Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1878, p. 4

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f I m , ml MX isS," .:H 1- - -^ --.sW-l ' fife l;: i - #wi tit*-"9 * -.Sit"- - ag!g ! I M- m " .--VfriT-:* ,- '"- *>'& ^.xi**s "-:- / '.*."=i..: '. t^j^ .- ..".ijif# r"e= TI1K ISffi5!!SraSCraKKC5rEEB3a! M\BRIt.l> TBIS KOllMNi;. ij ." Martieil III* morning" Jiow oli.-um- inK th.itfsotmcls ; " <r. I t |>,8 .AK-:) H fc-T- -f\; " How splciMi.l it looks m the paper ; ,! ] ) _>;, \!j - *\\ ."> || - S 'i li.V ."Tho l.riiie won- white sAt.n"-~l,of J ^ ,-.-, ^ .^...v "porfcetlv swi'rt, - -- ' I: .: t . " Atu\ ^ vcillilio:. fi'ftsillum yajum';"!: _ ,'. j_ - - - Uv .xa'usivo ti.aijj -MERCHANT TAllOR. r 'r ' , . ' ' "No cake" they're well up in th. ,j j "'.Atid to'-preCs- to the wotid they. avJj ./R* gj& T"?vC? Q.^*g$ true nr.ll.oa.'iircr, ' " ""* . i ."" **" J \* Ao presents received"- puts th. il.-vdi on. tour" lliht is nice ! ^ Wo niaad. r.s O.o envy th.ui truly : Wo'io .ill iji .i i'.ut.St r auaitiii.; cut turn. J t\-r wo oan't ior our: lives t-sUe'V. ooollv. . What letters the fair -bride sends had. to hit-, I've r. ,vA ..lah.'b's ;mo.iS;'s : She wriU'S ti...t- j-.tsl ihh.U ..l-it--ii tin- OW \\i ll'l i . ^They're diuini; ith loii'is and with ladies. - : .' Io tuna,!, l'oioiu-1------, with Lis K-.-.utiful hii.le, Kr\!ln Fr.iii.o" - how tho. iour:i::'s >1> -l.-.v.a lur : - .' .? rr.r.v. -a opor . to i'..iy- v - Ke.xptiotis will r.ow H' iu onli-r." Tra-'^/.trt-.Oj a ;v"-'-Jv".t tin.i- :: will l-e. Her M.-t will-U- truly il.liiht^i ; The sraiM .lof.Uo p'.irl.-rs wilt m-;.:oo1-. ho'.,', all. ; ' l^uur, ilc:-.r, a.!-.:-.U we nir'u; 1 o ii;vi:oi\ '. : 1 vo.'.!? uiariiia. ' Put two-f!,. now a UiYcr...' : ' * hlivs:;kis, Jt:..r; \\ !.o v. >'.:'.o.u't ill.u lukos tlli< oppnrtnoity of utipotiiu'- mg to llio pnhlio tlmt.liis stork Cl'llMMllI^ I' una t..';iii..lti.iii l-'llsh, Scotch TVvEEDS, CLOTHS, AND wb.KS'VED GMODS. | .- : i IsiU'W COillp'k'U;. He is jiroji:\voil-to':n:ikc-.'iiji t'n'tl.o i \'PHVT ,S'!'\ * ; f. ii; j. A n.l i'l FllKE l^ilESS.'ACTON, HALTON OOUNTY^ONT., JUNE ^0, 1878. v. a -A d --Pel i i P The- Aoton m.mthly :ili' will ln> lielil :il A^iicw'ii Hotel, on 1'dir I'ny, Thursday, 4;i'h July. <if Stin-U, IiiiploiiiiiiLii, fie. will lie snhl hy p:\villj.; oil i-lu H-pioco. :. Salo at;12o,clock. .'I'DUMS. 'jl'cii inontlifi- i'1-cilil. 'on lippl'oVl'.il ioit'it note.I All culi'ii smust-ho ni.'ulnitu Mr. Jim. Ky.U-r, Sec. W.M..ItM>hsT!:MKT.. Auctioneer. TOST AEB2VED, A splendid lot of Spring Boots & Shoes. ----AT TUT.- CENTRAL BOOT -; '. GA^Iiil, 17= iiiEATTY'S. !W1 it! ca^mino'ticsi before tT V.-..* -<:.- known it : - 1 fr..iv. ::.o ['.1st 'iv.ns :i l-o..r mr.twii. .- l But so!::vhn\v I iii\ir woi-.KI ov i VlT'. Jjhc'f iin longer th c or;'; sninn:^ ii.. m:o was. Tin soci.l h.'-rii-.