Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1878, p. 2

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f, >t l^ U V~-7'*'>'-'i! i ' i |',7.V0; *c.:r?a&w*ji'/zest 's -w.^v^J.t^J..;:Tk^^?s^:Ttta^s^^^l^^^^^^fl^.T.'Xii!C3s attaasiacseeBraoscBccBcraBxt: .agKBMrewgKaBcssa'aiMY'BBU'S'KSMa^^ TIIK./FUKK. PRESS, AOTON, IIALTON COTOTY, DNT,, OTXE WW ".".'" Nr.N lit!.! istr't:s: I i>w^ which should oeeupv the ut I ' / y Third.i\ Mini: 'tig \\ Per Autruvu*" ui Aiiwr.iee -^oian-f^i'.^o'lfross :.' S. W*. (-VI.IM! \irii>MCi-rnu;. teuttoti of nil Canadians who loved their country, -, I'voryiino should Imvo their mind's fully. niado it|i mi this subject, as tin/country dep' ml- Tiiri:?) ,.\\ Y< iiNi'ro, : r. (;. i ST*. 0l"\TRY. \OT PARTYr. Tho M'Jtoa ('Jri.>>? {>. of hist wir!;, says that the A.-h'N Fur*-" "Vltn^s has hv.'lieitu jxnt'.'xM'il to ' U> an iiul.-ix-a.irst. >mrnal. and i discover which way to record their thud tlmy-tim ill a very (lonrinliing condition.1 'I'lii'rysyro (juito n num ber ;of nmiiiifiwtliivrSpWwiH'H. \V. Moll & Co., C!lis. Raymond", ,1. 15. Armstrong,and others, for instance, who mo computing with American ed upon their beliefs. Thoy weiv | manufacturers,] on equal terms, and not bound to accept what ho ^li.J, f wt->" piospmin^. Ho mud if wo , ,, .,, , i , ,i ; ,.., lax salt wo will intorfero with thy out thoy could nut ltd up their own j, . . ,; , . ; ,,, , . -, . ' |, I Undo of liitiqliiiKl. - \\ o . do not minds after they had hoard tho I F0(|I1CQ cnollgh oouli.i ("amida to Mtpply thu demand, mid if wo put u lax of 75c per ton on .ill that comes to C'anada it will coiuo out of thi! pocket's of the inamifaeturorH, (lunation fully discussed. !! bc- Uovccl tlit* Ifieo Ti'iiiicra vvero just as. much i earnest as tho lYotcc- were. Tlio peoplu Of Can- ndii havo grasped this "| lestion, and they are at preaent trying to votes, when the inoper linio ar- riroH. He believed all parties would vote as tiny thought tho interests of their country demand ed, and that political party would not influence them. John Stewart Mills onco s.iid that a young coun- "of (!' National Policy.-'" Ti.o |-tvy 8bould prptect itself until it '* ca:iii-d- out lis ivn-fi-.xsion " with tyVrable >Ikvi-n%'" :ud thelV it gr> srUi to .s'.\S>: th.-^ c>t^ syi*l- | p.itliics aro with .^ii Jolni A< M:ic- tfiir.uM, on accnifiU ut our having ut iaht divl.'tied C;iirselvea in' f.vor -reason f^r. tho Cli'i:iii'"ii u.iving tbia ia b-i"si- we "avc an ar: c'.>- in the FltEE Punss of tlio T. IMlKf VS. 1 tlf Pro- ^ M,-y, on :'" l"iw Wvtion." " .-' The Viii:!: Pr.r.s:; as tire Ci-w.-Wi/r mvs, hrthcrtii prof, ssrii to be inJepetideitt, an f it at'll pro fesses to 1-c so. Perhaps the CiiiDh jr'i-v's idea i.fn pajier btir^ ""inde- pt^iideut," is tl was ln-n position to 'coiupoto with other countries. France, (Jermnny, Austria, and all the other principal countries, except England, are bo-" coming Protectionists. Tho Unit ed States aro bound, on account of their war debt, to put on a heavy duty. Ho gave the years'in'which the United .States had tried both Protection and Free Trade, and showed by f-titistics that while they tad Protection thev wcro! more t it slumld s-taiid by prosperous . ,itlian whin they bad aiuVsav not!.h.ij Uiat it thinks {;'^'rnde. -It was the Wq with i ? -. I Kngland as with t!hc I nited Smtes. 'I U in fit the-.^natry...-.: ..'