Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1878, p. 3

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SHiHNwH! ' >iTf>mwiiiiiiriiiiiiHii imvi * n n uminmiltmKfm^iti ^e^gpa^i^i' ! WW5<?^P Ww.' flHP 1!" I at Mf* >yP i I , i, | >. ' i - ? Go 124 |-i ft lits CBAM THINK TtHK TAUU Traint eave Acton is follows: UOIXiS WK&T.' Night Kxpreis - -.- Toronto mail Day Exprc KxjvPCM Oalt mixcJ qoiso SAST. Ki^M Exprcis - Gait mixed Dy Express Wejtera mail - Irtpfaa wired . | Go to G. Quiuinc Wine" " \-.C3.vm. '.>. lOa.m, Loop. in. 5. IT p.m. 7:07 3:Sj.i.m. <>: !" a.m. 11.-30 a. m. r+Tp.Tn. 9:30ptixi. Onlor your Clothing ut, tho Mammoth House, Ueorgotown. Hurry , up bot'oi-i! the bargains arc are all j;oiie. \\ o have clean.-.I out from a wholesale house two luacuiliocnt lines of Canadian ,' ami Scotch Ttvoo<U and they lire now THti FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY^ ON EXPRESS! *MSiffH!SfcWK5i* ii. : Morrow a for pressing him so oloHcly uguinat tho Uob tlmt ho ft mint it impossible-to dodge dovvn between them. In this TEUHinLK isit'UATION hu called out twice to tho tiroman Uvback up the loeUnotivo na. 'hu Service iu.the JietiodisfcOhurel^ ojixry SaShath ovenlnc nt half-post six o'clock; antlboth morning ami even- lnc on the flrat SnM>atb of rach mouth. K.EV It. Honns, l'astor. are now being given. Call, examine ami lcavo your order. McLeod, Anderson 4 Co. , ' ' at It is with gvoat pleasure wo notice fSo progreMof onoot our young est and most iuen. Scarcely one year ago Mr. J. 1-1. MclUr- viri. of tho Hall of Pharmacy, in this Village, commenced business, and, by a liberal use of printers' ink, and keep- Wedding "Rings, solid lcVcarat t inS a^ay* band the best drags, dyo LOCAL MATTERS. plain Oold Kin^s ; Ladies'Hold-fancy Ucm Kings. \\ eiMing and . Birthday Present* at HvadV-Jcwclery Store. A splc4idid stock. open for inspection. Great bai-gnius ) was being crushed to death. ' Hut tho horror-stricken fireman Was us powerh-Bs to stay thn-onward pro- gross of tho locomotive, and Uiuh rescnio ..the doomed man, ub ho would have been to stay the fate of loarus. As thoforc part of tho looomolivo possod over him and tho; ahufi prossud his head and jsliouldors over nguinst tho tio on his left, tho edgo of tho ash bojt, .which cloiir.s ihuitiija only by a ft'W iidies, slriick his ligbt sido and urublu-d bim ror liioraolcss'.y buiuii'\th its weight. ILvi'o t;li dving mmi mtelcd ouo .in Saturday at- ' Turnip Seed at McGarvin's. | FlaX:Seed it Morrow's drug tore. Had two or threo nicechowors of rain here this week. , -^-Pots" Paris Green and Hell' bore at J. E. -McGarviu's. I The Ice Cream season is now opca. GaltouC. W. Hill. want-, d. Address Box 2\>\ Acton, l'.O. . ^There is some talk of getting a mall steatnboat on Kickiin's pond, . Ice Cream served up by the diah or quart at C. W. Hill's Parlor. Doa't'tiil to visit Regenj Hall Had leave your measure for an A 1 suit. Now is the tltli'a'. to *-ita J.TJ. McGarvili's; tivc ce Soap. A-"National Policy" meeting! will be icll ia Miltoi . tcrnotin. C. \V: Hill c . lee Oroaa to parties in any quantity, : on aKortnotice, ,; - I Excellent Scotch and C^na- j dian Tweed Suits for $!3 aad JU at I FJ-fe and McXab's. - \, i , : 'buildim: a nice fence tround his urjcni- . i , - ! lies near the station. of Gm-Iph, '. was iu Acton last week, sad purchased several.acres of strawberries. ; The Orangeville AdctrHtcr has cha'uged hands', and' a jrcat imjravc- nient in the paper is the result. -With the exception of delin quent subscribers, everything is abaut a fortnight earlier than usual this year. Clothes weil made ia tijc l*te*t 'desists reliable T'.Vi-.-d_at. the East End Clothing St-re. 'Fyfe. ef McSab. \ Dje ^t^iiTs of all kinds at G. H Morrow'; dn:^ ftore. . Mr. Eiwarl Diu?s fi is recei-.