Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1878, p. 4

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S4 ,lii mi fc ft IS1" a :&- ! ~iK: ",*SJ| -1i"'n-?l 31 fM1 1": !. i " ~ ' .!' v:'rl#4 THE FREE PRESS,7 ACTW, HALTON COUHTYf pNT., JULY"W "187,8. +- tilt I'OWU lAHlll-H,. .T<v\ poor tt tr.ko r. pnpot", '4'>n po.4r t.- join eraneo ? ." 's vi-'iiiv. Ho v'.i.l tioVl.nin 'ok' olnoj:;". * Arw\ sold his win..! f.-r a dollar 'Tss worth n oasrtei' more, And now tlio niMi i-'-o"n|i- Xh^n lio hud hceii before. Jli-i noichbiw lA"."'*o',it t>ih! lorn. This MdV tho-uint'sct town,' He should lm\o eon,o,in sooner, U Hifc Krvi'iiv wore down, '.'. tWthen iv ii-h, ." Sine coin j v'.v -^ir to*e, An<l you ^r-ii-.. by Mailing. Will pay for soar supplies." "Corn ritinij * whv. 1 s.Iil it? Tlio chip v>ho bought my wheat, Sid this year fsorn ws pkuty, i.But mine waa lutvi to bct ; J?b ho paid three shillings Wh.i^_e*vryvrti<'re 'tis .our? The difference vieuM give mo \ A J;ttn\lreJl doiiars more." Ho drew tha roins and started, v With spirits sr.dly "town, _ And did a heap of thinking. Before iio reached, the town. We upshot of tho mat tor "Ycm-cAsily might'gu cm, " This year ha t.ikos two papers AuJ couldn't do with Igst; ^/. . " " A Prndcnt Pcrsou. JOHip $:Si.;S0& "} A person jwent a few to have ft toevth, stopped. days ng'6 Tho don--! tist advised him that ho had better Lave the tQcth out, and as sured him that lie would feci' ;io $yiix ii lio tcok laughing gAB. "l?ur, what is tho effect of the .gas }"' naked lie. ' It dimply makes you totally insensible," remarked tho dentist : " You don't know anything thut t,ivkes pliice." ,-' iff snbruitteJ : but just previous ,to the gus UeiJig ad ministered he, jrat; -Irm- hund in las pocket and j>u11ih1 out his mono.*-. ' Oli, don't troublo nbont that now," Kiid tie dentist, thinking he whs pnng to be jpaid his fee'. ' " Not t nil," remarked the tii nt ; I w.'ia sitjiply going to .how much I had -bofuro tho ,tcok effect." ] pa see ens 4- Short Scnuon. - &. Quakeress preached as fo'- laws : * " Dees friends, there are thrco things I greatly wonder at. The iirst is, that children should be so foolish as to iirow up stones andriirickbats into frjiit trees to fenock down fruit; if they would alone it would fall_itself. TheiE second is, that wen sbould bo so fo-Jisli, and evea so wieked, as to go to wax and kill each other; i-lat alone they would die them selves. And tho third and last .thing wLkL, I wonder at is, thut youtig men slioiild bo so unwiso as to go after a young woman ; since, jf they would stay at homo, the ^ oung y/omen would co5io after ibeci/" ' Early -^earl A baby's tooth. Tr,uth is mighty^ hard to tell. Neck or- nothing A ball dresi A bad tbipg to be out of Tem- per. One iron ia sufficient to make n' - - ;t spring.-! __ . Tie human brain is onc-twenty- ^>ighkh of tho body. Tho' ratUesjittke' may bo frozen fcritUo $Tid thawed into life. To make a monkey-wrench, feed iiim on. tho'first green apples. A alag.