Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1878, p. 8

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L 'i3:^5,2'si^ r^?'3 iPfe -> -r'^igrj^ ' - ifr 'V ^EHShi i if Jl ) ^^w!=^ag!aMBSHjgaEr a mij UMft -' i>iS=-*SV. * .'3?s* ' -If $ p IP .-"-Ji . ---N Vi TUN FREE PRESS, ACTON; IIALTON; COUNTY, ONT., MAY 30, 1878. j-ju: t.: \ i.jtti.i: <;t!\s!iorii:ii\ 1 - r Ten'.c j;r:lssll"]<| i I :v . . Sit till;; ell a vine, vOnea',e le" in-.i.-h j.ivch runi J Tllyil.tllCIV WelC lull ii'.IU'. Nino little, .lust the -i:v f..r Kiit, A t'.:;!o b.'\ wont tishitn; Thvn there \U'Yo hut. I'V'Ut." V'i^lit ii111 o l;inss!r. i j>^r.- ' . Stayed t^yt tatier '!ovV>n. ! A white ftvst ninped c-io - Tito tho.v \mo hutlsevon. ' ' ' .. " .Seven little e.iasshop;>ors ' Lived1 eeti t u v) 1m i. ks, : T.'inv c.amC a hurrie.-cie - , ' Tl.v;-. .V-ieu* wetv hat ,ix. ;si\ littlo grasshopper;: Found na eld hee-hivo, tlhiv found a lnunhlc bee- ._ . Then Uieio,\vero but live F;\o littlo ci'.issUoppers. Hoppine/en the :!,...r, !Yss\ t<< >V. olie fiT II lllollsc .th;.:: ti^io Ueu. "tait ;"oluIVur littlo ^rassliopnvrs Found .1 |,rr.'ll pea. Had :i iVht about i; , i'iicn were but three. l'liru' littlo yr.-t.-shuiiiH is . Si^luii t! r pasture new, Tried !<\eros: the rivii- Taeii tae,e were le t t\v>>. r 1\\ o little * Sitting ." :l st'i'iio. ,' A turkey ^.holei p.i-s>--;! tint v.v.y. Then *.:.';. 10 Veie but" w.e. tt>r- iit:!e u:-"li-'Vl'.T 0::L":-r.i l,;1-v.l-!.yo :.: the door; ->.-.:,! Li'il'oonie ;; >. t ..aliileei, With ni,:o millions !u-.:o ; man mmtm MERCHANT, TAILOR, lakes this opportunity-of .'iniiouiie- fni; to tlio pul-ho tli:\Oiis Kloo.k- oo'tisistini; of Kn^li.^b, So.uteli (ind C)itt:uli:in l !". orbs. TWEEDS, CLOTHS, AND WORSTED G0QDS. 'Is now eoniploto. Ho is prop:irod tp-iu:iko up in tlio LAT1&T STYLES, - h And gooil Workniiviisliip. 'Satisfaction .Guaranteed. \ Villi is Soliriiod. JOHN iVKr.SON' ] llookwooU, March '20, 1ST7 Oil H ft p t-t ft- P 0) f-. c8 C^ CO a ce (- i^lx i TO\ ill ONIT IIIjY SAIjIS.- ^. ' <i) h. /"-> <\: ^ H-: f** tt/ o , i; fc'ft , K :i.g : 'P*5I- S>!io-tliut ph-.lfili hoavv dry go nls ;iiil!.-> in In i- j . ..:/., . bi.votin.tIi u - Tpl'H !'; k IJ i.O.I-'l;'.l!nl. 1 " |- Tin- '.:.-'o'ni:iii.wi!l nut :iko tl:t? -; ,toi>:iiv.itiises w othtot: Ii:i!i:tn.j"oi' his u-iuyi-r, in,:- thf.' gi:l ti:;t iw found , uf'ltu 1,11 tljf"sliii-l lot his wiiV. ' \ 5>tt.>t thou tlio si|n t>i" fuK_\ i. Ho ^riitaioth ta-:.i;.'-i liu;' t"r:iu inuniiiiL; .until ; iiT^iit; dlo 'a^ c.ttoth u.u^il .o'o<-r--llio ii U I'Vi'lirow, nul ili-.-t;oV , f 111' tl f '[> lp;T i.,,.'il:l!". .11 i.S lilllO IS colisuuiod in * to t-'tl;t:r .jH^t^jMi-'s i>.:?::.o.^-.' Jii- ^ott^eth j,o;;Lt.-i >L.ii.i.> t;oj:- voj'i'.ors. TLore- ho ;!nvv thtujj.s iimlttv nnrcil 1il'..-o. \ -\C tv l;fc th^t, oati.s;: -iui>ory ; a -iiosv i'^I'V. a' mitlni^kt Cat', a L't;e i:u!.e pu^:tK'i:i!i alula wiu;:iii .vvjtii a .11ii; nii>sicn n::d list If liHMt. -. Tiiot-V uImi mv vanity auj ijiiikt int ii i:.~l- e;;j^ \v(>: lis. - - . * lie 1'iio.t .tju-.t'loiu) higlt iu soK- .c-mct-it, loi hiiii r,:u utiico. \'^::H" his J'litk*. .