Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1878, p. 3

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/ I lit at Ion % I toia- bid j eg,. Halo- inly lie ma u Ittrji T' of see mi on to rtth. . * I will t. J free Iraat o. led 4- / i wr --<*%< THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JULY i[ 1878. 1 Jvn cjvo Vctou .-\ follow s;4- K;^ ht repress To-on'n ravl D.\\ Kxprcs^ Kxprcsi Glt uuxed - ,7:07 p m. l\uo Pavis Grvon and IleU- ire t J. K. Mrtl,ir(iii'n l <:u in. 1 Mr. A. C l\uiion, of Milton, '.' lO.-i.nwlias sac.-csi-fully pushed tho Mnrtrirnln- Nt<;ht Kxpro.s Ualt nv.x<st l>*y Kxprcu Western mml London mixed Service in the Methodit Church ever. Kah'tviti, bjlh >UorlnjMMHBuj5 tvcljfely. i-.lor. tlon elimination of Uvo College of Thy stci(kn& and' Surgeons, of Ontario, held ooiM. KAT. i l Toronto, on the -ord ami "24th Apul 3-3o a.m. \ 1,-v-t. * 11-3d aim' ---$10,00 vcwiml for ,\ny case of f>:17i m ' wornu m tho human sj*tom \\ hero J,. E. J 30 p m ' M>^vm's Wonii Pow dera \\ ill uol cf- - ~ feet a cure. Try them. i Tho annual mooting of the Cans^u l'ratjj A^ocij&itfi will t liilft at *?fedi^ dLXuWfcy,* tho "iili 6! July. ThcRjixysMfsit^n \vfll ho^rom (luolph to Detroit hy rail, Detroit \o Chicago by atoamer, ami homo liv railway. TUNS. -A quantity of Cedar Wash I'uhs for vale at *ho Post Olliee Store, Acton These Tul> may lie exposed to the ,<iui .Mid w either without being damaged thereby. On Satuiday e\ening Alex. Maun, of KquesiuK, son of John Miutn, went to Mr. l'aul Kennedy's where a barn Mas bting raised. He mounted to the top, %\huu ho accidentally ull to tjho ground, dittoc-itiug his hip l>r. ?^c- tJarMti .is immediatily sunt, ati'A set the injured limb. loo Cream, at C. W. Hi)l'o._ lU'KLUUt PAINT. -CANuWas- - Wedding "Rin^s. solid IS emit plain t.old limes ; I.adioa' t!oM fane) 5ora R;.i*. Wedding and Birthday Vrt<ents at Hyada' Jowelcrj Store. A splendid locV. Monthly sale to "Jay. -" Ctloiious 4th " to d.iv. The Voters* Lists ao out. Ico'e-e.iiii at C W. Hill's. AVmttcil mejts next- Monddv r <-- Las cV-atvcd hatidi. All itt'? \j BtiolH* J. E,?tl t.arrlr. * Prpg SttAc " " Wo bud a splendid blsower of ra-n Wtdiu-sdax i:ierr.:;.g. I tasrl. hic .' -N'orhins in ^o eolobration lin0 j |f",m"ll"'th. too'v placo here en the 1st. -Tho principal stit-cta in the V.;!.^ are reci.\:i g a dose of i;ra\el. Xo- is the time to wash n'a :".\e cent Teiht Sup. ^ ^big pig lai^ Jown_<x fixe side cit Ma-a street Satuniaj , *n^l Lick- Co. tnc vuos.ct. Mr. J. t\ Alhin of Buffalo, ^311 of ^!alcr Allin, of Acton, came *-> tow a oy T.:e^dr.y on a \.?.t, , of New York, vr : D.V.l |--vaeh lc th- Methodist C L-reh, next Salaath e\t.:i:n^. ----Kee^ cool ; C. W. Ili'l'a lee CMi-cb hi^uly recotameade^ tor. ex;iuT;Te pecplo. _^ It reouires ton b:~ heH.'tLX'S. Ami I'll vn^ To wake genuine Rub ber l?nn!el Paint'* of the best iiu.ility, pnro Krench Zinc mi^tbi. lib* k In the Ln.Ud States thej have ft protective :h pre\.nta Aiiunc.ins from th.- ^enir.iu 1'rein.h /me, and pells them to '.lie tfee-Miftrior stnff mai.nfai>turxd in the U.S. In I'nnaiii, Trench Zinc comes into this country iVee of duty, conn. Mieutly, it la the ar ticle used iu the mauufaetuie of piirf Riibber I'.iuita^ Tins be u^ the cafe, iien practical ii-unter, tin undpr- tan<l lui basin.