Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1878, p. 1

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J? &M- Sk ml $ r ' .- i =n in le B. jsjaBtsgasa^m^^ sg#y #fe~ aatacarss 5 ESS. Volume IH. >" o. .11 Whole Xo. IS 5 ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JfUNE 20, 1870 r rruiE ACTON FRT3E PRESS' Is Published THURSDAY M3RNUxa, tiw- Fr'es T?rs3S Building, OTOX KVKERY :** "LOST LOVE. The heart of simplest' womau. Is a mistery imravcMeil, Ami the lpyo tht teems most trahn* ! , parent .,! |IIb most hopelessly concealed. ' av..::"v. 0^-> d ' i i-.i.i.'V.:i yo-.\r s>-, J>-. ...T W. a i : - .':-." 5> .".." . if P;r . "..' lis.' \Y c:\ro it not for the lavo while'wo have No I0r __1^- ai.i'i -r, Jt ri ft> v* ^ r^-.t. W know not of love till it'a lost : We scatter its treasures broad-handed, Nor reckon the ultimate cost. Lo ! a hand cornea forth from, (tie shsulows A touch thiiTt I knovr of old That could crown the gloomiest fancies With an aureole of gold ; And I think how that hand so loving, That craved hut to lie in mine, Oft mot an impatient gesture. Or found no responsive sij;n. And friMii yonder painted canvas I catch the old, wistful, look, So timidly, mutely-jealous Of the love, that 1 gave my book. And I only too well remember How 1 chafed at the dumb reproach. And swore that no thought oV ;woman. Should on uij pursuits encroach. S -i:. " _-. o.' ' : r: r. > JX-aIA* -^ ..- _ - . l . 1 .::~-^>. 'est NY. II i Was I blind, or mad, or but heartless? | The' face iind the hands arc gone i : , The h^ht'cif my life lias vanished ;' I 1 am utterly r.Uuie. *'. _. i___ . .;J : The. brain that her glances kindled .' T ! Is 'Ul-htcd and dcadand chilled, J, ^OOlSSuOrO. ' A:ul "" ' fiorgoous- dreams of the future i C.ii neveriiHTC be lukilled. :ri V>H: ' - : L '-' - j love.l as a man who is selfish, ..l)!; . i Ma- h'Ved in a wsin; n's way ; . , / - .- ' An.i man's love compared with a &Vf\"!?'5 ^^1^??V : wo .-nan's' - -4> i r!iKis unto . id 5*5 li-..- CvlU^3':: r ri lay^. Tro:u . a. ' ; : VV e 1J ."> w e r ilYSi- LaSe-si.lo Libraries, -,- Firciide Jj'.braries, :3o~'s L.ibrarii.-s, ">;. Y. Liibrar-ies ; As a ! ri'.-l !l'r-wr..-:""e ; And ie. spendthrift , hi^'-birth. iCTO^- iiia ail tli L. -> * ^ aSXDS^SON Lcto:i. o:u:cy- OCTv- ,L:ito>t .r*ov;Ss. . tlio <Io\ver slie pave, late 1 fnul ipy cimbition >\vcl l:cr itito.thc grave. GOLSEfl DEATH I Mi A TALK OF LL DORADO. L-!'.:-}-- E!le!;s!io l.-i.l tl.j'eo lovers D, n-VTiiZ^Oa, attorney. j 0>.7 II. W 1'Ei'RiE. o- rl in '.'ih'.g--. uiii.l" hud ;v fortune, in t'V i) v.i light, of lui: tluusdiid uol- irs. ' Tho Rtrnngest puvt of this Bingu- hxr matrimonial ntrug(;lo is still to bo reluted, for it did not end -in marriage after all 1 ' . What art thiB particular villain used, is little Co the purpose. Suf fice it to suy, that Lucy; placed her entire property in Oarston's hands, and, her parents being dead, there \vi\h no one to watch her interests.- Tlie ca'.astropho is doubtless nil- Iticipatuil. One,-week before tho [ day appointed for tho wedding, .Lucy received the astounding in telligence that Oarsttin, acting un der tlio power of attorney she had given him, had converted every ucto of her estate into cash, an5 had departed with it to parts un known.' So well had lie covered up his -track, that no clue to his' whereabouts could be discovered,, and jthe (unfortunate gitl was oblig ed to nefcept the bitter verity that she Lad lost her fortuue as well as all her lovers. Lucy -Ellurslie was a Yankee girl, however, -and her misfortune by no means \>roko her spirit. -The house in which she lived wris still left, her, not having bee'li; given to the wi-etch, and th<3 sale~{>laced hev in possession oi something; more than one thousond doll'nrs'. With this sum she at once- left the yjljage, telling her friends, that kIio was going to wojjc in some distant place, us she could no longer live where idio had Wen eo cruelly deceived. : * ^- ' *! . - :* -_.