Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1878, p. 3

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/. ; ift nam l^n/mu^^xat2MMxnu2XUJ!2**&E!rssis : ?T"CTE2 Service in the MelhcdiM ehrreh ever St)tvlrl, b >tU ntcirntne an.-, evening U LOCAL MATTERS. -Mr. S. \V. Oulbraith, who lint. HO^onJ fA-:o--fc.rerp<>eUvcly, . been editor of tho Fkek rn'w for the ! Rev. It. Honns,'t'nor. ' e> , . , , , ______ -____-_. P*?t cn-Jit months. ]catch tn-ni|<lit for Montreal, where he has accepted a Bit uatiou as reporter on tlio L'svai'i:7 /'<f. } Mr.. T, A, Mooro assumes, editorial [>"to his ictrres, Photo, lOo^ttty *~A*tg* ' of th raadcr :ve m V -WciviingtRin^ solid 18 curat T" / ' v nssmm^ \ 1 rUin Geld UinA : Tries' Cold fancy Wo "ish Um Kings. NVcilvling tml IV.rthday ^'r <'a-Hvr.-\it-l every success in Inn new sphere of lahor ' THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY, ONT., J!ULY it, fe78 6 - Wo want our rosulera to peruso the advertisements carefully1. It will Wfonnd in nil c.asoii'tlej.tMlioue J* -~ Pretcnt*t llyndV Juwdery Stora. A j- splendid *tock. 1 Pay that little & Ic* erfam kt CAT. Hill's. Is thlat eubscription paid yet 1 SEE th&nu* l-^ake, e.iredj J :n the l^amiise - ^~ A society culled Uio " Acton Youn^ People's Mutual Iraprovoihon t AssooiaHon," linn lieeiv formed in:this -Allan's Fly Brisk at J. E. Me GarviiTi Drug Store. The Fhek Press vs only SI in-- ; 1,50 credit. L-indyV .Potato Bug Destroyer t Morrow's Prug Store. \ eiinor says wo will hnve cooler woathur after tho loth of July. Hone so. -,. -Quito a nnttificT of swimmers ware ". nearly drv.-ivnecl " this week in Niekliu's pond. -- The put est Furls Green in the ra*rC*t it O. K. Morrow's l'rug Store. Thermometers rind Um brellas. Wait till the lo'.li and they will come down. Mr. H. limit, station agent here, it roj-.ivorin.ij irons his recent at tack of bilious fever. Holidays'^ That accounts for so many school teacher* deiu nothing tro-uuc here just now. * tisiitf mean liusiuer.ii, - 'I'liey are i ot content to t:u\d Lhy the wny.tido aid. spend nil .their time, which nhould- hiv flyvoted to buying and tiellint;, in mere- ty in;ikiti|5 hnuwji to paxteiM.hy wluit4 they have to sell, hut, ina^t-nd of uniiij; their lupgp, they maUo/uwe of thn'mox- h:ut!>tihle lunya of the fourth estate. Kor in this"sthj;o of profji-esn, it in truly saiil, that trying to do himiiies.. withjuit advertising;, in like wiuUini; thruui;h n pair of rivjcij nopijleu': you-iuay Uuo\v ^ illS^ - Thetirst meeting will he held . what you/are doing, l>ut uoliody else on Monday evoniii({,-Auiist 0th, ill thi C.Oiicregational Church, 'cwhen an ad T\ifo Paris Oreen and H!i>H- horo at 3. 10, MvlKirvin'* -: "H dress will be delivered Ky the Vr dent, Kev. .lambs Davie?, on tliuobj'cca of ihe Assov-iation. All interested are requested to be present, j C. W. Hill's, lco Cream Par lor is tl:o place where yon can got tho pure article either ty the dish or tjtiart. We.7 rogrot to learn that on I'ridr.y last a serious accident occurred to Mr. Henry . Dunbar,-at a raising, at Mr. ("olin SlcKijutuii's, "on the line north of l.