n ROOM AT THK TCiP. Never you;'niUi>l i\w: crowd, lad. Or fancy your life won't toll ; The work is the work for a' that To Jiim that d.x-th it Moll. F.inoy the world a hill, lad: ' You'll tiud the crowd at the K-isc. lad | Tlicre's-aUray? room at the lop. Courage nful faith anil jwiticnec, ThvvoV n'r>oe in tho oM \\orW yet 4 The I'cttvi the eh.-uiee you s-taml, lad, X^-vcr ilcsjvatr or urvi> : He Mtrv th.it-your lvith loads upward ; There't always room at the top. 1Y11AT IS LO>ET Whit is Ta>w! t>h, love's a ploasuro, Horn ol youth and bread of leisure, l.iko a day of April weatlur, : i?to:mi and fi-.r.shinc, both together. l.ove* Oh, love's a pain, >ks and eohl di^daiu. What i! Cruel h d-st'as 0:1 upon the tire, _. Matei it only burn the higher. Flower-like in.the ho.srt it dweUs ; l^niise it, and it sweeter sinclls; Nothinc havinc. iin\*t K\*to\vs( And lor giving rieher i:rmvs. Child of whims ns;l longings strange, e'h.ar.i;e it l.r.Us, \V: liv^s on ehtir.^ea ; I.ike^a lir.i 'tis 3;:]!^! hy kiuo.noss ; l.-.die's, 'tis a sort of blindness : When most a faet, then i-.nvst & fiction, J-ike voursulvo-s, a contradiction. * Had a bite yet..' The Philadelphia ClrvMch'llVr bid perpetrates the fol!owing ghast ly reuiark : ' Now York is illumin ated =with gas, but JJrtxdjlyn prefers s'caliual light." 1 Said.an Iowa man to a Gorman tourist : " Will you go to I'ed.ir Fails before yon return-i"' " \ aw," replied Mviil.t-t-r-; " 1 vill go to'soe der Falls of Macua. JOHN NLSCN ' ' " ' MERCHANT TAILOR. ROCK WOOD, Takes this opportunity of announc ing to'(he puHio (Imt his stock consisting of English, Scotch, mi Canadian '"'*"' TWEEDS, CLOTHS, AND WORSTED GOODS, "la now complete, Ho is prepared to rhaka up in, the LATE^T STYLES; i . : - And good Workmanship, d THK FREE PRES, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, OtfT., JUKE 27, 1878, 0 H ft ~*3 P 0 w a a.. o -Satisfaction Gutraateea, V \-u !* solicited. ,.r ' .lOH.V rEf,S(J>N I1 " ' i Kockwood. March JO, 1S77 3S3m A la r^e- U1S iliri-v w e.S C rturol on t:ie 1 c: li-'l i ! .. IV I'.. in th siib-c^1 ar Pt lK-ck. 1" 6 I at hoi ie chapt-I, 1 w. ^ nini .11 i oy er t wo hundrt ^ K ailv 11= Ol w i.isk< y pe: day. _. W:ieh von l."ar r. country church ehoir singi:;.-, "There will he ro more sorrow theiv." vou conclude at once that either thp aforeiiid choir will not l> there, or they will not be permine J io sing- One of Boston's most popular preachers has led the boys in a race to a fire. Es. This is a new de parture in the ministry. Hereto fore *he preacher's task has been to lead the boys in a rac*/>V'/.-i a tire. Meeting a baker, a friend ex claimed, " Hello ! Have, yon been away:" The baker, who' was afflicted -whh a cold-in his head, re plied '"Dousjb," yes. I hare just -. cub frob the (y/east, where I waa raised."