Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1878, p. 2

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aw* ttaasqaaaaagwaKaKssffis^^ . sa&wMMimmtmat V /f :' '*E liHH tVfOX *RKfc Kbiit ^'uHilueJ cvery fij.irsday Morning '|'l P^r Annum m .Advance R't! rig '. "* + '.' k jc j an ^ 3i?^y ess H ' S. \\\ G Vl>d^UrU, la-ircr. rni'Ksj.AV Yoi:>-:Si ;< iv n, and; Siaiiloy street. : N\> party' iumw will he plavcJ alem* the line of march. It sia-iiks -volumes' for tho Orangemen in .loci.ling to pln11,1 pu'ly tunes, I ut tin's does nut si em ! > satisfy tlm ('athi'lios, as 'lacy want oven fhing their own ' " "" { way, which i!u' (Ir.uip'iiiui. are ^"?*- ' 1 <-j iio:; v -right ill njluMiig Up allow ! .thorn. Tin -THE FRKE PKESS, AOT.ON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JULY 11, 1878. I t!u> Water works of (ho city ol Poill'do, after, the first great, outlay, will In- S--0 small mi lo practically make I lie iliveslnu\il a'soiim! liliali- end policy.- It in- li'ipt d ami i-vi-n | believed compressed air will I ho able to take the place ol' s(i-niti in luaiiulact uriii;;' |iui posi.-,-. "The j ^ni:ii,"ul' tliu cost- oC i'u. 1 will hi:' immense. t. " nppnitcil io lu-.v,- Ik-(-ii iuh la >l||,in, U.My. ]i>:iriti'j; SluUUvry'in Toronto.' j ; vr.'.voo Mcicii. i , . . I'itt Thursday iii'ti'i'iinoii (i most About one y.- ,tiJlto<I i,i f" w,ls l'"'--'lt"1 '" M'!" among ,!|M, ,;||i,,, of | he Assistant, llect-ivcr- .\ inn! loans hy the ahnrarnliri) in I/' . I 'o . m n i j. - . / |.| iiiiMiH n in | < 1(.|,ci-m| I jronlo. Two men tilll-.:(l t(ie. iitrrcls nt a llllollni^r party ol" OaUtlo! lu7 il diniht >>v is the time to Subscribe i , . . nv.d piiy yovv Ktwtwcrii,. j.;I,il1 '"-wonvw f > * '.t- Ileus for t*u- Iree i'l-oss."* "y?* wvnes of l>h>o,l to whi.-h juv i.i._ . '-'_'j i vicvis ocourri-iu't-s it' . tho kiiul ari- ~: . !" ' fivoilcia w!iicl> a Uiiiish i.\niiiti-y We have irvciv reason to In-iii-vt' .. , -. , , , iiisi.-oinoii k*t to-nicvrow will ho u iv.I lottor ' \m- r K:i: -. - St. JT in the. history t-f tho city of ifoajtrt-al. A": of Mn.-is- ,; ,|' 1 * Snittfe was li^Ki in tho city in Fri- : iay 1-vst to cousiilor tho lu>t im-aiii-; h, :: -hy -n i;ood : Tin' resist of tho nit.-t-t<ng wasthat th.t- ' ninjority, afior s>nn]'iv*Mi:,,' all ! oniniou at rariaroo" w'th tht-ir own , ftx-hligs, paSst^l a--i-t lios of n^-.|'ii- ' tior.s, which svt-rit naught nH.I'i-o- ' \f" in 3Li:itroji. tuiJjwas ohai-actta i::.-d dosl of disorder and oonfnsiou. i'llO Ol-.tlU.'" L,'.h!i.'1's ari- not Uy :k laiilifd hv I lie Muvoi- JSoriudiy hua . tal;;n, and, with tho I'out.-i^e 'of l'.u-ir rvnio lion wiil'oiuiy :i:iouj;h thi-ii\ piv:- cossio;:, acooidina :.' i'.-c ariain;,.^ i'ri'grrijiiuio, i-r tiirri^ti in' "id uti f-'ditoral of Joso;Ei {'alvort. w\ '------..... I Tho funeral of .)om-p!i_ Calvrr1, whoua.- Uiul.illy and vi nillv Mali- I'oil" to ih-ath. at J l.iijiTsviHi- on liio 10 ,h jiiict' on i csi,K-iu-i-, v; Editorial ITotes. Hon. iarono. :K. I5!..kvi Lw |-rt.-<-va -r*-'*--.., zy * tN-iii ronfiuouo? hi Mayci lv.-ai;d:y. and ?u:)fe>weridi him to '.-.k< Mich .-:> iTi - tt-stsmc oi'-inion m-.d all (.tir.aii'.j jv-s'.ico., XI"' rcsol::--inns -. x CO tu jiroserv.e or^K-r as-ho tl:o;i^h; ;;;. He ucci nlingly :'.\m:is a. | t-. olauju- tioa, wliich yivi-s not-oo tint ou " the tvi-olfth J.;y of July no as.-i-m- ' Llage, or gnt-hci insr of peoj.lo shall "be allowed in tho stnct.-:s, (.? -- " tchen i.: (/, nl ho appeals ;! toTall " Jieacciible and well fii--,,0;i.j stat^ tho. ^ettizep," willcut, tli^u.owon f'iluo cr ,-, tojiid the civic ' " nib. >r*i""<:-s in their efforts io uinin- . On the ]C.ii insl. Mi Pir:e, of tin-. To'iiontoj 7V/.--vr .-;.-:, and .Mr. iAiii, r, Kingston, start fi n -lour iHryn-;; lTaroji.-. Tia-y wi.'i vir--.i-. .iii,-l..-i'iidS,.i[!a!id. .-U>,1 u'lii ia.u.- a h>i;i; 'lav lit Pari-. Kxj.^ii:,.;,. '~ , " : 1 ol "the -l:h nli.', Io,-!: rinilbday l'l'olii his . lalf: noai- J ai-.'ia. Tie- . IV mains wi re followed to ( he pi.toe of iutei uiotitj tin- I'lirial :;rounil of <lie i Methodist t'!.-uich, din \.is, l.y [he 'artist iunoral college t-\'i*r i.i-ell in lhat',e, .rlu- I'i'ee Masons of the Siilorent ledges y.'iihin a 0 >n\oiii 111 tislalH-e aiundiiu; and pic-eedili^ 1 he heals-., iiiniei- I lie c!.;-.r^e ol I'l-o. r.eni.eir, P.P.M., of Si.....o,:. The. funeral M-rviei-a , r- ooiiduel. <d hy' H-v. Ill .1. \\'o.idswoi-|h, a.--i:-.d li\- tlie h'rvj.'ili. 1',:mIi, 1 I 'Ha-ei-.svdle/'ai.d I he 1\ -e. Mr.. Me t J wire, i'u ,-liylel i.ill .M ini.-.ler. ol JalV:.-. -A .seiiimli was pre.ioiied 111 ihi- Mel laidist t'hllie'i, imrt.vdl j %ti-ly af:.r the iiiieine ut. . K.nvly :\.iex. f :.;.s there ever ie-eu si 1111: ']: lie s\iiii- uhy 111 .