-hiiil he huiuiji-tl. '-- Htt-sli:i;! gu'.i.fK.U.IIch' illtL-lVa'.illg iiifi.iiiiHticii. a; oVt luius.jf. His -- toil cstooui sl;:fil ho kliLH;kfd ^ailov w i it. He .shh.'l lii.-cuver iriius-lt" to i*v .i[ii.(.'ii^itl^'i:.hh- p.iUr-|>bitis. 1 i $$-'M Photographs, Photographs, . -*" - piM-"W, Hill, . PHOTOGRA.PHEE, Wi?hrc!. ii announco to his cu^t. ir.- ers he Iia adiied . greatjy to hiji ---former facilities for.taking'Tictrrcs, and i= no^v prep.irtd to inako riioto- gr.iphssrtq'nd to none iu lliuCoun.ty aLd at pluses I0>uit all. : In i'ictufc Krimts 1 keep a l.irg: and well ;S JL-clctl s:ock. A!.-o. a great Vaiietjr ol Mouldings of thp I;uo>t ile^i^n, -.vri-.ioh will he ni.iiio to-oi'-ior uu .--IrJi't njtice. Give me a c,iil. :Z rf-u ;. CI I \.S. AV. iril.L. Weekly7 0-lohe. Ayer^s For tt;s coring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. ' A dressing - ihich if'. Ki once ag.vea- ble,'hy, nnd 'eft"ec:ual. for - preserv ing the hair. I It soon rs-; stores faded' or gray hair to its~vr!gi7ial color, icitA the gloss and freshness of | youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall- i ing hair checked, and baldness often, ! though not always, cured by its ; use. Nothing can restore tae bair ; whexa the follicles are destroyed, or i the glands atrophied and decayed; '. but such as remain can be savetl by ; this aDclicatiori, and stimulateid 'nt/ .EEtivitT,rao mat a new growth of hair is produced. . Instead of fouling 1 the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair fram_'turning gray or falling 'off) "tnd consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives j to the scalp arrests rind prevents | ;the formation of dandruff, which is j often so urcleanly and offensive. ; Free from those deleterious sub- ' stances which- make some prepara^ j tions dangerous, and injurious to the h3ir, the Vigor-can only benefit, but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAER'DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neitherioil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and jet lasts long on the hair, giving ;- s rich, ,gips?~ lustre, and a gratefu. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., iffWitlcal'an* Annlytlcnl t'nera'." '.* ZOWEI.L, 31 ISS eocij inr ass, DianioisTs KVF-it^-^niacfr ir. "3 Urn "o V s CAST But not 'Destroyed. Having rondo nrr.inponionU with i Mr. MitoheLl, .of Milton, I'or an I at;oncv,' for.(ho _ milo ot Saslv. Doors. Prim33, Mouldtasro. ! Pressed Floorin?, .Baaoiing. "Waln^qot. Siding;, 55c. ;1 urn propared to furnish' any oT ;t'Iit hove, at prices that defy oom- pntition. l'lonto ca|l -mid boo H:m-'; pies of niouHing, Ac, tpforo pur c'la.smg elseu'lifiro, BUNAS 30 CEH T PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customers for p:i>ifiivi.rsr.iul liopiiijjsltil to merit n fiiirbhiire of'your patronage. I am rrspecti'iilly yours thi)s:i:bbac,e, Agent. V at Mr- ti'vorton's oli! tlutnl Hoc. -TlllJl^TT. ' " Mi-Iy. Tho .\otvu nn'iitlily inilf wTl.l ho liiihl :U A','Uo\v'm llolol, on \,yMV I lay, Thursday,'. 