Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1878, p. 2

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y3:-?m '} : ' r.^t-X.f^^ Tim nw * riTBTi THE FREE; PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, OFT., JUNE .20, 1878. _...(._...-.- i.-je \i*r*>.\ iuklpuesk rV4i*he>Vvvcry Thursday Morning 11 Per Annum tu Advance ** T ! .' -".'-- "'ALHttAlTli. Epitoiv LKI> fl>l FFEKI.VS si c- <i;ss>k. Tho buck-hone of t.lio strike of vj.itton operatives in 1/incushiio but. Clippings. s. w. Tnt-Ksivv Mounino, Jvst -JO, KS7--, Jiovr is thp time to Subscribe ai>d|;a.v ><ur Subsrrln- stions for the Free Press. oi.i> newspapers. Tho Toronjto Globe and I.tilth r lately devote^ a considerable ' pace to den-rUnn:; tv.eouple Of old news pap-rs which liad been sent to them bv sii-lisci-i'iers. The tr/ooeV old paper was it copy ot tin" Loll tlon 7'./tv,dated March llth, ISOiL and the 'l.i-.iiit ; '>' was h copy ot another newspaper,; ti few years older than tho Trnrs. It is our turn nfxL We" have in our posses sion copy of the St. ./iiwe.--V- Gm*v!f: i>r, \/ir ISritt\<fi J-'rariiiit /V.-/, daU-d TiuirXlay February HI. , 17t>o, vhi-ili Vas 'jiublisliotUin St. 1 J;iuies, ling. . It is yel jage-, and tt jciper is of a J with sir.-XT and stiort 'S-H" ttlijy th 111 IS Uif',1 - for priming iiewsjbpers on now. TJUe newspaper- capisists of four ,p ag2S, four enluruni= to the page "oji is a!rout .half'tho size of the Furs Peess. The typo use.#"-ip the n *"s long priniepiiz". -id i&is Dioi' i nil clear lis the type osed in-the prvs/-nt age. There art' a great UTunber Ot-:" "Jouiuiunicitions iu'Uie psivivhuc n.'i loeal or edi torial news. A let'i. i.froni Louden, E:ig.. says : f- Ik-fore tL s year. 1764, " the duties'of itupoc t utid export "amounted to about .t'l.^OO.jyOO " s'Af'icg itr this SLing -lortrj npd "that duiiug the year .tbtjy have " produced: upwards of two- niil- " lions. A- proof of the inc teas ? of " our tradtfiz " -^-n uueaiptt i ro-l>- ( berv, near Boston,, llass.^ in which! Jt turns out. that them was no foundation for tho rumor that Lord ,, . . resume work on the loriiis proposi'i I'uueiiu was to iciiutin iu t aim,la ! -' .' < , ,. '. I by (his tuiipIoyci-K!, (u ii'luu-tion ot ivs (Jovoiiior-Ui'iirriil tor itnoihi'i" ' . . , " I t 1 IH Hot. Ht.utt'll year. w:is iiiixioii.s thut.Iio slipuld do s( hut he hiis fully ittallr up hia mill to i-i'luin to l"uj>l<ilid in Si-pti'iuhtT. The homo uuthoritir.s Hcein to be at a loss to find mvyboily to tnko his phuv. Tlio Piiko of Manchester hits bf'i-n spoken-of in this connee tion more, than anybody else, ,uul i ho Kail of Carnarvt n has been looked upon in some quarters us a likely man. The name jof lVine.e Aithni' has also been mentioned. The appointment of ti Pi-inco woulil be rather a new itepaiture. He is a tiille youni;, perhapsi beinj; only Twenty .seven ; but lies'will grow oit of thai, niul anvwnV tho dutie.- ot tho post are' not very itilli Mill of peifonnance, bein^; almost noiuiiial although, of course, important. Tin- ]>poirit'iuent of/a real 1'rinw jof the tilood, \vi* o; by llie. wiiy, is it s.iin.'le uinn, nnd is in receipt of '?75,0uO a vear frotJi I'arliaiHent,- WoujiJ be looked upon.'with much pleasiii-e liy ono class of. the community iit ally lute " . Tim I'opoVt lifitli.h lH'fuiling, nnd been broken, and n laigo number ||il( h|,yHit,i,llm i{w\Hl ,1|)r>)1 | H ro of the euiployeiH aro disposed to j movnl from tho -Vatican, i It is estimatetl that over "i^,000 buahelH of wheat have btauiTXpoi't- tid from Winnipeg thiB kouhoii. Tho Dimdas Ootlon factory em ploys 100 hands and pays out over ;i,0()0 livery two wt*ckn in uagi'H. No Hte|iH have yet lieen taken by tho Ala'yor of JSlontreal for the piiservittiou of pencil on tho 12lli of July. , -. Tho Tecuiiisuths, of Jjondoiii beat thu ^laplo ij-afn, of liuelph, ut.biisu ball, Tmisihty, by a Hcuro of , ,, I ten per cent '1 he Imperial Government | -- - = -. L . , ,. 