^ He was so druLk thjfc he coald ikA -walk, rx)ulti scarcely move and only partially articulate. A friend of his cziuie up and upbraided him. " If J* were in your place," said the friend, '; I'd <;o out into the woods and .hang inysalf." "If (hie) you, : were in my place, how J^W.c) the - jdeuce would you get to the woods?" f was the Equelching inquiry, A newly imported Hungarian, employed dn; a farm. a few miles to the nor.tE of this city, tilted up a bee hive the other day. to see what the bees were doing under there He know?, now. He says they were making chain lighining and had 2, 000 tons of it on hand, which ex ploded before he had-lima to let the "box down, Burlington Haurkcqe. A Dutchman, having Jost his horses, started in search ot them. Meeting a man in the road be an- quired of him if he had seen? them. Being a stranger in those parts, the man asked Hans to described them. "Yell," taid he~" iley was verj mooch alike, "specially the off one. Von Icoks so mooch like poth, I can't tell toder from which. Ven I vent after the one, I alvaya caught de oder ; an' I whipped -de one most dead because de~ oder kicked me. Seen auydinga of dem, bey '!" Ayer's IrVigor Pot r-tsobring to Gray FTnii- Jts natural Vitality aad Color.' A drasaing diicli i-. at once ag.-eea- We, healthy, and eflecrual for preserv ing tpe liair. 'it soon m- 'stores faded or gray hair to Us original: color, vrith the gloss and freshness of' youth. Thin hair is thiofcened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often,; though not always, cured by its, aid. No thing can restore tie hair where the fofficlea are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; bat such as remain can be saved br this aDclication, and stimulated >ntA activity, so tnafc a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, if. will keep it clean and vigorous. Its pccasional use will present the hair from turning gray or falling oflj "ind consequently prevent baldnesa. The restoration <Si vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so upcleanly and offensive. Free^from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to Htm hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merelr for a HATB DRESSING, nothing" els* ran be found so desirable; - Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it doss not soil white cambric, and jet lasts long on the hair, giving >j e rich, jjlos?~luatre, and a gratefu. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., P'HcUeal and Analytical Cwm',; S. Z.OWEZ.L; MASS SOLI* JTT Al^L, DBtXMSZSTS. EVEB^mA One of the afJo-tit is that 5 meanest olanders .'hich! charges that IS I V V a J .ft -*1 CAST But not Dest^oyjed. HarinB mado' arranRomonU with M. Mitoholl, or lliltoii, Tor an agency, for the s'(ilo ol Sasa, Doors. Pramjs, Kouldioffs, /Srosso4 Floorlay, saootiaff. I "Waia3cot> Sl4ia?,&c. -1 anj prepared to. furnish any of the b>vo, nt prices that tlofy com petition. I'le.'UO 'call and seo sam ples oT moul ling, ic, oofore pur chasing else.whoio. - . BLINDS 30 CEN T PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customers for pastfavorsatiii tiopin^still to merit a fir bhare of your patronage. 1 am respectfully yours y THUS. EBBAGE, Agont. EXPRESS ! MR. J AS. BURNS Having mado arrangoiiioutH with the G, T. I{. is now propurod to ^ i onrry any A EXPRESS AND FKEIGHT Drlivorod at Aoton station, nt VERY CHEAP BATES, Bo auro and soo that I?Urn carrion your goods, tin ho is sure to doliver bom Bafo, , 45 .3 in. DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS & 03.3AS James "Ryder Wlnliev t<> ll>nolc tlio publlp for t)lo putroiiitKo they luvuooiircrrcU uj>- , ., oa lilid horotofore. Art tiln brailiH ami notnH worn iloHtroyml l>y fire, liu would