6th June, All kimln of Stiiult,: Iinplo.iiuuitii, .will ho anlil hy jiiyiu;; 5!) ol.i n-piooi Sale at 12 o'clock. ore (lit. Tr'.KMS. Ton niniitlm ikji)ii'iivo(t-i|Hiit. notor. ,\U (Mit-rios imiHt ho in.iih Ilyilor, Soo. to Mr. .Inb. JTJ5T DERIVED, A splendid lot of ispring Boots & Sho: s. i AT TllK- WM.-IIICM.STKIOKT, AuctKineor. CENTRAL BOOT BEATTY ^ t DANIEL ,F: BSATTY;^ PIANOS^ OBaAHS. U It A N It, HIM! At K AM' lU'KHJHT, tut itK KTTY'rt-UKIJ-.- {(KATl'Mj (i'Jl.UKN Ji)N(JUKI) I'M!- 1 j 1 >jt' t)llti,\ N nrr tin* mi ('I'll st UiJi"l most ivrlcct IiistTr.liii'iits,. nvt-r lef<>- <* miiU'ifm'tiiri'il hi UiiNornny *:t'.< r i-onn- try. 'Ilio *Mrl-i-is i*tiuiI*iipt-il ut c**iim* t hem. I) Htillsi'i'iitil* t,lii'l tin (it-cvci ,^< d.rv jiv."n. lire hot'om jku,1i! j;r!('(^l HOW f'Mily tM Ji; l-Vt'S, JV-TflUN, Jllll tlui tP:i'l**ln ^I'lltTiil. An dlliT, 'i'lu'kc rcli" lirjitctl iiiirmn it s I'll r limwt or UtKiiii; tmxcMl hum KhlpiTtl anywlicic, ,n iWooriinpi-n dny.s'Uht lilal. Mi n y re- ftilulcit ami Iiviuht rlmr^"* jdiuI IkiMi ivji.VHlf In 'my way ULsatih^n'tiiVy. Fully w.irraiiU1'! rf-r Mn ycurs u* ,.l t l*i '.v (li>t- ciiiss. KKTKAOltlijK.vitY f illlKUA 1. l')hl-iJUN'l'>({i\(iii|(irim ch s Sm.tiol^, l.odg' k, Unllji, MinisUM", 'IViu Ii<'i8, iil<\( In mil"! In liavn Ui-nii . htrn MhmmI titmiri* 1 wli'Tt* I Imivh ihmio-i nty, rtionMiniU rim*- in iihp. New I!|ii>lrii el Ailveriinn (Cira- I.<i;iif Kitltlon^ w.'ih list i i' leMl'ii^nlnIr, new rt-:nlv. m-iii ir-i'. IN ui'lt.-Jif' In IK.VI. A.i.iros- DANIEL F. BA|TTy, Washli-nlon, Now Joriipv, . . i CKCECTORE. Call aid cstpiico themjbeforo buyiaif olsswhore.' "' S'll Aelon KNOW THYSELF: SIGN PAINTERS wanted in - - ---------_ __----o v(.-r;.- pcc- lloi) of tln> lTiill(-i| Stales iiinl Pmvlne s tixiVmu'.TLliU oloortiuritfi. ni. '.vi^i-oxi: l>A\X F. UE.1TTV, W.istHuetoii, tvov Ji-rspy. i By reading and practldhj ttie incBtimablo truilis con talrtcd In tho best medic* bonk ever Issued, entitlel iSELF-I'KESEUVAIIOS Price only $1. Sent by mnl _________________on receipt of price. I treats of Kxhau.teil Vitality. I'rcmatnro Dcclino KrrrouandI'liy.!cal-PcblUty, and tho cndl.n cbneomitant ills and untold mlji-rics that iriu* tlirrvfrom,andcontain room tliaji WoriKinal pK Krintioni, anyone of which ii wo>th the prlco o) the book. ThisbooW was WTittciiby lhcrnottc tcn.irc and probably the most skilful praetitlcmei In America, I o whom was awarded a (Told and Jc-W cited medal by Ihe National Medical Associnion "A l'amphlct, illusirated : with_tho_Tcry_ flae* Pteel Eti(rra\inpsi-|i mar. Tel of art ana beauty sent race to all. Send tor It at once. Address I'EABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 nul- ^acb St., iipJton, Mass. special ATTEirtiow afirsv <: j -I TO 0nr3R3D VOEK. CRAIN-E & SON Acton, March 20, 1878. THE OIDET GROCERY HOUSE IN ACTON Is the phn* to get goid cheap Grccc.ries, > Crockery, Glass iaad Hardware, FAK1HEKH, STOP AND SEE ^rfpro Viip Jt'tirllicr Uoi The.Agricultunil lrnplemont monu- foctur/sd by the -> ; MA88BY J . Manufacturing Cp'y, NEW0A8TLK, foraalo'by ETA SNYDER, ACTON, ( lit: Wood's Iron Mower, Akron Buokovo Mowur, Contjuoror Combined, Slmrp'H SeU-Dumpin| Rak7, : Nowcastlo Htirvosier. Horso X'owor [Piit'B], Grain Cruflhers [geared] * Ftraw Cutterp, etc. Tho nhovo cannot be flurpnesed by liny other Machines tondo in the Dominion. PleaBe cnll and oxamino before purchasing eluowhero. April 25, 1878. 