-! At the close'of a Hi^.try Summer tltiy in the yt-ar 18'ol,,two truvek-rs were-seated by a small lire kindled on! the batik . of-" a\ considerable stream, at the bottom of a rocky canon, which ptJietrated if. spur of Range Mountains, in Marin .- County, California. The pot of fragrant coffee, which the youngest ol' the wiiyfat'era had jjist j removed from the embers, testified that i;. had fultilled its ofiice. ^ Prorlmial L:ani 3nr~: 0:J>:= :i;." -ii-. i"pr.>riir.:'.y -.1-' /X El-.'I: suiter was jiromjited by ctaiiv liiiieient motives, thdii.i;li urh have said that he was --r.i-cd by love of her pprsynfj g' i'.'.-.-'io. ' I rivulet, Bomowiiuro in this ttistrict. . He said ho believed in it so much that ho regulnrly spent months every year in searching for it." " Moro fool ho !" said *ltnlph,; sontentiously. "To tell tho truth,' John,.I never bolioved in it, but you \yi;ro so finger that I did not like to disappoint you ; and, be sides," ho added, in a graver tone, " I'vo no special object iii life now, iind wild-goose chasing has us nmii)' attractions for mo us any more profitable pursuit." " You think too much of that gill, Ralph," said John, in a, tone -of contempt that proved him-.heart- whole again. " There nro hundreds of better women than Lucy Ellers lie." Stanton made no reply, and-the comrades sank into a silent reverie. " Very singular that tho Indian, should have been so precise in his description, of tho laud marks, if there was no truth in the story," Benson soliloquised, audibly, after a long silence. " The ' Diggers ' are'not famous for imagination, and his description never varied. Le mo see," he added, in a musi tone, us if lepeating from memory, " a rocky canon, in the form of a triangle, .with u rapid stream in tlio centre ; a stunted; oak tree, on a mound near the centre, its top shalttrod by lightning ; five red' nood trcca in a semicircle- behind it bring the oak in a- line with the centre redwood, and you will see two siugulaily 'shaped rocits projecting from tlio cliff that forms the western side of the canon " At this point in his solilotjuy, to hi3 unbounded ^^stonishnieiit, he KiitiVred a startling interruption. Ralph Had been reclining at full length on his 'blanket, his right elbow on the ground, and his cheek supported by his ,palm. As tin- last woiiis left Benson's lips, Ralph uttered a wild iliout of mingled as-. ^, - - . touishiuent, and exultation, und The other tr-ivdlcr was occupied : leupc(J lo Lis fe(jt M if Le bad-beeu moved by springs. ' " Look there, Jack! look there !" he cri<id, pointing down (.he canon, e A llnntfry | $1.00 per annnm In AdvaLce Carpet-Bag. An incident of Btngo travelling out West is thus told : Among the few dust-bp.grimod passengers that filed in to feast on the good things jspread on tho hos-. pitnblo board wils a verdant looking individual, who tightly clutched one of those old-fashioned, capaci ous mouthed carpet-bags, with vast bellowed depth tllat our grand fathers uBert in their journeys, and wn^'usually provided with two shirts imd a month's, luncheon. This particalar bag was only notable for tho apparent extreme paucity of its contents, und wlie/ our verdant traveller slunk hush fully to tho unoccupied end of the long dining-|tablo, und seated him- elf in one of tho chairs, he deposi- |cd his dusty big in a vacant chair iy his side. So industriously did ,0) attack tho viands before him, that Boniface tapped him on the sholder several times before he hurriedly produced u dollar, the usual price of a meal. " Your bill is two dollarB,'^ said ng Boniface. N " Hey 1" " Two dollars, if you please."