-Si :[! tell joe tint tLe C.undun .iTtt.'K' i* thebuit. When V>. vrant paint, see that the iyoi-Js "rttjlvber Kmmel Paint" nr printed on each p-.ckagt. Mr. Secord j'? the sole a^flnt in Acton for IVuo.ll i. Co., the v nyr.d'.^u m-.nufacturers. " Recent Hull " mtiBt bo get- ihr with the Band bov. : Hi .k.tu ie of tm^ ver\ po t>I Mr. Joseph Hurst, d'stl,i:ring a num ber i.:- popular airs They, ivith a nuni- 'ber orjpieat. -re then tcviteil into the itouse^Vhfere a regular gtrav. berrj fe= tira! was he'd. Alter the strawberries had. l>- en di^p>-t_>-l of, speeches, Bin^in^, &c, w t:t' mJ-.'^i-d in, and a cooir fine :rairt>err.e3 to pojsessel b^ &11 1^ the baski*. TLe cctrs of Acton Division Nns of Ttrnjerr-iice v tie :i stalled bMr JoLu >i>i ^ht, ll.O.U.r., ou lues Mr. VA'm. I. -iib. h-is riaoT(J hisit'.ti sh*3p>to Mr. Ktnr.ej's ner. store on ;J^.n -tntt. It :s ici tf thesui'g- t.5t tioria n towc. FuY BP.'.rX.- i..i.I'.J Kldrr, kill .1. .i- :i.t .* :.I_< Tar \V .Cc 1~> 1 i id r, aid mr. 'd. . in t.'-.s i-*_l. ; j.tii vrit lnjii^'it be- ^ fp"-? t^- iXjs e *n Tuls la;., charged t>.-._ ! fi. iras r...^ ^.M .'i all. ' Sir: ijis. Warrtn, P.I.S., wil.' be in Xc:a- bL -tly. Parties wanting b-reyiLg Mill ii!<.a>i lcaic their orders v..:h Mr. John War.-tn orr.t thisoiiice. J Any quantity of choicu butler bb i fro^i eggi waited, fc J. C-Hurut'a, Keg^at-Hall, Acton,-ill exclianRe for .*>d^, a: a birgiiu. |Le id\ ertisemeut. <:. W. Hill's lj Cream Par In-r is tte pl^ea whe'ra you can get th^ pira-ortide either by the dtsb o-r 0'iart. Mr. Jacob Snyder, of Esqnes- ing, lias a cherrv tree, Eume of the - -branches of -which ha* a lot of ripe cher- ' nea on,-nhile other pxrts of the branches are jnst beginning to bloom. Remember oar Ordered Cloth Jn^ Department, and we are still kept b ;sy, which u proof positive o( the de sirableness of our Goxls, of tho cheap ness of price and of. the excellency of our cutting and Utting. An immense stoc'i to choose from. Gents' Furnish ings in large variety. JIcLeod, Ander- joa <t Co., Georgetown. On Monday ovening the Acton T'iwsion, Sons of Temperance, had a Etrawberry festival in the Temperance Hall. Quite a number of persona uerc present. After strawberries had been served, a nftmber of reading*, recita tions, ppeeches, tc, were giieti. A nio^t enjoyable f evening wag spent. About 35 were realized. -------On Monday evening, as Mr. Joseph Fearnley wa3 driving a epan of horws 'attached f a load of icin^er do-j:n Hjnds' hill, by some means the traces became detached, and the horses ran at a break-neck epeed until they reached Mr. Agnew's stables. The Ragon ran into the gutter and Mr. Fearnley jumped off, but received no injury.-. Tfa pojy djanxage doae,was the horses breaking the handle off the pump at the entrance to^Aipjew's stables. We are very much pleased to learn that Mr. K. H. Wallace, of Mil ton, has been awarded the degree of Pharmac&etical Chemist from the Phar macy Department of the University of Michigan. He ia the only Canadian taking the degree at that 'University this-year, and, we understand, the first Canadian who has taken it. The labor atory in the 0niTrptT ** fOcMgan is. the largest-and ,most 'cornpltHein the United States, and in charge of a very able chemist, Dr. Prescott. Mr. Allan Moore, of Georgetown, takes the degree >of M.D., at the eame "place this season. He has a very good standing in his claelj. Champion. n.-us "pent. Mr. Hurst pn.*eutel the F.iud m tth a ?."