-baetla.can move a weight 112 times-exceeding its own. enc& of poison is art the J 'fwreep, not on the circulating "fluids. A bad-marriage is like nnjclecf ric iiiachine it makes you dance, but you can't let go. 4 Jonnio Just married Mr. Hush recently. She was-Just before Bhe ivaa Ja^nio Rus3. Jua' so. ' What is the difference between a _tji11 and a bill? One is-hard to get pp and the other hard to get down. Wbilo M'r. Edison 13 in thc^h- yentifig mood,.why doesn't he in- yent a carpet tLat will: "get up and 4ust?" : '=-1 ' A truly intestate man is one wLo leaves nothing but tho world, and 'he gecerslly goc-a ^vithout a . <" If l\\0 globo were covered v.-ith a iayer of ice 10iffcet thick, tho hjiat ' pi the ^uji'a raya for. a year would "meltit. A country mayor haa determin ed to kill fcalf tSsfjcgs in tho city, and tan their hides \vritk tho bark pi the other half. ' -^ Tho New Orlcana Picayuno di vides writers into two-- classes Thoao who .thinki, and those whq <5>i#V<*fa9y fchink. ' ' \ ' - A single grain of Tripoli-powder poniaihs no fev/er than 187,000,000 . pi tho iraoapaxont 'flinty skeletons pi djead- aijiinalcnlejj. ? -.t __ ^ / Ho-sot him down on tko^ stops ^ that had been nowly painted and when ho riz to travel hoine that gal of.his ehs fainted. /! . Printer's ink is tho joil ^that jxjovefl tho hinges of toade, and jnakes tho great doors of commerce av/inff easily. Advortigo ! ' How can five porsons divide five /jgge^o that each shall receive one, and ;atiU one remain in tho dish ! Qqti Ufti;s tho dish with the cggH. MERCHANT TAILOR, ROCEWQOD. Tilces this opportunity of anticline* iii^r l tho pul lu: lli'.t .hi1* stimk coiiMstiiif.' <>t" Ki>f!lisl), .v'cu,lei ' and Canadian TWEEDS, GLQTHS, AND.WORSTED GOODS. new complete. Ho i3 prepared to nial:o up in tl,,- l\test stvIks, Asi'.I iZ'iod Workr:mvn.-=.hip, Satisfatticn o '4 ft rCl 'P d o? 0Q1-- 0 V. ;n fir c 0J c If < pq 1 F01! 0UIN3. ft -s % CA fcx: c A full is yS'oiioitrtl. .'OUN Mil.sox CAST OUT But not Do.?troyed. with an Uoe.ko-oo.i, Jl.irrli -JO. 187'! 3S-3m (^ASM l ivi|i pi-op.ivc.rl to ji;\y tho hi^hoiil c:im!i prico wont of 'I'mwinto for 'all ohit'ica of O.ilf run! Hhooji; SUinn, iliiliv- iMo.l nt niy t'uiiury. bnuu l.cnthur (ioi). vtnntly on hntul. 11 -ly : JAMK.S MOO UK. w K.VVSM; ! WKAVINCi!! All (inlorii intho Wciviiigliiioproinpt- ly attoniltMl t<K Spocial nttcntion paid tii Carpul Weaving. -" .MltS. Jf. MeLOUOIIUN, 40-H near C'ukwhon'h ("oiinkiih. l>i>Mn nh you onii rliKlKn In. $."i pi f'Jil pur any i iiruli- iiy any worlior vt ollli.'i liox, I'luhl Ml lli'olr,1 iin*ii loo ill i li'H. iriii'llriilu-ii'iilnl riilii|i|i'K | wi I'lM -T' li"^'. I in |ii"i vi piiiii'NpiUf^ time , III |ll X hlliln4>ii>,j Ail llV.H.sSjllNSO.N A Po.,: I'olUiinil, Malnij. ' . Janaes, Ryder \riHliiH to tlmiilt ,thn piililln-for H'O . 'pitlroiniun thoy liivopiintoircil ui'* oil lilm licriilofol"!). ITYjS DANIEL F. BE PIANOS & 035feANS BEATTY, 'n& i'.IS^f,'I-. Hllt'i'.iiMi iiKVIT.Y'UCKM'V UlNHDi.n J'AIC li r! I<.i.