tm tlianKfiil It Hiohii 1 iiguluxt whom lift liold nuLoa would ulvo I1T111 lliu tluti'M iinl nmiiunt or Ilium, I anil iiIko l^f tlioso \li<>H(>^rcc!ini|il tjavo bi'uii niiidiTi'ii wmiliitniig ttioin forwfrU unU hoUIo, lie wwrtu nlho tiny Hint lie l STILL OA&OTXHa oa BUSI1TES3 at th Qld stand, ;/ 1 whorphpwlll bnuladto sonhliold oiib- tomcrn.uiid, hh tlmoM ru liaril, tie liux mu>lo Uiu prlocii to 8iill tlioni, |,osk ot JUrnr. Itntmi Lumlior WuKU'in, ouiuiilotc, with sprlnfc 'KCIll, $J(),W. , . DcmonnH. WuKiton, $1U0 toSHO. IIUKltlCM, $100ioSIIU. ! All wnniv'i'il'u 11 WiriT' or I'nglfy t lli.no raK'M cull unit ulvu >our onlerH ut once, Material an! "Worlcmaactjp Quarantcol. > FARMERS, M Ocforo Von Furi P AND SEE er tie. Shop at Vr- Ov<>rion's old itund Acton, i>ec. S7ih, H77. 66-ly a it a n i>, BEATTYSi^H.nivM ANI> HIMtKaiiT. 1111 nj;\TIV'-*llCI,IC- im,\Ti:i> (.i'ik,i>i'.:N .rONuui'.n i>Ait. I.nit i N iin- Hip Hwi-otcnt loia'il nr.il -lm>sL prrluvt ' ItiNLi lunt-nlM ovt-r tx^ftnc miiii"riPtnri'il In Uiis uruny otnrr Cf'iin- try. 'J"|m %ic>rl>l is rlmllfncci) Io <h|iih, HlLlll. 11 - KtdUcxiiintv, "!lil|t>rm-I.Vrr li(.. furi- Hlvri..: U<.e < nullum |wiiir<- rrlt'i'Kl now rt-ntly >! > jn .b'-rfc, ii^fiiiii. 11113 tho trncl" In k>'H>'iiI, An <i|ii;"r. Tli'eHc cele- bralod In.triiin ins -iflu r ,1'lauo or (irKiiii' lioNoiinni KlilpiU'irunywliprp, on llvo t.r liriei'DtliL.Vh' test Irlnl-. Momy rc- riuiilt'tl and Hvl^lit rliiiruct jii||<| |,n(|i U'nvtiinn 'Wl.v ^v:i>- m.^iitiftfurlor^'. l-'nlly warriiiitiul f-r six .vinis 'nh'titrlvily flrn- cluss. K\'(<>tAoltl>lN*AltY I.1HKHM, .U1>COIJN'1VbIvoii to Clinrob- n HoIhk>Ib, I.o<Ii{'k. tlnllH, MrntKlcx, Tniirhi-in, on'., In niiliTln luivo tham.iii|r(iiuciiil nloilcc avli'Ti! 1 have no Pi.-i-nlH, TIioiihiihIic now in uso. New IHnstraiil >\il vcrl lyt-l (<"iita lorm.' K1IJ1I011 with list/ iP now r< mly. wni ir-p.' K'(iidl.'-h.,i 1, > , A'"lros.DANIEL F. BCATTY, Waslilngton, Now Jemcj;, ' Jobbing a follow* 1 HOKSR-StiOKINU- A SPECIAl/I'Y NrnrHliiK'K,3Jo , HotllUK HIio'B. 10c. r.i.llro HorhiB, f'J.10, r..r now i . 1.IK), for sonlux hboo", IvaylnKHIipnr-.Wr. lo$l.0U. ' Cnill'ori1, ifio. tofiOo. All other JulibliiK In jiroi-orllniu ^7* These prioea aro for ChhIi only. All work cliiipn'-'l Iho old riitelf. Kurtbr Jrtlcu[arn n^xt wcik. VQilrd truly, 11.3m J.t.MES ItVOEIt. KNOW SIOH PAINTERS 'SSW.':1 tlon orthe Unlttd SiateK and IVo'vinccs tonnswcrlbU lulvertlsomont. Adiroim pASTEI, F. Bum, Washington, >ow. By nadtnff usd pnctldni the laettimablo trnthi cot/ UlIbcJ Id tbo Mil mediae boob crcr linied, entitle! trrwi of Ejhmitcrt Vitality, rrcnmiunj Dtdln* KerToui and I'hjrtlcal Debility, (iod llio endlen #onroroltMit HI) &Dd uotold mlicricl that retail (bcnfroui, and contains moro tiian Woriciiul pre tcriptions, any Otto of which U worth the prlco a] tbebook- Ibis book wa written by the moit e toniiTO and probably the moit MltulprctHlobei in Amctlra, to whom was awarded a polil and Jew rUcd medal br the National Medical Aiwclatioa A Pamphlet; illimratcd widj tho Tcry.fiae* Biecl EnprTinB a,mnr. Ilfil Tel c-f art ana bcanty HEAL. cnt rnEn to alb Send ) for It at once. Addrcia PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. No, 4 Bui. UCb St.