-ii a-'oTiiitij : Mir.ii.u.i. my hue, i:< -v'i tht- i'-^-i iv-inc. N, w t>U n:c y. h-.'s. mr.rHi.-i! inorniric- A ctiltrrat^'J : i-or An car i rum. , Tie ,.i-:..- A! prtss ut iiiis-ii.cis i-ig j-rcss; i Joint fcL\-k--Tlii' to pstail soup. Muititstilcs cxpix-.-s oj'inioii-'- Fe\y from tiit-ii). . .How shctilJ Lotolj kcfpors ti.-.u tbt-ir.gui-btb ! \Vitli\imi civility.' Ti.c bi'it luiiilllill y lo'i u'.l i lrs ^.etti.'-.'.s LndiVid'.Ki! - A i riil.^'nt. A little l"'\\. litst ;-iiv .it' vi-..iifs_ -'lb :ii.w?ivs lit it the Juckcis ::1-. deep enotigli. Most people iirc tjo.J to ojv, their opinion. L-i.vyt.-i-s, tLut^Si uitiully sell tlici:.-. A frivhv--ISritoii iiit iiis ! v,i;\.. .- noe cn.'itvor i-lie. pu-.out womu. testiGtJ iu cuUi-t-t'hat eiic bit it u; herself. An editor ofu.r.- a row\ml ..f ji-,, UoiUrs for ti.o . btst trrnti.-.-c oi: How to .ii: ..! e ctit-door lifd i:t- .trictive to tne mosquito. ' "A learned mail bus said tbat tl.e three hai'dsrst r.-ords tc ii the English lalignagy arc, I \va.- iiiistakeu." The strongp.^t of plf-jiR for pa:-a ing: a bill iu F iilianier.l f..r mar 'riage with a doctr-.i.s-il v. if.. hist.-: - only one muiLcr iii lav.'. Five robbers with "i-.-yoIvi'Y.- juuip-d iqi'iu a cro'.vd-d Tiiiid avenue Loisc car. New York, Mon day night, and' after beating Jc. Lctfj'ra sevi-rolv, st;.le hia batch 1 containing ci50. . J. ', Two old Toxas ranchers,. w!:o '} . - . une a.skt-d the other how pious '].. though: it was po.-isibie for a nisi. to %>it, in; this v.oil'i, if he v.-.ts ']:. y-.-.i j eUU-.-t.. ' :. ' oilier, r-il v:ivT!y. "I thirik if i: ni in gots s.i.e. lo- cm o'.v.ijj sf ci or irale'Ji Jr,-!.-H wi-.h-jat ly:u', ';.t flc'ii better jo.ill out for the better, land afore he ii-as a rciap.:c." The of possible cans -s fu ( Xploii'jtii is ii.ciit.-i.SL-d. (Jul- (In }' '"ion-ii a man walkii:^ -ah,in. F<-::L-h<-.lS Slii-s-t^ ' LiviM'pii-i!, ajtc: ::i;:U',-|Ir(.|.Jji-iI "the !,! .2 | jng match i hi usie,'N t!.t- ^'i.i'i;.^ .,f ;.| i-avcur. U aiii' h>.--lin.-i.yh t it. n j .t v'all i^ ::<>Iii-i:tft' . ku.-cl. M .jo :ix .vs;i.-;.>.i-.h i;.'. 1.-T7 :--^.;>:i But not Dostroyoc tlni'i;; niado ai-r vnyotuoiits \ itii Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for un ' nuei'.cv tor the salo' of | 1' j_>.!ii.;x .1. .1 1 ;.p-i. : i .',r<!' I iii: : -. mi iiKiTiVt.i'l.l,!.- ic:\i'i.ii c-H.iiio: 'iiini: I'l'n oap- I,, i: > >i'.i r i .- ... -i u'lii'ii nial >. i in.Ol.i" ! '1 e.-iul.. !l-i . \ I,..- . .1-1 i :^ , I : . 0 Iii, l-.|li|i, U. ii..!'. . m: ! i-i.tir- i ,e' In - jL I Ii l\...'l" !u' Li',.: :'"' V"' ~c\ v*> r r *"' m i .,,, ,, , i i i ' i I 1 |L, *U? W Brf.l ". i j.[-.-.l .. [;\ win-i .-,. I 11 . it. is:.' M. ii \- re- . bar.,( ps!,I l:,,:i. ij:i:i..[;i,-:,.iy. Kuiiv i-. v-:i| . : ' -lj i.-'.'y Mi'. I- ni'.i ;.i. .its M.n.f.u '.i. In . ill'..!, : I ...... .-. .1 la ii W.M 1-..1C. I e :: '. It.