Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1878, p. 3

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^^^^^E^^^^^^N^^^KK^^MKKMKKMKuUtitoUiseiiiik& .'-"^ V-'y **& ^- ! J THE FREE PRESS, . ACTON^ !HALT^ 1878, i i The barn \of IVlr. Nicholas li X r>y Express -\Wf tcrn-mkil" '-Losdoa mixed 11:30 .vm. {.IT p.m." S':30p.iiiv Service iu thoiMethodist Church every .SfthKiUi **iisnjrt *t hnlf-vaM six oY'.oek: ami fnorn^neniiilovon- top on lb<* flrisi HRMwtli' or rncU -moatvt. Rev. K. llonns, i**U>r. ' tftCAl MATTERS. in memory of vhk i*ate 1 nk rir. T\m.t TrvitU cave Acton as follows:-- ,, , , . -. { .,;o1>;'\vj:>t, , lorboa of < row-son s I orncrs, wna, >lc- Nijcb-t fcxpr.-fs - - - 1:0-3:1.m. | siroyod by 'tiro . on "Sunilay tnormr.g, Toronto r.-.v>l - - - .0,lO*,m. ; low ?SW : .' uwuranco ?500 ' Ineoiidiar- l>y ' - ,. V.Mp.m, | istu Ul0 calll>0- t.W'i - - * v" o.l 1 p.m. I Gait mixed - - - -, 7:07 p.m. | On tho evening of Wednesday, ..,. ' >;o;n->: r.A-ir. - j ICtli iust., ni\ entertainment will. be Gilt mixed ._." -'. . VM-Ja.m. W m -ll0 lcml*-'rancc UnU> ^ r^ 1"1" ] iNuw i\ comrade bravo has gone "'Corners'. It will consist of readings, Ami his1 friends tiro, left, nlono,.' JtmT, t'lSHLIt. 1\V A KKIUltT OK VTT1HAS. Vlrotliora of chivalrio tie., Heed tlio Moepitig Widow's Bi^li, Hear the orphan's pleading cry Aid tho faint Mid weak !: lings, recitations, speeches, Jkc, ami a lecture 011 " Manitoba'.' by tlio Rev. Mr. Camp bell. Tor particulars boo posters. t i, ' . t f \tr. I As a Kniirht ho freoly envo <ro Honey at J. K Mc- J Tjn>e ?ml mo^na the/cam,u to 81lV0 Cs.rvm'fc. r Mr. Adnni "Wiulow, who went to. Manitoba a Jfcw weeks ago with a I party of young men has returned to ) Acton. Not beiuj; able to procure anj- ; : Riryrs. solid IS c:init U0rk there, he thought it. would bo rrese-.ils at Hyuds' Jcwclery Store. A j should go there with less thancSl.OOO. splendid stock. :------irr^^^z^ j peeted home shortly. . - The Schohistie Ai'irs for Jufto Seeds, at McG.irvin's. | contains., an excellent cut of MoGill j CaiVcrsity, Montreal, and also -of the s<ort " - : "" proposed Union Church and School _, - . , . . _ ,. ' I House at CoteSt. Luce. This journal J~ T'll F S n S i is l>ommg deservedly popular, ami is .nrojau uere. . - [-. rvaper which 110 one interested in edu- : The lee Oronm soason is now [i:-*ion should be without. It is pub- vpea.'. Call on C. \V. lli'.l. jiii'slied montcdy by Mr. Ceo. Maynard, Make their lieartfeli; griof youir own- Words of comfort speak. I Ho was noblo, true, and hrtvo ; ^'okO K. Metiarvin's drii store j tuy good^reliable ' Montreal at $1.00 per ynar. r.e i-cs; riace Turnip Seed lit McGnrvin's. The Open Division held on T.iei-0 :s some tlk of having j Tu(.S(Uy jvoning last, under the- aus- tered every day. to lay ! pVocs of Acton i>ivision. Sons of Tern- '^" '-j perance, wa*. a success.'VfThe hall 'was Mr., r. (.}. \\ iddows jiasse^ } with au audience e G.T.K. oii Moa- : eouiposed of members of ActouDivision, ' ; j C're".\ tori's t^oniera' l>ivision r.nd Pros- No i^iness of av.v importance ! 1VCt D'VV"'"- Na^sagaweya. together, . . * . 