Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1878, p. 2

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("! -fc-i s rf >"%I THN FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., "JULY 4,1878. I1HK VCTO> IRKE PRESS jUmitnev, who has the slight p-st chanc n^.unst II uihin's uinniii Published everj llnrtdav .NiorruiiR ^ 11 Per Annum in Advance kind I c< ut .uid MH'itUtic pulling, and it is plo.i<.in^ tc If am nunc ^vi j . ^ <j j ' nf iin i'iv moiit liits been made j^-GlliJl>+> io0.t] i'C88|XM,|, |,i for ,i race in OiloW S. \V GMVR.MTH. TviTon 1 ::i kH w Vo. ^ -v i.i'.vr. Fin our put, mo have little doubt Huil it \ ill piovo liiin in 4 J^~>. Mlt" as eipible- i'F \ iii(jui*-hni{ j l\).iuin>\\ and vnbsoqmndly llig !v.o i> (he liuio < >Mh.scrib*v!_,in^ vt v:rs.Utlj ltS ,,<. |, lo ot' lio and !>nj ><>ur Smbsorli*- ' tious for he Free Pros*. ' L |JS X ',Wld ,u'ul Moms 01RSEHES. This m.mbtr* fcmimcci the fourth volume of tho Free Press, sylk or paris ;rih:x am> IHCLL^UORE. Tlio CK.'tJifuj/i Pfiaimiciiiticul iii.d we J urn the forWininee "of Jw>.il, publish-d in Toronto, line om readers while we say a few " woids about oursilvrs. Tim eu tcrpnso vas coneciuu with the iu- 1 tentien of snpph ir.g the inhabitants of this thriving Villajje and sur- ir rounding country with the local an1 general news of tho week, and h- !;> " to advance the good of the Count} and Till is;e. In this, so far, we tliii.k the Free Pre^S 1ms succeeded in its mission. Fiom the Srt-t the paper bus been well ucdu'd, arid Im mot ^uli such eiiC'iuragemeut in the past that wp |;ave every reason to believe that id. the future it will be more appre ciated. White vto lonk back upoi| the p^st few years of general de pression of business, and the scarci ty of that one thing needful in a frood on the above sub pet. It mis tho unrestricted tilt*- of so viiulently poisonous a substance us Paris gi-een is, to say thp least of it, exceedingly lmrml uiis. D foro tho advent of tho potato hu> there was eouip ir.ttiveh little duller, as tho gicu was tlun employed solely as a pigment, and nil into the hands of tho->e \v1k> \\eri> acqu linUd with its ]uo pertits Noa, however, its us"u ns an k.socticido has become general, and almost every fanner is, of lucesiity, a pin chaser. Main eoimti) store keepeis and hardn ato metch mti. deal in the niticle, and soil it vvitliout the slightest cuition in regard to its poisonous pioperties. Not only ib this against the public safetv, but iu direct contravention TliiN aiiiiouiu'eineut, wo urn siuo, wilt bo roa'iM'd with ptolVund satisfaction tliumghout tho Do minion, fiom one end to tho othi I of which IIih e\ci llenei stiindn mi- |iivalled m tho conlideue-u of tho t'luith yrur, j p ople. I William II VandubiU has nc- ' quired contiol of I ho Michigan Central Railway. ' This is hUelv to have an mjuiious illlet upon the Giiiml Tiii-ik H.ulw.ij, us it pi ices it, to home ext< ut in a po-situm of dej'i nd> no) upon Intn. Iin now pi.ietieally eontiok the loiitoto the .ho ud, mid if Iio ho df-posid c m dictate terms of fieight to lival n ads. Fiom all appiMiunces, Vanderbilt would seem io havo perfecte<l a plan by which ho will have a monopoly of the earning tiado in whieh the two (.' madiaii lailro.ids aio most intoiest'nl, con tiolling/ns ho docs the Cinida Southern and Michigan Centra! roads. lil>l>IiiS!N. business money, we think tbat j of the Idw. Paiia green contains jfc liave reason for & degree o- titUt.iction witb some features,'o the eut-rxirise. Oui subicripticn list Has gmduallv increased, and the papir has been received every where with heaity expressions of appreciation, both of wbich go a great way to shew that the enter- 60 per cent, of arsenic, and aa a mixtute of acetate and ftrcenito of copper comes legitimately uaier the " compounds of arsenic" named in t,he first part of tho Poison Schedule attached to the Pharmacy Act. Under the third section,' it can only therefore be sold by a rrgisis: id druggist, and to a per -pike has" \\\ Lave '.,a i;.:Dn,j to the vendoi ; and all a Our .