3rn JOB-TUlNTlSt! otarlkliuls noatly n I ,iroin;>tly okocu'tuil at th KUEE PItESS OFFICE, Ne\l tlic l'ost OBleo JlHI *rccl. THE AOTON a HEAL THYSELF SVOCKi SCHU'Jt -TEACHERS: You can easily increase your salary by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time to my interest, i I do not expect you to ennvaus for my celebrMed; lieatty's Pianos ai d Organs UDlots y.ou see (it to; but the service I require of you is both pleasant and profitable. Full par ticulars free. Address DAMIOL K. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey QRACE'S QELEBRATED gALVE A ^nrc Brllrrror Iic.<u[rorcr.TgZi Qi*f:.I>AKKI> iiy " SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, SO je'Vukison avkmk, BOSTON*, MASS.'. ui:Aci:-s cE^KititA'rPD halve, Is a Vogc'tablc-Propftratlon, Inv'ontoil In tli^ 17tfi c-nitny hy Dr. Wil li iin Oir.iC-"\ Surgeon la King Jamos* nrmy.: Througli im um-noy ho mrv<l tliowsiinds of th*. 'in'o.^t.scriifiis sores and wouiiils Lh;it hallit-a ih skill of the in>st finiiK-iit phy>ici;i.os of !ii: d^y,;iJtl was rr-inlfil'tiy all wliokiu'-.v liim us il i Ic l)jncf.utor. Usb- i'i:iri: : .'KNTS A 1U'.\. CKACK'S (KLEUKlTLa) SAL ,' CUKKS VK' ALT Jt!IKl"M, CIULUI-AINS, -SOJiK JlUEAST, s -i:i; Mi's, kuvsii', uimj- WiiHMS/CAIiM'.sK.s, *('AMl IJE.lD; I'HAI l'i:i> HANliS, The ^irj-,e-^< tin*. b:i at'fii v.i Oir- ruL- 'y-:tr -iw.- f i-i 1i-.^-:m- iu^n-I.,M-, :i;i.s ff-r *,'.^f i '-i.U: "'..iuy o:Lii.t* year >in|d> >;i- ' Hi- o<r^)"r. Ndft- !witlj^L:iii'l;i -j t'ii-'* .- > ou>in- ks <L- .' j.rc;---.o!; ;iii J ;];i:ii:.".t.i; -,:; i:\; wii'Vt x.^fif *z ittt ov*t r I *_- A Ii;c:it::iii t-HiLi ii* 1U, Iti. i-;r'u';i inii In- ii.-.*;i ' rii .! m ::'i(.*tJ tlir< jj'ibiUL . h- > - ;ir at ii.:i ;i*. ijr:i^<:. I.--.UC* "f-::ch *V..M'K of -"7,-irin <-<i,i . s -\>cU-i; 'i '.Ci'iii- f- I ..UY i\!l\ |T"- *.-.t:i-* fl;i Uu-i..-.ii' i.ri-'r<-ss ions ailco.- '1 j/MbMMjt-rs' fr'iu .i.'Very lirection M' lUuif-vs loim'-f [1^- i ij>r>r. ol" il.-- iu c'l-i."! '*a 1 en: .nn, <ii n--- li.viuiiriii "^aii J < bilious I;lnrration ., tlii IIL- Varif; i a fl I ' :.Ji "" StiliC ' Ol T> o. '-*-- i'Ji .ii: ii: i i i>-r euit.-ij > * e*'k,l\ inr rji--i.'-. 'o.'Tiiii i i'i :i:nl ini]1tu,i;oh ainj ut piii'i- :n-r,i of i (.^ r-,.fi-'"r>. ai d (;( ii:c ma-i i-ric- at v;li'i._[L it i> -r.i'j'.i'.-il -jh tll;i'J-- i .1 he i*u<'iic. .'--. \ . Tiic X.o-^i-apIti<Jt! \.lic-s. of C it -lit- *Ir*a a ll-I (lie ">J*itrllt--* r * '.tli ' .ia:l -4lIiiiti^i. .lll'l \.i(li3*:.l >r.-iii'i3 --;li tl *h\v--- 'en- ^-'CU a c>{irm ! > Hr-- We'ekl v'< v,:t -uis iiTih-; i a!:'-r coutirjU'-tJ wi'h fr--Ii i;i,,i'r;y mn!i-r He "car- of u'jjc (.i iL-is -hiiJ txj--i i need ~ Asrli-ullur.'. *:*= Llif* I'T'TU'TNt indti try /jI' Lilt; i tjiii :.i|ir,-aii<I Hie MXU) b;is's o| our \ XxtiuA or.-.-.(Ti'it ,.\vill n-a-iV", uh /Kjr'riao;^, .'.inn'.