1. ., .! with tho.-e in lids vicinity who are in- our stro thrx^u^h _-kCt< *Iiv eve^;::rr. a.< triiiiacteJ at the inceuaa Pt. the .,, ,. t., ,. ,,,, . ^ ' terestcil 111 the temperance cause, lhe Ii.v-i I.._n:. Mk-.s0.av 0^:1::^. - ; ,',-.*, f ' programme was goo.l, and consisted of rcidings, recitations, vocal 'V - A " r :tTs ct P.-.-v. Mr. Hob'k w-.-i >'H e.Av. in Ice Crca.T.:7; r-: vt Jhortli:.:: -.hinds it G.; ..p^ohes l>a:"d ins ttumetital music ' etc. The meet- to S*. '*r^' broke r.-i about 10:30, everybody uj i!c being y. ell .s.-.::st:ed with the eveuing!s e-.'.tk rty.'.'.r.-.eSjt. : c-.n sujii^y Pure -'Go li. 11. Mi'l-lOV/s- fell" -.-Tj'iic ll.ilton chroker tilaycrs ^e:1.':1.-.1. t.:e (^i^i'.pli players i:i tleorgc- to\: :i 0:1 Tu. :-.:.-.y eve'.:::ig. Only nine ; ...ytd on e...-h side. ^fHe following is i Wo alt lovo so woll. Kow, when ho is laid to Bleep . Where the tender ivioa croon, O'er luVgilont foera wo weep, ; And hi# virtues tell, Jle wastaken from our band Rudely by I>oth's cruel hand, > And akmc as Knights we'Dtand, > Hearts in anguish sore. But we turn' lint, from the trust Left us by his lleathig dust, Aud the orphau's woes we must Soothe for evermore. ] By our brother gone before. By thjjso blissful days of yore,- liy the future joys in store, : iThis we pledge to do : We will calm the widow's fear?, Wc'wiU check the orphan's'tears, Watching them through future years, " Chivalric and true. - . We will load them through the night, Till thoy see the dawn of light, And Life's sunbeams, pure aud bright. Fall brouud theitf way. . This sh'all be our earnest \'ow, As before hia dust we bow ; ( Hearts may change, but we, .13 now Kuighthcjiod's debt will pay. By our hopes of Life's sky fair, Uy the jivj's' that soothe unr care. We will ever fondly share Bliss with hearts so'lone. Then, wlicn Time shall be'110 more. And our Knighthood days.'are o'er, We shall meet and part no more With our brother gone. . Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant, to the " Voters' Lists Act of JlSTti, by; his Honor, the Judge of the County t'ouitt of the t'ouu- tv of lialton, at - ' '. MATTHEWS' HALL, EXPRESS! ME. JASa-BTOMSi Having niado arrtingomcuu wiUi H19 G,.'T.;K. in now i*i'oprotl to curry any ] EXPRESS AND. FRBIQST : Delivorod nt Aolon stntion, at VtiRY CHEAP KATE$ Bo Btiro and seo thnt Burns carries your goods, as ho is uuro to deliver thorn sure. 4;">-3in. Photographs, Photographs. Okas. "W Hil ... -^-*. & sfi ar NES u -_AT- egeni AGTOS t ) PHOTOG.UA.PJIEK' Wishes to nnnounoe to his custom ers that he hns added greatly to his former facilities for taking Pictrros, and is now prepared to rhako Photo graphs second to none in tlio County ami at prices to suit all. In Picture Frames 1 keep a largo and well selected I stock. ' Also, 11 great variety of MJoublings of the latest design, wliieh will bo made to order on short notice. Give me a call. ; 32-6ai CHAS. W. HILL. LOOK ^ mm i^' opens his new store to-day for -,. 'business, May 8th, 1878. In " Reg'snt Hall" v^ill be fonnd all the latest novelties in T. Stewart & Go k*- t l.ure;.. t'i..'r^-.