Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1878, p. 2

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~cr*lSS3KWTV<*aWr5o$3EW i^.^^^^T~Kr^^?trsr,i,rtr | 4, i : flgKJ.4rVi.r^iaaa k*b*^*-" TllR; FltKE rKEiSS, l0TO^, IIAJ-TON, GOTOTY, ONT JUNE 27/M78. I ' I V- I \ I'll If A'lnu;:! in V Al;it!lillj: Adv.uu'<' i\i;\ i I noo.d is vii u'ti li'i "d I lift i,;j Us victims llolu a posilioii oi i . . .pi'C! iilWl" <"('Ill X>> \W O.lllllllIM V ,1 \. t; \i !'. :iih::OHs H I'm .-i.ii M-ois.) :}>. -livi '.'.." !s7s. .\mv Klin- l-liiir! to Siifcm-ritio : V niu'u ; i-iiiidi iiiij :.l ion"l" nil i i^'ht-1hiukim; li!-i.; >lr A:- is V. 1 V of trill tlli'chu.-v, l 1 - --- I ^ I'tln' \ou:i:; 111 All. led :i\vu\\ I'l ol.jl the :; - ni' ,'iis ]' lleii-ts liv :i Ulol hid for '.n. if-..ui.>ii,il roadiue;,' '"' proline; Mlrdl slii'ns from l..\ i v, iiiti'iidiiij;. so hi' per himself, to refund, - luit. on tin .* t ll.ll ,' 5? la" .;.:>! i>:t> NisIim-H.. , Tl ItK, :' 1 !,!> 0 i:;.-!:!!!! i . ' lll'i o inand for .-. iiv.l i. ii..1 'i:t ^SiMiLLHtii pi :>juT if tho j It" lio.i'. do t. M;; > ' r..tu:o i.- o,,.-. Tie :escl.l' day ,-,:i o .is on "i.lsl.Y ',' l -,,.. : ii ii -n ;i-\i! course bv still iil'u'i'l" "appro I :.| lull..lis, till n( las! In- is arraigned J i:i tin- felon's dork. 'I'iio you:io i o,irl t un'il iVomi her infancy tho ! lit ir.i ii lo.'i oflii'tvn- ami cVislilv, is (led awa\ Ifio.n l.!ii' pith id. virtue ! b v [ho son-: perusal <>.' (ids 'il. -strov ::o_; i il.-r.i tin o, till siio i-dt.i jfioin lu-r parity to ho tho so.ili' o! i too w.i! id, and, hrin-,s the ",-ray | io.i:.-- of .!i< I' ciioo .ili'.ira lovod ; [i lit ;.:.- la ; \ -i..\e oilildlilll without I'co.l in,,' them o| ovov sayiiiL; to ill.oil)' Unit '.hoy liiid done wiuii^'- Ho lilti'Woil ivuieliiMvi Iy that siioh iiiiluloviicii ou.lod in :.h line mi I dishoti Kathol' I'iinioilioi' lilt' OitlUlll'l'lio.u (n iihullli tWi.'Uly ohildroii aiid.a nuiuhor of minits. wlion Killior N.ihiii luoio fully ox |i|iiiiio<l to ilio ohihliiu llm liiit'.nv iil'thoir iilili;; itiuiis, (ho Korvioo was thru' olosod l>y tho choir idji^in^ u hy inn. | Vcur.'i triilv. A l.'uiiri:si'AN r N'isitou ViJl'l WHilTSJl>Ji . vaUUDiiit JnndOf. tin. oily to tho "oilier, mid a.\tt}E.-" B'lic H ill in (Itiiiiccry- '1'fiis, vvhioh'giow iiut, ul' th LsauoKillu' Volii^-it. to oi'.i: si'is^ricii:; IV. : -ii.i .. . m." Itl.U. s ' Vvi h:.t a .: -.oiiir o-l' our MliliOnhol s e' ii \v:ii o that thoir suhsoriji- s i \|.:iv \iiiii this nuiuhor of Fi.r'.i: L'iti'.ss j Ni \t iniinl.-.-i* III^IIVS v ' ' The t'nirt, of li.i\iaii>ii io.tUhioiI it i.itlin:;, nr SLouarttovi n, d illui 11, p.JIsUi.lit -to u.lj I'.ll'liiiirnt. All Jiieliiliois (I'rseiit, and |ir-.u!oodod to t!i>| roil ei-i loll ot |ii(|i lido eri'oia at. tin: iiist.uiro ul (liii' iiNM'ssor. Nil iii.'loiis errors v-'i'n o.irroi.-tod and ror;iiiod i<S t In ehai't man, uhon Mr. I .ir.idsay iiio\ o.|, Moooiidod hy Jlr. Mji i'):io:y, that, llie ass-, '.-...l no Fit i oil fur llji: jr'.a' lo>7S. 11.-. ii-vi.s -.I an I ooi'i'ly.'ed, I".' nnv-lindly |i i.s.sod'hv this ii'iiir:, and tin: fori; is liorohy iiilmiiiiKl.iatod . iiHU'dor of ,\Villiuiii \Vli|t('ido, vf ' I'lsijuortiiii;,,!!!)!!!!! di jllt'Uill IlinllMlli. iljo,"Aviim ((ult.lod ill t.ho (lourf. of ('Inuuiory, 'L'nrdiil.o, .tho olhcr day Tlio i iso is ropoi'ted as lollort's : Wijim:sui): vm. Wiirriisini:. Mr. Hu.kiii, t^. V., f,U' infant, do- Ion I nuts ;,Mr, 'jM(j. for, iiifnut pe- titibiior ; 3IV.. T-iiidlufr fiir tVdiill' lioiiKj.Mr. \V. Alulook for adult hyira ; M'i'."T.riIiiTo>"".wM<)\v. ' D,'i-" Vrno hy. con sin it,' n'f.ull jnuitiua.; J).nviir n$ tiiittlod tli ba jiaid the widow. 'Kuili of tlm uo lu'itH otlior '.haii K iliiiit, Homy mid dulin, to H-'t {s(<Kl ; rtohort to -I IllVtl :.), aiitliori;'. -d tu ovuil'y to lin.^ T. t'.il|iod. i'oiirt ilisM.l\o,l. lid IV sVii-i Amu .-; l }.' - 5 ' ' - J-till 1?M 'i'^r ura.'- it.r.'M Wv'S ss,'..([, ahl uo.t -'ih.