11 whether thissettlemijntwjiH luought about by eoinpi'oiiiising iirriinge- meiit,' that niore. favorablo terms would begiven w.hen tnide. improv ed a coiiiinoti mudo of settlement of Into veins or whet hi r it was u iaon.\<; in (jieb^c Quebec was in a state of uproar on Wednesday, tho 12th inst., the r-trikors having risen in ti mass, and rioting and plunderirg prevailt>d- ilirougliotit the day, the city, being tor a time-powerless to qsirll the mob, and it was not until after the" Riot Act had ..been read and ,the military and police forces opened tire upon the crowd that tliev gave way. UiUo result was some Joss of li(e vnnd'-imich bloodshed, seyt-utl being severely wounded. - There ought to be some more speedy way of quelling these,mobs and prevent ing their ti en dish work than Quebec or M^ontri-al seem to-possess. Editorial Notes.' sud'i-i ing, iistiii had 111. It is and thai voluntary back down of those oil fjtrike;,, It is probable,! however, that hunger luul begun td pinch tin nun, and that, though they have seen what ry failed to point out,to tin vo,y fortunate for Kng the prioeiprpa of Communism have iiOvit taken deep rout in the niiiitls of the worhing i.'lasS'S, Mini iu this.' way \v! may account for the com parative .peaceful plogres-H an settlement of a dangerous inovo- m^iit. TJie ('oiiinuinists in 4'hicngo. The ('ouimuiiiMs made a grand displny in t'liicjigo,- on tbo I'itli iii^t. Tln-y funned iii pi'uOet-sion at about 10 o'cloelc, and marcliec' through the principal stoi-ets witl reil fUgs (ind. Suci iHistio AlKiiit',^8,0tjO niarchetl in cessioiij and 2;"),(1(10 mor in I ho.' exercises at t!i Lirou-uds. Tlie. procession emblems, tie- plO- took pal t! pic-n e carrying about *_'0il rille wore, blue auif white iiinf with thorough discipline, tering bayonets made a w,$.-- Iie.-ol--- 1 by the Lehr und Webr 'Verein, ;. T,'".v >rms, anil and 'gilt-' soUie-i ly anpearanc-.'. The liuheiuiliu jJiarp ..s'.:o6'.ers, torty muskets^a.lso tlsirn--d out. Tlie affair was the liunsqjpii-t is Well as the largest pic-nic r'liica- J,0 (-Vet s.lw. by Parson.;, Holerohakski <iiei riiorsinitrk in Kn^lish, Iv)heini:in and yorweyian. Paul (jrotlkau, -the Cierman agitator,' also -spoke. .The 1'irot and Spidiid IlegiuJents were under arms all day,'but ij-jyt-i- left their a'-iiKkiies. (Inly- t -.j-r,ti police were on (he ]>ic nic gro iiids,. ami not a single airest was jj yule. I'lio pioct-i-ds of the afl'dt- | |ei t,o start a Socialistic papi.'r,^ I iin'd aihounted to abou: S,(HI0. The peaceable maimer in which the de-'^ Ti:e .United States.-tieuute . lias I uipnstratioi'i was conducted will ;be the -wouId-'j<i robbers1 were k died,."agreed l5'. nn.' amendment" to ^the 'l -great- point for the Socialists believed will lead o a victory lor their ticket at the pex-t mtinicipi'l election. They iilready have one alderman a Colli- inuiiis.t/ch.'utcd lust fall.'" occupies u proaitnent fiositioi i on j iv.itulrv Ctvit Appropn ition Cdl, , tlicn , .uul it is inlitu.i . . , . '.o a victory for their ticket a the third -page. The paper has news fro Hi all parts of. .Uifl\ wo.'-'ld, being,itistiled in the abaps of cc tn- liiun-cjiti&ns. The adveriLsemer ts ars st up the Sims us tho readii g auitter, and all are started with a large initial letter. To place thi 3 ag^d paper beside one of our ccuu - try local papers of the'present dar, there is at, much difference as night from day, and yet, when tho Chronicle was printed, it waS, mo .doubt, considered one .of Ihr.'