Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1878, p. 4

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m*M vrl- Mm % -r%i :'*~~ Kl-rM.- \ J ye i if- !' - ,"'ej----ifcf".; - ,'%fcg :l;:?' " ' i. --'-- ** - lH EW*nasfSKaraeyi itgga^^aiJgawatftJi'ugenBpa THE . FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY, OUT.', JULY 11, 187$ If! .-? 'f'3 Hi" MM Ll*iM .rU\K TO TROSU WHO XINi TO TOl . 'There an> vanity friends in summer, AYho arc kind vliilo'llowcts bloom, Dot when winter chilli the blossoms, /CTliee lie part with the perfume. .Ojffhe 1 road highway ot Action, of worth are far and few : So when one has proved hts friendslt p. Olinj; "to him who clings to you. I?o iiof-harslily jiuIrc your neighbor. . |lo not liicia his life untrue,'iii's no pjyat protein-ions-. " i\eds arc though \vor\lfl .ire lYiv, Those who stand amidst the tempest, Finn, as when the skit's are hUvo, Will K'ttrier.ds \\ hile lite eudurctli, - C'Hn6- le them-that-.cling.lo vou. r 'When yen see a wortliyCferother,- '-. l>i;!rJt:i!v; the stormy^fiaHV-- Lend a helping hand tr.V.ernal, Tili.he re.icl> Tho/a!;ord a^raiti; l\->n't ticsert the old ni tried friend When misfortunes come in view, ,W.r io -the.a heeds friendship's comforts, .Cliiig to those tfho o.litn; to you. Defeated Avarice* Onetxf the nwst remarkable cases .of defeated avarice was that of a .cv-bbh-r who lived in the? time of .older. ^Capolefon. When tbo -Km- ju-ror," iu 1 SIlj, desired to build d palace for the King <?f Roir.a near the B-irrior do Passy in sp.j-veying the lies of the t'ac- ie, the sho|i of a s cobbler nawcu*' S'hnoa Fierot, fitood^in the way ajid quite Jiscon- ,certt5d the building engineer. The fait vras reported at .quarters, and after consultation ivitb the Emperor it was decided to purchase the little tenement. Ic was of very small' value, buV Sirnon Pierot,- having heard of what was going on, hud a iuiscr's dream at once, and demanded twenty thousand francs. After .considerable hesitation, and futile Attempts to eLanije the frontage of the proposedi palace, tho demand tr;is aeeeeded to. l>ut Pierot. rais ed Lis. price to sixty thousand francs, and was really oli'cred tifty { For ileScorillg to Grsy Hair lt8 Those who don't boHo'vo. that, a -fly hiis. _00;'iUV2 poros iu hist body, should catch olio and_count tln.-t.ii: According to (lie Postmaster- Oope-i-al's report in IS". , in Kno land, OO.tHHl posiaon stainpH were found louse, in letter In xcs and l>:ii;s, having been - rubbed el! ihivugh- iiisnltieiciit ",licking ami sticking." \Vo synipalhir..' villi.r.tho man vi ry n'liwh : v know- )ii;1i as n re - ho went, tlu- li'ii^th of pivtemlin^ lo be religious. ; luit lie fell (ll'/'sai/k to iiisuranoi agency, then uold book"., c.tul ilM iv.iiiye and vnrjn tit! he died- a iniiliouaire. At the c!ian))>hip- (pioitin^ match,, at -"llaSiilii.n, last wi'rk, tinMe iii'ir^aiiiu;' t!;o e.uu [i*t i (i-rs : dol.ti Croivn of t! i!r, John lb-own of MttiiiiM, an 1 .Kilin lUown ni. Winnipc!*. Tims .six John Mrown's je-lo.