-:,, : .iiioio -.'UOPI ki:iii r-' k tL>::t ;s a d:> Tlii- t-'o'.inril mot, . ' M.vid by .Mr. I, nds iy. homiuled: by Mr Mel.nery, that, tho follow, in:; ..uius bo piid !o tho un-lornion < vo tour, and w.v : tioucd part i-;m, or tv> snoli ot'them as la! ili:i t..|havo not iiT'v. nly boon paid, for the A ,- " , . ,| folhiwiiiir solvioos, vi/.. ; .'as. S -utt, lit.-a list. II every .,uli I ,- i, :' .l<0 , - . ,,,, -.,,. tvu- liriilt;r! mar liiltoii.s .>ltl: ii..h".-o the laot that Missrs. j.ius.m ,'; Murn' for- r.. id near .'Xe .'-'artto^ n 6".i;i; .1 'hn Yio.-.t ("V .-tono.far lai.i^o --'T.od ; 1 iiininor i,T to' I. i-,v.-,ni Jhos., .-J.'..'iJ! : pip--"'. 1-t jdohii I.-lio, l'laiii; ]? id,'.-' a: I Ii.-:, hire \v,.;ild |i.' 'lo need <.<C \ '.viiiiain.-^ l.'.i'.'> ; Tno... I!-il, repiir- .apor, M formed tlio chief topic of convvr mitioii.'., .i'lVurylj^d)' .wi'ih nutisliud., .yiinil IJalilAn iiriived in 'I'oroti to on Satnuliy, In) wim tiii't ut tin iitatiou by ii tieinviido n. tlmin^-of people, who iioarlv hIioiiUiI t.lioin- Hiilve. IioiU'so. . Ho Wi'm taken to the (.JnocirM I{ut.n|, where H|ieeche:i wore made by <'ol. Hliuw, Uio I\I.iy- I or mill .otlioiH, uoiigratiihiliiig .Mr. llanlan on lun ^roat; victory. . t-> r. ithsor r w, . i [ - smbso-ib. tl.o i.ri:,:oi's h.-ivi :ind 1 ni-,h Lr'".l ro.i labio !ioiv.> -hidden to lr.r i ai man i fail to i eai! rood! U>t-si: linos. " .sinty nine . i-n un.' iiiiii-.irodi snii-o: ii." voiy oxaotitiL; i:i their dr r -a nowsy, si'ioy paper, but. that tin ma .iiiiiiiu' Tl: Daws-m's I).-, i-.i, l.e.vis S.ul. ,o A. Ii d.s en S:.h Irue ?->.; Abr.uii Smu:'!'-:^ p p iir- io._; "nivorus, L'nd liu:': -7 : ..M.'t. lfi;n,liT.,j:i, 7;ii llie-. .*!(!; (' V l^t oKLi. ll I .-.ui le>;e!le!" tifo, .'"-.7"' ; d. d.lvlalld, work en b iso.lino, 'i'r.fd ; a.K ^:.. .ve :.--p!iyo.i m m %,- n cliaroo.l tbom-por \oir as t!io p.ric'i' |iLjar po.m^ a simnar sum, Se.eoS : it ^:;b-.ori'i'ioii o,-:i* 'ilo-.;,.s -i-ot ;l '-f ohn Wat; on, Pa timi i.--!i r for we'rl; ""' ,| t v..k, : K. S'lort owaro tho o telv ijii.^rc ; irod, an-1 in ins I >ivision, -. I'ui1. ort 7th line, .ill ; ho fto,-t that t'o-Uiill,'bnildiii" h.-i.'.r_v 7;!i 1 in: }?V to 0-C"cii T>a.<5;.o:;s. ., Yo::::- : j that uiii t>i! Oi" .--.-: ".'--ars. or-. very lCi::: <<i tL v.-< I ::h;i>!:ed -, :ill.l tli'iis.t the' p'.lMiMo. r IS Oompe.le wi'i ttiy hands. <'xi. an .tiso tor fail.*'to i to timet a }->yi:i;j his l'ea1i::o tho ^imount .sil .-killed lahor r-fpiircd to j ^'"^ ."S'1'., Lindsay vt >jo . ,- - , ,", : * ,... .-'j ihu-rv. "Cammis-jioutr.s, with power luii'hiti u lOLOlame jiapor. Ini-v .-. . ... , -. ,', M '. -- I ' ' - to aud to then on' ' -!"..ov, K.sroad of :i.a': -kind of ii--.-r;i:m.v .lapr-ove tiieir riumis and eioj' *tu them in fat::ro !i^ the . i.-: lit-.rr.ry j r-iiioti'. n> rid. To j'.id-r fi-c'i:) tho :o-"-s-of>omo of rl;e I). by-.7. Ro=s !-: .l.f-rt=oii, -: ;. it H;;sb:i:;d -of ,.Mii.o." | i.k-::'.v.:-d for 'iLLs ii d:t oaiiso to complain of nust .of onri is startl:n". .-._> all on- .'J'lh.'Crih. rs Ijfii.ij in Liireai-s, lm r.Lso tlml tho itdiiiwni:; sum-, paid uu t!i-.-"ordor of .'dr. l/ii i- when tho work iV perform-d :. :.-' - un cross road bet we n L'2 and . : I .ih:/"ti) i"5t lit Olid! l;j20(^ 'L'llili sell loiiiciit tolmuhi-iico property in tpii.stioii in Kjotolier v. Wnitesiilo, tlm funds ill which biilou-ilii; to. tho ]iirtin'.s liL'i'eii'i urooto. Iiu ti-aiifi-- (erred to tho -credit of. lliin cause. All ipiestious as to timber out to bi nt an (ml, and dlnnry to lm entitled to all iiloriny diuifor tiinhoi cut if inn ll'lil'd p.ll'UeM. "' All tho loslato'i'M dCfht., In I it! piid. ' .Mutual jvleii.-a-.s to li:> executed hotweoii tlio partiua. .Surplus to bo tlividod bet Ween J-ohn and ileniiy. Ii this snrpliiH duo.s not oN'c-ed i!l i!io bahinee to go <-iin il ly to John Mini iloiuy. It it .exceed' .- ? 1,-L'Oi', then oiju dly 'be tween Johu and Henry. \Vutuw. to rolasu tlm cluiiu under the uiar- n,\oo,-,eult:nmiit. I2A.