*.. tv.i i ' -. v V-iv at- [. - t irgv ; \jX ti.J; erk^;:.;i . ." a :uv. >.;:;::;> -..i. > . :' - .:.' .:. Avails V ur.proa. of '.;.:> , !..v.". a ;::^ke ,a Mo-.iilsy, .>:: .j L Y.- i:.. -':::z. I: v.'i- t:.:ce IV- :; MeXcnr.ic. 0 llemp-ev. . 2 Nai.-mith.. o. Iflaving purchased th Tinsmith liusi ness from Mr. Hobi>rt Fiilicr, w..u!d respectfully solicit the continuance of the patronsge heretofore extend ed to him. toeelher with :is_ much more as the pulilio of Acton anil vicinity ^huli bo pleased-J.0 extein.;. . . 1 Si:l!;v-ou.......1 r . .4 1 1 .,-! .1. T. Smith . ..0 4 ..3 -J Middle:.>u____3 .' ..U -2 Mncliei!.......0 'J VllLA.CE OF ACT0H, On the 22d day of June, 1878 At 10 o'clock, in the . forenoon, To hear and.determine the ::oi\r:.lo'Cj lu.ii&tJ! of errors and omis.sil.ns in-;he. ,. . -- ,, - . , i Voters' Lists of-the Municipality of the 1 Mew-.rt / will receive prompt and .,: Village'Acton, for 1877. All "pei'Mii.s careful atleftlion. ' ^ "!.h;wvi::L; iuii-iiicts tit tlii.- C'tuirt.. aiv J<*-- \ ______- uircii tu,;itt' "thci.saiil tin:*: ;uul' faaoy 4aa Staple I.. P"V %JT Aino> the .niirriGt'oiis iir^torlatit arn'vjifs whicl* have lately como ta hand, wo would ask special attention toFifty Pieces GEoic STe^r Black Crreaadines . In all Iho new and Sivontoma^es for tho season. CIJEAP. ...'- - il Case' handsome i " Boiirette" Dress Goods, at present commanding n immense gale in Neiv York, and other cities of fashion. These we shall sell i AT TWEK^T-E'lYE CENTS 1ER TAKD, . ' i and every lady should see them. i j 5 uk -3= ( fm Cfts^ Lively "Wkite &oods, including Piques; Mnraeilles. Rrilliants, Lawns, Centennial Stripes, Swiss Checks, etc., ranging from 10 cents- per yard and upwards. -' For, a choice variety of Kew and Fashionable Goods, ladies should come direct to the Fashionable West End, Guelph. L A. O. BiJCHAW!,; PaihJonabIe-We3t End Dress, .Millinery and JJamltFstfiblJM; jncU. QueJph,.April IH.1S73. S? - - ' - iile ir.. Laaie^9 aad @:eitlemea,?s tor Sats Fin n .- 5 ^a^9? *T f\ ? ? r1 ifs PR I "j? 1$^ 5 All' work entrusted to our Air. place. .IOHX ROSS, Clerk of said Muuieipalrty. Dated, Ci.khk,s' Office, .Vet-en, 4th June, 1S7S. 'Out Stock is now tvrl! assorted ninl shall he enlarged as sooai as possible. 34 IS "bvgl\rV. 20 IS 1:f" The sitting of the Court of' Revision f.T the Villsge ut. Acton will W- held at Ma'.-.hcns' Hail, next. Meti- ' ""> --------- ciy cv^:::i. at 7-S0 oV-iock. j " Hesoitt TIrIV' Wiatlows itli- vi . ' i c nt i "US f50 Worth of Goods. - \< hut i::-.s biCL'tne of our G!i i." !______ Aetr.n b::s always had the name . f bci:i4 a' i|c.ict and peaceable Vil. ';a;:>\ ii"\".f ii has occa.sibnally bL'en ll.o jcol.e e.T SOU!'.: bcOlUldl'el'M little ^n'.tue: T:.e lir^t robbery which bus t.tketi place here for some- time past took "place sometime dining j Monday night or Tuesday morning. A':.': -. Av c r;c l.::l l-v I>a\ ... l^io'e::; -JJ-OTICE. Any pereon wisbinglto have paint ing or papering done should leave their orders iriih-Q. B. Lsvens, who' will be at leisure every day except Wednesday and .Saturday of each week..Sharing atid llaircutl'mg done on The above'mentioned days and everv night. GEO. E.'