-r.idria all a.t.t'i the newn, in a couden-ta form, that lease cf otLer dangerous suostancts. can possibly be put into j small I Meichanu, othei than dr.iggists, -Country newspaper, and our local certainly render themselves liable -and editorial columns have not been neglected,-as they themselves "will bear evidence. In politics, "We have, to the best of our abilitv, -acted independently, only advanc ing such measures as we thought would benefit the country, and our guiding star bas always had for ita motto, "Country before Party." In the future. &3 in the past, we intend to keep the Ba'mc purpose steadily in view that of advancing the best interests -of our Country, our Co .nty and our Tillage. Although our efforts in the past were directed towards supplying a journal worthy of the thrhing Village in which it is published, we are determined that in the future we will make it more acceptable to our patrons. Nothing will be left undone on our part to bring ft up to such a stand- are of excellence, tbat even our most bitter opponents must admit, i they do not already do so, that it has no superior as a local journal. We will 'say nothing more about oar plans er promises, but will let the Fhee Press attest the sincerity of our intentions ajjd the fulfilment of our resolves. In conclusion, we beg to thank our many friends who have so kindly assisted ns in our enterprise in the padt, and we are sore that no effort shall be wanting i , - on our part to make it retain the confidence that has been reposed in it by our supporters. THE BEGETTA AT BBOCfi- VILLE. The JBrcckvillo regetta. came off on Monday, 1st inst. Another great vietory was scored for Edward Hanlan, of Toronto, he having come in about twelve boat lengths ahead or all others. Amongst his competitors in the four mile race on the St. Lawrence were some of the best oarsmen in Canada and the United States, and yet he distanced them from the start, and won the race with as much apparent ease as any of his previous victories. Every succeeding race that Hanlan wins seems to mate bis superiority over dllother living oaistnen moie assured, and, thetefore, his admir ers may be excused for holding firmly to tbei^lief that were he to cross the Atlantic he could distance lli,. sculler England could put . : =5 h;m. There is not one to the penalties of the Act if they sell this compDund for use as a poison. When sold as a paint the case may be different, and it is possible that the letter of the law- would be more liberally interpret ed. In regard to hellebore there can be no manner of doubt. It is especially named in the second part of the schedule, and can only be sold by a registered druggist, and shouldbedistinctly labelled 'poison.' There,is every necessity that there should be no infraction in this par ticular. Hellebore is a very powerful j oison, and in the pow dered condition in which it is al ways sold, miijht readily be mis taken for some harmless drugs used in the household. Druggists who find the law disregarded in -the towns or sections in which they reside, should at once serve their own as well as public interests by laying an information before the proper authorities, and we feel confident the law would bear them out. A word in regard to the purity of Paris green. Much of that sold is adulterated with barjtes or terra alba. As these substances are added when the paint is in a pulpy state, they be come very intimately mixed with the green, and partake of its color, 'thereby rendering the admixture difficult of detection judging by ippeaianco only. The'absfence of these adulte'ants maj be readily ascertained by agitating a little of the sample with liquor ammonia?, either the strong qr of sp. gr. 9G0, in which, if puie, it should entire ly dissolve, forming a perfectly clear blue solution ; any admixture of the kind named rendeis the liejuid milky, and is of couiso left undissolved. Mr. Goldwm Smith has letui ntd to Toionto, nfte>r an absence of something over a ycai mid a half. We belfevo it ib his' intention t: take up his pei nuiiieirt abodo in that city, mid neveimoie 11 tin it to the old wo-Id. Dining