Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1878, p. 3

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xmm&v?- y m imp- ! ' t lit i>. Tt: to ny t::* . lade ITUO i.L. i-.'e- |lfi lir fan I* 1 . ONT., JUNE 27, 1878. Miv, dominie Sluup, of JH:ui>. j i-Kv oiyuin lit (', VV. IHU'r. Tri:i? c.i\ . follow :.: s .c'.nn.i wr.M., j >l'on, t,.liii.i l_v a rcsulcut of .\cto!i. -Xi^lit L\prcs - . '" ><> town a) ptv,sent on a v.ibit tu Trn*=miiil " 1>*V I-AfKlS - - Ki'prc . . . . ;,.JV pin; j" ^onci:. > no t;l mixed H7 p.m. i preaching in -.tin- Disciple Moolinr V ur Hou,r. neM l.or.Pa day. a* the ti'n'It.i.isixid . "' ' . ; . 9:112, I '" ,' ' "" - u ""J" ' n'"' tlml Kntliiimn wiuhca u.i tu rut urn I>y Kxprc - - "11-.'30.ion. I at M'V 'S'"1t' Mectun; IIoum', lain his thanks to the boys for their consul Wcti-rn mail . . ~ "~ " ' ' I. >3>i'U> mixed ,> THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON qX)UNTY "'megei^ Hall," ~--Thu Hand Iiovr woni out on u floreiindiiig tour Monday tiij;ht, Knch of the jdayois hud a new torch nt't null ed to )iio liat, nml thoy looked imtneiiHe, 'I'ho lirut r person thoy fieronndod wan Mr. Innao If.rmicip, an old Hand boy, 5:1" p.m. j lYulrij. I:o0p.m. ScrT:,-o-in the Methodist Church every SVohxUl ovnllily; ul lml(>|>:iM six iC-lock ; mj l.>ttv morning ami cvjoi- Ing on the ftril Mnl-.l>iilh of chfh month. Ilitv.'lt. liims, l'ustor. LOCAL-MATTER8. - -'ij>n Monday croniiig.iitlingor.s- villi'.iMiv.lo.sqih I'ulvi <vt, u brothor of tlip Kov. (.I. \Y. Calvert, Into of this elation. They them marolu<<l ifwn Mill street, Boroilaled tlio "Glasgow Il"usi>," und also "Kegont -Hull," aftor which, fooling Ihowftivt of r^frrisliiiiouU. 'VillHji\ whs . muruVroil by a j "1(>)' ^oromuUul >Ir. Kdwatd Kicktiii, n.unou : Alfroil Konl. l[onl who invitod thorn ia to h:\vo n fooil of . - Wuddin^'Kin^s/sdlid lS'cariU plain told Uinjjs ; T^otios' Uold fancy '<iiRi Kin^s. :\Votldiu^ :\nd Hirthday rrejonts t' Jew dory J?torv. A tplondid atook". staMunl Calvoit in the nlHlomen, cansins; death, in a fow minutos. Tlio mnuloi-cra'souninl, * --Any parties wishing goods lor 1st of :Jnly iitso, nhould purvhiisi! thrir supplies on Satuiilay, 113 all tho 1:101- j chants havo ;-.,;recd to close their door.s ' ' . ' " ! on iMu'inion llay. We hop-.i 'that 7i(o - -Ico cream tit C. \V. IlillV. i cii.-toriery will l.J adniittod throi.^luhe l^oininion 'Pay next Monday. ThcVotors' List for this "\~il- ligc is K'ia; prill to .1. : ,, .i., ,., :. . - i -v-K.-momlirr our Or.leivd \ 'loth ^i * lo^ U'OJ'.M te.H'llt, a^ill we are. slill kept Kv; r.tid VO-.oo stere ia| Koe\we;>.!. [ !.;:sy. whieti i< jjro'.if positive of the de- sr';Ie-.UK>rs, r.a on previous ooo.'tiiioir.i, as' it MHiutii'.'.es oa'.i.-es ill-foelin;; janiong.' the dillcrcr.t merchants of the Vtll.-.