-ptiujje. Mr. Dunbar, with others, was lie'.p-iui; inj-th.e-raisini; of a barn at Mr. McKiunon's, In setting does. Advertising is the sure road to success. It i.-i an art posH'ssi;d hy;few, and those few are the merchant princes : columns wjill he found to be not the least inter esting portion of our journal, to t/io..o who want to save money. - '" About two o'clock Monday after noon-nti explosion of ben/.ino occur red in tho agitators (.if the London Oil K finery Comp.uiyV works in Kas^ London, aiid in u fe'w mo- ments the place wan" in llaine:;; TSo iptickly did the lire spread '.hat be fore tho fire engines arrived on the1 scene the two lur^o ntjiuitors, containing about, seven hundred .barrels, were pas*, all .-aviiij,'. The burning oil burst lhrou-li t!io feiieo" on to the street, runnin;j sou'therlv- TINWiUtRBl Who Wants Tlinvnrc? T. Stewart &; Go AUTON,-ONT. Wo aro making frioads by UeeptiiK a first-ohms Htook of.all Ivimls of Tinvruro of tho LATKST DESIGNS', vYhiah, for durability and boautjvwo DJKKV COMPETITION. STO\il ALWAYS IN STVJCIC'. .'KAVETROUailINO n Hprcialty. I'roduee.'tiikon sumo as cash. AD work guaranteed.; ; . . .$ t'O, ToCleaTise your Hpuses, Wlio iwo projiaiccl to ' ' . And thoroughly Pv'jnoviitt) hon:i(M ut tho very lowest ratcH. Orders from town mid country at tended to.; All'. ordera to bo left .at .William Wulker'a resiiloncu, Julm-ut., Acton. .Aetim, April it.is7K..m Walker &:'Oamerbn some o: the bents he and Mr. H. dessup were together. In handling these bents they, found that they Were loose, and while trsiil^ 'them. Were precipitated some eighteen or twenty feet to tho I tire rajjed for about two lioi'tts. but. I ground. Mr. Dunbar had some of the [ 1>V '.be strenuous exertions id' tile towards -the .tool-HEld pipe ,*.!ni|is which were also "dostroved. rii^ ft bone's iu his arfu ,J".\>kcn, av.d uas othc:'-.: tiro brigade and tlu men employed injured. He wa> taken home oil n i by tin- Company, it e.osilined Mr. Win. S.nvth, baa tjoncjto _ Colllngwood to attend Mr.Taifs School j s^;^l':'- >';l! A d.^a5 tho summer holidays. * I ^ ^v wh.v._ in.uir.cs ht'_ received, , hir^o tank c-.lnlainin;^ 1,00i, ha> rcls , was several times in imminent -j-Kow is the time to wash } with J. E_ itetJarvin's rive oeut ToiUt. ' Sorp. - Mr'." Win. Smyth, of Erin, List Wtiek t"ok seven and a half tons <. : hay - ei?" two acre* o: laii'.L Nevxt '. i thouc;l.. i; is believed that thee are of serious caar.actcr.- . Tietneniher p'.ir.1 Ordered Cloth in; Department," jin.l Jwe are .-tilt l;ept bilsy. which is l-rooT^o- It'ive o"; the .de sirableness of oar lie "iL, c f the vhe: u- r.ess of price and of the excellency of "S:\->' ,i- _ ' stoci! to ciM.uo :r->m. iicuts rurnish- -terciiiiator' will kill Jtu;j, Flies, etc. i-u>;s in lar^o varojty Mcl.tod, Atnier- s-e'i; ii- Vr., lie .r. it. ivn, i'-r - .'e at Morrow's Drv.