. see [ T|le balance of trade was againit 11 o I it utin and yet do no good. At""ono time wo.paid 15 and SO cents'per gallon for coal oil, because foreign "trade, wjis bought up, tvheu thu duty wils lowered to (i cents per gilloii fiir oil, and the result is that \\- can now get ouiil oil for '20 eonts per gallon, llu would like if the opposite sid \touUl "suggest some remedy, and not ask tho people to voto for a measure which they did not know anything about. Mr. \V. V. Boitty, of Tlafalgnr, :waa nsked to say a few words, lie showed that if 5,000,000 bushelH of'grain wero exported from Can ada and- 4,000,000 bushelf were imported from tlio States. Tlio l,- 000,000 bushels iiujiorteij would crush out tlio name ninnber of bushels horn Canada to' other countries, wliich would; most, lind a nfore prblitablo mar ket in Cauada. Wu ilo i'o?."',"i|,iiri! to import cattle or grain fvon tier conn tries, as wo puoditc.: tr.Oio nun wo want, and ho thought if th'oy brought; things hero, they shiuld pay a duty the same, as wo have to pay them.' JVussttifuwuiyn <'oiii<'il. i______. .i The Council unit, pursuant to nd- jonriiineiit, on JMunlay, tbo 27tb day ol May. r.[. Members all present, tlio Itrevo fn l.ho chair, Tlio minutes of lust meeting wero read and eonliijuurd. _. 11 r. M,onzii)s" moved, Heconded by Mr. WntHon, thai (Jiwrgo JJ.trnet' be appointed pathinaHtei' iii Div, No. 8, in plucn >f Jolin Winyitrd', and thrtt Jiiiiioh -MjoDowell bo ap pointed in Div. ^fo. ;tl3 in placo of Samuel McDowell,- Carried. Mi\ Monzies niovoil, Keconded by Mr. Ihjtdieon, that tho statute labor of Cirgill and Wheelighan bu eipially divided between divisions Nos. 25, 32 iind.'lb. Carried. Mi'.. moved, seconded by Mr. Watson^ that tho sutn -of J?2 bu paid,to J. McGregor for re pairing two culverts in divisions Nos. 12 and 10. Carrie.l. Mr. I[iiteheon moved, seconded by Mr. Menzies, that tho following "accounts bo paid, viz : $1.32 to.l. Kitsterbrook for clothing furnished to P. McCiarrigal, and ?2 to T. ; J. Stijiret for printing liy-law up- poibting Township oilicurs. Car- iried. Mt, Wheelighan moved, pcoii:1- eJ by Mr. Watson, that the follow tug sums bo paid to tho parties named below for sheep killed by dogs, tho same' having been duly certitieil, vix :---5..1 i to Arch. MePhe.deiMli for W slit-op, S'22 to J. li -11 for live sueep, yi.Gfi to It. K imshaw for one sheep, sii.GG to W. Caroll fa'one sheep, ^> I .<IG to A. Jackson for one sheep, and to_ ruin In toie it wo i!d- u, and not only was the balance *.:1:. its voice, simplv f..r fear of | of Hade against ns, but wo had to . j borrow money from England to ii-juniig.lhc fcn-1-jiigs..-f .souio po- nlako upTc.r/it. People say that liti'iil. party. Our id -rut. It is our .7.:.'y pnj-thing 'vhi'-!l we ;b;nffit the couis'.rv. -a is liill'-r- Protection .'would increast the ti> :..!vaucc pri^o.of gooifs manufactured here, . . ... i'but bo Mid it would not. The think .'" joj.pclsire side s.tid that Protection 'uo nvattcr j will not benefit tlie nianufactiirer. whetliei- it trends on tho the Reform or CV.i.^ei vative party. Ko,doubt the ai title above r.-feired to treacis or. tho corns of the for mer, -and the t'.v.i.'i'i'i'nu. 11 no to c^i ;is of For instance, bo would .take a stove iiianufactuier. S'.ipnos.; ho-'makes one 'hundred stoves- per year, and has. ten dollars on each", stove. Manufacturers in tho States, in oruer to relieve their stock, tlood the Mr. James Massie, M.P.P., of l2;;10 to,J; h,f* r* 2 bh^K I.relpii, next spoke. Unsaid, as lu]t V^:! ^^"^ ... i it w ,1, . lUKiriN. Ill Antiill, nil ('In! .'tc'il ill-:t., tin- -wife (if Mr. linbl. I 'receli, of a daughter. SJ lltKSJII. At. tlie.,p:ui.oii,'i^n, N'a'i.-i^iiweva, mi. III.: :iH'iin!., by tlie I! -.v. "Mr. M'eKui- 7.i.!, Mr. .bn"|i!i I'1.; iniley, ui"'iii,'tu Mii-i . I alia, d-ia^litur of' lliehai'il .fuliu- H.iu, i;.|., f, Kmue.iiiij,'. At tlie I'e.iiileiiee .of l.lio bride's fifthur, on tho U-itli iiH.,.by Kev. K'"\V. SVnr ' , ?MrJ .Inhii I'noli, ti> AliH'i Ann ...In , flailghtor (if Mr. \Villini|i.