-f went mm oiling iVroiuid, and liio thtnir was done oiioit Ijimwu Tiie u'ii"i' of a hoi'.He in Hiant ford, a widower, lived in the upper st-.'i-y and rented the lower part to k cl.'t'^it'.ian, A servant gitl em ployed in tho -clergyman's family was youu.ii aud j.V.'elty. lier mis *.:-iis-observed' tliat she aud the widower were devoting a ^reat deal of attention to each other, and, deeming the matter scandalous,' said to her : * .-} and quit." Tho girl obeyed ; luti^ on the following day slio X\'turned " ii\ a cntriage, and tuinouiu'ed Unit she had'been nuirried to the land- lord, and said to her former mis- tte'ss: "Tack up your thLrrgH nnd >,uit." "; . ra bo 01 H 0* 0 a .0 a* CQ En IH *-> ^ 6 "feb: pa r f r-H a v AyerTs Hkk* Vigor thousand which he rcfussd,. The Emperor,, bi'ing -n-iiisiilted, >njld ho'.d give uo n'.oiii. even though he eiioald !>e cotnpt-iled to .seek another location. The cobbler tLea b^gan to see his foolishness ar.d * o3ercl his pioperty at lifty -thousand francs, forty thon=aud, thirty thousand,..coming "down at kfct to even tun thcaisand, but the ' . He had broken -p their plans by | h is' j;otIiixij to ^o with him. A lew mounts later pi natural Vitalitv and Color. A drcsspig fhich i?. ui : once agreea- ^. b!e, healthy-,, and- effec':u;il for -preserv ing tne Lair. It soon ' rs- 'stores faded or gray Jialr to its or iff in al CAST OUT -Ejut not Destroyed. - - i . H'lving iivido arr.inneinonts with Mi.: Mitchell, of Milton, lor. an ' ujioue-v for the vials ;bi' l- Sasi, Doors. Prvj^ja, Mo'iliinjs, Di'jfjsa Plooyin?. sisjtia?, v.^iis'oot, Sidiuf-. sic. ~ l e.m pi-op ireii to fin nish any of tho b.'Vui at prices that iliJl'y com petition. Please ell aiu'l'fee t it pies of nioul-liii;:, ,tc., md|).-.e chasti]jJ-oIsp\vli2i-j. BLINDS 30 CENT PER F30T. Kindly thanking enstomc-.-s for jia.-tfaversand libpin^'-til! in merit a lair share of your patronage. I am respect fully yours [ b. A-fjMit. Sliop nt Mr-il'.vri-i:iV m.l .-.luri'l Aoton, Dec. 'ii-ii, H77. ' iU-!y. ( <ASM FOn SKINS. 1 am prepared to pay the liiyhe'd. cash pi'ico for all i'Iiikboh of ].nriil> aid S.l|-ee|':Sliiim, delivured at illy tinineiy. l,aee heather ciiiistniitly on, linuil. -H-lv " . JAMKS MOUHK. \\TEAVJX I WEAVING M All ni'iterrt in the Wc.iVinjrliiie prompt' ly al fended lo. .Special attention paid to Carpel Weaving. \ i MKS. II. Mel.OUtilSlUN', I0-lt ' j near (,'i:i:wseN's t'oiiMUis. i "SPbUsln hs vou ritii enj:n^e 1 III. $'i li> iS'Jl- lu-r .iiay 1 H inml:' tie am- worUei- of ' e.lll,-i H".\. rl-ilit. Ill tlteli- own loe 0 It li-.i, l*.o ileul.-irs. niiil r a iii nli , \vi r'l U s' lr'-er; J in prove pour ipin c II Mil- al III h hiislaos-. .'iH-. Sri NHciX iV (.'o,, fort land, .Maine. DAiiiEL F.^EATTY'S J <: it \ n i> S^l'tl a i.i-:- -\Nt> c'i'i: \m ht, -I., ,.; vri'V's i:i-:i,i-.- Illi.V'l l-.U IJ H.lll'N' THXliTKH I'.Mi. I,"l! Ultii \ ,'\ niv III< mi i' I. -jI tiilii',) :u:! most i'-i\i'i'( I list 11' in.-11 s vi,r ln-i'oir'I':M-t!;rrtl In ' hi.-- or any i I.! t r eonn- ll-i. I'll" 'Oil I I* e-'iillrlK,.* |o i"|'i|l, in. 111. I'.- si .ll-l*i. lint - "in! tr Mil' i-vc> l.t'. n-i'.- niv- ii. we- i..el om pai.le i riei si now I'.-ady l.'i jo h is, a ,',' ami i ( : Ha I" III wnribl. All I'Ci-r. '1 ii(',-i' ei'le- t'l'.lt"'! Ill I].IJO irs .('li-T-r l-uilio in i >i*:ui ' li.iv.'i .. no Mil pi'.