^ Store. I : crejai ut C. W. Hill's.' s. H Every person likes to ot -,. -r. <. i-t- v- . i coods cheap. a:i-1 that is whv there is: lae Rev. Me. W are, oi ^i:^ -uch a r,,^ ,t, _s,',.)r,i.s Nobl^. Or^r? Yorkf ivic-plcd tho pulpit in tha Meth- \ for th.-.-i.' seedh-s-. K.-isins at h" centL ;>er rodist'C'liU-reh hcrj oa Sanday oveiiin^. ! pound .-r '2> p--.inds fvr'a d.dlar, ami . | those C-itrauts at 1-ti p-v-.iiil* for a dob ----JIC'A'O tv.vr.rd for any ease of ( lir, ,-.-k1 taat S ap 'at 40 coals .Nlr.tclic* at" \V eeutTa b.ii V C'l'ith's ! Harh.-y .... i:ii: at ^ cents ad.:. : D.-me Load j ' i-j:i:-.Iiy ehean, an.: ot' St-ne I... . -Mr. TEJwar-1 ' Iu:;r?, oi tr is still.' ,Can:i--~.'. Peaches r.t Iji Iv.iitor fr.v'i rol .v- -reun'd Ilhick lVpi.e: -e::ou-h to! H'-'.trer (-.!ted r..ll.s) -\ :i!a;e:, ha sohl hii s;.'.n^,e ar.u stavo ', . '.'- i- ..-- ;-,-,! ;! ', o^ '. . -ieeii eointiiututv sneeran^--t-.-r .-:x | i-1'llll-L' . Spey-ile, to Mr. Henry m.,n.i:_S) at"lo "cvr.t'n a -worn::, in the L i-ru.".:. .;.--^tin waerv .1. hh M sjireiu's \V :;:. 1\ . wiil^no: e:- fec: a.cure. ir. t's.-::. danger, lint esc ipi d. The. loss a> far as known amounts to aliont $i^fO0i">. It- is uud.-r..lood that the Company have a small insurance. ----- \ . - , ....-' ** ^, I bii:t:is. rl: \mmm Xcar Act m, on the 7t!i inst., 11:c; Wit.' of Mr. J.d.u Hay,, of a son. . - In Acton, o:i the i^lli in-.t., th'e wife of Mr. K. Duue.-.a,' a .negater. j Livery Stable. at- &c msny lotice, yoa' zaing fuse. ;tor. ' -T-.TsIvs births, four ta irri.ij-'s, ^nd *:i deaths were re^'.^ter-.d L:I this laaaisiaality darlag.ti'e six mua the eu Jia 3->:a J-ae. -. u - T.iei Xjr'.vic'i <Jiz-:i!e has en- ilar-,1. PatcaT' oatiid-. 0,,\ t,.Cal ::;.!.' .Ihvel bar.t eiar,:) re:: Kir.os -i I'ea at o 1 eeals per j^; lb : Wonc-: ^vTiie:: Ce'e'-'rat.d..M . t "I'ea, a: ."o cr.i:-. pa: tae hes: i"va fir the vr: c aay.e::. re, or \^.\\ v. ilhv^iv take it hack ah.] 'refund tS- money." Ch.ih-e family Their t]-r'F I'O p .ifi '.3. In. fa.:: v^-ory- '.icru.l >lAK!kI.X.s n * t'^i: To!, '! ' ______ I-all Wheat, -.. I .. 0 a.", tob 'i-'. i - - . " Spring Wht at. .. .. (' ss :..-.( o , ... , ... ,- ... , , >i.!ou-.t.l..St.ri'ni: Wheat U ;ii! v|"<? Prollt:csd tho Livery stable (i. n,)1":-, 0 in; ah.l bii-inehs formerly owned by 11 y\r_ \i. Adams, we are pre- o 0-i to i. im ; ' ' 0 1.1 too isi TaiFil Ui '"i*_ -. 0 ij^o (i 1-J I ' .' :":.'"' ,:l , First-flass Kiss at the Most o os e, o o:i i ew.iahi) . - ,. oioi.oiij Keasoimllo~Ratcs. *, per* oao . . . ii o I : . .. 1 im ;- " -------- ' '. ' i'i on to l-j io! ' >y . 2 -Jo to o Oi) I TEKMJ?.CASI1. >'3ood Commercial T'iuiotiiy < ..! I 'lover seed : i>i:v l.^.i.^s : ";1 '.'."> to.,0 (\i ' Uigs always on hand. l.'i:s.av/ ! " ' / ' ^eh.ip. an A the S;.,r... Hoare :, | in .!n l to .?":: I. *vi-:h i pVo;r; We vrlsti Mc:=ri. JaiTray i. [[: .- ry.hii.- .pi t:o ir-li.-c-. The ?<'crtt i- Craia further s-ac.oss. f-ev-rvihii.o p. t':-o ir-lir.". The ?'