-'ehy newspapers. Itv is wonderful to Bee what "sti-idies you'rtvaiisM has made during the past century, and ti! .r-t. :i- P appropriating 6ve and half millions tojiny the award of the Halifax Fishery Commission. Although the progress made by the Empr-ror.William since the at ".empt en his life has been renini k ably satisfactory, the patient suflV-is' extremely from weakness, and his r icovery will be a matter of con- sitlerable time. The suit which the Hon. Alex. M.ickenzie brought against the pub lishseri of the'Sarnia C'tnadi-ir, for charging Jiim with betrayiuig a .Cabinet secret for the benefit pf his friends, and. with locating the Lake Stipnrior terminus of the/ Canada I'aci Be Railway for his own ad van- it cadses us to wonder if,.a- century , ,-.j Vita.Tre, lias been finally ssttled by hencs, it will be as much ahead oi' "'.' ..... ... ' us now aa wo are ahead of the times when the Si'.JameJg Chronicle was printed. OrE^POSTAL fc-J-CILITtES. the publishers upologizln _A INew York religious jinper nse.ncioils, with fervent approbation, as a n instance of the Christian zeal of-the congregation of St. Anne's Church, Brooklyn, the-fact that "a '" wwnan lias given.25^ which she "had saved for the tuition of her "chiHren."- We trust that such -Ice Cieanr-al C. \\". flill'i Oorrss^ondeacs. A petition, addressed to the Postmaster Genfral, is going around the Village, and- is receiving a l<*rge instac ces of C'hristiaji zeal will be- iiumber of-.signatures, the object being to secure four mails per day, instead of.tMo; as at presents That the business of the Village is hindered, On accounfc^of their only feeing two trails a day, there is no -doubt, and, owina to our~position "Bnd trade, we have not the requi site postal ^Tcilities. Villages to the cast and west of us have two rffaila daily from the^east and west, and Acton, whoso trade is vastly superior t: some of these, has only be :n accorded one mail daily frohi the eait--and west. Although we aro only"3G'miles from, Toronto, it r takes three" daya to receive a reply, u whereas, if we had two mails each __ via.y, we could receive-a reply the same-day as sent. Acton has a population of -between D00 and 1000, and this, of itself, should in- -sure ns better postal communication than we have at present. Besides this, both the population and busi ness of the Village are increasing, so that it -is not a privilege but u rf right which we ask for. Tme want of better postal communication has long been felt by the people of this Village, and the business of the place demands it, so that wo.'are . certain the Postmaster General -ntill eome| notably-rare." It is difiicult to say who committed the greater sin, the woman who robbed, htr \\'c iri--:'i il to be uji'lvr^lmni {fiat irf dii not fi'ihl ourf'Jv"-* riMpiiitniblf fur tlit opiitiuus czjircsst'rf by our currcfjit.nulciii?, ! i--------1------------ ) A .Hodcl I'ontliictor. 7"o:i/i> Editor of the Ficv I'm*. ' Deak Sin : If I am not intrud ing upon you valuable [space, 1 would hke to say a word in regard to tlnft sorrowful looking: indivi dual who erdla himself Draper, the -model ticket snatcher ; on! the Ci. '1-. It. Having betn iii Giiel];h on Tuesday, and wishing to vj-tu-n on th;e evening train, I arrivetl at the G.uelph station five minutes before the train was due, and trU-d to ob tain a ticket, but the' cilice being closed, I could not get one. After trying, every way! to so cure a ticket, but failing to do so, as the ticket ollico wastlosed utiti) after the train moved off, I had" to get on without on;. Draper^ till: conductor, asked mo fm- my ticket, when I explained to him about the. office being'closed,- but i ho would not listen to unv common argu- 8 to y. Tho ex|M>nses of thoMonti-eaJ t"o 'ps on duty in Quol/yc during the riots will reach butivoeii 5,000 and .sG.000. Thu trial of thu Oka Indians lakes plaoM ut the duly term of the Court of t^ icon's 1'clich -at Sle. iScholastiipie. It is said thai Mr. (George Liid- lnw has HiicxvMiitilly"iviucliiiletl nc- niMgeuients for tho constriction and full equipment of tbo Credit N'alley Railway. -s The Premier and .Mrs. -Maehe'n- zie celebrated the first quarter of ft century of their miiri ieJ lift Mon day. ThuVj eutei-tailicd largo miiiibcr of fi iends. - Marked burnlars broke into a toll hoj.