Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1878, p. 4

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* I i&AMWtt.l 5- na WmMz ^JiS i^/:- j-iK^a|l S;.: HI .- -;* ' THE" HEE~>KBSS,"" ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY, jOTT., JJUjNE 6, -so-.....--------- A Cure for Irlicu'umtisiuJ / < Somo yo&ra i^o, in PluHdilpliiu, [ thrive whs nn old) liii-lininn who j iiuup n.-yiviU nvmy cures of" rh:'U- i tnatism iy llio following ju-ocpmi : '." M tike" a tiimltik-o of fctroug must ard, mixed Willi j^jilie, \ ilH'g:U-, nnS a few crumbs of bread ar meat. A<o to jtotl, have plenty of elotbos pracedrpver- you to ind.iioo .jH'tsnir- iUKrn, and lum* this'niultuv phuvd about an inch- tUic-k, close to -this, -hollow of your fixit (no. eloth be twet n loot and poultice), keep it on fov ten or ttt,to,ojn hours, thou take the poultice, uud the euro is complete." ' (.tot ;Jnn .ounce of iodide of |K>.t.issi;i; put it ill u <jusirt- .Kittle of soft, .w.-itor, and take for a dose two thirds of ;i counuon.Kh-.ed ' stem \\Mio ^htss throe tines, a day . halt nif hour bofor im ills. Avoid itronji diiiik end gross diet. Sil^'.lkt li:o glands of umi'licck got son-, von .inus.; wdt-co tho dosr. W u must take regular rest, and take four bottles of the modi cide In-foro yon Htopc :un! tle-v. ipiit it f< r two wci-ks; Then teko two bottle.-* lucre, ^>vliioli will in nil .probability complete tho euro. "Yin must keep your bov.ylr. open. I would advise all iheiun".tics, to try "tho poultice -first, nii.l, if it fail.- to t-.'Te.'t ': vino, then to .ii-y tho recip.' which cured M r. .lioswcli, et .Louisville, K.v., a gentleman well, jviio?":: mid hiijhiy rosisectod in' :lmt.' oil v,-:- t\ >}i:!:i:'i ::. < FM MERCHANT TAILOR. ROCKWOOB, Takes this opportunity of announc ing to t!io public iliat his stock - consisting of Knglish, Scotoli and Canadian TWEEDS, CLOTHS,;" AND WORSTED GOODS, is new complete. .1 r-VI llo ir. prepared 19 make up in tho i f,l"l",""1 LATEST STVLKsl^^ ha 01 on CD -< o3 S3 W O (a <1 s- 8 is A i)VOX MOMTHJiV SARK. Tho Actv" mmitlily nn\c will ln< lmhl ivl AKJiew,*!! lintel, oiiL'iiir I>jvy, Thursday, Qth Junp. All kimlii of Stook, Iiiiplonio.ntH, .Ve. will In) soliWiy p.iyini fi(> U n-pii'oi'. Sale atj 12 o'clock. THHMS.--' 'lVn intihtliH1 credit on jvnproveil joint jintos All oiitrioh inust l>q in.iiln to Mr. J.ih. Ryder, Sec. WM. H1CMSTU10KT, Auctioneer. itf-U ' ' ',' ' \S"hut is to \h Never make .tuiiitv. ' 1 A verb, u ioiiil on impor- from * ; '" Littl,' Never hotrow ;uoney to spceu-. :kto tvith. Avoid a second nirtri.i:i;-< or :i"ri^U loan. Hi> tli vr maketh li'ifeto to be. ri^ h is r.ot wise. A mm; ;,aist atk-his wife if he nn.y be ri.-h. . ." Kec]'-"W"li- insured, mil wnteb your jiolicy,'. -Sever sucrifice safi-tj to l.irce expected returns. Diieetions for na <.'ig:\u Kecitul. Mind your ttop?. He sntifcfloJT witli :i raojerate rent i ten'.lilt. -: " ins. liko little drops of ~ ,-vater, wili fill nTbuekyt. Tho gods kelp . those who bvlp ihomselvea men or-women. IV^ertv is no bar to mnrri;ie if tio'h pHrtii-s v.ill 'work and s:ive. '!, 2& fipecuJsito dc-^per than yru, :io tblo to lose if yon lose it ull. Jrcr what port is u m.m bound during courtship i Bound to Huvre.