> .: mill r ImIiuc r ci'liii- i l.i Ayers or Pot ifcstoring- to Gray Hair tta catural Vitality and Color. A dressing rbicli is ai once agreea ble, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the-hair. It stxhi re- 'stores fade3~or gray fiair to its original color, icith the gloss and freshness of youtlu Thin hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by thi* at'tljcation, and stimulated >ntn activity, so mat a now growth of hair i.-i produced. Instead of fouling the hfiir with a pasty pediment, it will keep it clean zni vigorous. It3 occasional use will'prcsent the hair from turning pray or falling ofij ' 'md consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives .'/> tlie ecalp..arrests?and prevents the formation of dandruff, v/hioh ia often 50 uncleajdy and offensive. free from: tliosa deleterious .sub stances which.make some prepara tions dangerous, and injnriops to the hair, the Vrigor con only benefit, but not hafni it If wanted merely for a HA Hi DRPSSING, nothing else ran be found so dasirriblc. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and jet lasts long on the hair, giving '5 r. rich, {doss- Injtre, and a gratefn. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., yscUcal autt AiialytlcilChcrnJi'*. ' T.OWET.T,, MrlSS, eoia> VT Ai.L Dr.uiiuiiirj i>vi:ii,'**<uca Having made nrr.inpompiiU ' Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for agency for tljo ;.:ilo oi 3asb. D:ors. Praa.03, Moutdlnes Croccocl ::Floorinc". aiaotiuj. ."Wainscot, sid'tajr.&o. I a in propareil to furni-lt any of the hive, at prices ilol'y coin- pelition. l'lciio eail-ttinl sco h un- plos of moul ling, ic, oelore pur olmswg olueuheio. QLINDS 30 CEN T PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customers for pastfavors-atii! liopinssttH to merit a (iiir share of your patronage.. ' 1 am respectfully yours k, Agent. Shop at Mr- dvorton's oiil .stuu-r Acini', IJiC. J7ih,Iv7;. iijly. SIGN PAIJ37S1S :rj:.'rVLv: ti<m<>riii<> lrniti il si.-iUm :>nii ivcuini-.^ AN li ll'l IUt,\i'i:i) li.'ll.llKN llli" '-we.- iiosi I'l'i'.'i'i-t, liiji rniiv ni in -in- it .n*t i; ti-.l In I Ins nr :uiy I (^ . 'Mli* vorM 1:1 ("ihIIiji::! it lo ~oi|tu>, ihini. II, -.t ili.M"oiui|s '111.1 lorni- I'Vi'i In-. 111,'.- j,'iv". p. Ki.i'!.- Ii'iINiiii' I'll'il'" l-r'i ifl in Hi" li .I'lV to Ll ll IS, II ,'il.ts. Illlil Din I I li i:.-iiit'I. A'n i.lli'r. 'I'lirsc i-clo- l.i'.ili-.l - in-Ii'hii) 'nit. i Mi' r I'Iili... nr I li ;'.o.' 11. i:n'.l ii 11.1 :-hl j.pi-.l m n.\' who i.-, nil iiv '-r lilh'i li .ln\v.' li ;.l li.l'il. Mini i- ro-'l uii I fi'i-i ;Pt cliarTp pilil'l.nll ^-a\ . if la "niy May l',i : :: liAlai'liiiy. l-'nll^ Will IMI.Il'il I..,- ., . .. ,-,| | .. nv l.i i Ji-t I \ ilrr-t- . 'u.. KXTilADItlH-SAIIY J.I 111-iit A 1. Ill" ( y MINT- uli oil In I'lill rlws. In-lliHih:, I.imIhi . , Halls, Mmis^'iK, Ti arlii i,i, 'fir., 111 "lil'I' to llmi ll.nil in! ! < -rtli", at iiloiici" \vh"io I I'livi- liu iia-iMH;*. Tlioin-aial:.jhim In a"-... N.-iv l!|u" tra i-'l Ail\ el'llsct (i "a'n V<.,-ii" IMIM'.a, Willi list < f loslliiionliili-. -tn>M" naly. M-nt trio. I'Mal.lI.