-t aiiii cj S-iaiu ut-eu- iion. - Krrtf*lii*tic^tt Iiil*II't:*fit-p, **.(-ii,i-- Ni>Kh, ntirl S-^lucallcisiHl llTairs **ViII ^jn iuD-; pr'ii:iiii ni in eac*i iniml^cr. 'Ilia Aiih.rrrji lo <'oi~r<-*pii!i<l'ii(-*- oh f:Y<-j'.-' V:i.i:ly ni ^u* jt-i-t-, *y U^'" i* have; IwoVftl so \:ilii:ih;i ;,n'i inf' r*'.itifji; to / ro'A'da of r*--uierr. will he -kejit-Ui> with Juerfci.Ke<i vigour. U>:' L:xrra y ^i:'J.Liilii'V I>vp:irtm*-nt. un-Jertiiu ' .r-of,^i*ecr.-a."o</ntincLor.-, wiji ie fivMi 'tii'i r icy. - Sewn from ;ili parts of the worlil'U'to Om Iat--st ui*'irnent'.ji"|iuhjlejituln Parlia- ni'-nfiir/ I t--h;i" cs, P't-d^rai ;uvl I'roviij- ci:.i[ lij.irii^t, and Kiiianf'fn' II-1 -ort^ at 'hot*! -- f,jjrl Ht-r ..-id and iV-tlerM oi-ip-.^-i.-d ,i"Tres|.ondei).t.-fro'ni all i>';Jni.s of JfVt-r. e;-t wilihi- ^it !:-r-d with all tli-iTrirf "aii'l c-nert',' that n -s Iil* t Tin: iii^jiii: hi i,li:ui j jamais it^r Jh irty:ti vi vrars |';tsL. T'ife Jtiiuu dsirwriiiLioji l<" Tii;; .\jri-:.TK- nr-r-t')/ort-,ofjl v .T'tVo U Jl^v Y- S ^ I'Klt ANNUM, sfrii't F;'.n:;or t^i-r A.fjK :o all |.:li-ls of Cun;uiu .ain] I ne United SLalc>,: jj.iyub'e iii- vaflthlv in a.lva'1"'-. A'iKN'lTi V/A'/TI^O. f.SKXD J-'Oii .TKRM^. - '-. f . -- TJa i \Vei:Kr.YC!i.oji-: will he ftr-ul free of \jy>*\M%'. t-i any >*-fi-(,-oflI** in" G'reat Hritala lor -JJ^-or wine ^ lilliu-H terl- iuif.. ' ic^in'.ttnncpri mav iit-*-KPnt. hy p. o ni'iJiey or h-r. bank Jdi afr, r.-tji-'te; ed IrfLRrFS. or hv fjcpresH, atour risk. Oru;er-rim.t l^iyULauccK to b - -addrc-: ^:ed U> the ^tgsg PRINTING COMPANY. ~" Toronto ^.yBi-s Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of nil (lcraRt?mcnls in ttlt" Ftomtirh, liv er, aii'l boweh-. Ti:i:y :ua a luild aijcrioiit, nnJ nn exr-tlltMit |m ^:t- tivH.-. lii'in^imie- ly vive-ihic, tliey ruiitaiii nn nu'r- <:tiry or niii-tral - Vilcitevcr: ::.:ri'fi.-sir:knc-=5 anil .culR'ri;ifr Is prevented by '-Ijeir timely, n.'-e; map- vvtsvy faluily Elumld li;ive Ilit-m nn hrin-l^ir their protection iiinl reliel', wheti iciininvl. i I.on^ exp,;r:i.nco ,ias lipiy,il lll'iii In ]> tlio snlV.-t,- sliest, ihd b'c.-t uf ;ill Hie I'Uls wiih -.vhicli the iimrket :lii.iiini|.-. Miy i*ieir oeeay:ier::it n^e, til 1 blood ir- uurilied, tli-ij "irnipliona (,!'the Fv->lein ex- ;'i'!!.-.l, 'ili-tr.i ;-i;ons rei'iiovetl. and the ivholn ;nr.< hinery of lilj re-(r,ed lo il-; heajth-- activ ity. l:i!e;i:;',i o:'^'Mll.- M Inch become. eloc-r-^J :::nl r-ili^'^isl! art e.Ii'ailh(Mi by Atjer'ti ViUii, and rtiiniihilt'il jut's action. Tims incipient , li-iase i-, changed in'ti,. health, tl"^ value of _;\liirh el),;::ire, \\ h-ir ri-ekoned on Ihe v;i j inullitndes who vu'yty il, call liaidly be coin, piit.-d. 1 heii- Mj^.ii--en;ttiii^- niaKes Ii.e:i i;i.-a.-aiil In lake, ami p:i mtvcs tiii-ir virluor iihiinpaircd lur any lin>;'.Fi of time, fu tli.'i; lliev an- el-el- rce.-.l!. .-.lal i-i-fcetly reliable Ai'tlionL-li .-e.irejiin^, lliey a:v ir.iM, niiirdiier-,: ;de i; Hh.iat di-rnrbaniv :o the eoiiiititutioii ol' Jiel ore -. np.iiion. Miil [iiii-.-:iii!i.