\ 1' IU-;i - '^::"'N.'Hv^V! v' in- cuu-'f ciicclry. kcuse FAKMEKH'.iHTOP jIND SEK llcfiirc Von tiirllicr Co, Tho'Agricultural lmploniont rnanu. . fucturetl by Urn. . MASSEY Manufacturing: Co'y, NKWGASTLKj , for nnlo by ' E'LL'^NyDUB^CTON, . " viz: ,Vor>d'K Iron Mower, : Akron 13uoi;ovo Mower Conrjueror Combined, _ blniip'B .Self-Dump tig Hake, ': i Kowcnstlo IIiir.v()BlBr. ; t Jlorso'Power [l'itt'K]^_ :' . GrainUruBb^r&tgeiired} ft raw Cutterc, etc. 'I'lie above cannot be M rpnssed by any other Macliines mtldo in tho Dominion. 1 l'lense cnll and exnmino before purr.'liiipiiig elHc>vliero. April'UD, 1878. 3m jOBMl'USNTINt: oiallkinds iicnily . i 1 .iI'lHii.Uly executed t tli ^I'llKL! I'KESS.OKFICB. ' .. \v\i CM- t'iu I OIUcc !t 111 Strict. jfe THE AG iEJQN r Arlon, Mm oh 20, l.sTS. nil- ill use. New I'l. 1 -I.: .\il\ i i:il-ol (' '3:'.t~h. Dacr.'< ,,-.\ra,-3 ".vvi'^1".~t i> ,:>f iMri'.n .-. .tioo-t . i !.--ii....n i.,-., " '-.rp.', 'A- :,,.j, ,. ' iii,..,..I'-uV'" :i- 'V r:,!v. 10 lo.. If : -0 1., ' Ii """V- '-r-:""'-:-'-"-'1""-'-"""?' " u/,7ty, Iyer's iic.l to I'un.bli any of 1 ih-> '.:, - .'.', 'at piii-.-s t!i it .loiy o< 'octiti.ili. I';'.-..-.,: call ami sec s iiii- (ii.-s oi' n-.ou! !i:iL'. iVc., nolo: o pni !i tsui!: o!s.'u!.0)c. . *V;* ^5.'> ;ir y ifiroi : ' -'l'i. nJrn>ct!rin(,~ '^ Ibr pliuo to cret got d cheap Kin.iiy .- th ir.Icinii ^ j |0',i! Ii.ip!i;'..:-t;!i to I -!: t!i.i:-c ni' your jvati-ona^, 1 am ic-p.-'.-tliiiiV voiir For i-usioring to Gray Hair its: THos K')1? \"; K Air.nt natural "Vltalitv and Color. I . :;,.,-:.. vr.!.,,...r!.'..'-s ',,,!'t , , . ! \.-;.-, :>..-. 'J.':i;,'. A ; | fhish it ^ once r.g.cca- bl9, licai.'lV, ! lUw.-ottli--;.' n;. .1 -S'ut:...,! u ^-5-.----. -4,=^. Mid etVei- n'll , l'!'":lv' '":',u ' I ir, . 3 "v\V> -^'ITV, J' ! *Mf-- ' t!)U 1 \ , W.,s!,ila:ti,liJ .v. w JL ^^StiUtnelmi/!'1' -' _ :' ifr^liij\V,f tir,'iuf-ia:u'.b! li-.k I'.ir, (fitiiUc VJ^. b L'l i iUWj nyC4,;[i blrUve:'.!)i;i. .Sdiihym..!:. .t.'rCCFCJ"'V i tr.T.-.i-en'.Nliae-'a.l Vitili'.v, l-ivni:ilurii Uc. nc ! for Nitvo'.s. r.s-1 Piiv-h-ul Mif-iliiy. uml the c.s.dh'j; i ;, in::d.i::lt.nit ::ls ini-1 uiitiilil sai-i rie? tli.'.t r^u , " '; ; tin'ni,'.nsinoici:i^n t,lor:i; pro i !i iTiiitio-.!,'i.rvi.:i-."nf whir'.i is jv..rt!i the 1'iicc c\:> p.- Ii'.. '-. 1 !:': :.. wr'.rKn liv tlic ui'-t fx t.'.'.!ivci.acli.rc,..:il!.'ll..-i!)n-t ii!:i'[.ilrr.ii-.itimici ; in .\r.lori -.1, !o txhdiil lovsnh il :i c.'l'l r.n.l jb.v Hardware. HEW CCMIIilttl BQ.GT'& &KCE' STORE Opposite Agncw's-Hotel, Maiu . ; ' ' iSlixe't, lActon. is the?: BEST NEWSPAPER 1 f.; - ? F*&* ) ' t'-kl !\. p f Pi V ir- Kil li- /ti tl ' Y.l of art ;tnd iK^uiy r :it' i-r.i:c in all. Si.-nJ f..r it' nt i.^ia:. AO.Uica pltAUdDY MKD1CAI. iNSi'iTirrn, :-.'o.: r-ui- f.r.cli it., Det'.ea, Mts. "i!-. , A l'li'mi.l'itcl, !!lastr.a..l with tho viry Cnel. i^UbJ V1" ' > a mar- gij A B - S^?i pAjl-rrS"^^ ' :^,iruYSPL E^KMB?