| SostOD, Mm, THYSELF QRACE'3 QELEBRATED $ ALVE - A Sure Belief for the Sufferer. PBErAKED Bt SEXH W. FOWLE & SONS, 88 JIA/RRISOH AVBSUE,; :. BOSTON, MASS, OKACEW CELKBRATKD HALVE, , Is a V'ogetablo preparation; Invented In the l"th contnry by Dr. Wil liam Uraep, rjnrgoon In King James' army. Throagh tta agenoy he r-.ured tboasantls of the most serious aorcs and Wounds that battled tbe skill of the most eminent pbyclclani of till day, and wag regarded by all who know blm as a pub- |o benefactor. FSICE 23 CEXTH A. BOX. Oyer's Catliartic Pills, " For tho .relief and cure of al] f deraagements ba / the Btoraach, lir- er, and bowebi. They are a mild aperient, and-an .excellent pm na tive. Beine pure ly vegetable, they contain no mer cury or mineral .. - whatever. Jjuch scrwns aickncaa and Bnffering i prevented by their timely use; and every family ehould * have them on bund for their protection and relief, when required. Lon^r experience nas proved them to l>e the safest, earest, and best of all the puu with which tbe rnarkst abounrL^. IJy their occasional use, th3 blood is iniriiied, the wrrup'.ions of tbe syistem ox- pellu.l, olibtnir,tion3Lrcmovcd, and the whole machinery al lifts r^str,cd tolts healthy activ ity. Intonial organs which become doczii and Bluj-'j^ir-li arc cleansed by Ayer1 a VQu, an.l rtiuiubited into action. Thus Incipient li-e.-f>o is chanpnd into health, the value of which c'l.injre, when reckoned on tbe vat| oath the other night. The eirenm- staneeaaregiaiply-thesfi : He went into the huiis>e an-d attemjited -to make his way in the dark through the 'sitting-room "lo the pantry* to 1 niuliiiu'ile? who enjoy it, can hardly be con> . I linted. Iheir suar-coatinrj makeo them deposit a bune'u of.rhubarb present ed him by n. parihliioner, forgetting that house-cleaning had commenc ed. Tiie wretched girl had a pail of Boft-soap near the door, over wliiah be accidentally stumbled. Making an herculean effort to save himself, ho grabbed for (something with both hands, and as he alight ed firmly on his stomach, pulled down on top of him a tablefull of crockery. Rising promptly to his teet, he made a pitch for the match- afe, but, happening to plant his8 foot'in a puddhs of "the . soft-soap, hie promptly Bat down in I a |tub of preserved fruits. His poor tired wife, who had (retired early, Was rouaed from her slumbers, and, thinking that burglars were abroad shrieked tor help, to which the hired girl responded, rushing into tbe room and tumbled headlong over the man in the washtub. These are the naked facts in the c^ise, and that is all there is of it. Our good {riend did not say a word tUat could be Construed into pro-' f mity. <H.e simply sat firmly anc ti-.netly anong the preserves until i-.- light wasBtniek, and then mildly i njuired : "How, much longer, duur, does house-tleaning last 1" jlca.