-7 cd the cjtitra:t fur fixing NieUlin's and Speii-ki's l-rid^-i. Mr. Dines' tender ,. ) stutYi, id lie has Worked llimself up a liasine-M which any person might bo proud to possess. , On visitiue; bis store the other day wo were pleased and sur prised to notice the improvements which have been made in the {interior of hia place o[ busines3F and-wo (fan safe ly say that he new has a store, and also a business, second to none in tho. comity of llalton. Doing a dmgfist of ability, .those who favor bim wSth their patron age Cart depend upon getting the very i best medicines at the lowest prices. YY hopr that Mr. Meltarvin will go on pros LASTDUSr.VUUXU HHUIHK and grappled do.sperately with tho threat iron plate.that was crushing him out of' existence. It ^Yl\8 nil the work of a few seconds. But a moment more and bo lay unconsci ous .md dying beneath tliej tiniiibtr- pus weight of tho ash box "'with one of tho damper rods Imvlfil into thu ! right side of his bead. 'Jjhe alarm 1 was sounded, and soon ;aii exerted I crowd \raa siimiuonod to thn nc>>iie. i^a. J AS. BTJS,2^S Having madoarrangomontrt with tho (i. T. It. ia now propared to . lV carry any- -~ IfiXPUBSS AND FREIGHT Delivered at Aoton station, at VERY CIIEAF RATES, Bo.suro and soo tlmt lltirn.s curies yourgooils, as ho is suro to deliver thorn aal'o. . ' . 4o-3m. %. TM Cash, System a Photographs, Photographs. Gall and see our cheap Dresses,^ Prints and Cottons, Parasols, Gloves and 'Ribbons sure to please. perinc-in the fatetM ss he has in the part, and that he may long be spared | It Was found absolutely impossilile i to dispense pills and worm powders to the public." to back tho engine off, and so tho ties beneath thu dying man were i speedily cut u.wi\\ Just as the - The enormous sale of Dross I body whs taken down, tuul about Goods is still'oii. beautiful 1 teu'minnteaMatel' ho breathed his Urenadincs worth 2.1c for r.3 yd. _Drs.1 la^ The ^^i,^ were immedi- remains were immeU With i utely brought to this city, and ax-,a'i:i:ti.\"u scekk" tioods for 7c worvch 1."*.-, .10c worth 25c, iic worth Sthf.-l'oc worth 3.">c French Pebergcs, bl'iij Rlulctd'd Silks, ' bl'k and col'd Cas'.fmcres iinkitnr the; . , . .i , i largest, cheapest, nnd most attractive 1 Was witnessed at the depot us i ash ; stock nt Drcs? tioojls in the .Dominion. I many friends jf tile deceareil i at Toibt! McLeod, Auderj^u' i. Co.^rgotown. -j gathered around his lifeless form, I- . ~~T^^-----:------- convulsed with bitter sobs of yiief. Ghas. "Wi Siliv. PllOTOGPv.VPIlER, Wishes to announce to his custom- its that be has added greatly to bis former laeilitios for ttking i'ieteios, and is now prepared to |nake rhoio- grapbs secouit to none irV llioUpunty ami at prices to suit all. In,Picture Frames 1 keep a l.irgo and well selected stock. Also, a great variety ol' Mouldings q'f the latest design, which will bo inn lo to onler on short notice, (iivo mo ii call. 3i-6n CIIAS."\V. IIII.L. 1 sua ME Acton Village Council. ./The Council 1 met on Monday devening, UHh ins'., as a Court of sup;ilyt Pure . Revision. All tho metiiiicrs pre sent. The Reeve iu the chair. The following appeals were dis- posed: of: ;c Tiies. MoLaui Appeal against ussfssmviit. Asitisbineiit con- tirn.'.d. lliurr J. Orr Appeal to have his name i-ntt-r.-d on the assessmeiit bfiug; wrongfully omitted. ' Name cntt-u-d nil 11)!!. SV11 Lutdy Appeal to have name entered on Assessment Roll, it beim; wionyfully omitted. Name entered on Roil. Movrd by Mr. C jates, seconded by Mr. .Mill, that the Assessment j Roil of Io7S, lie dually cjutirluod, , as rt-vis^tl. C irricd.' ! Moicd l>v Mr. Coates, seconded Saving the. scars and bruises upon, the! right Bide, shoulders and mte.k, and the ghanlly wound on (the 1 right side of his face, inflicted] bv I - ' i : | - i the sharji edge of the itsh box ,|md the duni|)er rods, the body v^.is^iot scarred. Deceased was a ii:iti\J$ of Acton, Ontario, Ctiuda, where he has a aiatei and brother now livim* and ibont Ss hould be used in every family. Try them. ! ' Another car load of numerous important arrivals which itoly come ts hand, we wouldask special attention to Piffcj.Pieces Choice Hc\7 Blaols Grena^Q in all the new and favorite makes for the season. CHlUP, ', ' ' : """" 1 Case Handsome "Bourette" Dress Goods, at present commanding .n'immenae sale in Me* York, and other cities of fashion. 