\-rttis, j th-.y's- !i : . c.eisvqaently th-% I'e.e-s, ; I" /' e.ii'i-^ ' M.\fniKAS & KICKLLn", John .Streot, Acton ] 11. ro-.orey. e.-rt-.t to Toronto, Tues^iiy, to at:-.:.-! the Thera- |ut:: Iastituto, "for a w*ek . : two, for the bineri: of hij-hcalth' b r_- :r s w::-.".i t^ey i'aiJfurJ^ThpV/t G'r.eeiv. ..........iolfor; '- i^ilne-. .-.nd.pat ! r es ti.i taev are ' -^-Mr. Joan P.. Se.coi'd has boon appointed DisjJTc: Deputy.G'.-aiic,Chan- j cellor, for Ao'ep Distrie-:,. by the 'JraaJ Lod^e, Knigh-fe o_f "Pythixs, ^ostOfeeSto^ -Ci.:-.-\:;!Xl; Sali:, -<!i t'zie 2nr. - -The Oakville Esfre??, under the asvemar.a^crr.ent is1 to haiiiJ. a little be;ier/tii&:i t>ef jre. . Pater ide. Jvhu C. Geati!<y- is editor. ': "I i : .!.::y we v. ill eoirfiaeacc a s-ale.. The :'o il = " be- marheei do-.en regardless of ctt. Ti:is is a tight time for motley, and as v.'e l'.ave an iiumen-e st^ock, bare;-.'ns will br ^ive;:. Ie.-:neai- ber there- will be "p-.-cia| bargains and !-!eadin_- l::us iu dress eoj>ds_ i.riiita, cot- --S- - , ' tons, cuttona-les, tweeds,, inantle's. jiara.-ols. ready, and or dered elorJiin^ an.l a job 'lot of str.-i^ ,, J"..- ..Ir. An-ns McDonald, of th:s v-nrth ?Liy,_ ]M\^ \^v\ eellticnc:. Village, an old p-ansioner, 101 years nW, j amieveryboiy attend, this sale and-saVe wa.s a; the Roya! Hotel, Gaeiph; Sztar- day, reiviyiag his perhj-Iical wealth. ALLAX'S FLY BP.LCK_ The Little Giiat. Fly KilUr, kills rill the dies in a Turn in w.j hoara. Sold only by J. la. Mc'jarria, Dru^oost, Actoa. -~W. Hetostrcit will sell bv "M.-Leod, Aiide-rsuri i: Co. 'h'>.:iof":b ccrs of Acton Lod/e, o-i. 2<>t, were in- Rtalled by Pro. VY. Sunlc-y, D. IVG. P., Guelph, assiated by Bros. .lohn Winloir, IJ,D.;.M. of Acton, John Day, .V. t;., l.-OleV, llay, peT t.-Tl ' ivaitcr, ; -r lie; Potatoes p- r bar; M^.i. Ji'.T (",Vl ' '!. -ver s-.-e t .-. . Timothy -la.i.. AOTO^ I "- to.-l (' -y/:-i n o :i2 t:> o :;i ; 0 (i j;:.. 0 , o .",.-.' :.i 0 Co j ,I.i o-iViPJ oo ! n lo to i) 11 ! o. 11 to (,. 1 1 .; ,. '.-,-',.' - oo .r.r.l to ijet, it a oi) -st cansi.jtcration of 'i .->\i to 'J 'Jo ! "ch person'wiiere thoyjean secure j tLto/.iit v i':u : I'/r Ui-?ir huoney, in ' ' \- I crocoric.*,.' crockery ttheskw.irts wall piper, As, Tue Post oil|ae'Store is SslU' OliOap. tr^*^-ia' V."* Tatato ^TTaH,in ! iw a r.*.*M.j*jxar'iu-t "tr^rr^efe: i.MBwn ! " .1 XT AzkM 99 4Sl I of..ail mmmmm i T}w Qmh Bystsm a.-&rat StiGcdss' Call and seefdur cheap Dresse^, -, ill Prints and! Cottons, Parasols^ \j| ;G-loves and Ribbons sure f to please. .-.' OUR, FIBE "TEAS- Should ba usediin every; family. Iry thern. ._ * . ' i Another car load of ' si! : MiTi received, to be rushed off-'at'S' bargain. : .: ' : icli Busy, Busy in the -t: :i Still they come for our stylish fitting1, Garments. \ ]- Aniotin; the-numerous imnortanf. arrivals \vh have lately come ta hand, wo would ask special attention to- in all"tho tiew-aad favorite miles for tho season. CUEA?. 1 Case Handsome ^ i Bourette" Dress Qoods, atpresent'couimUvUnp n ini:tionso' pale in Xniv -York, and"othci' citibs o! fashion. These we shall sell I including fiqu Swiss Checks ' and Qvnry Indy shp'.ild sob the'm. AT T\V O^e Q^ 2kOTly WMts Gfod^ e's. Marseille4. Ri-iliiahts. .Con ,or..d -.1 Sltil]>i-s. etc., riiiit'iiij from P.) cents t.c~- yw-.'i. ar.