-ii .iiiAi.-i;,'!,'-, .,j, :ive Ilil.'.-n il.-l.vs' li-.-l lll-il. >|i ii'-v IV- ftuiil.o no.i iVi'i^ni c!'.ar-:'j pud .ways II in 'li-.y. tt-ny lll.saltsfiii'lorj'. l-'ii|!j nil r iiilcl 'i.t i.!v vi'iiis :n sli leiie iir-1". i'il". KXTitAiMtDlN \V l,ll('i:il'M, DI-CUl- - I'-Kl.i. ii lo ('111, ell. s Suhools. ! I.oili; . Ilallv. MilllsiiT', T' ll.-lii is, i'i. ., f ii; -iut-T l" it.-ii.' i In- in . ii tro-lili'iul al oiu-r ivlr-l'i- ! l-iivi' no-'r^,'.,ts, rii(nii.:.iuls lion- in ii-... Ni'W'Htl-lr.i i'i| A.lviT'lsel (I ion I'l-ii.- l-MI-iuii wifli hsl . I I.-i|....'n;t.-iU, i\"W i-i ii'lv, m iii ii-i r. ! . ai'l|j-l:i 'l Ii iwi. \ Mi. s- DANIEL F. BiifiTTV ill i,'ii-i- ' " ...... J&fn&s Byder WlMlieH to ti'inik tho public for Ihb putioi.niteHiey ! uvcooiil.'i roil ni>- o.i 111 mi hcrelofore. Ah lilh ljiwIiH iinil noH'H were deKtroycil hv Hit, he would ho tliniikftil ft tliomi MKHlm-t wlKiinjIii'Jiiiiil noK.-t Hiilild Klvo linn Hie ilaliH iinl iiniouit i t.JJJin, mid also If lliimii! wlinsti jieeoiintH nuvo i>. en would bi iiik lln-m rorwuril mid net lie. He woulu alio my Hint no in STILL 0 ARBTilTa on BtfSIlTESS at tho old stand, where he will -be Kind.lo hiic hlHijld ciiK- K, mil's, and. as times are hard, lio Iiuh made the pl'lcch to Mill Ilium. Liiinlinr Wiiki:oii!.oouii!oI!, with uprir.fc soul,-$7n,liii. Di.moei'ai Wii;:iain, -?1IK>iotfllC. I III;.'it I is', f lull 10 Jill). AH wl.ii i-. i|iil e <i H'tiSitrai f IltiKt'}' "' Ihi-ie rales call nlid ^lve Jour orders at; onci'., [ ( ' Matcvlul and. VortmaaEiip'. / .)<ilililll;: Ii., i fill III tin I ikh;!;i.: suoi-:iN<i; a sl'J'.ciai/j'V New Silo- s, v. >( (-; i. IJI e Ilolhes, l.avll.le vilw.'.r , Conl-i'i- All olli'-r.l Selling ' Ui'-.'H, lUe. ' 'JJ II, fol' M'U >' oi'S. 'l.m1, for Killing sIiol". (..' . u. $1 .mi. . ti Ml!, ill ii,; In priiporlloli. Q/tf Tlicse priei'H are for t('nsli only." All u-ni'k I'lli.r.'i .1 I li" old : rates; I'tirl her piii-llen laj n -.\t v\ c U. Your ll-ollt tr"I.V. "' j.mj;.s ici'RKit. i w I _ . Neil Ji- !-*.< \ , 11- pttr By rendtnp nna pructldnf tlie iinjiiinathi nuiln cov taintd in tho hen inctllc*' hook ever Iiiuctl. ctitillct I lilOCbliin rcciii^ of price. I' treats of Exhausted Vitality, I'reluatarc Dcellno Nervous and Physical UcMlily, nnd .(lie cndlesl concomitant iils'ond uiiltild mltrrirs-tlnit rosiUr <hc-ri-froro, ami contains more than &Jorisiualpr criptions, any oni' of which livatlli the price ol the book. This bonk rca* '.rrittc^i by the n-.nit ex ti nuivc and probably the most shilful practitionei Jn America, to whom wa. awarded a qold nnd jew ; ilU-ilmedalhytheI\"tional JlcdlcUAssociation A -Pamphlet, illustrated wan the very ftao !'tl in SIGN PAIMH33 :^;.... tloii .. t-Jin- 1. mi, i .si Mies rin.l l"riiv!iic,-s toiinswer' HI. ilcr: is.'in nt \.ni-r,.s :.irr\, w.ishiiiMi'ii, .nl.w Jersey. i , Steel Kr.pruvine;s.^a mar. Til of art and hfauty cr.t rr.EE to all. Send for It nt once. Address ; FKARODY MEDICAL ' INSTITUTE, No. i. Uul- taca SuJiJostoo, Mass. vurice, and tbev would have > j *"'*-* y -- ^ _ youth. Thin hair is thickened, falL- 1-oV ' Tnrfbo'....... oTbr, irith the gloss andJresJwess of ,,,. tngliaircheclied,andbaliies3 0ftbfl, r sola his shop for one hundred though not always, cured by I its r Ctty francs !. .Okc wees after ,ls^- "N"r,f-bino- firi rp^forA tho l.o?