-- " Never loan a borraying friend jiuore than you ure willing to lose if iie can't pay. A Gunsmith's shop is like ^bicken pie, bc-cnusa it contains ib'Al in'.piecesii' A lady beiiring that that a tun nel cost 5.000 francs a ynr'd,- iui- .p.irtuned he^- hu.-il>nnd to buy her a ii:v;s of that material.' A fs'lki-.v* . liddicteJ to tellini: oiitfr atones, Kaut -.lie saw a man beheaded with his jhunds tied be Lin-1, who' directly I jdeked uji his head, and p;U, it oil hi:; -shoulder* * in the j-iv/h* plaee. -' And &npd U'orkmanshijf. Svitisfact;\cn Guaranteed. / i " A 'all is Suliritod. JOHN iNKLSON Hock wood, March .0. 1S77 3S-,im BEATTY AN I' UI'llUlIlT, nil lll!.VTKI> ti')l,l>KN A splendid lot or Spring j Boots S3 Shoos. ' : ' CENTRAL BQ0T & SHOE STORE. Ila. l.a I- ' How could h.- v. hen his liainl?- were tied behind him i" " What > .said r>. b\standt:r, pick up his head fo.d 'ou are. iid the Ktorv tel i-r. .' f.'ouldirt he up witiu h '*..' '(1 , 18TB. _ Weekly Gfobe. Ayer's Por rtjsboring to Gray Hair ita natural Vitalitv and Color.\? , A dressing fhich is at once agreea ble, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the hair. It soon re- 'stores faded or gray hair to its original eofor, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair .where the follicles are destroyed, or khe glands atrophied and .decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this aDulication, and stimulated '"nrn activity, so mat a new growth'cf' hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its ..ceasioilal nso will present the hair from turning gray or falling offj md consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and pfiL'nsive. Free from those deleterious .sub stances which'- make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to tha hair, the Vigor can onlyliencfit, but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HATH DRESSING, nothing-'cIm ran be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and j et lasts long on the hair, giving i'i s- rich, Kloss-ltLstre, and a gratefu. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay&r & Co., V--ictJcal and Analytical Ciicin~! **.- L LOHELT.. MISS COLi. bt ml ni:u<iiiisrs hv4:u-<^,ueil< I OAST But not Destroyed. Haiiug tmado nrranpements with ."Mr.'.^itchell, of Milton, for nn i regency for the :a!o of Gash, Boorc. JTraaiss, MoulAlrifro. DroEccd Flooring, s&cotiiifr. "Wainscot. Sldtag;, So. , 1 am proparod to furnish any ofl tho bovo, at prices tint doTy com-I petition. Please call and see nam- I pies of niouMing, Ac,juofore pur chasing elsewhere. BLINDS 30 CSM T PER FQOT. Kindly thanking customers for past favors and tiopingslill to merit a fair sharo of your patronage. 