Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1878, p. 3

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1 immmmmmmjitinmm* ?mm * iw^^^ailBp^^w THE; FREE Pfi,ESS, ACTON, HALT0N COUNTY, ONT., JUNE 20, 1878. J* frill, 2 ^^ CK.VM) THINK ^ IBl. TAIH I: Trains nave Acton as follows .:'- - Ni-r,h( Kinross - Toronto mail-; * i' Pay Express '" - Express - - ' - " Glt mixcil - - 0 01 NO KAST Kicht Express - , -. '/ G.!t mixed I : - Hay Express - . , AVjjtorn mail - ' - j,. London mixed .- - " ! | Mr. John P. Secoiil, of Actou, -^-a quoit inutcU will -jtuko place representative of i'alantho Loitj-e at tho l-03-i Ui ' ',t0 nieetiitg of tho llrand Lodge, '.I. 10a.m. ! -f K"ts l>' Pythias, was appointed l.oop.m. I ufaud-Outer Guard. This is an honor" V L p.m. j c^jifcrH'I upon Acton I.odj*o which was 07 little expected; 3:3,r>. --i-Mri.J. K. McGarvin was tieuv- '.t:4-J 11:30 a.m. .1:17 p.m. \> :30 p.m. Sor^iee in the Methodist Church ever_v Pnohath evening at hnlf-|>ast fix oVloc-t: and ooth morning anil even lnjj on the first HaMiath of e " month. Rev. R. Hoiins, Paste uclv >r. LOCAL MATTERS. Wedding Rings, solid IS carat plain Cold Uiug>; Ladies' Gold fancy lieru Rin.cs. Wedding and Birthday Presents at Hands' dcwelery Store. A splendid stocli. . Ice cream at 0. W. Hill's. Turnip Seed at McGarvin's. vinrt next Saturday, in Matthews* Hall. in Cleor^retown, on tho -fith of July, be tween Mr. (Joo. (libliR, of Georgetown, and Mr. 11. t'atuenm, of Acton, for SUfi and tho championship of tho U!ounty of Halton. 1 j Ruv. p. 'Noi'thruji, [Hojjothur with the How 1). liaird, of Cheltenham, ly drowned last Saturday evening, ill will (I), V.) hold a mooting in tho Acton XieUlin'iJ'pond. Ho was standing on a, log neai the edge of the water, when ho slipped and fell ill. The water was deep at the place, hut Mr. Me.Gilrvin manag ed to get out all right, only receiving a thorough wetting, Tho St." Mary's Journal of last week, contains a splendid descriptive account of - that - town, together with sketches of the business interests of tho town. The proprietors of the Jour}iiil are enterprising young nmii, and-they furnish their readers with a paper which any town might feel proud to possess. ; Order your Clothing at tiny Mammoth House, Georgetown. Hurry up lu-foro the bargains are are all gone. Haptist Church, on Thursday, 20th inst., at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. !;i ~Ico Cream at 0. W. .Hill'a. W c have cleared out from a wholesale house two manniliceiit lines of Canadian and Sootetr-Tweeds and they are now .^-Cireen and Heli- *"u fo',' '"n'-ctionV Great bargains _ . ^ . . ; are now being i.ven. Call, examine and bore at J. L. Mcv,arvm s. ; | leave your order. McLeod, Anderson What was tho- ivuttoi' with Charlie's Pet Monday night r . ', '. Mr. Jit's. Ryder lias commenced to build his new carnage factory: Actou School llourd. : Tho Board met on Monday oveii- "g inirsuant to luljournniunt. All tho mo inborn present. Minutes of hint- mooting Wero road und con- firmed. Moved by .Mr. Henderson, sec onded ly Mr.'fi, Mooie, that tho Chaimmn of this .Bomd sign land deliver to Miss Moore' und Miss MeKellar coititicates to Exuminin" Hoard, of general efficiency hs! teach ers iii the. Aeton Public School. Carried. . A petition was read .from Mr. A, Grant, and others, i requesting that Mr. Ross bo removed from his position ,\a head master of thu .A Co- ^Mrs. Slcelton, of Toronto, lec tured iii-the Temperance Hall on Tues- ' day evening, on "Our Girls and Oar -_ , . ! Rovs "..under the auspices of Aeton i ;-- ' ' | 1'ivision, ^.)!