-.uit'-st. ii on :i.e 'iWlo to' ii.liu-ioal- liee^at-H liavim; wild then' a hoy Hiippoi4-d_to he (!li r|.,y. ltosa, iho stolon hoy of Aliierioa, Tl is. opillain.waH ha.'ed upon hia ao'iioiia and ihopiotille iiud de.serip'.ioiia of ^he hoy seen in. A ineriea. When a't'liliou was Jirsi. l!i .ioted to him ihei-e wore s-veral children linton- inj; t<> the inrtsic, who fontilUU'll Npeakiin; to each othi 1 in the, 1-hi^ iish laii^iiaL,-; In-ariin,' whioli- ho left. Hie performers ami joined them and rei-n-i-il to noo^iiizo tjii* 1 m i'i - :;o..i^e. Tin's ivii'i nolieed by iiiiu.iif tin: het-per.-i, who,' jn .apparent aluriu,.. hurried to liim -iinl rudely je'rhed-hini out of this I'ollip.uiV. and t!it!| perly left. ] Thia .-foiled the sii;ipieioii ol 11 l.uly fi-oni ('in. einnali, uho sa ,v the a'li'air, mid llin eiici:iii.-.timoe.-i jmd the rev.-mlil.iiu-o W(-:e lalked iivoe ani-aij; .\ 1 nr'i ii::t 11.1. In a few .lays altei-ward the party ,.i.ol|,,J ,;n was : 1 en in :) aether part of tin*1 eo'v, iMai ,1 i.t ij at- a distance of 1: I or ij.oiv spcki- in 1-hi^.lis! ill, the ollico nhoilt, 110J1I1, I;lit iiftnr Ktnyi+ij; u iiioineiit or two Kiiid tlu.-y NJ-ould call n>;ain. Aholit nil .hour uTlor llio Fiiiuro twi,)- ;ju*u_ ciilieil atrain, - mill walking into Mr. I^riizei'n privnto ollico, on;;iif;eil him ii'i conyrr.-iitioii for aoiiie tiuio ithoitl, city lots they heard ho had to Hell., I filling (hia time thefo wero two clerk:; at work in tho outer' oili-ji;, lint tliu in'e.-sen^er was away on liilnk laisinesH. A third atj-niieer hid come in wiih the; two iilioa ly ri ferred to, and he remained in tho ^Miieral ollico. It iluf.-i notiiieni pn.!-:ilil(! for 11 j in to have perpetrate cdltliii rohhery, however, and it i.M thought, thoreforr, that a fourth 1111 ui have come iii and made, hi:; way uiiohsetved hack llirou.i;!) the I uicn tu I ho hs 11|[ ", wliore Koine pack- ','i|.-, of J (i.ininiioi! nnti-H wore iicjch- 1'- deS:h r a :i;'..-n, r !( :li,-, d.n-vi, '.i':> in':!'.. rial or u.ore spcKe 111 J-.ut; in,^' " < 'hai ! .-, <v,i i,.- to me." H,. .s'-.-im-d /o iMi-h>:-..; in,'., and sMi-ti ,J, tow.ard h, i'\, \.-as again s,-i;:--d I rod. ly, and wit], a .-.^'ry words hur- ' 1' ! "!" .s.yiil". (" All li-,rthr-r I cil-M-ts-Were ilef.: ileil 'ov ;l;l i|. Ihe <. i, i.s'V. !v kn-iv. n. .,-. .1:. .oa ,:,:,. : kinvi.-h' ii.' e ! dc. ^ o: -al jiin-.i-.n-i ami all [ ale .father.-' u:uvi_-i.+dh re 1 1 1 o " ' ! iiiid ;v' ii hel ui..' an e.'i--.---y j- to tho petiti.;,a fvom t! . L,f (in tho woVli. : T:,.' i.,ui:fier ,-f hi.-,! ,,,V-> d.-ep.I.-uum.Mon Ol'.los t!:ifa V :o.i-'e.-i>ra-,U!-!-.' tor ai.ulilienai , , . ' ,..,. ' , ,' _ '.,, , ,1 taking ill, \vj;:.,i!ir, a j.-;--n.-;ni .-: mail. jiooois'i'.iK'.i.-itloi:. Tho re;-l I A reply, has h.-.'a roooiyt-d 'from'. tl.O'.i! in 'reference ioiin, .. I aiJectil ipecto. in tho 1 - ile iwli at loo 1; in.,' man, ! > i'-i'ly vr-.ii s-.v.n' h \' ;,! : in Tie- I.OV td.l i.viiii; tt 0 (; i lie- i-i V I ,1 a' p ' ill, I ae 1 I. '/' ihieot will re .-ive UU'.I cons '.U.T.atic qiucy The Canadian press" has l"i>t an iiblu ur.d uoooii-.plikla'il writer by tftjjj ^ eace. This literally, nieLis'; the Jo-.uh of Mr. Christoe j::enioii. tioii, m-*ji iij'o and. UiatihocP tliirjy four yeaTa oi -. a uioit mt-ense fec-lji tbo sui-roiuHiiii!: ci very pi iiiit; < r -I.e. was uiiiv J'- -l'rnui'0 ; thioii intrv. I'l.e rs&'i'yner tba:uc ' ff--ULerin? Qi <.raDgeu;en, |-uditor of the llainiltoii Ti'ikc-- -"dr. | fi-?d,. * s SHjiposo, "ftlditi-a ' or': Tvm-r was never u very streaii; man I enzS'S& will l,e arknvt-d Cn that"'1 I'hyslcai'iy, and for the past few 4av. It e&.n c-asrily <,o keen that the 'k-'r th'-'n ! ^llyor is ^xiu- all in. W., * I ieep ttc^Ii-ffiea- fron| t.xercis^ ( 'rbmewhat j::!^:pec:ed. Ml. ivner I ^ ^ utog thsrigit and JiWtv to Av..,j.: ' ^^ <or ioiil, hait-nez.-n neen | hu ,_. [y ^.^ iu-t!ll, j,,.,,,..,, ,.in orocess^. Co to A^i_______ ' ' Huvvn llS vU'" g1 lhe ^T" "rT ! "^"^ ' '^ ",auilV!,li"- ^^. e-i c.^ j-........~---t ;U1'- ,V1'1 tie' .-.viui'Umi. ot the wo.-t I'letouno thing, else, to,W:ucU they Jt..e j, ^ ^ _;, ^ ( ,.....' s ^.^ t)f ,!.,ir Ki,at 1 ei. avoii.c.t, ial theiuddeii al'i-l tragic ! id the el.e ahove all other.-,----the h.'ad ofHhe fami'iv, to whom [hey iuei >i."(ri:i." at tlic.h'j'jse.'pti.ii' to his ! 1:1^; CuIiVi-'. -.'d ',0' thiototii'n wai 01 so .sad and' c.ssini; il natuie, that he who co',11 si i'm-.-.s. :: the in ,st i.nteiiM: feeiinjs if .-or row and syu. paUlV, ILlln! iU I lel.'.T 1).-'.i's.-..-,1 ;i Li.ii; of .st-.-nc. Tie:,' washes wife, thi;.lo\ii.i; partner- of his L-^-JL'iii, his lour ii.;fa:..t .children, ther who -ive hiin ; OI "' S-.m,. a,' iin l'ir:y.:i.v i--l',-j- di-f.ii liied' hairdo ii-:, and y a vill.'itio'i.s- ihout thinv-tivi- o I, of very da'rk, 1.1' r Hi'I e\es ill mile. -a!l aC'-at-..leo!t and 111',y.,c e ilh-l : ' tho rf- ippl'l-s..