(>ri]i both of .Ki-in. fn Inycrw.ll, on Sniiilay, li'Mi ult,, nf cetiMiiiiijitien, W'illi.'iin, I't.-e-iiul feu tlm late'vl'liarlcs (.'avminfjli of pin"' , ci>iii|i')i<ij<>i'i anil bri'tlier 'of (.'hnrleii. (!. ('nvaiia^li, ui the I/er(ilit oll'iec, (Jcorgc-. town, .inied 31 years. ' Kri'S' (J.-i:':.-ia. :-iliiATi:fr'i. anu i;.im I'oliTijtii, " Uy a th(irnil((ii kiiowie.lge of thu ii.itn.rnl- laws "which guvern the (ipnrntioii:! .-of dig<itinii and uiitrith n, aiel ly a careful apjilieatieii nf the tine pr.dpurtie.H of well selected eoeoa, Mr. Eppa lias prnvideil our breakfast t'lhle:; with n delicately flavored beverage whiehiii ly save us many h'.mvy dnct'ins' bills. It in by the ju.lieiuiis line nf Kiich article* of diet that a omiHtitution may bugradiinlly built up untilntruiiireiimi^li Do resint every teudeiicy to dieease. Hiuiilriyl!; nf aiibtle iii.ilailierf are floating around uu ready t.i attairk wlierevcr I thore is n weak ji-iint. We may c-e.i]ie many a fatal ehnft by keeping nt:ruche.' WollfuTtitied with ]iure lilnnd and a pro perly nourished frame." -Civil .Vfe/c Oux'.tl,'. Hold only in jiiekutii labeled - '/.l.iMr.s Kith ,t C.i., irn-.ii'enpatiiii Chemii.t, -1H, Tliruidiicedlu Street, and 170. r'ioe.-idilly. bond.m." -j. / , iv#ii- ',\.__ Fill MUWl^ 1IM- Mum\Q Miiin Street, Acton. W'M. LBITH Would res[iectfu!ly call'the at tention of the public to his.iuiluense stock of XI hy U A ST0VEJ5 .Uwi i Cimaiiiau market with their stoves. its 'p.iirty,!' att.-ii'-pts to refute the j j| wo were protected the manufac- a.-rJments advanced. "The Ch-na-| turer in Canada irould have to inako iuot'0 stoves the' 'pi'i:), like all Reform, is bound to stick nji for its party, and quietly swullo'.v the Free Trade {irinciple.s. or sever it3 connection with the Reform ranks. T^ie dif ference .between an, independent arul a party jourifal is that the former dors its faith to the ctm! tail of the leader of either political rparty, arid the Rifoirn jonrnals accept wLat tho. Hon. ( Alex. Mackenzie says as gospel, _as the Conservative jpiiririabs do what Sir John A. liucDonald ^aj-s. If there was Ices-jiarry nnd more -country itistilled. into these jour nals it would be better fur the latter," although injurious to ' the foritsr. The motto cf ilje party journals is "J'irty before Cotnilry,' .and that of the ind^]iendent jour nal just tha pppooite, " Country "before.Party." II tl* foitmr was to be taken aa the motto of all papers in this countryj'.it would result in the curse of Canada. ( wo.produeu more wheat than we use, it might be profitable to send iiiigrounil wheat away and get wheat froi'ii tho S'.atesy whieii the millers could grind and ship away, and thereby have a profit on it. Mr. Wright had said that Franco was tho most .prosperous countryi-iii the world. The money winch p'^id ollj the: national' debt of Fraiicewas advanced by tho Rothschilds, and the country is paying off that ilelt now. Tlie imports and exports of Fin ce have" been dcerensiu.', wii 1 those of.' England have been in - 'creasing-,; arid alio is increasing $125,000',0u0'. per year in sold wealth. In Canada wer-Jiavo-' had to borrow money, as Mr. Wright said, but wo havo built the Canada On inotiou the Council adjourn ed and met. as a Court of It--vision and Ajlpeal. Court orgauiz.d with tho lieevo in tho chair. Sum: chalices Wero madu ill the Apples, per Ij.i^ ' ., d. . the as-,i'asuieiit roll/7 examined in !,.i ,. : . i ACTON' 111 It Si ITS Flour ... ..." .. .^u' Fall Wheat, . . spring Wheat. S'pimite,! Spring Wheat Rirliiv '....... Oats ' ....... IV-as ... ..... Batter (fiv.ili rolls) Klltter (:-:illed'l.ill,;) .'