1 nm respectfully'yc-urn THOS. 10BH.VUE. AgentShop at Mr- Kvi-rton'.i olil stan.l ; Acli.o, LK-e. ^Ttli^^TT. iii-lyi DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS Sc OEQAl^S EiiDia- si'iSt ASn'i? iik cnv'scni.t;- TOMll'KI) I'AH- laU; l IItil v N are thl- Hwoe'li'i-i liiui'il in-.ili liio^t I'efli-i-t Ilislit'llli-llIK cv.-r heloie iuaiiriH<liiivil lif-ilii'-'oriiny <-<.iiii- tl-j. Tin' "I'll! Ik el.alli-l.i.-i..l ! 'i|>ule ilieiu. It. HlillM'nuiit-'Wul terniTVi" "' for.- (;lvl I'. ' Itei'U linl'olll I'lliilC I>I-1 f-<-^! nuW leaily t" In h."i>, a,'eiiis, iiml tin- trail.'Ill v;i-llj-rill^.All oirer. TIh-m- ialii- lirati-.t iii-truiii UIk i. lUnr I'limo. <n uririoe h.iNi'il mill slili'l'i'il aiivv.liere, <-u live or'itrn-i-ii iliiyt." u-hi li l"l. M> in-.v re- filiiilcil' aii.t fri.|,;lil' rlilirfo |eilil liiilh wuytif Ml 'i!'N~ uv iii.saiislartory. 1-ul.y \v!ri-.iiit."l i.^i-'> .,>- v'i-ar.i'ily llr.t- i-ia^s. kxtkaAiUiinauy 1.1 ui:it.\ 1_^ ll|.-ll)UN Ts<Kl veil In Oh ill ehi K. Si'IkmiIi , l.mlU-K, lliilli-. MlMlstiT-, 'i'. Hi hers. < ., In oriler to have lliem I liti.-.!nor-iJ iili'iioi- "win-re I luivii-iui iiK'-nt-". Tlionniiiitu now m"ose. Suit lilii-lnii.-il Ailverllsei (I'ulri locue l-.IUlon) Willi list 1" lemlinonlalr-, IH'W reiulv. M-llt free. F-'ilhlM-.i-l li ls-vi. \ii.ii.s- OANIEL F. BtsATTY, \Va.ilill:i:toIi, Neu Jelie.v, Call and- ossrnino thqmS bofoii bv.yinB cltjowhor;. 1 FAKMEKS; HTOP AN SEE i:<-forn Von further Ho. : Tlfo Agrloulturol Implement manu factured by ilio Hanufaotu5?ing Co'y,1 NEWCASTLE, . for flal'o by ELI SNYDER, ACTON, vizi, Wood's Iron Mower, Akron IJuokoyo Mower, Conqueror Combined, Sharp's Soll-I>umpihg Itako, . Nowcastlo ilnrvesler, llorBo 1'owor [1'itt'n], firninCrushoru [geared] Ftrniv Cutters, etc. Tho aliove cannot be surpassed by nny other iMuoliiiies made in the l)omin\on. l'leiiBe cnlj and oxamino boforo jiurchnHing olB(.'wbero. ". -^ -,/ i. THE ACTON SPECIAL ATTENTION QIYBN . TO '03D3JU3D 'vT'OftE. i Acton, Mfitch 20, 1878. April 1S78< 3m TOR PKINTINWofallklnds Hi-ally ril promptly oxocutod l th kkee pup:sB OEKICK, - Nrvl thet'oU omcc Mill Hlrcct. ;!f:i:i'n:.:f tk;; Yii.r.'^Li <;i.o::k in Um j'-:ir 'I'r.v-f.i-'l lir-'iwinu' I j :^r\"^f, -(jms f-i r fi'.i>,:i;-i"* I ! (i^ ;u: V OlH'T v (-:irVl tiff "tic- :-.<^ili:Khrnf;L <'f tij- l<:<{~-r. Nul- >Vi tK-it lillill I-lT ' 11 i <- Si'li'/'r: i-ilhiii Ki: til in*ri^loii :i:i i :ii-tnci:.l >trinvf-tiT-j- MMii tr ii! ttf'-r l v -\ in<-:I'-;tH run! liM-nt, (tn cj r/*ul;i: !o:i )i*i^ Iw-f n nf'ijnl:iir,*'il Uir'vyiwtit III-- y*-:ir-jit ;i-i :iYOiM^.1 Ksii" . !-.-.- lieni<r h nci-i-i- ; Cil .I.JV-IUC-O mi 1.1 if* MVflM^'O <\\ wii.v IT'- 'jVIo'is year. Km hti^ithd t\_r. |T-*s- ions <l \-iJprov-] f.itri'- Jo in-- l'!l!ni-l;c.-^ from Vv-'ry -lirfi-ti'. i mi trjf*'iif.\v 'loiin <>f ilni.. .ri'i'-i, (f ii- us ciii 'X*fiii Un'. o; j;s Uf-itiMr^! :iti :l i'tiliJv*ns !I!iiilr;ili.m^ *i" til.' V-.Tit;.! n tl'l. ii'i(-'ff*s[ t IIU HI >> ,<H -.- *'J i ii_r in u tw cut 1"^ c-f Ulv lor Uii- in-. 'oriuniio i :*,:i nain- Ti-*ii:- of lu r.M'1-r'if.'..'tml ofl Ui>-* mr'iii Tprj<-T.- -it vrhi.-h ir is miii]*:I'm1 aii-rually !