- Ss SON Wish to call tbe attpiilk-n of liieiti- habitanls of the Village of Acton * anil vicinity to their immense^ hto;k of . f BCCIS, SHOES ' &1 GS.0CSBIES-. C( nipiising nil tlieliiiest styles in Boota and .^hoes. : I (). (lore i Woil; receiyof ouropecinl i\inl to ari'rve i>. a low days a' lull : at:cj!lion. Kejiaiiing promptly ut-[ -f-npi ly (if j tended to. ., aMislie^l "itt^Haltoa Ool^tyl j W^Av^-:^'-^] '..or grai/ htir-". ^ 'i>"x^^;^<^, I I to its arlr/iuil j color, with the tilosswiid fr?shness of " youth. Thin hair.j* thickened, full ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by ibs j tise. No.tliin.j can restore Lie hair [ where the follicles are .destroyed, or i the glands atrophied anjl do-.-aytd ; j but such us remain can he saved by this anulicatipn, autl stimulated "\in activity, so mat a new-'*growth, of hair is produced. Instead 6f fouling' | the hair with a pasty sediment, it "{.ill keen it-clean and vigorous. Its j ys-ciiional i;sj will present the- hair j frViii tuVniug pray or fallinjj olT, "ind consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality/it gives to the scalp arrests nnd prevents; the foipiatipri. of (hmdrtiff, wliich is often so -upck-aiily and offensive. r I j"Wci:2a?cr,'"Window 81i.rc,.ic. | yj((-liti.)b.."l"K.\CMKi:S : You can j ]n t, . dl'at ipiiib. 1 also k( op on hand a (lew of Mohsis Minrly iV D liieh'a cclol.rait'tl ^vt'A ! .. !! ' '! :' ! (-"t ^'l oa-ily iia'i case yo'.n saTai y by j j.iloWUJ! u a vi-j-y sniail poftion_of;| Isy.nir lei.-nre my interest'. I | 'I vm to canvass f.,r ! Our Grocery Itcpartuiciit :-It well supplied with i Teas, Sugars, . . 5l(> Vi.^J e Jiiy o,Kle',,.-..'i, ii bcattj'b.l'i.inob a, ,1 \ r.ANCK Tt'UTH f.HO.S.-.X'lJjTSA U.S. i 'FrUltS, BlECUltS, fli'Kali.- Ill,loss von .see lit to; hut I Tobaccos, Soaps, imtiY . th The best now in iii!;e. All' goruls lit to; hut I'.h'C I reijiiiM' nl'you i- hoili' !;!, i.-.-.nt .".n.l "in1 iit-.l !e. bull nar- .,, , , , , ,, t ( . . , ;. , '. . . ,,,.,,., ,> \vi:l he sold low for-cut i or pro : t ion:-: r- livo. Aoi.ic H iMhl, I'. | . t !;>! (' ash for Eiitlos. I Coffees, <Scc, &c i i.':'"1."" IS ELESlt^f' J ^^u V_j ;,-. r; .r . j, j; .,., ^.^ "Mill SI, Avir,';:,a,rfIirlUr:.:i:;.:4 I i. . loth, lf>7S. ,-n . !,i c--I- itm r ! ricase cull ,'inJ examine Our Stock, LliAlU.rj.> 1., i ',,.,;.;. U.n.V j ! " KENNEV & SUJS ' ,' J- i ^'i'h.-'iei-- no nin mi fact t: re: oi rinni-.i.! ^-7-*:.- Hoi <>: ! r,'~ in liiis or any other ! s, . 'co'.M:t!\ who has I'OCelVed as many .| IsJ'T'! . - i ti'i.: :i .-ili (l"j.n ini oo; cm- as In.s Mr. j ik'.i'.ly. t'-.i.-ioj cvei V S'.ste and 'i'er ] _____________: Verdict. ( ,,"a'i--cEi.i-:i!i!.in-jis.M.VK, ! "."hoy are the best in the woild." ] ^ . ' Iliusl!-.,.!. -d. Advoitiser, (I' itnl.^m ; ei:i.i'Ai:i.u r.,TH V^'. t-OVVi-H &. 