-e. stiawluM-rics. Tho boyj Kimnt n most eujoynhlo uvouing nt Mr. Nicklin's. Mr. J. (.:., of "Jto-ent Jlall," with hia usual liherality, ndtlcd n two dollar hill, to Uie fundi of tin hairl, in consideration'of the serenade, for which tho Hand returns thanks. t^vi .-.i.i. f...^^.- >!.. ~V^*1=/*'^ ".'*""V ^v ' -.-'-.fcV.r'eoo.1. hvsh -HrwWmVs i T^?^of ^\ "'^V' "f l}'- ^V) &^?H P^f^M * -:-V~'."-.--.-'hi Ko tW Matthew,' f.:ire. -He keopi a ! ..;,; '.%-"ZC^ -_*5> larcu st.vk or. hand. ! stock to choose from. I ;ent>' Kurnisli- ^H . SL. r-i*""--^-^~"-"^| ..... t^yiv-vj ..,-'. . i in:,-s m hir^e vantiv Mel.ood, Ander son.ti. v :Ht-'SV tii'.irA-i.'wn. .' .- xvr..-. trr.r.suctfd at the tnoe;iu>; of Couu- i -\r i i n^i i ... . -. fc Mf, l .unos Hrilor lias just clMor.aeyr.-Rnt. | built :.i lu-autifnl hr'cad wu-oii for - t'^ha-.tlio Lod^.-^v.of P.. will :Mr. U-ilvrt ll.illoway, of this Vi.l- iior.-.i::ato o:Viccr? to-n-iiht. AH j la^v . Tho rig is " and oi thoj- Our j.iijk knifo artist swoar _l<rs ire r^jccstcJ .to attend. ;' Litest doL'ti. Mid is a credit to tho ul>.ainl-don and crosswise that he saw A gmnd musical, literary *\\iTINWARE! Win) Wan Is flu ware? T. Stewart & Co ALTON, ONT. We are making1 frionds liy kocplnjj iv Jlrst-ol.-wH H^pokjof all kinds of Tinw.iro of tho . '! , LATEST DKSIGNcjf, wlfioli, for cliira1>ility and boituty, wo liKFV COMPErrTtON. STO\ri ALWAYS IN STOCK. K.VVKTlUUJairiNU n upccialty. I'roduo.n tikon .tiluo as cihIi. All work "iiir.inteLd. A3 OF ALli'COMPEtlfniN-!- ^tomaa-rsatSuocoss Gall and see our cheap Dresses, Prints and Cottons, Parasols, Gloves and Ribbons sure j to please. | ll-.'liu 'r.-STJ2H'AT & t'O. .builder. Tin- wa-on cost .-*2l)!). i4a urcat si-ht on M.ll street, tho other r-.;-.ii:i:ien: will K' held in i'Mr. (.Jal'.owav ! th.c'ToVa Hal!, lleekwood, on the 1st; i boantifijirbiiM.! wo ias now tno most j n-K\lt> and ho male a dotermln.-.l e!h. .'t rt of Ilidton. ion in tho: L'o. j to draw a picture as the ri>; p.issii ,.,. ,;J:V.j . ^' 'with the almvo remit. We present it ,-t tiour readers, and, no tl.mht. thev:will .. iav.i.a.ii',i. i... ^>. in.ui. . , < vvry-.-.f.-.r l.v.f.'-o.: LUt-Lcl: by riniti-n^ _;ains: a-stojd-pih% cue .lark evoiiin^' _ lsdy called i:-. StoreyV'Ulovc \Vorks la<; xroek. ' the other day, r.-.-.d 'requcjted to so _ Tho cl.-c' c'.ticcts ip. the some lavender kids .f their own make. ] tho prie2 o! the four ja-k-hnivos lie .-Acton 1.0.150, l.O.u.r., will t.-lke piaee S!;c w'as fh.^vr: a variety of shiules. hut.'! broke, in evceutin ;'tho pictaro, ho de- ' ll>.J. tj \c> th^ Ki:i:=: l' have it. " c"!,,r- --he-..ishcd Trod, "which"! We arc sorry to say that lit. had sever al of his lingers h.e'.ly cat while perform- in.; or. the Mock of woiid,,?.irt, thanks to the prompt attention .if Mr.-.!. K. Me- 1 perceiv^ that great care wasohi^rvel in the uxi-cntioii of t!iu picture. lie at lirst intended t,i have it printed in the form of a chroini,, hy paying him of th--<o pair, are the laveiiderest V He har.iiy knew which. :4-A ^ranrl. Celebration will'take :i i! >;!iiviO !, 0:1 I> naiiiioa I'.i a v. Ij.e^se att^n.l. . lC"l.uO reward for nny >.isf of w.