<> ;jlf IHlf.irr. .;V- Th:- K':;;rniili(ti;il AoUrrs uX I'liTiIlr" 3U>1 (!* iil!:iii Llr.t h:iv-* !fHi siw* 11 :t c:k.riti !-i Hi.- wo'-l;!y coTit-ni.s ot lUf i:\\ \i ill It * i*i"nltntifil wiiii J'r hJi ci-or^'y niii'Ior Li a *e:tr* of- nJtle arti--lff niul ' .xjt.-ii nc<-il 'writftr^, - \*zrlcnlttir<\ ':s tiio forpm-vt i'ldn liy t of ino l*\riiiinon, :nni tho Ilrm Ikic.'s of 1 our -N'-iliou'ti prosptTit . \\\il Ti-cM ** , us ii.-rfioi.MO, cariu-.-t imil Oi Klaiit ation- lioti.- -| K**r|e<*la.iic:il Intflifp^ucf. -Sclcm*** \ot*'K, uihl Attnlrn vsill ."-nin:.c prnniin-'iit iiifiich miinlxT. The Aus^rerti to <'orresponI<:iiJh', Oit rvory_\ .trioty '1 "M]f.jf*o!jff whi^li h:iv<* jirov--U #o '\a\u;\\>'c -niia iiij-froh'tiiiir to /:rowtlsof'rti:ul(jrs, will be" kept Up Willi increased vigour* ' : " " The LHcrary :n.l LntXfpK1--Orp:irinicnf' ii'j'JtrtU" <pB.r<!of pocsuiconiucu>rs, will hy frcRU and picj*. ' Seivs Trora Jtli jnrlfi of the world' nrto C^o I;.l*s1 .ijiotiu-nior tM'hlic.:UTm J'.-irlliu- j ii viiV.ry l>'-h;Ltf ^/.VV'tf r:il :in*i iVovin- . i..j :n:.l J"I:::mcin! ii---|o: lif)j:w*".'ilt;i :itr -nil rj\] I tf it f*r^- (*(<l>\ e.\:if:>rrt'<)>'ulei\U.Ux>r.i:t\\ polms of Inu-r. (. will Ij^^ntiirTfl \ all tli * c.ire ill' . r Hit- !;v.iiii T:i-,:.i f-l' <::i:i;i<li'iti J-Hirnals f<ir ; ll.irt> ::i>,r- ye/'i^ is{. f Tife r.iiiiM'i.MiVsf i'l'!n:.,.ViufK*- ' ;,v ii jxtJi-: '.'. i'-l rr-ni : w - lofojr, only TV' ->' 'I>Jj \iiS' i'Wii ANNUM, nr-nt, !" i: i<i it!l j^insof (,'^ita<!:i flu i Vui lJ.'t\t-,i S:a!e.-r J:*j;.l1j O Ja va ri ii:v iii itl'-Ji'i^j'. . . ' - Afir*\"i'.-i \\'AXJ'!-:D. KJiN*i> ?"01i Tii \V!;f,(;i.v fiuiKK will ho s'-iil (r.-'G of (M*tax;>* to nny I'^fit-otfiw ,ln-Ur>>ai . li-Uulalor S^l-or nl/iu iiiini!ir'K/.bicTl- KriiniLtan'.^s'-Iuuy tm sf-nt by IV.O. moi:cy order, brink draftt~ r'^ir-'L.-iotl ifitr-rs, or byexpn'hij, ntaurrlsk. Or.lerK-nml ^emittanccK U> bo addre>; jtd to .U"t I . ' - " S90H PASNTE3S wantnl lit OViT/ HcO- t1o:iiirh<* tT ul led Hiitf s in.I IV. r. liii-. s to-;w:^wi*rLhl-t -i-l %-ortti.m -nt.. -Vtfdrr^r* 8>V\li:L;f- I5KATl'V,AVash!nglon, ,Nt>w J^rsci". . v THYSELF: riy Miwllng una rralctn the Incotimablo truths con tnirn-u in thn Ucpt medita baolt ever Uirui-il. tntillcl SELF-rilKSEnVATIOK l'rlccohlySl. ____oa rccrijit-of Pnrc- l' troatJofKxhaietcil Vitnlitv, Vreniitnrc Drc no Ncrvouj nml l'hj-slcal Do'eiiity. nii.t tho ernll.o concomitant ills nml imt.ilil mWcrics th rtol tbi'rerrom, ami contains more tlianoOorli^nia pro icrintions, nny one of which U worth the (lrico ol the book, lliin book was written by the inojt c tcinive laid probably the rnon ekllful practttlowi in Amtrio, to whom was awanled a cold and Jew clleil medal by the National Medical Association A Pamphlet,! niujiratcd with tho very fl- Pteel EnFTavincs-^a raw, n i Til of art and beauty cnt rune to all. Send fur It at once. AildreM - K__ l'EABODY MEUlCAL liyAri r INSTITUTE. No^.4 Dul. | H J OCLb ticb-St.. UoJton. Maw. QRACE'8 QELEBRATED ALVE A Sure KelltTfor^bc SuOTcrcr. HrlBF-rAr.r.D iiy 8ETH|W.'FOWLE & SONS, S6 IIAUK[S<.)N AVKNVir, BOSTON, 5IA5H. ^yci^s Uathartlc Pills, For tho rc'llpf ainl rure of all i\rr:tjffiriits in tlii* fctornnrb, liv er, 'and l-M.