1 base we shall sell AT TWBJSTlTrFiVl/ CENTS TEE YARD, > and er'very-lady should see them* ," One Cage Lovely Mite--flood "/j *s, ^ received, to be rushed off at a baretaiii. r\'. '^K>->:;.; .';; -Tv%i I v * t br Mr. Cjtirt dis- .mtu Unit -this I-solve. Carrieil. j Move 1-by Mr. C >alCf, seconded by Mr. S.ui}h, tiiit t!ic sum uf live I dollai-s and seventy cents b.- refund- eil to Mr. Ci'.npbelL for : on lot -~>. 1st con , E-qnesing, b:- j~hig wrongfully pl.ic-d ou the R-jll ' of School o-c.iuu Xo. 1'2. Carried. 1 Tjc Finance Cjuiuiittee present- I ed tbeii tifth report, recomiuendiug | the payment of .tho fultowini: of ; counts, in : 'jlWh j the paymitfit of ,t!io counts, viz: T. A. Moori','. for this Village will have a grafil straw- .ppriiilin^- ^7.03 J S. Ac M. Zimmel- ' berry festival in the -Temp France Hall, j n^ri. $11) 15.- Total, $20. IS. _ oo'tao Utwf July: -1 Moved by Mr. Speight, second We regret to I?arri that Mr. Jos. H. Hacking, formerly editor of the Tees Psers, is seriously ill, and ia ooafined to his bouse. Mr! John P. Secord left Acton ed by 'Mr. .Smith, that tho report of the Finance Committee he adopt ed, a.-.iJ that the amout be paid, and Chat tho R-n'B do issue his cheques for-,'the same. Carried. ' .Mived liy Mr. Hill, seconded by for Hamilton, on Mciitiay, to atteud the/j liny Coates, that this Council dj Grand Lodge, Knights of: Pythias, as"; adjourn till Monday, 21tb inst. the representative of Calauthe Lodge. ' Oar rind. . .-| Tue Council then adjourned. when yon can buy Christie, Henderson t Co.'a famous.50c Tea for 45c in o lb lota! Who woOdd want it any cheaper The Action Brass Band boys- have to-day commenced to fix up tho 4kating rink, with a view of having -promena-de concerts during the summer. Wool, wool, ,20,000 lbs good dean merchantable wool wanted, for which the highest pries in cash or trade "will be paid at NIcLeod, Anderson & ' Co.'a, Georgetown. A handsome new,car has been put on the H. tX. W. R, Buffalo Ex- - pTess, and is a great comfort, to passen gers. It ifl constructed on the same plan as a Pullman palace car, but can be ridden in on the ordinary car ticket. Busy, always busy, crowded irom-jioniing till ai^nt. Cheap coods, %ood good*, and ^good prices -tor pro duce. Tere is no doubt about who does the business oLActon. A visit- to onr shop at any time will testify to th fact.' Christie, Henderson & Co., The Rev. James Campbell, of ^Winnipeg, Manitoba," but formerly of *this village, returned here last woek and waa made welcome by a host of j friends. Mr. -Campbell has been ap- ' j>ointed to tho rectorship of the_M. E. Chnrch here. Gtorgttovm Herald. Millinery.and Mantles. Our show room is still replete with all the lateat novelties in this li.De of goods. We are clearing out' our i Mantles and Linen Costumes. Great ./bargains will be given to effect >- clearance. Our millinery is famed frir being stylish and cheap. A call is. respectfully solicited. McLeod, Anderson & Co., Mammoth House, Georgetown. ~Mr. R. Agnew, of Actori, takes 30 newspapers, weeklies and dailies. Milton CfuimpV^t. The Champion is the "official paper of the County," and, of coarse, the abovejmuBfcbe true. Mr. Agnew, however, does not believe it, neither dp we. He informs us that he takes twelve weeklies and -four'aafliee.. ^r the Champion's new mode of a3oi: tion twelve and four make thirty. csrsiiEi* TO DElTa. A Shockins Accident. Mr. D-uiiel McMaster, tho ..'well-' known and popular engineer of the locojuotive Alki, on the-S. .it W. W. IE. R., arrived at Newc:istle, Washington territory, on Monday, May-13, a little before ten o'clock, with his tcaiii of empty cars from thin city. He run the -curs up