- " Gosh ul} mighty, landlord,;'; :he exclaimed, "you don't i^r;an,tosay you tux a feller two dollars; for a meal like this V' " 0ui^ charge is one dollar fot^ every chair occupied at tho table. Your bag monppolizes a feea^t, and the charge for i,t is the saino as iorF a person _ j. SiiiliillK FhiuI. - j At the last meeting of the Lime Kiln Club the Rev. Penstock rose to a question of privilege. Ho said : " Way off on de las' end of de Brush fahni an old runn an dyin'. His olo woman am run'd away, his chil'en am.scattered,-an' he liea'dar all alone, wid no kind hand to pass him a fried cake or wet bis parchin' brow wid camfur. He am not one of us, and we can't give to him from our relief fund, but I axes de con sent of Brudder Gardner dat we may take up-a collekslmn." t as Xassasaweya Couucil. The Council met, pursuant to adjournment, on Saturday, the 8th day of June. Meniberjkall present. The "Reeve in the ichnir. The Council met as a Court of Revision and Appral, ap per adjoiirnment, and revise! the Assessment Roll, making some changes therein, which will appear,, in the fmul report, arid also examining particu larly the names of all persons"-en titled to be placed on the Voter* List. Mr. Wheolighan moved, seconded . by Mr. Watson, that the Court of " You kin you kin !" was, the i Revision and Appeal do now aif prompt reply of the President.' | journ, until Monday, the 2J4th of " I puts .lis dime" in do hat an' 11 junP; "at the hour "df 5 o'clock p.m., truly hopes dat de gemmen will de- ancj tj,at tjle Council do now meet preciate do dtuashnn," said Pen-1 forthc transaction of general Town- stock as he started on his way. { sijip business. Carried. Passing from man to man, the good preacher at length returned to his seat. As he looked towards the President there waB a queer cloud on his brow. ' l . Well, what success]" queries the President. / " Fo' de Lawd, but Ize,.eben los'd de ten cents I started wid '." gasped Penstock. i ' .! The silence wus so deep that it could havo been cut tip into coal shafts., Not a hair moved. " Dar 'pears to b a great moral lesson aroun' heah sumwhar," said Brother Gardner. ~- Btlt, jedge seo licre^now.jthe bag hain't eateii. a mouthfiil. in takiii" from the backs of the three mules the saddles and packs with which they had been loaded. This accomplished, and the blankets of the travellers spread upon the JtX ; i i .?.. .* <=>- . .r:-.e?s " t the < >-n' :e '.o.i Jet. tbe " - rth i :=t or r new'colla: '.l':i'.:i All ' ' ISV. S.i:>. i- \G7.\T. (. ~. t r>vj' .\;en: r.3r ::ic* -M f a 1 *'-- ' j '.V*^- a t C^. :7i :-: will receive prom p^ .r V.'. : -'-' m i -1 'u-:,"(J.r.:" . \it\ \ k n X> VTEXXS i 1 rr -J *ri-i i, t.a .- L*: i>.V.-a: ?n:r.:; ibri-ri-n--;;ri,:ru ati-.-ja-.3a y-.-?rr. v a-rl .--, .; or z.'> i* ( :^r IC l:or o'Pd .-:?.- in ten-. ~ >:i-)'i!-l it ; :-;:^^fc0^r to . >? in or-iei R. CUEKCil rd, cloie to the sprinkling th-" bivouac was formed, the case of Ralph' Stanton ! und thf leasts being holibled loose- .:-,*., bceause the most dishy- | "-' tbeir owm-rs proceeded to. djs- . .1 of the trio this was tiie'j cilS th'--ir ow" f:'-'!- ! ily. loved her fur her.-,-];:' B'-'"gldy clad iii red s5/irts, Mexi- a-id- this chronicler siirewdlv [ C!ltl, ijnmeiise top boots and M-s that shwwas ccnvinciyl of ' sombreros, thep- attiro, and Hit im- ,ct from the first. John Ben- wai- . .h minrled- vouth who had ., j'.muer.-i; and the fact tliat they were li-.-rin^" for both Lucy and \ ou ';i 'journey, testified that they Pilaris and would scarcely v'el' <-".^'g^ - " |>rospecting " | UH-lise beards which ! the)- wore, ihulnYicntly proclaimed them gold- svery muscle straining with eager ness, and his eyes absolutely blaz ing with excitement. " The blast ed oak I the five redwoods I the projecting rocks ou the western leliii'! By the Lord that, made me I we've found the gold cave I" ', I It wus perfectly true ! The land ' I marks were phiin before them, ex i actly as they had been described , by the Indian, and chance,.or Pr'o- i videnee, lmd brought'them to the y. point in the canon where they Can't help t^iat; there ate the viands before it, and if it don't par take of them it isn't Come, sir, pay c ver; 1 1 to'iu-grre the matter. my fault, ayen't time ,-;!v. ,j; is. -i- -U-J S-.RAFT vT }Z\'r.Zt, L'last^rer, lie rmsj r-; j.