-LEVJSN;?. Jcton, April 10, 1S7S. ' n?."Kl."S' JJ3, and bo convinced that this is the place to get the best value-for your meney. ' tSS" Stand Next door to the Methodist Oiiiircu. sS't.-::.'-:: y -n b::y L'l.rlstie, Henders^":: ic (' *.'s ta::i >r.j oO.- T-^L-f >r 4*^ ia o 1L ]._.u: Wli'o w'jall '.v.-.ut it any cio-aper' ___A rt" lo'i-l of house furnituie -'ttit to h-.r. 1 at llegc-ut Hall, Att'ii S'ew stvlei s.-lliu,; it a bar^a'u:. Tin] ': I-. took place at ilr.-Hurst's' " KtJ- rui'n fJr c.jliiini; still "contiaues. J. ' XT* Hurst. -On Tuesday evening Mr. Geo. ;ent. Hall," and we must- say that it was wither a' poor reception to tK& poxj. ia Of ... ares rful. ig'tas Eayin ciBJl: A . Elliott, lot 25. con. -2. E-Mjue.-mir, eilled \ giv^ *^ ""* enterprising busi- st this ojHce aud left us a few stalks of j ness' nian,| who has only been in j-j-e.:wb:eh-mcaured-. Ecvcn fttt .eight j our VillagS a little over a. month. inchU in lenjtb. '* | Mr. Hur^ always kept his win- '- (]o^a ^f witlrthe choicest and GmrdeuM.'isea 15r an employee at; ^ost fu!il,iunable goods of the - ' Moore's shingle :c:ils, Sr-eyside, was , , , , , " ,. , * .. ' , season, and, no doubt, it seemed fetuoviiis a3mt- shindies item a cart, be J " e:identV let'a bar^h fall on his right [.*> lu;,cU for ^0111e 1'=llt ^gered Ann, almost breaking it. He was im- ' person to see such nice urti'cles at pj^diatc-^ brocgLt to Acton,' and J>rj - hia Ijiind and not take some of- McGarria attended the injury. [ I lbeln off_ Tn oj-Jm- to get the - ,. Ice Cream served tip by the j things out of the window a pane diik u-- quart at C W. Hill's Parlor. = a of glass had. to be broken, which v,-- -' - . - "' r' ws done. A larce ouantitv oi . cop3 of , .,, .. . . . . l , -, ! , 1J . silk tics, snirts, suspenders, &c, tha RiaU-lc, W ashinRton Territory, Wjjl.e thfcn ^j,^ dnt fa Ul0 bllr llU.: Paily lr.ulh.j,, containing a foil eve- , a(t(.r which he Ina,le himself scarce. *ount of the dreadful .-.death of fur j Ml._ H ret ^not to']l exactly what ; t^wnsfellow, Mr. .Daniel McMaster- UlQ Vul 0-of tLe goodK taken would . Sot lmviDi rooui Tor it this week, wo ftmoulll to, but he BavH thai the) m-iU publish it in our next issue. C;mnl)t aI110imt t0 le'ss tlmtx 50. -^Busy, always busy, crowded No clue of the burglar has been from morning, till nigut. Cheap goods, ' obtained, fiut it is to lie hoped that ^ood gooes, and good prices for pro- he will be/soon Caught and brought duce. There is no doubt about who to justice, doea the business of Acton. A visit to ~ our shop at any time will testify to th fact. OkrUtle, Henderson & Co. The rush" to the Mammoth House still continues. Great bargains : , in. ali classes of good*, very cheap. The popular and Unheard of cheap sal 11 -3m T. STEW.VKT & CO. 11 ' y?- f v V.-JW*. 7-' r;iiC4 ?.