- The hoy is jnd^'.s 5- 4o l.n |-iiiht or nine y. 1 s oil ; ryes l,U.',;^i imd. hriijiit I'iue ; f-.-aC r i-s, oji -n, reliind and d'-li'.-a:a ;- fa r, char j;!c::i ; re/j.iho-, fair Ti'l h. hair li^'i", ;ip- proaehilie; ie.|; taint lYeekieh d.out i the nose; of deli'-a'.e or !i:;h t htiiid ; oeiu:> lri:;:it cheerful. Jli-, pp-aiauee and manners will eou- u:e tie! heholier he is not oiljeo Io 111 r* Her picking u\) nil in- I he must have made his escape I iv the side enli'.ince into tho Isiiio that l'lin-i from Toronto street, nloii^' the soulh. Bii!e of tlm hiiildin.^. After :i .short <ioiiver.-,a- Irii'm with Mr. I'Viiz.-r, tho two men h-fr., uml nothii- oi the oociirreiioc: until the loss of lhe money was diseovi red, when ' I iho tiuio came for luiliiiioiii.^ the T|eas!i. Th-.-y then noui ly two j h.our.s of n .si.irt, with an ripp'ir- *'tunity of leavin,,' tho. city if tlicy' w-tro so ineline.i. T-he exact am'i-iunt of money taken i!; s?! 2,<ifl'). Of this sum i: 10,00.0 w.-im in new IWoaloUar Dominion notea, Teron to iMiie, and hearini; any nuinher hetween r".i.">.'i()l and, ."ii'jiJ.HOO. Any ono-dol!;:!': not" issued from tin: Toronto oiiiea, thi-.i-,Jore, ami h'-.'ii'in,'; any nundiei- h.-i wei-n these two, must have hi-en ai lon^'st iIiohi,' slolrii, and.i.H improju-rly in ciicnlation. ~ - Coin in bin Oollego got excit.jtt over tho victory oi its cn)\v nfc Hi:iilfry, unil not t'lio bulla riijigiug, built 11 liop/iro, mid illuuii'nated it.'ielf tteiieriilly. The victoiis urg to Imvi) t\ (rruiid rculiptiou ou tlioir lotlll'JI. '*' ' i - Jk : . Mr, 1). I, K, Ilinuluis left on n visit ncroHH the holder. Pacini/ tho twelvi: inontliH ho Ii-uh -luijori'tl in L'iiniiilii lio chiiiiiM (o tavo induc ed .'Jit,0(J0 pci'iio.iiH. to Bi'gn tho pled^iy mid Io Imvo directed 'bout . JnO.OUO from tho cod'ora of the liipior dciilorr. Ilo reliini(j to ('niiiidii iii Hi'ptttnib'.'J-. The fanning mill hiiHiiiofis o!f'.M McTage lit t Co,, County of Huron, in in n lloiiiinhiii" condi- lion. ' Tlmy ti.sii'illy mnko | 000 mil hi every yeuij, nml they would this year make liiore. if they could jjet t-lioiiiOut, Tho other woejc 14 wcro tliippiil to the Algomu dis trict. A match between tho Albert" llillo Asiocintion of Gait and the Perth Kille A.'.snciatioii was uliot ut SiCtitford on 'Saturday, eight nmn "on In side, ranges-200, 300, 500, and COG . \ inds,- five shots u't .'Hiih riiiigo, rt'Hiiltin^l in a victory for tho Albi'i-t Association bv 21 points. Stratford, -142, Guit-iGG. A disgraceful,sceno occurred iu rc- sor- tliou^ht ' tbe Baptist Oiiunfji at Ottawa cently, at 11 Wedding. Af) tllO vici.;\-loscd Koiuo youiiL' ruep drown-. tie ! words with the clan w-la-lls, wliich they".had smuggled the- mot |baii, and in no v,-ay itIciil Io.' !'.-""p" ls .^'"'S. I two' years. m'e: ot" the Doininion, and will be' ^ n,!S:ed Uet abuo.oti'aOL'oir.U "t his as .the i.mi-naliitic tah-ut ai'd ability, but. --r 1 jear^s inr his genial dia;io=i"icn and per- leeit acei'is'.ouie.l to-look with. c:>n- ' c-j allif :dtlo'ie:i for pioteeti-ai. A great business is ^rowiri-'. -nj. , Ul: .M-.pp-,.!: ihroii-h in Chicago of du.siccatiifg cg'.-s.'1 .-r j LVi:idi;g years. 'The -cue was in or the City, ; n.aI j.et_ Jlitherto the drvi-jg ofidee.l too v .-as they are -the ^i.l- . o^irl.o ;,re ",.,..,s L:iS !,,, a' tro'ihk as .' ninc'b feuptled ti do Catholics. Wiiut. the AJ.-iv "isr -"-peaceabla arid .vti" -""citizens," it is -.ii?.i -' ^aDiess he means, ije - i!:u^ cii adieu to aid iu 'the practice of in.'L'g.'.ry, ami all manner ..f o.itch pviu y exrhihitions. A bright, h:i!ntS"Hje child is a small flume in the i hands, of .-tioiiiug vaL.'--) -.'i'i-,'.: TJio'N'ov,' York tf.v/iV; report; 'of the " valuable dog" dhow :' Yap yapvap vap -yap Y;i.p Oaghdi', Jugh ft"! ," Jvi yi ki yi ! Vap pap. Ooi;j: ger ho-if i'l'oilghweroiiyuu-gli Yap yap yap Jvi yi. ' ,' 1 apIvinyibonfFoeungy.-ip, England1 cannot h^-gjii to rais i egga i-iiunglj to Supply her horn j deiAand, and so, ii|iip n-t.s iiimiens i ipianiitie.'i uv^-ry year' from otlii- |cou|itrie). Some ji|e;t of tin; I'll:; j'co:ij>um;ition of eggs may begaiilc ; fioin the fact, .that the small toWi of Itorsen, DentharkT'aloi'.e shijipe.,-, j last year, about. 2,000,000, i'm;'s t- - .Senator. O-irll'ds mentioned ,for"' l.C:iJi.iiid -and the iudnsti-v 'has bee. .1 v- .. 3, C'nj;->if:; Xe-.vfoiindland :1s inlved. Co iiit'D building, aliiio.Tt. cati.iing a piiiiic nawiU' the Indies mid children .pre- an iin(iuia.fcil part of of sent. I I I o, 10 isl ituro ilia- ['Jll.el.llhl for t, in this ' '"'...........'_ e.e was iie.eii .iiii-j by' the know- 'Dr. J'oii'-s ('. 