. bird (bht) - .. I.nrd (dark I' KgMH (new laid) J'ntatueH, p-r.bag Apples, per ha which he is now selling Very <'!ie:i2>. Ilaviiit; lind. an experience ol inai.y jars, all urdeio lor . b i i J 8 -{J -- ,i u 3 i- " . *-J L'.Tto '.? 7." 1 10 to I !:! () '.10 to 0 !i-.' (17.") to ! '.i.'i 0 CO in ') (:!l ('..'(:) in n m .1) Hi) tu d ( :) 0 I", fn (I IS 0 1J tn (I I'J 0 10 t-. I) io* i!e Ktire uml go to [,eith'.if you O ns tu () (Hi ' >' 0 i.-Sf i. 0 10 0 do j.. o ('.". , . 1 (10 |u I nr,i>' -i good J ih of Eaveirougbit 10 0!i tu (:! ',!! j tlotie." ,' '". .' ......... I ftepaiZ'ing- .' and ^il!ayctrc^.:I^ in5, ; v.-ill i e Jilled jii ihe s'iioriest notiOi, j and in the lie. t slyl?. lie Mine w-ii-.t g-.od g >y i >": Cl.v, l)::v ('!.. c.rr.i.v.' I'l.- Fill /.Ol, :ir,' per <;ri:i.i'il,-I Ido White Wile -.t-, per 1 ill-ill demand, and ho held that if he made more stoves he could afford to sell them cheaper. He held up' 'France as a successful country, the , ., most prosperous country in tho ' Southern Railwuyvand other public. world, and ho attributed Pro- :;,rk3. auJ, therefore, wo were tectiou. Ho said tht>t it was 'all ,b ^J? borrow fi-om Lngland. Mr. Wright also saul tlmt the __ The minutes, by-hiwp, rrporta rind accounts" of t'ho Municipal . Council of tho County of Ilalton, far 1S77, ii. jiamphlef form, is to band. It pnnted r.t tbo iiil'.on CJitiiiij'itiii ofiice. It is very well printed, but the errors in it are without^" nuiulwr. On j a^o 73 it siys that "two extra examinations to tho Oakville High S-'bool were held during tlie year," vlien it should read uitrmtcc ; off page 112 J. H. Hacking is credited, with having printed the ' Schedule Connections'," instead of tl Sekeduje VI Convic o <." and -"tlteie are a nuinbtr of jib.ces wlivrc wrong figures are jiux in, v bicb only make a difference \of 20,000 in some . cists. -;. The 'whole of" the proof-- r -iiding^ tlirooglioxit the' pamphlet "is a crsrilt.t io no publisher. Per haps the printing committee will fi:id that the c'.-capt-Kt printing is nwtriilwavs the best. f< NATIONAL. PQLfcCY." A pnblic nicfirng of electors was held in the Tei'rp randr. Hall, in this Village, on" Wednesday even ing, 29ib irlt., to. diEoma the public affiirfe of the day. Tlie meetiiig jvas called in the interest- of Pro- i"Clion, and Tt was onh < f the best conducted politic.1 meetings tlia.t J6_hav6 ever uttended. Mr, W. !H. Storey was appointed chairman, md nctcd his part in a Very im- piutial nwnner. 31r. A. W. Wright, or-"Toronto, wan the^ fiist speaker. He rhji! very well For the .Americans to send goods over to Canada and sell them cheaper than we can. Their object; in this was to crush' out yoqnger establishments,aft-er which' they could coDtrol the market and charge their own prices, . Wo want Canada to be a manufacturer's ns well as producer's country, and, therefore, we should foster our manufactories. \7o cannot sell 'to the United States without paying for the privilege of doing so,.while they: bring things to Canada and pay nothing. In reference to tho griin question, ho said that every bushel of grain which was brought from the States pushed a bushel of our grain into a foreign' market. Canadian markets must be better than the foreign ones,or.the Ameri cans would hot bring their goods herp.. Free Trade has ruined the Dakuh weavers in India. It was weaving on which they depended for their snpport. Power looms ; were started in England, and, hav ing no Protection in India they could not shut out the .English goods, being dependent oij. that country. The goods manufactured by tie power loomsr were of an in- inferior character, and sold cheaper. This caused the starvation of thou sands of operatives in India, in conclusion, he said that whin the electors were going into