-1 ' ^ lJ CHOICE NEW.SEAS'ON TEA, VEEYrCIIEAPr f I 111 lliis department will he ffiusid th(> latest de- sijrris and patlonis in SCOTCH. CiXADIAN". ritENCII ami EXGLlSIi TVi'iOEDS Aiiul COAT INGS, aiiil best of Tiimniilig--'. Spring and Sjiim- mer Fa.siiioa Plates just received,'from N"ev' York Thi.s tleiJaitiuent will be under die able rWan- ageincnt -ot' 3111, GEO. iJ. -"ADAMS, a fn;.st-class culter. i Perfect fittin<>- gannients guaranteed. Suits from -S'S.O;) to 30.00, and got up on short uoiice. J. c HvJRST, Acton, May Slli, IS7S.' . - A^./l Q)^ <*- 4-' -ry.^iiAi^.^ .-wk4it.^? &&i.i' m "jAU rsr E3IS- 00MTINTJBS TO si-. 9 'i ~ ^ r <:M. I- '< :iS23c>.Kiprrg siai5 t=2dfc2a Fan *~- &.* jni Livery Stable- ~^^'Xi THE- NEW BRICK STORE, .- -035?- I ca feEIR MILLINERY e iain-*. ety Lsrial,.* h. Gc Still Another. A lilt ot Tools Taken. On Tuesday evening some un known person entered the cooper The popular and Unheard ot cheap sale , ,T T , ,-, . i . i of Dress goods for 5. 10, 15, 20, 55c,'- sIl0P of. Mr Jolm G7tes ani1 t0ok worth three times the money. Black_ ^ whole kit of cooper's tools away sod. colore j l>ress f<ilks at 50c, wortk* ?r<>0. XMv is your chance lor the bar-S 12.' 50. ?ets jd. colorp j L>resa f<ilks at 50c, wortl iy ga.113. McLeod Andersen <t- Co. i Mr. F. J.1 Cliadwick," the ex- Mayor of Guelph, went t-.> Limehouse to- lish last Saturday.- lie was ashing from a boat, and, in endeavoring' to get oma '. log to reach oat for one Of the finny tribe, he lost his balance and fell into the water. He swam to.the shore. . Crcwr'.on's Gorrtr's Division, Sots of Temperance, intend having a grand pic-nicron tho afternoon of Wed nesday June 1'?, . It will bej'held on the farm "of-Mr. J. Butts, near the Corner*. Music and all kinds of amusements' will be provided. For particuhvrB see posters. v M- ! 504 Qcbeh's UlETHDATf, - Having eonclnrled to have a "day tit It pi the t 24th May, I jveat to Georgetown and visited McLeod, Anderson Je Co.'s im mense I>ry Goods establishmeht^ and there filled myself out with' the "neces sary clothing and furnishings to make me comfortable and to ;euioy the day thoroughly. They were busy. I order ed my suit of clothes and jj:ot my other firipgs, and I am satisfied they, were pood and cheap, and I enjoyed tho Qtieen's Birthday. ' with hifn. The means of entrance was easy,- the door of the shop not being locked:. The tools belonged to the workmen, and were worth about %12. Tlio whereabouts of the robber lias not been ascertain ed.- '_______ Book Xotiees. Tun Sabbath School I'i'.f.sbytekian. Toronto : C. Blackett Kobinson. This Sabbath School Paper is much more suitable forCanadian children than auy of the British or American publica tions of a similar character. ' Lecxupjm bv Rev-. Joseph Cook. To ronto i C Bjackett Robinson. These remarkahle Lectures are pub- lishefl in the {orrnj of a series of Tam- -phlota/ price Twenty" Cents each, or three for Fifty Ceats, thus bringing them within the reach of every one. The Catholicity of the Pkebbvteu-. : iav Chl'hch : by Professor Camp-" , 'bell,'SI. A., Preebyteriiin College, Montreal. "Toronto t C. Blaokett Kobinson. Price Ten Cents, or Six Dollars per .hundred. Tliis Lecture is one of a course deliv- . ered during last winter in the Presby-; | terian College, Montreal, by prominent "ministers of that denomination- HtN'DS-'"' Je^relery Store1 .