--are ^Iv^n on the wrarner to eaeli bio:, linn In n-e iliem a.;.". Family l'liytic, and li)i- [lie l'olaiwili^ (-(ilnjiluillts, wliicll UlCijO i'illx rapidly cure : i-'or !>^^;><-|t.i^i or JTn<Il^pHtiort. I^taf* lesvi-t'.., tan^urjr, and JLoam of Amit*- Ii*,-j ihe;.- -fi'ii'l-l be taken nioder.-ilelv lo r-((iniila:e ihe -l.n1.iel,, anrj restore it healthy iono :ind a.'f ion. For SAvrr <"tt!i|ilainr and its varioiis r.ynnitnm-. .iil-otoi ieeniiisclie, hitU 3t".kt!ac.^. .ruiimlice or 4^r<-c-ii SicU- lle*a, iSllioi!. l'.,!ic iinii Ui'.ioiia t\-. vvrr*; ihey_ *!u>iild he _i[i(ii.-:ioiirlv taken /'or oac:, ea^e, to r. irc.ri the dt^e.-ueil aition, or ieinu;e ihe oh -lnietions ivhich ean.-e it. For S>t'Ktntri-.r or IIiiiiri-lici?a, but one luiiil (lo.-(! i- e;i'ii(!i-iilly rcqnii-. ,1. ! or 2;ii,'ii:iiiii;-ni. (iuut, <Sr:iv<0. !'iil|iil.l:ii!i: of IUi' Iccurl. l*;:fn in t3e ftlflf. StucU, and ^.-mism. [hev ^hll^!;d hi- coiiliniion-iy Liken, as reijiiiied, to ehan^e lie.- di.-ii-a-cil ailioii of the system. Willi n:eh ciian^e iho.-e eoniplainls liisappear. For S!o|y and -Slroi>icui sink.,l. itii-, Ihey sh."lid be taken in hir^e and iVe--: i|ia'iit iio to pioduceilic eiTect of a drastic V"---e. : , lor .'itirijir<'i.r,i(ita, a I.-ii-^-edor-e should be .-d,<n. us it iir<ei.;,ec the desired (.-licet b' tympalliy. Asa hlnni'i'^'lll, lalioone orlwo liroinoie iliL'e.-tron, am] reliovi! tb:- slooiaeh. An o.-ea.-.ional dose slimnlaies .'lie sloaiaeh and 'j'.wrlr, rei-toRs Uie appetite, and in, i^or- <ilc-n Hie systoui. jlenee it is otten advanln pc-ous wh/.-ie !i, Kci-iniis deran^-emunt exisLs. One v.-lio feels tolerably well, oflen finds tlnu II (l(i.-e of thuse 1'illn ji,al;oi him fwd ik-ei.. edly lietter, from tlreir eleansinp; ami reno vaniig effect, op the Ui<jjitirc apparatus. J'BKJ-A kliV 1!Y Dr. J. C AY2E St CO., Practical Chemistti LOWELL, MASS.. V. H. A. K0B BALE B? AJVi. DC-'"XST3 EVtaviflttaH n.fiiNS, S-.-Al.ll', KOI'MIS, 1-tLsTKILS ITI.V-S :i',:\rixs, IltTK-., W'AUW, J'IMI'1.1-- KKI.-'KS, ITI.chits, SIIIMil.KS, .-KKl'KI.lts, ltell.-S , WirtTI.dWS TAX SCI1KVV, c..N(t:ii5, SriHICS, Hr(N(iS, WKNU, aik-.ks.-:,. .SI'ItAtMS, CUTS III.ISTKltS, ('"HNS, ITCH, IN(;lIM'I((; NAII.S, M-.TTI.j: UA.HU, MUstlL'ITO AN.T> Kl.i:,\ 1I1TES, Hl'IDEU .STI.NCi.S, And all cutaneous dlseasi i- and eruptions irenerully, Forsile ti'j- all drnexiKts. i;roeerf, and nt all rouiifysuircf turnucliuiit the Hut ted Siati'K ami llrltliih Provinces, l'rlce by mail :;ocents. FnoTOCiUAPIIKRij slipiilU lor- . ward me their address if they wish to obtilia ti Pjiirio or Ot^an in exchange foil iPjiotogntphinji. Atir- dreas UANIKu F. BEATTY, \yasii- tngton, New Jersey. H Kzoa V % I> sr-rw Thereis no minnrncttiret ol I'inmu and Organs in this or nny othe) country jvho has received na ninny unsolicited iniioisenents as hns Jlr. Beatty. - From every .Stute niid Ter ritory comes the' sum" verdict. ."They tire the best in tho world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catnlogui Edition) free. Address DANlEu F. BEATTY, Wnshingtcn, New .lersey. And to nrrivis it< a lew daye-a lull sui'i'ly of Wall P&ser. "WiaCcw Blinds. Sc. In the lntost Styles nvd Patterns. I also keep