\2.A:i.')li>UUS'.iC.i.'iJ tiii:ti;i:i Axaiarlif Winner. Th> s.mll .r.ici L-otircon. ilml-in and ..iii'tis, which It.i-i excited in mucli attention, came oil" at PiUs- h'-ii;^ on Tliiifslay List in the pre- -eu'e.' o! il vast, ctow.l of [mop!.', many of (lieiii from all parts of the Sti*.--:?. .rfjiiito ii- nuiiibor wjre prosont from Toi'o'nto. The fol lowing ia tiio (r"'iV account :of the racf : ' ' Ih.eiythlng hcintr in readinos, tho m-'u were started at s|.\'o'clock, 11 ntl'iii jnnljiing iiway witli a lead of li.dt a li-iiijth, litid [iisnint,'thirty- in-s, value.' s'x nt'rokei per -dni'.ufto. -Monisi i wooden in.'ant business and followed [ ;i32_ closely, pulling u slightly quicker' strok". llanhiii .s'.caddv diuw VdilIJn->" i !.-Xlio Mi.iyor of ejiratford will get H-ftiiliiry of -J200 it year in futuro. Kruimo isiiaid t.o hiivo paid Swed- (in $B(.l,0()0' for tlm island of St. .I.firiiioloinow, II il'-l'iritoii town has iiuh- lliittnil ii by-law to mis'! Sl!0,l)l)() to aid the Ht'rat.'ord ittid.hdto Huron i tail way. J Vrm. V'.iii^liiin, tlm Liitlo"liivi.T murderer, was Ii.uilj id at, ,S',. dohn, N. Ii., on S iUird,-i.y, after iiioki.iiLj ti full conl'oadoii. A ipiestibn that is jio-t now- n;i- taljiiL< tin l'rosbyteri.iu 'people ia whither hymns H.hi-uld bo aniio; in -.the elnn eli iiititc.ul of p.-i.iluii and p ir.iphiMK);. \VLi)ia:n ('ullen Hryant's'will has h:: 'ti admitted to propito. ; tlm'en tatorhi worth s.'ffill,l)!)0, and goes principally- to his two ihnt^hters, h'inl tho lesL-er portion to two other persons. , Hon. Mr. (.'li.-iuvca'u, Hdieitor- ("leueral of t^-i -b-.-o,. 'I:a:i gone to Mont-oa! to asoori.aiii what arratiL,'!:- incuts it will J.iii necessary to invito for the pioservation. of the peuco an- the l-ilh of.I-iily. IjMsl in 1 Ivily i>ufi':rin n^rsvo 1 ut .Montreal Monday m.irning.'und left at 'J u. In. for I'os'.on. '1.1 is believed 'dial r.hi'le in the' l-'m'tril States Ins KicellLmcy will be tlio recipient of an honorary decree from Harvard Uuivm-sity. The St; John. X. Ii. (;! , oil Wednesday, 19th iu.-t, jmblishod a list of buildings cii-cted in the burnt district sine the great tire of Jun;: tlm UOth, 1*77, il t mtW AL)VBKTISEMliNTH". j^LOW FACTORY OI'IiXED. The Biihscribcr, having j)ii^-cli..iieil the Acton Plow \\'orks,";ia prcpareil to l'ur- iiish Single and -liaublti fniiuu lrna I'lowi, .n-i well nil tho liu.iH jhiii.:; Plow, which has /eiineil tlui'rfiju^trttioii of hcjnj; p.iu lust thing Plow in.idi!; iijt the j r.itci. All repair:; iluuo />n the slmrtust | notice ami at tho cheapest pri<j.-.,. a :i7-tf i-SYlJiNKV-f.SMITII'. I - . ,. , , |QIIKT IIO\ KILL. niinil.'i ol some ot tlm yj r , " lic.-iiifnr.'l," da'ni, imp. "Lilly lliriiL-H," iiii-e, imp. " Ruy;il Oxford.. ( A'yiuic," will Hcrvu unws on the fiojni .iljiiiiiiiig tho (i. I'. H., Acton. Tennj, 1"^ ligrcu Cow.i, 57.00; Gratlo = (.'urt.,- s'lCOU, c.-.ih ; SI.50, credit. ; f / Alio two Jiurk.ihiro will he kept I fur service at the name place. Term i; j >;<l.00, c.ih. . _/-'.. t'l-'im it.'. S.'SMITH.' cry ex s L'jLj/rii !B J K Ui "J. mm. I-armcr.i, now ia the tjimc_ to itijiroveT your stuck Tho (iri prize bull, " Sirj William Tcmp.'u," Iff, (83)got by."Sir J- William Temple,"[WJG], il;ini Diana, by it oil I'rincu [IjOt-'j g. rlam Anui.-tta, by the (iirolpli [.SClII. -llll^g. g: d.i'm. Aim, by Patriot [525J, will crA-li-- c-iivi on thu promised-f the uielerai-ofri- o-l during-.the Ecasoii. Terms to in- . ..-Thorough-brad cows, .^i.O!) Unule cows, 1.50. ; JOEL LKSI.ri'-:, il-.i:n' .- I^it No. S, con 1. Erin. SRtfG-'SfOaE::- lun:: tlm 2l.t!i, l*ii, slio-.v,ni ;t f otul of '.'>?~ brick uiid.stoui;' Iniilil.-. v B -AOIES*. STRAW HATS AU AV BOVVr.TS -.1 , Cleaned,'. d\'ed and altered to tee pre- I sent fashion. ' ' __ MRS. WM. THOMPSOX, 43-3m IJowcr Street, A'or.i: T CJ^aiissyyour Houses, A | to vll - WHU FOR STAVE TI.MHSHR o *J. 21):). and. away from the. big fellow, however, Having purchased the- mills formerly I t S'ujJ- bjinliugs. valued, at -"ji oj, .hj,i^ [ ., , j)rapsruj t<< pay ca.ih for s...'t j ol.