> 1 ill Since the i>?o p^ etoy of "T.e^nt Hi-.11" came to Acton, he, -nith his e'erks, have be- <.ouie un pnul.-ir, and we are pleawd to sxy thetr lus'iiess cspeiiilly in the ta'Ijrmg department, under the able management of Mr. Adams, is in- cr^aams e\ ery da jr. i -rr1-------*----------- t>n the 2nd - lull t will commence a n..'t clearing e ir.irked d >irn rt^.ird'.e-s o' c >st. Tins :s .-. tiL'ht time mo .. y, rv I is wtr l.a-.e an n-'i Ln^e 1 stock, 's-rj. i-s \i:ll he irneii.. ll-mem- kr t'-r-'Uolbe -;>"cir.l b-trgains and ' '... .-,.j ,u i s ii, ,1re s go > 1-, prints, cot- M> th i :<>"N - >tt'oidt-, tuaib, m-.llir.erj-, f ! in.: tVs p n- ols, r<-iK m-i.'.o and or- -- - t iert 1 el .-I. ! _'. ^i:d. a yh 1 >t of straw l.-it-. 11. % sk..U 1 . 'old at 12 and -JPs north >1 ') I_-.d'.a anil KentKineu Mid e\ trj's..l_. .itt'.i.d this sile and eaio .n iiicj. M.l. j 1,'An lerson i: Co. I" Hero lianlan. (hut only im i\eejdent could dofout HuhIimi, tviul ho continued to widen tho gup borwinm liiinsolf and tlio othoi-a dining tiio wliolo of tho second mile. As ho neuvod tlm turning.buoyB, howovor, ho Hteeiod ruthor wildly, nnd must havo lost grotnid p<>i'ci>tibly. I Ho turned with, a lend of bt'von longtliH.f Keunedy cumo next, two and htdf lyugtha nhoa I of J.tiloy and Jt'cKon, who turned tojjothur. Then cumo PlaiBt'id, coming closo upon them; -ihon Ton. Eyck, Elliott, iu\d Lnthar, all close to- got hor. As they strnighteued away on the homeward Btrotch Riley lost ground slightly by hug- ging tho shorn too closely, and both Pluisted and McKon got iho beat of him in tlio firht hulf of tho third inilo. Kouuody still holding to soooud pluco with a toiueity thut did grout credit to tho pluck und ondumnco of ho " littlo one." McTCon, who was in tho fourth 4)lncc, now Hindu a vigorous spurt, pulling bomothing hko 3C or 37 stroked to tho minute, nnd i'l u fow Rocondu ho was on almost oven terms with tho lightning sculler of Boston. But just at tln moment, us ho wus hugging the shore to keep out of tho cuiient, a largo bkiffbhot out ftom under tho thick folinge th.\t -oveilmngs tlio, nnd. striking his omloek, cupsi/.ed .-his shell, nnd left him floutukrin -j in tho'iv.itor. He-waH~ 80tt mfo again, howuver,, bi/t of course his ch.iuco of u pi tco iu llm nice whs lost. About this time Elliott also becuno oi.tiuglod with a hkitl", nnd uftorwittdn with a biimll ste.imoi, nnd although ho pulled homo and finished sixth, with hia boul h.ilf full of water, he no lopo of winning a place with a leaky boat, after having been twice fouled by outsiders. As tho third inilo was finished Hanlan wjis lending by fully ten lengths, and pulling only 27 strokes to tho miuuto. Then came Plaisted, who had fully cap tured the PottUnd man, and after him came Rilej', tho others being bj- this time pr<tctically out of it. From lids to the finish tho contest was, one of"; littlo or no interest. Riley gave it up ruoio than a quai- ter ot ii milo from tlio riiii-li, und while Hiinl.m merely paddled homo tv dozon lengths ahoad, pullini'rtnlv about 27 to tho minute, Piaisted felt so sure of second p'.aco that ho did not exert biuiBolf to do any tbing more than to lead Kennedy over tho score. Riley \vi& a bad fourth, Tn Byck a bail fifth, with Elliott not fur off, and Luther pul ling quietly up under tho protec tion of one of tho pitrol boats, wnilo McKen v>us, of