-nnt. to lake, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length -of time, so that hev- are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. AiUioiixh K'arclilnji, they ore mild, and opo ale without dlMurbanee o tt.o Constitution .lict or O'rciipationl Kpll directions are (rlv^n on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, ,iii.I Tor the following- complaints, which tbesa fiilf m|iiclly cure : ; Kiir I>yiif[Mia or X nil lee "on, X,lat- .Iwuipm, Lnus-uor, and Lo' oH Appe. ;tltc, -they rhopld bo taken :i6<ierately to ~timul:i:e the stomach, and restore it* healthy tone and rtction. For L\\rr Complaint and Its varioni -'yrnpt'iuis, Ililiou* Headache, Sick Ifleailurtip, Xaandlce orGreenSlek- ncM, (tllious Colic and Blllona le* vpr, they should be Judiciously taken for cadi case, to'eorrect the dUeased action, or iemote the obstructions which cause it. For Dy>eniry or ltrrtjoca, but one mild dose is generally required. For RbeuniatUm, Oont, OraT2, Paltiltution of th Kmart, Pala la the Mide, Back, and IiOlna, thov should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change Uiose complaints disappear. 9* JOropay and Dropsical Afrsrull. lns, thoy sfioiild be taken In large and fro- luentdobesio producs the effect of a drastic vurge, For Mapprcussloa, a large dose should be aken, as it produces tha desired effect b sympathy. . As o Din ntrr Till, take one or two Pi7 to promote digestion, and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates Jhe-stomaefi and bowels, restores the appetitc.-and Invlgor- atir the fiysttm. Hence It 1b ofbjn advanta- jrcoiis where no serious derangemsnt cxiBts. One who feels tolerably well, often finds Uiat a dose of tbefle Villi makes him feel declc- edly better, from their cleansing and reno vating effect on tho digestive apparatus. FRKPAKBP BY Dr. J. Q AYES & CO., Practical Chetnist*, i01TJ5# MASH.. V. B. A. OKACE'0 CELEBRATED SALVE - j j CURES FI/BSII WOUJTOS, FBOZEN jLfc.MIlS, SALT BIlEUit, CillLBUAirrS, SOBlf JUREAST, SOIll! L1F-3, ERVSIPELAsi ItlNB- CHAPPED BAND.4, ' ncass, cjj.-ceks, . kei.oNs, SCA.L.TH, 8>BES, VIA71-.KS, TfOTJXDS, 8TIS0S, BlIUiOLES. VESTEHS, VTENS, STIEH, HLtS ACCESS, KBECKLK8, B'JNTOJia, SPRAIS3, BOIL*, Brrns, cuts wiiifr^ows WAUTS, nLISTF.US, TAX PlatPLia, COKS-3, SCURVY, ITCH, INOROWING If AILS, N ETTI.E KASII, MUSaUITO AXD M.EA. BITES, SPIIJEU ' STINGS, And all outanoous diseases and;<-rupttons generally, .- ; : Forsale by all drng^lsts, grocers, and at all counfyKtoresibrouijiiuiiithe l/nl-_ ted States and British Provinces. Price by mall 30cents oa can *J o.isily increase your salary by devoting n very? Btnall portion pf your leisure timci to my interest. 1 do not oxpect you to canvass for my celebrated Bentty's Pianos and Organs unless you see fit to;.bui tho Bervice 1 require of you is both pleasant nnd profitable. Full par ticular!* free. Address DAMEL. F. BEATfy, Washington, New Jersey BEATTY--- TbereisnomanafafcturerofPinnot- and Orgnns in this or any other country who has received ns ninny unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Behtty. From every .State nnd Ter ritory comes ,the same verdict. "They are the'be&t in the world.'" Il'ustrated Advertiser, (Catalngui Edition)-free. Address DANIEl F. HEAXXY, Washington, New Jersey. XVTANTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address Manaoee, Box 955, Toronto. Tw BUSINESS [MEN. If you ___ want BlIlhuutlE.j &tul<Mi:ciitH, Ijel- terhontiB, RnveIoi>pR. Morcnntih Pilnt Ing, or any ktn<I, done In bnslnrFHst vlp, scml your ordeifi to the I-hke Pr"kh> offlco. BatiafftctIonKuaranteed. FREE. PHOTOGRAPHERS should tor- ward me their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. ACTON PLANING MILLS D. W. CAMPBELL. Prop. Having purohasod the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c ; ; All kinds of PLAN INC. Promptly attended to. 1). W, CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec, 4thr'1877". 