-d and oak Stave Timber.; t':;..!i v.i!: | . . . . ahfo be paid for Rood, toaiiii Pine. | Owmg to tho great filling ofi ro ! i etor s i.-nc.', Iie-.s-ssitatiin; tin.- I -------------------- v y iiij *J ^m, cLiiJ e.. ^ ^g(j AMSi GET .P-A/IIN Who ut piej-aioil to (And thoroughly l'l movtitc houso.-j at tho very lowest, ratea. -J V ainh.a a; icadame paper. Im-y [o ^ ^ lUi.^.munh^ .^n : !l{^,^ ^J to too art to look npan the Sln:ill.j road loading from Acton to !N i*,-i- plctcd ho was leading by three i'"1':^ "f(.th" l"l\. r""!U%., tife i^j) || Q um<(i".-*rs too in'si Mii!":.M!,t to I ?'wa, ' iJ-'ibert Oamitbell and A', length;;. Morris now :bL...n tu, snowies li,,m , ,. aue... troa.nry , .: ,.' , writ.-Jo.' ji-o-llcilars to 11.,- ' ',,:,.,. ,:,J/;r .,.,....., .,,.., o., I'ortimij .Maine. i ' M U'IL lf!r ",",',t ^tel:!!L"'. 1-r' lin onvs ro:id lots I'.J, 27. and 2S, I do.,1 with, mid Allowed r.e.:.-l iho't '"" xUm, >-Wl. ='" !... j ------:---------\--------:-------------------------------------< etthig that every Kubscriptinn I Alexander Waldio and K iward j bi- !l,, ' ,' ._.-.......:.......5 l.f-1... '- ... .1.......' Vi.-L-i;,,; ('...,..,1^;..,.......- <>.l .... lor..,'-i..i,..r. i.iinnl.. i.. .t'.,.." c-.elf. /CSefi I'.ntor. I -i-1 .... . ' I Orders from townlinii-country a'tendsfcto. .All orders to be left at William Wulkor's^hn Ht., Acton. Walkar & Cameron T I ..II .-j I., . 3 ) - -j Actoii, Anr!I IT, l>i7s.-:;m on C"J /'hi ig that every Rubscnpt'.ot: jks promp'.iv paid, helps to make r.p ,_,,-,_ '. the tnuc-ji !.-.fgor ;,:;ri: .tiist is. sure r:nandcd WLckiy of tho pub- We'lnive hither;..) h.-ul i:o Alox.uider Xicklin. '(.' road leadin; to bo-do aiK.-.ioiiers. sJO on I loading -from Acton to tow-.: I line of J-ain, Alex. Cummings and, Ale.v.F-iiby, CpinmiL-sionc-rs. (Air- tied. : ; M-jveil l.y Mr. tdraham; soc'md- i id bv Mr. Shortreed, thayptlio' liiih a i.iscinatitii. .- rl. uo tucse von tho ordin- iskc tiiutt-fur the pen>J::l o.-b i. i / i- , 5ro*s:r:g books a: sry duti order to of tloit; Vii^oli is .slow Iy hut niirel Vhir.ti;::: -ii; the finer s^n-i:i;:':< ol ti.e;;- i:af;i. .'the mini., and rem;- ring it miiit f r 'im u; i of :;:;;. ll.iiiLT prolit.-ih this !_'-r:ifcio-is jirauti-.-. :.-, cuu:i::i!- 11; if our ,\ o:;ng tn(-n ami hovs ar-v LO*. reSciUii lr. 1.1 !:i- Ivid.> of thi. ; p,, w::v 3.-rti-::;t that is fas'. tit;hte!iinoj las ni. 'Jurdj.,.!.-! _i pro- =*iil there -are a number who an rather tn-rily In their payments. | of jii'i be grunted .for the pnrp ).-, I of improving the hill on the cross | l'o:i. lJjet ween hits If) and i I'J, -fth icon... til" t^is 'lu>ilisJiip, 'anii that [ /.icitjh.'.jlic, Goo. W. iJlack, and J'anies itouci-tsoii' bo C jmmisioucri to expend the rfatno. Carried. Moved by AI,r- .Shotreed, si''.- ' -i7.eV', od by Mr. Graham, ilmt tiio'sum or...-7 /;/,,/(/ I-5f>0 bo granted to improve the ? '.-: ' '-. croFS ro.iri between lots 17) and fo, , ------------ ! in the lrttumf 2nd cances.sions, and 1' Soleillll Mass at the -Catholic j that the mover and seconder he :::jr T>, th. Chnrcb, lover una seooniler tiercol 1 be appointed L ommissmneis to see I tilt same- jinlici ui-ly es|ie'nded. i/.ViV.--. j. Alio that. the.:;inu of's;",") ! I noticed,'in your j granted to repair the 7th li:iu from s is.-.ii", that solemn mass I cS'cwarttowii t; Il.ilii'nafad : vhf-re,' in a' w"--!d be sai I in Dublin Cliurcli, on Lindsay and Melleiiry to uppjin Suioi-.y, 23n.l inst, mul as all were t S'Jiuially iuvit-.-d to r.ttend, I took io:i fvoi; ; Jiow ; Livrv.m tage .. !"-the invitation. The take t: o ll IS autifuUv situated i'~ c-:;s anout few y-ars, wiil gtt-s.-, o-;r civii: V. ill the o y!jUdl~ be lit pliice of their fati;'-rs it, the battle . |CJ ot life? where will ,f.e fond of j-a good -safe. ,4?i,a haling to the ktio-.vb-dge thatia-iil eihible t!n!ap'j;"')"'Ji.on-il,I"l hud a .splendid T-. their {< !],',w-mon ? I '- "v-'^' Hll'."i f'-r the convcAience of ' chiirc i hill, hat i on . a t i, hat it ' w.