-or.ab.o^as, aa l - L..^.ae. or. Edraa---c:l. '.^. ... -i-' t<- ress T>ossiS tiers1?;, 1\, C!os. to trif: '}. T.'.w Kies'.brntaec:onins')la-.l".o iln?pnvjl;c. TK'Js:. ' Acton, j - Station, i 1'BELL, i'ropr . GALUItAITII, Frri- Pr".*, Aeto . /ij. Acton. DD'.II.ViaX.EIO BTb-T-, A?r.e-,e,- i'r.i-:.r^wr,.i':0 He's Ho'-el is 2r."i.--J? in firs'-ela^s H.y] -s-ith r.e" fnrirtlure. Co:iiniercia-l T'-ivr-'.ie'-s w; 1 fir.d --o <<i accommo if-.l:oij s-"'i commOlioaiS-vTnp'.vKwras. Sj--.-fial { attention pal J totli" wants ol the travel- | ii-~ T>aulio, BiTFappIie.' witntne best- L.oa=d C-sars. Gool J=-abi!Dg .and f Hostlers. w . HEaSTItKET. -Liiosnsed Auctioneers i*or the Counties of Wc-lliiigtm n!r"II.-'l ton. orders 1-rt at the F-'Krl'iiEs; OSm, Acton, or at rny 'r.:.-.!, In I BocinroiJ, will be promptly atteutlee to^ Terms reasonable. TO THE PUBLIC GF ALL XA- TlOSri 4 roLITICMj CRKEte. "If yon want a good AUCTl'JJTEEK try GEOKGE Gl'BBS, H nndorstarids ills business. .Sufi said.: Ai!dr.--ts HlUsburjP.O. %roTict;. " .'. . ""^ ln nn*c-.rEi;nc-d b'-e.s leave to an nounce t.b Farmert, and others en.grgc-d in butter malting who purj-oe getting a iiew Churn ! tuat thev would consult ia*lrown luleresls by ordering one -of -A; Holmes' 'Improved Tubaiar I>avh Churn*. :I am now tak-ng ordc-xs lor 'J-hem, bavingx*urcnasedth pa'entrigbt to inauuteure a:id ell. Thr-y are Hrltbout doa'j-. tne besfin the rjurket. Your patronage is respectfully axiticlU: iClreufars and tefitlmonisilK free on ampli cation. Territory lor sal?, itanufactur- ej and sow by ^^^^s^u.. ~ Acton, on - ! scarcely ; l.avi- .bVi:ii satis.-li.ed had" lie obtain- j e.i either y,>:tho;i:t the otli:-r. Fni- ' a'ly. .Alfred Car::on wanted her i ik.'iar.-. }'ur~r-t siiiijile; and he wcphl 1 ii ivc attended Lucy's funeral with ;sineeif: pleaiure, provided her will had ' been in.his favor. Is:iilier Benson -nor Cars'.cfn would have|li';\d a ghost of a-ehance. from the beginning, if an unfortu-, - nate (jiiarrel had not occurred be. j twe-"ii Stanton and L'icv. The leans-.: was trivial a mere miM-.n- j- le:.-.!:ir.ding; but the.slp'ewd Alfred I 'viw his opportunity in it, and, with |ilie aid of Benson, continued to magnify the dispute until a' com plete estrangement took place. Ralph unconsciously furthered his enei.-.y's design hy choosing tho wrong occasion for explanation, lie was haughtily snubbed, and, despairing at.the very moment he Both weu: remarkably handsome men,'und ,'the rude life which they had led seemed td increase their .-.hruiid have hoped, he sold his fui m ' and started for California. Car.-jton flattered himself that he would have it all his own way, but, to his astonishment, he found lba't John, the weak minded, was thtr; favorite, after. Ralph, and it -hic.ime necessary to get rid of the second rival, also. The method he adopted was worthy of his shrewd- | ness and daring. He made the ..foolish youth be- hj-alth jiind vigor. 'The' taller of the two was no other than Ralph Stanton, and ITis; companion .w:is his rival, John Benton. On reaching C.uiforiiia; tho1, latter hart made his wajr to Spftnish flat, a rich place in Auburn County; at that time crowded with "diggets." 'Here he worked,.with vailing fortune, for some months, and at last found himself in Jios- se?sion of some forty pounds cf gold dust.- This "pile" attracted 'the attention of several desperadoes. They formed a plot to murder our fr-ieiid. Fortunately, Stanton over- heard them conversing about their design,' and, though, too late to warn the intended victim, of whose, identity he wa ignorant, he arriv ed in deidat the plot, and save his old friend'ji'life. " Don't, you lliilik, lthlpll," SIlitl- Benson, stretching himself at his ease ou his blanket, " that this "\Yull, xqutre, mavbe it's all right, but it seems mighty rough ou a feller. ' Here's yiour rnouey.! And the owuerjof the bag sat down and hastily finibliod bis meal, amid