- HEAL THYSELF S': ;ilo;)[, TK.VC/IEIhS: You can M-jn of uniform hsdjits - --Soldiers. A sei-nsii man-l- dler. The Aish. sei fisii man-i-Tfce ^sh-ped painter s overcoa ^nu titty traces.:. .Oae wees arter u^; Xothing can restore tie" bair toe s^de he was removed to. an m- vrhere the follicles are destroyed, or ssaii?_.assylum-jakariJ>oiiited greed ; the glands atrophied and decayed; forjyol^ bad drivea_.iiim crazy but such as remain can be save'd Ly and tiiis he died.. . this anclication, and stimulated >"ntii actevity, 30 rnat a new growth'of hair is produced. Instead of. fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it ttill' keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair from turning grjay or falling off, - 'md consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it givea to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and oiFensivo. Free from, those deleterious sub stances which.make, some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor, can only benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAER DEESSDs'G, nothing else can he found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it -ioes not- coil white cambric, and \et lasts One .who can't 1 ionS on the hair, giving i- ? iich, gloss ItLstre, and & gratefu. perfume.,' f a r -i . ' Cheated nxen long mem- .ories. A teetotaiers excess "Water- igbfc- ^_ A dead failuce^Tho nnder- taker's. " ~ .1 The ' One'* h.usband. Popular opinion is the greatest lie iu the yorlJ. A wdek man- '-' raise" a dollar. Xever dsspair, but if you do, work on in despair. The doer of a secret sin supposes it is he th^y j are tbJ king about-. At. artist is-, not as strong as a Jiorss, but he can draw a larger iJiject. --.' _ The preacher who boasted that l.e could preach-without notes, did not mean bank-notes. Newspapers should send only ruch reporters to cattle-shows as are accystomed to pens. _" : Can a man who has-been fined In- the magistrates again and again j-e considered a refined luaa 2 The English Go'verzimfent prefers /eaiale telegraph opej-ators, because liiev always wait for the last bit of ;icwg. -: A Sandy Hook fisherman recent ly killed a forty-foot whale with a jc-fthe. It was aT sgood scythed iviiale.' . . A man whom'you can. hire- to 5rork"on your farm for nothing-and board himself, will just about earn ids wsges, Mary bad a little lamb ; and it ,y5tonished her. the other day by Laving twins. . Query : Is Mary a grandmother ? - : - \ _ Msny girls have; no minds to^' ispeak'of, and yet they are continu ally talking nbflutgiying'somebodyj ,.t piece, of it. ' A paper has an article on sea c-rpents. 2^ow its author wouldn't ra serpent* if he would drihk a Jittlo less whiskey in hia-water. Klizabetb AlleD, in a poem, asks -"Oh, nrfjiqw, why forever weep?" .i'.'liiwjbfchft is a little mistaken as to . '.5ic fact?, It isu't the willow that i-.'eeps, iit is the boy who dances ymder the. limber end of it. : ; Ciirious folks in Chicago. A; ,.