course, out of it. Tho time as given by outside timers varied from 2Gm.,27jiu., to' 33ui. Frokn tho statt to the finish HaitlMi rmlled a dower stiokuU-an any of tin other co-itestants. The ruco <tood ua foil own : Hun Ian lirs', Plaisted s'ec.tnd, Kennedy third, Riley fourth, Ten. E>ck fifth, Elliolt-aixth, Luther soventh, and McKen eighth. TINWARE Who Wants Tinware? T. Stewart & Co ACTON, ONT. We aro making friends by keeping a Hrst-olasa stock of all kinds of Tinware of tho LATEST DESIGNS, whiou, for durability and beautj-, wo - DEFY COMPETITION. STOVES ALWAYS IN STOCK.' EAVETROU"GH[NG a specialty. "Regent Hall,?9 ACTOIT. ! __________ ' i AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION ! toRBNAPUms Produce tikon simo as cibh. >rk guvrantoed. All The following appeared in the Toronto M nl of Situiday : Peerless monarch of the oar, I.oil hi-' praise ti'erlake anl nhore, 2se'er uas_ like before. Our Haulan. , j Sound his triumphs far and wide. He i* Canadian pride, ^ Long may he with us abide, Our Toronto Hanlan. Modest as he is before us. Ho has beat the mighty Morri?, Let us circulate the chorus, Long In e champ'on llanlaD. p'loat the banner-) high above him. Let us show hirn how we loi e him, Hug the hero while we have him. Oar own peerless Banian. u -a T. NTfcW.lttT & t'O. ACTOKT Livery Stable. Having purchased tho Livery Stable and biniuess formerly owned-by Mr. It Adams, wo are pre pared to furnish FirstrClasfc Kiss at the Host Reasonable Itatcs. TERMS CASH. (Joo 1 Commercial Rigs always on hand, _ , The Cash Systsm a &reat Success Call and see our cheap presses, Prints arid Cottons, Parasols] Gloves and Ribbons sure J to please, j j OOB FINE TJEAS Should be used in ev&iy famil Try them. Another car lo^d of ifoiie Fiirnitur^ received, to berushed off at a bargain. . i Busy, Busy in the v TAILORING DEPARTMENT ! Still they, come for our/stylish fitting Garments. ------------------------------- j. Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS & SHOES Hats and Caps. New. styles selling very cheap: Your influence and patronage solicited for the ^access of this great cash sjstem. J. C. HURST. Acton, Juno lltb, 1878. i it VdheaJ?. which to / J- Atnoujr the nmnerous important arrivals have lately come ta hand, we would ask special attention Fifty Pieces Choice ftow Black awaWfies in all th^ new and favorite makes for the season -ALSO- 1 Case Handsome ] i . * i "Bourette" Dress Gobds,. at present commanding n immense eale in New York, and othat cities oJ fashion, 'iiiese we shall sell r AT TWEJSTY-FIVE CEiVTS TER TAKD, i - i , i and every lady should see them. i * 1 Oae Qase Lovely "White Goods, including Piques, Marseilles. B^Uiants, Lawns, Centennial Stripes ' Swiss Checks, etc., ranging fromTIO cents per yard and UMJards. !For a choice variety of New and Fashienabte Goods, ladiesshpuld come direct to the fashionable West End,<?uelpb. A. O. BUCHAM, pest End Dress, Mnilnerj- nd 5InnilaKiabn*beE( r : ' } I i 1 Fashionable auefph, April !H, 1878. sap 15-Gm MATl'UESVS Si N1CKLIN, John Street, Acton -Ice cream at C. VV. Hill's. The Boat Kuce at Crockvillc. niM(V THE WINNER. m tttitif:i>. In Acton, on the l'l inst., by the Rev. Mr. Divkj, Mr. H. Cibbmi, of IZsiiueam^, to Misd Jennie Auld, of Acton. At the Mansa, Acton, on tho 2nd inst , by the Kev. I>. II. Cameron, Mr. Duncan Mc Arthur, of Krin, to M-ss Jane Le-shtnsln, of ramosa. DIED. In rUqucsiug, on the 27 th ult., Mrs. Geo. Cook, aged CI year.. ACTUS nABhETg Flour ... ... KaiJ Wheat..... Spring Wheat, Sprouted Spring Wheat Barley ... Oats ..... Peas B-ittdr (irf sh rolli^ Butter (salted rolls) Lard (light) .. .