the audible smiles of llic fellow- passengers iind the very perceptible grin of exultation on the landlord's face. His ruenl done, he turned to ^ his bag, openeL it, shook out its j-ohaser. in high dudgeon went back Live bo as to hold yourself pre pared either for.a long life or for a short one. ... . A negro teamster declares that he must give up driving mules or withdraw from thg church, tho two positions being incompatible. A subscriber Writes to mak,e some inquiries about the neit world's fair. We are under tlie impression that the next world won't haver any fair. " Is he a good horse to gol" "Thee would be pleaded, to 3ee hiui, go," said the'eonscientious- Quaker. A bargain was.struck, andV-balky hqrse changed owners. His pur- creases and folds, and, with provok ing sang /raid, thus- addressed it, loud enough for all in the room to hea " I beg yotir pardon, Mr. Bag, for making you. wait for the second tablet Hungry, eh V I should rather'think to, with .nothiu' in side you but |i shirt and a. paper collar, und there isn't-nrucli sub- Like rOnst beef, stance in them. 1 all .be discerned together, eh? Here's a] nice piece weighing The conversation that ensued was fu-dozen jTouudk, I guess. Whew- ! too: incolieitnt to repeat. Benson was,for instflnt search of the cave, but, after the first burst of excite in en t, Stanton's usual coolness ra turned, und he persuaded his friend to delay until morning. (To'be Continued.) TV-hy sciae People arc Poor. | lieve that a legacy had been"left The undersigned bc-ps leave to | ,'-,,, iu England, and, that accom- inform the people of Acton and sur , ]if.he(] :, 0.dU to persuade him rounding neighborhood that he has I i '.. . J_ ' procure! a iu'agnificejit H-F.ARSE. And'is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on the sjiortest notice ari3 most moderate terms. Oa'-ibl.:, C'ojTmn, Burial Huh?*, And al! kinds- of Funeral Furnish ings kept in stock, and supplied, 'on -the' shortest notice. HafrB.i.nds and Gloves supplied when required. .TOHX SPEIGHT. : n.Feb. 10, i877. 29-631. (1 BEATTY'S PIAN&'PARtORSgSANIo I>"STB^ TfiE can buy firrit-c"ass jT'ianok and Ocoaks cheaper ef-DAN IEL F. BI3ATTY,. Washing to i. New Jersey, thap any ther manulacturer i,n the. United I States- Why? Because he sells I only for cash, takes no risks and has | no book accounts. Every i'nsfru- Coaiainin't"beeH-m'-nr5..fmL-s!e.^Hn ! mentis rully warranted, for six years iiv an-uiro^.-ess!vee--tereises tope feet . aB Ktnctly first class, and are sent i iy inl lit..,--------.---------... . , , fHe player in t'l-- art of muMc elihr-r piano ->r or^-ai.j to which i adileil ovtr 'pl-x'.y WaUses, I'ulRas M , relies, Oalot's. 'Jueratic U^ioli*K. I) ni's'-s, e'c., by Uan- .Isir. fteattv. Wai ii:!_'f>n. Nra Jersey, nn-. of ta'; b -si wo.-lrs ol IT. Uiiel ever In- troJ-J-^e I, :ni <Uml 1 bs In t'K- l:ands of evry piano -md >rg .upiayer. SUsnt post- BilJlianv ;i in oi tao r.'nlied Slatc-H or " Canada for only fifty c-nts Wie jn'ec having been re lue<-l to inil'o^nce It - ja-s-ervwi-rfsr^- Adlress D.xNIEfj F. BE-VrrY, WasUiii-itc.'i, Se -.'- ,Ier.fey. : on from 5 to 15" daj-3' test trial, i-rnonsy refur.-drd and freight paid j both ways by him if Hi tare us.itis- , factor}*.; .Send for lllijslrnte.l Aii- I vrcisTHJtfi. (Catalogue Etlition) apd I tad testimonials from his patrons, I some of whom you may know. Ad- Idrosii DANLKL F. BE-VrTY Wash- 1 ington, S'ew Jersey. to go after it. ; Benson's family were ;strongly afllicted with ' the mania that its members were-.heirs, in the direct line, to some fabulous estnts 111 Great Britain, and a lucky advertisement for " the next of kin of William Benson," which appear-' ert at the critical juncture,' gave Curston the idea he needed. Accordingly, the simple John packed hiii traps, and departed, thus leaving the field entirely clear ior tlie enterprising Carston. . As may. be supposed, the 'latter made the best use of the opportuni ty,'And when