-i">ical t;<tn.letnan in Jancsvilfe. Wisconsin, sent to a Chicago book* ;'-ller tor Fa.i-Hf's S'ieJtcrs after / 'ti. 'l'lie bookseller wmply wrote ! -ok : " Ku such |H.-rsous in Uuiea' . Prerj^red fay DrH. C. Ay&: &IGo., P-^ctlcaI and Analytical Cuqin'.. ^ T.OWELT, ar 153 eoia. j?-- all dcucgisTs eveb^-'uee* devoting-11 .very' small portion o! your leisure time to my interest. 1 do not expect you to. canvass for my-celebr.ittd Ueatly's I'iahos aiil Organs unless you see tit loVl.ut tlie service I require of you is ihoth pleasant nnd'])iotipililo. lull pnr- ticulir- free: Adtljess PAMEL F. BKA'l TV, Wnshing'ton, New Jersey ^RACE'S QELfcBBATED $ALVE A Snre liclicf fur J-ie SuITiTrr. i-i:Ki-.\!-.r.i> nv SETH V.U FOWLE & SONS, otfll I ; ^0 lt.VmttJv)-V AVKM'K, Is a Ve^i'tablc Proparatjon, InvcijttMl in tlu 17tn c-nujiy by Dr.Wil-. li'iin , Siir^i.'OJi in ICiiiij .la'nit.*>' nriuy. - Tliri>;^'!i i ts agency lie uru'J tfio'ssMiiiJsof 1 at* must .s_tiouk Metres ami tvo;hkN Mint 'Niiri-a the skill nftho mi i>niitii*nt paysu'inns f>f his dty1, autl uvis re^tnleil by all who kuow lnm t.s a iiib- lc benefa-'tt^r. I'Hi'.-i; 'J'i n:,\Ts a iiox. ^.ycx-s CatTiartlc Pili^, SFor tlie relief nlid cure.: of all dyr.iRt'eii/erits iai t.'ie atoinrieh, lie.^ err- and. liewel.i, 1i:.jy are a ;hiiltl aporienl, anil aii eweikiiit pti na tive. Jteir.l,-pare- h veKelahie, tluiji eoiiUii.n no ni'jr cnl-y or miiieral v.iiatever. .M::'i'ti Vcrioi!.* sirfcTiC-ss anil sutTeiin^- is prevcnti-d lir *?a:ir liaii-ly n.-ej ami should |:aye thein on hi-'inl for tlieir protection and ;(.'il'-f, V.bell I'Cijuii I'll. L/JI!;.' expei j.1jCj nas pr.'iyi.-d them to be the :snp'.-t. .-U'-^st, and jc-t of all t!ic J'lllx will] iilii'.U, the market ".bounds. By their occasional use, tr?3 blood is yjiriijed, -tJic jin-uiitionr of the fi-.-tem ex- nelSid, ob.-lrtu'tion.-i renno ed, and "the wholo -n*i.iiinei-y. iff lifj re.-tr,-tdto u^ hoalw/ activ ity* Infernal oitraus whii-li become elqi-fcj and slnga-i--,'! art clean.-ecl bv A'ucr'H J'iits, nnd stimulated ' inn, action.' Tims incipient \li-ea-e i4 chan^vd into' health, tlie value of ii'bii-li i-h.i.*iiff, - tvlji.-ii reckoned on the vs.-f ..niiitii-iides-tvlio.enjoy it, ran linrdlv be eiim- ;iutetl. Their iufgir-eoatiiifr makes them L,!('.'i-ar.t to lakf.-aiid pi>'-.-ei-yes Lheir virtue.- ir.iaipaired lor any lenjrlir of- time, so that iiey are ever fresh, and perfectly reliablc. Ahhfiu^h scircliiii^-. they are nlild.'and oper-. .iTe ivilhnui liistjirbance to tne constitution oi ht t or occiip ttion. i-'nll /iiro-.-tions are f.dv-en on4he wrapiier to -a.'li Imx. turn- to u.-e thehi as h Kainilv l'nysle, inn for the folloiiiiig complaint!-, wliich Uieso k'ttlp rapidly cuie: ' ,. l-o.--t>'t>i>KPla or Xn<Il?erlon, Xisr< U^*ncai, Caiu'uur. and Jboi. of Jtj.jrcpv lit*., fTiey slion'.l be -taken moderately to liiiuifcue tlie si.-niach, aud restore its fn.-aJtliy iii'-awl ii-tioa. 1-iirj .; r Coniplalnt nrill ifs various - ymirtoms, Ritiou- U<-vi,lacIi<>, i k ift-ailuclK*. Jaunilitc. p'r (Irien Kick' np, EJilioii- i<,lir and Ifilfon* I' .- i-r, they should he judiciously talre.n for each ea.