on hand a Tew ot Messrs iiliiirly A Die- trioh's celellaied I.ANCE TOOTH CRGSt'-CUTiSAW'B. The best now in use. All goods will bo sold low for cash or pro duce. ; Ct>Ts,ti'for lEidcs. ipHAKLE.ST. illl-L, Mill Street. Arton. fob. 10th, 1S7&. ' ' . NEW DCMINKN BOOT & SHOE STORE Oppouite Agnew'a Hotel, Main Slreetj Actonr. KENNEY \& SON .Wish to call the attention of the in- hiibitnnts of the Village of Acton ami vicinity to their immenue istock of 2C0TS, SHOES & GROCEaiES- Ccmpriaing all the latest stytes in' lioottf und Shoes. Ordered Work receives our epecinl attention. Kepairing promptly at- tended to. Our Grocery Department Ib well supplied nith Teas, Sugars, Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, Cofiiaes, &c.', &^ Plense cnll nnd examine Our Stock, KENNEY k SOiActon, Dec, 12 1877. 'TirAXTED. Lndics and gentletnen to le grnph Operating for ollices oj the Doiainion. To rn Tele- iii I'tump for answer. AilJr4<s Mas'.\!i:l-, Box Oaci, Toronto. 1 ACTON PLANSNO MILLS I>rV. CAMPBELL,. Prop. BI'SINfSS MEN. If yon want lilllheiids, BtJilements, Lel- lerlieaus, Knvelones, Mercniitlle I'i lnt liiK.of uny klnfl.'dono in biislnrss*tyle; Bend your ordeis to Uie';FitKK Purls.- offlco. SatlsfncttonKuaranteed. jjnjg 1 Any person bo irlll nink- rnCC i and for wan) nn a list oi i In naniei\ of rclbitile prrso, s ot Hi, li ac- iliniliiti^i'.e, ^-bo ^visti to jtri'etir, i-n 'n- striiniesit, eltbrr I'lniio niorpiin, I will us* myitiesl endeavors to sell them one, ivnd for- nvprr I'lniio 1 sneered i n Helbnp totlieii llsl ivillilnpi .pyenr.1 will credit tbem \tith $10. alld for every UrR(in$5, to be applied on piynieni of either n t'laiioor tlren'r; and wl'cn it nmounts to -u ti'irn HnfTieleiit to pay for an instri:jrirni kelec#ef*at t ie lowest wliolesnlr prire. & wlllfmmrijiatelysiilp iheliistrnmeni, rree.ornfteranyur1" innt F* eredlted th' hnlnnec niny he pni(t nip In ensli nnd J will itit-ii siilp tiiemtbe liistriiment Tl ey need not lie know p in the matter anil wll I be delujL llicl^f rlendsn renlsi-r- vlee, ns I shall inalte special otTers lo theiii.^cintiya ii]>crler Instniiiieutroi from to ft-sso-tliir~(iH -Q-hni Is orillnnrilyasked hviiupiilv. 1'leaseseed men 11st at once and (tfier yon Imvr midr inrl'i'rv von Vnn :'d,l lo 11. Address .nANIELK.lH-JATTY \Vnslili!El6n,Neiv jersey. ' '. , . m<B9e 1878., SPRING OPENING. 1878 THE GREAT of nmku CAUSE MISERY ; Having purchased the almyo uajii^d iistaljliriliTiieut, I am prepared to m:iuu- facturc r$ASH, DOORS, 'i : MOULDINGS, ^c All-kijuls of LAN IN Promptly attondpd to.t il, \V{ t'AMl'UEbL. Ac ton. Dec. 4th, lSTT^. : 22-3m 3EATTYy PIANOS Pro eajiEVjinfci l i ii m idll ]ness f'.p att'y'iJ! 1 il .il <> a, 'grand, square and upright", aro onoiinced by t)|0 . .s:i nd the people AND lis tap most beautiful niHlsiveet. oasi est toned I'laitosover mamitnctnr- ORCAWS...J:i ^,\Z KECBacxgsasBKasxsBjBsB pronnnn.eedthe I WASI-IIHGTON.itiest In tlio world. NEW jelRSEY.Keiiiiy/x .Mi9b?ited Uolden rolv,'Ued Pili'loi- Oroan. \ny manutaetureichallent'ed toeijual tbora. They nusudss power, depth, brllilancy and x.vropatbetle