(:l formerly dilli.-'ilt rlMg-s to geUup. . Tiiere is now to- COtlipC tueir . ! JtC.:o livtlbt or vo ii.-swer.- m :/ n? wbere . ature is very fas~:m:ti;!g, no but does it instinct, the old ig! No.' .Will the kno'.v- b oge ui tliij, light .literature assist -vols it; bec.irmg a. tou-J situatioii,- where .-.Qiind, coiainon-.sfL-so is ro- quirtd'; Wo h.hoijhl i-.ilU-r think ri-j^._ Ij-ij Sj vo-irig- ni'.-n, t-a.;e warn- :iig ::i tinie, and do not Wii.ste.the hts-, y-Li:--of yourjife in jthe pur- cuit~oi a ple.usure that, is a delusion v.:-A a. snaie. Think of ^Le time v.-h'-i[ you \,;il 'have to :face tin; world ami do battle for your daily bread. It is wiien you grow up thrit you will rogn-t the time wust- ed in your youth; then will The opportunities for imjir.jvenieiit neg- leetcJ rise uji. b-fore -yotl ami .jbitter your life. In vain will be your regrets- the butinc-SH lifoi - wiii ii-av.: time to repair tho ei ror^., of foriuer ilnys. D", ' then, young men mid hoys, cast of! the h'ji.da that hind you' to thin iiterutur--; make atletennined effort . -and fioe yourw-lf, and give your iuimi iv tl. study of such literature tL6: will uniyo iiiipixiving in %isvl(, hut Ti {safeguard against the . "Lisl.'e f-jv Keusational literature, ji'his i'mmc-d'Iate evilrf arising from this de-praved tasta are fearful te- wiiocuuu from a distune.:. Ini3 kind | The fence is .in good orderomd the ) and: 21', on th ContmissioiieM and .distribute the aiiiount in the in >.t l/cne(icial man ner ; and also that the sum if ..Slf) bo granted to repair tlif) road through Stewarttow-n, south of the bridge Messrs. pavid Liwhonaud L heard Nixon, ;comniissiouer3 to expend the same. Carried. . .Moved, by Mr. Mclviery:, second ed .Mr. .Graham; that tlui sutiji of -^25 bo granted to repair the-road Kuteriiig tlio church, I found gaoi taste di.-.playi^I, the church beii pulling strokes per minute in -the swift water nil' I'owci-h' ILm,, and thirty- eiglrt as he ilrop[i-.-il into tho slower .current IjuIow it. All this while was st-adily widening the gap lit an unvarying thirty six per minute .stroke. A<s tlns'y p.isse-i tho J.i-l- i,'ui;i'icrf-y vi fjn-trtur. of a mile, from the turning buoys, Hanlan wsa pulling u bomUiful stroke, and looking :oa cooL and fresh as if ho had been taking hi* regular nfternoon paddle. "Psllaw," said I'at Luther, " Morris is no luoio than a baby with that :inan. flu's a hetter nun than Goorgo IJrov.'ii ever was. .He's the coolest in ut. I over s iv,- pull a rac?." At the stake-buit H-mlan turn ed with a good four lengths tho best of it, and it was apparent that Morris had shot his bolt, from the fact that, as they p issed thu iJ:un!-./r Hanlan was leading hy nearly seven boat lengths,: and talcing it easy,, wliile Morri|5 had his teeth set and was pulling"as if for his life. At Power's Run, a mile and u third from tho finish, Hanlan led by more than eight lengths, but as he struck the s'wdft water the Pitts-, burg closed up so rapidly that his friends began to cheer lustily. As soon, however, ns Moris struck the swift water lie ceased tojcloso up,' and as II nil in saw that ho had his man beaten ho took it very easily, i r, i^,--* ,cSef|i'.ntor. Tho inn' in (li--St. .^^lrv'.s noi- soiling cise brought ju a verdict to | their orders With G. B. Livens, who \'$Q , J -^ %$ ^ jl % l'i\ Hj ;J the eii'.-ct that the-dve is-,1 ilibert ! .fill bo at leisure- every day except Guest, came to hi..^ ihath :l- jj; ! Wednesday and .Sytu-rday of . Mtry's-oii the oth ihv'of Jnim'iust., i wook- "I'avinj bv having t:uc,-::l s.u'ij irritant..i.oi- " ""' thj :^JV- - , every mciit. ~ OH'L 3. LEWiSS.i Acton, April 10, ISIS. Any person wishing to have paint- >, lg or oapsritig done slioald v: and HaircuttiiiL; done mentioned dava niid PhojOgrai son into hit stun ich. And tie jury found that the said poison was given to him by; Ad am' K i och For-I, M.I). Tiiey uuiblo to dis- dovcr from : what "motive, or whether the .said Ad uu Iviotili Ford premeditated.