the polling booths they mist not tbir.k" that they are voting for the man, but they are writing a page in the history of their country, and they should do so as their, consciences dictates. He hoped, they would not be carried away by the elo quence of anyone and be persuaded to [look through party Bpectacb s. Mr. Wright's speech lusted for over an hour and was. listened to with great attention. Throughout his whole speech he was continually applauded, and at the close' the applause was deafening. Mr. Johnston, of Guelph; was next called; upon. He Said that there is a depression'"in till depart- m nt of inaiufaotures just now. We have an existing stat*) of affairs, and the opposition should say what change . they want, nnd not offer nothing for what fjiey take awny. Lsibor has'just as much right to be protected as manufacturers. If we want to protect manufacturers we should protect labor,; and not allow emigrants to come to Canada'. The United States put on a high tariff -in order io pay off their war debt, but they-lwere going to lower it. ;Ke cited'the exports and imports bf England to prove that. Mr. ' Wright was entirely-wrong about Iter having decieased finder Free Trade. JHo referred to JJio large supplement ; which the'"" Guelph Herald lately published, in which it gave a.history of the niabufac toiiesin the C itinty of Welliihjtrn. People said that manufactories of all kinds were depressed, hut he would only refer then to tho above United States uianufucturica did not amount to anything until they had Protection. In reply to this ho would merely say that no less than fifteen sugar refineries were closed in the States las^ year. He gave tho names of several manu facturers who had left Canada for the States, thinking, at tl o had Protection, they would do better "over ^here. Messrs. Ran dall, Farr.S: Co., of Hespeler, had received a bonus bf a quarter 6( a million dollars to reniove . their manufactory from Canada: to the ^tates. One of the members of that firm had told him (Mr. Massie) that it "Was the dearest money he ever got, and also that while thoy were in Canada they did well but now they are worse off with the quarter of a million dollars than they were in Canada without it. He said that ;Mr. i Robert Hay, of Toronto; was not leaving Canada for the States 'because they, had Protection oyer there. Mr. Hay has dorie a gcol business in Can ada under .free Trade, and, not withstanding tho fact that they bad been burnt out several times, he lately handed over to his part ner $1-13,000 as his share of the profits. Tho only object he ;ould see for this cry of Protection bo- ing raised was to bring the late Government into power [ again. He defied Mr. Davin, who was the next speaker; to show one single corrupt action on tho part of the Mackenzie administration. Mr. Davin was received with great applause. Ho spoke for con siderable tiiiie on'tho " Kaministi- quia Job,". " Stael Rails," " Pacific Scandal," &c, and said he supposed they wero not corrupt acts, but little acts of "indiscretion." Al though-Mr. Davin spoke for a long time, bis speech did not carrj^ much we'git with it, little anecdotes mostly, occupying the time, which kept the audience in good humor. ' Mr. Wright moved, seconded bv Mr. -Davin, that a vote of! thanks be tendered to the chairman, which was, carried. Mr. Storey replied in suitable terms, and said that he always esteemed it his duty when chosen chairman on. such occasions to act independent and impartially,; and though he had no desire on this occasion to ventilate his views on the question at issilo, hel wou|d, nevertheless, take tlie liberty-tD state ;that he was a Protectionist- and wus in a position to judge of thebenefits the country, as a whole, would derive from such a policy,' ~ . The meeting then rejourned. A meeting in opposition to the "National Policy" was held in the Teriinerance Hall last evening. Re port ne*t week. I . part, when on motion the Cnuri adjourned' and Council, the. lt'-eve itv the Chair. Mr. Watson moved, seconded by Air.' Hutcheon, th it at next meet ing of Council a Bylaw vill lit: in troduced to enip'jwer and autli iriz-.! tuistees of school section No. '> o borro.