'IVvet;, of ]ii!l and de;e of the pr jciioe ill that country ! .->:ii.-ap.iri!!a fame,, jn dead. th h;i 1., New Ui,-ic.'; (.! Hamilton patucl st 1 i been increased to d ' * posed ; tonal good qualities. iginc-,!. try scum of -^e Catholic pop!:,V.n Ai of tL, o res/ who are "l.e!s h I2ivlnvay iuuery. Ito-r iii.- r>fivi.-t "ln!!.iTay. (' IU-a!a, :y it-r-ii:,.,.-<l. Johl A\": Htkely to .isterfere "Hr&a bare obltin -Oil tbCQ>aitr o' tlie. Mayor's-pro- claaisi'ti'Jil, ^.d: t'U;J bsrSt . Fr-ucU CaKadi'.nzai Englasli ian'a-r, P.iy -that the sw-et . .[v, U,M by .^ :^^ grates f f aiireiy meg.-.), and that the re3iut in tie M" .-or j, 11:1:1: ha v.. 'in: . . The Orange; CuS'-iy proce.-s', b:;t Lev -d." icgal opttiioti ; lias boy;; ooi.trivod by v.'iiic.i.'iWeid;'/ ,.,(ii> ,,,tl;|:,::.! cmid ev-.n in iiua_'in:tti',! nit-rv I . ,..-,. " I :iut:e.r ( ! all- tills n e .-CIT;'1 11 le::-.-ivi 'U. r.-.T... about :i thc-csand t'zzz can be dealt, vv'ith in a day and j-ie.-t-rTed tor a'ny'leng:!, of time-. Tho e _ ctibed as being a "' v I-- -oils pia,;:ne -..,-r i :33xgf iiii the jiower jiyor's bojijs are co:i;r:iTy' to "the ,ict cf Parliament.-. Any tiitea "lis d-rn tnJ can act indr-pen- '-'jf the ilayor and Call oaf the .tary to preae.-ve [ieac"e, mid the dr'.ed. is de.s- ' :ii geUlc])- C'-'lolfred gii.:nuiatio:i,r -(r.'hich cm be made as good as ': n-tv at ar.y tiuie bv simply-addi'ng to it water or iniiE.i hint for tiic-.-e who expoit thc-usr.fiti.s of li< Z-'HH if e""S frowi Canada t<> Xew York open to tis, w: - .yeprity-Adjutaiit ^Gstieral- has re- and with far In'p to Jjri'.a.iii yti.'.rlv wnich woaid maJio the at prices moutiis o! no duties to' be than ceived such a requisition, signed ;-American prices *;o"- be realized. by six Justices of the. p,&Cf.; , The French dispose of 200,0..i.J,iJ()0 Col. Fletcher has completed- the : e'- fo'.\a-xir.s arrangc-menc whir the- 1 ".' ! of c-tir poultrvmen to water. Ottawa-military authorities (ov iue ! , ' *, ", , , . 1 j.! A;: attempt should bo tnade to gam xreserration of the peace.-! The- t-n>'! . , . rt , 1 ,,. 1 .* . * : a share- m tin.-. -Jn oataijlu truae. tire corps, both French and En !ishr' j trill be "called.out and placed in re- I " Vv' iu'e not 1Lkel-v to ttc'nl>1 til0 serre, so that th jy may ,bo nvaiLablo at any mqment.- They.Avil! niutbei- j 1,500 men. The 11th, of tlie Co. j , , . . * ' - I that bv tho agency of coi sink- mil-' tvh- the fatal bh hlVf old.'Woe r.'el: en he va:.e 'f ida '--.rm :.;: tlpif al'iii"; b'.-en j'aralyi'.-.-d . and fall-tl p iWi-rle.-s by ids side. lie , is now iu Ike hands ot the. law t;.. ! be alt v.'ilil :.s, justice" Tll.ay tie j miriei,"" and wo; cannot but fey I a : touch i-f ;<icy.f6r h'iui as W' il as i'-.r, hi.s victim, for h'- inu.-t thro'i.'h.J life, however sl'p.-rt or. pi'don^e^, j ii.-iir'i.n hi.s i> a living horror, ! tVo:ii the i-V'-r pies: nt c.e-n-ei-iu.-n s- j of Iniviiig taken f.hif life of one who ,' I nri'ier any cnciunstancei w-jiihi- ber-u too u:-e_;Tianiiii.jus to;ia\>;- ;:.gli- :efre iii:, v.-iii-'-riiLi! dl-ri.h-j'.le-.. g.iiitv.! it on have at'i-mpted his T. Id still! II! Ill of - lit,--, ho M..-h-t:-.J. hoi, on a charge '. 1 w'nlAi iio pl.-.i'i- ipp'.-tls tiiat J..,!)U has 1 ." n havitrg .'i'lite an ex-dting fl'lili- iu lhe ei'y i tltn i|)^ tin: past ;'-,v d iv.". Iio .ir-jy.j down from r< 1 igetown, hear . v-.-irjidi .place h, iivti; as a lariilei'-, for | the j urpose )i tr.-diii:,' oil' .'.on:,' |h-Jm s that-were in-the l'.ab;t of I;:uk;iii over th John, in a ti-ls . me ii!t: l!.i bo! eve as i/i i:.i- habit p-i".::, ! .,..) eis in his 11. ig'hborhi bri-;g:ii.g .theiii to tho manner, that he but was le tl tiijjrn oi; to I!n: ] locos.- Jul that eggs are now sol hat district ut Is. a gli bi-l'.'i.ii iinporlation !.< wefc.iul.l at 2.:. pi:r tora W.STEWART&CO J ; - solicit special attention lo New, Cheap, I Attractive and , " Fashioaa'ble Lines. SO J)t II Our specialties nrr SI^K JACKETS, - CHEAP SLAC2 LtrSTHES, '- . ;0H2jAP ooiibssD z.tri'SBsr^ .cheap 3T72T|SSAi3B3, r -CSSAP Sills ffmirclli-s Tary Choap. i 1 "~ binen Cffsturnos, we are ofiering de. ciried bargaina. Uashmere Jackets, erery price. Corsels Every size of our popular Adjustable Corset. dents' Furnishing^,, very, attractive, lillinory, IdihiOnablo and cheap.. bmens. Cotton",, llosieryi Sheetings, Prints, Quilts, Jtc. dhvok f'nsiimeres U fully a-sorted. ... __.'_ lasp^'ellon I'arUi-ii!a"i-Jy A.ikeil For. i -.' ' vV". Stewart &.0&V GiELPH. i Juno -1,1178. . : Photagrapns, raphs. PHOTOGRAPHER, Wi-ihes to announce to' faiVenstoni' nrs that he has added greatly to hi former facilities.for taking'Retries " and is now prepared to CoakefhotoL graphs second to hofie in ihe dpimtr and at prices to suii all..!