^^ ot Temperauee. I ho I iriililtc School. front of ihe-iVesbyteriaii Churcji. j Hall was well rilled, .-and the lecture j AIovu.l by' J[r. He.ide.-so Mrs. \Vni.-Gorxlon. of Glen-j was good.. She lectured agaili la'st , .imlt.j : hy "Mr. 'Lisbv,' that the: . coo, i-in town vislliui her irieuds. | n^l.t, in the same place. :. i pPtltion 0f Ml, A|ex; Gl,lllt aml Another of our younj.nien' -with J. H. McGirvinV nve cent- Toilet | has. "went anil gone and done it." He Soap. ; r- i">-' ,nlrr'-'t yesterday^ - Our grief Donald rMoLartv. of.Puslinch. ] at his loss fr-jm the ranlts ot baehelor- is fourteen years of are, ami :s over tix j hood is great. Wo hope -*'Ike"' will i feet in he:ghr. . ! make as good :i*h'.isb.-md as k' has been Excellent Scotch and C^na-,' a^friead to the, hoys, and we trust that I diaa Tvreff-i Ssits for $13 and $14 at ! the li/i.^injstick and. roliing-piu may j Fyfe and MeXat-'s. i never be brought info "use in li ir.s case. s ir-ft at- ieron' ts; -Sjme of the '-GI isjo-.v House" ! -j-Tlio Diifcrii) Suiial'tr:! "and the j Pr*-: /V'..-- newspapers, of Shelburne, have bo*.-:i m:r_-ed into one, Mr. Cutt-,11 ." son, proprietors of thc-'.^i'aii'fiiri,', to iio the mechanical- p.irt of the how otiiee and Mr. G." Haines the outside W'.:rk. Titey hoiie'by this arrangement Crenu is'lugMv"' recamraciiJud for I *" !'e a1,,!o I,;;MUh *mMnewspaper, \^ e w:sh th? yew iirm every fucccss others be received and read. .List.: Moved by Mr. Henderson, sec onded by Mr. Lisby,. flint Mr. Rosa be requested to resign, such resignation to tuk* effect at Mid summer. Licit, i,'_ On motion the Board "adjourned till the first Monday'in July. folks rc-i!ii;Iit aiinud tui-tle'-ou the road resterd-av. there are no hew mosi-Uitoes ta:s year After the Old Dattern. styles of They arc :'a!I C. W. Hi'l's Ice -Il-o cream at C. W. Hill's. -Wo MavR reeoivei ?t;nson i: Co., : excitable people. j Benurom Ryder s c-.rri'.gc lacury yes terday, to a party in Hamilton. ; \ a^_ Pt:.lsou & c,, _ rt publishers', '" -t Clothes well in the j Portland. Maine, a n,.i:n:,-r oi beantifal latest de.-i;cs from reliable Tweed" at \ engravings, am->:ig which are Life's . taa His: Eai Clothing Si.iri. Fvfe A: M >r::::rg.;' "Hapliv .Hours," n:i I " The McXab. ; i- nr'y S'.eeve." 'Tlie pictures nr works of art of the highest order, ami at Crewson's Corners, ,:: \\\ lue?day. executed by masters of the art, who l'Jth, wlere r.-s::-.v.-ss. A'-'o.'.t .*3". stand high in'their profession. K .clr -fee Oreniii ui (J. W. Hill': ;biut:is. In Actonv on the 1-ltli imt., the wife of ..Mr. Janus MeL^unau, ui a sou. Near Acton, on the ilth inst., the wife of Mr. John Mo' !ill, of a sou. LOOK , T. Stewart 8z Co Having piirohascl th Tinsmith busi- njoas from Mr. Robert FUhor, would 'reapoctfully nolioit tho coritlnuunco ot the patronsge horetoloro extend ed to hin}, together with as much nioro as tho public of Acton and vicinity shall bejpleaned to oxtend. ' Re0'* AU work entrusted to our Mr. Stowar't willi receive prompt and sful attcmtioii; - Our Stock Is now well assorted I and shall be'enlarged, as soon \ l as possible. .v-^ Hall," AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITiOM ! Th. Cash System a CFreat Success Call and. see our cheap Dresses, Prints and Cottons, Parasols, Gloves and Ribbons sure to please; and'bo convinced that, this-is the placo to gpt tho best value for your meneyj ! j ;! 5'. 8<^" Stand Next door . to tho MethodiBt Churctt. -11-3m T. STEWART & CO. l.-.-r:.-.-.->-:y*"l-,:L-.--,.t:.'l -^wl t 1 cf i?^- v;';<'i'->i-r.v^r| j ] ;4c3Tos3r Livery Stable. E TEAS Should be used in every family. Try fbhem. - Another car load of, ouse Furniture receiveid, to be rushed off at a bargain. i^'" - \, M l^,itli:i>. -^fn Acton, on the 19t!i iut., bv the K-jv.. K. lloiibs, M.