-rr.-.:- i^ti:e h.uraan systerr. v.i-.cred. K. ?.f'Siir^ ir;*^ Worio i\ea .;tr^ \- ill r."t ef- ' ftcl s ci-r-c. Try d:c:a. " . ,',.< Mr. P i* trec::i:g a t:rs:-cIs^-3 st.-ru r.:i.i i.^t- t rirul r.:!:i:.^c::ieati. Aitvr thv gwn-js ;iutl .-."fficcii that village. 1: will b. without v. arjii::-, the ^c?t".]Sri -adier ; y - \\' for ::se ,u two or :.:roe weeks. : ; L,u:ier.:h >tr .^r ). js n-portrd to li.ivo made . " UvAA .":. >'c l,aml l',f {.more moiiov than almost any Am- e : J.-E. M^urviu', j Kahfuimpir.::?. A mi.Meal cuteit::m- ; ,.,- . m Mt\u)r [,y jKn-sist.-nt workin- P^ssnibn-, of Kockwood, i'JjOO ,vi!l be given i:i jiri^.-s for game ilarvin, he soon had them hound up, and is now -entire!-." reovere.l. 1 .-A ;.'.;O.K^J'r>i?.il.. Livery Stable. Should be u&ed in every,family. Try them. r i , ^ ! " ' ' Another car load of ,L a received, to "be rushed off at bargain. .1 ----T*" Busy, Busy in tha TAILORING DEPARTMENT!! Still they come for our stylish fitting" Garments, Ladies' and Gents' T------- ---------L Amou^ the nmncrofis important- arrivals which 1 hivo lately como t> faarijl. wo would aik apecial oflentionto : Fiffcy Pieces OhoipjH STew Black Crreaadines . ; " .' the new and f*|>nte Brfkos for tho Benson. CIJEa^. 1 . " . j. '. ' ]'.-' 1 Case Handsome J "Bour^tte" Dress G-oSds, at present commanding n inimenso sale in Now York, and other cities ol- lashion. I'heao wo shall sell 1- - ;;;,-AT TWpTY-FlVE CENTS TER YARD," I and every lady should "see ttem. -' One Case l^^m^^t^^ For a choice variety of New and FasuiojiaMe ^ Ooods, Indies should; come direct to tho fashionable. West End, Guelph. A. O. BUCHAM. . Fashionable Wcet End Drew, Jlillincrj- and I. O-Jolph, April IS. 1"8. ' , . . ' . f I - ' nil-Lit will -Mr. S. D liiey, "f tho ' hall, : ,--;' :.-:\1li: } i,. - . ' ' . , I t-ail 0:1 h::n v.liea yvu l\ to it-*i Mr. \V. P. Brolvti. it-forms its : < ,J a':.ic'-i ?.rc t"-^;.,s"i.l(:-;'ei!U-, Slot a ;;-.u:i- ! :- - sT. V.". ISiil's Ic- (heaiu '. 3-ir is t;;e p.^ico -.v;:t.-r.' v j:: c;:: i tiji- ;-;:re ui't :c.c -. v tiiu c or iiiiart. _ i The Canad -. Uh.A'r V.'ork-. I. lies btrt.-n lunnii;^ lo i6> tuio '. Co ' dre.uV. r.-.-.d .'.:. orderly'Tae-day evenii.c ii.iciij fir qni'.t- a tiuio, nud ihc ! z:: \ ;.rr.= iu;::vii:wid by tlio lb eve :,c; /of 'bhi pec;ilia'r voin of bumoiir. ; S ime years be; has yot s(rl.i!iO U.r.. >>a the 2nd i from 11 ,v.'a-kly 11.".v ipipn- for his J::!y; we v.iil eo:a:ne:iee a ureal clearing cx.'bisivo co:it,i;.u;tti;)n;r ; has saie. Toe ^..!ssh.:hj.ei..arked douu S3 ()0;)'4J1 S.',.0():) liv "h-cturili-, ai.-.l -.. .-.r." ">' I O'-y, :oid as v,c an imoieiise , 0 e give::. - it.-iucm- titrt- wiil 1 *.):=:r.i ha.---.i,^ and ';i,.;di^ I:.;.,, ill dr.., ^ . U, p.