3'CrilS, s '. JlSI'.ill.-. iN A Vh.M'l'. iii.-m:;, i'.A-s,- SPRING'OPENING 1878. I-, a V. ilite I1.-i.p.-ir:it!(i:i,'. b liiionj uve. Address IiANlbi. ! '. 'arai1 ^Vi';.;^:1sf1V-i.r ,V.."\-1'^ -Iti!-:- , BSATTY, KV:lrl.l:,gti.n, New .lerson . g^J v Tlirii't'^li its :n,'.-i:.'y- no yur.-i: j t_____________________:______\ j Hants' & ;:..-.ii'o-st .,,:!. :.;:.; ; . stances whicii make some prepara- \.!',;',,.,,. pi,--;. !.."> <]f J .... ...u was : \ V ' tions dangerous, and injurious to the j r.- .rii-a i.yai! who li'now I'.ioi i.s a pat,- j [^,\U :.v.. Free from those deleterious sub- th.i.'s .,1 la.-.n-.-si s-r ._...,_..,...... ,1s . I.a::'..-I tf.e ~!:l!i ..f l.ti-i :n "-I '.T-' r.'i.vt i-. ^ tions uangc-i'ous. and inj iiair, the Mtjor can only benefit, but I not harrri it. If wanted mere'v for | a-HAIR DIcESSIXG. ncthing else i rah b? found so dssirable."' Contain-' ihfj neither oil nor dye, it 'lors not soil white .-cambric, and . jet lasts icrig-on the hair, giving .'; r rich) gloss- luitre, and r. gra'efti pi-yfumd. Prepared by D'f. J. C. Ayr.& Co.. P--'.tIcor ami AiiaIyl!o:d t liiia'.. v tOi!J,r m Iss BOl-U TV Ail, LULi^OlsTi (;^iigr !c h.'ue::o ti.r. .ri'.ici: -"i o.i::'.:s A-if-. . o:;i<::':- < ;:L;:i:::ii;:!> -'-t-ti'- CI." it MS ; - ki.i'.sii iv,.r:is,. l'if./.'.'.N i.itr.s.j ..w.- :i..p.!> ' t',.e Ihiiiiiiiioi. | Has how in Stock a huge, and well assorted lot of tine f.,r (.."rr-es.penii,'!,. in i J_)Fi JL GOODS, HV51 :i'f an.- uer. | . ; - ' . fe^'pe,',,,!,,,; G-KGCBRIES, . i.rf. -; r' ' :i \ >.i. a,l j.-.i l p;-.i. hp.'ll. . la I- ! :,v :,-,i.--. Mii'.'.mtiii i'lia: ' 1: . " ', ttilJe i a ll IS! II' S s > I;,-.]", : ci .;, t,i 111'- 1' I! I i. I'lU.-s j fa.j'.h-li it'.iaraiitct-'.!. An;, v. [in u-ju r.i.iU ycr'3 CJatna-rtio iriils, i"<ir" .?isl ci il.-i:'-.-: r.-!i(,r if all n:- in Itl'f.l-M, Oini.l'.I.MNS, ' > 11 i." l!l!l-.j\>l. s;;s.'S, i;::vsri'j:i.\s,-Ki:.;':- j ,; w ,.i:.'.is,,-Ai,i.,si.-,-..-.i:.i. Iii:..'.; |, CUA'-l'IU' HAM'.-1.' uru-i.s, J (.,:.;: a-, l--i;i.-nvJ S'Ai.n-,- s on --v ri..-.:ii.s,: W.lfS!l;. SII.-.-C. -, Slll'rOl.liS, rasiiais, y.t.:.-, s:ii>. I eii.i.s .tti'iiss, n:;, ro-sr'.vs, -niUN-, 1: a l.-. . | j . litTif. .. oi.Ts - wn.i l,,i|.f.s , WAll'i'-i, 111.I- Tl'.l'.S, r\:; r / I'll'l.i:!, ...l-.-S-S. 1 -.'I'ltVYj i:i-.::i, iso s.v.i o nai:.-, NitTTi.-.: iu '.:s:j orsurno ami ri.r.A mrtts, s-riNos, A-:i'l ill cat inc'iie- 'Us U" to tf^rsr ; lie !iv all l:'lli;sist s. <-;r ie-l h, nni.l ! I o ]i:i .- f-'l- an i list lit it ' iav,esi v, liaicsiilc price, t'"i"-'. "il a. an I Ilrltb'.i iVovinics. Price- ! I i|iilimi!i .,.ii,, ' freo..'1'al!--! liny ai>'ijnl. I s i'i'i'(!l!ei! the CRQGKEETY, J GLASSWARE, &c. Whit'h he will .sidl. Olieiip for .Cash. I fc'ciiliki 1 -snu r.rwan: an alisi 01 il , nr, . .f?n ft {=% ff= (T^ a (?