styles c%ivlils daily ,qf new and fresh lots oi Goods. You can always; de pend on getting ^he latest. - fa Bi^y Montreal Whits :.0pt^i Best value in the Market. Without a rival-rour Famous 50c. Tea. 5lbs' for $2.25. CHRISTIE, HfipaBSW" 55 CO. j Acton, May 7th, 18784 ; . '-,."-. ".^, | / >le a. ^ i>-1-- i- ," .; i "i - - V- $, ^ U

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