-ttfl**. Thi'v ,tic a mild antiifiit, and 'an fXfi-llont pm^ra- Jy Vf.L'l'talllf, tlifV i-oiitain nn ttvi> riirri or mit.-rra1! *. wh.-'ifi'vi-r: Aiui'h .'-rriini? cjrknilF?: nnd PiifTcriiifr is pri-*,i'iiti;d by '.heir limt ly 'u-t-;' and cvi.*ry family ltoti|il have- ilifiir^on )ia::d thy (Ju-ir protr-rliim ami rt-1U*T, wlifii iV'pniftl. lw^ I'Xp'frii.ncc n:i.'t proved iriii'iu lo lib the r-al"f>t, m;iv>.., and be-1 of all tin- I'UIh wiili whifh tho market abounds. Uy their w-nMfinal use, th") blood-. is I'uiiufd, iIn* -of tho t-y.--tcnr <rx- pfllt'dj ob-Lniftio::> reruovctr; ami "the Wholo in.'ii-Jiihurj-'nr lit\i resb'red to its healthy activ ity. Iiiteriird orpins whifh heroine. clof7r/*'J ;tn<! .^lu^i-h are dean-ed \>y Aycr'n 1'illit, r.nd Mi'imlated intt action." Tims-incipient 'li-f;:-e is elianped into liealtli, the value of which rhnti^e, .wlifii "ivekonoa on the va*J fniiliiiuib'-- w!m| enjoy it, tyin hanllv be. rout.* ptib-fl. 'J'lieir ] Hn/^V-Ciiatiji^ makes tlreie jilca.-n);! t; laLb, :md prcr-trves* Jbeir virtlie.- jiiiimpuired i'<>v any length of time, 50 lh:ii- (fn-v a if ever, fri-sh, and pciiee My reliable Although searfltin^, they are mild,".and opcr- ::tt.' u-i:lu'iii,di-Inrbanw Co the constitution o* -lift or (H'i'ttpaLiiin. Knll (iiri'rt'trniri arc frlv-*n.'On the wrapper ^ CiU'U bov.linw to Uf-c Uieiil asa Family i'liyeffo a:td fi-rthi- iJ;llowine; ci>niplaints, wliicji these /V7/.w.rapidly.e are: . V>H- !.* ;e|>*iiit ur Tutligenttoa, MAttt* Ir-sarsM, CLiiiiirUOF, and IJohm of An|t(>> titr,. they .-hoi'VL be taken inodeialelv to ^Limidaa* ihe.M,'iii;i'.'li, and restore ild healthy tone nml actkni. , : ' ' For BAvvr '/i:iiIa.nt nml Us vnrJoiia fyhiplui.!!, iiiiittuti IffoailitcUe, MIcU ll<*ail;rhr. J.iuail*c< or <-re<*n rSltli- ne, It.HouM 1'olic nn<| IBIIiou* 1V< v<ti, tiicy should be jtidieiomdy taken for pach case, to'correct the diseased action, or remove ihe obsfnictionH which cnitf.e it. ' For Wiyvnt**ry ur l>iarrb('a, but ono mild dose is generally refpiircd.^. For ICIiir'iiiifat.^ii). 4mout, <iTovo2. ' l*i3i;iia(loij of ::i*' EHcari. t-*a.a in I i t!it> ri<l<. Racli. and Spoilt*, Ihey f.liould lie rniilinuouMy taken, nn roijiilred, lo change tini d'Hea.-Pil action if the .system.. Willi Bticb change llior!e complaints disappear. For i%c*>iHy; and roptical tH\/d* ln^, ifu.-y Hh./uM be taken ui hir^'e and (Ve- '|!it*i:t doseb to produce the eifect ol* u lirariUc V11MTC 1'or Miip{ircMMiOTa, a Irti^c doi;c flionld bo iA:ei\, :in it produces the .deriircd ell'cct lit' M'tnpathy. As a jihuif-t* 1*111, fake one or two Vlltsto prom ofi; di;. est Inn, and relieve tlv Momach. An Ofr;ision:il dose isttniulate^ Jlie .-tonuioh and bowels, rent ores the appetite, and iuvi^br- I'M-h the iwsiem. . lleiu'e it in often ailvanta.- riwniri wiif-.