Mr.Smith's absence he ceitatnly do's not up pear to have been idle, as, besides writing essav s for the leading English magazines, mainly on po litical questions, ho has delivered addresses on educational rnd other topics, Mr. Smith biiB nevor en tered into tho longh-ond-tiiinbhj work of puity politics, the attrac lion of which he, like a gieat tnanv other people in this countiy, fails to see, contenting himsoif with being an onlooker. At the same time-, it is only fair to say that he bas yielded a povveiful jen in de fence of independence of political opinion and freedom of political action. Cinada will aKvavs flue! room lor mtr. of cultured mind i.nd mact'fcecent tLong'it. Mi. Co^ win SujuIi will be wiiii.M *ilc in- ed home, not only by his feanJa in A pm tot ei'eatid Homo excite- merit in it bu/jijiigo on tlio Oieeoe Iiiih concluded a loan of I Chicago, Bin ln.glon and Quimy . 510,000,000 in Pans. K tihoad lm utly. TliouiKu, en- Tlm Qneim of Spiili died on tlio closed in paper, was put on a coffin, (i(h nit, Sho was in her eight- '"'d was mm.u fmgotten. Ah tho I conductor mid other tiiiiiiiiKtn wcrci ' pausing thiougli tho car they heard u sepulchral voieu issuing fiom tho cofiin, eiymg " XiiMiime oiit !" Thoy The Stars, of Syiaeuso, beat the Maplii L'".ifn, of Guelph, at base bull, Monday. Scoio L0 to 0. The New Yoik Sun aniioiin is that Mi.<R Jeannetlo Ueuriutt, sislur of Mr J. O. Bennett, is 'about to bit nun I led to Lord Rusmoio. The township of E^reinont by I ivy granting $110,000 to the \V"( 1 liii^ion ami tiuirgiuii 11,ly lUihwiy li is been c.iuied by a luajoiity- of 153. James Manor, fiom tho County of Bnice, who lately mlived at Winnipeg, Man., with his .family, was rolibid of over i^SOO vyhilo in-i toticated. \ / ,His Excellency tl.o (iovemor- Okineral luu piesented t.vo medals for the encouragement of fuming m tl.o Icelandic settlement in William Sh.<el.nn, ngod 50, of Foi t Wiij iu>, I'm! , drank n pint of whiskey on ft wager. His dead body was found in an nuthouse next moining. Ch irlea Oiville, a trapeze per- foiuiei claiming to be fiom Detroit, h II a d|st uicu of twenty four fiot at lilt) iMetiopolit in Theatre, In dian ipolis, muf was piobably fatally injured.! In consequence of tho gon-snil cjissatiRfaction with the award oT the judges at thb Montreal' musical festival, the bands whioh won tie, piincipal prizes proposes a second competition, The first three vessels of the Allan'- lme, \which lsft Montreal this season, tbok 395 head of cattle and 1G0 'horses. Tho losses by death during the passage were less than ono half per cent At Miss Piatt's wedding at the White House no luce was worn on the bride's dres;i,\tliero were ueithei gioomsmen noi' bridesmaids, and there <vas no win?, but lemonade, tei, coffee and soda water. r Mil'is have commenced cut- Mug then- clover in soue pa^ts of Bothwell. The fill wheat is be- mning to tn|n of a yellowish hue, Toronto, but by all who buheve and it is expected that the crop there is something better, to engage' will bo an exceptionally heavy one. .the attention of those who enter; I political life than the petty squab bles and the mud throwing which seems to be the ambition and occu pation of tho great majority of oui publicrmen. County Council. Tho Council met in Milton, June 21st, at 12.30 p.m., in accordance with notices for special meetings it, sued by order of the Warden. Tho Warden in the chair. Members present: Messrs Buck, Clay, Foster, Lindsay, Ljon, Men- zies, McEnery, McGarv in, McKen- zie, Robinson and Young. The Waiden informed the Coun cil that he had called a special meet ing for the pupose of investigating an account of George Biain, con- Messrs. Goldio <fc McOulloch, of Gait, havo shipped to Manitoba, within a few days a steam giist mill complete, an automatio cut-off ngino, a lot of wood-working machinerV, and two car" loads of steam boilera. The proprietors of tho Gait lie- po, itr state in their last issue tbat thoy intend enteiing a criminal action against the proprietors of the Reformer for a libel contained in an article iu which the latter charged