-. Isaic Francis,"kid- fro'.n Messrs. ! dresser, to Miss Ida Nicitli>i, daughter of. Beuj -X-iekliu, K-^., alLof Acton. | ACT OX II HtliCTS flctur-i........ $ _"Jo to 2-7."i Fall Wheat, .. 0 US to 1 02 0 '.>.', to 0 ';i5 0 7o to \ <l,i ::re ia *Jo:.-3) in.-h:' o graod the lino laa 1. and t!i-y are dfaui'ng r >Jia i.'i pits. 'ill. -k'.; " s-ru-tnm- illy'-to hU , Fic-^iTes, k^> Pboto- te County .Also. t= of ;th be male~ Give ma 1 :ie enorniDus H. is fSili ^-.i:^ iadiiies w ~~>: is f ,:'; w.,r:u l'.-i s:ii on. : of Dress P. .llltlflll Vil. Dees.-, I'l- worth ;!, , Wirh 1'Jl : ,w >r:h 3 I.-, 'loc worth 3"> . r.-oiieh I),-'...--.-s. I,!',- a d eld Silks. \t '.'a'iihi. r-.-s miking t'.ie llirgj-it, "h-.-itii't, and ni'Ht attractive st .'k or I)rj-s i;-i ,.1-) in ttie L>o:ninion. .\IcL--:il, Auljrson t Co., (ieor.-ctown. -Mr E'l-ed. II. !",;;:;: r,-.-ss old: th, entploy- ith a .'ircuit for another year, j e^m the I i;;:r. I'r.-ss ,i)ii;e, met with : -Jas". and HTl ^"-"l "n.1 serious :'^i'lc!'t lr were realized. . j. C. W. Hill's Ic.. Cream Par-.i lor iS^tbe place where yon cm get : ths* pure niticie eitin-r ey tire d:^h : or quart. > :L)a Sttur.l iy la-:', a knife in a i p'l-ur in CampheU's Pi.-itiing Mill be- ', can: !i)i-, an i.d^ui-ig^.l tae uuji^: ncry ; to the extent of S-0. f. ! I 1 which met in S*. Tiioirjas la=t wt-ek, [ ."has re-zppo:nted ^ht.- Rev. Mr. Hobbs [ to the Actou Cireuit for an ------Messrs.-J P. Moore wtat tflrAlb-jrt C"Tk-g^r tt-AU- v.Ile. Tues'laj,* moruiu^. to receive.their diplomas. They "will return this week. , s,,l,1.J ^,Vs il-i ra.rehmtable wo ,1. 3:e 1. lor 1 i:Jlnle.j;;lt<;Iv u!-c to Mo(;.rvirl-5 drug viU "ha pv.l at' MvLj.j-I, Ander'iua t j s;"ro- ]mt no* ha:ore he hyA '"st " "r Oo/s, treorgetyvrn. -f siilerable amrmnt of Wlornl. . Dr. Mor-, Mrs. Robt. AgnJw, ot Act-o->, ! ?"' l,,eisei1 the wound, and ,r x, I( , . . ,, I urogresiing very favorably. , fie will be Mr. Duncan Itoss, near Acton, ami Mr. I , , " , . , _ . ,. : , j able ty-*esumo work in a week or so. Alex.-narus, o: fc.ram>sa, leave on the -&- 29th inst., for the old co visit. , a StraflorJerry division h E. Xickiln for a nice box of strawberries, which tho7 sent us yesterday. Tiiey keep them fur Sprouted Spring Wheat Karley ... U.its .... I . . Peas" /. . ...'. it liter (fr.-sh rolls) :1', liter (s.ilteJ rolls) Lirdt light) . ._ .. E^gs (n^w laifl) Pot itoj , p ;r b ij Apples, per big -Hay, pt *.o:i, . . Tim ithv sue 1. . Ch.ver s-cd .. U.:v li.jDD.i .. 0 (Hi to 0 00 o :w to'.HJ 34 0 0:.) to 0 IK) 0 l."i to 0 18 0 12 to o it: 0 .10 to<) 10 0 OS. to .0 0:1 0 OS too 10 0 (!:) to 0' fi."> 1 00 t 1 "> 100:) to It! )() 2 L'"> to 0 00 '4 -J."i to 0 Oo ClHtAP Having pnrcha-ed.tho Livery Stable and bu-dnoss formerly owned by Mr. It. Adams, we are pre pared, .-to furnish First-t'lfis's Kiss ,-it -the .Host . Reasonable.Rates. OIEH'il M inttETS. Sp:r!a! i > th- V-y.iiy. I't-.KSs, per D imin- i'jn Lin'. " Ou'elph, June 20, 1S7S. lay evening. He was going olit of the office, when he-accidentally put his left hand.through a pane of glass in the doir, a big gash in his wrist, and j Bm-ley severing ('the artery. ' lie was! Peas. Fliur. per 100. . . .: White NViieat, per bush TrcvlweU do Spring Wheat.. .. ' Oat3,' . . . . ... TEUMS CASH, fiood Commercial ttigs always an hand. MATrilEA'S & N1CKLIN, LVGni John .Street, Acton .