% ^ I 5 B At rt ! ,i,n b'f p, /t \ [i 1 a fe ii 2. B fU H I H 1 I 14 B WS-Vl >., . i &" ff^ >iil M li 13 ' p^g i B SiL ^H R_ O 1 Ft I II'IS .sir .iin -i.t. '.'itti'-i II %*- no my l.i-st i-:,,leaver- t(- ' ', lolicni nun ami for ( ,tr ! I nr h--ii lb I Mil hin o I I'}'. :ir, 1 v. Ill c red it , I :ti(-ui Willi >pi,aii(l Inr ,i",--ry (.r.::, l, .-.."i, ' sand nipMoiis.] , , .,, aiip! on p_i.vii.ciii of eplier" j, | -isf2 >.. or, ;oi'l Iii-wi-'.-;. 'J-h-.-y a i.u.U. -a,,eii.!at, and an -^^<>.\,-e!!e:it pie ^ra- -s. ii,.-,.-. jteini: j.ure- p. '..-.-enaiie, tiiey ss- , e,;:il:aa an iiier- \. ea:-- or inii-c-ral hy mall OnoTOtlRAFiliJ'dS should _JL ward rnd thair address if . tor- they .'is.a, to obtain a-rrino or/Oi'gan in exchange for- Photographinjr. !A<ls ......'ash^ "yoiei, di'cssDANliCb K. -BiiATTY* W l:.':-'-l.i"-r'V:-.^""-i:-.V.""V'1^i:-'1,i>';'i 'St0". New Jersey, ,' liut Strai^ii* ;"! was \ -1 / , 10 a'-'.'iii.n r.ial a. I..aa: ex.-ei i e ,i:is -[, ami v.r':!i wla-Ir f- t iie.rl.ft i' t:.-.' i. siem i'\- . .e w Isilc : . 1-. i: - ln-iiijhv a.'tiv- : '.;:<: -!i i,.' -idle el,,; ..-..J . a:i. i ;n li'ii:. - Thus incipient into le .il'.ii, ta,' -i alue of a 1 ,M ,;.- i:. . -in lao-illv ],: n, a. .ii' la la earthquake, with tiii'.eh no;:-;. ; : pavement -op'-ned, flauii-y. i.-si Joi'th, and'a stone vo-i;,ih;..o :; jiotindi ro.s,~in ilie-hir. Tin- scwi-i * ' t -. * gas continued to '.urn i'jy a J,j;ie. 1 yV'liile after the explosion. To4ch p.-ojde how they e.iu ): . themselves, ^md.-you have 4,'ivon ^t4Hf111 fl"ITTj^TTtti tU" right direction. 3'aow men thatthey 'must jearn a- _fiirin 01 go without ong. Tliere is a fibiss wiin are always wanting /is ^iistauce. Give them a farm, and you will moat likely be called upon to liaT tbc-ir taxes also. rS-;t them up every spring and tli_.*y. will bs . down again in the winter. This lutterclass certainly do notdeserve help, although they will probably ; be aaiong the first to avail tlicin- selves of it. JlUny boys are edu cated fco believe vbat they can only uet along by depending upon the . " old tnati ;" uiris are taught thaL tliev w.ill be helpless unless tlieyl catch - husbands toi act as their jruides and ptotectdas, -and now comes a tJof ph^lpsopheis who prophesy that both will lie failures '.tul.'WJ tb "AVt'.inrai'iit, " biick^ theoi up.'" Such teitphiiigs are ' worse than foolish ; _ they are wickei. T-each your Uoy. that he .', nt wo'."k or Hf.aiyc.. nnd you have I Dr. j. f ATZE U CO., Practical Chemists -ivea liitu substaurial help, ^^^^\ i tjowelt,'. ji.i.s-.s.. v, s. 1. ^~ 'a.-.- iie.kes (!. :.-j i |;i\ -,.-rvr -. :!e ir vir:::'-. .:,aiip:.-'0 1 !t,;- al.y l.-ny-.h Oflili.e, ^(, ll.a: ,;a'\ ,.ie e\-cr. |-,;sii, r.ud ];eriv*,-'h- reiialde. . i:0....i-.--i. i-.ii--'-l:i!"'.Jl.ey are lail.I.'ioid n'per- .;'- .: a-.i to t'i^ '-oustiluti'.'ii. o' p:jreei. l-ali Ci: ::,-are .iri-.^-n on-lliiMi-r.ipjierid -' ]a as a family I'liysie, .iiki It.r P.e ;,.i:o'.