the former with fraud. Inglis ifc Hunter's foundry, Guelph, was destroyed by fire last Thursd.iv mornine;. Loss between S30,000\ and $10,000; insurance $11,000' The firm employed 45 hands, all of whom are thrown out of employment for the present. They intend rebuilding. win Mai th d and thought a dead man hud come to life until tho bud was dracovoied. The w i its of hultvi, corpiin issued in tho caso of J)r Enoch Fold, of Si. Mai), ehaiged with poisoning the lain Itobei t Ginst, woio niado li'lllinablu on J'Vida ' moining lafcl, mid ucu'idiiigly tho ucdusiid was brought fiom rft. Mai V", and at tin o'clock appealed in tho Court of Querni's Bi'iich.'i'oionto. Tho Chief xfiiHlicu piealdud. Mr. Jonen, of St. Mat yx, appealed for tlio piison- ci\ mid Mr. Scott ior tho Ciown. After healing the nigunii/iit of his dotinsel, His I.oulship d.sided to leleaso ihe ptisoni l on ball, himself in $2,000 -.and two suietua of 1,000 each. ( A feaifti! outi ige vv.if committed about 12 10 on Tuesday by a negio named Neil, iuiim-ily of London, hut woiking iii lugeisoll lion as a biubcr. Hn c tiled at tho Mc Mm my house and was lefuaid ad mission He then took a dnk- knifi) out of his pocket mid btahbed Mr -McMtirray in a most frightful manner. Mr. Cipron, the con stable, and the McMtiuay house hostler, while trying to iitrebt tlio nogio, wero also cut in u allocking manner. The town bells weiie rang to aioiiso the citizens for the purpose of scouring th country foi the wrotch, and if he is caught it is feaied ho may be lynched. Tho negro's house in town was bioken into and searched. Ho fornieily kept a barber shop on King street, London. _ Mr. McMurray, Mr. Capron, and the hosllei ate all seriously injured. The citizens are so incensed at this outrage tLat thoy havo 'given all tho negroes notice to leave town. At the meeting of tho Trafalgar Agticu'tural Society lately held at Pdleitlio, it was decided that the next tall show should b^ held iu O.ikville. The l ules were amend ed as follows: " Any member who mui feel dissatisfied with tho de cision of the judges, and who shall (or their parties m charge ot cattle or other, exhibits) show dissatisfac tion, or treat tho Judges with disrespect, directly or indirectly, shall loifeit to tho society any puze- oi piizei. that he or sho should be awarded, and may' be deprived of the piivilege and benefit of beirg a member of the society tor three years. Any memb;r of the society shall havo tho right to biing to the notico of tho Secietary any devia tion fiom the foregoing rules of the society and it shall bo his duty to retain such piiz: or priz-s that'the offender be awarded until it iy fully decided a Hlio next annual meeting of the Society, which bhal! bo final in all cases refening to the rules and regulations passed for the government of tho Society." tract for extra work of the new jail , and addition to the Court House. \ A "'sing of Comaches in the In dian Territory is anticipated in Editorial Notes. What has become of tho Fenian scarj ? . Mr. Mackenzie's speech qft the taiiff question, to the woikifigmen of T ronto, bus been ibsifed in pamphlet form. Mr. Turcotto, Speaker of thn Quebec Legislative Assembly, has been presented by his constituents with an influentially signed address, expiessing appioval of hi8 couise during the present session of the Qu>bec Legislature, Tho Cleik read tho eontractoi's account, and the Waiden read the architect's statement of reductions from the same. Dr. Buck moved, seconded by Dr. McGirvin, that this Council adjourn for half an hour, to enable the Jail and Court House Commit tee to bring in their report. Car ried. Council adjourned. Council resumed. Mr. Lyon read and presented the leport of the Special Committee on County Buildings, aa lollows : Your committee have compnred the statements for extras rendered by tbe contractor, Mr. Biain, with the allowance made by the artjbi tect, and find a very largo discrep ancy between them. Your com mittee find from the statement of the architect that tho sum of $1211.08 is due the contractor, not included in tho contiact, after mak ing the proper deductions, and le- conimend the Council to adopt tlio ippoit, providing Mr. Blam, the contractor, accept tho same in foil \>ny menfc of all claims for extras against tlio Corporation, in con- Bti'ucting County buildings. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded by Mr. Fester, that the repot t of the Special Committee on County Buildings bs adopted, Lodt. , Mr. Y&ttg/moved, seconded, hy Mr. McKenzie, that the reporij of the Committee on Jail and G'ouit House,'novy before the Council, be referred back -to the Committee, with the request that the same be re considered. Carried, Mr. Lyon read and presented the amended report of the Special Com mittee on County Buildings. Mr. Lyon moyed, seconded by Mr. Foster, that fjho repot t of the Committee on County Buildings' be adopted. Carried. ' ' I .On motion the Council adjourned. 1 A telegram from London, Eog., states that Lord Duffel in has ac cepted the prolongation of his term in Amciica, unless it be as Governor-General of Canada. J. E. McGarun, druggist, Acton. .' J, E. McUaryin, druggist, Actipiv Four hundred and ninety-two thousand bushels of giain have bpen unloaded from vessels at Port Colborne- this season so far. J. E, McGarvin, druggist, Acton consequence of an attempt by an Arkansas Deputy-Marshal to arrest two of their number. As it was, they attacked the official'* p-arty, and a lively fight ensued, in which two Indians were killed. In tho year 1800 4btre were but forty-nine libraries in the United Slates, containing in the aggregate 50,000 volumes. There are now in the country 3,682 libraries, All the libraries contain 13,000,000 volumes, not including those in common and Suniay schools. Alfied Herod, the supposed mur derer of Calvert, of Hagersville, together with four other men who weio with him, named respectively John Dunean, Richard Van Bus kiik and Judo Lawson, were arrest- ed at Port Burwell on Friday last, Herdd's companions said he was th man who killed Calvert. At Thumkr Biy, mining intor ests still have an upward tendency. A large additional forco of miners is now at Woik at tho Shaniah mine. It is expected that work will be resumed at Three A Mine within a couple of weeks. There are over one thousand miners at work at Silver Islot. The ttamp ing mills aro running day and night. A Port Huron,iMich., telegram says that tho schopnors St. An drews, bound down with corn from Chicago, and Peshtizo, bound up with coal, collided) on Wednesday night 25th ult., 'in tho Straits, about Svo miles from Cheboygan. Both vessels went to the bottom. The creAv of the Sli Andrews reached Cheboygan in a small boat the following day. The St. An drews vyas owned by Henry Mc- Morraii and Captain E Fitzgerald, sr., both of that c^ty. Sho wasMn- snrod for $9,000; $5,00t\Jn _the Detroit Fire and Marine in Mc- Morrun's interest, 4,000 in a Buffalo Company in Fitzgerald's interest. Tho mate and soaman of flio Peshtigo were, drowned. --------------------------?------------------ J, E. McGarviB, druggist. Acton, <^- T3LOW FACTORY OPENED. Tho subscriber, having purchnjed the Acton Plow Work*, ib prepared to fur- mali Single and Doublo Frame Iron PIovvo, as well as tlio Boas Gang l'low, winch has g-iincd tho reputation of being tlie he3t Gang Plow mado, at the usual rates. All repairs done on tho shortest notice and at tho cheapest pricB. 37-tf SYDNBV h.MITIf s IIOKT UOKN BULL. "Royal Beauford,"dam, imp. "I.ndy Barnes," oiro, blip " Royal Oxford (rnyiuio," will serve cows on tlir fan.i Adjoining tho G T IC, Atjtou. 