-lail I, is, i. a,ni,,. i, DANIEL F. DEATTY. U a:.'i 1 fi;l..i., .Now Jiro.o, ' Cy rcidlnu nnfl practicing the iucsttmibte truths con stained lu tlio bept TnedieA -rtior-k-eTcr Ubui-iI, c-ntitlci tHrXlJ^-VItESEm 1 fcl'ticceiily*!. tknthymM fci mi rct<l[it: of price. ! ----------------- ____ '.ty|l' Ncnomaml I'liy-IrM Dcliifit concoiniuut ills unil uiiltihri . . . thcrcfrum, and contains more tjiiin &0orij;his.l pro tcripUons anyone of wliicli-t^'worth the prico "6J Ihc tiook. This book was writjlcii hy the nioit ex ti'niive and probably the most fekilful practitionei in America, to whom was nwarded a pold anuiew rlltal medal by the National Medical ARsociauon A ramphlct, illustrated' with tho -"very ^iuc# An lil IkmiIcii iilnl imtoii woro tlrHtroyoil hy llir, ho would Im lliiiiiUful II tli()>l iiKuliiHt. wlmtli Jin lioliJ iiotoK wiAild glvo lilin tlio ilali'ii tin! unitiitiit or thoin, I iiikI iiImi If lliotto wlionn iiccoiintM rntvo lii'tiii million"! would bring tlinmforvrKrU and Hotljlo. Jto would also Miy that ho J STILL 0 AIUITING n 3JUSI1TE03 at tio bid stand, whero ho will Imtftadto booJiIsqUI otip- touii'm. and. uh uiiich uro Jnird, Uo lam tniido tho prlce tOKllJl Uioiu. "..' ' LooU nl lUtiiic Un,lrj lilitahor \Vuki!oii, ooini'ilolp, Willi aprllifc Hpat. $7(Mi. ... I)omo(iriu' Wimuon, $100 to 8110, llni."i;li h, $|iki in fill). All who r, iiiil'^i'a Wmti^in or IliiKi-'y nt;| iIioho latoBiiul) ipiij ijlvo >uur ordfi'ii at i fouiT,. "' ' ' Matorjal and "77"ijrttii;a,pBlilp Ouarantijod, ' i : Ti ' Joliiblii^- ni| fiillnnH i iioksk-sihyuiNt^ A .SI'J'it'IAI/rY Now HIIOIK,."in Motlllin^lK,, k, lUl". Knliro tloiM-s, ?i-'.'Il, J""/now h' ooh. . ..... ror.f.i.i'Mii^Hiiiio , l.iiylnc"ln""r ' i.'uiil o All otlii'i' l.oo'..., , . (flo. lo $1 JIJ. y, ..'.o. t>(|[,i:. IuMiIiii; In pi<ijio"rl|nn. rHKLlC-i'ViKEitVAXIOo "' ily$I. fck-ntbymal of price. I" treats of 3^xhaii5tcd Vitality|t'r<,iuaturo Decltno .......y, and tho entll ilseric* that result toiiiiswvrttiM id. DAM JL r. UKATTV,Waslii: Jewor. \ildn it on, .Ntiv Steel Knpravinirs a mar. Tel of art nnd beauty irnt rnri; to all. Send far it at once. Addren 1'KAHODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Ko. t JJul> tucb 6t. JJostoB. Mot:. HEAL THYSELF QRACE'? QELEBRATED gALVE A Sare It-.-Ilrf for'llic Siitl.-i-ir; ' Jriti.fAnKii nv 8ETH W. FOWLE Sc SONS, ty IIAUICIS l.N' AVr.Nfi', , nosro.v, M \cs. Ult.U'fc'S (.'MI.KUKATi'Ii SALVI'i lit o Ye ftat)Ie I'reiiarRtlott, lnvoati ,1 In tii,- I'lli Ri-tifttiy l.y Dr.U'll- ll'im liruc, Snr^o'in In Klnit Jajo-"-' uruiy. Tlirnintli its anonoy lie-, onrcl tlinasatids of tin- ni'-^t i'-ri,'iis i.'iri-H and wimniH that lialllod lli.i sl;lll of tlio ni"-.! fraiio-nt litiyslrlaoji of liln ij iv, ivinl ivik rc-u irdi-d Iiy all who Unew tiim ft;, a pul>- le tjcncfaclor. , pun n '.'I ci:nts A IIO.V. ^bacf/k celf.iiu iti:d s tr.vr. L f'UltKH Fi.Esn u-orNns, ni.izns i.imiik. salt KHKU.'t, I'liir.m.Ai.N'S, sutti: iiiikast, .sokk r.ies. ki:.vsii", ki.mi- WOIlMS,CAI.r.L'.SKS,vii'AI.I) 1IE,I>; CifAI'l'KK 1IA.SJI.