\ itig (Hiiriplaints, wliicll Uiese /'if'.-- v.'.|ii '.-e ( me: ' Mo:' E.;.m->::-_i-.-:-.. or ElllThrOKIilln, l.h.r- I<'ss2l<l-.l..-^i.-.l.'l'.r:;-ll , rinil B.wn of yLi*iic- iif^. II;.-;.- .sj. ml,I ),e I'dtcn inii'leratelv la sliiaalaa- f'ae ..t.-iaa.-li, and restore it-; health, lane and a.-':o!i. F,.i- .iv;-r <:oaiptitiiit, nnd ifs various -yiaplon,... liiiir.iis, Jlci>.i!atlJ', Kick iSfUii .lif, Jistujilic-ii or fcrcin iT^ ut-*, iSiitnzzu <:<;Iic anil 2f:iIioilM Ft'. vr, tlii'y :l..-nt!'l he- hidiriiHisjy p.iken fur d ndion, or reiiiiiie the r'c- !i n.-iians v.-lii'-ii (.an-;-, it" Kiirlfyia'.ati'rr or JDJiarrlli'.'a, ijiitonc nild (l.isi, I^ jrencraiiv require4. I'or Itln-uniat:s-ii, tlout, C!rav-J. !l|iS(a(!on of jIii' Keait, E'ain in tiie *ili1ij rtiicli. :i;;;l JL6i!i<, Ihey should ae eou-.hnK.u.-lv t;dien.:is re,,uired, l*i ehan^e, : la; di- easi.'d ae'tioa ol r.'ie sy..':eni. WiUi such linage Oi.ise eaiiiph.ii.lL. ili.::;i.|i-e?c*. Fur \KV.-oity_r "ami >c-(,pit-iiE W'K...iI- (ti^-K. tliev se.'i!d he taiain m lar;;,> and fre- '.lii-iit (.'m.-.e- to'iiiwluce the td'ci f a ('.rutilU' lina.-L'. .._-.. . Korfiiipiirclx-iioii, n larpedori iliotddhQ jik'Mi. .-. it pruiliice- the depiied cacci h" syniiatJiy. ; At a Jjliniii- 7','ff, liiknoneortwii rtlititfl inornate ili-n-r linn and relieve the .= Kiumeh: . An- (n'(':isi(,:,ni dors- stiunila^s .'lie st(,nTji('h .mil 'jnvvels,,-,..,lores Die .-.jipelite, ami in. i-<ir. ate., tl.e -y-'.o.n. Ip-;i.;i'. ir i - often .-elv.-lilf.-i. j-eiiiis \yii'-re no -erimis der.-iifftei'ieiii e\'ot-:, One wild l'.-els l.ilei ahlv well, oflen find * tin. a ilopp i>l' these fills in.-.kes him fee] deeii. edly hctter, fromUieii* ele.'uirin^ nnd a-uo vuuujr elTect on the Ui^estive apparuttis, I'ltr.rAKi-.i) nv SJ. V/. CAAJ.PB2LL, Prop. hat.-ilici may.he i.-.iidiliio in cash mi,I I will then ship, tin in' the I iiMruni -nt. T! ey need not.he Icno'.'.p in th/'mat ter, nnd w.i! i !" (1, iin. t heirf riends areal ser vice, n.s J si-.alj mal:e s-i-.-eial VifTers to i.liein . se' li u-'a ;iierli:r t::. citiiuprif for fr"in ()it('-h."tf in tivn-.i-ir.Ts wtiiat is (irdiniirily asued liv s. I leei-v sen,j tii"a I ist .at mice and.-if: er you ipivcmaiTr Ine.uiri' >'OU '-all '.lid to P.' A"(lret;p li \Nll"l.i'.i:K.vnv Washii.'cton,Note THE GBJEAT GAUSS ti'S;I-<ii! fc'riilO 12..5 y . V'e have rce.>iii;y p'ihli:-hi'.-l a in w edl- - | . lie of :>:-. C'nit cry.; IPs Ci telifated tis- ll".v::i'..pur,eha.s'.'a the ali.ive n lined .' t:,(- -.sidic.,- :ni,l perinaii'-i.t care e-.t.-ihlishtiient, 1 aid prepare,! to ; nt-ii.TTr.c.i no tii, i,.,.) ,.f Ncrvi us I'nliilsi--. , e .1 Iiie.'iraeil.v. Inns in- t.aeia.e _ .. ,, ni-i.ts in Mariia-e, el e., fi mn SASH, DOORS, )'?v?V,V--l..'-'-"V.