-int,, e,t, ;in:.::.:ljj. p.ra ..U. re load'. ;.i'To"r- 'U.r. : ". ,,f ^:ra\v.-. eii'.!e'tie:i ^.. ;.;,:..v., .ilKlers..:- .c Lo. . p,ril,l,es.' !<.:, ^e., 'cheap 'at Seeor.l': Win, Toster, a tramp, was j Nobby'eery. SiX'oiin's- Xon::v On i 'v.uv. l;!;-5t IV.iiiiiyFI'.iir, hc-t (i r.; Flour h.i.s had o jn-.dit ' fi oni his .ilin in u: Of So,OOdo:-S.I.O:.lO in >rj 5lS,t.(l.iU' to s20.<0ll per .-imnu.iir. 'L'hatiis tivo ;ir six tino'S o<; muoh ur, E.nei"- son, (fiw-thiirne l^iwcibur IJoiuico-.i -l.vGm has uv'l'i' in ide. ' ,- 1 mini! Kiibbor P.iints Having purcha.-cd the l.ivcry Stnhlo' and hu-ilnosj formerly owned by Mr. II. Adams, we are pre-. pnrod to turiiibli J'irst-l'Jass Eti-s :M tlis .Host EltMso:r.iT>Ic liaics. ' ->pl Commercial ftigs always on liand.J MATTHEWS .t'N'ICKMN, ; John Streol, Acton the S6'JU d^ily. Mrs. Kont Mason Clayton, tic t.-r'.ay laor;::::^: Ho was tumid guilty, 'but i;ad nuti.i:'.^ to ^ay why the sentence of the court should, not. be ^.assed on !:im. ' The Kecve-tuM him tliat I'"iista- rrell-Vri'urri,- who .,,,-; ,, ... .. . . - *f . ,' hie roroea weald escort mm to Milton, iiiitvl Acton e short ii-ro, aad-lectured } ' , - , ... , .. , ._ * e could rema:.a la the Queens la tho XL-mperanet' Hail, iiaj liecu da- . ,. ., , . . * t ' .. . ' L'oar.d::.'x l.euso lor .0 lia-.'s. - -i orccil fr.>m her ha=b^^i :u Chicago re- i t .. - Jlr. John ScC'jid, of thb. nobbv CoLllI? cc-l!ent Scotch an d (J^na- ' oroj'ery, '.vs.; r.~ay in Toron: i iiuriiiy SI3 mi.! SJ-1 la v,-eek af.cndinu te.- ,L'., lit i' Lhi.h. , ..'.rdiaary 1 tirieaj, and, r.3 coim iic goa.h, arrive will he able to do ' Tea -h.rriiijjs rlbou t ','.:.-.= Tweed Sui:s i-'vr'e and iicXtli's, Mr. .\I i.-rj v is having his dru^ rJ-ir-: r-j ]i iia:-d an. i rca jv.'.;.-d. Ho iii.s just juit i:i"k be-iutift:! .silver- ,; :.jj i;;:,;., (/i ,.r,,.jcr iii'jiiu'.'jd show ca-Se, which, logjtlit-r . j.. with the iiaiutinj. :n iir-jj> t!y::VBt-jrc liavti alVJ;;e:'h'jr a bet jit. (ir t..rance>ill have a Strawberry Fcstiyjd i .<;;..r.l!K'"7I..N.' Ml. McCran:'/, .ti:i the evc'trruo of the l_-,t July, in the j ,M_ j.^ reoue.-.ts us to at ..-, with refer- 1>rkj c meernhi,' the dojrj ope:: at 7 u'c'.oph. .^".rawberrie.- (Mlrviiie ;"'..;roi-.;ire do.ale.-, on ."ith June, at 7:3J, For further pirtLtuIiri ; \.{ic:i he .aid, "Hay .stated a.; hi-V.ea- j cvcr ,lr'"'.!.; see p<.-5te.-3. - ^ ,,n tiiat he ern^h that dealjr --We have received the advance ! out of existence," he ;.!:uuld hav/e said, aheets of tiie Xiic tlie (j)alivillc datdor stated thJt Hay for July, containing the \Vlla< lifty ) wauled to crush hini pat of e).i itci'-je." lollar prize rx>tm,'flacl the live other j With reference to the above we .would j*r.-is which received honomble nen- | tatc that tlie mistake luhjlit have been tiou. The whole occtpieitw&aty-thre*; , a misunderstanding on our part. : lust rr.e-ked Wliuat, liait Oat Meal, best Corn Meal, be-d Itye Meal, nil of tho bc-t (oiality, and at mill prices. Xkat, Tasty and Uskki:i.. U'hen yon hay a p mini of Tea at Se- cjird's Nobby (iroeery yon always get it put up in a n.'it littlo, C.'