- : , -, iioie i-fejuimi 111 :i ee . or an, leave on the ^>r ountry on a'. Q|a.Monday evening, July 1st, ! a Strawberry Festival will, be held obe. ,J the pat- BE iatbe ke, has fr tear since fcr. ^>'ot- Llm^s <re- t-vrXiftlie iains, tlw laintfiic^d [rage l5*n Keauecla- auf Vte- Ire-ions ot bpri" fmm - trio of th* [ton,6fii - . m^u oi tor lhein-L JbA HDSll tunaUy to bf WMI tan*dl*M ,l*cinerr [ iiuder tt 5 f^tri.x>ced . indortry f, bests"* F-eieiv>; as ut attea- Ember. -. \%*$&- IrW OP to o FrovJD-- Prjort* f rcfStxelsJ of inter.,- th c* frnals tor forcooly !M, eDv [f CDd Labre *- fctfUte?**1 luroa* U:- . i Bale at the bakery. | .Sons o: Temperance>iri the Temperance i Hall. Ample preparation has been made to secure a good supply of straw berries, and other delicaeies of the sea- i.Iay, per ton V'iZ*, perHloz. B'ltter, pifr lhr . Potatoes per bat: llogi, per: cwfc: Ciov^jr seed TtmoUiy seed.. ;?2 flO to 3 2-> 1 00 to 1 00 1 OS to 1 2g 0 SS to 0 or. o ., > to o ;i i 0 4 > to 0 -J") o r> > to o f).r> 10 00 to 1*2' 30 0 OS to 0 10 0 ll! to 0 13 0 7"> to 0 !b)i 4-)to .". 00 4 oo to' r> oo 1 80 to 2 25 A number of excellent speakers A solemn J have also been secured for the eveniDj-. -/ i f Mass will be eaid and First Communion" given to childreii, -in Little Dublin. Catholic Church,.next Sunday, a't 10:30 . a.m. Allare cdnlially invited. On Monday, we were shown an egg, which weighed four ounces, and measured six and a half inches round one.'-way, and seven and a half the other. lit was laid by one cf Mr..Stephenson's J~ bens. Millinery and. Mintl?3. Our show room is still replete with all the' latest novelties in this line of goodd. . "We are clearing out our Mantles and Linen Costumes. ^ Great bargains will be given to effect" clearance. Our 'millinery is famed for bring stylish and cheap. A call is respectfully solicited: McLiod, Anderson & Co., Mammoth House, Georgetown. .. .__ Last.Sunday a courdfi of boys " wer.. out in a canoe on Xieklin's pond. Everything weiit.-on smoothly until the canoe npset, when there was a general scramble for the shore, which "they reached in &. short time. Instead of go ing home to dry their clothes, they stripped, hnng them around on the ground, and went in swimming until they were dry, when they went on their . way rejoicing. The Georgetown IJ.rrahl Bays lilt the people of that village should be thankful to Mr. James Barber, jr., for his beinf^instrumeiital in having an early train leave that station for Toron. to every mornfiig. Until very recently the early train started from Brampton, but for the special convenienceof peo ple in that neighborhood it now starts from there, leaving at G:.50 a.m., and re turning, arrives thereat9:47p.m. This -. -jrill be a |grea$" convenience to parties HTBhing to vhit the city arid have a whole day; there. . J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. This being tiie lirst festival of the kind this season, no doubt the public will turn oijl an fill the'Hall to overflowing. The Acton Brass Band has been secured, and will furnish an abundance of music. Those vis'hing to enjoy themselves should not miss this festival, as a splen did time is expjet^.d. Sjlect pieces of vocal and instrumental music by good performers, will form a brilliant feature of the evening's amusement. Mr. .fas. Kennedy, of Brantfurd, the artistic re presentative of old Southern darkier, is expected to he present and sine; some of his celebrated songs; in character. A man, considerably "slewed," drove into the Village en Tuesday even ing. He took his rig,into one of"the back streets, unhitched his horse, tied it to the fence and left it there. He then went to one of tho hotels, slew- some whiskey, and, after an absence-6f an hour, managed to return to his fiorse and buggy. He'tried to hitch up his horse, putting its