-e no ei iou.s dorau^einbnt exilic One who iVcls tolerably well, often finds thai a flosc of the*e 2*lH* inakofi him feel decid edly better, from their cleanriinj; and rcno* yatingeircel,on the itigeuLivc appur^tue, PHKI'AKKI> IJY * UHACK'S CKLKKAri>l> HAt.VK, Is a Vegetable IVopnratlon^ Invontod In the 17th ccntuiy by Dr.WU- Ilim lirao-v ^uiv<on In lCln>i J;fnie.s* army. Throii^li im n^ehey 'bo fured thou-antls of t!o* mo>t M-rtoub m>ivr nml woumls tbnt! K'U'lfd tin- skill of tlie'Jiii^t ( mltp'iil pb.Vsiciaos of bin d iy,'iod wiis reit'inlcd by all who knew him i..** u pub ic be'iu-rac'tor. ruin: -" ci:stj a wax. c'a.KX's '*;i.KitiriTi:i> s.ilve c:i;i'ti-:s FLK.-iH WopMiV, KKoZKN I.t-VI-S, SALT UltKP.M, C*JtlI.lil. VISS, K.iltk 1JUKAST, vJ"H h:k i.ii's, .-.1:1 s!!ai:..t>s( kin(.- wou.Ms.i- \i.ia'si:s,*'Ar.t* hkad; 1-IIAiPKH HAMirt, IH'IIVS, C.NCKUS, FKboNS, scat,in, s.ikcs, rt.ri;i[S, vt-or.No*^, sriNfis, ] KitiNiii.tW, r'KSTKUS, WKN.-i,. ! STI K>? 'M.r-S Ait'KsS, . - V -llFt'Kl.i:.1 IH'St'iNS, MM*. VIM KtTK, * I'PT-S \Y A UTS, " 11MST1 .K.H, TAN l'lMl'I.^S, r.MJ.NS, SCt*K\*V, ITl'll, I.MitiniV^(i N'ftll-S, NKTTI.K IIASM, SIU.SliL'.ITO AM" Kl.KA 1JITBS, S1'UEU riTIMJS, Ami all cutnnoou^diseaseB and < rttptioiib .^eiwrally, Forcal-p by nil ilruK^lUs, Krocors, and it i^lI country r.tori-> Ui mtmiiuiitliie llnl- tctl S'ntiP :iinl; Ilrllihh FrovinceH. IVlce iy mail :.0c>nfi r ivr.\ n i *.-^i i,,r..l MIlITiT.IIW.'! IiiroTOtiUArilKltS Phoul.l for- wnnl mo their ,i<lilri-!js if they wish ti) obtnin a riuno or Organ in exchange for 1'hotopnipliinp. Ad- .lrossDANlKfj V.:. BUAT'I'V, Wash ington, New Jersey. ACTON PLANINQ MILLS. li. W. t'ASII'KELL, Prop. i Having purchr.Hi'0-the above nameil establishment, I am' (ireiiareil to manu facture. " : " SASH, DOORS, \ MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of. LAN IN I'riit'nutly attonil.eil to. 1 " D. \V. OAMPUElfX. Acton. Deo. 4th, 1877.. 22-3m Dr. J. f ATEE &. C0M Practical ChemiBta. Ol/>BI3_'|i:_STINO COMPANY, ' lvOTTJ?J.i, MtiSN., V. S. A. Toronto tiLU B^AlJtJ IJl-r'-SOISTDEVEllVWncait BEATTY?8 ^|.g P B A 1^1 O 3 proiin"Vioeil'to-'iho. t^rrrm^nt^nmim m i>^^>j>j)t<jss a nil L!lo I*eonIo SCilO >[, TB.yCilHiiS : You can ; ea.-ily nicretiuo your Fitlary !>} iioeting a vory small portion ol your loisure time interest. 1 ilo . notV expoci you to canvass for my'velebrnti'il Ih'atty'n l'ianoH Orgnti.-1 unloi-K you ;eo fit to; but tlio service I require of you is t'Otb ploaKniit ntul pVoiituble. KulI par tictilar- fr.eo'. Ailrlress DAMElj K BHATl'V, Wasliington. New Jer.-ers^eirc rem \\;>*aax 'rhcroisnontnnufaclureroli'innof ami Organs in this or any othei pountry who has receiveil as many unsolicitoil iiiilor.-i'irenU tifj haK l\[r. Hoatty. From every State ami Tor ritory comes the same venlict. " They are the best in the worlll.'" Illustrated Adverlicer. (Catnlniin l-Mitiou) free. Address DAN'lKljf 11KATTV, Washington, New .Jersey. W AXTLD. Lnilii'H and gentlemen to learn Tele graph (Iperntinj; for ulliees o]ieiiiiig in the Diiminion. Stamp for answer. AilJrcss M.tSAiir.u, Box J.r."