- fi In Picture Frames I keep a^Ww and well selected stock. Also great rarioiy. of Houldigg* 0f the latest design, - which! will- be"^~D3ade to order*on short notice.". Give me1 a calI. . _ ; 32-Om - . -i CHAS. 'wl klWt B^AKMEltS, STOP AND SEE JL BcfurcVou Further to. Tho Agricultural Implement maaU' factured by the Manufacturing Co'y, " KEUCAcJl'LB, - .' ' i . , for sale by EL I SNYDER>.ACTON, ' viz : '.- . ^ Wood's Iron Mojver, 1 . Akron ByifL-eve Mower, I . Conqueror Combined, - - - Sharp a Selt-Dumping Bater Newcastle Harvester, - Horse Power'fPi'rt'sJ; " ' (' rain Crushersfgearedj .' ftraw Cutter*, etc. - Th^ above catrrrot beijSTirpasseiiby. any htber Machines made jn the Dominion. I'loase cnli and, examine before {purchasing elsewhere. ! April 25, IS78 3m ACTOW.. r I,! ' ) A 8!. Thoiu-is linn is m inula tuiing reapers at tile re le of 1 icvcll per day. A i! i.-ckvill,". dealer shipped 2, 1! of vaiiotis kinds in .one' foi-.r.i-Jit. J he Ohio f.irmej-.= it re seer :""ng f-'ir 111ut11.1l . protection j .,.>,', Y\ro An Pemi.ina Draiicli. Peti-r Ctoii'se was ill-owned [ 111 ' at Ivei-gus wj^il on S-iturdav. ii::s i'ri etor, daughter of Kiel A. T'loc'of, the as.trjuomei :ed her fi'.her in tilting ubse- v.itijiiii: on the ot Mercur; \\ hjio inakiug her' observation.- ii. cii ered.a sle.idy bright s.ji m t'l'.- centre of the planet. Si it)es it as- hi ineie point, an. i.-'-n' like a hole pie reed jo llli.'ldli! of 11 piece of it.lii.i . '< ' 1 1 - -Nl . cud. the di.-ieovt ry' ot- t :ii-'lit hjight spot, h; h led to -cn.ssipn of the theory of Jol -.s'.Syimuie.s, that our earth Ii -,...-11 The Iliickctt"Moriiinv'nt v< y meauerent ,' explained 1, a hillilt-r, leanstantlv-receiving augmentation 1 buying up fnmi Oj.j,,,^,. Ly] an tio lnrm- 1 1 ri'^l-jift. ri E:irI fo'lowintr- h-ci.sion -h?:s bo red by Chief Justice Harris- Court of Q.icon's U.-nc will prare of con.sideral CountoKi iilt'-t'l'st toi munieipali'.ies gojerall} [rf-Piiingli.' -vs Town of. Niipanee Tjim phiinjiff-ha<i ongagiU the Towi ., Hall'in N^apanoe for tliu purposli D 1 fieriir, j"o( hak'ing a lecture delivjiVed thep lit Hy. I'iU THIXK , III!! TA3LE T-JiiiiiK" Acton as follows: '> ' ': aOINQ-Wli'sT. 'i.jfht-Kxpress - h - '.iftinti*' :niil - i - *. '.%V \-lVc-3s - - - I alt mixed - -- GOING Jl.VST, ,'i^lit Kxpress - ilt mixed - - >ar Kxpress i'0-jt'jrii inail - , 'iidon mixed- - 1 . WORKS. Main Street, Acton. I:e3a.m. 9/lO.i.m-.' J.Sop.ln. J). 17 p. m. 7:07 p.m. 3:3.JA.Bi. 9:42 H:30'a.m. .'): 17 p. niL 9:30 p. mf N'EW ADYERTISEMENTS. ^IX PIiS IX P01XI>. -?-. ." If not immediately called for and ex- lenses pail lh.w will be sold.' ! - 3t It. ADAMS, Ponndkeeper. ' dredging of the "Niagara river, as |'iin : English contemnorary kindly h-.,P; inliro.-'Si.-d t raile the s!ri'et"eo'a.r rail way J duhnjs-.iil he had :i,'id. d ( 11'a largo 11 inn!ii-r of kicking horses in this way, I ami didn't think lit; was taking any ad vantage. He .-aid that when the lior.-a: was once hitched'to a 0 ir nil; tlie. driver-'hud to .do hen the' aiiinuil attempted to rimiiw'.-iy kvas to put on brakes, and it was-coi'u- nll-tely ^e-! rained. . .John left tlce-.-geto Vn four dav.'i ago with 11 ! suggested, but there is giea*. .i-.o., ( of Argenteuil, SO'.h and of air a valuable .service wiil be on- ' . ,tr'-' :'- .. -"j !- : ?-:':..liit- .-Huntingdon, 53rd of Sherbrooke, \^eiri.Ai oa ,j,j,u cjty 0f Duhalo at u and 54th of Kiclimond nominal expense It, is * - -. - -' 1 about 800 men u'-oposed to construct on'.the bank, in Montreal to dav, and the'city above the spot known- to tourists V- :. a bove the spot corp3 will-muster early to morow ' as tho " lindal A til," rraieivingi "morning. c-.Tue local voluriteer.s j reservoirs ; when the water in then- will be kept iu reserve.; The |.re: ervoiis is high fr.o.igh, it will t~. 1 .1 1 ' . ' Otic.pi! by means of pipes to great Orangemen regard t.-ns as the ni-'nt.:^ * J -. ' L " . . ~ ' i&r cylinder.-: b.-hiw the, hank, ijeoh- serioii.-i crisis they hive, ever b-c-li . ..,.,-. , ,. .. , ot .siiii-it.uif.i-o e-jihu- iroi, ; the tail ealLvl uVou to undergo, and taey '.^^^ .,u {,;I;U Th(; ilnm(, M, are taking every precaution, to see .jpr(J8Bltre ,j that whilst carrying out the rights ni4UlraJiy soon the"Automatic of free British ciyzenship, they doj -valyea, and there being 110 oscap" nothing contrary to lav/, in any rer 1 foi' tho ivatcr, the comiircssed'air bpect. After obtaining legal opiii-' will iiave au'expiinsivo power equal ion* as to the 'avulidity of the.; to thai, which the stream has over . , il . 1 back iift'on in after lite, with (he 3Liyor's action, they have issued 'a \. Tae dc'irel pressure obtained, o^.,.^ S;ltiKni(,.i,;U ,batalways ui'iniffsto Latiinating their yiten- 1 - t!