-e, to eorrei-J thfi dise.eil netiou, or Titnivc the obstructions N'liidi raip-c il. For irjuenti'i'.v or IHit'rrlioeu, but ona nild dose is Kern-r.-illy required. For Itiieuhiiatimii,. tioat, f.'rave!, r>.iIpiia<ion f the Heart, Iitin In' h-KlIe, Bark, anil I.nin., thev should ie contintiQsly taken, as required, to eliamro hediseaseipnetion of tlie rMicm. IVithtaeh -haiisTe tliose eompl.tints disappear. for Iirupn.v and Iropi<al (<ii il- tir- Hiuy sh.'.ild be taken in hoare and !'rc eon! doses to produce tlie effect of a drastic i ur^e. ; For Mif(,prff.Ion, a l.-ii-^i-do-e should be -iken. as ii proiltux-^ the de.-iivd effect h" yui|i;Uln~ -. ; *' A.- a Dinner J'ill, take one or two Pill* to -lrouioie di^stirm, ami-relieve tls; ftonmch.-ci An oiva.-ional dose ^timulalje--- die stoniaclj > ud bowvis, resiores thiijippi.-tite. am: invicor- ttes the syslcm. Hence it Is often advanta. .-eons where no ferious deran^'eiiient exists. ^)ne who feels: tolerably well, ollen Hurts tll.'i, i of Vhese'J'H/x makes him feerdeea. .?rlly better, from tlieir cleansing and reno vaung effect on the digestive apparatus. PBEPAIrKD BY ' . Dr. J. C ATEB & CO., Fractioal Chemists, IsOWELTj, JIIAC'S.. V. S. .1, *0B BALK IjV iii VC-yiij, rs L ViiUvimEC-' CiB.KL-s (-ELt:uitiTi:D salvk -. - ( euiuos wopsns, Vi:iizi;n i.mns, salt i:!IKL'M, 1-1(11.III..i IS.S, soki: iit:f:Asi% soi:r. MPs, i:i:vsii'i:i, is, kini;- M-ouaist'-Ar.i.i-.sKs, --('Kli n.VMisi. nenvs, r-.,N.i:i:s, . T-'in.^NS, Sr-AT.I1S, s mis, . L'*.ci:us, w-mtiiis, shsos ' sni).(ii.l>', rf-.STKIl'is, . wi:n..| STIKS, 1'ir.K.s - ah u:ss,^s, ll'-'NIONS, S.lMt-\-f-NS, IMII,-, UITKi, '. OL'TS: WHITLOW'S W(\iits, ni.isrnits, ta.n- IMMI-r.KS, eoli.vs, . SI'I'IIVV, ITC'l't; Isfi'll.WI XMLS, N'KTTI.K HASH, JIl'SQCITO AMI KI,i;A lllT.lS, .-.1'IDLI: STINOS, Aiid all cutaneous disease s antl "ruptloiis sen -rally, , Forsale by all 'lrii^,'ist^ Kroccrf, anil ,at all e .ulit-y.stores lti ron_-i-,oiit-i he IIlil ted Stat-s and Ornish l'roviuccs. Price by maiKIUeoiitri ,- ;- - a J PHOTOUKA-rHK-tlS. shkuhl tor- ward ni.ejtlicir address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Act dress DANIEL- V. HEATTV,'Wash ington, New Jersey. ACTOM PLANING MILLS Ii, \y. CAMPBELL, Prop. l Miasm ORGAN' Thereis nomanufucturerof PirinoF and Organs in this or any other country who received &jhimy ui;SjIicited inlorsementt as bus ?Hr. Beatty. Fioin every .State nnd Ter ritory comes the Bani" verdict'. "They are the best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogur Edition) free. Address DANlKl, F. BEATTY, Washington, New .Jersey. TTTAXTED. _ Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele- ^l'.-.]ili .Operating for oiliees opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. -" Address .\!ASAiir.E, Jiox '.).">.">. Toronto. TO iSr.SINESS alEN.-'lf yoi, u-jiui HiPhviidi-, Staicn cuts, l,*t- :ex-lie:uis, Kijveloi'f-s.- Mert'iiiitili 1'iiiit I iiiT, *" any ki is i, -to iic* 1 'i has I ti< ss :! .\ U-, ?*'tiil -your ordois to tlie I*i-kk 1'j:i:.<- (iblc*. SatlsracUoiicuarabtettl. FREE! Any pors.oti \i ho iviij'mnki aiiiJ forward me u list en tin names of reliable jier.soi,*. oi Un Ii a<*- (juaintalici who wli-h lo- proi lire : n mi- Mtr-iiii"!)