*, Lard-(dark) .. .'} E^K8 (new laid) "^> Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bapr A grand regetta matcKcatiio off Hay, per ton at Brockville, on Dominion D.ty^ for a puree of $1,000 $500 4o first, 3300 to second, $200 to thi.d scullers ,ruce, four miles and a turn. Tho parties contesting were: El. Hanlan, Toronto; F. A. Plaistel, Boston ; John Kennedy, Portland ; James H. Rilev, S iratoga; J. A, Ten. EycK, Peekskill ;-A.'Elliott, I Toronto ; P. Luther(< Pittsburg ;_ / \V. McKen, Toronto. Just at tho report of the pistol, Kennedv caught the water, then .came PhuBted. und just after hnn 'Hanlan, after which the others went in a bunch. eTho long, clean stroke ef the Toronto champion soon sent bim to the front, how ever, though ho was pulling only thirty strokes per minute, and be-, fore the contestants lad gono a hundred yards he was leading the party by about two lengthp. Next came Kennedy, who led Elliott by a length, and a length behind Elliott the reBt of tho pirty were bunched." Half a milo down tho course Hanlan was still holding a J- E. McGurvin, druggist, Acton Timothy seed. Clover seed . Duv CJooDs . $-J 17, to 2 "5 0 'X> to 0 9S C tS to 0 90 0 70 to 0 75 0 00 toO 00 10 30 to 0 34 0 00 to 0 00 0 15 toO 18 0 12 toO 12 0 10 toO 10 ' 0 08 to 0 09 i 0 08 to 0 10 0 GO to 0 G5 1 00 to 1 25 10 00 to 12 00 2 25 bo 0 00 4 25 to 0 00 CiiEAr GL'RLPH HtRKKTS. S'pccia' to th' Fkkj; Pittti-*, per Domin ion Line. Gr/ELi'ii, July 4, 1878. Flour, per 100 ..: $2 50 to 3 25 White Wheat, pir bash 0 95 to 0 98 7'readwcll , do Spring Wheat.. Oat?, Barley, , Peas Hay, per ton K , per doz. Buttfer, per lbs potatoe-j pet1 bag Hogs, per civt Clover seed Timothy seed.. 1 08 to 1-23 0 83 to 0 92 0 32 to 0 34 0 0J to 0 45 0 55 to 0 CO Ii) 00tol2 00 0 10 to 0 11 0 11 to 0 12 0 85 to 0 92 4 50 to 5 00 4 00 to 5 00 1 80 to 2 25 VOTERS' LIST, 1878. Commanding lead with his thirty' of all persons appearing by tho last re- to the minute stroke, while Riley,; ^^^.^IITI'L^Il?^^ ?E Kennedy, Ten. Eyck, and Luther were pretty well bunched in the order named, the others,' all well up. AC Ihe end of the first mile Han lan was leading by fully five lengths, while Riley, Plaisted, and Kennedy were neck and neck, so tla speak, with. McKen dangerously close to them' and the others not far off. Of course it was now clear J, KMcGarvin, druggist, Acton Municipality "of the VxUage of Acton, County of Halton. Notice is hereby given that the List nioipalitytto be entitled to vote in tho said municipality, at elections for Mem bers of the Legislative Assembly, made rsuant to "The ' post at Acton, on the- 18th "day of June, pursuant to "xne Voters' List Act of 1886," was first posted up at my office, 1878, ani-remaina there for inspection. Electors ate hereby called upon tor ex amine the said list, and, it any omis sions or other errors are found therein, ii>-take immediate proceedings to have tho'said errors corrected according to law. JOHN RQSS, PostOffl.ce Store . ACTON. Sells Cheap. Whilo money U so nird to get, it should bo tho first consideration-W eAoh person where they can secure theboit viluo their money, in groceries, crockery glassware, wall piper, &c. Tho Post office Storo is the place. No. 1 Itounit Herrings for 1.