--e-vK>l^' their uitei: rriday,! an doa of walking on Friday,f and have also sent invitations to vari ous Orange bodie.f ' Ontario, re- j questing them to ' . e part in the demonstration. Tiio order of pro cession has been p*epared,"and has been - distribu^/etl. The procc'ssion will form at-the Orange Hall, St. James street, and march to Stanley the reset;* oir*-will, be exhausted, and when again filling tho water in tie-; cylinders is escaping, conse quently the cylinders are ready for another ;charge. It IS estimated that 350,000'gullonu of ivuU'f, will tye raised 150 feet every minute. The practical utility of such a work haS been for many years demon strated in/Fraiice, where the -water has, wiidi the sanm motor, been- s. street church ffiSt.- James street 'conveyed a distance of --50 liiile: Victoria Square, Radegonde street, The' loss; by frictibu1 : is merely Beaver Hall, Dorchester street i nominal, and the cost'of pumping follow deeds of charity and ads of gen nine bene volence. Grand Hirer S'.cthein. : .' ' , lout !;n(> tij boo t. I'llated with his Suc:e.-s, the' Vol iig man partook !of a lil.-th- ro. Ires Iimeiit in the. sliiqie of Scolch u-h skey, which was"-tod much for farther to the jiainfill oiioiim.'tan ce.". jf C.'.lvei t's death, hi.s wile li.itI been 'saijering {^v years froiJi ' a painfe.i uiiilady, winch render, d in-r. at tiuics :i lielp!e.-S ii.ya'i'l, Ir.- qiicn'tly iiioapalifo i-f ilit-cluirging 1.-.T Oldillliiy iljlnt-stic ilulli-s, ami of extending to her children, that ma'ernal ca'ne Nvhieh their i-xt'eiio- youth so constantly requiroi The hun.ily too is left in straitened cir ciiuiKUilic.'.swhich the deceased head ..pio, ,,f k:'(.-king horses, ami succ-ed- of the family could alone have pre- (.,1 iu trailing them for ama hei; vented 'by hi.? industry .Hid frugal pair, having received a I, foicsighj: Iu view of all this, th'o meiiibi rs of King .Solomon's Lodge of A. I". ik A. jl., of Jai vis. of which . the 'l"Cc:iSed had rj'Ceiitly becoiiio a member, commenced with a Mib- .--eriptioii -far ' tho relief of the distress.ed family, and - aided liberally by otleu-. friends, in a vr.vy short, timr^-aft.-r th" fini'-ral, raii'-d a sum of oyer three hundred doll.u s. It wias inloiiitod to rais", if pos-ili!--. a stilldarger sum, and it is hoped that by this time, a iaoll an! dollars li.i.i O.-eii .,.,!,, e, i Jed. ' 'i'.,.- i.-.lliliof, Coli: p"il-ai ,:'- lor tlie gleal loss borne' by. the family, bur i; will ,servi; to aMIevlato their fiiliin- sufrerin^'s, and keep'(he wolf from i-jdio dniir. -Titose , who ciTrili-'ibiui- to.;the fimtl'for the helpless widow mill orphan children will have one green spot one noble deed to loalc city v.joiild ! '"f'ltr visiting- Uiinoiiski and Bic, ,bi' Lrnilei ivootl, ' the frtfe Ihougll :rnp:ie':irs; of ."-'v gone to Tadoiittao. I lecturei'. At tho tiiui) pf.makjnj ir,. r, , , i.a. ii , . i tlie eiigagt'iiieiit the defn'-idants'diL i'lr. dailies JiicKson.s barns at J '. ,1 .1 i ^ A 1,,;,... 1,;.. !,,, "0t Know the reaB ljuriioso of t bImer.slon huj-nt on r.iturda> ; 1 1 loss-.-?500, insured for .4.100. 1 . The lab.irt-rs on the L uidoq, Or.t., 'waterwoiks, ha\-e sdrm-lr for wag s, and ii.-.ed considoriibll: him. Wiiile in 11 mauWliu condi tion ho ui,-' in with I woljuien "who "111 with A pot containing oyer $10,000, in gold, was unearthed by a fitrmei named Sawyer, of Scott county, 111;, while plowing 010 his farm a few (hiss ago. Tin|. .jgohl pieces worj eagles :aiid half eftglen, black, with iige, arid of the .coinage of 1805 No one seems to know by whom i: was buried,_but rumor has it tliu' sonic Government official, in earl) clnys, hid' tho tresisure, and eilhei died or was never able' ;to find h again. . : agreeddo drive in -h-is wn hiji). When tho party arrived nearly opp -site tiro Asylum, Wat-' sin s.iys, lhe other' two attacked him, ami after illt rout ing him rilled his pockets of abmi'i .'55 and llioli hit. .I-olip was afterwards nrre.^t- -I on. Cl,ids!<ii:e-a,veniie", in n beast- ! a'e of intoxb- il ion. . Ho was i-.d'o" I i Western PoHoe Statiai, his hor.s.-s Iteing talcn '- iiargo of by the n-iithorities. John started off home ijiis morning, con- iideiiibly .lighter .,rn pocket. In laying an information this morning,! ho gavo such 1111 incoherent account of the circimistancFs, that the autlmrities could (ind no part-of .his story on which'to act. Toronto Telegram of Friday. I - :---------------*ia- Last Tht'irsday afternoon \Vi Ahlxande-, 'inspector on thoun Win. pector on the.uow Wei hi ml CannI,.Hhot hi.s wife. 13y all that can- be Teamed at present they wore having u'littlo qiiaVrcl when Alexander raised a rt-vulyor to her head and fired. _ She ;witb*- wonderfiil, coolness- lifted her.