-.v a certain sum nf money for building uu addition ' to the ! j^""">-' wl,^f- - School house in said section. Car- i iiarjt'.v-" ' ried. . Pons"'.. Mr.jMenzies moved, seconded by i Hay, per ton -':"V I'"1',h'/:- ~: !.nttor, per lbs ing members of this Council no at)- i...... . ,,... i , o . ., ^ i i m..I'ic.. pel I'.-y pointed to exain:no roads and Hn^.-., per cwt bridges where money has been ap- ('lev. r .-.,/ -1 plied for a*id report at" tlio next r'!l1 ,!iy SL" ' meeting of Council, viz : Messrs. WJii-'elighan, Hu'cheon, and Ml-is- zie.i, from lots 1 to 15 inclusive, and Messrs. R-iinsny and Watson from lots 1G to 32 inclusive across the Towiibhip. Carried. ,: Air. Hutcheon moved, seconded by Mr. Watson, and resolved, that the Treasurer be, and ir. hereby in structed hnd authorized; .to' borrow the sum of .$700 for thfl payment of repairs oti roads and bridges, and for other Township purposes. Car ried. On motion tho Council adjourn ed to meet again on Saturday, the Sth day of Juno next, for tho pur pose of closing tho Court of. Revi sion and for' other township busi ness. > ' L J. Eastekbiiook, T'p. Clerk 1 -..I tn t'ill'.Al- 0 O !A!:r:.::Tr I'ilK-iS ii- . 1) 1,1 in li'^osllitre Ttii-ii'ij ;>< E?n-h;i:i^^. V.'.M. f.kiTH, Proprietor. . Act.ei, M reh '.':!, Is77. - rri,_ ~r -L <_; i_/. <j _-j> i-.j your ;iouses, V r--" -( ' (I, itCu' :)1 .") tu -i ' i Hi tu 1 '-J !. 1 IIS I., I 'J.' . 0 li'l ... O !,'". o So t i <> :;i 0 to tu 0 -!."> : o <:.) tn <> i;-j .1 n no ;,,i'_' (I I'd t:i 0 i".-; o ii tn O ] _' I 0 O I ;u.O 7." j 4, SO to .-, Ill j -1' UO tn ." CO | 1 Ml tu 'J -J.-l - >". IJk : > _ / r.v'^T' -i - ._: :5"J /-.A:d rJi-rn;:" ,-^.ir ; pii/PBE. i.T.i-:::.-; :.>.f. tfjt? v-;t loweit ratea^ :- fV.-.yii r.r;.'. e--/-.: u' rv j'.t;-n.-l d t-i. .AH orders to be 'left* at. Wiiiiatti Waiker's l-'.iaiile.:i(:e. .-t"."." Acio.'i.' NKW ADVfittTISivMKXtS. .'.inn: nn the prciiii.-e.Kif 'ho sub.icj-iu- er, abuat the 17th May, une cv.e. 'i'l:.: ouller i.-j rcjlic.s'eil t.i^p.iy e':ar_'es, preve property and t|ike it away. IX WIiJ.rAM.SoN", t, it 29, on. 7, X.issaeawey.".. ptoiv openeij. The subscriber,.having purchase." |.he Actun Plow- Wc.rk.H, is prepared to fr.r- nish fjingle and Duable Franio Imn Plows, an well r.i the Buss I'ang Plow, which has gained thu .reputation nf beiiii: the beit Gan.n Plow made, at the u.^ rates. ".All repairs d.iiio on the shortest notice aud at tlic'clicapest pric-s. 37-tf SVl)N"-j;Y .SMITH, Ef-lleit .-p llli hlU l-.','--. ntioi to Wajksr &. Gamsroii i ^io.: ' .-', " .y.ri n Pity .>' :' go KT IJItX ES'LL. Unyal "Jcatifnrd," dam, imp. "T.ady li.irnep,-' sire, imp. " Itnyal Oxford > J" * U.HllOJf, .1111 , Jill II, IV./Vill I ITIi AnOtncr Attempt tO ASSaSSi- Owynnc," will serve cows ,, the 1, tii.