-.(> at Ryan's C.'ortu'rs, u fow inih-s i to tit London, on Tuesday night, ami Mcund about 27 iu diioney and two silver watches. Toioir-o list of liquor licenses for current year is now complete. It comprises 2ti0 tivern and slioji licenses a '-decrease of 20" from last year and 21 wholesale licen ses. ' i ;- At Dinger, upwards of ,1*200 has born accidentallyfound in the .possession of an old female pauper, who was supposed to In1 ill a state i?f extreme poverty, and h id been maiiv ) ears in receipt of parochial relief. >iA young Indian Prince, the .Maharajah of Kooeh, Behar, has ti lived in- London. He is making .\ilweJve months'tour of i]iii'>pc,[ and after a two months' stayii[.f". -London \rill visit the principal -manufacturing towns iu England. . jH inlaii's friends are qaie* c.m- iiUent that he \j(ili win the Sculling race with Morris at Hulton, Pen nsylvaiiia, to day. The betting, which is understood to be a sort of barometer by which to predict the result, is in favour of the Canadian. The statement' pre] ared by tho Special Committer of tho financial condition of the city of O-taw'u for presentation to the L:eutenant- Uovernor in Council aliotvs the debenture debt of the city to be '$2,'"lc7-,30U. This is about X'JO per liead of the population. Hiiring n big thunder storm, which, passed over Petthshire le- cently, the monument to Gen. Burd, the hero of the'storming of Sci igapa'.am, which was erected on a hill bi twien Griell' and Gowrie, at a cost of over 1-000 in 180*2, -,vas shattered by lightning, Tlie lunatic Murray, who attud-. cd I he lion. Mr. Blake at Ottawa some tiuie ago', applied to the Ot tawa Chief Comstable' on Tuesday llth in.-t., fru which Murray An Indian woman hanged h > Holf iTt .Slin.wnigiin, U. O.,' lately, through grief at tho anticipated dunth of lft.'r husband, un Indiiiii, dying of consumption. 1'uforu ad justing thu cord, the poor creature washed tint ehildieii'M 1'itceH mud put them to licit, arrayed herself in her best clothes, und watched iin opportunity when her htisbiind-liud fallen asleep to lmng. liUi'Ktilf. On Friday morning about fifty unemployed. 3nbourers waited on Mayor Biugs ut tho City Hull, Ottawa, tind mado a/ duiiinuil for work. Ono of tho then w^nt so iar iih to say that they mint have work by 1'uir.or foul mcaim, j In re ply to this-'Mayor Bangs , stated that they need not tall: about try ing tho (Quebec gaino tilth u ns it would not work.- They ootthl iimke nothing by. threutH. All tint work that could bo got would be provid ed them. - ' The (iranil Lodge of tho .Kiiights of. I'ythias of Ontario have elected the following oliicers for tiro; ensu ing year: Dr. .lobn S. King,'l'o- ruiito, (i.C., by acclamation,;.jj. J^, , LtiuiHiiun, Toronto, V.G.C.; Unity (jryatit, Ilamilton, t'.!