head towards tl o dashboard. At last.he got it hitched, to his own satisfaction, and told the animal to :" g'long." The horse first went forwards, then backwards, then sideways, .and" at last got so. confused anil entangled that it fell down. The man went-to sleep, being completely overpowered hy bad pop, or Bomq'thing else. In this queer mess a kind Samar itan found the rig, and-set things right; The horse, no doubt glad to-face as he had al ays been used to, started off, and went home, the man olcepingall the while. Tho man called yesterday, and 'confidentially" told the story, and re quested us not to publish it^ as he.hod not got hurt, nor anything damaged. Of course, we will not publish it, but will merely tell it to our subscribers, but hope.they will not tell anyone else. "KTOTSCrL Notice is hereby givon that a Court will be held pursuant to the ".Voters' L'.3ts Act of 187t), by his Honor, the Judge of the County Court.of the Coun ty of Halton. at MAT-THEWS' HALL, VILLAGE OF ACTON, On tb.a 22d day of June, 1878, ' At 10 o'closk, in tha forenoon, To hear and determine th several com plaints, of errors and omissions in the Voters' Lists of the Municipality of the Village Acton, for 1877. ' All persons' having' business at the Court, are' re quired to attend at the said time and place.' . . - - : ,V ' ' JOHN ROSS, : Clerk of said Municipality. Dated, .Cf-EUKs' Offkt., Actoi), 4th June, I87S. J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton EXPRESS! MR. -JA3. BteNS Having m-ide arrangements"with the Cj. T. E. is now prepared to carry any i EXPJEl'SSS ANJ3 'FREIGHT , Delivered at Actbn station, at VERY/CHEAiP HATES, 13^ sure and seo that Bums carries your goods, as he is sure to deliver them s ife. 45-3m. A' TO.V MONTHLY SALE. The Actou monthly sale will beheld at . Agncw's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, 4th July. All kihds of Stock, Implements, &c. will he sold by paying iiO cts d-piece. Sale at 12 o'clock. i'lSRMS. Ten month's' credit on approved joint notes ,__ All entries must be made to Mr. Jas. Ryder, Sec. ' WM. HlhlSTREET, Auctioneer. 25-tf! '..:' '... :| rostufiloe Store j- r XCTON. r * I Sells Cheap., j While money is so liard to gel, it should be the first consideration of each person wlfere they can secure the best value for their money, in groceries, crockery glassware. ..Tall paper, &c. Tne Post oflice Store is the place. No. 1 Round illerrings for 1,50 per o. 1 Split Herrings for $1.75 pei half barrd. No I Trout half barrel. Three Tatent fails for 50c. Matches per Box, L2c. I- Warranted Good.- for $2(K) per Busy, Busy in the laiLORING OEPflRTIVIENT! Still "they corae for our stylish fitting" G-arnients. , i ! '; ! 1 Ladies' and Gents' ! I tf^. -5-5^" t-5?^3 /?k <9ft ^Ck ool S ! It S Hats and Caps. New styles selling' very cheap. ^our'influence and patronage solicited for ll'lie success of this j^'reat cash-system. ;'"-' ' " I .' l " -. ! Acton, Juno llth, 1878V ' ' " J"' C" HURST. SUMMER1 ! Ths Best 50 cent Tea ' In tho Markot. WALL PAPERS FROM 4 crs. UP. And everything usually kept in a first'Class Grocery, cheap for cash oi trade. JAS. MATTHEWS. ' . I' "" Acton, May 1. 1878. ' James Ryder !\Vish'-t* tn.u.n.ik the public for tlie !,jniLronu.t;e they avecjuleireti up- o. ulin lit^reiufora. Ah his b'xilcs aii'L not"S wnrn destrovoi' by lirr, 1i*j woild be LhanUfol it Llios jig:ilu-i. whom he heftl n)ie-( would &\i hiin. th * d n.i-K t tid ' Hinoui't o: t.ieni, ahd aUo If Luone whosu aoco'.ints Iihvi bj'oti renflt-rti'.i would bring thtim I'orwar and setlle. He wuuU uls.j Mty that h*) 1; STILL 0 ABRTHTlon 3*J3IiT3S ' .at tao old stand, whore ho will b-! j-lad lo see his old cus tomers, and, as .times are jb ird, no ha: made tho prices to suit thorp. ; lAioklnt these Rates t imber Waggon, complete, w^th spring I seat. $70.uu. Dnmocrnt rt-aifiron, $100 to $tlC. liuagles, $100!o.