., Toronto ------------------------------------------:--------,-------f-r nno nrsi\Ess ,-mc.v-h > <.. J :Willlt Ullltli-iulli. fUitenu-l.tS. l.i-l- ler l-rr-aiis. I'.nveli'lis, ^leri-antili 1'ilnl In jr, i if a'uv kin. I, ilone In Imsl tn- s-,! 1> li-. semi )i>iir or.leis to the Kiikk; I'ni:s. ollU-e. S.itlsractloiicparaiiteeil. , pnpp n Any-t'crsori who will mak- rtfCb ami rm-w.-iril me a llsl ol t li. naineii of rellatle personh ol ilu ii ae < who uii-li lo proi-iir. i-n 'ti stninieiil. either I'iano m lUiraii, 1 wll list my hesl einlelivors to sell tlibm one. rtnil ror every I'lano I sneei eil I a selhnj lot lie I lis I wll liln on eyear. I w |i|loreiln ttle-iu Willi ?ID. rjiiiil for every liririin $.~i. to lie iipi'lieil on" p lyn.enlof oitlier r I'liinoin-Urciin; and when It auiotintt ti nsnm "iitrieli'iit lo pay for a ii Inst m seleoU-i'at t- <.'lowest liolrsiil.t- prlee, I u'lllliiiincllnlclyHiiip 1 lielnstriiinenr, free', oraflrrany ai** mill Is ereillleil I lo h.ilanre niny bo ijniil me in easliaml I will then ship tin in the instrument Tl oy neeijnotlie U-noivn in the matter nml wll I l>v ilelnfc llielrfrleiiilsn renlser- vlee, as lislinll make spri lal ofTers te ltieni,sellliji.-a uperler lur.11 iiinenl for from oiir-liair In tvtu-tlilrils what Is ordinarily ask ei! h\- ni^enls. I'leaseseioi me allot at once anilafler yon have m.nlr liinuirv von can uilil to 11. AiMresi n \ NliM.l'.HKATTV WiishlnKton.New jersey. - THEi GREAT OF HUMAN CAUSE ' We have recently publlr-lied n u< w'rdl- tloior l>r. 4'ulveinell's i'clebrat^d Ds- Miy " tbi' riullca' nnd pomuuii'itt cure (wit bout in* dleltiejof Nervous FidilliLv, Mental ami Physical Ineupaeity. Impcdi. nieiitH toMiirrlai^o, etc., resulting fiom exeesscF. Price, hi a ^onled enyeloi c, oi'ily C couth or two post-ice Kinin pp The celebrated author, In bills admir able Kssay clearly demoiist vnU h, from thirty years' snect sslul practice,: Hint nlnnnlutf conKciiuenccK may be radically, cured wit bout the tbin^erouK use ofl lit er- tifil medicine or lire application of the knife; pointtmr out n mode of cure nt once simple, certain and elTectual. t>y iiicaiiK of which every slide ror, no matter what his condition may be, may cure blT)i*eircheaply, privnteiv and*.radically. Tuls I;ecture shoidtl tie In th.o bands of every youthnndovery man in the hand. THK <I LVKKM S.II, MIUKAt CO.,. 41 AnnSt New Yoiic. My PoHtOm^c HoxioKfi. YHE OLDET GROCERY H3U3E AOTON Is the plaic to get gi.-Lil cheap Groocrios, Crockosy, Glass, aad HardY/aro, urn ih-.'s"jock, And to arrive i" a few days n lull BUi'ply of WallPapor. "Window Slir.&cV&c. In the latest Styles iik(I Patterns. I . iiIko keep on hand a few Of >Ies-rs Minjrly fc -Dic- trich'a celebrated i LANCK.TOOTH CHOSf-CUTjSA\VS. Tlie best now in tise. All goods will be sold low for cath or pro duce. ' Cash Tor I!|dcs. CHAUI.KST.UII.I,, Mill Street. Aeton. Feb'. 