-o'r intended bodily- injury. i liri-s" C:>r<>\. r'ri. (J uto 1' ow!udg of the a.itaral i.iwu which giofern t!:e op..;r.itiy!ii .if dig.-.iti,ui and natritiou, and by'a careful application of thu lin 0 <A3I-J POX SKL5I3. GograDiis. Oriir^iPH., 3^1^ I am prepared to pay tho| h:ghe-t i ca"-)! price west of Toronto for all j elapses of Calf and Sheep-Skup, deliv- j errfdatmy* tnr.uery. Lace leather cmi- j st.mtly on hand. 1 JASILS MO>lti:. ' Alf order.! in tlio Weavinglin.".: prompt- j solicit special attention to pr.-jieriici of well Kciecti.-.l'.-oco.i, Mr. b' attendejl to. Spscjnl attunti.m p:od Lpp-Jiiai pr.,.v1d-,I oar break f.iKt tables to Carpet. vYcaving. j with a (Llic-itelv' itr.vored b,verage ! M.HS. II. M^HTJHl.IX, which may .save us iiiviy h-javy doctors' ^"^ . Iic-"'r Cnr.wSox's C,)i:M::is. PlItjT-OGRAPHEri. Wi-ih^s t"> iinrioii'ici" to his cu-stotn- ers th it lm has added greatly to his l'tirinerjaeilities for taking PictrreB, in I is now pro;> irpd to makoPhotrt- unjilH second to none in the County nail at prices to-sajitull. * In Picturo Fr^ms 1 keep-a Iarga'. land well selected slock. Also, a great v.irielf of .Mouldings of tii<v latest ilosig , which will be made to order oii/suort ustice. Gi ve mei L> tIJ ill* j brJimdary, betweeii Georgetown and oniy putting about twenty-nine fw, neatly decjrated with evergivt-iis, and on' the altar wen: three hand some Ijo'.kj icts of il.j'.vo'ior- The service e.vafi .opened by the iihoir singing tinee hynins, which were very appropriate to tlie occasion, Mi.s'3 Limb.ptesiiliiig at the organ. Lather Duiuorrier then, in ti very serious and affecting maimer, exhorted the congregation as to the solemn siivict: in which ho was about to engage, as thre were about twenty children waiting to receive-' the"-communion. He prayed that Go'd .would grant tlieui strength to keep the holy engagements into which they wmo about to enter. Thechoir then sang . two hymns, when Father Nolan knelt'at the alla-i the children doing so likewise, and they sang and prayed together. The children' then repeated a part of tneir O'teohlsm, and I may say 1 was surprised to yich good discipline. The children all knew their respective parts, and that without hesitation. He'then told them their duty to God,-tlieNfJhurch, and their parents. ' Tiie_Jchildren then took tfioir .seitttf, when he ud i dressed a few vvell-nliosen-words to the parents, slmwing thelV duty to tho ehildroii. He held the parent,, in many; cases, responsible- for the sins of tlie child and ho urged the necessity of parents setting a good example to their children Hlid k'eep- II.. ij; | .^-iiiuesMig ; i.tiS'i 7i<> on tlio- west end of said cross road next the 7th t contemplate. Tho mind isgrad.jal- i g a v/atchfui eye on them. 1/ deprived-of every good impure, 'said som';/ parents- knowingly shut J. K. .M. j- r irviu. Ir-ujLjirjt, Acton ' i, druggi.-it, ActJii lintl. anil that .Messrs. Alexunibr Jlendersoi? and George Wriggles- worth bh:;i])piinte LUommissioiierH to Bupctjhituiid the- expenpiture of i the saieT sum. .Carried. -Moved by Mr. G.r.diaui, secrnded by jlr. Siiortfued, that thi: sum of <6 be paid to Abraham Stark for huildiug of a stone culvert- on his road division/) Carried. - Moved, by: Mr. Lindsay seeoneded by Mr. Cyraliam, that tliis~).Munici- palit_v cdntinuo to subscribe/the st'iui of .^50 to tho 'Toronto General Hospital, and that: the Treasurer he authorized'to forward a cheipie to the proper authorities for that amount. Curried. Moved by Mr. Shortreed, sec- ondejl by Mr. McEuery, that tho Treasurer be authorized to pay , to the Treusnier of the Township of Esquesing AgriculfcuraLSjciety, the Btun of S30 in aid of tlio funds of tho said Society. Carried.