-1, '^ri.MLI rir "fcf:ir !j::l'l. "live' ri'Yi'.Sy wlit-a proviul Hi .. aiianads dyer's Cathartic Pills, KT the rcli.;f -;iiiil cum' t>i alj il'.i/iM^'i.nii'irl.-. in 'tl:u /iloiurich, Jiv- v.r, uvA ].v.t;].'. :>ro a nu'M .'ijttjrjf n(, ;in-^ ,*;n c/ii.rih.iit piu\'n- tivc. Jlf-iiiKinin':* iyvt;:uial;Ifj, t\uy r;*>nUihi no tw.T. run* or rniuinij v/h.'iU'ver. : iii:c]i crs nnd pniTcrinj; i- pr**vel'."i by u-.l-; nii'i every riunity bhouM -ii li:ti)fl-ii>r iheir i>t*ot*7*ti'iii ;ui<] rcrjiiircl- J.oii^r experiijiioc las n u> le tii*." wifc-t, Mirett, and 11 the 1'iU.t with -.,-] tba innrket JJy I'jcii- t;r<-u<i>Jii:t\ uf[;( th) IiIockI :s i.-]ni;>-i!, tl'iti ' 'jmiiti'un'tr, of tise ayhUiiii cr- itcYU'il. tu t riH-lSoiii rv!i!MvciIt aii'l the whole i!^\t Itincry fd'iif^ n.--L rvA lo its ,'ioaltliy activ- *y. Intfjni.-il <.j^.':t;i , rAi--Ji bei-nnie cIojtja'J in.i Uti/^'i; h :u-jl'in.'Utt by A*fvv*a Pitts', uiil ~uuii\\:iU<[ iiito wiUiu. I'll its incipient :i-<;;i>.' i- ciia.),'< '! i:it-> Ju.-ulth. Life .value of -..vhi'-li ,*-'!;iiiL't*, -wIh-h ruclionccl on tho vri'i ;iiiiJiilU'ii *: '. ho fcnjuy it, ran liardlv b(j wjiij. Mit>:'.l. Thoji* Mi^ir-^oatit!^ niates tfieii: ;Wo::-.-;iit lo |;ihc*. and pi'ocri-es tlieir virtues .ihiyrjiain;'! f'>rpuy length" of (ii'nt, f-o Uiai Ii'V :in: ever frc.-'h, perfi-ftly reliable., -Vlibmi^li j-(rarrliiii^jthcj*. an; tnlhl, and opcr- ml* \v:.tlmn\ di'-Jin fj;tii<a"- to the cc'iiatitution 09 . ;ii.'t Of O'-c^j,;,' \on. '. , Full lin-tn'wnn are f-'fixn on tho wrapper to a'-!. Ik y.Ihi'.v u> u~e, them annKamily rliyfilc, :.i-i kiln.- fo!I-uiii^ foin^lainu, which theso fill* rai'i-ily tjure: I'nr Etvi*ps*tiniii or ffn1ifrc\tion> T.f.xr- IfMUi'M, luuii'jriiop, and Ma>h* of Amx** i<i-, Ihey ; honhl be taken Juoderately to iii:!i'!aii* iln*, l *Tmi';h, nnd re.-.t'jrc ita liea'lthy mix: and action. for tAvi'M' C'i>iii|Ui I nt and Hi vmloim -vniploiK', lltlloiirt BS< iidiitlio, filch *5*iiiiiiln:-, .tiiti^tticn or jir**vn H^rlt' a#*i*. Sititiojum Colic arid JfEilion* *** - " w, ti*-y r'noiild be'juiJir:ioij>|y tuktitvfw cl action, or emovc tJiM obstructions which emiee it, for Ojftfntf-r/- <">r JUiurrboea> but one mild dn> * *rt*iir:rally required. ' 7*nlfrit- i<m of ttiv tU^avtt I*aln In III** rt-.ilc* ItmU* iiP'1 Jsoliuf. 1 hey should **e <-i"ntii(ti'Hiriy L'lkcn. as rt'jnirrii, tn chim^'o ^j0 i|i^:a-Pd anion oflhc wjMiemi AVUJi Hueb itnnistrtlifiFd coinpl.iinfs ch^appcar. J'or ik-t>;tr*y :iud BProjtHlcal Hwxjil- I'lir**. thry wi.-'/ld bi; U\Mi:u in. Iar^e and J*re* jin-iiL fJo.->ej Lo piutiiVu'thfcr CifCL't of a drastic niTntfS, C.VNl'KllS, KKIXINH, SCAI.IH, H >ki:s, t.'l.l'lUt.S, WOL'.VIIS, KTIXtiS, nnrsoi.iis, KRSTEErf, wi:ns, f.Tii;s, riLiii A ij 'i;h.-", viii:<'KT.K.'<j IITNION.'i, ^jt'UAI.VS, 11 'l| 1,4, UtTK V "fl'T.-i. WII.'TI.OW:! U'All'fS, Ill.l.SfHUH, T \ 1'till'I.IL.i, I'lill.VM, Hl'I'rllVV, iT'lt, INIirimi'lTi N"AII."V '.'I.TIT.!: iiA.sir. MtlSUL'lTO ami ki.i:a uu'il", iii'iii::u ,' sriNus, . And all cut anooiiK dl.ii :t.