.dlie, which keeps the Tea in g.-d iir.l-r and iir.r- veiit.j w.ute and cap 'ration. .-iiot tibny l'ishof all kind-, X . -pe-.-ted White Fish, ?_'.(>> ; \o. 1 In- i Tr.r.ii. .SJ.Oi) ; Salmon *>3 store' Trade *alo of i'rr.mj, Torrance, sp/'-'ted S :!:n -. l .\- I --; ,,, V u : -i.'l'i-.iiit, >'l..-|), and >>l,nii. Kvery barrel r-nd..\. J. oiiav. ( o. . Huv-erJ were I - N. , , . , ... , . J . . * . ,;OI our -No. 1 i!j"ni::o!e.l i: ish is warrant- :-ro-c:it U'x;, :ih parts oi thv en;;illry. ('cd soiml and hrjt^lass, or money re '"r. .Secord made soaie !ar purchases funded. > \\"ii"n ynu fod Jnat way, ro- ni.tub'jr ry is . the place to o.'j'it rich, nut ao ! -.v.eet. Foie Freuja l 'li >c date, it n'c l'ieo- latc. Cocoa; of .lidereat brand :. ll.,,ey, l'ia:i:l S il.n .a, S irdiu.-:, I.i' Core !).-st.-.-s, I'leh.'S, P. :ri-i., Tom l- v . 1 - ' to.-;., a-.;., .'j-., S l^'o, 'I' ojio ; ., \lliisins, I'ar.-aat.. tl.-in^.-., I.;:ii.:o, P. .io/na Sau.-.a-i; S.ijtr t'jred lla:n., I'o.-'.e etc., e*c. an l th.: bjst o.)e T.-.i y<r.i T'Sgts of the mn";azii:c. -Ice C'r-eatu at C W. Hill's. zuerf'.Ls d certz-in jeweler's weddirjg riu^'r. L>oa.-: he =jx?ak from experience"'-OVr//,// JIii-iiIJ. 'It is an aJvcrtUcmeiit. Won- '.^r if the the Iftr'nld'maa speaks from xperJc-ucx: when he recommends aliiid rpili\ ~i-ltT2.CE. All parties are hereby n itiliod that I have laid |n:n:i ar i in 1 my promis-.n for the ekt-jroiia of .all d>;i th it trcpasi.! ' , . " it." j\(j:i\ Bot ,-.'acton.' Sells .-Otoap- Whilo money is so iurd to get, it shonbl-bu.tho first cilisi leration of oach person wirere,they ean secure thc'ioit v ilu i f >r Hi 'ir money, in groceries, crockery glassware, Wall Jjiper, etc. The Tost olli^o .Store w tho place. No. I lioun.l Herrinirs for 1.50 per hail' bmrcl. No. J Split Hoi rinij.-i for. ylj.75 per half I barrel. xa; Hats and Caps. New styles selling very cheap. four innuence and patronage solicited for thc>'iicccss of lliis i^rcat cash system. Acton, June l.UM, 1/378 IE j. a, HURST. -'" . ". ender^oii . - :J' & Co's, T il ;fios3^t display _ y\ rp rp-pjr- pfi__ ^ NEW BRICK ;STO S ;. i forf$^:W) per On the 20th iij/c., a-. Tr afalo'ar, Han nah, helov:.' I ^-<v:fc of Isaac r'reemali'. Clothes well made' in - the rktcit designs from reliable 'Iwec-.U at ] At'tllO last J'OOlllal" IlieetiutJ of the East'Kad Clothing Store, j Fyfo Ic i.Acton IJivision; H. of T., the following;! y,v.\., aged IS years. j McNb. I '.. Acton Fkee Peess recbrn No. 1 Trout half barrel. Three Patent Tails f,.r .,.0d. . Matches per Box. 12c. SV'.irraiuo 1 Oood. Tho "S93t SD C3nt Tea. la. tio Marmot. WALL' TATEUS KKU1I fcrs. UP. Am4 oyorytliing usuillv kept in a lirs.t-class Utoceryucliea[i (or c.isii or tnido. ' J AS. MATT! IICWS. Acton, May 1. 