John returned, disap pointed and furious, after three months' absence, Lucy and Uarston were engaged to be married ! At their first meeting, Benson accused f'-arston of deceiving him, and the latter coolly acknowledged the fact, saying that any stratagem was fair i]i love as in~wiir. The result was a scuffle, in which poor John came to griefl After that C--------was no "place for Benson. . He, too, sold his farm, and, within,a month after his return from England, followed Stanton to the land of gold. wild-goose chase has lasted long enough 1" i " Wild-goose yourself, John," re turned Stanton, good-humoreclly,as he lighted his pipe and, followed his comrade's example. " Who proposed it, I should like to know?" " I- acknowledge' the corn, old fellow," responded Benson,placidly, "/proposed it, but I've got enough of it.already. The landmarks we are looking for never, existed, that's flat! You 'will allow, however, that 1 had good reasons for my pro posal s" " I don't know that," answered Ralph, l-.izify watching the smoke of his pipe us it curled above hiB head. " Digger Indians ;are not prophets, and the guides of the plains are apt to tell big stories.' "True, enough," said Benson, laughing, " but we had the evi dence .of a white uian, and an ex perienced one, to back the Indian's' story. Bill Burton lias trapped and hunted over tbis'jcouutfy for thirty years." " The tale was improbable," re turned Ralph. " A cave, the Bides, roof and floor of which are formed of solid geld, is a natural curiosity i never found out of the Arabian Nights; Moreover, if Bill'Burton knew of such a treusur^whjt didn't he secure it for himself!" " Because he didn't'know jriece it Jwas," anRwered his comrade, eagerly. " He only knew that the. story was1 a common tradition among tlio. Indians, and that it "is . 'Bi4er spoons are used to scrape kettles. i Coffee, tea, pepper and spices are left to stand, open and Iuae,. their strength. , Potatoes in the cellar grow, .and the sprouts are not removed until the become -worthless. Brooms tire'never hung up and arejsooii spoik'd. Nice handled knives are thrown hi to the hot water. , The flour is sifted in a wasteful manner, and the bread pun is left with 'the dough sticking to it. '-. Clothes are Jeft on tlie line to be v.Jiipprd to pieces in the wind. ' : Tubs iind bnrrels are left in the Isun to dry and full apart. ' Dried fruit are not taken care of in season, und beconie wormy. Rugs, string and paper nre thrown into the fire. , .' Pork spoils for want of salt, and beef because the brine wants scald ing.; i , i Bits of' meatj ypQetdbles, biead and cold pudding are thrown away, when ;thoy might lie warmed, steamed, and served, as good as new. you took that in a gulp, and it don't seem to distress you ;either. Try this breast of lSYnb ; I can re commend it. Sorry the mint sauce is alf out. Biscuit ? Yes, here's a hull plate full. Biscuit are rather try in' on one's digestive machinery, they siry ; suppose you try a couple of platefuls of bread on top of them? Have a. spring chicken? Two? Well, you are cheeky;, but here they are. You don't wait to pick 'em, I see. Some more bis cuit % There you have 'em" Suiting i his actions *o Jhese words, the owner of the bag stuff ed into its-capacious interior every edible t'hut lay within his reach, legardlesB of the consternation de picted ill tho face of the -landlord, who rushed up to stop him. 't This is robbery, sir, downright upon the quaker. He defined bis position : " I have not lied to thee, friend!" I told thee thee would he pleased to see him go. ' Now, wouldn't thee be pleased to Bee him go?" " .