^( s and i ruplloiiK .. 'tti.'ii"raM\-, For-alo 1 >y all diaiLC-d'-l : . i:rofor*, nnd a! all o >iint ry .sl-iro*- th r'i Ml-: IllMll I lio llnl- lfil.Siii|,..s..- Lil I Urltlali I'ro .'liitts. 1'rJoo iy luuil.iji iil^ i^JJilO )}, 'TUACMEKS: You can O oasily increnso your salary by ilevoiing a very email portion of your leisure limo to my interest. I do not expect you to cativasa for my colelirn.teti Realty's rianos Organs unletB you Bee lit to; l,ul the sorvjep I reijuire of you is -fioth pleasant nnd profitable. Full pur- 'liciiltiri froo. iVl<lress DANIEL K. HEATI'Y, Washington, New JcWy .6 TJicrei-nomanutnetiirei oll'inho- and Organs in this or any btliei country who lias received as many un.-i -licitril iiidotv eii.enti a-, has Mr i!eatty. from every Static nnd Toi ritory . coiucb tho sam" verdict. " Ilioy nro tho he. t in tho world." Mllustrnted Advertnrr, :((.'atn!ngui Edition) nee. Address DANiEb K. BEATTV, \\'a8hington,:Now .lorscy. I.adifB and gcn'tlctnrn td learn Tclo- itrajih oporating for oilioca npriuni; in tlie D.-aiinion. Stamp for answer. AdJrOsu MANAor.u, \- \ Vox <X,r,, Toronti g-ijr Theso prices are fojp Oush only. All woflt ciini'niii iiif, ijjj rates. iaiitlierl'irllcitlnrM n -xt ivim k. "TV' truly, JAMES KYi>j:]t, JUST ARRIVE, A splendid lot of Spring Boots & Shots. -at tne CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. Call and cx;minfl tncm. before tuying oloowiiero: , SPE0IAI. ATTENTION aiVSH to oaBjssgir o&f CRAINE& SON Arlonl, Mnreh 20; I87S. FAKMKRN, HTOP AND SEE Iteforp You lurlbrr <lo. Tho Agrioulttirfll Implement manu; faciured by tho Manufaoturing 1 Co'y, NEWCAHt'L^I,' for salobjr iETaliSNyPER, ACTON, I . r * - " T.llf Wqod'8 Iron Mower, Ajtr.cui Mower. Contmeror Combined, Bh'arp** Solt-Dumpifig ltabo*, ' Newels Ho Harvester, Upwq J'owor rPitt'n], jb pifp Qruphem [geitrod] F.tra,w jpiit'.era. cto. ' TltfJ Above cannot be urpaeed hy any other Machines ruKido in ibe pntpinion. ^'J.eano ,cn^l tip,<i .ojmniipo before pjjrcliiising clse.wbjere. April jJfrJ.H78' :|m tii | on ntiATINi; jpfjj-invimi? in ally i il promptly oxoou toil nt Ncx( (hpIVij^ qutce if 11) 8/>rcrt NEW COMJNIQN BOOT & SHOE STORE Opposite AgnewV'Holal,1 1 atreet, Actob. KENNEY & Mip SON Wish to call the attention of the in- huliUuuW of'the Village of Aotoa and vicinily to their immenso stock of , soots, enoEp se asoczs::ss. Comprising till the latest utyl :s in Boots and iShoeL t)rler.l -Work-rpceiTesourBpJcial attention. Kopmring promptly at- tended to. Our Grocery Dcpartnieut Is noil Bupplied with Teas, Sugars, Fruits, Bigcuits, Tobaeqop, Spaps, Coffee^ &c-, &c i J'lencB ca)l ojad examine Our Kt3ck, - KEN^EY & ,SU^ Acton. Pec, 12 1877. 