-two arms and received the bullet in the 't-coiiiis it (iwssing clear .through me. Mrs.- Alexander is rfots. very -iV.idly hurt, but the C')iiseqiieii0,.s might hive been fatal. It is re- ji'j'rled that Alexander w:is [>m-fect- ly sober ami in his right mind. Telegraphic commutiicatioit bo tweeii Wihirpog and TiiundoivTiiiv is expected to be completed \yitTnii :.ix weeks. At- A1 tear, lvigbmd, Thursday, tho Canadian Wimbledon team de feated the fifth Lancashire volun leers by '.)?, points, The Capo Vincent . regatta, Thursday, was won \>y Ilanlan' by three lengths, Plaisted second, lCeiiiiotly third, and McKeii fourth. An unknown tramp toll 11 by stander tho other day that' ho was going to hell, and that the' nearest way was hy water. jTho tramp then jumped ihto tho Canal and was drowned. M,r. John Itobson, payiUaster of the Pacific Railway at, Victoria, B. C, was besieged in his hoiiso by a lunatic who kept up a rain of builds on his door for nearly an hour on Friday last. ' "Mr. Christopher Tyncr, editor of tho Hamilton.7Time*, expired] sud his residence, Eist Flam- Ijoi-o', about'eight o'clock Monday taight. Iin had been in ill health for some time previous. Tho workingmen in tho shops of the-Thompson'& Williams Manu facturing Company, Stratford,'nro as busy as liens. They art trying to-^et out. 709 niachinos in time for tho harvest 200 more than they built last year. .. Ihc Dauntless, holder ofrtho Bay of Qainto Yacht Cluh'a challenge flag, which she.won in the regatta last 1111 tuni.ii, has been challenged oji behalf qf the Madcap. Tinder the rules, the raco must bo for. not less that; $50 a side and bo snilod within thirty days. plaintiff, l.y 11 learning^ t'hac it w.j (Jr Mr. UiuilerwiAwl tlie defendaiil.- ijifiisj:d tojallow lhe hall; to bo usee ij'liini, 11'id the plaintiff.engiigeo miiothei.- the-town, for which ho hild to pay a very large amount. lie tpen Hitnl tho defendants fq'i hijeaqh of contract and to recovei tlie ibtiorehco between the pi-ice, ht- was t had eiiga Conn o pay them and the price'h nil t tlio to; pay 'for' dio second hall \T111 in th|e t, but was Assizes before Justice Moss. Thj) t;etl. jThe action t.y C-iiiit, but was fried ct th sions on ,ho con- can mak.e warkifor jus thoi at, anynnnu e!s>. I'aiiit-'l not rorjuired; u'-e u 11 r start you. SI2 per ilayat home made by UitLiU'lus- rious. Meil, women, bo,s air? 51 Is vameil everywhert: 10 wo-k forus Nov 3 the tlma. Cestiv outfit, and term? free. Vdilress Ckuh & Co., A ugusta Malue. JOB PltlXTIXG of a!l!vimls neatly 1 1 I a romatly exenitcil'nt th . FKKE PRESS OFFICE.' Vcxl tbc.Post OOIce Hlll'Slrrrt. ;WM. LEITH Would respectfully call'the at- - tent ion of the public to his inii!ieii3e stock of ST0VSS,&c, tvhich he is now selling '-'- ' - c Very rHeap Having ha'I an experience of msny years, all orders fdr 'and Sayetrou^iiin^ Wjill he filled ->n the shortest notice, and in the best style. ' t Be sure and go to Leith.-if yoo. Wfllit good or a good job of KavetrpUghinjg done. . j-. 1 ':"' Produce Taken in Exchange. ' ' _. . WJI.'LBiTH, Pro'pHetdr. Actoa, Marsh '20,1877. IS^B. Weekly Qldbe. pM>W FACTORY OPEXE'O. The subscriber, having purchased the j \cton Plow Works-, is prepared to-fur-' 1 iish Single and Double Frame Iron i'lows,'-aa well as the Boss Gang Plow, .vhichhaa gained the reputation of bein" :e best Gang Plow made, at the usual P.i?' ..,. * I llcation of THE >TKEI.L\ M>BElnthe -ates. All repairo nemo on the shortest year now-fast drawing-to a close, has fur notice and at the cheapest prices. f oiitsirippei iliat of any'otlieryearslnco :t7-tf " SYDNEY .SMITH ' tho csiablishment-of IU",, paper. >'ot- ' i the scrioits DUfinets de- tiressionaml-fiAunclal stringency exlttli. g nil over tt:e American- comlnmt, tho ilrcnlaUon bas been maintained throughout OiVyrar at an average issue each week or;l7J.-flO copies being a decid ed advance on Hue uverage 01 any pre- vioijs-.'year. K-ultiaslastl- expres>ions of appr'avul como to the publishers, from every of the new form of the raper, of lis mi clianical execution, of lis Crautlful ami Copious Illnsiratloiis. of tiiii varied mid interesting mass of. 1 rcaUine iuatU:.-culled weekly for Iheln- 'orminlo.i am! Instruction and entertalD- .iieiu. of Its readers, and. of thn small price at which It Is supplied an anally to tho public. - The. BioKrnpblbnl Vol Ices of Public .lien ami the Shctcbc or Canadian miiii.m 'r _ I 'I'uwus, liuildings, and Natural Scenqry William icmp.c, IU, (83)got by "Sir -uuit have lent such a Charm to the William Temple,"[.229G], dam Diana, weekly contents of the paper will bo by Ked Prince [U021 g. dam Anuctta. ' eonttnued with fWsli energy nrider tb by the Guelph Barou [S69], 19 g.. B. ' wVTter^ a^'e,-ar^Sl8 -***- experience* dam. Ann, by Patriot [525], will servo! KrIcallnrtS as thelor>rnr*t Industry '-' ---.