*.; James i>. Howe, Toronto, O. M. of 10.; Geo. 11. Mitchell, Toronto, G.K. of K.S.; John J. Thompson, London. G. Mr A.; Wm.'Williains, Sarma, G T.G.; John S'cord, Acton, G.O.G. Tim/ (L'and Litlgo-js to meet next year at" Windsor. IHroUTANT NOT8C2 TO ; i)i:iiro:ts, All parties iiihobted totlio iiii<lcrfu'gn- ed arc remietitetl to call and settle their ac'coiuits ill full, on or before IJil--Jidtli day of Juno, and nave costn of cttlliiction. j li. T. GAU/IWAY. I '"ptOW FACTORY Ol'XSUU. The BubBcriber, having purchased the Aeton flow Works, is prepared to fur nish (Single and Double Frame Iron 1'lown, iih well as the Him (Jang Plow, which gained the reputation of heiug tbo (Ja!ng iMr>\v irrade, at the a-mal rates. All repairs done on the shortest notice and at the cheapest pries! :(7-tf SYDXKV S.M1TJI : Eri-s' C ii'o.t. !i!!A*ri:i'ri. Com I'ouririii-. "\iy a thorough kiiowledg"' of t/ie natural la^ws whi;eh govern the op-.-ratious (,f iligejtiou ami nutrition, ami by a careful application of the tine jirojiurtici of well sc-h.-c-ted cocoa, Mr. f-'jips has provided our breakfast tables with a d.-lieately ilavorcd beverage whitdi miy save ua mati3'hcarvy doctors' bill*. It is hy the judicious Utte'>f such a constitution mr.y bogr.ultinlly built iipuritilsfrongcfiough to resifit every tendency to discftHe. Haiulredsof subtK;rualad>es are floating around us ready-'to. attack wherever there is 1 weak'point. ffc may e.'ic.ijit- inaiiy a f.ital$hift by keeping oiirsehi-f: well fortiiied with pure blood and a pro perly uoari3hudri'rame." Civil Stn-icc On;- ttr. Sold only in pickets labeled ".Iami:s Kits S Co.,. Itoiinrapatliic Cheuiint, *'(, Thre.vliieedle .Street, and1 170. Piccadilly, London.-" ' ' CHOUT 1IOUN BULL. " nt-.iiiford/fdiitii, iuipT.-"Lntly rifirneH," si're, im[i. '.' Itoya! Oxford ' Gwynne," ivill serve cows on the farm { adjoining thu G. I*. It., Actou. Term*. I Pedigree Cows, ?7:"')0 ; Grade C,nvii,'| I_.W, credit. Abo two Berkshire Ho.-irs will b'| kept- for service at the same place. Te-rin--^," ' ' -10-Grn C. S. SMITH. SETO SECSE. "\T":OTIC*K. / j.- Farmers, now is the time to iuprovc your stock Tho tirst priiiu bull, " Sir 'William T<;riip'c," III, (63) got by ".Sir William Temple,"[ii-JOG], dim Diana, by Ked Prince [CO^J K. dam Aniietta, by the (iuelph Baron [SCO], 4i!0 <;. g. dam. Ann, by Patriot [/il*.*)], will .-i;rvc cows on the premised of tlie titi'lers't'ii- ed during the season. Teriier to in jure Thorough-bred ' cows, - ."?.*.GC Grade cows, ^1.50. ; - JOKL.LKSLII-;. ; J-i-3m* , ' Lot *s"o. 5, con 1, l>in l wc.'tc in yAiir o.v;i town. nit fit free, r, if ycy\ want a li.T In-^m at. M-Jlie'i Ji'-rsoii-ol v-ltliersex om rn lit" Bfeal pav ail the time tuey w'.rk, writ- fo- t,;vrti r. ilro.--, t- HL: 1IAI-- i.e.rr .'.: Co., l"o;-t'oii:d, Maine. 1SATS Nor'- Kf.-i-l. A 'TON B.VKE'.KY ment,btit demanded .forty-six cents, children of their education, or the j u-hicli' I did not have with me opproviDi' pastor who accepted the deluded woman's aaving#"to invest in religious v.tnity that V hich had beendesigned to assist in rearing the noblest temple which can be raised in honor of God a pure and. tdncated. mliid. C" Tlietiewa froin Labrador cocit is disheartening, j -Lnnt fall theto was a failure -of the, fisheries, and trad ers who iued to Biipiily' the fidhti'- men' with ]>rovisions in exch:uige for fish and oil abandoned the ter ritory, leaving whole . fituiilies to live tKrough the winter on fish offal, .fot\ ;rops are impossible' or. thct sterna shore. There have been many deaths from starvation. Of-, five families, containing forty souls, in one settlement, five per sons survived, the.winter. . Scurvy is epedemic, and the women haunfr . > I . the shoie like spectres, picking up the dead seal, while men and boys gather sea moss or shell fish.. The people have been cut off from the outsideHvorld since last September. When they found dgath staring themjln the face it vras too late StO make their wants known^ for'; navigation had closed, and were two hundred leagues they from give tho petition the consideration Quebec, without-~'nny means for wUcli it deserves. I overland communication in winter. J. E^-McGarvin, druggist, Acton J. E. McGku-vin, druggist, Acton. 