lolicacyr '-'xqnlsitoly beautifully s-nloetreets.and tneonlytop action ever Invented thatoannot be dIg. arranged by use. Tlio bellows oapnclty lsso'.'rcat thatbutdttlo ellort Isrequlr- ! oil wltn ttie fee-, to supply all tho air necessary. Best mndeantl mostotogant oases in the market. All solid wood nrnnminis. RvoryInstrumontfiillywar- nuioed 'orsix viars asst; flrst-olnss and sent on from 5 to 1<) testlrlnl1' A,l,irn.s>*>-"-i, v. BE.lTTV,:yashlnirl ton New Jorsev. ' ' * V'e linve rceent'v )>ubllslieil a ik w edi tion ()l l)r. Cittveriri'll'K ('<<le!ir:ilcil Ks- say on tho radleii.' and pernianent cure (wllboiu in ilicinejof Nervous i-ebility. Menial nnd I'll.- sied Ineni nelly. Inn c(|b meats to -Marriage, ele,, resi.ltlu^ flom e\'( esses, I'ripe, In a sea), d envelope, only G cents or two postiine slain i-k The celebrated anllior. Ill this able I-Iskii.v clearly delii* nslrali s, from tblrly yiars' Kiircfsstnl prnellce, tb l alarm 11.-c consi nm l-iees may be rndlen -ly cured wllliOut Ihu dangerous use of -inter nal medicine or the ii;ij (leniloii of the knife; oolnlinir out. n mode of erne M once simple, cerinin and el'eeiual. by jijeiuiKot which every suHei'pr.nn matn'r Mibat ills: condition m"y tie, mny cure bim;elf ebranly, privalelv n nd rolieally. , This I eelnre should belli i be barn's of every youth ii'ndevery man In the band, TIIL HtHi;KWElL JIlllHtL CO., I 41 .Vnu St., New Yorlj. Post pmjo Uok ISSfl. 4-ly @<itisEcn|3rtbd cerd) 61 The undersigned nu old retired physician having leen permanently cuicdof th'cjiiiicn cireaded diseaic "onHiimptloii by a simple' remedy, is ajixi.ous lo aake "known to his fcllinv-siifTcrcrs ihe means of urc. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of He prescription used, freei nf charge, wUh tlirec- ion*t for preparing and usin2 the same, which wilf c found a .sure cu:e for Consumption, Brtiri~ hitit!T Ctitttvrii. Axthma, *A>e, Has now iu Stock a'large and wpj)> a?sc?rjte ^ot ^ J DRY GOOD, GROCERIES,-" COCKERT, j GLAISWABB, &c. "Which be will (tell Chenp for Cttsh. REA0 - EVIADE CLOTHING a specialty. ' A large assortment of Felt and Straw Hats for > Spring; wear, The highest cash price paid for Produce of ull kinds. Acton, Mnrch 14. 1878. 6i f.d____~ 37-Sm .7 ' ;SPRING SUITS ! All the latest patterns of SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN in the mnrket, ufts made/to lOrder from $8 up A splendid selection of ATS ! .. Mountain. , , - Ogdenubprr. Eox'i3=o: N.V, Pull lines qf Gents' Furnishings Also Ctfttons, Shirtings and Ducks atfthe t East End Clothing Store. I Apton,April h, 1S78, FYFE :& McN^B. is the t;/. BEST NEWSPAr?i=R Piiblisied in Haltoa 0<mtiy $1 ONLiY I%r year, in advance. To Merchant and other iBusinesa .ken Acton, as well^as throughout the County, the Free Press is (an invaluable Advertising in Medium. =-i Our UhrlwlfestfaoUftl^ fori^wuiiog all-kind. t>l >_ i ' - i i BOOK AND JOB! PRINTIfiTG -i v Enable u* t turn out, wort equstl to 8nyt"hing don in4fcP Piie** -* T. ALBERT MOOEBi '*i- 1 ! I '" PublisHer axid Proprietos. r"-.

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