-i i>jV.v.Cj -i~J TOTE33':iL:s3T? H073, |Veri^' \ : '- '* ' _J i. ,., _ ,, _l,, . No. 1 Kintid Ilerrihg^ [or $1 50 per iilumcipaht^ of t "io,_vaiai*3 of | liiiif bairel. - . - Act-on. Cotin.ty of . i. . -.' .. -. Hrtlton. .? ' For a elioice" variclv of New ;iii<l K;iv!i;<hi;i' Goods, ladies shov'd corao direct io the 'y asiii-Mi':oe. West i:nd, (.'uelp , A;,--.O., \BUGHJaM, Fnsli^onnlilp '.Vest l:...; I Ouelplii-Aprll I". tiole ii. ^rut------.i -- >e. roab- \.n the -Vot- p'i'S tne b eci^ pre-. 2S of I from If Ihe I or its JOBS. |E Of tain- tlaall |iy to ibllc tar.rj V- tB I^ce4 - 6 Of *. a* tteu- ' rn<W |-wilt . on Lwe : fur to ith Mat. I ""ill :; ot J Iriia-. - l"v:n- fa-t i_<Hal 'iter. care In I lor bs- I'Jtily *nt i pi-da |-;ia- /' i?)B -' --ee . real lert O. - -ctrioa the household furniture of Mr. and Bro- D- U^" "[ Progress Lodi;e, Gaelph. The followmi: is the : . " Pro._Th'>*. Kennedy, N. it. * v-l" Dr. .Mceiarvin," V.G. ~ .f/^f NiekTin,'I'.'.s! " A. Brown, Trtas. " J. K. \Ic(>arciu, Coll. " j. Wialow, W. --' ; ** R. Crjine, O.Crr " W. Wjlli-ims, R.S-.N.rj; * J. Barber, L .S.N.O. ." T., K.rVY.Ga. " a. i;.-.iis,TL.s.v.d. " A. Cameron, P.S'.S. " .T. Brighton, L'.S.ri.' ; " "B. Olivier, Cli: plain.' ".. J. P. Allan, P. O. , i " J. r."ii.?ov.-, Q, I.. Pip. ( After the bilf:iio": 3~of the uieetmc had John Taylor, lirjekwaod, on Tuesday, i'jth of July. For particulars, see The bandvras serenading n^nin Monday evening. Some of the places where they called they received a sum of money. Guess the boys find it a good paying business, j - The-Flt Biuic;: a Fr.Airo._The hest 'y to catch rii^o- :3 to get some of Morrow* Ply Paper ^.Jy rive cents a. -- heet. : - A gams of base ha^l was played on 'Saturday, 29th oi JUDe, between the - Town Line and Third Line-of Krln clubs. The Town Line boys;beat their oppon ents by a score of 57 to 8. TUBS. A quantity of Cedar AVasli Tubs for sale at.the Po^Oriice S^ori, flf)UrUhi n cor.dition, now mimuerinK -iCton. Ihese labs niay Ix.- ex|x>.sud to I , . | N*o. 1 Split Ilerri'ngi for S 1.75 per, --------- . ; h.'i.l barrel. No*; 'ul the Lis'tJ| "' : of all p-:r--i:o r.;ip-j::rin^ .' the la-t re- i Xo 1 I'.-Tit vised As--e-:.-iii-.-:it IIoll, of : he'-said inn- -| 'holf barrel, meipality. to be eutiib-l to v c-. ::1 -\\.-. ' said liiaoici".:!::',-, a: el., el ;.ei. j.-r M-ni- bers ..f the L'-.:i-i-ifi-.'e A- --.-ini.iy, made p.-ir-'iant .to "The ^."o':.!-.' Li-: Ao^ of !s7o'," was tir-t p..-'-'d up. ai uiy o:ii -.-, at Acton, .oi the- !s:h .day .1, IS7S, arirl there for" in-]i-otio:i. Klect'.rs are hereby Called upon-to ex- amine t'ne >.i!ii li.:t, r.ii 1, if any o.itws- sir.ns ..