-. Moved by Sir. Lindsay, second ed bo Mr'. Graham, that tho Trea surer bo hereby authorized to bav to Black & Uilts^f tho Humid, $3.30 for printing^arnl advertis ing. Carried. !, ... Moved by Mr. Shortreed, abcond- ed by itr. Graham, Itobert Stewart bo appointed Pathmuster in tho rpom of Stephen Elliott, resigned. C.iffied. strokes to tho niin'uttf, and freijut'iit- Iy' fxehaiigiiig a friondly greeting with friends whom ho happened to recbgn'.z) on .the bank. lie even .stopped two or throe ' times to rest on liu oars an J wait for the big fol low, who occasionally spurted to thirty six par , minute ; but it was now apparent !to tho, obstin ate supporters of Moris that the race was practic illy ovei". Tho Pitts- burgor. was evidently distressed, while Hanlan was looking as froSh find smiling as thougti 'it was only play for him. At the end of four miles ho was leading by, four bout- lengths, and for tho last mile ho only pulled twenty-eight strokes1 to tlio minute, and even tlicn.ho only alloivod hia opponent to closo one length on hitti, for liO finally passed the stake boat with three full length to tho good. OHiciul time 37 min-J utos. Sotno outside Minors 30:30,- butcjiisidcring tho stage' of water ut which tho race was pulled, Uio time aa officially announced ,ia extremely fast. As may bo- expected, tho i-^ws was received in Tpronto. with every manifestation ,of joy. After four o'clock the newspaper offices and tho- boat-houses, bogan to bo sur rounded by tho crowds anxious] to "hear tho nows,und whon, aftor con siderable waiting, Hanlan's victory |was announced, the expression of nearly every on.3 was that it was hilln. It is by the judiciuiiS u.ic of .inch article of diet a .constitution maj- begra.laally built up lUi't-ila'troiig-orioujih to ren'Ht ovory teiiieney to disease. RESS."i.U5XG. \Vc take this opportunity of.innouiic- IIuii'lredsoi'Kiibtleiiialadie.'iare lloating i ing to the inhabitants of Ac'oa and around us- ready to attack wherever ] vicinity that wc have started dressinjik- thcrc is a weak point. We may escape ' ig : t Mr:,. Stone's resilience^ Jolm.'st- iiauy A fatal sliaft by keeping o irfo-Iv Ordq rs left with us_will receive pnuijipt ed. well fortilied with pure blood and a pre- ' attciktion. Tho most reasonable prices perly nourished frame".-' Ciri? Service Gazelle. Sold only in packets bvbeled "Jaiii:s Kits A: Co., II.Tnneoiiatliif Chemist, 4S, Thrnadueedlc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." I B -un m.ike m-mny- fnstpr nt worlc for' BH ".s til ni iit.iiiij'lluiu; else, Capital HjH aiit reiiillre-.l ; we will siart von. glLl ^lier i!aj-iu homo made by the liidm- trijoii?. ,MI:-ii, .woni^n. Uoi-s an 1 pirls wanic-1 ovorywlmro to work fonid Now Is th1) tlm ;. -CisMi-onmt iui-1 teini; free. Address l'nt:(i ,, Co., ,-\ it^usta .M ilno. liar ;;c-3: MISSKS BELL & STON'E. ^A.CJ'250-Ea' J. E. McG-irvin, dnig^ist, Actoa. Tlio Council then adjourned un- ^fust what ho had expected. The til Ertdiy, uth July. i result was .'soqn spread from ! ono ollering to ili Q-3?O032?i9S, ILL lis now ollering for salo in addition to ids st'oclc of Jlain Street, Acton. Grookdry, ' .flB.'tJlas&wapd, Tho following Goods : Hay RaS03, Hiy. Forlsa, Graso Scyth.03, Orallo Sc.ytlios, Scytlio Stonos, Snath3, Ssz. AIso,.a splendid lot of Carpenters' Hand Saw3, Meat : Saws, Keyhole Saws, Masons' Trowels, . PA8NTS & PAINT OILS with the celebrated Rubber Paint Always in stock. ; BOy*ill will be sold low for casti Cash for Hides. ' CHARLES T. HILL, Mill Btreet, Actoni ; Feb. 19th, 1878, J. E. A.I: i it'vin, 1.' i_f ^iit, Aoi j.v j W-M.'LEITH Would respectfully call tho at tention of tho.public to his iuuuonse stock of STOVES, fto. wliich he is ,110w selling Very Cheap. Having had an experience of many years, all orders for i 3rv9E airing and Eavetrbughing will ba filled 711 the shortest notice, and in the best style. Be sure atid go to Leith if you want good. or a |good job of Eavetroughing done, New, Chs-ap, Attraotiva and FasiioaaTjle Lines. 