1878. S PR IN G . O PE NIN G, M nrttt nrsixEss niE.v-if y<m ,__ want ItllllioiuKr, Stilliliicntc, l.ol- tcr-lifiiUK, Mnvoluics, MiK'aiitlli l'llnt rnir.of'any kind, done Ui ImibIiii i-sntj lo, h'liil-yiiiir ordois to nio I-hkk l'xtKH> ofllco. Hutlsractloiiuiinraiitctd. PIIoroiJUArlll'JU.S should -'tor-' i ward iim tlifir address if thoy wish to obtain a Piano or < Jrgan in exchange for Photographing. Ad-< dress DANIEIj b\.UEATTY, Wash tngton. New Jersey, I" ACTON PLACING ^9LLS D. W. CASU'KELL, Prop, Having purchaneil tho above, named establishment, I am prepared to maim, facture . CUEfT I A">' Persoirwiio win mam trnEiL. a and forward mo a list ol tlio iinturH of rcllahlo iktcoiih of iJu It ae- liiiiiiiLaiiro who wli-li to jiroi nro ni i n- i.trnliHlit, olthor I'lalio ni l irean, 1 will use jny In st omli'iivorf- to si II t hem one, ami Tor every rhino I snect ed In .-adlinc totln-lr list Willi I ti one year, I w Hlorcdit tliem Mitli Jln.aiid for every Hmnu'^fi to ho upi'lhdiiii P'lyinonl of oliiior'ii' rin nil or 'ir^'in ; mid w hull It .uno'infi lo it .'aim I'aillU'letit to pay for an tn.^t ri:mi ni .ihli fli ant i.n- lic.tcsi ii li(i!i'- 'i||. iirlrr I w IIIIiiimiolatily.".iiip tlir;lim'iriiini.|,i', f roe, orafle rany up' in til I s end In d n,< hnlnneo may ho pnid me in on^h,,,j,i i Will ihei'i shiji them the I nsli iitiii j-t "i'l ey hood not ho Itiir/wn In thf: h(allor ami wll I ho doing ti|olrfrlentil, n renlKor- vlco, ns I K|,al| malic niiccial ufrrm lo llioiiLKrillliiL.-a iiporlir In^lriuoi in ^,,r froin iiiie-Iniir In Itio-llilrils wlint1 I'k orillnarllyasirod hv.iuenls. I'lciiKiioml moa Uslal oiico.ijid.i fi or yon ha vjeriiifdp liiriulry yon rap >,t to It.- AildrrKc I) \N-IKl.l"'.IJI-:ATTy, Washington,x Jersey. ; ; THE GREAT OAUSeI " J.; "W; Manii II.iH now in Stock a lurgp npll wplljoiwortoil- Jot flf DRY GOODS, GHOOERIESj CROCKERY, GLASS"WARE, &. '" "Wlripli })0 will ne)l.;Cheup for Cosh, REm-MAdi CLOTHINfe 1 a Bpeczalty, y ' " -------! " ' ' :A larger a@3Qrtrnent of Felt larger a@3Prtrnent of and stra=v^ Hats for *ing; -yrear, a hiirodriM! fhmild bo the di'r/ireil el]'ei:t hi' For .Sitii|ir4?o.ii/ia ;:iuhn. a-. ,it prodiuas: yiilp.'itlA". . "'.-' Ac a IJhuirr J'ill. I.'il.c one or two Pills to inoiiiote dipa.'.tioii,.ml -cltovt'. 1! < stotnuidi. A:i o.-',-.'i iiinal do1;'.- -'-.i ..'ho I'loinaoh md 'io'.vi-N, rorloro,' tlii' a|i;,otite^and inrfcor- al: tlio (-yj-tom. Ili-nio il is olio?, mlraiita- 'eon- whom no :-oi'ii,a,- iio:'an::oiai'lU!o\'ii-l5. ilin- who reel.-, toli-ralilv w.-ll, nilAii finds Ilia. .1 ilo. t! of tli("i! J'lth inula'. Jiinj fool .IticJc oillv laii'-r, fi'niii'ilieir I'loaii: iii%' and 11:110 Viitiag ti.'ect 6a tlifc dib'fciloe ;i|a,arali;.i. I'aKi'Aiii;!! nv Dr. J. ( ' AYEli'fic. CO., Practical Chemists U.OWKI.C, NAHK.. XT. H. A.- (OB'tU.Mt UV .'.Li.-DI.'-Vj-riVU hVIi'ltyWIJJillt SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, All IciiuLs of &C LAN Protnj/tly.attended to, ' *D. \^r, CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877, 22-3m BEATTYyg5 /lontty'fl I* I u n o , 'grand, square and iipriKlit, uro pronounced hy i]10 ptoBRatul the peopio AND as the rrjost t'caullful arid/'uvi'ot mmmem est tolled l'lailoa 6" "........' WASHINGTON. *'0i in tlio-world, 'NEW JEr'SEY. Ueally's n.