-r .'thc-i' eiTors are fo-and th,':, :ii:, to ta'-te hotnodiate pro :re- : I > lo:'.'.. rhe'.-aid e-rri;rs. corrected rojcorlin^ t'.i law. "joiix r.ciss, Clerk of tiie.isaid Municipality. Dated. 4th Julv, 1S7-S. BT^XtiCSlTORS- sontE . TO "" t'U:ilTO'it>i. for S2K) per Three I'dta-iit I'.iiis j",,v ~Mc. ..Matches per Box, Lie. ftrt Warranto 1 Good. ' the tun and wtathor without beiny damaged thereby. / milliner at _- Jas. Symon's, and Mis.s Ansley, milliner at Christie, Henderson k. Co.'s, left 42" members. " Tli'e ofii?ers of Calnntlie Lodge, ?<"o. !8, Knichts-of Pythias, were duly installed Thursday, cvt-iiinc;, for the cn- Kuinp t-emi-annual term, by Bro.-J^ P. towfedast tfeefc,-ihe season for millinery Secord, D.D.G.C, assisted by Bro. W. being over for the present. The form- H. .Starey, acting Grand'Prelais, and er went to her bonv? at U'aterdown, and j Bro. J. II. Hacking, of Guclph, acting the latter is in Georgetown. Grand Master at Anna. Tho followinc C. W. MilKs Ice Cream is highly recommended for excitable people. " - -An error oecnrrptl in Uio com Eiui-.:r.--"jirj which appeared in the FilEK Pess '.' the 27th tilt,, signed by a *' Protestant Visitor." Instead of Miss Limb pre;idiii" &t the or^an,. at the solemn mass at, the Catholic Church, it should have read Miss S'mithJ a crocko- _ dife ia Bis tt#r..'. It ie nl^cut tweU-e inches long, -an-i iil fhrer- years old. People in the Veilage niee-hii't be afraid of it growing large atil making mince meat of them; as it will take 150 years got it lu Toronto-.. J'ho creditors of John AVatson, the older, late of th.c To'.enship of Msijnei ing, in the County of llalton, deceased, who died on or about the 'JUtU day of been concluded tie. brothers were en- June, I87S, and all others having claims terta'incd at a luncheon at Bro. Camp- J against 'his estate, are hereby notified bell's hotel. This Lodge is in a very 1 t;.- send to Oe.>rge S!. (^odwillf of; a _ ,. Georeetown, m tho C oiinty oa llalton, the. Solicitor of the lixeeiitors of the^ bw\ (Uce-isedj on or before the First' day of August next, their nainei, ad dresses and descriptions, the fulb par- tieulars of their claims, a statement .of- . their accounts, and the nature of the securitijjs,""if any; I.ehl by them. , The siiid executors will innnvdia'tcly after ;the last bn'Jtitioned day, nroceed'to dis tribute i[he assets of the sa:d Ji'ilui Wat son; amingst the partita entitled there to, having.regard only to the claims- of which they shall havo received notice as aforesaid. This urttice being given under th provisions'of the Statute,.29 V^ie., cap. 