-yt this is a Berions question, and j namel Conservative sheet to prove a.E.lMcGaiivin,dr..ggi!,t,rActoU) J. B. McGarvin, druggist, Acton, The Toronto Lacrosse club beat the Shamrocks, of Montreal, last Saturday. nate the Emperor of 'Germany. A telegram from Berlin states that whilo the Emperor was taking a drive at 2:30 last Sunday after noon some shots, apparently pro ceeding from n Iioubo in the Avenue Under den Litiden were fired ,at him. Tho Emperor was wonrided' in one arm and one cheek by buckshot and smn]} shot. , The would-bo assassin is Dr. Nobling, occupying apartment at No. 18 Under; den Linden. When his door was forced open ho fired upon and wounded the hotel keeper, and tried -to commit suicide, but was secured. The Emperor's personal attendant jumped into the carriage and*supported the Emperor until the carriage reached tho palace. The Emperor was conveyek to bed. Several grains of shot extraclod, causing great loss of blood. He suffered great pain, but never lost consciousness up to tho latest m me.nt. Noblie.g fired tw' e with a djoubledytrrelled gun. The Emperor -received about thirty small shots in the face, head, both arms, an.l -hack. The assassin is Karl Edward Nobling, a native of of Kolno, near Birbaun, aged 32. He is a resident of Berlin, and a doctor of Philology, an agricultur ist, and habitue of tho Democratic Social club). Ho confesses his crime, but obstinately refuses1 to state his-tno.tives A strong escort of police barely sufficed to protect Nobling from the mob. Nobling confessed he cherished his iuurdor- nns design for eight days because he considered the Emperor's re moval would be a. public benefi'. Ho declared ho favored socialism. The latest account is that the Emperor is doing Favorably, -4 Tiq 1 far Barrie and Burling ton Beach ; Those who enjoyed tho ex cursion jto.tbc8e different pkeea'oalled at McLepd, Anderson & Co.'a and se cured thoir Millinery, "Manth^, Linen Costumes, Linen Wrappers, UmbrellnB Parasols, Gloves, Silk Neck Ties, Col lars, Cliffs, Hose, Boots. 4c. Ladies adjoining the ('. T. It., Acton. Terms Pedigree Cows, $7.00; Gr.ide Cow?, ?2.00, cash ; ?1.50, credit. Also two Berkshire Bimrz will he kept for service at the same place. Terms, 1.00, cash. . 40-Gm C. ?. SMITir. Farmers, now is the time to inprovc your stuck" The first prize bull, "Sir William Temp'e," III, (83) got by "Sir William1 Temple,"[22!)'i], d/im Diana, by Ke.l Prince [fiOlijI.g. d.mi Anni'tta, by the CJaelph Haroir [8(!3], -U19 g. .g.. dam. Ann, by Patriot [5'J.")], will serve cows on the premised of thu undersign ed during the season. Tfrrms to in- sure iThoroiigli-brod coWs, tj-i.00 Gradc'.cows, "J 1.50. ' JOEL.LESLIK, 44-3m* , pot No. ,*>, con 1, Krin. LADIES'. STRAW HATS AND BO.VN't'T.S Clc.incil, dyed ami altered to the pre sent fashion. " MRS. WM. TJIOMrSOX,'. 43-3m Bower Street, [Acton. QASII FOR STAVE TIMBER Having purchased tlie inills formerly belonging to P. & H. .Snycfs, at Spy- side', I am'prcpai'G.l tn pay c.ish for's.oft elni and oak Stave Timber. Casli.aWIl also be paid for good, sound. Pino. 45-4t' -EUWAKD MOOPtE. QXiil FOrl SHIN3. ,\" I am prepared to pay tho higliest- cash price west, of Toronto for all classes of Calf and Sheep Skins,' deliv ered at my tannery. La'co Leather con stantly on hand. 4l-lv JAMES MOORE. J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. Ttt'-'KriCE to TRESPASSERS - All persons found tisdiing or shooting -oh my premises, without leave, will be prosecuted according to law. 47-3t U Ullrf^li J^ ljj.\. -,* .mi "imm Vi.i' U.-..1 > v.V I -J r ,p :c (Our gr SLACK LTJ3TE-S3, i T.i1. .1 ) ii 773 a.~3 o.x3r:ng-iE striTis^A-Da: .' ilu Urilvcllr.: ,- I i C2:--? C2SA1? Vc?y. Clioap. v{.D. iV pesatve Spacial Attention. .: "//" !' E3 i3!K3.-fc: a* J&,&:*b.h&<J 2*& Cashmere Jackets, evicry price. Corsels Every size of our popular Adjustable Corset. ' t Gents' Furnishings, very attractive. HilHnery, fashionable nnd cheap. Linens, Cotton?, Hosiery, Sheetings'," Prints, Quilts, ike. Black Cashmeres 'Our stock ia.fully assorted. ,- -" Inspection I'nrllrnlarly -Vslicd For. W. Stewart & Go., GHEH'SS. " June 4.187S. ! j * ) James Rr er': nd* - Linen Costumes, we are olleriug-dc-1,. ,v ^ , .