1873. FRENCH -OjT- -4. EM i &-C&-8-7UME-^ oii'icers were elected for the eusaiiig ,, term ; J c Ku;;h (.'amcrou, V. W.P. ]). McMnekon, W.P. (), lazier, W. A. '_." I-', lb i:o,i, i:.s. Martha Kerr, A.K.8. jlattie Speight, F.S. .,.,. ... , 1 ... * e 1 li. 1'. iJoore, Treas. reua clothing and "good old Scute tj , . Tho._ Wat:son, Con. whiakeyr ^ '| . Mary Lawson, A.C. , Xovy" " is the time to" vr.isli I Jan. Lozier, I.S. /with J. K. iXcLiarvin/a live cent Toilet Kobt. Warren,-jr., O..S'. A' CirO.V SIO.VTiU.V SALE. Also, a soldndid Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goodd, consisting: of black and colore ad Silks, CashiXLeres and Fancy Dress Goods. Kid Gloves, ajll the new shades: (1, 2 and S buttons), Lisle Thread Glovejsj Parasols, i Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimmings and Fringeb; Prints, Com triced, Muslins| G-rey Linens, White and, |Crre|^ Cottons.. ! .-.. \ t Ba^lwli, F^ffioi. and ^eriaan ii ap. __Mr. Tbos. Swain, nn old and - hiiridy respected citizen of Georgetown, died very guddenly at his residence on Frhhiy evening, at the age of 62 years. . Five minutes before death he was /eit- ' tiag chatting on the vtrandah. He went iruii'.e, lay on a lounge, and expired .-ith tcarely a struggle. ' . - C. W. Hill's Ice , C'reiui ia highly reco'tnrucaded for excitable'peoplo. '/N During last week no less than eight robberies woro committed in Georgetown. On/Tuesday night Mr. G.JJO. Kennedy's .resilience, was entered and poods to the value of'$10 or 12 carried off. Mr. Hole's residence was entered thc.eamc night, but nothing was taken. On Wednesday uiglit Mrs. Thomjison's bake shop was entered and some cakes and i?l in coppers were tak en- McLeod, Anderson & Co.'a stfjrc was entered the same night, and a suit - - .l-T OS Jj AttSiKTS t loni- . . ?2 2."> to o 7."> V aH V 'heat, . . : (' 9S to T 02 s urini, :U'heat, .. i; Hi to 0 ito -Doin" business without acT- j of clothes taken. . Austin's shoe store, Tcrtjuins is like 'winking 'at a pretty McMastcr's grocery store and Thayer's girl with green goggles on.-z, There furniture warerooms were entered the is some little difficulty about'ihisstatc-Uame night, but nothing was taken, loeat. In the first place, nnwn who After midnight on Friday, the house of doesn't advertise doesn't do any bust- Mr..G. E. ..Morrow, druggist; was- bur- to s.^ak oi, and pretty girls' are I prized and S50 ill COldl taken from hl8 j riot in the habit of wearing green' gog- 1 podkets. No clue has yet been found ; {o the perpetrators of the robberies. - J------------ J.;. MbGarriUj druggist, Acton. " J- Iv ^Garvin, dnig^t, Acto i Sprouted Spring Wheat 0.7o to I !lo Barley....... 0 00 tii () 00 Lhtts ... " ' .". -. 0 30 to 0 .' I'oas .'...... 0 00 to 0, HO 'Batter (tWh rolls) -.'.. 0 15-th (I- LS Butter (salted rolls) . .. 0 12 to 0 12 Lard (hK-"t) 0 10 to 0 10 Lard (.Lark) .. '.. 