-.-- - rn bas's of receive, as C<HiRT IIOKX BULL. ' Royal |Beat?fonl," dam, imp. "Lady Bariies," bire, impT "Royal Oxford Gwynne," will servo cows ou the farm adjoiuing the GrT.R., Acton. Terms. Pedigree Cows, S7.0Q ; Grade Cowsj SI.50, cash ; 52^00, credit. 10-Cm 0. S. SMITH. N OTICE. Farmers, now is tho time to inprove your stock -The first prize' bull, " Sir cows oii the premised of tho undersicn- i of lU(J I'omluion, and iho flrpi ed- during the season. Terms to in- f"V?lir^i|ir?r'*3Feritn"^in7e sure4Thoroufih-bred w. <nl heroiororo^earnert anQ fcocstou Grade cows, 1.50.' JOEL LESLIE, ' Lot No. 5, con 1, Erin. 44-3m* defendants recovered a verdict, and a rule n/s/vviia taken out to enter a: ivej-dict ifor the plaintiff. Th ' deferahints! contended that tho con^ tract |wua for an illogal'purpose in' iishniuh as the lecture vvus for th pti.rposo of bringing Clft-istianity into disrepute, and to deeliuo that the Bible was not inspiiied, am that tho tendency of'the lectui4 was' jinmoral and profane. The' learned,-Chief Justice of this Court in giving judgment summed up the English land A-mericaii dec the subject, and camo. to elusion that Christianity- \vns paV| of the law of this country in 17021,: Ho held that tho tendency of a lectitro like the one in question wai against tho interests of Christianity! and as such illegal. The rule,'nisi w.aK accordiiiglv discharged.' 1 i - 1 ' ; i-i ;i . . El'FB' U )l.'J.\.. U HATEFUL' AKp GOMi rojtTlNo. "By a thorough kuowledgj of'the; natural laws which govern the operations of digj3tiim and nutrition, and hy a careful application of the find proper-ties of; well selected cocoa, Mrj Epps"lias provided our breakfast tables with a delicately' llavored 'beverage which may save us many heavy doctors bills. It is by tlie judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may ""VT"rtTtCF begradiially.biiilt up until atrongonough. J^ to resist oveiy tondoncy to disease. ' Any person wishing to have paint- Hundrcilsof sabtlcmaUdiesarelloortin^ ingor pipering done .should leave around us ready _to attack wherever; I their ortlers with,,Q. B Leven3, who there is a weak point We may escape. I ;U be L ieigUre'+v.erv day except mBi}? a fatal shaft by keeping ouraelve^ wddMtay and Saturday of each well tortihed with pure hlooilandaproJ :? - - J ,irlv t.r>,i,.;..i.oii f^, .,.vJ wesK.:>n.avi. -J HATS X AWJES' STRAW B_i X.SI BOWVETS Cleainid, dyed and altered"to the pre sent faslfipn. MRS. \VM. THOMPSON, 43-3m'| Bower Street, Acton. ufA constant atten- S4.00 Hon. -i - T ' Ecclesiastical '.Intellliren**, 8clen<W Notes, andl E<lo!cationttl AMMH will coiiitnne prominent In each number. The Answers to ' Correspondents, on every-va.loty ni suhjects, waloh have pi-oved so Hjaliiable anil interestlae to crowds of reeidets, will be feopt up with - Increased vigour. se a weak in your own tow 11 $5 outllt free:-: No risk, l-tead r. If you want a business at which persinsof altner sex can alaldo great pay ail the time thev w>i'k,:wiiit> lor partlcilars to H. Hat> LF.rri Co., Portland Maine. , * t k J. E. Afc^arVin, druggist, Acton.) .J./J3. McGaryiri, druggist, Acton J. B. M.cGarvin, dra!S3toA.x&'i J. B. McUurvin, druggist, Acton. J. E. McGarviq, druggist, Acton. ^o^eaS Str0t' ^ perly.. nouriiheil frame. "-OiviTSefviei' and Haircutting done Oaz'ttc. Sold onlyin packets labelod-i" the above mentioned days and - "James Eeps & Co., Horaceopathio eYerymght. .- . /->i.,.. : 1 -GEO, B.' LEVENS. Acton, April 10, 187S. TJie tlterary and Indies' Department, under tlie cur-of specsa; conductors, will be fn>sh aiid racy. ' StiVis rrom nil parts of the worldrup ot the latest moment of publication Parlia mentary Uftia'os, Federal and Provin- cl'-n^ murRet and FinanciaL flt/rorts fat home audn"road and Letters of3P'-cial -Oiu-resiiondeDts from all pelnls of Inter, est will be eathered with all th* care and enierg.v tnat has tent THE GLOBE in tlie front rank or Canadian journals for thirrj-:flvn yearsrast... '. -; . The annual subscription "to The- Week- i,y ulobe win remain as heretofore, only, TWO IXH.LAUS PEA ANNUM, sent Free of Postage to all parts of Canada" and the United States, payable" in- varl'ibly in advaiico.. AOKNT3 WANTED; SENZ> FOB TKBM3. 1 ' -:' Tho Weekly Globe will be sent free of postrgb to any Post-office In Great Rrttaln for S2.20-Or nine shillings stert insr. ' *: ' Uemlttanccs may be sent by P. O. money order, bank draft, registered letters, or by express, at our risk. Orders and Remittances to be addres: sed to' the . 1 -GLOBE PRINTING COitPAJSTY,. . iort'nij i-A ! ! j. ) X ,r?s^ ^*^r'rr3^9 iia*aSa^2

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