^ 'ithf-r I'faiio oi.nrff.-iii, I will use my t>esl endoavorr- to jjel' Hip in one. and for everv l'i:ino J sue!-/ ed 1 n selliiip t>tbeii list within or e year, I wfllcreifM thenj witli $'10. ami for every Or^ns;,"., lo be apj.He*^ on p'yn.fiit <f either' n l'i a no or ( n*^m ; and M.hen it a:nn tIlt^ lo a sum jufTidont to pur for an i ttst rem' n( *oUrtO( at t loivrsi ivIioIr4:ile jirler, I wilHnnn' dlately ship Lhr-iiiairnm^iii, freo, or after any ait* i,ml I? oi edited fht- balance nnaybp p.ud me Tn rashwnd I -\lI then sl]l]i them the instrument. Vl ry neednijt be inmwii In the matter, and will hrxli'in*. I lieirf rle mis a renf n;t- vMo.p, UK jsjialj make speelnl o/Iers to thcm,selliifura niicrh.r iustriiini-nf f>r froni one-Iytlf fo Mx.-tljirds what js ordirn*:rNy*asUfrcI hv agents. rir-:;s( hciu* ' mf a Msl at oner and afi rr-you have vn-'dr Huiitirv vfiu rnn.i'fld to it., A"(* . PASIKLK.BEATTy Washinjjlon.Xnv Jersey. JtJST AaRIVB,: A spler.tlid lot of .Spring ^ Boots &' Sho:s. CENTOAL BOOT <k SHOE STORE. Call aril cs:airo theh More t'u.y.iag clcevhcio.. S?ZCwTAL ATTENTION 01VZV i CRAINE & SON JOHN NELSON MERCHANT TAILOR, ROCKWOOD, Takes this opportunity of ahnound.- ing to the public tlint his stook - coneisling of English, h'cotch and < . TWEEDS, CLOTHS, AND WOUSTBP GOODS.' r Is nety complete. Ho is prepared to make up in the LATEST STYLES,! An J good Workmanship. > /] Satitfaitlca Gutrcntccd.. A <all is SoIIciteil. i '" ' " JOHN >ELSON: liockwood.'Slarcii 20. 1877 " 3S-om THE ACTON <\f i - 1 i is the NEW DOMINION BOOT & SHOE STOBE Opposite Agnew'n Hole], Main Street, Aciou. KENNB"? & SON Wish-, to cull Ih* utjentiti/i of llie'jti- hilbilnuts of the Village of Acton and' vicinity lo their immense fc;4ock of .. B^6X3, SHOES & GP.OCEHIES.; / Comprising all the latest styles in Boois and Shoes. -i- 1 OidereJ Work reeeivesourspecial alH-iiliou. Itepaiting promptly at tended to. j Our GroWcryL Department - Is well supplied with. Teas, Sugars, -*, Fruits, Biscuits, , Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &c, &c Pleasecajl and examine Our Stock, V ' KIEKNEY & fc'OA Acton, March 20, 1878. -4' Acton, Tec, 12 187f7. ""__________it ~_________i___...^ 1878. SPRING OPENING. 1878. Has now in Stock a large and '.veil assorted lot of goods, ; GROCERIES, : CROCKERY, ' " GLASSWARE, &c. Which ho will Bull Cheap-for Cash. '-'- ' BEST NEWSPAPER TV Publifelied in Ealtoa Oouatj I NLiY 1$ Per year, in advance. ^ F- To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as well as throughout the S1 IT A CLOTHING a specialty, largei assortment of, Pelt -and straw Hats for Spring weiar. - THE GREAT HUMAN CAUSE MISERY. Having -purchased tlie above named establishnjunt, i :Juj prepared to manu facture' ' \ ' ' ^ASH, DOORS, v' MOULDINGS, <&c ' All kinds of LA NI I'roiniilly attended to. , D, \y, CAMPISELL, Acton,'Dec.'4tli, IS77, | 2^-3;n BEAT-TYy- U'e .have recent.'y jmhUi-lie'l a In w edi tion ol ;>r. Culver" oil's 'fl< IN- iiiyon Hie riuliea.' and perrnauent. cure (vvllliout in'- <liciiie)V-r Ncrvras nebility, -Menial antl Pit.