0 OS to 0 Oil Kggs (now laid) , .. 0 OS tod 10 Potatoes, p'.ir bag .. 0 fiO to 0 07> Apples, pen hag ... 1 00 to 1" 2o Hay, per Vn, .. 4 , 10 00 to 12 '10 Timothy seed. . . . "... 2 25 to 0 00 Clover seed .... 4 2o to 0 Do Dkv.Ouoijs,. .. .. _ Cheap GVELIMI flARKETrt. Special li'ihc Fuek l*KEss,.y>er Domin- . ion Line. Ouixi'ii, Juno 27, 1878. : Flour, per 100 .': 52 50 to 3'2Tt White Wheat, per hush J 00 to 1 00 Treadwell do Spring Wheat.,, Oats, Barley, ..__ of [-Peas . J Hay, per ton Egg", l>er doz. Butter, per lbs I'vlaiocA per bag J log*, per owl Clover seed . . Timothy seo I. . 1 08 to 1 22 0 87 to 0 03 0 30 to 0 32 ip 10 to 0 45 0 50 to 0 55 la 00 tol'2 00 0 OS to 0 10 0 11 to io 12 0 (i*to P 85 14 50 to a 00 4 00 to b 00 1 80 to 2 25 them safe. The Acton monthly sale will be held at Agaew's Hotel, on Fair l>ay,. All kinds of Stock, Implements, &c. will he sold by paying oil <n.a a-pieee. Sale at 12 o'clock. TKUMS. Tun months' er'edit 011 approved ioipt notes . . All entries must hi made to Mr. Jas. flyder, Sec. ! WM. lIB.MoTKEET, Auctioneer. 25-tf .. t 1 ' '____________:__________!---------------:------------------------. I EXPRESS MR. JAS. BffaNS.'; Having made arrangomants with tho (i. T. B- is now praparod to carry nny JBXPilElSa AND FREIGHT Delivered at Acton station, at VERY CHEAP RA;rES, Bo sure and sco that Bums carrio your goods, as ho is euro to: delivor. liejiily-Mado Clothing, Black and Blac./Broadr cloths, Diagonals, English, Scotch' and Canadian T,Vce.!s SULTS MaDE TO ORDER, lA.NrD A PERFECT FIT GUAHANf^BlVOR'N.O SALE. A'"full as<oiM mcfntiof Gents' i'-uriiishirigs. White Dress Shirts, Collaifs. Cnfis, Tic/*> etc. ' .;:. - A >ilon lid Stofk of Choice Family Groceries, j TEAS A SPECIALTY"/- ' i I THEIR MILLINERY ,,?.-'-j is the 1 great attraction. Please, leave your orders early, atnd have no disappointment for the 24th. r ..--r- - Immense stock of fT.O-J' 7 ; Those neat and comibftable Tie Shoes in great demand. I TTflClJ ir [71 r\- ih new and leading' styles: 45-3m. JAMKS SYi>I0N, in returning thanks to his mniieioiis fiieii(js and customerss.for the very lihejr.aJ suj)[)ort.. accordcfl to him since he commenced business in Acton, would-remind them that neyer before in the history of Canada ^ere such bar gains oflered in Acton. The jGofids have befeii bought for Cash sxiid \ylll be sojld at a small idp vance on cost, i - JAMES SYMOlf Produoo ol.all kinds taken in exchange at the highest,market -pricg. j ESMSMBE& THE PLAQS: THE STEW BIt[QK STORE MAIN" ST., ACTC ^ Acton, April 10th, 1378. ' . ' - ! daily of hew and fresh lots of Goojis. You can; always de pend on getting the latest. -1 -I ~i ISuy Montreal "W'Juts Oottaiii Best value in She Market. I'; - Withoutf^rrival---pur Famous 50c; fea; 51bs ^fbr ^2L25. v i 4e3' /CHRISTIE, HESTOS&SOIT ^ CX Aton, May 7th, 1878. ! I ' :t MuMMM '^^R^^smm-^a^mw^

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