1 bo,; leave toi announce to the inhabit ants of Acton and the pubMa genet-ally that I hive tho largest' ainL best as-ioi-te I stock of baker's good? in the Village. Fresh Bread, Bunsj Cakes, Rolls, Pastry "and Fruit Cake3 in great variety. Cakes from 5 to 10c per dozen. ' Wedding and 'Fancy G^-kes mado on the shortest possible notice at reasonable rates, and satisfaction two million dollars, ^guaranteed. (Jrain Bread a specialty. J AMIES' STRAW U A*l BO WETS C-k-aned, dyed and altered to ti;e pre sent fashion. : jiiRs. w.\r., il-Sm Bower .Street Ai.-im:^ /J.iSlji fFOK STAVE TI.t3^E f living purchased the mills fenuerh ttlving jeloj^ing to P. ii II; .vayer.--:, side, i am prepare.! to pay c'a.-h for sot elm and ii.ik.^tavc Timber, (..'ash wii- alao be l>,iid for good, sound ta-4t EUWAHD MOORE. '01*1 (L'Er An.on, Ai'i-i! IT. I 7.S.- Any person hare paint- f'-iS- \ t r** vM-'-'-i i >J I ing or papering doiu should leave ." **" J z-' &- *> rt i * . '-*xJJ g or pap their orders with G. 15. Livens, who r?ill be at leisure every day except Wednesday and Siturdfcy <>( each weekr.Sliaving and ilaircutting done oH^ityi atei-.-e mentioned ii;ej-s uiiJ every night. ' > ' - . GEO, 5. LE'ViiS'.-'- Acton, April 10, 1STS. 1ASH FOR SKtNS. said had been left him by K ni Hufferin, iu payment of his claim against the Govcrr.- N B. All goods are warranted pure, ns nothing, but the best of material is used. Also a farce stock u.ent. He didn't get a cheque, as ,?f '-e|M' f'nily flour always on ,, ' . ,. ? i (hand, cheap (or cash onlv. The there were no funds. patronage of the public is "respect- Jniving spent all but fo: tv ctnts (the faro from Guelph Sto Ac-ton) in Guelph. 1 handed this-'to him, and ho handed me back fourteen cents, keeping twenty-six cents, which we said would carry nie to Rockwocd, when I could obtain a ticket xo Actou for fifteen cents. Eni."eVin||:tns station at Kockwood' I also I'difid it closed, and so I got on tho ti-^iin. again without a ticket. Draper knew that the ticket office was closed, and when he fqtiiici me ou the train again he stopped it'to put me Off. T gave him the four teen cents and promised llim the reiminining six cents whun!l reach ed Acton, nnd refused to get off the train, i He did not attenlptj to put me off, but started the train again, und when-1 reached Acton I saw a friend who gave hira the extra money. Altogether -Draper used rme in a manner unbecoming a' gentleman. I would like to know how long the public is to bej pester ed with such an individual ks Dra per, as he is certainly not a gen tleman conductor. Of course, the Company is partly to blame for put ting mo in siicli un-unenviable pO' sition before a truveliog public, but I think that after explaining the the mutter to IDraper, arid bim knowing that I cnuld gefc not tl tic ket, ho might have been a Jittle more civil to mo than he was.- Yours &c, '[' 'Cax Cok. Chicago TBtnnKE. Acton, June 19, 1870. ,- j; . r J. K. MbGiirvin, dfuggist/Acton. $J- Two ragged little imps, aged six and seven years, were befonj. th.e Toronto Police Magistrate oirFri day ou the terrible charge of hav ing stolen three laths valued at thaie quarters of a cent; Col. Den- nison ordered the property to be carefully delivered-up to the con-: tractor, wlio is one of tho largest in the city, and thu poor boys to be discharged. -On Friday morning a 300 barrel oil still exploded at the Vicoria Oil Works,-London. Immediately after the explosion tho oil ran in all directions.