- sic;il Incaj'neil.v. I nipt til- tp oits lo Marriage, etc., resulting fioni excesses. - J'rice, iii a sealed envelore, only G cents ortv/o postage slumps. ' ! ' .' Tlie celebrated author, in tills able I^ssity clearly deint^nslrults, from thirty ycirs' sneet ssnil'pructlee, tli.-l aljirniire ctHisctiuejiees muj- be ratllcitU.t euro 1 wltboiit tlie ilanpiei-oiiK use or.liitci*- liaf tatdlelno or the application of the linifc; iiointln;; ciiln xiiodo of cure nl once simple, oortoin antl eileeiuul. l,y tn'eanK of whli^i every Kiiflerer.iKi nmti or -w-liat, his cnodit|on mny tie, mey' cure liim -elf cheaply, prlvateiv anil t-idically. Tills I enl.ore sliould be In t lie hands of every youlli andevory man In the hand. tptiv. ciLTEiiWEti, 'o., 41 .irrn St,,New Ydik. PosttJIlljo Box loSfi. 4-ly r.e t tys ,<mmmQ>ttQ>VD _ U)tdl S 5 The undersign6" anold retired physician having --------------endy cured of the muchur""-1-'1 ,!------ on by !J Iji n o tkpi-J^4i t TUt'liigliVbfc cash prjee paid for Produce of nil kinds. Acton, March ]-l, 1S7S. ( " .' 37-3m enss tezjf SPRING SUITS! i r-i ','e veen permanently cured of the much ifreaded discaso il'(; Voutttlirlprloil ti); a simple, remedy, is anxious to and "!!71.'.',',Ui",<'iV<"'^ t", ' >ntc known "to liis fcilow-sunercri'the meanj of p'e.^',',".", .r.'.'.? P<'Ple Urc. To nil -n-ho desire if, he will send a copy of he pre:ription used, fl'f.P ofpfirtygfi, with direc r preparing and using the same, wl tl^a sure ctt;e fo'r Cititsumpttbti, /tills, Utttttrrli. Anthiiia, *t-c. AND an IMP mo^l.l.eaiUlfii) uliils-.reet- est tone di-iiinos evf r mtiiufaclur- ionsfor Breparing'Tntf u'sinB'thesini^ w'hi'ch"wTn -4 J3 if* A E\S<2 . f!.'-. ._,',1,t '"I c founiLn sure cine for Consumption, Bron- | to it trl.-i I nnd I pronoiiHcedt no WASHINGTON, "est in the iroiiu. NISWi JaHSEY. h"iilly'(i I'-'lebrited tjoloen Tongund Parlor Organ ^ny m lnul.ictiirciounllense'1 toecpinUiiem. They possess power; depth, orll Jancy and sympathetic lelieacy, exTtilsitely beanilful]ysoIoQii'ecis,an(l tneonlyjiop action everlnvented thate.itnnot he di's- arnmcedby use. The 'lollmvfi ^iipuclr-y IsRosreal that hut ItHeettorl Isr.-ijulr- e'l.wltti tne foe:. to supplj all the air necefsar-j-'. Best mndeand most oLevant eases in the marmot. -*H so'Id wood orn-imentp. l-:very rnstrumjiitfully >-ar- l-.inao 1 for ilx y-> irs -i'sR'; first class, i,nd sonton from !> In l-'i tnst'rlal Addrn^IUMKI. !'. BEATTY, VashlDe- tou New Jarsc-T. muiresb with stamps to pay postage, J, P. Mountain, Ogdensburjr, Eox 1329. N.1T, AH the latest patterns of ^ COTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN ST7ITX2STO-S in the market. Suits made to Order from,$8 up ' -. A splendid selection of SPR1NC HATS ! I Full lines of Gents' B1urnishing,s T\ Also Cottons, Shirtings and'Ducks at the B East End Clothing iStore. County, the Free Press Is aa invaluable AdvertisiBg ^V /-- Medium. 1- -t Our Unrivalled Facilities fop Executing aH kindlet BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable ub to turn out work *qnal to anything dene in th cilie*^ j ' I ' - T. ALBERT, MOQEiE, : J- AcAprllti, loiS, FYFE & McNAB. PuTjlrelier apid Prdprietw?. ^5 ST^iBff ,4 ^7; ^^^^^^^^^^^^i^pssi^ma^^^^^s^^7^;^

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