- , " ,, , . ...\, . ., ^ :,',,= i 0ar magnificent as=!oi-lm^iit of i)ress Goods is sti.l tha gr.-*t aif c ' Ouelpli. We have tlio largest choice, thr- newest styles a cJtors, aud o'.r prices are the ' >.p-i ii town. . 0nr.I'2ic. Grrcnatliiici are.thu {>i;etuest (?(Mi(te of the .Season; -r " ' ' f " Oiir Colored Lucres, every, possible sUattle, *re; splendid valuo. " "/ : .. ,-..' : Our 8 cent "Striped Lawiis nvc .simply wonderful.. Everybody should see them. .. " i. SILKTS. :' ' A ', 1 - "-. 1 : r*or some time pis! our neighbors in ottiar stores bave tjeerr clainiing ttt offar speciil value in BL.\iJX SlL'.Clo. W<*'assert pOMtively, OH "._the'evitlMico of ^hose who know, that our -- - ISIaeli Silks for S>rcsss ami-for SSantlas, ara -roperio? to any in ._ Guelph, r.n.1 far lower in prioe? '. Colorfca Silks.^4kl.irge variety of"-tho,-e norrferful Fancy SilkB, iiiclPiJ:- ing t he favorite gr^'y;' with bhjck stri-p.e,' nt -IJ qeuts. ' * "*> . Striped. O'rg-iudii ;L- .Wishes to tlinnk tlie public for the patioi.ii^e Uiey !::i\'e cunlei rect up-. o.i lit iii het-cUii\.r... As til1-books and not s were destroyed by-fir-, lie would be thankful ji tlit/si- nBaiiiM wlimn beheld lnici woiilil st\e him tlio tlitir.s :rnil ninoui t oi them, :.nd al.--o If tho.1;.! whose iii'c.iunfs liave jlx en reiuU-rc.l would biln^ th ;ni forwarl uiiJ settle. He would also say that lie Ji> STILL 0 AttRTXi-rffon BUSINSSS 'at tho oldtt^n-l,.. " , ivhero he ivllt be i;hul to see Ids old cus-i Grey Factor1', 's t.iTners, mid. as times ui-e lnrd, tic has Ill^nelieil mauc the prices tosuli lliem. ' uiutuiu, . "*Vc Ii;ivc ii Magultfcctat Assorlment of (liese Cood*. ^ .:' Striped ^iwn-SuiiTnas.! . "- IQc ; Lr-wn 'Checks,' Swiss Cheeks. Njjj1^*" 10c i soblcs, Jaconets, ir, endless va*ety: Colored Striped Liwns..only .S ccne 7 FARASQi^.. We are sho-iving a mignifieenl assortment -every1 color,, eyery niatsnal,. every oriio, beglnnins at 25 cents. "-. ooa?^03srs. T*"TE\y^NG! WEAVING!!; , All orders in tho Wcavingline prompt ly attended to. Special attention paid to Carpet Weaving. ' MRS. H. McLOUGHLIK, 40-4t near Crewson's Corners. -qressma-kingT : "" r"" Wo take tliis opportunity of announc ing to the inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that wo havo started d-ressniaji.] 'dence, John-st . I.;)ott; at tTaesc Kr.ics : Lumber Waggon, complete, witli spiirfi. scut, ?70.uj. ' Democrat iVasion, $100 to 110> lJllBgll-B,,?lDI) ioU0. PlY'dwrirn i ..'AU w'!3 i"}'e f\ Waggon or Bngy at ItiLl OJN i. JJllilt. these ra ,es cliU'and gtvo j'cur orders jit once. .'..--. i Matorlal and '"Worlnaanslilp' Guarantooa. they enjoyed tfia excursion iXitelv I Ade^ left ^,th "8 T'" reCeiV,, pro^ more < iiuimteiy I attention. The most reasonable price: -:------' i__' ___________t charged. -j J. E. McGarvin, (lrug^iBt, Acton, 3:Om : M-ISSES BELL & STONE Joblilnu ax- follows i H ORSjE-SHOEIN-G A SPECIALTY New S loes, 2oe. Setting Shoes, 10c. Entire HorseP, ?"M:0, for now shoes. ' - - ' 1.(10, for setting shoen LaylnttShenr.-', 5Ue. to $I.oo. " OouHoi'P, i5e.ioCOc. -, AU other Jobhlng In proportion. 3c ! Prints rb'ast colors, ~ oc ] Priuted Piques choice, "triped, '-". 6c ic?e isr We have tho-largest and cheapest st'oclcln-town. *A special jin ai 56c, deserves particular attention. It is t^T These prices are for Cash only. All worlc charged the old rates. Flirt her particulars n^xt week. . Yours truly, 41-3m ' JAMES RYDER. *-i Slillisicry ami dimities, -J Dress 'Making', - Tj ^ Tail onus, Carpet^ -.."' ' ' - 1 TllG Lion ^ms to be far ahead of aW ifa r.; .Neighbors. GuoIpb,.IdnQ 1. 1S1SC J. D. WILLIAMSON 4c OQy

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