^0 per half .barrel. No. 1 Split Herrings for 81-75- per halt barrel. ]: No. 1 Trout half barrel. Three Patent Pails for 50c Mutches per Box, 12c. Warranted Good, for $2 00 per -THE- !'" 1 Great Rusli CONTINUES TO Christie, Henderson X The Bo3t 50 cent Ted Iu tao Huftot. WALLPAPERS FHOM 4 ots. UP. And everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery, cheap for cash or trade. ;' . J AS. MATTHEWS. * i Acton) May 1, 1878. CTON MOXTHLY SALE. 'Uho Aeton monthly sale will bo held at Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, 4&li July. All kinds of Stock, Implements, kc. will bo sold by paying 50 ufi.ivpiccc. Sale at 12 o'clock. TERMS. Ten months' credit on approved ioint notes All entries must be made to Mr. JaB. Ryder, Sec. | Wil, HEMSTREET, Auctioneer. 25-tf 1878, SPRUffg-AKD -1878 SUMMER _CIECULAE1 MAASTIPISBHT' SISFLAT NEW BRICK STO^B, -OIK* FRENCH MILLIIERY MANTLES * COSTUMES. Also, a splendid Stock | of Stable and Fancy Dry Goods,! consisting* of black and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods. ' Kid Gloves, all the new* shades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), Lisle Thread , Gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimm.ingf-5 and Fringes,; Prints, i Comurices, , Muslins, Grey Linens, White [and Grey Cottons. , v; Englisli, French and G-erman' IBIOSIEEilRrZ'-. Heady-Made Clothing, Black and Blue Broad- eloths, Diagonals, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds SUITS MADE TO ORDER. A.VD A PERFECT FIT GLTAUANTERO, OR NO SALE A full assort ment of Gents' Furnisliin.^is. White Di'ess Shirts, Collars. Cuffs, Ties, etc. A splendid Stock of Choice-Family Groceries. TEAS A SPECIALTY. EXPRESS! MR,. JAS. BURNS Having made arrangements with the Cr, T. R. is now prepared to f carry any EXPRESS AND FREIGHT ' Delivered at Acton station, ac VERY CHEAP RATES, Be sure and see that Burns carries Clerk of the said Municipality. I your goods, as he is sure to deliver Dated, 4th Jui^, 1878.' them safe. -3m JAMES SYlMONT, in returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal! support accorded to him since he commenced business iu Acton, would remind ihem that never1 before in the history1 of Canada were such bar-J gains offered iiv Acton. The Goods have been, bought for Cash and will be sold at a small ad-| vance on cost, - I JAMES SYMONj Produce of all kinds taken-iu exchange at the highest market price. REMEMBER THE PLACE: THEXEW BRICK STORE MAIN ST., ACTON. Acton, April lOtb, 1878. v * Co|% i THBIRt( MILLINERY i i , SHOW BSOOJI is the (great attraction. Please leave your orders early, and have no disappointment for the 24th. ' ' ii Immense stock oft ' LADIES' PRTOELLAS Those neat and comfortable Tie Shoes in great demand. t 1 ! - M GENTS' FELT HATS i in new and leading1 styles. o FresI^ Arrivals daily of new and fresh lots of Goods. You can always de pend on getting the latest. Buy Montreal' "White Cottons Best value in the Market. W8k'[Without a rival~-our Famous 50c: Tea. L lbs for $2.25. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON St1 CO. V+QD,May 7th, 187*. J .,'--, jiiiAy-u..jf^j-------i.^^r*jnijj_UU>iiUtlTLJILUi..!J ^OOR CAPi BBOI *}fre&&m^^g^&^*~~ih^x^

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