- The oil ignited und before anything could bo done to wards i-Binoveiiig the contents of the shop, the building, about 200 feet in length, was] it flames and beyond all hope of being Buvedf Loss S5,000. The Wellington County Council mudo a cleun sweep of the old in spectors and examiners, the new appointees being all new men with ono exception. ' G. A., Somerville, of the Guelph high school, has been appointed inspector for the south division; David Clupp, jof Stratford, inspector for tho north division,^ and Alexander Petrie and C. Mac- pberson, examiners. A band tournament, under tho auspices of the Goderich Silver Cornet band took place on Friday last, and vus n great success, fcbero being a large attendance of visitors. The following bands wre prefcent ! Brantford, |Berlin, Mitchell,'ji^ea- forth, Kincardine, Clinton Juvenile BaniJ, and! tho Saugeeu Indian Band. The 7th- Battalion Band of London hajl also entered but Could The contest, was very resulted as follows : 1st, $100 ; Berlin, 2nd fully solicited. Terms cash. K. T. GALLOWAY. -j can make money faster at work for us thin at anyihri'4 elsp. Capit-'l not required ; wo will start you. $\2 l>or day at home made by thelndus-i trlom. Men, women, boys nnJ. ei Is wanted every wbore lo work forus Now Is tin timo. Cesiiy ou'tntniul tcrtrii free. Address l'l-.IIE 4 Co., A unustu Maine, i C. T. HILL ! Is no.v oflerinjj; f6r-'sale in addition to liis stock of Q-ro39ries,: . Crockery, & G*las,*w*aro^ The following Goods : ' Sa/ Rakoa, Hay Porks, Grass Scythos, Cradlo Scythos, Ecytlio Stoaos., .; snathe, &o. Also a splendid lot of Carpenters' Hand Saws, Mekt Saws, Keyhole Saws, , Masons' Trowels, PAINTS &S PAINT OILS with the celebrated Rubber Paint -Always in stock. I am prepared to. pay th,3 h-'gh'est cash pri<J*e west of Toronto for all classes .of Calf and Sheep Skias, deliv tannery. . Lace Lea:her cou- staiitlj' on hand. 41-ly JAMES MOORE.' -VrOTICE-t6)TSESiAS.'-i'KK3. All persons found fisliing or.shooting j on my premises,; without leave, will be I prosecuted according to law. / I 47-3t i.ELl SNYDER. To Cleanse your Houses, ' ! : TALK'S-a ;& -6'amsb0^! --" ^-A-IifT'TJ, ^'^^'F,3-R; And thoroughly K-jnova-te houses, at the very lowest, rates. Orders from town and country attended to. All1 orders to be left at William Walker's les&e;;<x-, .I,din-bt.,-Acton. -:. Walter & Cameron, ^hoipgraphs, . A - '-! ' ' < .' L Pliotographs. ' j : PHOTOGRAPHER, Wi-'hrs:-1"> anijoiinop to his cuitnm- e:s tb it he has added greatly 16 hH former facilities for t iking Pictrre^- and is no.v p.-Vp irpdto mnkfiPbbU)- irrapbs s^co-ot to nu? in. the County a ud^it prices to suit all. - '." ; In Piotare Frimes 1 keep a httff* ami well selected stock: AltOj a ureat variety of 'Mouldings of th latest design, whiclj""'iH t> male to order on sbort notice. Give me a c-iil. - . 32-6n , CIUS. W.Hftb. g-uulph; k:Y; .* f solicit special.attention to \^7"E ivir\i*! ^ W'EAVi.Vy.: All orders in the Weavine]jijepronipt- ly attended to. Special attention paid to Carpet Weaving. ; ,. .L MRS. H. MeLOUGHLlX, 40-4t near Orewson's Coii^ers. -rxRESS.IIAKIXG. We take this opportunity of announc ing to the inhabitants. of Acton arid vicinity that we havej^rted dressmak ing at Mrs. Stone's Te-sidence, John-st. Orders left with us will receive prompt attention. The iiost reasonable prices charged. 39-3m MISSES BELL & S*ONE. A0TO3SI TIN WORE Main Street,: Acton. WM. iiBITH Would respeatfitlly call the at-' ' teiition of tho public' to ' : his immense stock of STOVES, &c. which he is now selling Very Cheap. 