-' The Hindoos have so many gods that a good Hiudoo has to pray seventy-five times a day in order to get in a single mention, of every dfeity during an ordinary life-time. Now, in America^ When a rnan..has Court adjourned, and Couneil met. T)i9 Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. . The Committee1 on roads and Bridges for the upper .part -of. the i Township presented their report, and wiH meet parties wiHliinjg'jt.b take J2on},ract8j at th following times'a-nd; .places, oh. "Wednesday, the 19th day cf Jine, viz : 8 o'clock - a.m., ,'dn-; l(j>-;lot 32, 2nd line, : cutting a hill ji'n^ filling ; 11 o'clock 7 a.m., div; 36, job 29, 5tli line,gravel ling hill and forming, ditch ; 1 o'clock p.m.,,div. 42, side road be tween dots 25 and 26,. G-tb con.j cutting hill ; 3 o'clock p.m. div. 50j lot 28, 7th line, cutting hill; 6 .f: o'clock p.m.,'div, 48, side.road be- v tween lots 2f) and 21.,.'7th con., gravelling, filling and' farming ditches. f The Committee on the Jower part of the Township will meet OU Tuesday, tlm 18th day of June", a.8 > follow^, viz: 9~o'clock a.m.j div-. 33, loj 12, 5th line, stumping and.. grading; 1 o'clock p.m. div. 46, lot 6, 7th line, widening read, and, 3 p.m., div. 48, lot 3, 5th con., cutting hill and gravelling cause- way. - ' Mr. Menzies-moved. Eeconclc-d by .Mr. Hutcheori, that whereas Henry Stingle has not accepted the offer of 25 for heating, lighting and cleaning the !Tbwn Hall mid ante room, for Township, political,-e-lti- cational-and Temperance purposes, as passed by a resolwtion" of this Council, that the Township clerk ' be and is hereby authorized to reqeive tendei-g for the sarne. until - the 24th insf.. Carried. The Council then adjourned,"to raeet again on Monday,' the 24th inst.,- at the hour of 5 o'clock p.m. ' Joitx Eastekbrook, T'p. Clerk. to get up in the night and chase liis neighbor.'s cow lout of the gar-1 ------1 ---------------- den, he; could use up the entire |jfassag;aweya Educational As system of Hindoo theology in ten ij . \ sbeiatjoB. minutes and then not be through And ho wouldn't pray very extra-f vagantly, either. Items of Interest. The little steamer, Empress of India, Is being repaired, ai)d it is the intention of the. owner.'-to remqveit from Gait to Puelinch Lake in a short time. I Burglars entered, the rpid'ence of Mr. E, J.\ Chubri, Guelph.'last Tuesday .morning, but got nothing. 1 Mrs. A. T. Stewart has purchas- , - , . , ed Miss Hosmefs statute of Zen- j teaching penmanship," rand afters obia.'from Mr. A. W. Griswold, of *^ *> pnnc.ples of The second regular meeting, of | the Nassagaweya Bdueation Asso ciation was held in the Union Hall, Brookville, on the afternooti of Saturday, 8th. iDst. There was a good representation of teachers, but very few ratepayeis were present. The President, Mr. McPhee,' .occu pied the chair. In the absence f Sec, Mr. jH, P. Cooper ofEciated in that capacity. After the open- '-.. ing address by the President, Mr. Wm.'S. UcTuvish was called upon, - He firsi explained his method of New York', for 2,750 ;. that gen- robbery !" he thundered. " I will 1 tleuian ptirchased it for $75. The lato A'. T. Stewartiereeicd a ningniu'cent building in New York for. a Women's Hotel ; but died before it got into operation. Since his death it has been opened ; and now wo lelirii has. become a failure, and is to be* turned, into a general hotel for. people of both sexes. Considering tjhat it was sinking 1,000 a dny, it is no-won der that tho executors of the estato hare decided jto change its character. The result of this ex-' periment seems, to ;have been tin, avoidable. In order to jireserve the character of the establishment and the reputation of its inmates it had become necessary to enforce a strictness of discipline and pro-, serve a convenient-lilje Beclusion' which women who cofild uffoid to pay a respectable sum for board would not submit tc- : and us they charged 31 a day, it was only tie not submit to it." 