^"It-i-^co.i>-cc-.i^ ti ' a Tiii- e(lel,rat-d aaihor, In this adniir- MOTTT .FjTTXTfi-'*?. fkr "h'<\ I^say clearly tipineiiKlriiliF, from ; .aliiriniiiL' consi (pioneei: may be ni'lieali.e All kinds of . |>'d with oat the dani;er.iu.s lita: of inter- : s i'lial fnedieine or t lie api licatlon ol' tl.e ":_~'- _i - , , /a3S\ f,knife: pnintini: out a mode' of cure nl livi 8 I E\- 8 ( "^ i'onc.e simple, certain and nll'eruuil. I.y 2 >>S i k \S "^ .Tr, , lneaiisdf-wlilch evci'i'suli'ei' n atid I SO I I \l "Vi*a what Ills eniiil thin r.o.y tie, :ncy curr 3'i' aftetiiletl to. j '.. ! L>. Vv. l-AMPBKi/b, -,' a specialty...:v A large Assortment of Felt and btraw Hats for Spring" weax. The highcat cash price, paid for Produce of all kinds. , i . 37-3m ' 5 Acton. De\.'..-Uh, 1877. him-elf eh en ply, private! v mid r'lilically. Tuts I e-.-.turc sliould tie in' I lie hands of (.very youth iliulivery man In the hand, ..Tilt; 'LV.C'.KVtJi:t.E. Kl.HECAL CO., U Ann St",, Now York. Post'J'fllao liox issii. i -i-ly ' ' >: iP1^ A e.rl(rtS nroiuwVice. hlv hn Wnmptlon by a simple Remedy, is anxious to b^-Bf^.'^^JaL.1^'"" fn K,1" ? =i.kc known?to liis^ fellow-sufferers the means of '-------. nd a c y of ,et* he prescription tiscil, free of charge, with direc- .OLiir- ions for preparing .ind usinz the sanio, which will ..-_ ppopje AND as the ninrt beautiful nnds > *,steon'-d IManosover |ia.iiiu/i, ftSS ^^v tr-A rr% fk 1^9 s^? eU; ,-s"n, "!1 1.^ *< 's- ^ "^ .^rli .'^Irf.r.'.'1.! a't ; fifth", Cattirrli, Anllimu, .tc, l>(.autlfullysolooirecls,aiHl tne on I,,-stop telion cvei invented I liiit-iiuiiinl I, j ,|,__. UTlilVjit'ilhy use, The hellown i:apaaHy> Is so ;reul Hint Vmtiitilo i-itorl.lB riiijirlr ed tile feat to Kitpply all uio air neornniry. BestmnUGaml inoHt.,tci>;,'int cases In the niarket. A 1.1 s'.thl wood im-imciili'. i'l very Uistf urn nitrn.njb-..-rir ran icd'or-!x v > ti'sts-l^; first ehiSB and lieiit.-on i'rnni fl t ';> test irlnt.' AVplre-l-rstVIKS, I', UZ'.X'i'VV, 'Vas;ht-'o. ton Scv; Jersev. found a sure care for C'o-isirmpf fofi, Brofi-, 8PBINQ SXJiTS! All the latest patterns/of nH, ERGLKH "ftIO GANADIAN I - ; ' - , ' :* ' . ' in the!market, : Suits made to Order from $8 up Per year, in advance. -nt utl C| an ttl a| u{ a<f i& To Merchant and other Business Men in I Ac^ob, as well as throughout th9 pountj^? the Free. Press is ah invaluable A^yartisinf Medium}; r;- i Our-Unrivalled Facjjafip^ fo? Expcu ling all kindipt m B0Qi$ AND ^JQfi PRINTING Enable as to ttjPB out work- eql to snytttin^ rtppe lp th*J*|Pr / A splendid' selection of pp* m 'm&Q; ^i^-^.c__ r.tiur^h with stamps 1 io pay postage, 1 J. P. Mountain, 0__;iIoiiKlmrU| [ V.ox 1329. N.Yf Full liries of Gents'jFurni^hingiS Alpo Cottons. Shhlings aiid Ducks at tliu East End "Clothing; Store. 'B CtOU, Apltl H, ' 1 . 1S78, FYFE & McNAB .*.."-. %. T: ALBBRT MOQBB, ..." -'--'-'I ..V -t SB ' -fs^'n- Pu^Ualier asxd Proprietor.

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