'I it call. -StLO'ii ) CH\S. \V. UUAj:. 187B. Weekly Globe. ] T ~ 1 Aiur groat specialties are \ 1 SILK JACS3X3, - ;CESAT . Tim success tliat ha* atton loil the rob- llcatiVn of T:iE MEKKLITAihOtiE in the y--jir :n>w f;i-L druSvlug' tf>n close, has fr" ( o-itstrit>po -trut cif auj-AiHier year slnpe 'tho fs^:ih:ishme>ft of.^ne ripor. Noi- the D>in95s -de- p.rt--s.slon an 1 rln:im*I;il stpinv'cncy*-si^tlr g j nil over- t e American continent, tli*- I cirrnhirlon has bfjon mnlntined I throrffiiout th yrni* at an aveniffe issue each ' being u tiecid- BL&GK LT7STR33, - ooLoasb'i.tfJTRaj, ed ailviince on' Hip nver/rge of uii.v prr- [jaiiJXir , year. Kii.hnsiHstle rxprew-loiis of j approv-d comn to tlie publishers from every .llrection of the new torra of tho C2E^,P i Paper. "f " mrc!i!nlcal execution, or lis j B-'-iitfLfiti mid i'oploas Il'.nslrntlom. J 11 %r rl . 1 . ' 111 nun uuniim,Ti. . I'j. .MsG.irvui, tlniggisfc, Astpil I'ortl.nn 1, Maine Produce Taken in Exchange. ( WM. LiilTFI, Proprietor. Acton, March 10, 1877. .business you oan engage In. ij.j to 320 por day mid-3 by any worker o'f . - - oltUorHox, rlslit tn tliolr own localities, t'artioulars and fain plow wcrthSi) l'roo. Improva p"iur spareitlmo 111 this buslnosi. Aildrcsa Sn.vsoN A Qo., t till 03SAP I ilis TTaibraUas Vory Oioap. oT Uio variea anil interestimr mi**K .of I ro .dine ni ittnr mil led weekly for ihe-ln- ; lifniii'ii 1 and In-tnictlon and entvrliUn- I .n^iit of Its readers, ami of.-tlio nn.-tll 1 price nt which It Is supplied anuunllj- to I 1 ho piili'lc. j The S51os;raiih!c.i| Xoliccs -of Public .M:'ii and the SkctrUrs of Cnnndlnn . Tonus, i;all(lln^ Xalornl <jcrncrj- i th 11 li ive Jem such a charm to Uio tsti li 'Uv| 'IJ of! r^". j woelfly contents of 1 lie pnper-^wdll Ue inen Costumes, we arc ot!ering;.cIe- ^'^^^^ V^lr^t^ cided bargains. ! writers. ' - larga Cashmere Jackets, every price, Corse Is Every size of. bur popular Adjustable Corset. ' Gents' Furnishings, very attractive. Millinery, tashionablo and cheap. Li nens, Cottonp, Hosiery, Sheetings, Prints, Quilts, &o. ; Blaok Coshmeros Our stock i3 fully > assorted. Inspection Particularly Asked For. W>, Stewart & .Co;,- GUELPJI. Jtino. 4,1373. jtrlrnllure. ns the iorrmo^ indnitry- of tne I'omlnlon, and llie Arm bus's of [ our Natlomil orosi.>eritv, will receive, ns. herd ofbre, earneirt. and cotstaut atten tion. IVrle.sln.Mlr.iI JnfelllKcrice.. Sclenre .Votes, and Kdilrallonnl AfTnln will comlnuo prominent, In each number. .The Answers to 4'orrrspondont., on every variety 01 subjects, which have proved bo valuable and/ Interotlnir to - crowds of readers, will be kept, up With \ Inoreased vigour. . The lllcraryjU'd Lildlfs'IHrpnrlmrnl. i under the enredfspeosa! conductors, will be fresh and racy, i ' Xewsfrom all parts o'f tho world' up to ; tbe liueptmomcnt&f publlcntloQ Parlla- menfary Uebalej P.edjral'Bind Provin cial market aniT'FiiinriclalJ Kerorts at home iindnnrond^ui'J/ljetters ofSpecljil Correspondents froih all ix:lnts of Inter.:. est will bo gathered with nil' th^ -care.' and energy that hns kept The Qlobk In thelront rank of-Canadian Journals for thlrlydlve years-past. :. ' , The aonualsubserlptlon toIUE Week- ' t.v H1.0HE win remain ns heretofore, only TWO uOIjLAHS PER ANSU5UM"*'"' FitEEof Postage to all parts of Ctcnfla and the United Stnte-S payaWc i*"' variably in advance. AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR . T-ke Wf.eki.vGi.otje will be sent tree nf--'p*ns'lHf;o to day Post-offlcp-ln Ureat Hi'ltaln lor S-.20-or nine shillings sterl- ' Kcnitttrihces may be sent by P. -O. money crdcr,. banli tfraft, Tegisteied Ic.ltcrs, or by express, ntoilrrlstt. Uislersnud Hemltlaiices to be audre?: sod to the r" Ul.OUKl'IlINTINt; COMPANY, j-_,; ,\ . Xorono' [f_ .t>k:* '^t'^m tmi M'i ^H f5EE5555 jbs^^s^? ^IjJOM'l""^'.*!' sisr->-*rr.'-^^"~j-: /'-' -fer: KA-:-. fey'

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