'f See here, now, squire, just kedp cool, and we'll urgiio tlio case," calmly replied the verdiant one, not letting up, however, in his occupa-- lion of filling the bag. "Didn't this bagjpay for u square meal? Wliat is a'square mpal if it isn't to rat; till oni>. is;satisfied? Isn't that so,! gents?" - His fellow-passengers, who were roaring with laughter, readily as sented. "' -" " "Now, that being tho^erdict of this jury, leV: me- tell you, Mr. Landlord, that this-bag.ain't goin' to be satisfied till it, is chuck full. I'm its friend, and unyono that interferes with its ineal will cer tainly get 'lammed that's all." He'inoant every, word of it; and' the laridloid wisely withdrew, look ing a splendid'i;xample-of the biter bitten. ' ' - An Elopement Postponed. Near Wytheville, Virginia, re cently, a young lady attempted to the paternal mansion at dead of night, by lowering herself from lier chamber liy means of a pulley and rope, fastened to "the, window. She had"just reached tho ground, where her lover awaited, ber, when her enraged sire-, uppnjivred, seized the yqung/iunn, fastened a hook to his "pants, 'ujnd raised liiin skyward, leaving his dangling in tlie1 air un til morning. Tlio element is postponed indefinitely. . A good bare buck, rider gets belt fir class of people who could ! 300 a. week. A good ckrgyman . beard there. . gets'from ipoO to S50 .' j "William Cullen Bryant, '. ,the great Ameriean'poet and journajist, died in New York, on VVedncs'clity 12th inst. '., ; The old St. Andrevr's' Church building, Toronto, has beeu sold for 83,000. : V' The Pope's health is failing, and his physicians insist upon his re moval frtjiii the "Vatican. .' " A cow ownedsby Pv. H. 'An'dei1- son, of West' Wa'wanosh, had a calf which weighed 113 lbs., at birth. Rev." Victor Smith, (Assistant rector 'of the Redeemer, Episcopal Church, New.York,.became insane during the services and was sent, to tho asylum. Causej overwork. ' Isatic White, who has just died at Toronto, at the age of 87, fought in the~wai- of 1812, and was by the side of General Brock when he fell in i the battle of Queenstpwii Heights. . .. . _' ,' A jury at Sherman, Texas, sen tenced a m^il to 99 years imprisob.- mont. Some of the jury ...\v*nted to make it f ,r life. i The Woodford .(Kentucky) Sun Bays ; " Tt is said that one hun dred and fifty murderers wero com mitted in Kentucky during the last year, and only one man hung for that offence." . ' - i' The fueling regarding the Dunkin ;A,ct is very strong in Yorkville. Petitions in f-ivor-of'its repeal,in -the ConntyOf York are being cir culated in the village, and appear writing upon the black-board. Mr. Norrish read an excellent essay on "self culture." This essay was particularly, applicable to teacherB. '- Mr. Day, teacher. Ernmo'sa, "waa present, and explafned an entirely new and original met bed of solving some problems m Natural Phil osophy. Sir. Day did not claim, the honor of inventing this method,. but he remarked that it was. due to ' Mr. McOaig, of Eramosa, whora ha had heard explaining it to the Wellington.' Teachers' Association the previous week. The tnodui operandi was coisidcred by,'all to be a must ingenious obp, and high ly creditable to the inventor. . After hearing the several essays, discussions arose, in" which Messrs. McPhee, : Ncvrish, " McTavisb, Cooper and Moore participated. ; -The next meeting of the Society- willhe he'ld in the same place on Saturday, June 29, commencing'at & o'clock, p.m. - " - to beobtaining.fl largo numW' of signatures.' _ I There was wusdom worthy of gray hairs in ' the saying of th tittle girl : " I don't like to hear Dr.-:------preach ; h speaks of, G.oi as if He were his cousin."- ' ,SnifHer read in n ,ne s-spaper the o4her day that *' Every love hua a cote; and prery dos ]i;int." And he went home, and told - his wife that oyei-y dove' had a coat and every dog had a pair o1 pautuloohs j and when -she didn't see. anything to laugh at, and told him sn, h* said he guessed she .must lie influ enced by Mrs. Swisthelm^ 'or !ni4 j beconie so goll-blameSL. Rpiitimental { all at oiice that she oonldn't ^ippre- ciato u good joko whoa shu heau line. - ' ' ' 4? le v i . ",f. i- -f . r f k . 1 -;-

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