'IVrinK. IV- ligreo Cows, 87.00 ; Grade Cows, SI ."iO, cask); S2 00, cred t. 10-Gm It?. S. SMITH. N oncK. farmers, now is tho time to inprovc your stock Tho first pnza bull, " Sir William Temple," III, (83)got by "Sir William Temple,"[229C], dam Diana, by ItedPimco [C02J g. dam An net t a, hy the Guelph Birou [669], 411!) g g. dam. Ann, by Patriot [525], vrilllerve cows on tho premised of tho uulcrisigri- od during the season. Terms to in- rmro Thorough-bred cow, 4 00 Grade cows, 1.00. JOEL LESLIE, 44-3m* Lot No. 5, con 1, Erin /' P&R}$ QREEN HELLEBOPwE if. L iWCARVIN'S DRW STORE, - LADIES' STRAW HATS AND BO\NKTS Cleaned, dyed and altered to the pre sent fashion. MRS. WM. THOMPSON", 43-3m Bower Street, Acrot. QASII FOR STAVE TIMBER Hiving purchased tho mills formerh bilungnig to P. & H. Sayers, at Spey- aide, I am prcpare.1 to pay cash for soft elm and oak Stave Timber. Cash will also be paid for good, sound Pino. 45-4t EDWARD MOORE $66! a woelc In your o;y i tow i> $5 outat free. Jforlsn. nead <>r. If you want a bu liifiuai wlileU persons of pluier stx can make fcreat,pay all tho time t u*> wirk, wrlli for/jpartlcnlars to H. HaI/- LErriL'o,, Portland llalne. A________________________________________________________________________________________________ "JJ'OTICE, Any person wishing to bave paint ing or papering done should leave their orders withJL B. Levens, who will be at leisure every day except Wednesday and Saturday of each week. Shaving and flaireutting done on tho oboia mentioned days and" every night. GEO. 3. LEVJEXS. A oton, April 10, ISIS'. - To Cleanse your Houses, ALEEPv Ss CAMEII101T I Who are piepared to I And thoroughly Kjncwdte houses at the very lowest rale*.. Orders from town and country attended to! All orders to be left,at I William Walker's residence, Jibn st. Acton'. ' Arton, April ir. isTs^im Walker & Cameron I Hers' Cocoa. Up.atefcx and (Jove fohtis^ "Bj a thorough kuowledg of the natural laws which gov ern the operations of digestion and) nutrition, ami by a careful application of the line prop.rties of well selected cocoa, Mr. tpp3 his prov ided our breakfast tableB with a. delicately flavored beverage which miy sivo uam.inj heavy doctors' bills? It is by the judicious UBeof auch articles of diet that a constitution ma}* bcgradually built up untilstrongenough to re3iat every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us reidy to atack wherevor there is a weak pofnt. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazelle. Sold only in packets labeled "James Epps & Co , Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, ThreadnAdle Stroet, and 170. Piccadilly. London." Ui c in miko money faster fit Work for us thin at anything else. Capitnl not required ; wo Mill start von. , $12 Tor <1 i\ at home m xtle bv the Inrtus- trious. Men, w men, boys ami Rlila wamcil ever.v wlmre to wo-k for us Now Is Hip tlmT Costlj oiitniiuicJ terms froo AJdiess 1'nuE & Co., Au.-usta Slalne. C. T. HILL Is now offering for silo in addition to his stooli of Groceries, Crookery & CUass."ware, T|io following Goods ; Hay ^lio3, Siy; Forks, Grass Seytb.03, Orailo Sc^tbos, Soytbo Stonos,v Snaths, Sso. , Also a splendid lot of Carpenters' Hand Saws, Meat Saws, Keyhole Saws, Masons' Trowels, etc. PAINTS PAINTS OILS with the celebrated Rubber Paint Always in stock. t. | B&grAll will be sold low for cash. Casta for Hides. CHARLES T. HilJL, Mill Street, Acton. ' Feb. I9th, 1878. T^RESSSfAKING. We take this opportunity of announc ing to the inhabitants of Acton aud vicinity that we have stirred dre-smak- ing at Mrs Stone's residence, John-st Orjtlers left with us will receive prompt attention. Tho most reasonable prices charged. 39-3m MISSES BELL &. STOXE _________I___________________________ ' AOTOIff TIN WORKS. Main Stroet, Acton, WM. IjEITH Would respectfully call the at tention Of tba, public to his immense stock of TIWNARE, STOVES, &c. which he is now selling Very Cheap. Having had an experience of many years, all orders for Repairing and Eavettfoughing: Will be filled on the shortest notice, and in the best Btyle. Be sure and go tq Leith if you want good or a good 'Job of .'Eavotroughing done. Produce Taken In Exchange. WM. LfilTH, Proprietor. Acton, March 29, 1877. J. IS, McGarvin, druggist, Acton ' FARMERS, HTOP AND SEE Berore Yon Further Go. iTk Agricultural Implement manu factured1 by the ^Manufacturing Co'y, NEWCASTLE, for sale by ELi SNYDER, ACTON, ^ viz : Wood's Iron Mower, Akron Buokeve. Mower, Conqueror Combined, Sharp's Sell-pumping-Rake, Newcastle ffarvester, "Horse Power [Pitt's], qGrainCrushera [geared] Stpaw Cutters, etc. The above cannot be surpassed by any other Machines made m the Dominion. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. April 25, 1878, - j }m irif.STEWART&CO gussLiPb:, / solicit special attention to ITeTrT, Cheap, Attractive and Faehionabls Lines. i Our great specialties are ) 5ILS JAOKETS, - CEEAP black: itrsTasjs, - ossap OOLOP^SD LU3TRB", CHEAP SUIT SHADES, - OHEAP ' f- llt Umorollas Tory. Olio ib. Photographs, Photographs. 0i.asa "W. Bill, PHOTOGRAPHER, ^ Wishes to annoance to his custom* ers tbat he has added greatly to bid former facilities for taking Pictures, .nd is now prepared to make Photo- graphssecond to none in the County and at prices to suit all. .In Picture Frames i Seep a larga and well selected stock. - Also, a great variety of Mouldings, of th ' latest design, which will be made to order on short notice. Give me a call. ' 32-6m ' CHAS. W. HIXL. 1878. Weiekly Globe. The fencee^s that htm attended tbe pat>- < ltcatlon of TOE WEEKLY CE*BB In tb yetvr now fast drawing to a close, ha flir oi.tstrippe'lthatof any other year dneo the establishment of tb*> paper. Nol-. wlthstandli.e the serlocu Kcicinen de- , presslonandflnanclalstrlncoucyBXUlli g ' nil over tre Amerleut conUneat, tbn circulation has been . maintained throngiiout Ihnyeac-atan average issue - each week of 37,000 copies being a decid ed advance on tbe average of any pre vious year. Enthnsl*U,- expressions of approviil come to tbe imbllxbe from every direction of the new form of th.e paper, of Ha mechanical execution, otiia BeantlfBl ana Copies* IlfantrsltoM, of the varied and interesting mass of readlne matter eulled weekly for !* ln- 'brm^btlou and lustructlon &xk1 entertalp- aient, of its readers, and of tbi .taall price at wnlch. it Is supplied &aaoalljr to the public. The B(a*rapklea! Xatleea ef Pnblle Men and the Sketches ef CMudlaa | Tmtii!, Balldlaes, and Sfatmral Scenery that bave lent such a charm tn ih r - vl latpcctlon Partleoiarly Asked For. W. Stewart & Co. GUELPH. ^ . June 4,18*18. - _ -------- - lb*- weekly contents of the paper-f-wtU be mider t^e aoie artists ana xne,rf wrlters. 1 rrleiKarf. ai the foreniot (nduitry j of the I'omtnlon, and tbe Arm bas'i of our National orosperlty. will receive, as heret orore, earnest and constant atten tion. . Ecclesladleal ^IateIUce>er< Btitnce JfoU-p, and 4acalUaal aSalrs will continue prominent in each number. The Answers] t* CerrespeadeaU, 0% every variety or snbjecta, wblcb bave provea so valuable and intpreslias: to crowU> of reader?, will be kept up with increased vigour. , The Literary and Ladle*' B*$ajrtsmat. under the care of specsal comlactore, will be fresh and racy Vtin fromrall parts of the worTd*-BD et the lntestmomentof pubWeatlon ParHa- menfary Debates, Federal and Provln- clni-marKet'HDd Flnamjlal iieports{ar home and abroad and Letters ofSr* eial Correspondents from all points of lDter. est will be gathered with all tbe care and energy V>a bos tsptTHiOwiBS la I the i ront rank Ot Canadian Journals *jt hthlrty:flve yeanfpast. .. Theannnalsuhgeriptlftn toTa* Wsxk- x,T tJLosa wlll.rnina heretofore, only TWO UOL.I/ARS PER ASNUM, sent FREaofPosTAOS to parto of Canada and tbe United States, payable iB. varluMy In advanne.__' _ _ __ AOENT8 WAVTBD. 3EN TOR TKRUB Tho WrjarLTGloah wL be sent free of postage to_any Pc^offlce In Urtal Britain for ( lOB. - cvuuuucu wL^ii in-Bj) energy TTnuer ire Linen CSSstnmes, we are oSeriug de- j ^f^ ab,e artlsta ^^ *Porieiieed ci/led bargains, Cashmere Jackets, every priced Corsets Every size of our popular ^-Adjustable Corset. Gents' Furnishings, very attractive. Millinery, fashionable and cheap. i Linens, Cotton?, Hosiery, SheetingB, Prints, Quilts, &o. Black Cashmeres Our stock is fully assorted. or nine ebUllnga. sterl kem!ttancei may be sent by_ P. k _____ . o. moftey order, bank draft, Mictered letters, or by express, at our risk. Orders and Hemlttanoes to be addres: -aed to the ' ^ OLOBE PRIHTINQ COMPANT, - ' " TOfODbj -^a-i^-_ -^rf-^fl "70*% mm . /f.i2 *2^}}. _-~;j^iiijlj il i I - ~ - Mai an. -T~^t- V-'^.

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