'J8, Sec. 27, the said executors will not. be liafdo for the assets, or any part thereof; so distributed, to any person of whose elaint notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, at the time of such distribution. [ JOHN SHAW, . ) Vy(in.ior[( MICHAKL LA.VfB, f bxecutorfj,; July 8th,' 1878, . ?2-f!t ___,----21 ^------' Any'person,or persons found break ing tho windows in the house opposite Storey's Glove AVorks, will be" prosecu-, ted according to law. . are the officers": . . '. ' Bro. J! P. Sccofd, D.p.G.C: " Pi H. Storey, P.:C. "I. Francis, C.C. ,, " :Geor^e Hyuda, V.C. : " Thus. Ebbalje, Prelate. . " Thos. C. Moore, M. of'E. J " T. Albert Moore,'M. of F., -'.', AJE. Matthews, K. of E.. & S. " Jas. Wilds. M. at A. " W. H. Wafker, I. G. . . " Kobfc, P.amshaw, (). G. - ' D. Mann.'lst R. H. Aa -" J. Adams, 2d R..H. A. ". T. Haiushaw, 1st L. 1L A. "J. Stephenson, Id L. H. A. " J. P. Secord, O; L. Rep. " Z. A. ilall, G. L. Rep. . . " Win. Slhyth, G. L. Rep. ' - The Lodye numbers 51 members, in diidiug many of -pur most prominent- 2ef3t 30 oaat Tea la tio Kirlsjt.' WALL PAPKR3 KKOM 4 c-rs. UP. And everything usually kept in a hrst-elass Ui'oeery, cheap for cash or trade. ' . J AS. MATTB-EW-S. i Acton, May L 1878. O- T..HILL - Is now odeiing (or salcr in addition : to his stock of Grockery Tho following Goods ; Hay S,>iws. Hiy/Fosia, aras: snatlis. C:s. pi ^ u E-9 LaL' 3 ^ MJ &a 3 forittohecpmefuIMised. Mr. Secord, ci'tizPnfii anA. ;is ja a yery prosperousi Intj M -Teacher of the Pianoforte alid Organ- Pupils attended at their own residence . )f RM^G^i^d^st, Aelbn. if'prefrred-Ter,n^ moderate. ! . and liarmouiohs condition. -R, tSIAKL^S DARTER, Also a splendid lot of Carpenters' Hand Saws, Moat- . .Saws, Keyhole Saws, Masons' Trdwels, etc PA!T PAINT-OILS"; with tlie-colebratedl Rubber P^,int Always in stock*. 5/1 O feSxESZI CD O 0 o3 r> i irH ^ ,i t ....;... -\: Vb..hll u^tf \t-iAt^>C14 \eiA ii: <CTX SIC>SI'llLYr?ALE. All will be sold lowfor casii.- Cash Tor Hides. 'I CHARLES T. HILL, 3I1I1 street, Acton; iTeb. 19th, 1S73. mo'-e- h~ - : Ladies' and Gents' ' %^%^W^ tiS> '<y y Hats and Caps! New' styles j ls8llStng,..'very cheap. l 1 /^our infiuencs and patronag-e^ ( solicited for the success of this greaY cash system. * )| Acton, June 11 th, IS7S, J.-i.O.: KURST. ISF8, ."SPBUSS MXB I|ft SUMMER ..iVCIRCBLAk:!i pvi-ida VT^i < Ee3=i3 rA,W=^Hzzi s 4s?data?da th> Ev f" ,"\iT=etp^5';'frs ncattv'fi I'ianes, ^rar.rt, > t"-,e<. A 1 U \J: j-a-ro :m.l iroi-i.-.Ut, .-y.-nro- .ii iu:.l m;in;i- ^ST^A'-'-r^^r"-'^ f : f':'!)t Vl\ U'<t trill UV.'l AWES pronou ic.-d.ih-- b>--^ !:i <ho world. .li^s-try'ts -'-mlcvl (toldor.'i'oiir'.ic i'^rior Orc::i: -.. jT.r.y :< ! to s; -c.-.'.*- ltiitcly ...,>u solo V.d t]:coIy rrent \h:>i but litt la rtjort ! rcvjrili'cdiVlih tliojiVct to k;>o!v:l11 tht; iAv liccc-.tsiry. T.c^ mv.Cx cna ir.ost eU'-,'.mtca-c-! ipi tho iii^rlict. AH folid v.<:od or^a- nicn*.--:. Iivoryi in>"iriimonl fully ^vtiTi'.iii-.'tl i'ov tlx veal's as etrle4!v V.r -t clh^i, r:u\ rr::t cti 1 :v:n 15 elavs' I'-.U ,i:i five. Ad dress DANMSK VS HI'ATVV, \V;-:( Tir. tciu, Ntnv Jt'VlHl, cultoVl S:ctte/* of Amt;riC.i.J___ ^_ c*,l (toUor^'i'oifr'.ie i'arior Orq:i: ^*TT^37Csc:r:tsi*:*?.icv. aniili, briUI.'ir.ryna mmm Tlic Acton morttlily sale will be liplel at Agncw's Ijlutel, on Pair -l>iy, '"U enartieiilarlyeaiitloited: a-ai-i bo;ais v^2tni ttvest. ti Li u u ri'^:^--^l-:.