under the' -bunkers; as usual, tin-' coupled his locomotive, and started off down the grade, halting for u few moments at the coal bin, u little beyond, where he: coaled iij years. His parents vere Sdjtch, and ho was seiit back to SJ.itland during his minority, whefe he learned the trade of u. machinist and engineer. He cumCto California:some' years ago and was for some time employ ed us engineer on the C. P. II. It He arrived iu this city about, a year and a half ago and has since linen employed on the.S. & YV. XV. R. R. He was a man of ^steady habits, _iind gentlemanly, bearing and highly respected by all who knew him. lie was also -a mem ber of the Engineers Briitheije.ujd. The" sml tidings were telegraphed io his sister, the same afternoon. Tiie funeral to.ik pluca the 'follow ing day at '2 'o'clock, from the i Presbyterian church, and tho re- nmins wore followed to tho grave by a large number, inclu liiig many of the leading citizens of the place. The ovation of respect shown to the memory of the djceased was a jjratifyinij evider.coiof the worthy place he lnvl gained in the esteem of our citizens; Mnd it inns', indeed be consoling to his bereaved rela tives to know tint their brother had made so many friends among strangers in the far olT land in which iiis lot was cast to di(>, who mourned his loss and "trowed his bier with tho tributes of atFoction andc esteem. Dxll'J IntelU'jiiiicar,. Seattle,. Washington' Territory-: [Mr. McMaster was well known in this place, be having been brought up in Acton. He ha-i a great number of warm friends here, 'and we publish tho above article thinking that it will be iuleivstiug to them. E I. Free Phess ] :-:fv"; Busy, Busy in ]bhe Still they come for o fitting Garments. Ladies' and G dv stylish includingjPiques, Marseilles,. Brilliants, Lawhe. Cehtenalkl Strfoes Checks, etc., ranging from 0 cents per yard and Awards ': lor a choice variety, of fVew and i^asliioilahre Goods, ladies should come direet to the Fashionable West Erid, Gu^lph. Fashionable West Khd Oress, Millinery and iiamleEsttbiisbmti C. ' Quolph, April 18.1878. .' r- . ' ' t ' ,'F A&Tm Livery Stable. Having purchated the'Livery Stable and business formerly owned byj Mr. It. Adams, we are pre pared to furnlsla First-Class Kius at the Host lieiisonabieJtiVU's. TERMS CASH, .'loo.l Commercial Uigs always on hand. 45-6tn MAT,1'HEWS & KICKLIN, John Strcetj Acton jp7?\. esrsis i nts' ^OPl Hats and Gaps. I Npw styles selling very cheap. : "i! : ' ifour iniiuence and patronage Solicited for the success of -this great cash pvstem. t:h::e usii OONTINt'SS TO i j- i- j Acton, Juno 11th, 1819. see: J. C. HURST. mm. mi s T" for the return' trip; and dropped down tho track; a then ittle J. E. McG^rvia, druggist, Acton. further and stopped just beyond the head of the trestle which ap pears to f gulch there. Hero he got - \ . OFF, THE LOCOMOTIVE and went tinder, the trestle, which was just high enough'to ildinit of his standing on the grouted with his head touching the " log" oi~ the engine boilej- as he stopd up I be tween : the t'ies. In this position ho was engaged in fixing up Mie spring to the reverse dever, which bad got out of orjler, when one of the brakemen started down the grade from the bunkers with three loaded coal cars. The coal cars are,, usually brought to aliult incoming down the grade as^soon as they reach the coal bin where the loco motive takes coal. \Tliis being the custom,ih6 deceased took no notice ;of thpir approach but contirrued his -work. - By some means, however, it appeals that the brakes did not sufficiently take hold or were not put on strong enough, and the cars came do$n past the biu and struck the locomotive with considerable for3e. -' -Tins,, of course, -sent it ahead with a gradual but^steady motion. As the locomotive styi ted up $he eccentric shaft of the front driving wheel began to press agiinst deceased's, right breast, J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. Post