22-Sra Any person who will mnk. ____ and forward mi-a list .t tli. nnme& of relinble persojip 01 iht li ac- qualntiinci who -wlfh to proi-nri rr in s(.rument, cither IMano ordrgnn, I wll use my best endeavnrt- to Hell them one. nnd for every Piano 1 succ< edln sellmi to thoir list wi thin one year, 1 wlllcrp.io them with $10, and Tor every Orgnn$5, .to bo applied on puyment of either n PinnoorOrgan: and when Itamonntsto asumBiifncleiitto payfornnlnstrumini lelcclcc'ut tie lowest ^rholcsnle price I wirnrnmcrilatelysiilp tlielnstrum<>ni', free, or after any ar>* )nnlls credited th* bnlnnce may be cnid me In cash nnd J will then ship them tbe instrument Tl ey need not be known In the matter, nnd will bedplng thelrfrlondsarealBer- vlcf, as I Hlrnll make special ofTi-r. to tbem.sellini: ft npcrlnr Instrument foi from one-bnir Io two-lhlF-ds "Wlint l^ ordinarily asked bvKe ills. Plcnsfse nil menllstnt onoenndnfieryonhavr mndr inquiry yon r'nn "dil to It, Addrps") nANIELK.HEATTV Wasblnglon.New Jersey. . THE GKEAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. I \V"e have recently published n m w edl- \ tlon of I>r. C'nlverwcll's t'elebrated ts- sny on the rndlcn! nnd permanent cure (without in'dlclnejof Nervous J'eblllty, Muni aland Pliyfilciil Incapacity. Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., resulting fioin exoessep. ' . Price,-In a analed envelope,only 6 eonts or two postnpe tsicmps The celebrated author. In this admir able EsHity clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful prnctlce, th.il alnrmlDgconsefiuPBces may be radically cured without the dangerous uso of Inter nal tnedlclno or the application of the hnlfe; pointing out a mode Of cure nl once simple, oortnln and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer.no matter what .lis onndltlon mriy be, may cure bimelfoheoply, privately and rndfoally. This Lecture shotild be In the hands of every youth nndevery man In.the hand. THE CtTLVEBWELL 1IEDHAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York;. JUST ARRIVED, A splendid lot of Spring Soots & Sho:s. AT THE-*- CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. The Agricultural lmwoment monu- ' factured byVtho "> 3Vr^-SSEIY Manufacturing1 Co'y, NEWOAHT-LB,- ' for sale by i- ELL SNYDER, ACtON, vizi ' Wood's Iron Mower, > ' ;| Akron Buckovo Mower, Conqueror CombinRd, Sharp's Self-Btimping Rake, Newcastr* Harvester, Horse Power [Pitt's], 3, Grain Crushers [geared J Ftraw Cutters, etc. Tho above cannot be surpassed by any other Machine! ma lo in tbe (Dominion. Plem>t) wdl mid cjtamjno |boforo purchasing elsewhere. AprlPJ5,18"8. 