^= oartteiilarl>-ea\it!o:tv',a: ;.,:ai..'[ lx>:a ___________ t:eoiir pr.lmrtlolT s'r, neau^ne Beattvcelebrated Pianos ftiul Or^ei-a.-. md particifr larly irom par Jos in tlio "West and s.v,!th-\'." ivticro this detestable trleUery l'.as been extensively prac tised on tlio re TJtatloa I have gained.; r.!r.o brivare of anonymous circular:! \vltli falso limitations from certain tradoro.imais. Write for,explanation. Send tor Boatty's Illustrated Piano anri Oman, containing testimonials from millionaires, bankers. merchants,- ln\\-\-crs,-clergymen, and thou-sanCn of "lasers th -ouitlioat tlio lcnrrlli and breadth of tho .with fu 1 particulars oftlio cfeat Plnno and miinrt liish priees. Kowapapcr free. jiureh lnnd,.' __ Onrail war ajniinrt liish prlees. Jsowapapcr free. Address DATUICl. I'. SlEATTY, WaKhineton, tJew Jcrscr. United Ktntcn of America.- I . NBW BRIGS. STORB,' ' FllIQfl^itMER, a splendid ' Stock of 1 Staple and Fancy Drp Goods, consisting of black and color^ .ed Bilks,_ Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods. :'\ Kid Gloves, all l tt.3 new shades ,(1, 2 and 3. buttons), Lisle Thread Gloves,- Parasols, Sunshades, ^ Lace! Goods,Trimmings.-and Fringes,! Prints, Gomtrices,' .Muislins,n Grey Linens; White and Grey Cottons. " Kca;].v-Ma(io Clodiiug-, Blank and Blue Bron# i'loflis, Dia'on-*a!s, English, 'Scotch' an'4 Cuuuirl'iurK - rwcciis, i'SUIT.-*. MADE TO ORipSR, AaD'A PELIFECT FL1-- GUA^ANTEiO>!:OlV NO' SALE, A ftili nssoritueiU of Gents' r^tfrii^sliiiiu's.- White I Tl . . ' Dress Sliitt.^ Collars, Cuffs, Tun*, etc, _ A :>plciiflul Sto-'k of viioice; drocejejes..'"' _. ' ', K, 7TEAS A" SPECJULTY, \ . EXh. Thursday Mb u iily:; ^+. *&*- * u wr *. n.iving niidoariv.tigements'ivi(th the All kinds of 31 ock, Implements, &c. will bo sold by p G. T. 11. is now prepared .tying flO'cts a-piec'c.|. I , T .carry any Sale- at 12 o'clock, j Jaxpasss and freight TERMS.'-Teji" months'- credit [m !. Delivered at Acton station] at , -:VERT CI1 BAP jAA-^ilS approved joint iiotea j All entries mus't bo made toMr. Jr.s Uyder, Sect ' . . __ : .1 Be sure andisep that Rums c'-tri'ie- -WM.-ijEM/jTdEEr, Auc'tionoer. your jioVln, as'ho isBuro t'c ttiein a ile. irns c'-tri'i t'ljr <(rtliv 15-?Ulr ( JAMES SYAION", in -riinrnhi!?" thaniiS jo Jus'.^ Miitnerous fric-nils and ctistomer.sTar tie very i.'/)eral, . support acconieil to him since he cpannencctl business in Acton,.WoHiki reihiiid fhem that neveri before iif tire hisidiy of Canada were sicli bat*-' mains"_ offered in Acton. '.-.- The Goods have beeii^ .bought' for Cit>h iintl w'ii be sold at a jsiiiia!! at[-- ' vance tin cs^, V : "JAMES SYiVlON. Produce of all kinds Kken in exihaivge Kt the/highest rau-l.'TBt.p'i^e'ff T^HE XSW BltlGK ST01iK---MAm ST,, ACTQl^. Aotoii, April 10th, tSlS-, . r ! \" - ' , ,':.^t...^--">tl-.". jMJMgtH^^^^^-rr '" j'.' ']j^..^wilLumuimMiimmwiSiitmmm^

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