4th, 25 concert wn Rink. not attend. keen, and Brantford, $60:; Mitcblell,, 3rd, 10; Ssaforbh, In the ovening a grand held in, the Skatinn- B&'ill will be sold low for casn. Cash for Hides. i CHARLES T.HrLL, 1 -Mill-Street, Acton: Feb. 19th, 1878. BEST! business you can engage, in. 5 to 82H por day. mada by any worker of either sex, rluht in tbelr own locilUlos. fartlsulars and tropics wr.rtlx S5 free,; Improve pour spare timo at this business. Addresa-oTiNSON & Co.. Portland, Mal6e. J. E. McGarviny druggist, Actou |Haying had an exporionceiot many yearsj all orders for- - ; . - Hopairing' nd Bavotrou'gliiag will he'filledlon the shortest notice, "and iri the best style. Be sure and' go 'to Leith ifyou want good i ; or a good job; of Eavetroughing done. Produce Taken in Exchange. WM. LfilTH, Proprietor.' Acton, March '29,1877. N9"w, Glisap, I ; :. Attractive aad *' ^FashionalDle. Lines. i Weekly. Globe. Our great specialties are SXLS JACSBTS, CSBAP BLAGS LTTSraES, : - 00L0RB3 liUSTIlES, STJ2T-SSADBS, - ' i : .,'.'. - -. i. . fTiltt TTmVrollas Very ,Ohca"3 elded bargains Cashmere Jackets, every price. Corsets Every size of o'ur popular Adjustsible Corset. Gents' Furnishings, very attractive.1 Millinery, fashionable and cheap,. Linens, Cottons, Hosiery, Sheetings, Prints, Quilts, &c. " Blaofe Cashmeres -Our stock' is fully assorted. Thfi Efic-ess that fcji Ht-'enJeJ tie pot> Itcatiou of THE WEEK4.T aEIn Itse i year n6w f.wL drawing toadofc, tas Iir outs'.rl|ipe-i thai of any otiieryear wee thu estabishmeut of,tne.paper. Woi- wltlistandii.i; the serious DuUtt ffr pressiouan tflnunelalstrini'eiicyriiJU'f ail over t e American ronUnl.-lD oirculaiiou has been miinuatn*? tbro. gnout t Iip year n an aTeraSe,'2S2 I eaoii week or;~,!)> copies-bclDg^eei"" fTTTe Ats <^ advance on the averageot *nj pre- CSAf , yjous vear. Eiuhnslnst! "t { approviil come to the pool lube1* n* * every direction of tbe iifW Iorlw we CHEAP i paper, ofttn nv elwnlcai ex<ii;atio3,ofIl t Iti-initirui' ami Coploas- nitrtlnMj lor tl>; variea nn'l lnteresilnit ""^J .__ . _ I readimrmithir culled weefclJ, tW.-.W*;"' CHEAP 'ormmio i iitid Instnictlan an^enkrwtD. ! .-n-^nt of its read'-rs,-nnd ortbt*" [ ' price at vrlih'h It is supplied aiJoW"7 I the public. i.U|. I Tlie Blosraplilcal Xollcej UJWf I -Hi'ii-nml tiie Skitchr* r M Towu. BiitldltiKS. nnil*alttrISWK J wceklv ron'tonts c-r Hits paper-*'" !" ... t t WAKecir'nlnrc. as the lorpmo.t 1^*7 of tee i-omiuion, ami the firm hf""**" our National prosperity. wOt-reOelJ*.f^ liereto'.ore, earnest and coistaui " tion. 1 ^*#e KccJtslnstlral Intrlllsrnfr, SOyJji Xotcs, anil Educational Afl?i'2n. " coininue prominent 1u each nnmoer. The AnsSvcrs to *'rr*sv**'FTLxe every variety or sub-pot*, ""'Simr so vnluabie snd in&"**,Sx ' Linen Costumes, we are offering de_ "continued with frsh ci.ergy "nderu " c fled bargains. ', - ' can, of- able arti-vs and ex^rhnce'* proved so vaiunDie ami '"^"rr^Siih crowds of readers, will be kept ap J"^ Increased vigour. ' ___fc The Literary and I.n*le*f JJgSfSa under the cure of speesai conilaetora. ". ho fresh and rncy, Xeiv.s from all ]i( tbo Intest momentoi |iii"- p^wn: men fury lJe.bales,Fgd.eriil_ f *,*!*^* Uorresrondents from. 4H-JS1?}? . . okri est- iiupectlon Parllcnlnriy Ashfrt For. W.. Stewart. & Co., GiJELrn. June 4,1S78. artsorthe worW^*, lenfary debates F^.erul and HOT'^ : .i[-ninrket nnd FltianoM RV^S ,rre3rondentsfrom4-J*inU orini^ t-wlll be tethered ^^ilAj2^iB and energy tint h"S tept*rbEGLO^ the Iroi.t rank of CanatUou Journal* w thlrtyiUve years-post- , r^. - The annual subscriptionoto THE "*!,.. TWO IJOtLAKSPES ANJ'W'g,, Fbeb of Pdsr aae to all- portfi0/ g^TK .and it-he ITnit^d states,, pojave. - V"Attl*i ^^ANTED. BES1)| FOB I TTheiw'EEKLyGt.oBE will,be f%^l of pos^e .to"any p,nst-^flneS lril- ' Britain for $2.20-or nine shillings lUKemlttnnees may **'* fiLEa**' money order, bank , draft, 1fHe'^ letters, or by express, ot tu*" ^'Wi, Orders and Remittances to be ao5 sed In the l , '.-"I-Vtl ~": OLOBE WUNTIXO COMTA^^^. -' '-=! - ii,! f i:

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