-'_( ' Back Com*bs, Circular Com"bs5 Jet Ear king's, Jet Brooches, Slack Setts, YN'DS' Having purchared the Livery Stable and business formerly owned by Sir. R. Adams, we are pre pared to furnish First- lass Etigs at t!e Host Keftsonsiblc Kates. PB/MCi: NEE Si" is the great; attraction, Please leave your i orders early, and - have no disappointment for the 24:th. :' r- Hi Irdmense stock of TEKMf? CASH, (iopd Commercial Rigs always on hand. , 15-6m MATTHEWS & NICKLIN,- ! ' i John .Street, Acton IT" !.- J.'E. ^i^Gtiryio, druggist, Acton. Post 0ffl.c Store ;, ACTON. I Sells -Qkoap- - ' While money is so hard, to get, it should l>e the first consideration of each perton whei e they can secure tho best value for their money, in groceries, crockery glassware, wall paper, &c. The Post cilice Store is the place; No. 1 Round Herrings lor 81.00 per half-- buirel. No. 1 Split Herrings for $1.75 per . half barrel. > Also, a splendid Sl/ock | of Staple and Fancy\Dry Goods, consisting' of black and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy j Dress Goods. Kid Gloves, all the ns v7'_sliacleS'. (1, 2 and j 3. buttons), i_flsie~ Thread Gloves, Parasols;,/ Sunshades, Lace Goods,-Trinirning's and Fringes; Prints, Comtrices, Muslins, Grey 'Linens, White and Grey pottbns. -' ___ Sag'lisli, -^eaoli, aud ffaiman .HOSIEBX^;-, Kcailv-il-iule Clotliintr, Black aiul Blue Brontl- ctbtlcJ J)Ui:.t"()iiuls-, English, Scotch and Canadian Twee.'k 'SUITS MADE' TO OUD-ER, AND. A' PERFECT FIT GIJA12AN,TEE1), OR NO SALE. A full a:v-orir.ienl pi'.GrentV Furnishino's, White :Dress-Shii'ts, Collars, Cuffs, Tleis, etc.; ' . A'splcndicl Stock of .Choice Fapiily Groceries. T-EAS * A" SPECIALTY. L .H' ft vTl?l Those neat an$ comfortable Tie Shoes in grea^t demand. ti. I -: i; u n.xrrP KlNTb h ii mcin new and leading' styles. ' "' ' ' = /' 9. No. 1 Trout for $2.00 per ' half barrel. :' , Three Patent Pails- fur 50c. Matches per Box, 12c. ; : WarranleJ Good, -. ', The Best 50 cent Tea la Vto Market. 4;WAL-L PAPEKS FUOM 4 cts. UP. v4tid ove"rytliing usually kept in a firsb.claas Grocery, cheap for ca8h or trade. rivals daily of new and fresh lots e* Goods. OU; ean always de pend on getting the latest. JAMES SYMON1, in retunjjing ihanUs to his numerous friends and elastomer^for the very liberal support accorded to him aince he xoinmenceff business in Acton, would reinind them that never beibic in tlve history <)f Canada were such bar gains offered in. Abtoni The Goods have been bought for Cash and will be sold at a sma^ad- vance on cost, iuy Stoatr^l Wlilte Cottons Best value in the Market. ] } J^ E, McGarvin, druggist, Acton, Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market price. ____________________-JAS-MA WS-JTHE*E^^ JJE.JlcGarviD,druggist, Acton.. ' Actpii, May lr1878. Acton, A-nril 10th, 1S78. H u i Without a rival our Famous^ 50c, Tea. 51bs for ,82.25. - .' .! i ..OSRiSTIE, HBNpSKfeN 8g jCO. 1- ' Acton, May 7thfrg78. ;;.: ..-" | ' .- !lrrii 0m

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