8m THE ACTON JOB l'KlNTING ofaJlkindH neatly inl promptly oxocuted nt th FKKE.I'llKSS OFFKJE. ISrxl tbe i'ott Onioo UIU Street, 4- HEW DCMIKlbN BOOT & SHOE STORE Oppoiito Agnew's Hotel, Main ' Street, Acton. * KENNEY & / SO Wish to call the attention afllieio- habitiiiits of the Village of Acton and vicinity to their immense , stock of Call aad exemino tUcm beforo DuyoriB olBowiiore. . SfEOIAL ATTENTION QT7BV TO 0BC2&BS VTOBZ. CRAINE & SON Aclpn, March 20, 1878. BOOTS, SHOES & Q30CERIE ! Comprising blithe latest styles ih Hoolo :Hid Shoes. Ordered Work receivefiourspecial attention/ Kepairing pronjj^lly at. Sended io. , Oar Grocery , ,D<5partmerit i ! : l I Is well supplied with Tea?, Sugars, ' Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaecos, Soaps, Coffees, &c, &c \. \ ' '. / ' Please.call and examine Our Stock. f ' KENSEY t, SOJS Acton, Doc. 12 1877. 1878. SPRING OPENING. 1878 J. w. Msmi ! . .- : ' v Has now in Stock a large and w#ll assorted lot oT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, i ! GLASS'WARE, &c. Which ho will sell Cheap for Cash. READY - WIADE (CLOTHSflG a specialty. A large assortmehlj of Pelt is the, BEST NEWSPAPER Published ia Ealtoa Oouat^I $r ONLY 1$ Per year, in advance. ^ BEATTYyS neatty's llanos. 'grand, squarl .and upright,. or PI AIWOS pronounced by the i i ka.sBaas'preiniDd the people AND'as tbe most teautlfu land street- assss> est toned i'lanos ever manufactur- OROANS, fltf,'^ - ~"~~ pronouncedtne ;?o BAiB by ah, i>t-'"Yi\avs bVBBTTfrBEur ton Mew Jersey. WA8HINQTON. nest in the world. JEW'jeR8tY.BBaily'8 Mlebrted 'Joltlen Tonstuaid Parlor Organ./ A.ny manutaotnreiohallenged tooqualihem. They possess power, depth, orHllaaey arid sympathetic dellcaoy, -iiqulsltoly bo^utlfuiiyRolooffocts.atidtnoonly^top aotlnn evetInvented thatoannot be dis- arrangedby use. The bellowsoapaolty is so ^reatthotbutlltHo effort Is requir ed with the feoito supply all the air necessary. Bestmndeand most/jiogant cases In tho market. All solid wood ornament*. Kverylnstrumantfully war- ranaod'for six v'irst*, flMt-elass,' and sentonrrnm 5 tin 1j test trial. I ! PostOfflC6Box<5864-ly QnsmrtPtrQtt' csn^iS \The undersigned an old retired physician haying e&ded dlseas* , , ii anxious to take known to HU, feJlow-sp'Sercn the meani mt phyi >een permanently cured bfthemucn<freadeddUcas Oonsnmptlon by a simple remedy, is anxious to " .*_------------------ HIVfV SS fe>U lIlVj IWIIUW *MSljl til S.MV UlbSkJ To all who desire it, be will < send *co; ----- --------, . _------------------apy c_ he prescription used, fna of charge, with direo- loni for preparing and using the same, which win e found a sure cure for Consumption, J9TVH4 hiilt, Catarrh, Arthma, &*.____ ] Addrnc*DaMKL F. BEATTY, Washing and Straw Spring Hats for wear. The highest cash prico paid for Proi Acton, March 14, 1878. 2BS? uco of all kinds. G\ "W.. JV4Z^L.3Sr3ST: 37-3m To Merchants and other Bxisiness Men Acton, as well, as throughout the County, the Free ress is an invaluable Advertising Medium. in mm to ~mm 9 SPBING SUITS! "Our Unrivalled FacilitiesTor Exaouting all kinds ot BOOK AND ;JGa PRINTING All the latest patterns of SCOTCH, ENGLISH : AND CANADIAN in the market.! Suits made to Order from $8 tip A splendid seledtion of SPRING HATS ! I ' i Full lines of Gents' Furnishing's i ,Also Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks at the Aaartu with stamps. EJyJi?,,,*e". J.F.Monjitttiiit - Osjdensborsr, Box 1339. if., East End Clothing Store. Eaableus to turnout work equal to anything done in the cities. i - i T. ALBERT MOORE, Acton, April b,1878. FYPE & McNAB.I 1. y rand Pxeprieto-'. /S?*'*** IS j f j^ni'^r.jHwf.iijpftLm r : f.*ia.- '^Mi^S^kM ^ec