19th, JS7S. H|W DOMIHICHV BOOT k SROE STORE Opposito Agnew's Hotel, Main Street, AC19B. RSNNT & 3015' is the BEST NEWSPAPER Wisli to call the attention Of fhoin babitantH of tbo Villiige of Actoil anJ vicinity to thoif i;utneni-e bloik of BOOTS, SHOES & CROCERIpS- Conipri'jing all tho latest stylos in Bootsjind Shoes. - I Ord'pj-oil Work leceivpfiourppecinj attention. Hepauing promptly- at. tended to. ' 1 ________^. - Our Grocery Dcparlmcitt Is well supplied with Teas, Sugars, Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &c, &c Flense call anJ examine Our Stock. KENNKV & SON Acton, Dec>J2 1S77. PaDlishod in Halton County I 1878. SPRING OPENING. 1878. ann Has now in Stock a larye and well assorted lot of PRY GOODSl 1 GROCBftlES, CROCEERY, Q-LASSW^lBB, &c; Which ho uill sell Plieaji for~.Ciish. . v CLOTHING / V. a specialty. - large assortment of Felt . and Straw Hats; for ): : !i Spring1 wear. . ' -. v The liighest cash prico paid for Produce of ull kinds. : a-, "w. JMi-A-irisr. Acton, March 1-lj- 187S. SPBINQ SUITS! All the latest patterns of i CATCH, ENGLISH AM CANADIAN obcaws. :; .,, , '-'H'lo AND as Uie most Leaiillfiil aiiilsu-eet- CHtlouoU I'lanosever laaniifaetiir- - oil. .Sent on t trial nnd ___ I pronounec-iitlio WASHINGTON, '>ot In the. world. NEW JERSEY. Iieatiy'H nulobrated nolii.-ii rmirfiiwl l'nrlor Oruaii. Any m .nutaoturci elMillenaeil toeijiuiftliom. Tlioy PO.IRI-HH power,, iii-llllaiioy md syinpatlietlo delicaoy, exquisitely lieaiitlfiillVHoloell'ects.anrl me only stop action uver Invented I rat cinnol. b0 ,nK. 'arrungedl.y *so. "I'll" >>el|owB Rapnolty lHo-.-roattliiatljutlltllo efliirt iuroqnlr- oil-wltlv tlio foot to supply nil tho air npcoPHary. BeBtmHdeandmoKtoloRant owes In tho niarkot. All solid wood. iirnnmontK. Kvorylnutfiimentfully war* ran:u3d foriilx yoarBaosl? llr-it^elasH, , and sent on from fi to lj tosttrlnl; . AditrnsslUNIKJ, V. BEATTV, Washlne- ton Now Jersey'. The undersigned :ni eld retired physician having wen^crninneiiity taircd of the inucn dreaded diftease '*oiiHiiinptinn by a simple remedy, isanxious to nuke known to liii fc!1o\v-sufl>:rors the'means of urc. 1'u nil who de-sire it, he will send a copy of .he prescription used, .free ojvcharge, with direc- ions for prcparinc nnd using the samo, which will c found a Rprc cure for Cbiismriptioii, JBron- JiUfif Gntavrh. Anthma, &c, \ 1 a1 the market. Suits made to Order from $S up A splendid selection of ATS'! .iiiiiicks with itampi to nay postage, J. P. Mountain. Ogdunubnrgj Box 1329. ' ' N.T, I Full lines of G-ents' Furnisliings Also Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks at tjie East End Clbtliinif Store. Acteu, Aiiiil S, 1873. FYFE & McNAB. OILY 1$ Per year, in advancei To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as well as throughout the County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium. Our rjrjrjyaHed Facilities for Exoputipg all kind* ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING K Enable us t tura our-worfc equal to sbything done Irr the o\i\P*- T. ALBERT J^OOEB, 1. V \J fym&w aad^P*op*tetor. A

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