$iJ0. jAI I wno rc'inl)e ii WiMfifnn-or Biigyy nl these rates uull und give Jour orders ul o ice. r" Matorial and "Workmanship Guarantsod. - . . . I JouMllg ns follows > HORSE-SHOEIMJA SPECIALTY Now Shoes, 23e Sctllnr>ShoB, lOo tin iliiuc.) wu' . .-.W .> . .. -J-..J n. ntlro Horses, f'2.00, for now shoes. " 1.00, for setting RhooF.1 IJaylneFlhenr'.SOc. to $1,110. ' i " Ooul'ors, vulc. to 50c. All other Jobfkhgiln proportion. ($T These prices are for Caah ohly. All work charged the old rates. Furthorpartloularsn9Xt week. Yours tmly, , , 4l-3ra JAMES RYDER. MA&HIFiaaiNTT DISPLAY T -^-Ti THE- i . NEW BRICK STORE, ' FRENCH : rMlLL'ISEB-t Also, r a splendid Stock of Staple aind Fancy Dry Goods, consisting,of black and color- ad Silks, Oashtileres and Fancy Dress Goods. Kid Gloves,, all the new shades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), Lisle Thread Gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, LaiHe Goods, Trimmings and Fringes, Prints, Com'trices, t Muslins, Gr^y Linens, White., and Grey Cottons. Saglisli, Freaeli a:id 0-erman R'eady-Mh'de Clothing, Black and Bine Broad cloths, Diagonals,-English, Scotch'and CanadiKtt rweeds- SUITS M'ALVfi TO ORDER, AND A: PEltFECT FIT GITAliAaVTEED,' OR NO SALE. A full assortivient offfirents' Furnishings. White Dress Shirts, Collars, Cttffs, Tie.s, etc. A -plendidSioilc of choice Family Groceries. TEAS A SPECIALTY. ; ! . JAMES SYiWO.N',, i:.i returning thanks to-lhis numerous fdiends -and customers for the very liberal support accorded t6; him since he commenced business in Acton, vvriuld remind them that never before in the history of Canada were such bar gains oft'ered in Acton. The Goods have been bouifht for Cash and will be sold at a small ad- '" - | ! '.".' vance on cost, | - JAMES SYMON. Froduoeof all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market pride EEMEMBER THE PLACE: : THE KEWJ3RICK STORE MAIN ST., ACTON. Acton, April 10th, 1878. .. , GREMADlMEi Among the'numerous important arrivals which ^have lately come to hand, we would ask special attention to Fifty- Pieces Choice 2Tew Black Sronadines in all the new and favorite makes for tho season. CHEAP. - ALSO- "i" .." !-. 1 Case Handsome " Bourette" Dress Goods, at present commanding n immense saledn New York, and other cities of " fashion. These we shall sell ' AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TER YARD T :. ' J and everylady should see them. ' 0m Case Lovely "Wliite f &oeds^ in^&^;e^^n-^ - For a choice variety of NeHv and Fashionable Gobda, ladies should cope direct to the Fashionable West End, Guelph. A. O. "BUGHAM. Pashfinable West Bnd Dre-j,-Millinery and' MamieFstcbli: Guelph, April 18,1R78. \ ' / stmo t- Rusii COHTINTJSS TO h J St te9._ THBJR MILLINERY is the great attraction. Please leave ypur^ orders early, and have ho disappointment for the 24th.' Immense stock of LADIES' PEUIULMS I - . ' ' I ' - 'V^ Those neat and, comfortable Tie Shoes in great demand. * t iV rn o 5 ^ in new. and leading Tstylss. Freli; - Arm valis- daily ofl-nev/ and< fresh lots oi G-oods. j You can always -de pend on getting the "latest.... - Buy Montrsal WJiits .Opttma Best value in the Market. Without a rival-^-cur-Famous 50c; Tea,^51bs! for $2.25. ; oaaisTia, HaiTDjsas^i-& -oo. Acton, May 7th, 1873. **%?& ^SESas3t^^^^ssf^ir r * vj I* bi. * m^jSlm* v .mem

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