QSLoe Store ACTON. Sells Oho^p. Whilo money is so hard to'get, it shout"! be the first consideration of each person where they can secure tho best value for llieir money, in groceries, crockery glassware, wall paper. Ac. The Post office .Store is the pl*c_e. No. 1 Round Herrings for ?1.50 per bail' barrel. No. 1 Split" Herrings for $1.75 per half barrel. -t NEW BRICK ^TORB,J mum- &%9 J ,i\fill QSIUME8*. THEIR MlLLINBlW : OOM is the great attraction. Please leave your orders early,. and have; no disappointment lor the 2i4th; Immense' stock of K--"=rZi:B 7 ' ;}.. No. 1 Trout half barrel. Three Patent I'ai'.sCy 50c. Matches per Ijox, 12c. Warranted Gooil. for ,?2 00 per Also, a splendid Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, The B3t 9 cant Tea and color- and Fancy Gloves, all --A-T- Jewelery Store Back Combs, ], Circular J3omlDS, ; :; Jet Ear Rings, Jet Brooolies, Blapls Setts, , J..E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton, 41-3m la tio Mar^:t;. VYALL PAPJJI1S FROM-4 cts. UP. And everything usually kept in a first-class (Jrocery, cheap lor cash or trade. J AS. MATTHEWS. Acton, May 1, 1878. j James. R^der Wlslie6 to iimnk the-publlic for the - patroi.n'4e tliey.liave'cou'Ceiietl up- o.i him liereUiforb. As hit, booltlt ami not s Were diistroyetl by lire, hn wojltl be tha',Hful li Uuiso iicalni't, whom ji't held no es-would kUo him tli'i itU'-s. iml iimotii t o: them, and also' If tho.,! irhose nccuuiits_ have been rendered wmilil, bring them forwnr.l and Kettle. He woni'i-alsu ray that U-> Is STILL OAfeBTI^a on 2^311X353 at tho old stand, Where he will bfi Iad to Roe bis old nus- toracM.and. Jis times itro li>rd, bo ban made the prleea to suit theni. IxinUnt these Untes: Lumber Waggon, complete, with sprint seat. $7(i.oe. , ' . Dnmocrat t\'agtron,.$100 to $110. liUKgll-B, Jl'10 io'$U0. ' . All wno requlie a Waggon or Buguy ot these rates oull and give sour orders at once. ' Material and "WorlEmanslilp Quarant-sod. consisting of black ed Silks, Cashmeres Dress Goods. Kid the new / shades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), Lisle i Thread gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimmings and Fringes, Prints, Comtrices,|, Muslins, Grey Linens, wptiift Cottons , Hbsi: and Grey i-^ *i aid 0BY tr \j j: Those neat and comfortable Tie Shoes in great demand.* TftlO.* iV ... TS: in U0w and leading sbyl9S. licaity-Miule Ololhing, Bladij and Blue Broad cloths, Diagonals, English, Scotch and Canadian Twee-Is SUITS MADE TO ORDER, AXDA PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED, OR NO SALE, A full assort ment of Gents' Ft riiishings. White Dress Shirts,. Collars. Guffs, Tit-A, etc. A -plenJid Stock of Choice 'l4iniily Groceries. TEAS A SPECIr Jobbing ns follows ( HORSE-SHOEINU A SPECIALTY Now Sboes!25o. Sotting 9honB, 10c. Kntlro tlorseH, $2.00, for.riew ahoep. . " 1.00, Tor netting Hhoor. LttylnKShenr--,50r. lo$1.00. ' i Ooul'erB, iifio'. to 50c. Ailpthcr Jobbing in proportion-* tJgT These prices are for Cash only. All work charged the old rates. Further particulars nsxtweefc. ' Yours tml y^ JAMES KYDER. I: U - '" JAMES SYMON, in returnjiiig thanks to his for the very liberal lie commenced d theni that never a were such bar- numerous friends and customer support accorded to him since /business in Acton, would reihin before in the: history of Canad {Vains offered BnjActon. The Goods have been bou-'ht for Cash rand will be sold at a small a<U vance on cost. Produce ot all kinds tiken in exchange att REMEMBEB THE THE NEW BRICK STORE M Acton, April 10th, 1878. resli Arrivals daily of new and fr^sh lots 01 Goods, You can .always de pend on getting the latest/' Buy Moatroal -."Whits SottoiiT f Bast value < in tiie Market. JAMES SYMON. ie highest market price.. PLACE: AIN ST., ACTON, Witikdut a frival^our Farhous^ 50c; Tek ^lbs for $2.2& Acton, May 7th, 1878* : I " "..

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