-lob-ited Uul'leii 'foiinuod I'.'irlpr ')i"Ka;i. maiiiilaBtilreiiitiaik'nueil tooipial them. They" posEi'SB power, depth, 'irjlilun'e^ nnd s.vmprttheilc delieacy, oxijajK,(oij- heaiitlfallysolooll'ecls.aiiri lnoonly.;^,., aetion over Invented Mifttnannni h . trrangetlhy -iikc. Tim hnl|oWH'oa]iari|t,y iKKoitrnattlWithutlitlln ellorl. lu rmttilr* ed Willi the feif'. to supply all Mfo.uir nortc-csury. lioiilt madpaml iitost')|oi;iiiit cases ill tho irfarlcot. All aoll<| w'ood ornariiontii. Kve'ry UiHtriiric-iitfiilly iynr- I'anaed fornix voarsassl ; lirat idass and sent on from 0 to IS tnst'l.rl'ij."'- AiMrninllAMKl, I'. Itt.l'I'I'V, \Va.'ihlu>'l t.-ii Now Jersey. .* f AVc have reeoiitiy pnhllsheil n law eili- tlon of Ir. <nlvir< II'm << IrhrliliSil |i:h- Kuyontlio rndlcir? uiai perinanontf care (wlllionl uh iliilnt-Jof Nervous liclflllty, Mi'iniil and i'h." slc^il Xncnracily. Inn'^til- tiionls lo Marring'.', ctp., I'esiiltltin fiom excesses. . ^r .1 only 0 cents ortv/o postage slnpijis. I Tim e.-lohraied uliilior. In this admlr- ahlb Kssay clearly dciiHirist.raUs, from thirty years' siircesstni practice, tli.d. iil,-irmIniccolisoi|iieHCt-t mny he rail leu lly pared wltjiotit the dati(,'eii'n lisoof Inter nal roriilcljie or I Jin application of the ltnlfe; iKiliilInc out n (fiodo of euro nt iinee simple, certain nnd ell'ectiml. hy tiieanii of which oyory sull' mutter w.hiit his nojitHtlen mcy be, may euro lillitKelf elienply, prlvnlol v and radically. This Lecture, snoiilil ho lu the liatuls of ovory youlli anilo very man lu tho hand, >fe^rL'jtVEVWKLi, mi:diai. <o., 41 App St., New York. PostOm.coUojr.45S0, ^\ . f.jy The undersijjricu .in old retired physician having teen permanently cured of the mupbUfeafieddbeaAO Donnumptfon by a simple remedy, h anxious to {jake known to hU fcllow-suffercrs the means o( lire, --........ To all who desire it, he will send a copy of .... , -- he prosch'ption uied, lYeG of charge, with airep- CKttOJieil iMn-npy evor m-imi/nctur- . ions for prepnrinS nntf usjnk the fame, which will od. .Sftlit on j c found a sure cure for Corisirriijitton, -Brort tod triad niul ' liltla. Catarrh, A#thfn<i Ccr prolioiincedthp | Tho highest refill prico p^i.d for Prqduso of u(|[ jfin43, ' ]. Acton, M.arcji 14, 1878. ' .' m .s BPRING thi c$<m is the BEST NEWSPAPER PnWislied ia Halton Couaty I >. $1 J0WjLiY fr Per" year, in advancd To! Mercbapte md other BmintisB M*n ip Acton, as wU as throHg|out tb County, the Wrm Pfee? is m ^ invaluable A<iyertismf Medium, jOur UpriyoJilfid Faollitiea for Ezjjputjpg %U klfid* ut 4 Mountaio, Oadenilmre, All the latest patterns of SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN STTTl3Src^S ip the nuirjiet, Suits made to Order from $8 uj| A splendid selection of SPRINC^HATS Fuji lines of Gent^'Furnishiijigj Also Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks at ihti East End, Clothing Store,1 ^ - '""' ."'".! FYFE& McNABj |_ Acton, C- BO#C ANB JOB FKINTING Em'ci* us to turqaut work A^nal to nyIbinf d*>fJP Jp*|iieltjj*.! 7 T.. ALBERT MOQRB, Publiflier aad Proprietor. ni

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